~~-Yellow Maidens-~~
Jaune lay there trapped, unable to escape, his entire body completely immobilized. He was growing concerned over the blood flow in his arms and right leg.
They had come during the cold wet darkness of the night, their approach masked by the storm that had passed through just after midnight. He had been caught sleeping, unaware of the potential trouble he was about to be in, his ability to fight back had been hampered by his grogginess, and he had been taken completely off guard by the situation.
The rescue mission had been going so well too. Mrs. Goodwitch had been incredibly helpful in arranging transport to the Eastern Coast of Sanus where they were able to catch a passenger Ferry to the western side of Anima. She had also provided a letter of recommendation to a huntsman team that was known to be stationed in Shion, which should help in procuring air transportation to Mistral. It had only been about a week since Beacon was attacked, and they were only a day out from Shion. Mistral and Pyrrha were only a few days away. So of course, tragedy would strike.
"Unggg. I can't feel my fingers anymore, both my arms are asleep." Jaune blew at the strands of hair that were covering his mouth. He desperately wanted to wipe them away before he inhaled and choked on them again, however both of his arms were being restrained, and the stray hairs only served to increase his torment.
"I don't know why you are complaining. Most men would die to be in a position like this."
Amber's voice in his head was a new development. And currently an unwelcome one, as her contributions were being less than helpful. It was also annoying and inconvenient to have to say his responses out loud, he knew he sounded like a crazy person, carrying on a one-sided conversation with himself.
If he had on his helmet on, he could maybe whisper quietly and have no one notice. In public he could even pass it off as a conversation on his scroll, but it was hard when all his friends were right there with him. But none of that mattered right now as both the helmet and scroll, were currently inaccessible.
He looked over at where his new toy lay. Mere inches from his left hand, and yet completely out of reach. Still he admired it. It was a customized version of the helmets Atlesian soldiers wore. But it had been modified to cover his entire face and to look like a knight's helm, to better fit the style of his combat uniform.
It was actually a technological marvel. The visor had a full heads up display, able to track and display the aura levels and relative locations of up to 10 teammates, as well as his own. It also had a sort of light enhancing night vision mode, and a sound system so that his voice wasn't muffled by the full face covering. And it had these neat little gadgets he could turn on like a compass, mini map with inbuilt GPS, and a flashlight! It was mostly white with golden accents, but a pitch-black visor. It looked like a knight's helm from the olden days, but also modern and futuristic. It was, as Ruby had said, very cool.
It had been a present from Ironwood and built by Penny's dad. Ironwood wanted him to have the ability to hide his eyes when and if the powers manifest. And Mr. Polendina went above and beyond in gratitude for saving his daughter from, at the very least, potential humiliation.
Cinder had definitely been up to something pitting Penny and Pyrrha together. Ruby probably knew what, judging by her gasp of realization when it was brought up. However, Jaune didn't ask, none of his business really. Ironwood seemed to appreciate that.
Anyway, the helmet was out of the question. Even if he could reach it Ruby had a pretty good grasp on it. She had been inspecting it when she fell asleep. Also, he didn't think he could free his arm from where her other hand had gripped it. She was snuggled into him with her shoulder wedged into his armpit, using his shoulder and bicep as a pillow. Her back was pressed into his left side and her legs were pulled up curling her whole self around his arm trapping him. He wiggled experimentally to see if he could get free, or at least regain some blood flow in his extremities.
"Te he. No Jaune, not here. Someone could see!" A dreamy murmur came from his right. And that was the other problem. The entirety of his other side was trapped as well. Yang had his arm awkwardly pinned to his side by the crush of her body. Her head was on his chest, her hair spread over his neck and shoulders with a few loose strands sticking to his face. She also had one leg thrown over his waist, completing his immobilization.
"Amber what do I do?" Jaune whispered out loud.
"Well whatever you do don't curl your fingers the wrong way or you'll skip straight to third base with jailbait over there." The snicker in her voice was obvious and Jaune absolutely knew she was laughing her ass off at this whole scenario.
"Ruby is only a year and a half younger than me. She just turned 16." Jaune hissed.
"Right, I forgot we are only 17 now."
"Still, what should I do? Do you think I could wiggle free without waking them?"
"Maybe? But the way Busty McGee over here is holding your arm? Even if you somehow avoid third, there is no chance you are sliding past second without getting caught."
"Ughhh, and I really need to pee."
"I know. That makes it even funnier. Just wake them up. I can't wait to see how flustered they get."
"I was kind of hoping to let them rest. We need to fight that Stone Geist thing today, and I don't want them tired or distracted." Jaune would have shrugged but both shoulders were fully occupied.
"It's called a Petra Gigas. And the sun has been up for a while now. No time like the present."
"Yeah I suppose. We need to head to Shion as quick as possible anyway. I hope that blacksmith guy had time to finish, he said he would work all night on it."
"Well, chop chop. It's high time that you gave these ladies a good cock… a doodle doo!" Amber was enjoying this far too much.
"Yang? Yaanngg? Come on Yang, I need you to get up." Jaune gently shook his right arm and flexed his pecs to shake her head.
"Hmmm... Five more minutes." An arm swept back her hair, thankfully clearing his face before it dropped down onto his chest.
"Whaaa?" Yang groped around in groggy confusion, squeezing Jaune's chest muscles before she stiffened unnaturally.
Jaune looked down to meet a pair of lilac eyes blinking back up at him. "Morning."
Yang opened her mouth to say something but all that came out was a drawn-out high-pitched sound of mortification.
Ruby also woke at that point and stretched adorably. Arching her back against him before sitting up and smacking her lips. She turned to him with her hair a mess and smiled. "Morning Jaune. Did you sleep well? I slept great. You are very comfy." And she patted his leg before she stretched again, the cami she was wearing as a pajama top riding up far enough that Jaune turned away just to be safe.
Of course, that meant he was now staring into the wide unblinking eyes of Yang. Who looked down at where her leg and arm were still draped over him. And ended up punching him in the gut as she launched herself backward. Scrambling to the other side of the tent like he was a giant poisonous spider or something.
"Sorry! I'm sorry Jaune. I just…" Yang's look of mortification only deepened as he groaned in pain holding his stomach.
"Now, that's what I was waiting for." Amber cackled inside Jaune's head as he groaned. Predictably, Yang's inadvertent punch had hit him directly in his bladder.
"No problem. Just need to get out. Nature is calling." Jaune managed to grunt out the words as he struggled over to the zippered door to the tent.
He glanced back inside the tent, getting a little wave from the happily humming Ruby. He slid his eyes over to Yang who was now lifting up the sleeping bag to hide herself. Yang eeped and pulled the covers up over her head groaning to herself. Jaune just shook his head as he zipped up the tent.
Stepping through their campsite he could hear Ren trying to awaken Nora. Always a careful and dangerous process.
He side stepped a puddle from last night's heavy rains and found a secluded spot behind some bushes to relieve himself. He let out a long drawn out sigh as the building pressure was finally released.
"I can't tell you how jealous I am of how easy that is for you."
"What?" Jaune shrugged as he shook it off.
"Do you have any idea how much goes into having to pee in the woods for a lady?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Yes, I do." Jaune zipped up and turned to survey the wreckage of Ruby and Yang's tent.
"Okay. Remind me later to talk to everybody about this. I think we need a new rule. No weapons in bed. And we will have to see if we can get a new tent and some sleeping bags in Shion. I don't think these folks have anything to spare here."
"What was it she was dreaming about again?"
"I believe it was something about a Beowulf stealing her strawberries." Jaune turned back towards the center of camp only to come face to face with the unblinking gaze of a Valkyrie.
"They'll do that all right. Beowolves are always stealing my stuff. Oh, and who were you talking too?" Nora backed off and began looking around the campsite. Even lifting the giant log they used as a bench, and peering underneath.
"Um, nobody? …I mean myself. I was just talking to myself." Jaune tried to stand up tall as Nora gave him a critical squinty eyed look.
"You shouldn't do that. People might look at you like you're crazy. At least that's what Ren always says."
"No, it isn't." Nora turned slightly to the left and lowered her voice a bit.
"Yes, it is." Her head snapped back to the Right.
"No. Ren says, 'Nora you shouldn't talk to yourself, people might THINK you are crazy.'" Again, her voice became a bit deeper.
"Ohhhhh. Yeah. No, you are right. That IS what he says." Nora nodded in satisfaction as Jaune just blinked.
"Morning Jaune." Ren patted him on the back. "Nora. Don't mess with Jaune's head this early in the morning."
"Okay Ren!" Nora bounded after Ren who was headed to the creek with a bucket and their coffee pot.
"Your friends are amazing."
"I honestly couldn't tell you if she was doing that on purpose or not." Jaune shook his head clear and went to look over the fire. The wood was soaked, and the pit was filled with water. He threw some logs in anyways.
Looking around and spotting no one nearby, Jaune closed his eyes and concentrated. Under his hand the water condensed into a ball which he moved to the side and let it sink into the soil. Bringing his other hand forward, he allowed the flames within his fist to spring to the logs, igniting the now dry wood easily. These maiden powers sure were convenient.
"I hate how easily you pick stuff up. You know I worked for years to get that level of control. You've had these powers for less than a week!"
"Don't be jealous. I just had a good teacher."
"Yeah, well flattery will get you everywhere. Oh, and heads up, your concubines are coming."
"Don't say stuff like that." Jaune snarled under his breath and received nothing but the sounds of laughter in his head.
"Good job with the fire Jaune. Oh, and our log is nice and dry. Awesome." Ruby sat down and warmed her hands. Yang also sat down too, but refused to make eye contact.
"Thanks, well, I used to go camping with my family a lot. Around here too actually. So, I picked up some stuff."
"And fire dust."
"And I had a bit of fire dust. You know, to get it going. It wasn't magic."
"Well good job anyway. I can't wait for some pancakes and coffee." Ruby hummed happily, while Jaune sighed in relief.
About an hour later they were stood before an angry rock monster.
"Okay boss man what's the plan?" Yang stood in her boxer stance bouncing on her feet.
"Right. Yang I want you to go in there and show it what you got. But don't use your semblance yet." Yang gave a salute and attacked with a roar, as Jaune turned to the rest of team RYNJR.
"We can't really hurt the Geist until we drive it out of the rocks it has possessed. To do that we need to destroy the center boulder. I'll keep it busy. Ren you take Nora and when Yang gets back the three of you hit it from behind."
"How do you know that? The thing about how to hurt the ghosty Grimm." Ruby tilted her head to the side as she looked at Jaune expectantly. Nora also gave him a look, but it was more of a calculating glare of suspicion.
"It was in one of Port's lectures?" Jaune took a wild stab at a believable excuse.
"Oh. Okay." Ruby nodded.
"You actually listened to those? How are you still sane?" Nora got into his face inspecting his eyes as if looking for the crazy.
Yang came crashing into the ground in front of Jaune. Thankfully forcing Nora to back away. "Why am I the only one doing all the work?"
"Just charging your semblance." Jaune gave her a hand up while activating his own semblance to restore her Aura. "Ren will mask your presence while you three flank it. I'll keep it focused on me. Ruby, I need you on the high ground."
Ruby gave a salute style little wave before she burst into rose petals, only to rematerialize behind them on the top of a tree.
Jaune closed his visor and made a show of pulling out a lightning dust crystal. He didn't use it however, instead he let his Magic do the work. Lightning crackled through his fingers as he gave Nora a pat on the shoulder, boosting her. While simultaneously using his semblance to also boost Ren. "Nora, break it's legs."
All the color left Yang and Nora as Ren lead them away hand in hand. The trio ducking through the bushes to the right of the stone beast, who was now sporting a tree for an arm.
Jaune pulled out his staff and began to send a concentrated stream of wind at the mask in the center of the giant bolder that somehow served as both its head and body. As he did leaves, sticks, dirt, and stones were all whipped up, pelting and eroding away at the stone creature. Predictably it covered its mask with its arms for protection, which blinded it to the imminent attack.
Yang hit high, and Nora hit low. The stones of its legs shattering. Unfortunately, Nora's exuberance meant the stones were sent flying out in a blast of rubble. This forced Jaune to show off some of his dance moves as he yelped and twisted about, dodging the debris sent his way.
As Jaune landed in a three-point stance the now legless and one-armed amalgamation fell with a crash. He let the maiden powers flow through the earth and into the remaining large center stone. Using his magic, he felt for the cracks and faults within the stone. As his power flared out, he forced them full of ice, weakening the rock just before Yang and Nora converged on it. Their combined blows exploding the stone apart and forcing the Grimm into a full-on retreat.
A single shot ran out and the Grimm's mask shattered. The bullet hitting dead center in its one yellow and red eye. The rest of the evil entity vanished in a wisp of black smoke.
"Nice shot Ruby!" Jaune lifted his visor and gave her a thumbs up.
"Awe. Thanks. It was kinda tricky with all the humidity in the air and the shifting cross winds." Ruby zipped down out of the tree with a bashful smile and tinge of pink. She stood in front of Jaune awkwardly accepting the praise while twisting her foot in the dirt.
"Well that was easy. It feels like it should have been a bit more challenging, doesn't it?" Nora sauntered up with her hammer across her shoulders.
"It's almost like we went in knowing more about what we were facing and how to beat it. That, and Jauney's semblance is kind of game changing…" Nora trailed off stroking her chin in thought. As the rest of the gang stared at her.
A face palm was accompanied by a sigh.
"Let's just go get my gear. I feel all… exposed, without my shield."
"Are you sure you kids don't need anything more. It feels like we are taking advantage of your services. With that Geist blocking our trade route to Shion we were completely cut off. And without the CCT there was no way to call them for help. I feared we may have had to evacuate or relocate the entire village."
"Really mayor, the armor upgrades for Jaune are fine. We were happy to help. It wasn't even that big a deal." Ruby took point on the public relations front. Yang was quite proud, she had grown a lot in Beacon, the Ruby from Signal would never have been confident enough to talk like this with an adult.
"Well I know you are in a bit of a hurry. But if you can, please stay another hour or so. I believe Aaron is done with your armor, but the rest of us would like to contribute to filling your packs as well. We really can't thank you enough for what you've done." The mayor was all smiles as he led them to the blacksmiths on the edge of town.
The tall Faunus was outside waiting as they approached. His thumbs hooked in his belt, as he gave a jovial grin. "I see that demon was no match for the likes of you five." His rough voice conveying an unexpected warmth as he ushered them in.
"Wait here I'll get your gear." The blacksmith went to the back of the shop leaving them in the front to look around.
"Don't worry Jaune. He does amazing work. I've had him make repairs for me before."
"Well, here you go. Modified chest piece, grieves, pauldrons, and vambraces. Was up all night getting it done, but I dare say it turned out pretty well. Might take some getting used to though, it will be a fair bit heavier than you had, though I took the little miss's suggestion about maintaining mobility." The large man nodded at Ruby with a wink.
"Had the local weaver and leatherworker make you a harness as well. Should let you switch your sword and staff a tad easier. And the tailor made some new pants, bit tougher than the jeans you been wearin." The tall Faunus ducked under the door, his horns barely clearing the top of the doorframe, as he ushered Jaune into a side room to change.
A short while later Jaune was stood in front of a full length-mirror. "So, Amber, what do you think?"
Jaune turned side to side to see as much of his new outfit as he could. His grieves, vambraces, and pauldrons in gold stood out against the black and brown of his pants and sweatshirt. The Pumpkin Pete hoodie remaining as an essential component of his combat wardrobe. He now sported a red sashed belt with pouches and pockets for dust, and clips on the back for his recently renamed staff, Autumnus Vindicta. An armored and reinforced pocket across his lower back, offered a bit of protection and acted as a scabbard for Crocea Mors as well. His chest plate was trimmed in red and black, with his twin yellow crescents adorning the front outlined heavily with black. With his helmet on it really completed the look of a modern knight in shining armor.
"I like it. You look like a proper huntsman. And it has a good deal of personality behind it. Like how the armor is a combination of both yours and mine. Very appropriate to our current situation. I'm glad Mrs. Goodwitch thought to give you my old gear."
"Thanks, I wanted to make sure you were well represented, but still keep it subtle, you know?"
"Who else is represented I wonder? We have the yellow, red, a lot of red actually, black, and white. And is that purple stitching in the sash I see? Is that representing someone's eyes, or is it ears, perhaps both at the same time? But who could the brown represent? I'm sure it's not just me. Brown pants with golden stitching, hmmmm. Is there another member of the Jaune Arc fan club I haven't met yet? Someone with a theme of brown and gold, perhaps?"
"Why is everything about my love life? When Ruby and I made those sketches I just picked the colors I thought looked good together."
"Yes, well as the voice in your head, I feel I should speak up for your subconscious."
"Shut up. I'm going outside to show the gang." Jaune practiced switching his sword and staff a few times finding the swap was indeed pretty smooth now. And he could now wield both without having to drop his shield, as Ruby had designed in a mount on the left vambrace that would let it stay mounted even in its collapsed state. It was a well-functioning setup that would no doubt perform well in combat.
He put his staff on his back and Crocea Mors in its regular spot on his hip. He lowered his visor, but activated his external speakers, as he stepped out to his waiting friends.
"So, guys what do you think?"
"Fearless leader, you look amazing! But where is the pink? Or green. Why no pink and green?" Nora had her hands on her hips as Ruby danced in place looking over the armor and weapons. Ren remained as stoic as ever, while Yang had a little bit of drool in the corner of her hung open mouth. She looked at where the yellow of his outfit was placed directly over his heart, and hope began to shine behind her glazed eyes. She shook her head to regain her bearings and desperately tried to squash down her growing feelings.
"Well, I take it you all approve?" The blacksmiths voice echoed around the small shop.
"Yes sir." Jaune nodded as did his friends.
"Some fine metal, that. The golden boots in particular remind me of a young lady that would travel these parts on occasion. I hope I'm mistaken." The man's look was not accusing, more consoling and with a hint of sadness. He made his way to the door gesturing for them to head out of his shop to where the mayor and several townsfolk were waiting in the street.
"I'm afraid not sir. She was… is a friend of mine. She isn't truly gone." Jaune scratched at the back of his head, even if it was still helmeted.
"Aye. I suppose that is true. We are never gone from those whose lives we've touched." The big man stroked his beard while all Jaune's friends looked at him in confusion.
"Ummm. Yeah. Something like that." Jaune fidgeted under the attention.
"Well, I know you kids are in a hurry. The town pulled together some bento boxes for your journey. And some sandwiches and drinks for your lunch. If you head out now you should easily reach Shion before nightfall." The Blacksmith gestured to the townsfolk who were holding out baskets for them to take.
"Really, you didn't need to do all that. We were just glad to help." Ruby waved her arms, while Nora switched back and forth between scowling at her and drooling over the baskets.
In the end they took the food and hoisted their packs. It felt like a march of heroes as they went through the town. Little children ran alongside as they started the next leg of their journey on the road to Shion. And from there a short airship ride to Mistral, and most importantly to Pyrrha.
~~-Yellow Maidens-~~
AN: Just to reiterate: This story will not become a mirror of the cannon. Roosterteeth may own the characters and the world of RWBY, but this story will be my own, and will be very different from the official plot line.
Thus, begins a new story Arc. I skipped over all the boring prep stuff with Mrs. Goodwitch and gave Jaune a new outfit! I tried to not make a big deal over the latter though. In my head it is still very similar to his season 7 outfit except more bronzy gold colored armor on his arms and legs, a smaller copy of the double crescent logo from his shield on his chest piece, and brown instead of blue pants. Oh, and a cool new helmet, I imagine it to be rather Halo-esque in design, but clearly based on an Atlesian soldier's standard issue model (like the CCT guards in Season 3). Only the helmet will really be plot relevant. I am no artist but welcome any who want to give it a try.
Some people in the reviews have been asking what the differences between the two versions of this story are. This arc is the first part where those differences really start to manifest as will be apparent from the differences in word counts going forward. I think next chapter has an over 1,200 word difference between them. Basically, the difference is all about the rating. Plot is the same but some of the jokes and funny situations are changed up a bit. I initially start by writing for an adult audience (Yellow Maidens), then edit for content and take out stuff I don't want to have to explain to my ten-year-old (Aspen Maiden). Mostly this amounts to removing swear words and removing some of the romantic content, and anything suggestive or risqué. I also tone down the descriptions of violence a bit and make it less brutal and gory (The death of Cinder being a prime example). That story gets edited for plot points and flow. Then I read it aloud to my daughter and change things to make it clearer if it is confusing for her. She acts as a beta of sorts. Then those edits find their way into the Yellow Maiden Story wherever they make sense.
TL;DR: The two stories are basically the same plot, but Yellow has more dirty jokes, swears and gore.