Harvey lay propped up against the pillows with one hand resting on his bare chest as he watched some mindless tv show. He and Donna had chosen to have a lazy morning as they usually would on a Sunday, starting with two rounds of morning sex before Donna had gone for a shower leaving him under the sheets. She had emerged from the bathroom having taken extra care with her skin routine and was now wandering between her space in his drawers and the wardrobe where the rest of her clothes hung, trying to find something to wear for the day. Harvey, however, had no plans to get dressed today, he wanted her again already and he could feel the blood rushing south beneath the sheets as she wandered around his room wrapped in a towel.
"Don't bother getting dressed." He turned his head towards her, looking her up and down and taking in every inch of bare flesh.
"Harvey-" She started but upon seeing the look in his eyes she knew it was futile. "I just showered, besides there's a few things I want to get done around here today." She knew she would give in to him eventually but she could have some fun at his expense first, besides it really turned her on to make him wait.
She dropped the towel and slipped into a lacey black thong, she kept her back to him as she reached up onto her tip toes into the wardrobe and pulled down one of his old t-shirts. HARVARD emblazened across the front, what a surprise she thought. She could have just slipped back into her discarded nightgown but she always enjoyed the reaction she got from wearing any item of his.
"Coffee?" She asked innocently over her shoulder as she left the room. He didn't answer but she could hear the sheets russling as he jumped up to follow her, she walked away with her usual sway in her hips. He caught up with her as she stood at the coffee machine, placing down the mugs in front of the machine and busying herself reaching for the milk and sugar. He pinned her against the counter from behind and buried his face in her hair as his hands ran up her front stopping before he reached her breasts, waiting for some kind of signal from her. Instead she reached for the coffee pot and poured them each a cup with a polite "Excuse me." as she grabbed a spoon and to stir in the vanilla.
She picked up her own mug and purposely made her way to Harvey's chair by the window so there wasn't room for him, she picked up her phone on the way and busied herself with scrolling through emails and unread texts. After a few moments she chanced a look towards him over her mug, he was still stood in the kitchen area sipping his own coffee and, judging by his face, sulking. She took a few minutes to admire him as he picked up his own phone, his spiky hair was pointing in all directions, his face was unshaven after she had dropped a hint that she liked his stubble one day last week and the thought of his beard scratching up her thighs sent heat shooting to her core. She crossed her bare legs tighter and chanced another glance in his direction as she sipped again from her mug, his back was facing her now as he leant against the counter whilst on his phone, she had plenty of time to study the muscular sculpture of his back and bicep as he ran a hand through his hair.
Her phone vibrated in her hand and she looked down to see a new text message. From Harvey. And before she knew it she was in front of him in the kitchen, this time she was pushing him up against the counter and pulling his head down so his lips could meet hers until he spun them around and picked her up and put her on the counter and did exactly what he said he would in his message.