The double door to the throne room opened and people inside quietened. The prisoner was led down the aisle, towards the centre of the room. His hands and legs were in shackles, the chains rattling with every movement. He was flanked by two guards, each of them holding one of his shoulder.

The crowd whispered and murmured as he walked, their eyes showing anger, hate and a sense of justice. The prisoner didn't look up but he was well aware of the stares. He smirked, not paying mind to the atmosphere in the room.

The group finally reached the centre of the room. Behind them, in the benches, sat the townspeople and nobles. In front of them, on three thrones, sat the royal family. The Captain of the Guard and the Royal Advisor both stood to their right and left respectively.

Nigel cleared his throat, before unrolling the scroll he held under his shoulder and stepping forward.

"Hubert of Saporia!" He started and the room felt silent.

"Andrew, if you don't mind." The prisoner interrupted. The Advisor glared at him but continued without losing a beat.

"Hubert of Saporia" He repeated, putting a stress on the name. "You stand today in front of the Royal Court, to answer for the crimes committed against the Kingdom of Corona and its citizens! Before I read out the charges, do you have anything to say?"

"Where's the kid?" The male asked, looking around. "Figured he'd be here."

Eugene took a few deep breaths to steady himself. He didn't want to lash out on the man, it wouldn't serve any good. From the corner of his eye he noticed Rapunzel tensing on her throne, her knuckles white from gripping the armrests. She, too, was fighting herself to just stand up and slap the male.

"The Royal Engineer already gave his testimony and his presence is no longer required." Nigel replied with a steady voice.

"Shame. Wanted to see him again." Andrew shrugged his shoulders and Eugene thought for a moment Rapunzel will blow up right there. Queen Ariana reached out her hand and gently put it on her daughter's calming her down. The princess took a deep breath and smiled gratefully at her mother.

"If you have nothing else to say, I will proceed with stating the charges." Nigel interrupted before the prisoner could say anything more. "Hubert of Saporia" He said, ignoring the male correcting his name again. "You are charged with threatening to overthrow the rulers of Corona, planning and staging coup d'état, planning to destroy the kingdom and its citizens, attacking and brainwashing the rulers of Corona, attacking the princess. Of most recent ones, you are charged with escaping the dungeons, kidnapping the Royal Engineer, holding against his will, threatening with death, torturing and causing multiple injuries." The people started to whisper again, their voices agitated. "These are all the charges. How do you pledge?"

"Not guilty." Andrew replied instantly, the ever-present smirk on his face. Townsfolk and nobles gathered in the room started shouting, calling him a liar and a threat to the kingdom.

Some people started throwing tomatoes and eggs at the male, their anger and hatred visible in their actions.

"Quiet!" Nigel's voice echoed in the room, bouncing from the walls. People shut up at once, sitting back down. They were still angry, but no one was shouting or throwing anything anymore. "Hubert of Saporia, are you sure this is how you pledge?"

"You heard me, old man." Came the reply and angry voices aroused again. Nigel shouted for them to quiet down, but it didn't work the second time.

"Silence!" An authoritative voice boomed in the throne room, successfully shutting up the angered mob. King Frederic was standing up, his eyes glaring at the people before moving to the prisoner. "Hubert of Saporia, based on the testimony of witnesses and multiple proofs, including plans signed with your name, I thereby find you guilty of all the charges and sentence to the life-sentence in the Royal Mines."

At hearing that, people started to argue again, but the King continued nevertheless.

"Tomorrow morning you will be placed on the Prison Barge and taken to the mines. Is that clear?" King Frederic looked down at the prisoner expectantly.

"Clear as a bell. Although it must have hurt your pride to not get rid of me on the spot, Your Highness." The male smirked in response. "I always knew you didn't have to guts."

"Actually, your sentence was requested by the Royal Engineer, who you kidnapped, held against his will and tortured." Nigel explained, a smirk on his face. "How does it feel to know, the one you wronged let you live?"

"He's an idiot. That's all to it." Andrew hissed through clenched teeth. How dare they say it in front of everyone. He'd be a laughing stock if any other prisoner was to know he'd got away only because the kid he failed to kill decided against it.

"Or he wanted to show you he's not like you." A female voice said and he saw the princess standing up. "That whatever he'd done in the past, he never was and never will be like you."

Andrew growled in response but didn't say anything. How dare they?!

"Although the Royal Engineer didn't want your death, let me add something, before we end." The King said, his eyes stern. "If you in any way attempt or are found attempting to escape, you will receive a death sentence. Court dismissed."

With that words the guards grabbed Andrew and led him away, back to the dungeons, where he was to await the morning.

The sun was barely up but the port was already busy. A group moved towards one of the docks.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Quirin looked down at his son, worry in his eyes. "You haven't recovered yet."

"I know, dad. But I have to... no, I need to do this" Varian shook his head as they made their way towards the Prison Barge. "I need to see him. To... make sure..."

"That he's truly leaving?" Adira asked. The boy nodded slowly.

"It would be better if you'd just let me-" Hector started but Adira struck the back of his head.

"We've already discussed it, brother. If our nephew doesn't wish for it, we won't do it." She stated in a voice you don't argue with.

"I appreciate the gesture, uncle. But I am not like him." Varian looked up at him from where he was sitting on a wheelchair.

The Royal Medic, seeing they boy was unwavering in his decision to see the barge off, ordered him to at least use the wheelchair, since he was in no condition to walk all the way himself.

"Gah, you are too soft. It's your fault, Quirin!" Hector argued but smiled fondly, ruffling his nephew's hair.

"Varian!" A female voice called out and they saw Rapunzel waving her hand at them. She waited until they came closer, her short brown hair moving with the soft breeze. "What are you doing here? I thought the Royal Medic said you're not to leave the bed for at least one more week."

"Try and hold him in one place for a week." Quirin laughed. "And I'm not counting the lab."

Rapunzel chuckled in response and looked at Varian. Her smile wavered and turned into a troubled frown.

"We were really worried about you. Everyone was doing their best." She said and the boy looked down at the words. He felt bad with how people worried about him, even though this time it wasn't entirely his fault. "I can't even begin to think, what would happen if Eugene didn't get to you when he did. I couldn't lose you, Varian."

"Thank you, Pri-Rapunzel." The alchemist mumbled, his head staring at Ruddiger sleeping comfortably on his laps. Since he was brought back, the raccoon didn't leave his side even for a moment. He petted his back absent-mindedly, the animal letting out a quiet purr.

Suddenly, a prison wagon appeared on the horizon, Max and Eugene leading it, two other guards, who Varian recognised as Pete and Stan, riding behind. They stopped near the group and Eugene gave a surprised frown at the alchemist.

"Get out!" Stan ordered, opening the door to the wagon and letting the prisoner step outside. He was still wearing shackles on his arms and legs, but the smirk didn't disappear.

"Hey, I'm coming. Gee, talk about patience." Andrew strolled slowly from inside the wagon and looked around. His eyes stopped on the group and he seemed to stare straight at Varian.

The boy cringed and shivered under the gaze, turning his head downward. Ruddiger woke up at the slight movement and noticed the Saporian, hissing in his direction from his master's laps. Hector and Adira stepped in front of him protectively, while Quirin laid a comforting hand on his son's shoulder.

"Heeeey, kid. How's your shoulder?" The male called out, not paying attention to the guards telling him to shut up. "Still a little bit too bony?"

Varian trembled at the comment, the memory of the acid eating his skin still fresh. Eugene moved to push Andrew towards the barge, but someone was faster.

Hector reached the male in few large steps, his blade opening and reaching for the throat. The guards shouted in alarm, but Eugene motioned for them to stay down, wondering, what the man was doing.

"Not another word, scum. If it wasn't for my nephew, you'd be already dead and your ashes flying somewhere with even the smallest breeze." Hector hissed, his blade pushing against the male's throat.

The green eyes were wide open. Although he tried to hide it, he was terrified. He still remembered how the dark-haired man and his beasts attacked him back in the hideout. He attempted to fake his emotions, but he knew the man wasn't kidding.

"Now listen closely, scum." Hector's blade pushed even more, but not enough to create a cut. "You will turn around and quietly step onto that boat. Then, you will obediently get yourself locked in the cell and sit still until you reach the mines. You will stay there until you die, because if ever hear you escaped, I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Do you understand?"

Andrew nodded fiercely, not daring to test the man's patience. He still managed to steal a glance at Varian's form, now looking directly at the two men. A growl and a sharp slap was the only warning he got, before the man retreated his blade and grabbed his shirt, lifting him up from the ground in one swift motion.

"And you will not look at nor speak to my nephew! EVER!" Hector growled before letting go of the Saporian's shirt and letting him fall to the ground.

The guards quickly pushed him up and turned towards the barge, leading him on the board. He didn't dare to look back, afraid of the man's wrath. He grit his teeth in annoyance, that someone dared to make him feel terrified.

Hector huffed and rejoined the group, hiding his blade back. He met their surprised and unhappy gazes and shrugged.

"Someone had to teach him the lesson." He stated, not in the slightest feeling guilty.

"Although I don't approve the method, I appreciate the gesture." Quirin nodded with a small smile. "You scared him half to death."

"He almost wet himself." Hector grinned in response and they heard Varian chuckle at that.

"Probably the first time someone scared him like that." The boy added between the chuckles.

"First time for everything. And he deserved it." Adira nodded in approval. "I am glad you're feeling better."

"Not yet..." Varian mumbled and everyone's faces saddened. It was true, traumas like that didn't disappear that easily. "But I will be." He added, a small smile appearing on his face.

"In time." His father agreed as he grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and turned back towards the castle. "Now, it's high time we get back. You've still didn't recover and we only got one-hour leave for you."

Varian groaned at the thought and slumped in the chair. Ruddiger chirruped, as if trying to cheer up the boy. Rapunzel smiled, as she and Eugene watched the group walk back to the castle. The man put his arm around her and she leaned into the embrace.

"He will be fine." She said and he hummed in agreement.

"He's a tough little brat. I tell you, he'd be up and running before we even know it." The man added as he turned his head to look at the ship disappearing behind the horizon. "And thanks to that crazy feral uncle of his, we have one problem less to worry about."

"Hey, his name is Hector!" Rapunzel nudged his side playfully and he laughed. Yes, everything's going to be fine.