This is a short story of Bella finding her mate before she even knew the Cullen's. I own nothing and I am not getting paid to write I just do it for fun. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1

We are having to move from our family farm in Texas because of some stupid family drama. So, I get to be the new kid along with my siblings. I can see this going many ways but hopefully they are all on the positive side. After all the school we will be attending here in Phoenix is larger than the one we went to in rural Texas. Don't get me wrong I love my family, but they can be thick sometimes! Every time we have a family reunion, we always have at least one argument about the same topic. Our so many great grandfather Major Jasper Whitlock. Some say he deserted, some say he met his end honorably then some say he was captured and wasn't allowed to return home after the war.

My family got tired of the drama and was asked to leave the family farm! For we would side with the ones that said he met an honorable end. That didn't sit right with most of the family. Sometime before gramps went missing, he got grandma pregnant with twin boys. So, the Whitlock name has carried on even if it went on without gramps. I personally don't get what all the drama is about, it was over a hundred and forty years ago people!

Now a little background into my family. True we ran a farm we mostly dealt with raising quarter horses and some acreages of hay for said horses. We even spread out into raising food crops and we all worked together to keep the farm going. Then my father had a side business where we would restore just about everything with wheels. And the occasional side project. I have been working in the shop since I was eight and have gotten really good. Dad said I could even open my own business one day.

And now here I am walking into a school the population of my last hometown wasn't as many as there are attending here. I fear I may get lost a few times while learning where to go my first couple of days. I am thirteen and have sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. And I can see I might not standout here and this is a good thing. I manage to locate the office and got my map and schedule and locker combination. I really am not looking forward to this! I manage to find my homeroom and I let the teacher know I am new here and she waves me off and writes my name down.

I look for a place in the back and I spot one next to a shy looking girl with brown hair. Well brown is just like saying the sun is hot. Her hair looks amazing it is a mahogany color and when she just looks up at me. She has the most amazing chocolate brown eyes with flecks of red and gold. The reason I pay attention to the little details is my artistic side coming out. She has a cute little button nose and she is chewing on her bottom lip; I have been staring too long!

"Hello, I am Alexander Lee Whitlock nice to meet you." She blushes as I hold my hand out to shake hands and she takes my hand and her skin is smooth and her hand fits perfectly in my hand.

"Hello, I am Isabella Marie Swan, but I prefer Bella. So, are you new here?" and she blushes again I smile and nod.

"Yes, Ma'am just moved from Texas and you can call me Alex. So, how long have you been going to this school?" she blushed I like this girl!

"I have been going here for a few years my mom finally settled down here after moving around a lot after my parents divorced. What does your schedule look like Alex?" I show her my schedule and she went down the list and her eyebrows scrunch together, and she begins to smile. I really like her smile hell I like everything about Bella.

"So, whats the verdict on my schedule? Good, bad, eh?" she smiles again, and I return the smile and she blushed again.

"Well, it looks like we have all the same classes together Alex." I smile at her blush and I think I will ask her to be my girlfriend later today.

"Well, this is my lucky day then I get to walk the prettiest girl to class all day. But you will have to show me around first if you don't mind darlin?" and cue the blush she is so adorable.

"I don't know about the prettiest girl, but I can show you around." She smiles and I smile back and cue her blush.

"I think you're the prettiest girl I have ever seen Bella and I thank you for showing me around." She blushed again and I smile which she ducks her head hiding behind her hair.

Then the bell rang for class to start and we had a normal day of getting to know each other between classes. The day wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. When we had lunch together, I noticed she sat alone, and everyone ignored her. Well, they did until I sat down with her and they just gave us a look then went about their own business. I also had to catch Bella a few times. She must be the klutziest person I have met; it just adds to her appeal for me. I have a feeling that she is hiding her true self, I bet she is a real firecracker!

"So, Bella I was wondering if I could ask you to be my girlfriend?" She blinked at me several times.

"I'm sorry but did you the hot new guy ask the biggest klutz in this school to be your girlfriend?" She blushed again and hid behind her hair I just smile.

"Darlin I did ask you and you think I am hot? So, what do ya say darlin shall we go steady?" she looks up to see I am serious and is chewing on her bottom lip again.

"Why? I mean why I am just a plain and mousey Bella?" She is serious now I grin at her.

"Because I don't think you are plain or mousey and bet you are holding your true self back. And I want to get to know the real you and help you out of your shell. Will you be my girlfriend darlin?" she smiles and nods while blushing I scoot closer to her and we eat our lunch.

After that day it has only gotten better, but I have been noticing a lot like her mother forgets to pick Bella up and she must walk home from school. So, I asked her where she lived, and it was a couple miles from school, but we live close to each other. So, I begin walking her home everyday or we offered to drive her home. I ask my dad what the best way would be to help her get better coordination, so he suggested we start self-defense and martial arts classes a couple times a week.

I approached the subject and I thought she was going to cry because I was making fun of her. But she hugged me and said that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her. I was just happy to get a hug from my girl and it was happy tears. When I brought her home to meet my family my brother and sister was nice but went to their rooms. My momma loved her instantly so did daddy. When momma found out about Renee failing on her mothering duties she began to fill in for Renee. The trick was to make it seem like it was Renee who thought of it!

The entire year we went to our classes to help her with her coordination and we hung out a lot after school. We would do homework together I would even help with her housework. Momma would tag along on those days and help even more and write a list for groceries. There wasn't anything we could do about the bills not being paid, until I had an idea!

I ask daddy if we could start working in the shop and he could pay Bella a little and we could work together. He thought about it and nodded because my siblings weren't interested in what dad does. They were always hanging out and fartin around on the farm or hanging out with their friends. So, I run it by Bella, and I tell her we would be working together, she was reluctant to try it but after a couple of days she was having fun! That was our schedule for the summer except for when she had to go see her daddy in Forks for two weeks.

We made progress on her balance she doesn't trip nearly as often, and she has worked on toning her muscles with the training and working in the shop with me. We do everything together and Renee is more comfortable leaving Bella alone because she will drop her off at our house when she is planin to be gone. The second year Charlie wants to meet me because I am all Bella will talk about when they talk on the phone. So, I went to Forks when we were fifteen and we went fishing a lot and we had a good time. Charlie said that he was glad Bella had a boyfriend like me, but he would not repeat that.

We have gotten closer over the next two years and Renee had taken Bella to get birth control pills. For just in case when we become wild and sex crazed teens. In other words, it was Renee giving Bella a thumbs up to be a little wild. And we took advantage of this gift as much as possible, which wasn't as much as you would think. Between our training and workin in the shop? We had weekends mostly and we went at it like bunnies.

We have just finished our junior year and Bella and I have got really good as a team in rebuilding stuff. That she has a truck she loves. It's a 1945 Chevy pickup truck she likes purple so it's a metallic dark purple it is so dark it will look black from certain angles. I have my 1963 impala convertible that is painted in dark metallic green with ghost flames. Dad said we should open our own shop after we get out of school. Well, we have our own business we have done several vehicles and turned a great profit. My birthday was today I am now eighteen and I am walking home from my sweet Bella's house and I am knocked out! When I wake up there is this guy with red eyes looking at me funny, wait red eyes how hard did he hit me?

"I was supposed to kill you, but I think you will be more fun as a vampire. See I have this gift sort of, I know when someone will be an excellent vampire and you are off the charts my friend." I look at him like he is crazy.

"Vampire? They aren't real, are they?" going with Bella I heard the legends of the cold ones at La push beach. He just grinned and bit me! And my world was taken over by fire for how long I couldn't even guess all I thought about was my sweet Bella and what will she do without me and I without her?

After what seemed like an eternity of being roasted with acid running through my veins. It finally ended with the most horrible pain surrounding my heart then it stopped and so did the pain. I open my eyes and stand up so fast I end up in a crouching position.

"Ah, now here are the rules feed but don't get caught and kill any humans that see you feed but do it in discretion. And hide or destroy your kills like burn them in a dumpster or bury them out away from the city. Oh, and stay out of the sun you will give yourself away when you sparkle, then the Volturi will come hunt you down and kill you. Now here is your first meal then I expect a lot of mayhem out of you!" he threw a human at my feet and he smelled delicious, but I didn't want to kill.

"Why? You said someone paid you to kill me, who and why?" he looked at me funny and shrugged.

"I don't know who or why just I was paid a lot of money to end you. And in a way I have, what you do with it is up to you. Aren't you going to eat that?"

"I might in a minute. Just how much were you paid to kill me?" he huffed and looked around then back at me.

"Someone with deep pockets my friend she paid me one million to get rid of you and to leave your girlfriend alone." Huh? I was even more confused, and he just waved and took off.

"Well, if you aren't going to kill me then I may have to go see to your girlfriend." The human chuckled darkly, and I grin no one was going to hurt my Bella! I bit into his neck and sucked him dry! Okay even that sounded wrong in my head, drank him dry! Much better now where is my phone oh right must get rid of the body. I dump him into the sewer and try not to crush my phone like I crushed that guys bones. My phone is filled with text messages mostly from Bella, but the rest are from mom and dad.

So, I go see if I can manage not to drink my girlfriend dry. When I get close, I smell something that could only be described as heavenly. I get closer and I find it is Bella and I have to be close to her. I knock on the door and she flung it open and is shocked to see me. But she doesn't say anything and flung herself at me. I carry her into the house because the sun is just coming up and I don't want to get caught sparkling and die.

"Oh my god where have you been Alex? I have been worried sick so has your parents. Why are your eyes red? And why are you so hard and cold?"

"I was attacked by a vampire three days ago. I guess that is how long it takes to change into one because I am now a cold one. You know like those at the bonfires and the tribal legends we heard about and we thought they were just made up? Well I think they are real, and they could shift into giant wolves, remember the tales darlin?"

"Yeah, of course but why you why now?" she started to tear up and I gently hold her. I also find that I have no desire to drink her dry.

"All he told me was he was paid one million dollars to kill me and she said to leave you alone. So, it is some female with deep pockets to get me out of your life darlin." She looked up at me with tears running down her cheeks I gently brush them away.

"I don't understand why, what is so important about me?" she lays her head on my shoulder and breathes in deeply. "You smell like the desert and the desert during a thunderstorm, and you smell like home but there is a sweetness to it also." She then looks back into my eyes.

"I don't know about the whole scent thing, but I can't be away from you Bella. I have this urge to carry you away and keep you safe. The jackass that changed me didn't give me any more information other than I would have to kill humans to feed. And if someone finds out about me, I am supposed to kill them, but I refuse to kill you darlin."

"Okay, let's look at this logically you will need to kill to drink blood. Why not kill the dregs of our society like murders, rapists and people of that nature? No one will miss them, and you would be doing a service to the community!" I can't help myself I kiss her gently remembering to take it slowly and as gently as possible. She moans and kisses me back and wraps her arms around my neck then her fingers card thru my hair. When we pull back all I want to do is carry her to her room. I just grin.

"I can't go out in the sun darlin, I am supposed to sparkle, and I can get into trouble if the humans find out about me. So, I might not be able to stay here for long it will be increasingly difficult to avoid the sun. Especially with my family then we have senior year coming up." She looks like she is workin on a puzzle she has a far-off look in her eyes, and she scrunches her eyebrows together. She is just so adorable.

"What if we went to finish our senior year at Forks it's the cloudiest and rainiest town on the planet. We could stay with my dad and you could wear contacts." I grin and kiss her again and we end up in her bed after I call and tell my parents I am fine. This being a vampire is cool I have no recovery time!

We make love for the entire weekend and she enjoys using my cool body as a pillow for these hot Arizona nights. After the third night I had to go hunt and when I got so far away from Bella my chest hurt. I just pushed on and found me a couple of gang members and drain them dry and throw them in a dumpster and throw a match on them. Wow! They went up fast and they are burning hot. On my way back I get a tingling in the back of my neck twice. What I don't expect is information to go along with the tingling. Then I run into another vampire and he is nice enough to tell me about gifts and then he drops the bomb on me about mates when he noticed me rubbing my chest. I thank him and take off back to Bella my mate!

I get back and hold her as she sleeps, and I am going over the two gifts I picked up. One is like shape shifting and I can now make it, so I don't sparkle! I can even change my eyes back to brown! YES! No more sparkling for me! The other gift is an odd one for a vampire to have, it is a healing gift. Why would a vampire need a healing gift? Okay put that one away for later.

I told Bella about my little chat with the vampire and I didn't hold back. She was a little quiet then jumped in my arms again and kissed me.

"I love you Alex my mate. No wonder my chest started hurting when you left me last night. Will you turn me so we can be together for eternity?" she was so happy, and I could never say no to her.

"I would be happy to, but I am not entirely sure on how to do it myself. All I know is the bite then the burning started, and it isn't something you can describe. The closest I could come would be you feel like your submerged in lava for three days." She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded and swallowed.

"That sounds really painful Alex. And you went thru it alone?" she kissed me again and we made it to her bed and spent the day making love. I love my mate and I would do anything for her.

The next day Bella gets up and throws up and then again after she tried to eat. Then I get two more gifts one of information and one of bond sight. Then the information starts telling me Bella is pregnant and the best way to care for her and the little ones is for Bella to drink blood.

"Bella? I don't want you to freak out on me but you're pregnant and will need to drink blood to make it thru this pregnancy and keep the little ones healthy. But I will have to change you as soon as we pull them out." She looks at me like a fish out of water.

"How is that possible? I thought the birth control was supposed to prevent that. I know we never talked about kids before, but do you want to have these little miracles?" I grin and hold and kiss her.

"Yes, yes darlin I would love to keep these two little miracles, this will be tough on you and we need to start you on drinking blood today."

About that time the door opened and in walked two vampires and they are covered from head to toe. He has a cowboy hat on with a bandana around his neck, a long duster and gloves. She has a cowgirl hat a duster and gloves and some sort of scarf.

"Howdy, sorry we're late but we were on the other side of the world and got held up trying to get here. I am Peter Whitlock, and this is my mate Charlotte Whitlock. I see you got my gift and you know most everything. What you may not know is your gift, you're a sponge, you copy any gifts you come close to and make them your own."

"Wait, you said Whitlock? Are we related and if so how?" he chuckled, and Charlottes giggled at me I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, yes and no on being related see we took your great, great, great, great, great, great granddaddies last name. When we were changed, we couldn't remember our last name, or pretty much anything really. His name is Major Jasper Lee Whitlock." Now I am the one that is looking like a fish out of water.

"I am Bella, and this is my mate Alexander Lee Whitlock, so are you here to help us? And how did you know all about us and Jasper being his grandpa?"

"Well, it's like this little bit I have a gift of knowledge and I knew we had to get here as soon as possible." I come to my senses and I have a question I hope he can answer.

"Okay, can you answer this? Who was it that wanted me out of the way and why did the guy change me instead?" he looked thoughtful for a second and shrugged.

"I have no clue. You have the same gift as I do try asking it questions you might be surprised by what you get. But I think we will find out in due time, and the reason little bit is pregnant? We have super spunk, or it was a bad pill." Bella face palmed then we looked at each other and chuckled. "Or maybe fate has decreed that you two become vampires and have a couple of little miracles." Peter finished with a grin.

"I can make you not sparkle if you haven't noticed my eyes are brown."

"Seriously? Hot damn! Show us." Peter was excited and I grab their hands one at a time and concentrate on changing their skin, so it doesn't sparkle any more. Then they tell me what color they want their eyes to be which is blue for Charlotte and hazel for Peter. They open the door and test it out on their hand quickly then they peel off their dusters and hats and Peter spins Charlotte around laughing.

"Now that is out of the way we got a cooler full of blood in the truck for little bit. What is the plan we can't stay here, her momma will blow the roof off this house if she finds out little bit is expecting, so whats the plan?"

"We were going to Forks to finish high school or that was what we were going to do anyway. Do you have something better in mind?"

"Nope, well that isn't entirely true we could load up and disappear to our ranch and not have to deal with the school nonsense." Peter said looking hopeful.

"No, we have my dad who is the chief of police of Forks and he would never give up looking for us. No, we have to go to Forks and try to hide from my dad until I am changed." I get information on the pregnancy and it will be over in six weeks and when she is changed, she will be as controlled as I was when I woke up. Peter looks at me and points to his head and nods.

"Sure, little bit we can pull that off. Well let's get to packin although Alex has the most to pack over at his dads' shop. Char baby would you help little bit get some blood in her then make sure she eats a good hearty breakfast?" Peter was doin the pouty face which made her smile.

"Of course, come on sweet pea let's get some blood in you and some good grub and eat whatever you have been avoiding or what you want. There will be no more eating food after we change you." Charlotte went out to get the cooler and came back in as me and Peter was walking out. I made sure to kiss Bella one last time.

The talk when I got home surprised me a little my parents was happy for me to follow Bella to Forks. I think mainly because they know Charlie would keep an eye on us for them. Dad helped us pack up my tools into one of our trailers and I had it hooked to the 1945 Chevy truck that we restored. It took us several hours to load everything and strap it down, so it didn't shift going down the road. Once we were done dad slapped me on the back and wished me luck. When we drove back to Bella's they had already had my car loaded up. We listen as Bella tells her mom the plan to finish our senior year with Charlie since Renee will be traveling with her new husband phil.

Peter said they would cover for the house out away from town for us that would have a garage. We tried to argue but he and Charlotte wouldn't have any of it, so Peter is driving Bella's truck Charlotte is driving their truck and we are in my 1963 impala. We make excellent time stopping when Bella needed to and drink blood and eat at some of the greasy spoons that we drove by. She was taking this eat anything you want to heart. When we got close to Forks, we turned down a long driveway and drove for a mile. When we came to a stop the house was nice, but the garage was even nicer. We unloaded the car first and got Bella settled then we worked on unloading the trailer.

Once we had all the tools put away neatly and I unhitched the trailer I noticed Charlotte and Bella was just getting back from the grocery store. We helped to carry the food in, and I have to say it stinks! It looked like we had enough food for an army. But we still got five weeks to go on her pregnancy and she will go thru a lot of food. After the girls had everything put away, I noticed that the house was already setup with a TV and internet and satellite dish.

"You already had this house prepared Peter?" that was when Bella stopped and looked around.

"Not that we are complaining but why didn't you just say you already have a house ready to move into here in Forks? We have been stressing out about where we were going to pull this off." Bella said calmly and backed Peter into the corner.

"We had to give you the choice of what to do little bit. And yes, we had been preparing the house when I got the signal from my gift to get to you before you all freaked out. If we were to go to our ranch it is already setup for the little one's arrival. And no, we were on the other side of the world when you were bit Alex, we couldn't get to you in time, but my gift told me to be prepared for bringing two little hybrids into the world." Bella just nodded and we sat down to watch some TV and cuddle on the couch for a couple of hours.

Bella had her dinner and cup of blood and decided we needed to go to bed and scratch an itch she had. Who was I to complain? Nope, no complaining here I am more than happy to make love to my Bella. We started off slow and I worshiped her every curve and her perky breasts. I also love the taste of her very trim pussy; it tastes even better than blood to me. After I had her screaming my name, I sheathed my hard-throbbing cock into her tight wet heat. And began a slow rhythm and had her wanting more and faster I only gave her so much I was still afraid to hurt her. But eventually we both cum and I had to clamp my mouth shut to keep from biting her. It has been like this since we first made love after I was changed.

After she was asleep and curled on top of me, I just hold her and listen to her sleep talking. And grin at some of the things she comes up with. We are like this until the kicks start to hurt her and I remember the gift to heal and I heal my Bella and she sighs in relief. We only have a week and a half to go and they stay calm if I stay close to Bella. When the time comes to do the C-section, Bella is ready to get them out.

"How are you doing darlin?" I ask and she smiles at me

"I am tired of being used as a soccer ball how long before the morphine has worked enough?" she is trying to look down over her belly. "It will be so nice to see my feet again. Remember Char on what I want shaved when I start the change." Bella blushed I will miss that blush.

"Of course, sugar leave it to me I will make sure your set for eternity."

Once Bella can't feel her lower belly, we cut low and I have to bite thru her womb because it strengthened from the venom. I pull out our first and it's a boy! I bite thru the cord after I clamp it and hand him over to Bella.

"Dustin Lee Whitlock or Dusty for short what do you think?" I smile and kiss her, and Char takes him, and I hand Bella our daughter. Then I remove the after birth and Peter begins to stitch up her belly. "I think we will name her Carlie Marie Whitlock." I smile and kiss her, and Char takes our daughter and Bella nods I use a stainless-steel syringe filled with my venom and inject it into her heart. Then I bite her neck, wrists, ankles, and inner thighs as Peter had instructed me to. We take the kids out once we are sure the change has started.

I feed my little darlins while Char cleans and removes any unwanted hair from my Bella. Peter holds my son as we wait, they are looking around and get a little fussy when they can't see their momma. After char comes out, we go in so they can see their momma and they settle down quickly. It's strange Bella isn't making any sound or thrashing about like I was.

"She is a strong shield and isn't feeling the pain that we did. Plus, she will be as controlled as you were if not more when she wakes up in two and a half days. Good job on pumping in all that venom Alex." He goes and leaves me with the kids and their momma I begin talkin to them and Bella. And we wait the two and a half days this way, Char would come get them when they get tired. When it was time for Bella to wake up, I was alone in the room with her, and she opened her eyes and looked around and spotted me. She was on me quicker than I could blink she was kissing me, and we began purring and we ignored it. We did our first claiming before her first hunt.

We rip all our clothes off, and I am hard, and she jumps into my arms and I slide home. She is still tight and wet and all mine we begin meeting thrust for thrust. We crash down on the bed and she moves just enough to enter her even further. When we are about to cum, I begin licking her neck where I want to bite, and Bella does the same to me. We cum hard and we both bite down it sends us over the edge again. When we release, we begin licking our marks and it makes me hard again. I flip her on to her knees and plow into her tight wet pussy and I am pounding at a speed I couldn't do when she was human. I reach around and caress her nipples and then I give her boobs a little squeeze.

We spend the next couple of days locked in a mating haze it's all we can think about. We are a moaning growling screaming mess and we still can't get enough of each other. When we come up for air, we have destroyed the entire room! Good thing it wasn't our bedroom, or we would have no clothes. We walk out to go to our room and Peter and Char just look at us like it was the most normal thing to see. Though Peter is smirking at us I growl, and he looks away chuckling Char just shook her head at him.