A/N: lmaoo hi guys I just moved back home bc online classes now etc etc hope everyone is staying inside, I've been playing animal crossing so I'm at least happy. This could be charasuke I guess? And you can decide if they're quarantined or not but either way enjoy modern AU with a little role reversal because I always see tweets about girls waiting for their boyfriends to finish playing video games so they can get some attention hahah. And an open to spiciness ending, but nothing explicit because I'm shy /.\

Sasuke sighed as he watched the screen flash in the darkness of their room again. "Didn't you already do this part?"

"Yeah, but I started over because I wanted cherries as my fruit. I got pears the first time, so like, eh, ew," Sakura told him without looking away from the screen. "Oh good, my neighbors are cute."

Sakura had just downloaded Animal Crossing, but Sasuke had a feeling she would be playing for a long time. Which meant he was being ignored. In favor of some talking animals. He was already bored out of his mind.

They had already eaten dinner. He showered that morning. The house was clean. What else was he supposed to do except bother his girlfriend?

He watched the opening sequence repeat itself and Sakura set up her island, Cherry Blossom Island, with gusto. He knew he was whipped when he even found the Animal Crossing version of her to be cute. He didn't really see the appeal of such a slow paced game, but he could admit it was at least satisfactory in visual appeal. Sakura would have agreed, if the way she repeated "aww" and "that's so cute" was any indicator.

Sasuke tried stroking his fingertips up her arm to see if the goosebumps would appear like they usually did. No such luck.

Sakura's arm twitched a little, but more in the way like she was shrugging him off. Ouch, he thought.

"Sorry, I'm fishing! But look how big this one is, it's my first time catching it," she said proudly.

"How..nice," he said half heartedly. He felt himself pouting, but didn't let his pride stand in the way of asking again. "Do you know when you'll be done?"

"Mm, wait a little. I just started."

Sasuke waited. It felt like hours. She was silent for a long stretch of time, too immersed in the game to notice him sulking. He was so used to her steady affection that he didn't know what to do with himself. He tried a different approach, "Is there multiplayer or something?" If he couldn't beat the stupid game in this petty competition for his girlfriend's attention, he would play too.

"It's only one island per console, but if you want your own Switch, we could visit each other's villages," she smiled before returning to her routine tree shaking.

Sasuke resigned himself to flopping back on the bed and scrolling through his phone while he waited. Their bed was awfully comfortable, but he was unbearably bored just laying there by himself. He wanted a kiss from his girlfriend. And maybe something else.

"Look, isn't it cute?" Sakura asked later.

Sasuke looked up at the screen to see Sakura's character dressed in a pale green sweater and white pants.

"Don't you have a sweater like that?" he asked hesitantly. He knew it was familiar but…

"Yup, it's what I wore on our first date," she said triumphantly.

"And look where we are now," he said, rolling his eyes.

"What? Enjoying our time inside together? Reveling in domestic bliss?"

"Yeah, whatever you wanna call it." He was fed up. He got up from the bed and picked her up easily from the chair, ignoring her confused protesting, and sat in the chair himself. He pulled her back down with him so she was sitting on his lap. She was light, but strong, so he wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her as close as possible. "Play as long as you want," he mumbled into her hair as he started pressing kisses into her skin at random.

Sakura arched away from him when he reached a ticklish spot, "Ah, I was actually just about to save the game, you see."

"Oh, lucky me," he drawled.

"I can play longer if you want?"

Sasuke slid his hand underneath her shirt, caressing the soft skin, "I don't think that will be necessary, but it's up to you."

"Yeah, you're right," she said breathily, "I'll just turn it off now."

Sasuke didn't normally play games; he was always a straightforward person, and Sakura didn't hide her feelings either. But he liked to think he won this time.

A/N: no to controlling boyfriends yes to clingy sasuke

also everyone tell me about your island if you're playing! I have oranges lol