Spoilers: Takes place post episode 2.03 "Knight Lasts Forever."
A/N: I got stuck on how to finish this story, because I had too many possible ideas. Instead of choosing only one, I've gone ahead and tackled several. The basic idea is the same, and some parts are repeated in each story, but I've tried to make little changes between versions aside from the endings.
"Really, the novelist has the best casting since he doesn't have to cope with the actors and all the rest." ~~~~~ Alfred Hitchcock
Version One: 50 Percent
"Robin called me earlier," Thomas said as he sat down on a chair in the living room, a bottle of beer in his hand.
"Oh, yeah?" Rick said as he reached for a handful of pretzels. "How's our favorite number one bestselling author?"
Magnum took a drink of his beer. "Doing good. Working on his next novel." Thomas sank a bit more into his chair. "He wanted to warn me that he's in talks with a couple of studios to have the White Knight books made into movies."
T.C. choked on his beer and started coughing, Rick patting his back as his friend tried to get it together again. After another minute, T.C. said, "Seriously?"
Thomas sent T.C. a look, asking if his friend was truly alright, getting a nod and grin in reply.
Rick glanced at T.C., looking relieved, before he shrugged. "It makes sense. Books as successful as Robin's get made into movies all of the time."
"And with multiple books, they already have built in sequels if the first one is a success," Thomas said, nodding at what his best friend just said.
"Did Robin say how likely it would be that a deal would be made?" T.C. asked.
"Still too early to say. Robin said he wants writing the screenplay as part of the deal, but he's not sure either of the studios will go for that."
Thomas couldn't help but hope the whole thing fell through. It was bad enough there were books based on him, but to have them turned into movies somehow seemed so much worse since the estate was invaded and Juliet tortured for information.
"T.C., if the deal does go through and Queen's Gambit is made into a movie, who would you want to play your character?" Rick asked.
After several moments of T.C. looking thoughtful, his expression changed to one anyone would recognize as a 'lightbulb moment.' "Chadwick Boseman would be good. Or, no, even better would be that Michael something Jordan guy."
"Dude, aren't those the actors from Black Panther?"
"And what is wrong with that, Rick? They were both pretty bad ass in that movie. I'd even be happy with the guy from that TV show, you know; the one who played the dad of Jordan's character in that dream sequence." T.C. was about to take a sip of his beer when he pointed the bottle towards his friends instead. "Did you ever see him on that show Supernatural? Played Gordon. Guy is a great actor."
"Supernatural? You watch that show?"—Rick lightly punched T.C.'s shoulder—"How did I not know that? I love that show."
Thomas hadn't known that about either of his friends. "I thought that show was cancelled long ago."
"Naw man," T.C. replied. "It's still on."
"For now," Rick added, looking slightly subdued. "It's ending this year. I'm going to miss that show."
Magnum knew if he let them, they'd get into a long discussion about favorite episodes, story arcs, or whatever other minutiae they could come up with. When they'd all been in Iraq, his friends would get into these drawn out conversations about their mutual favorite TV shows despite being half a season or more behind on most of them. Despite not really wanting to talk about dream casting the White Knight characters, he wanted to hear about Supernatural even less, so he decided to try and get the conversation back on track.
"I don't know T.C…. Those actors might not work. Can they do comedy? Because you know whoever writes the screenplay is probably going to take further liberties with your character."
T.C. chuckled. "Wouldn't surprise me. The books rarely take what our characters look like into account. For the movies, that means they could hire any actor – or actress – they want."
"Don't be too sure about that. You know Robin will want to keep the integrity of the characters, especially if he writes the screenplay," Rick said.
"Not sure that's the best idea, to be honest. Book authors aren't always the best at screenplay writing. Just look at—"
Magnum rolled his eyes at how quickly his friends had gone off track. "Guys! Can we get back on topic? Dream casting. Remember? Rick, you're up."
Thomas had barely finished speaking when Rick said, "Brad Pitt."
"Yeah, that's not going to happen," T.C said with a chuckle.
"What? Why not? The guy is a good actor. Just won an Oscar."
"And that's exactly why he won't be playing your character. Besides the fact that he's in his 50s, Pitt's asking pricing will be too high for a while. Do you really think the studio is going to use up that much of the movie's budget on an actor that's basically going to be playing a supporting role?" T.C. shook his head. "No, man. They're going to spend the dough on the actor who is going to play the White Knight."
Looking slightly downcast, Rick nods after a moment. "Yeah, you're probably right."—Rick scratched at the stubble on his face—"Matthew McConaughey? He can do comedy."
"Might work," Magnum said, with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Though he might also be too expensive."
"If I stick to T.C.'s theme, then how about… Chris Evans? Chris Hemsworth? Chris Pine?"
"Not gonna happen."—T.C. chuckled—"Besides, one of those is not like the others," T.C. concluded in a sing-songy kind of voice.
"Bradley Cooper? Matt Damon? Woody Harrelson?"
Thomas started chuckling as T.C. lightly pushed over a grinning Rick. "Just give it up, man."
"So, Thomas. Who do you want to play the White Knight?" T.C. asked.
Thomas's mouth engaged before his brain and he blurted out, "Tom Selleck."
"Tom Selleck?! Isn't that guy in his 70s?"
"Yeah. So what? Harrison Ford is going to be in another Indiana Jones movie and he's about the same age, so why can't Selleck play me?"
Rick's face morphed to one of sympathy. "Tommy, I know you used to watch Selleck's TV show with your mom, but you have to know it's not going to happen. Whatever studio picks this movie up is most likely going to skew the cast much younger. Ya know, for potential sequels."—Rick grinned—"Besides, I doubt he'd be willing to shave off his mustache."
"Who says he has to?"
"He's got you there, Rick," T.C. said.
Magnum knew it was unlikely someone like Selleck would be able to play the White Knight, but he still couldn't help feel disappointed. Thomas missed his mother so much sometimes; having the actor in the movie, even if the man didn't play the title character, would be a great little homage to their weekly ritual of watching the show.
Thomas sighed and felt he was going to regret asking his next question. "Well, who do you guys think should play the White Knight?"
Rick shrugged, but T.C. chuckled. "How about Benecio del Toro, Diego Luna, or Oscar Isaac?"
"Really, T.C…. Another themed list?" Rick held up a hand. "Not that I don't like your ideas, of course."
T.C. rolled his eyes. "Of course."
Magnum thought it was funny how T.C.'s mind could work at times. He'd really liked the character of Poe in the newer Star Wars movies, so he wasn't too opposed to the idea of Oscar Isaac, but he wasn't too certain about Benecio del Toro. If Selleck was too old, then wasn't del Toro?
Something T.C. said not that long ago occurred to him. Unless the movie deal specifically required the studios to hire people resembling the physical characteristics of the characters, then it didn't matter how much they dream casted. Their choices were likely never going to happen. The studio will hire who the studio wants to hire.
Thomas felt Rick nudging his knee. When he looked up, Rick said, "What are ya thinking there, bud? You went quiet on us."
Taking a sip of his beer and then shrugging, he replied. "I was just thinking that this conversation is basically pointless. It's—"
"Many of your conversations are basically pointless, Magnum," a snarky voice from behind them interrupted.
When they turned around, Juliet was entering the guest house through the patio, the doors left open to let in the island breeze.
Thomas rolled his eyes. "Thanks Higgins."
"Come on now, Higgy. Don't be mean," Rick said. "We were just talking about who could play our characters if they make the White Knight series into movies."
"Movies? Really? When did Mr. Masters inform you of this possibility?"
"This morning. He wanted to keep me in the loop, especially after that incident with Ivan's mercs."
"So, which actors did you gents come up with?"
T.C. quickly recounted their choices, ending with how Thomas was just about to explain why this particular conversation was essentially pointless.
"Those are some…interesting choices," Juliet said, "but I think you are forgetting about 50% of the possibilities."
Sitting forward, Thomas put his nearly empty bottle beer on the table. "You mean they could gender bend the White Knight?"
"Why not?" Higgins said as she shrugged.
"Why not?" Rick said. "Because the character is a male in the books; that's why. It's never going to happen."
Three years later…
When Robin shared the news about who was going to play the White Knight, Thomas actually wasn't too surprised. What did surprise him was Juliet's reaction – she never had one.
Because the first book was written in Hawai'i, the powers that be had decided it would be great publicity to have a special premiere in O'ahu. Of course, Los Angeles still hosted the world premiere, but it was a nice gesture in his opinion. However, it created a nightmare for him in terms of security for Robin, who was attending the premiere. Thankfully, Masters only needed him for security in terms of the estate and had brought over the guys from the Los Angeles premiere for the event in O'ahu, so Thomas could still attend the screening and not have to worry about Robin's safety.
Still, he has to be careful to stay out of the limelight. Ivan might know the White Knight was based on him, but the majority of the rest of the world didn't need to know that. Plus, due to his job as a private investigator, he needed to stay as anonymous as possible – or as anonymous as anyone could be when they drive a red Ferrari.
They were all Robin's guests, but they don't sit with the man, and to be extra safe, they split up into two groups. After finally being seated, there's a humorous introduction by Robin before the movie begins.
When the White Knight first showed up on screen and she was midway through attempting to save a foreign dignitary from a gruesome death, Juliet leaned over and very quietly said, "I told you so."
Thomas had to work very hard not to laugh out loud and disrupt the movie.
The end.
A/N: Thomas's views on Supernatural are not mine. :D I can't guarantee they will be written, but if you have any ideas for actors or other things you'd like to see please let me know.
Many thanks to Celticgal1041 for proofing. Any remaining mistakes are my fault.
Thanks for reading!
*Please do not repost or use this or any of my other works on another site or app without my knowledge or consent. FanFiction and Archive of Our Own are the only two sites (as AZGirl on both) where my fiction should be posted. Thank you!