Chapter 1: Fate Moves in Mysterious Ways

Originally posted to the TNG Season 8 mailing list on 6th February 2003.

Will Riker strides through the corridors of Starfleet Headquarters, nodding occasionally to officers he recognises as they pass by. The new Enterprise is still months off being completed, so why does Command want him here in such a damned hurry? He hopes he isn't about to be transferred. While fully aware that such orders are routine, he's made himself at home on the Enterprise over the past seven years, the senior staff becoming extended family to him. It would be a wrench to leave them... and Deanna. Despite her striking up a relationship with Worf of all people, they remain good friends. After listening to the frosty future Captain Picard depicted after his last entanglement with Q, he's determined not to allow the same to occur here.

Will tells himself that the admiralty won't split up the best crew in Starfleet, but then again, some of them aren't exactly in-touch with reality to put it mildly. Enough what-ifs, he admonishes himself as he arrives at his destination. Let's just see what they want. He steps into the room beyond, up to the secretary's desk. "Commander Riker to see Admiral Constantine," he says as the secretary raises her blue eyes up from her work.

"Riker, Riker..." She makes a show of running down a long list. Will keeps a stoic face as he waits, refusing to rise to the bait. He has long experience with how administrative personnel get their kicks. Eventually she looks back up at him, her expression showing the barest sign of disappointment. "Yes, you're expected Commander. The Admiral is just inside."

Will nods once and enters the main office, noting the old-fashioned decor. The Admiral looks to be keen on his old wood furnishings.

"Ah, Commander. Thank you for attending at such short notice," Constantine announces, inviting him to sit. Will graciously takes the offered seat in front of the desk. "I'll get straight to the point. Command are acutely aware that it's going to be some time before the new Enterprise is even finished, much less launched. And to be perfectly frank, they consider having Starfleet's finest planetbound until that date somewhat of a 'waste of resources'."

"I can understand that," Will replies neutrally. He can sense where this is heading.

"In light of this, it's been decided that we draw up reassignments. Positions where yourself and your shipmates will be of most use."

He knew it. They're going to be split up. Most of the crew had already received transfer orders. So far the senior staff had been spared, but he had a feeling that wouldn't last. "May I ask where I'm being transferred to?" he enquires, uncomfortable at the confirmation, but somewhat resigned to the prospect.

The Admiral leans over and hands him a PADD. "You'll be commanding the USS Voyager. She's one of the new Intrepid Class ships, just off the production line."

Will is momentarily taken by surprise. After refusing their last three offers, he didn't think Starfleet would be offering him another Captaincy anytime soon. With the Enterprise now gone though, maybe they've assumed that it no longer has a hold on him. "With all due respect, Admiral, I'd prefer to hold my current post. The Enterprise is-"

Constantine looks as if he's already predicted this response though. "You understand of course that this would merely be a temporary assignment?" he interrupts. "We have every intention of recalling you to serve on our new flagship when she's ready."

"Temporary?" If Constantine is on the level, this changes things.

"Of course. Did you really think we'd split up the crew of the Enterprise? The media would have our heads." The Admiral visibly shivers at the thought. "You're free to decline if you so wish. I'm sure something could be found around here to keep you busy in the meantime."

Will doesn't miss the implication. If he doesn't take this command, he'll quite likely be stuck at a desk for the next six months, a prospect which doesn't thrill him any. And honestly, he's been getting restless hanging around San Francisco with nothing better to do than play table football in the rec room with Geordi on the engineer's nights off. He'd used up what vacation time he had six weeks ago.

"That won't be necessary, thank you," Will says hurriedly. "I have your assurance this is temporary?"

"Commander, we'll have you back at the Enterprise the moment the last rivet is hammered in if that's what you want." The Admiral seems amused. "Although you may find you like the big chair too much to give it up."

Will has to admit, he's tempted. "Fine, then I accept," he answers before he can change his mind.

The Admiral smiles enigmatically. "We've always known you'd accept eventually, Riker. It was just a matter of dangling the right carrot at the right time."

Will almost imperceptibly winces at being so predictable. He looks at the PADD containing the information about this new ship and starts to read as the Admiral settles back and starts relaying his new orders.