
When Sally Jackson first met Poseidon, it was the summar of 1991. Neither of them knew what would come out of their relationship, but they liked each other and that was they needed to know.

Poseion was metally exaused that warm summer day when he met Sally. His great kingdom in the Atlantic had been going through growing pains on a scale that hadn't been seen since he first wrestled the seas from his Titan predecessor, Oceanus. Racial tensions, threats of human pollution, homeless mermen, corruption, and raids from sentient crestations from the deepest trenches had all been the sourse of his headace and wiriness. But when he first say her, he forgot about all of that.

To him, the women he has seen from the corner of his eye was one of the most beautiful he'd seen in a thousand years. He felt the need to approach her, and ask for her name. He walked up to her. She was reading a paperback novel (One by Tabitha King, he noted), leaning on a small cooler she must've broght with her. He introduced himself as Posedion and they never looked back.

It had been four years since Sally and Neptune had met. The Roman God had revealed himself to her the same night she professed her love to him. And now on August 18th, 1995, she held what the night had resulted in, a cute baby boy with dark sea green eyes. He was sat in a small light blue stroller, being pushed along by his mother through Central Park. It was nice Saturday afternoon, and Sally had the day off. She figured she might as well get some fresh air and out of the cramped appartment.

Sally missed Neptune dearly, but she knew he wasn't allowed to see her or their child, Perseus. She didn't mind too much though, she had her child and right then, it was enough.

Trouble was brewing, though. Gifted with clear sight at birth, the young mother could see the increase in monsters in their neighborhood. She was scared. Scared that one day her child would be attacked. Scared that she'd loose him or he'd loose her and grow up without a mother. Sally longed for a way for her and her little Percy to be safe from harm. Little did she know, her wish was to be granted, in what she would consider to be the worst possible way.

It was the same Saturday afternoon in 1995, and after an hour car ride, the mother and sun duo were in a small quite arew in Upstate New York. Sally sighed, feeling at ease for the first time in a year. She probably shouldn't have, however. There were still monsters around, but she was none the wiser.

Sally sat upon a blanket, her son attempting to walk around, often tripping. The sun glowed on western horizon, birds chirped and bees buzzed. Eventually the two year old Percy tired and fell down in bis mother's lap, ready to sleep. Sally told her child the story of his namesake to help lul him to sleep.

Sally didn't notice the goddesses approach her until she blocked out the sun set. The woman looked away from her son and up to her intruder, Juno Regalia, Queen of the gods. In her left hand she help a small blond boy, no older then one. Juno was dressed in a pure white toga and a fur sash adored her shoulders. She explained why she was there.

Juno was to take Perseus with her to be trained and kept safe. Sally wanted to refuse, to get up and slap the goddess. But she knew she could not argue with the Queen. She gave her son one last kiss on the forehead and gave Juno her son. Sally watched, tears in her eyes, as Juno walked away. The goddess eventually tured into wind to travel away, but by then Sally wasn't watching. She walked back to her car and sobbed well into the night.

Author's Note: This work is subject to change, editing, and being deleted. I'm currently teasting with this short prologue. If you like the premis but not my writing style, I plan on changing it up once the actual plot starts. If you have any comments/critiques, feel free to be as mean as you want.-BariSaxMk6