"Let's go, Kaito!"

"As you wish, Tsukyuyomi."

A trail of cards appeared before the barrel of Diend's gun, the latter then clicked on the trigger and fired a large beam towards Tsukuyomi. The blast was halted in its movement once Tsukuyomi stretched her palm towards it, she closed her fists, condensing the blast into one large energy sphere. Tsukuyomi then threw it to the sky, the energy sphere firing off streaks of energy everywhere that decimated the familiars that had surrounded them. Kaito and Tsukuyomi neared each other to avoid the blasts.

"We need to regroup with the others…! Kaito!"

"Such a slave driver…"


Kaito held Tsukuyomi on the shoulder before the two disappeared. A large portal appeared at the area where they once were and swept over the area. Leaving that part of the battlefield.



Geiz raised his Zikan Jaclaw to the sky, firing several blue energy spears that stabbed several of the familiars in the area. Mami summoned three larger versions of her rifle, firing from each barrel in three directions that obliterated the remaining familiars. She would fall to her knees, gasping for air.

"Mami! Are you okay?"

"'I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tired."

Geiz was immediately hit by a tendril of space and was sent stumbling a few meters. The tendrils then morphed into more familiars, giggling towards Geiz. The familiars, however, were immediately shot down and dispersed into a million particles when they were hit by energy bullets from a portal that opened near them. Tsukuyomi and Kaito stepped from the portal.

"Tsukuyomi! Kaito!" Mami exclaimed.

"Where's Sougo? We have to regroup or else we won't be able to focus our attention on Walpurgis. Tsukuyomi ran towards Mami and helped her up. Several more familiars popped into existence around them. Geiz clicked his tongue and entered a stance, however, Kaito placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Kaito then took out three cards and inserted them into his Diendriver.


The familiars charged towards the group but were burnt to a crisp when Cross-Z threw his fist towards the familiars, launching a large wave of blue fire. Baron ran towards the remaining witches, thrusting his lance towards them. Skull tilted his hat down before shooting towards the rest of the witches as well. Kaito turned towards his group, opening a portal that took them away from the field whilst the summoned Kamen Riders took care of the minions.


Homura and Sougo had been running from rooftop-to-rooftop that had been surrounding Walpurgis. Weapons materialized from Sougo's belt; the Titan Sword being caught by Homura. A FullBottle Buster flew out of the belt and was grasped by Sougo.

Suddenly, another debris piece from a building flew towards Sougo and Homura, the magical girl leapt and swung the Titan Sword towards the debris, creating a clean cut that split the debris in half. Sougo leapt and kicked the debris out of the way before hopping into another rooftop along with Homura. Sougo stopped and turned towards Walpurgis and tapped another part of his armor.




Homura threw away the Titan Sword, immediately grabbing the summoned DJ gun. She struggled slightly in carrying the weapon, but she immediately pulled on the trigger and fired an orange-slice shaped beam towards Walpurgis. Sougo aimed his cannon towards the large witch, firing a large red streak of light. Both beams collided with Walpurgis and caused pushed Walpurgis several meters back, causing her to hit one of the buildings floating behind her and the energy causing an explosion.

Suddenly, the rooftop they were standing in gained gravity and quickly plummeted to the ground. Sougo also took immediate notice a glimmer of an orange light from Walpurgis' position. He ran towards the front of Homura, firing from his Fullbottle buster once more. It was to no avail, however, as the weapon had melted from Sougo's hand as the fiery beam melted the weapon and hit Sougo once more. The armor plates from his arms started malforming due to them taking the full brunt of the attack. Homura immediately took notice of another building heading from their left to their location. Homura immediately tapped into one of the armor plates on Sougo.



Blade's Blayrouzer was summoned from the Sougo's belt, Homura immediately grabbed it and turned to the large debris heading their way. Her time was only short, though, as the two immediately hit by the building and colliding into another. Homura was sent inside the building, rolling into the floor before hitting her back into a large piece of debris, yelping in pain. Sougo was sent crashing into a wall of the building they crashed into. Sougo tried to get up, his arms shaking, it didn't take long for him to fall and lose consciousness.

Homura slowly opened her eyes, looking around her body, luckily, there was no shrapnel or debris embedded into her; however, she noticed one of her legs was crushed by a large piece of stone, bleeding. Her eyes widened. She frantically turned her head around and found Sougo unconscious.

"Hey! Sougo, wake up! SOUGO!"

Homura's breathing became faster. She started hyperventilating, the situation was different but was all too familiar. She tried pulling her leg off the debris, but it was to no avail. The plates on her shield slowly started to open once more.

"I should just…"

Homura then stopped. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a faint pink glow.

"Am I dead…?"

Sougo checked himself and looked to be scuffed and wounded. He walked around in a space of black and nothingness. He then stopped when he noticed a golden light from the corner of his eye. He turned to the bright light and saw a silhouette of an old man. A silhouette most familiar to him.

"Greetings, my younger self…"

"It seems Sougo and Homura are already there fighting Walpurgis… I think." Geiz looked towards the direction where Walpurgis is. She was already halfway into turning into a complete 180 on her angle. The group had been stationed at a rooftop that was still planted to the ground and near Walpurgis.

Tsukuyomi looked around. "Wait, where's Woz? Kaito, where's-" Tsukuyomi had noticed that Kaito had disappeared, though it was only short as another portal opened just near her with Kaito stepping out of it. He carried the Beyondriver with him. The belt was broken and scratched, a large crack at the screen of the belt. The color of the belt was chipping away as well. Kaito held it before the group.

"Woz…" Tsukuyomi grabbed the Beyondriver from Kaito. Her hand, visibly shaking. Mami looked away in mourning, whilst Kaito kept silent. Geiz turned to the group and saw the belt.

"He… He didn't…! DAMN IT ALL!" Geiz punched a wall near him, destroying it.

"Geiz." Kaito approached Geiz, he then presented him a stack of Diend's rider cards. "Take it."

Geiz turned to the cards, then to Kaito, then back to the cards. He grabbed the stack of cards, the latter resonating with Geiz before being engulfed in a bright light and turning into a ridewatch akin to the Grand ZI-O ridewatch.

"What is this…?" Geiz gripped the ridewatch in his hand. Kaito let out a small smile.

"We need all the strength we need, Geiz. It's my treasure that I'm letting you borrow." Geiz nodded from Kaito's comment before turning to Walpurgis. He pressed the button on the ridewatch and placed it on his belt, replacing the Geiz Revive watch.


Several ridewatches of secondary Kamen Riders materialized around Geiz, as they collided into Geiz, he was adorned in gold and red armor, a large gear-like shoulder armor, and a flowing golden cape trailing behind him. His eyes shimmered a golden glow, signaling the completion of his transformation. Geiz then pressed the buttons of the ridewatches on his armor plates.



Weapons materialized from Geiz's belt. Mami took hold of the Sonic Arrow, Tsukuyomi with the Twin Breaker, and Geiz with the Gashacon sword. The group stood side-by-side each other looking towards Walpurgis.

"Everyone… Let's go!"


"Greetings, my younger self."

"Oma ZI-O…"

Oma chuckled at Sougo's remark before slowly approaching him. "It seems you've placed yourself in such a troublesome situation." Oma uttered.

"Yeah… And I don't have enough power to be able to take the witch down." Sougo clenched his fists in frustration. Oma then patted Sougo on his back.

"Except that you do, our power as Oma ZI-O and the heisei riders would be tremendously more than sufficient to defeat your adversaries."

"I don't think I can channel that much power myself… I'm not the past me. I just have the powers and memories of old me." Sougo turned away from Oma.

"How naïve. It does remind me of old times…. Take this." Oma presented before Sougo a golden ridewatch, one that held the iconography of Oma ZI-O.

"This is…" Sougo took the ridewatch.

"Our power, my younger self. Use it."

Sougo nodded, before noticing a bright light opening behind him. The light was in the shape of a doorway. Sougo turned to his older self, the latter nodding towards him and gesturing him towards the pathway. Sougo nodded and headed towards the light.

The faint pink light that was caught sight by Homura grew brighter. From the bright light, was a girl wearing a frilly dress and held a bow made of a wooden branch, she also had bright pink hair. It was Madoka. She looked at Homura with a soft innocent smile.

"Mado…Ka.." Homura uttered.

"Everything's going to be alright, Homura. I'm here." Madoka then turned to Walpurgis, glaring at her.

"Madoka…! No! You shouldn't have transformed! You couldn't!" Homura stretched her hand out towards Madoka, the latter turning at her and only giving her another smile.

"It's fine, Homura. We'll take care of this." Homura turned to the other voice and saw Sougo, his transformation had disappeared but in his hand was a bright golden watch with black accents.

"Let's go, Sougo."


Sougo pressed the button on his new golden ridewatch, a holography of Oma ZI-O appearing before the ridewatch. He then placed the ridewatch on the belt, the screen presenting '2068' as the date.


The debris, rubble, and the entirety of the ruined building around them crumbled, Madoka, Sougo, and Homura were left afloat a golden light that acted as a platform. The crumbled bits of metal and stone came together and melded themselves into a 15-meter-tall statue of Oma ZI-O that Sougo and the others landed. Homura was still unable to stand up despite the rock that crushed her leg disappearing.





Geiz's group unleashed their finishers towards Walpurgis. Kaito shot out a powerful beam that was guided by a tunnel of cards, Mami shot out a streak of light that was in the form of a lemon slice, Tsukuyomi threw her fist into the air and shot out a blue beam that resembled an eastern dragon, all the attacks were followed up by Geiz who swung the Gashacon Sword and unleashed a large arc of energy the propelled the rest of the attacks towards Walpurgis, causing a massive explosion. The group then turned to the large Oma ZI-O statue that appeared near them.

"Woah, that's big!" Tsukuyomi exclaimed.

"Go, Sougo! DO IT!" Geiz cried out. Kaito and Mami both chuckled in amusement.



Sougo spun his belt. The statue of Oma ZI-O behind him shot out large pink katakana symbols that read 'RIDER'. Madoka stepped to the right, as Sougo was engulfed in several golden watch straps that melded his armor before blowing up into several golden pieces, with one staying and forming his entire shoulder and torso armor. The katakana symbols slam into Sougo's helmet, forming the pink visor. The ZI-O ridewatch slamming into his forehead as well. The eyes flashed a bright pink glow, signaling the completion of the transformation. Adorning in golden armor with white accents, two clock arms attached to his back, and a large strap running over his torso and shoulders, Sougo had transformed into ZI-O Oma form.

Walpurgis shot out another streak of fire along with tendrils made of space, charging towards Sougo rapidly. Madoka didn't flinch as Sougo stood in front of her, stretching one of his hands out, stopping the attack entirely. Sougo swept his hand along with the attacks away, sending the attacks elsewhere.

Madoka raised her bow and pulled back on its magical string, charging. The Saikyo Girade materialized from Sougo's belt and was grasped by Sougo.


Sougo pointed his sword towards the sky, the blade was then coated a buy a huge streak of golden light with enough length that seeminhly reached to the heavens, pink katakana written on the light reading 'ZI-O GREATEST'. Sougo swung the sword beam down towards Walpurgis, colliding with the witch and pushing it down to the ground, causing a massive shockwave and explosion. Sougo threw the Saikyo Zikan Girade away, pressed the buttons of the ridewatch and the belt and spun it.


Geiz immediately heard the finisher announcement. He pressed the three buttons on his belt and spun it.


"SOUGO, TAKE IT!" Madoka cried out towards as Sougo as she let go of the magical string, firing a massive energy arrow. Sougo leapt forward, performing a kick and entering the inside of the magical arrow.



Apparitions of the mentioned Kamen Riders appeared performing a kick as well around Sougo and Geiz. Each secondary rider that followed Geiz collided with Walpurgis, passing through her, leaving behind a hole where they shot through. The legendary heisei Kamen Riders all went towards Sougo, empowering his kick and the energy arrow he was inside him until the arrow's energy was glowing in several colors.

"GOOOO!" Sougo collided with the witch, struggling to kick through for a few seconds before passing through and leaving a massive hole in the center of the witch and landing towards the ground. Sougo slowly stood up, walking away from the witch as the stored-up energy inside the witch consumed her and imploded. The witch was sucked into a tiny hole before a massive explosion followed. When the explosion cleared, Kaito, Geiz, Mami, and Tsukuyomi appeared from a portal near him.

"Sougo, you did it!" Tsukuyomi exclaimed.

"Don't forget, I was there too!" Geiz crossed his arms.

"We won't forget, Geiz. Don't worry." Mami patted Geiz at the back, chuckling. Kaito chuckled along as well.

A large pink light appeared behind Sougo along with a trail of flowers that became a pathway. Madoka appeared from the light, adorning a large white dress with coattails that was lengthier than her legs, swan-like wings, and longer pink hair, the vastness of space was decorated on the inside of her dress as well. Her eyes are replaced with a golden glow.

"Thank you, Sougo, everyone. Really. If it weren't for all of you, despair would have rid this land." Madoka tilted her head, smiling at Sougo.

"It's nothing, really. It's just another day for us Kamen Riders. But what now?" Sougo smiled back, giggling a bit.

"I'm going to fix this city. The law of cycles should-"

"Law of cycles?"

The group turned to the voice and saw Homura walking towards them. The colors of her eyes were filled with the colors of stained glass. A dark aura flowing around her.

"Homura, what are you-"

"Your law of cycles is flawed, Madoka! You're going to enact it again and create another false reality, aren't you?!" Homura exclaimed, cutting off Madoka. The dark aura around her started intensifying. Geiz cracked his knuckles and charged towards Homura, however, he was immediately thrown away from a simple wave of Homura's hand.

"Homura, stop it! There's no need to fight anymore!" Sougo exclaimed.

"You're right, Sougo. There's no need to fight anymore. I'm going to recreate this world again where none of you Kamen Riders and those damn witches exist!" Homura's clothes started to burn and char, malforming into a black dress that extended all the way from her legs and more. A pair of large blackened wings jutting out of her back.

Suddenly, Madoka felt a massive pain on her chest and fell to the ground. Sougo ran towards Madoka's side. "Madoka! Are you alright?!"

Sougo earned no response but cries of pain from Madoka. Sougo turned his head towards Homura.

"Homura, stop it! You're hurting Madoka!" Sougo cries out.

"It'll only take a few seconds, Sougo. Afterwards, everything's going to be normal." Homura stretched her hands towards the group, large dark spheres flew around from her hand and engulfed everyone. Tsukuyomi, Kaito, and Mami tried to run towards Sougo but were immediately consumed by the dark magic. Geiz was consumed by it too.

"HOMURA, STOP IT! HoMuRa stOp i-T-"







Sougo rose from his bed. He looked around and saw that he was in his room. He turned to the alarm clock and turned it off.

"What… happened…?" Sougo turned to his calendar and it read 'September 1, 2019'. Sougo took the calendar from its resting position and read it more carefully. "That's… not right."

"Sougo! Wake up! You'll be late for school!" the voice of his great uncle coming from the lower floor of the the house.

"What…?" Sougo exited his room, he noticed the room next to him didn't have the sign 'For Rent'. It must have meant someone was living with them.

"Sougo! Are you awake?"


Sougo stepped down from the staircase of his house and entered his kitchen. As he entered the room, he was tapped on the head by a spoon. Sougo flinched and closed his eyes in reaction to it/


"You really ought to wake up early, man! For a senior, you're quite undisciplined." Sougo slowly opened his eyes, revealing Kyoko already in her uniform.

"Kyo- Kyoko…? You're alive…?!" Sougo exclaimed.

"Hey now, you can't just ask someone if they're alive. Here, eat up!" Kyoko took out a buttered toast and shoved it on Sougo's mouth, the latter perplexed before taking the toast off his mouth.

"No, no, no! This is not real! You're not real!" Sougo threw away the toast, pointing towards Kyoko who recoiled from his remark. His uncle peeked from the cooking area.

"Sougo… What are you talking about…?" Kyoko uttered.

Sougo clenched his teeth, turning away from Kyoko and holding his head down. "This isn't real! You're supposed to be dead!"

"C'mon, Sougo! Wouldn't it be nice to just forget everything that's happened…" As Sougo heard Kyoko's voice, he slowly turned around and saw her morphing into several of his friends. Tsukuyomi, Geiz, Woz, Sayaka, and Kaito.

"…And live life to the happiest you could…?" Kyoko then morphed into Homura.

"Not when it's fake!" Sougo exclaimed. The world around them started to shatter like glass, breaking apart and everything becoming into a vast space of what looked like a witch's labyrinth but much vaster and infinite, yet Sougo and Homura still had something to step on.

"It isn't fake, Sougo! What I create IS reality! I bring everyone back and they'll get to live their normal, happy lives; and I get to be with Madoka!" Homura exclaimed.

"This megalomania has to stop, Homura! Right here, right now!" Sougo reached into his pocket and took out his Ziku Driver.

Homura waved her hand, unleashing a wave of dark energy that hit Sougo and turned his belt into nothing but dust. "It's useless to resist, Sougo. I can't erase your memories, but you won't stop me."

"Try me!" Sougo ran towards Homura and threw a fist, which was easily dodged by Homura as she stepped to the right. Sougo stumbled a few steps before trying to throw another punch at Homura and kicking, all dodged by her. Homura waved her hand, unleashing a wave of force that threw Sougo a few meters away from her.

"I spent year-after-year trying to make sure Madoka doesn't succumb to her fate, and just when I finally did just, you Kamen Riders came along and ruined everything! Why can't you understand that I'm doing for Madoka's sake and mine! For love!"

"SHUT UP! I'm not accepting your fake reality! You're selfishness, your perfect fantasy land! I won't accept it!" Sougo exclaimed.

"Then die." A small purple light emitted from Homura's finger before pointing it towards Sougo. A large beam of light then shot out from her finger towards Sougo, the latter using his arms to cover himself. A large explosion occurred from Sougo's explosion; however, when the dust cleared, Sougo was engulfed in a golden energy globe.

"What…?" Sougo looked at the globe around, he also noticed that something was placed on his hip. It was his Ziku Driver, coated in gold with large decorative plates placed on where the ridewatches were supposed to go. It was the Oma ZI-O driver.

"No…!" Homura uttered.

The globe around Sougo cleared up, Homura took this opportunity and shot out more beams and her dark energy towards Sougo, all of which were deflected by golden lights that emitted by the belt. Sougo slowly approached Homura, tapping the two plates on his belt, causing the belt to read '2068' on the screen.


Large golden watch straps engulf Sougo, spewing lava around him. The belt shot out flaming red hot katakana that read 'RIDER'. The golden watch straps melt and formed the armor around Sougo, with one being left as the strap around his gold and black armor. The heated red katakana slowly slamming into Sougo's helmet as he raised his head, forming the visor. His eyes glowing a sinister red glow and unleashing a large golden force that pushed Homura a few meters back, signaling the completion of the transformation.

"If you say you're a devil… then I'll be a demon that surpasses you…!"

Homura clenched her teeth from Sougo's response. She immediately transformed into her devil form. She waved her hand around and summoned shadowed versions of Kyoko, Mami, and Sayaka.

Kyoko and Sayaka charged towards Sougo, summoning enlarged versions of their weapons and launched at Sougo, the latter simply raising hand towards the weapons and halted their movement and disintegrating them.

Sayaka's shadow swung her sword towards Sougo, which was immediately swatted away by the demon king and grabbed Sayaka by the neck. Sougo tightened his grip and reduced the shadow into nothing but dust. The shadow of Kyoko thrusted her spear towards Sougo, however, it cracked and broke once it hit Sougo's armor.

Sougo kicked Kyoko's shadow, blowing her away with the mark of Kuuga pushing her away. Sparks appeared on Sougo's armor as he was hit by several of Mami's rifles. Sougo stretched his hand towards Mami's shadow, light appearing from inside her before it consumed her and causing an explosion.

"I'm definitely ending this now, Homura. Now and forever…"

Sougo tapped on the plates of his belt once more, letting out small smoke screens from the belt.


Sougo was engulfed in a large ball of golden light, only his red visor and his silhouette could be seen. He leaps in the air and performs kick charged with golden energy.

"I WON'T LET YOU, SOUGO!" Homura stretched her hand out and shot out a massive beam of her dark energy, causing Sougo's charge towards her to slow down.

Golden katakana appeared around Homura, reading 'KICK' before being absorbed by Sougo and accelerated him. Homura stretched her other free arm forward to focus her blast or what remained of it as Sougo was already almost touching her palm.

"HOOMUURRAAAAAA!" Sougo cried out, finally colliding with Homura and causing a massive explosion around their eternal space that pushed Homura several meters back, tearing her dress apart and obliterating her wings into nothingness as he crashed to the floor.

Sougo landed to the ground and slowly approached Homura, who sprawled around.

"I don't get it! Why won't anyone, even FATE ITSELF, let me have what I want?! Why?!" Homura exclaimed, tears starting to fall from her cheeks.

Sougo knelt before Homura. "The thing is… We can have what we want. There are just some ways that aren't good."

"How would you know?! You never went through what I did!" Homura turned to Sougo.

"We don't need to go through what you did to know."

Sougo turned to his back and saw his elderly self, to which he nodded back and turned to Homura. "We don't need to experience what you went through to feel your pain, Homura. That's why…"

Sougo stood up and turned to his older self, the latter nodding at him. "I saw everything, Akemi Homura. That was why I tried to remove your dark magic, but only ended up failing and recreating the witches through your magic."

Homura slowly stood up and wiped her tears. "What… do you mean…?"

Oma sighed. "When you and Sougo both had rewritten time and space, your powers collided. Before I disappeared, I managed to take a glimpse into every timeline that you had went through. I attempted to rid you, all of you magical girls, of that burden by trying to remove magic entirely. Your powers were different; despite my knowledge, I had no sufficient knowledge in handling your powers and accidentally unleashed it in the new world, creating the witches."

"What about Madoka…?" Homura uttered.

"The law of cycles was flawed, yes. That is why, right now, with your powers and…" Oma turns to Sougo who nodded to him back and turned to Homura.

"Our powers, we're going to reset the world one last time." Sougo let out a small smile under his helmet. Homura nodded slowly.

"That settles it then." Oma walked a few meters before turning to Sougo. "It was most entertaining to meet you again, my younger self. I look forward to our next meeting." Oma chuckled before disappearing.

Sougo nodded before turning to Homura. "Let's do this. Together!" Sougo stretched his hand towards Homura, who nodded and took it. The two raised their hands up and channeled their energy. Their gold and purple energy were unleashed above and rapidly engulfed the vast space around them.

Suddenly, Homura's transformation was canceled and she reverted into her casual outfit. Her energy was siphoned by Sougo.

"Sougo, what are you-"

"I'll see you later, Homura."


Everything suddenly turned white.





Homura moaned as she got up her bed. She looked around she was in a normal apartment; it was different from her previous timelines, but it was an apartment, nonetheless.

"Homura! Homura!"

Homura heard a familiar voice and turned to the window, seeing Madoka waving outside. Homura's eyes immediately lit up and went to get ready.

It took a few minutes but Homura stepped out of her apartment building, wearing her glasses, school uniform and she also had her bag; her hair was braided too. "Good morning, Madoka." She uttered towards Madoka.

"Good morning, Homura. We're going to be late soon, so we have to hurry." Madoka immediately took Homura by the hand ran with her, the latter letting out a small squeak as Madoka pulled her.

As the two ran along the street, they caught sight of Kyoko, Mami, and Sayaka all waking together from the opposite side of the street, waving at them. Madoka waved back and Homura waved her hand slightly.


Madoka suddenly hit her head against someone's torso. Kyoko, Mami, and Sayaka took notice and ran to her side.

"I'm sorry!" Madoka immediately bowed her head repeatedly against the person and his group. It was Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukuyomi. Both Sougo and Tsukuyomi wore their school uniform whilst Geiz was wearing his judo outfit.

"It's fine, it was nothing."

"Wait! You're…!" Sayaka pointed towards the person's face.

"You're Tokiwa Sougo! The brand-new student who transferred into our school! The guy who kept spouting about becoming a king!" Sayaka exclaimed.

Tsukuyomi and Geiz chuckled behind Sougo. "At least people are finally recognizing me." Sougo shrugged his shoulders.

"Tokiwa Sougo…" Homura muttered which got the attention of Sougo.

"That's right! Soon-to-be-king!" Sougo turned to Homura who let out a big smile. Homura let out a small smile towards him as well.

"Thank you, Sougo…" Homura muttered again, Sougo raising a brow.

"Thank you for what? We just met-"

Geiz tapped Sougo on the shoulder, the latter turning towards him. "Sougo, we can have this discussion later. All of us are going to be late."

"LATE?! Oh crap! Let's go guys!" Kyoko immediately grabbed Sayaka and Mami and started running. Madoka ran along with Homura. Sougo grabbed Tsukuyomi and Geiz by the arm as well and started running.

Above them, on a rooftop on one of the houses, were Kaito and Woz, the latter having opened his advent calendar book and noticing that all the pages were blank once again. "Average high-schooler Tokiwa Sougo, and average middle-schooler Homura Akemi, two destined to become powerful beings that ruled across time and space."

"Hey, are you going to keep doing that?" Kaito turned to Woz who scoffed at his comment. "You're free right now, right?" Woz raises his eyebrow towards Kaito's question.


"I was thinking you and I go out and get some treasures from other worlds, if you're not busy. We can meet Tsukasa later."

Woz chuckled. "I don't have anything better to do anyway."

"That settles it then." Kaito waved his hand and opened up a portal to which he entered. Woz turned to his young demon king, letting out a small smile. He then turned to the horizon and noticed a large tower that wasn't there before.

"Hey, you coming?" Kaito's head peeked from the portal.

"Yeah, yeah." Woz took one last look at the tower's logo before entering the portal and disappearing. A blue light was emitting from the tower's logo and lettering, reading: