I was in a rush when I made this, so sorry if anything seems a bit off.

Human/Devil/Angel/Yokai "Talking"

Human/Devil/Angel/Yokai 'Thoughts'

Bijuu/Dragon/God "Talking"

Bijuu/Dragon/God 'Thoughts'

I do own the rights to Naruto or Highschool DxD. Just kidding, I don't! That was a lie... probably.

On with the story!

"Ohhh... my head."

Naruto groaned as he clutched his pounding head. A clone just dispelled. It woke him up from his wonderful dream! Or at least he thought it was. He couldn't really remember. It was okay though. He got a good amount of information on this strange new world. Ah, thank the Divine Ramen for clones. What would he do without them...

Naruto grabbed his sore neck as he stiffly sat up. "Ah..." He slowly worked out the cracks in his stiff body, sighing contently as they popped into place. He yawned and tiredly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He slowly looked around and stiffened when he didn't recognize his surroundings.

'Where am I?'

From where he was sitting he could tell the room had low dim pink lights, purple walls, and some kind of lush black flooring. It had a flatscreen T.V. in front of the bed mounted on the wall, a black loveseat on the left side of the room and some kind of pink seat on the right. Strange choice of colors...

Naruto's eyes sparkled with realization as he slammed a fist into his hand.

'Oh, that's right... I somehow ended up sleeping... in a love hotel... alone.'

...So now he's sleeping in this king-sized heart-shaped purple leopard print bed. He groaned in embarrassment at the thought, hiding under the covers hoping that it would somehow help.

"-...he won't.."

Hearing what sounded like talking Naruto peeked above the covers. He could see most of the Bijuu sitting at the end of the bed facing the television. Matatabi, Kokuo, and Chomei seem to be asleep but the rest were awake. It seems they got bored inside the seal, not that he could blame them. Who wants to be stuck in a mindscape all day? He did notice that they got even smaller, obviously to avoid destroying the hotel. They were all the same size as a house cat.

He was startled out of his thoughts by Son who loudly shouted at the television.

"Come on kick his ass boy!"

"...Maybe he can do it." Isobu chimed in.

Kurama growled "That pathetic human can't fight at all! He always needs to get his scrawny ass saved by his alien girlfriend."

Shukaku reluctantly agreed. "I'm gonna have to ...agree with the fox on this one."

Kurama looked at Shukaku with a mischievous smirk "...Okay, you may not be a complete idiot."

Shukaku puffed out his chest (belly) in pride. It seems Kurama finally realized how great he truly is!

It took a while but Shukaku finally realized what Kurama said causing him to look at Kurama sourly.

[Rito-kun! ...Eh? Lala-chan? wh-]

Kurama grinned smugly at the grumbling Son and the sighing Isobu.




"Ah! It seems the drink I ordered is here!" Saiken noted happily.

Drink? ...Ordered? "Uh... I'll get it." It probably wouldn't be a good idea to let her answer the door.. yeah.

He reluctantly got up from the wonderfully soft bed and hastily threw on one of his many duplicate outfits, grumbling as he walked towards the door. Opening it he came face to face with whom he guessed to be an employee.

He had gray hair and black almond-shaped eyes with soft facial features and a bored aura around him. He wore some kind of weird suit with black slacks.

The guy looked at Naruto with a confused expression. He could hear multiple voices in the back, there were at least 4 people! Didn't this guy come alone though? Everyone was talking about him in the lobby.

He was the blonde guy who came to a love hotel to masturbate.

For some reason, Naruto felt like he should immediately close the door and go back to his blissful sleep.

[Ahn! Rito-Kun!~]

The guy raised an eyebrow at Naruto. Was that what he thought it was..?

"WOOO! THIS IS WHAT I WAS WATING FOR!" Son said as he repeatedly beat his chest ...but the employee didn't know that.

Kurama grinned "Grab her tits!"

Isobu snorted "It wouldn't matter. He would just trip into them later."



"Uh... Thanks.." Naruto said, grabbing the dri- what the hell is this?

"...Y-Yeah... Uh... Have ...Fun?" He said as he awkwardly walked away. The people in the lobby would be... interested in this bit of information.

Naruto awkwardly chuckled as he closed the door. He turned around and sweatdropped, watching as the Bijuu debated over a show that Jiraya would certainly love.

Naruto walked up to saiken and spoke so everyone could hear "Well, I'm gonna check out that strange feeling I felt yesterday and try to find a better place for us than this... hotel." Naruto gave Saiken her.. drink and walked towards the bathroom.

"Just make sure it has a T.V.!" Saiken exclaimed as she happily drank her bark smoothie... Blegh. How did she even order that..? How did she even pay?! Why do they even sell that?!

Naruto shrugged and towards the bathroom, tiredly opening the door and letting it quietly close behind him. Naruto deadpanned as he looked at the bathroom.

The walls were purple with pink rose print, the floors were purple with a pink outline, the sink, counter, and cabinets were all black, THE TOILET was pink and even had rosed print cushions on it. He grimaced at the pain it caused his eyes... The sooner they leave this place the better.

He made to get undressed but noticed there was steam coming from the pink tub.

Naruto raised an eyebrow "Why is the shower on?" He walked over to the tub and began to push open the pink curtains.

"Well, that's wei-" His words died in his throat as he noticed something -or rather someone behind the curtains.

Gyuki was in the tub ...Vigorously stroking his tentacles.

Naruto's wide eyes met Gyuki's.





"I'll just wait... out there." Naruto slowly closed the curtains and walked out of the bathroom.

Gyuki raised an eyebrow at Naruto's behavior. What was that about? He was simply washing his tentacle.


Naruto nervously chuckled as he closed the door to the hotel room.

...That certainly wasn't how he was expecting to wake up... but he was glad that the Bijuu are ...enjoying themselves.

Naruto briskly walked passed the other rooms and arrived in the lobby, completely and utterly ignoring everyone and headed straight to the door. Naruto quickly exited the building and deeply inhaled, reveling in the fres- ...not so fresh air.

Naruto frowned. That also reminded him of the malefic feeling he felt yesterday... 'Maybe those related somehow?' He decided he would have to check it out, but first, he had to head to the forest he was in yesterday. He felt that it was a well-secluded area and he didn't feel like talking to curious people asking questions.

Nodding his head he discretely dipped into an alley and Body Flickered to the forest.


Arriving into the forest Naruto walked along with the small trees until he thought he was far enough. With a satisfied nod, Naruto sat down and entered sage mode, quickly gathering natural energy.

Naruto frowned. 'There it is again... That malefic feeling.'

Naruto closed his eyes and gently exhaled as he spread out his senses, becoming one with nature. He could feel the energy of the world and the various beings within it as he focused on the planet's energy. It was tainted and filled with malice and ill will... but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

Naruto's eyes widened a little bit as he got an idea. 'I... I wonder if that would work...'

Naruto focused as he let the ill will enter his body, taking in all of the malice... and purifying it. The trees and plants around him grew and blossomed with life and nearby deer curiously crowded around, taken by the serene and tranquil feeling.

Naruto opened his eyes and smiled softly "It worked... Maybe this can be a little bit of an apology for destroying that mountain range..." Naruto said, gently patting the dirt. He found purifying the malice relaxing. Maybe he would do this often...

Shaking off those thoughts Naruto disabled sage mode and lifted himself off of the ground.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto nodded in satisfaction as he watched the newly created clone went to play with the curious deer. He would have like to do it himself but he had things to do.

He slowly walked forward and head out of the forest towards the residential district one of his clones briefly saw.


A few minutes later Naruto arrived at the residential district, curiously looking around, recalling from his clones memories that these are Japanese styled houses. They were similar to the ones in the Elemental Nations but they were a lot sleeker...and square too.

Humming in thought he began to calmly walk along the road, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs for houses on sale.


Naruto was getting annoyed. He had been looking around for 30 minutes and there wasn't a single house on sale. This didn't make sense. How many people are there?! Grumbling curses, he turned around a corner he hadn't been yet, sharply looking around for a house to sca- *cough* buy.

"What the hell!?" Naruto gawked as his eyes landed on a particular ...house. It couldn't be called a house, it was more like a building. What sane person would want a house that big? It's a six-story building!

And of course, with his wonderful luck, the only house he saw that was available was the one across the street! There was even a sign at the front telling you to call him and everything!

Naruto sent out clones, praying that there were any other houses available.

He didn't want to live near some rich snob!


As his clones dispelled Naruto's face scrunched up in displeasure.

It was the only house available.

With a hefty sigh, Naruto walked forward, contemplating buying the house with some... questionable... means.

Naruto was absentmindedly walking along with the crowd of people as he walked in town. He was in deep thought pondering his weird living situation. Maybe he should just leave the town all-together, maybe head for Kyoto...


As he was thinking he stopped walking as he came upon the gates of a massive building where a sea of teens just started flowing out. There was a sign that read 'Kuoh Academy'.

'A school?'

If it was then he would be avoiding this place like the plague. He wanted absolutely nothing else to do with school.

He was brought out of his thoughts by whispers and giggling.

"Who's that? He's so cute!"

"Do you see those marks on his face?"

"I've never seen him before. Maybe he's a new student?"

"Look at that blonde hair!"

"Those blue eyes too! Do you think he's a foreigner?"

Naruto blushed and chuckled uneasily. What's with these people?

"Dammit! Another popular guy!"

"Isn't Kiba enough?! Go away!"

"Burn in hell, bastard!"

"Die handsome!"

'Uhh... Do they think I'm a student..?' Confused, Naruto weakly smiled invoking some giggles from girls and scowls from the guys.

'Is this what Sasuke felt like during the academy? Fufufu... Maybe school isn't so bad...'

"AS IF!" Naruto shouted startling the crowd. He could only laugh at such a terrible joke. He'd rather be kicking ass being the badass he is!

'...I better get outta here now before more people get the wrong idea!' He vigorously nodded at his thoughts and sprinted away leaving a confused and baffled crowd behind.

Naruto sighed as he arrived at his next destination, the phone store. He would need a phone if he wanted that house. Naruto was about to walk into the store but Kurama suddenly contacted him through the seal.

'Oi brat, I'm bored. I'm coming in.' Naruto blinked in surprise as Kurama suddenly appeared in front of him in a puff of smoke, startling nearby pedestrians.

Kurama immediately jumped up to Naruto's shoulder and lazily laid down, uncaring of who saw. People were sputtering, some staring, guffawing, and one girl even slammed into a pole after staring for so long.

Naruto grinned weakly and casually walked passed the disbelieving pedestrians, sauntering into the store with Kurama sitting on his shoulders, his 9 tails hanging lazily around Naruto's neck. People in the store gasped and cooed as they saw Kurama, repeatedly taking pictures annoying them both.

Naruto looked around and noticed a guy with glasses that had khakis and a blue shirt with a blue cap that had his company sign on it. He was staring at him curiously from behind a counter.

"Um... Sir, we don't allow pe-"

Naruto snorted and quickly walked up to the employee, placing a massive stack of 'money' on the counter.

The employee choked on air when he saw the money, seemingly on the verge of a seizure just from looking at it.

'Jeez... That seemed to shut him up.' Good. He didn't want Kurama killing the guy for calling him a pet.

"...I need a phone."

The guy just looked baffled as his glasses fell from his nose "S-Sir, this is way too much money!" He pointed at the money with shaky hands.

Naruto shrugged causing Kurama to release an annoyed growl "Keep the change."

The guy just nodded and robotically handed him his phone, repeatedly looking between Kurama's tails and Naruto.

Naruto just looked at it and shrugged, earning a tail flick from Kurama. He turned around and walked out of the store, ignoring the annoying gossiping of the customers.


After some irritating fiddling with the phone, Naruto managed to call the number of the guy who sold the house and even got him to give him a tour. After the tour, Naruto bluntly offered to buy the house in 'cash' but the guy was suspicious of Naruto.

Not that he could blame him.

But in the end, it turned out fine... for Naruto. Kurama got annoyed and put the guy under an illusion so he wouldn't ask any more questions. The illusion would last, at least until Naruto made some actual money.

He felt bad for doing that... he would have to get a job soon to actually pay the guy... and all the other people he scammed.

But this was fine for now...

Naruto nodded contently as he looked at their house. It was a two-story terrace house with a light gray exterior, a balcony on the second floor, and a dark gray roof. The first floor had the living room, the kitchen, a bathroom, and the master bedroom. The second floor had four extra rooms and a bathroom. It was like most of the other Japanese houses, but it was miles better than anything he ever owned.

Smiling Naruto walked towards the door ...but he couldn't help but feel like something was off...

Of course! How could he forget? "I'm gonna re-paint it ora-"

"No." Kurama immediately squashed the idea.


Naruto chuckled as he reached the door and unlocked it, entering and closing the door behind himself.

Kurama smirked as he looked around "A house eh? It's a lot better than that dumpster you called home."

Naruto snorted and placed a Hirashin marker on the door "It wasn't that bad."

"Yeah, an apartment befitting the savior of the world. " Kurama said sarcastically, smirking as he hopped off of Naruto.

Naruto turned back to Kurama and chuckled "Well, back then it was just me and you."

"Fair enough."

Naruto turned back to the door and waved behind him "I'm gonna go pick up the rest of the Bijuu. See ya in a bit."

Kurama slightly turned back and waved with his tail "Later. Make sure to let me know if something comes up," Kurama snorted "Knowing you it's bound to happen... It would be quality entertainment."

Naruto looked at Kurama dryly "I'm touched that you care so much."

Naruto two-finger saluted and turned around as he walked out of the door, disappearing from Kurama's sight as the door closed.

Naruto whistled a happy tune as he walked along with the bustling crowds of people in the town.

Why was he so happy?

Well, he overheard a group of students talking about a ramen shop not for from where he was. He would finally be reunited with his precious ramen!

Sorry, Bijuu. You'll have to wait.

Naruto's grinned as his eyes set on the ramen stall. It looked a little bit like Ichiraku's but much more modern. No surprise there.

Grinning Naruto's brilliant blue eyes flashed with fiery passion "Ramen here I come!"



"Ah, yes sorry..." A slender woman with long, black hair answered. She had large turquoise eyes and fair skin. She wore a white robe with the sleeves folded, a black apron and a bright white bandanna.

Naruto looked at the chef with a crestfallen expression. Why!? Why did they have to run out of ingredients when he got there?

"Are you at least re-opening today?" Naruto asked as he gazed at her with a hopeful expression.

The lady looked reluctant to reply but she relented "I-I'm afraid not..."

"...I-I... I see. ..Thanks anyway."

With a pitiful sigh, Naruto turned around walked out of the ramen shop, devastated that he couldn't inhale a town's worth of ramen.

A travesty, truly.

Naruto gazed at the darkening sky as he walked away from the shop. He was surprised to find out he had been out all day as it was already coming into the twilight hour. The various buildings and the scarce few trees were painted blue, pink, and gold as the giant metal and glass towers reflected the sun's rays.

Japan was so ...technological compared to where he came from. It highlights just how much different it is... As a ...sort of... regular person, he finds the sight quite beautiful... but as a sage, he can't help but feel bitter towards the sight.

Well, it's something to think about later. With a flat expression, he continued onto his destination.


Naruto cringed as he walked towards the hotel doors. Maybe he should have just used Hiraishin to get into the hotel room... Too late now. Naruto sighed as he quietly opened the doors. Of course, somehow everyone notices him, ninja training be damned.

"Hey, cutie blondie-kun! Are you still doing that gay-masturbation party?" The person who called out to him was leaning against the front desk. They had a pristine orange polka dot suit and an awesome orange tie with white slacks. They had soft regal features, lime green hair, green eyes, and had an aura of fabulousness about them.

Naruto choked as he looked at the fabulous man.



'...Nope, nope, nope, nope, NOPE!' ...MUST LEAVE!


Naruto grinned as he approached his hotel room door. He would finally be leaving this place and he would never, ever, be coming back! With gusto, Naruto pulled back his foot and reared it forward, completely knocking the door off its hinges. "Oi! It's time to go!" Naruto peaked his head into the door and smirked when he saw the deadpan of the Bijuu. It seemed they were still watching that show.

"I got a house for us! We are leaving and we are never coming back!"

The Bijuu looked at him with confused expressions before they just shrugged. Naruto watched as they all grew smaller, to the point where they could all fit on his head on shoulders. Naruto leaned down and placed his hand on the floor for them to climb up. It was quite funny to watch them struggle to climb up his arm, although Matatabi did it with ease and Chomei just flew up. Naruto barked out a laugh when he saw Shukaku somehow nearly reach the top before rolling down in a ball, knocking the remaining Bijuu over. He grinned as they all gave him dirty looks. What? This was too good of a prank to pass up on!

Naruto chuckled "Why don't you just use chakra?" As soon as that was said they all appeared on various parts of his head and shoulders, muttering curses under their breath.

Shukaku glared at the blonde "Little bastard... Just get us outta here already!"

Naruto smugly grinned "Hai, hai!"

Just before he used the Hirashin, he noticed the T.V. wasn't on the wall. Huh...

That's weird.

Naruto yawned tiredly as he appeared inside his house. "Man... I'm beat."

Son snorted "You're not the only one brat. That show exhausted me.. in more ways than one." Naruto chuckled as the Bijuu exited their perch, most taking to sliding off his arms.

Naruto looked down and raised an eyebrow. The T.V. from the hotel room was sitting near his foot... Kurama was on the couch with an amused grin on his face.

"Who stole the T.V.?" In unison, all heads turned towards Saiken who chuckled unabashedly. Kurama's approving nods didn't help either.

Kurama looked at Naruto, mirth clear in his voice "You stole an entire house, not to mention you practically mugged a phone from someone." Naruto opened his mouth to retort but immediately closed it.

"...Point taken... Well, I'm going to bed. Night." Naruto turned around to become one with his bed "You guys can take whatever bed you want... although you have to share rooms." Before Naruto could blink the Bijuu were already tackling each other off the stairs, intent on getting the biggest bedroom. Kurama snorted and calmly, but quickly walked after the group. He had to secure the biggest room.


Half an hour later Naruto lay on his bed with a small content smile on his face "...What a day." Naruto's smile slightly widened as his eyes slowly fell, sleep overtaking him.

"Huh.. what is this?" Naruto groaned as he looked around... the Dimensional Gap? He was just in his house a moment ago.

"Heh... Sorry about that, Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto lightly gasped and looked under himself to see Great Red with a grin on his terrifying maw. "Before you ask, yes you are dreaming. I simply entered your dream to talk to you."

He moved so he was facing the dragon "Woah. That's amazing.." He'd use it to spy on peoples wet dr- NO! "...*cough*...Well, what did you want to talk about, Big Red?

Great Red looked as if he was contemplating something. Maybe he should just be straight forward? 'I'm not good with this kinda shit.' Oh well, whatever. "This dimension is in the center of the three worlds."

Naruto blinked. ...What? "Hah? What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean three? I thought there was only ...one." He knew there was more than one but Red didn't know that. Or he didn't think he did.

Great Red looked at Naruto dryly "I'm sure you and I both know what the first two are. You do have potent chakra after all."

Naruto's eyes narrowed at the dragon. "But you said you didn't know anything about the Elemental Nations." It was quite obvious, really. He had been to two separate worlds already, although he was curious about the possibility of there being more.

Great Red did what Naruto could only guess was a shrug. "I wasn't completely sure I could trust you. I had to make sure. I keep things...mostly them, from coming in the Dimensional Gap, and I prevent anyone from going out. I won't be able to hold off forever. It will come to a point where I can't do that anymore. And when that time comes I want as many allies as possible."

Naruto cringed as he felt a growing sense of dread ...and it felt all too familiar. "You...you say that as if there is a war coming..."

Great Red let out a hefty sigh. "There are powers much greater than mine out there..." He sighed grimly "I am the True Dragon God of Dreams. My powers mostly don't limit to just my world. If I focus I can see the dreams of people in other worlds. I saw his intentions and ...dreams. It ain't pretty... I have the power of dreams and imagination. As such I, to a certain extent, can simply imagine myself being stronger than my opponent... Even then it still wouldn't be even close to being enough to take him down."

Naruto... had a feeling to where this was going "So, is that why I'm here? Do you want my help? There wouldn't be any other reason for you to tell me this, right?" Great Red nodded, pleased that Naruto caught on so quickly.

"You aren't the first person I've asked. Unfortunately, there aren't many who would last more than a second on that kind of battlefield. I know his arrival is inevitable-" Great shooked his head in annoyance "-so I wanted to ask six beings I had in mind to join me ...but three are sealed away and one wants to kill me for ...stupid reasons."

Naruto frowned. "What about the other ones? Are they not helping?"

"The first... Well, a couple of hundred years ago a being with strange powerful eyes managed to get into the gap. I was so surprised by his power that I immediately asked him to join me. He turned it down saying how, in time, I would meet a herald of true peace or whatever ...and that he was accompanied by nine. It made absolutely no sense... well until I met you. I thought the two he was talking about was you and your nine-tailed friend... Although now there seems to be nine of them."

Super Gramps Sage..? "I see... This is... a lot to take in. I need some time to think about this."

Great Red nodded his head in understanding. "I'll wait for your answer until then..."

Man, couldn't he ever get a break?

~Chapter End~


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See ya next chapter~