Let me state that I do like the character of Rachel. I just think the Rookie writers missed a golden opportunity with this past week's episode. So this is my fix.
Title: Bond
author: Cindy Ryan
spoilers: all
Tim Bradford had been doing a lot of thinking since he'd had that talk with Rachel's father. He enjoyed being with Rachel but he needed some time. He'd been through hell with Isabel. While the situation with Rachel wasn't a guarantee that she had the disease, but it'd always be hanging over them. Plus Tim had to acknowledge his ever evolving feelings for his rookie. Ever since the kidnapping things had changed. He needed to see if there was a chance of a future there. Rachel had a right to know that too.
"I think we need to take a break from each other."Tim began softly.
"Because I didn't tell you?"Rachel asked tearfully.
"No."Tim assured her. "I do care about you, Rachel I always will. I just have some things I need to figure out."
"Lucy."Rachel surmised with a sad nod. "At the hospital I knew...I could see it. You love her."
Those three words floored Tim and he almost took a step back.
"I don't know if I do."Tim admitted. "She's important to me."
"I guess I'll see you around."Rachel replied softly as she placed a gentle hand on Tim's left arm as she passed.
"Yeah."Tim agreed as he leaned back against the glass wall.
Clearly not his proudest moment. Then sometimes you had to do the hard things in life to reach the good.
Angela wasn't surprised to find Tim on the other side of her front door when she answered the knock. Angela had been worried about Tim since Lucy's kidnapping. The look on her friend's face now told Angela he hadn't had a good day.
"That bad?"Angela asked as she stepped aside.
"Rachel's Dad was in town."Tim replied wearily as Angela shut the door.
"That was today?"Angela inquired with a shake of her head."Sorry was wrapped up in testifying at the parole hearing."
"How'd that go?"Tim asked.
"Parole denied."Angela explained as she went to the fridge. "Beer?"
"Yes."Tim replied. "Wes home?"
"Had dinner with his Mom since I didn't know when we'd be back."Angela said as she took two bottles of beer out of the fridge and shut the door. "Let's sit outside."
They moved out to the small cement patio where Angela had put a glass topped table and four black wicker chairs. Angela handed Tim the bottle opener and he opened his beer and then hers. She nodded her thanks as they sat down.
"Sorry for just showing up."Tim apologized quietly. "Wasn't sure where else to go."
"You can always come here; you know that."Angela soothed. "What happened with Rachel?"
Tim took a long swig of beer before answering. He was still trying to get his thoughts together of which woman he wanted in his life. Or if he even stood a chance with Lucy Chen.
"Her father revealed to me that their family has a hereditary medical issue. He had assumed Rachel had told me."Tim began softly. "She hadn't."
"Did she say why she didn't tell you?"Angela prompted.
"That she wanted to live her life without people's pity. She wanted control of her own life that's why she didn't have the genetic testing."Tim explained as he drank more of the beer.
"I get that."Angela commented quietly. "Some times you just want to live your life the best you can."
"Rachel told me the details and she gave me a chance to walk away from our relationship."Tim continued leaning back in the chair.
"And?"Angela prompted gently.
"We're taking a break from each other."Tim said with a sigh as he met Angela's gaze. "It wasn't just because of her situation."
"Chen."Angela surmised.
"Rachel said I was in love with Lucy."Tim said as he turned and placed his half empty beer bottle on the table. "I told her I wasn't sure."
"Take the career suicide off the table for a moment."Angela began carefully. "You were really wrecked when we started looking for Lucy. Are you sure what you're feeling towards her isn't a brotherly responsibility?"
Tim couldn't disagree with that logic. It was a reasonable question. One he'd asked himself.
"I feel responsibility to her, but the other part of it is anything but brotherly."Tim confessed as he ran a hand through his hair.
Angela sighed and took a sip of beer before leaning forward.
"Lucy cares about you; I've seen that."Angela reasoned. "But is it more than a professional partner? More than a friendship? You two have been through a lot."
"This may sound corny,"Tim stated as he met Angela's gaze. "There's a bond between Lucy and I. It's like nothing I've ever experienced and I can tell she feels it too. That's why I took a step back from Rachel. I need to see if there's more to that bond; if we could build a future on that."
"This is crazy."Angela muttered.
"I know."Tim agreed with a rueful smile. "But we both know life is too short."
Angela sighed and sat back. She studied Tim she could see the pain and anguish that he tried to keep hidden. Tim hadn't told her everything that happened with his failed marriage to Isabel. One thing she had known was how much the breakup and her addiction had hurt Tim. Angela didn't want him hurt again.
"You deserve to be happy,"Angela commented quietly. "Just tread carefully. Lucy has been through a trauma. She's a strong person but she's still recovering."
Tim nodded and finished his beer. He set it on the table and stood. As he fished out his truck keys he flashed Angela a brief smile.
"Thanks for the beer and for listening."Tim said as he placed a hand on Angela's right shoulder as he passed. "Sit and enjoy yours; I'll show myself out."
As Tim stepped out into the warm California night he felt some of the weight lift off his shoulders. Angela was right the path ahead wouldn't be easy but it had to be done. Tim couldn't live with himself if he went on with a life with Rachel without sorting out where he and Lucy stood. It wasn't fair to anyone.