Star Wars Rebels and My Hero Academia: Crossover Part One


With the sudden appearance of some unknown Anomaly, the Ghost Crew was tasked to investigate. With Sabine and Ezra escorting the Ghost in A-Wing Fighters, they approached the strange multi-colored energy field that was just beyond the System. As they neared the swirling field, Hera Syndulla eased her Ship several hundred kilometers away. Having Chopper begin conducting sensor scans. After several minutes. "Nothing? Are you sure Chopper?" Hera said with a bit of frustration as the Droid voiced its opinion. "Okay, okay. Sorry...did you two hear that?" She said over the Comm to the two youngest members of her Crew.

"Yes. But how is that possible? I mean look at it." Sabine replied as she shook her head. The twirling colors of the Anomaly flashed before them and it was hard to fathom why the Sensors was not detecting anything.

"I could do a fly by with my Fighter? Maybe if I get close enough the Scanners might pick something up?" Ezra suggested and Hera inhaled sharply. Gazing over at Kanan, who simply shrugged. Both he and Ezra did not feel anything through the Force so for all intents and purposes. The Anomaly was not there.

"You are not doing it without me!" Sabine stated from her own Fighter. In truth she wanted to berate him for once more risking his life. Believing that he seemed determined to put himself in harms way without considering the risks.

"Alright. But you two be careful and do not get too close." Hera reluctantly agreed and both of the A-Wings powered up. Moving towards the large Anomaly under Sub-Light Power. After several seconds. "That is close enough, now fly by it and get out of there." She ordered with concern and as the two began to fly by the Anomaly, it suddenly seemed to expand towards them. "GET OUT OF THERE FAST!" She screamed but it was too late. Whatever it was had just engulfed both Fighters in a blink of an eye. Before Hera could move the Ghost after them, the Anomaly constricted upon itself and disappear with a flash. "EZRA...SABINE!" She wailed and looked over at Kanan.

"They are gone." Kanan whispered in anguish. "I can't feel Ezra at all." He swallowed as Hera began to cry.

So it Begins:

Before either could react, the swirling Energy Field of the Anomaly seemed to grab both of them. Within seconds they were now back in normal space. "Ezra...Ezra are you alright?" Sabine asked and glanced over at his Fighter.

"Yeah I am good...You?" Ezra replied grimacing as he began to look around the Canopy of his Cockpit. Searching for The Ghost. "Hey where is...the Ghost it is gone!" He said as Sabine checked her Sensors. Her eyes widened as she rechecked the sensors. The Yavin System was gone as well and now they were in a totally different System.

"Feir'fek! I think I now know what that Anomaly is or was and if it is! Then we are totally screwed!" Sabine bit her bottom lip and swallowed heavily.

"Well what was it?" Ezra asked and Sabine hesitated a second.

"If I remember right from my Academy days...that Anomaly could have been a Doraskiak Portal. Anji Doraskiak postulated that there is the possibility that a Gravitational Flux caused by a Singular Negative Black Hole implosion. Which creates a random Portal that opens wherever it collides with a certain Gravity Field. At that point anything that enters one aperture could be thrust to wherever the other end of the Portal is established." Sabine told him and Ezra coughed several times.

"Okay can you dumb that down a bit." Ezra said as he felt his cheeks begin to redden. Thankfully Sabine did not see his embarrassment. Oh he knew that Sabine was vastly more intelligent then he was...but she was nice enough not to point it out or make him feel bad about it. She chuckled.

"In basic is like I said a Portal that opens in one part of a Galaxy along with somewhere else. It could open anywhere. That is what I think happened to us. We are now somewhere else and it could be one system away or it could be so far away that it could take decades to get back." Sabine explained and Ezra gasped. "First thing first..while you scan this system. I will use the Nav-Computer begin scanning those constellations. Maybe find out where we might be and if we are indeed screwed." But from what she could tell..they were definitely screwed. It took several hours for the Nav-Computer to confirm that they were indeed screwed. When Ezra heard Sabine swear in every language she knew he decided to wait until she stopped to ask how much trouble that they were in.

"So...What is the bad news?" Ezra asked as Sabine stopped cursing almost non-stop for a good ten minutes.

"Oh that fact that we are royally Feir'feked! We are essentially a good thousand years from ever getting back! We cannot even use the Portal...because it is so Random our chances of ever finding it again are about as much as a Bothan picking up a Check after dinner!" Sabine stated as she had an overwhelming urge to hit something. The only thing that she could see that made the situation bearable was that Ezra was here with her.

Flashback to Before:

The time after she remained on Knownest to help her Clan and Family against the Empire, for Sabine was only tolerable due to that Ezra sent Texted Messages to her from Chopper Base every couple of days. Mostly telling her what was going on and yes he did miss her. Several times the Messages did not come as frequently as the week before and she would become anxious. Along with short tempered and impatient. When she did return after establishing a resistance on Mandalore. Sabine was at first pleased and happy, until she noticed that other Women were interested in Ezra. For some unknown reason that annoyed and angered her.

The situation became drastic, when she could not locate Ezra to help her readjust the Coolant Valves on the Ghost. When she could not reach him on the Comm and after looking for him for several minutes. She decided to ask Chopper and that was when she found out that he was on a Dinner Date with another Woman. Sabine in a fit of annoyance, decided to intervene or at least discover why she was feeling jealous upon hearing that. Locating him and a Pretty Young Pantorian Female eating in the Mess. She made her way towards them. As she neared their table she forced herself to calm down, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of all those assembled eating their own Dinners. Upon seeing her, Ezra smiled and gave her a small wave. That was all she needed to join them. "Hello Sabine...oh this is Alloria...Alloria this is Sabine." He introduced the two and Sabine gave a small nod to the other. Who smiled and did the same.

"Greeting Sabine. Please join us. Ezra was just telling me about his life on Lothal before he joined the Rebels." Alloria said as she pointed to the adjoining seat. Sabine sat down.

"Thank you. Have you told her about how you tried to steal from us the second we met you?" Sabine asked and Ezra nodded.

"Of course." Ezra replied, but suddenly felt some minor sensations through the force. As pleasant as they both seemed to be on the outside. Both were seething with anger for some reason. He could feel the hostility ebb from the two Women. Before he could inquire about what he was sensing. His Comm Link beeped. "This is Ezra Bridger." He said to the small speaker.

"Yes Sir...this is Alliance Command. Mon Mothma would like you to come and discuss your plan to retake Lothal. Could you meet with her in the Command Annex?" The Officer said over the Communicator. Standing Ezra looked down at the two Women.

"Uhm I better go...I...well I guess I will see you both later then. Thanks for Dinner Alloria." With that Ezra felt relieved for some reason. Though he had no idea why. Alloria watched him leave and when he was far enough away, she glared at Sabine.

"I would like to talk to you. What you are doing must stop." Alloria said sternly and Sabine inhaled deeply.

"I do not know what you are talking about." Sabine stated and Alloria shook her head, smirking. Then leaned closer over the Table.

"It is not right what you are doing to him. You need to stop playing games with him. Encouraging him and then discouraging him. You are making it extremely difficult for any of us that want to be with him romantically." Alloria declared and Sabine glared at her. "If you do not want him that way then stop encouraging him. When you later discourage takes days for him to recover. Do you realize how long it took me to get him to have dinner with me?" She asked in frustration.

"I never encouraged him, yes I do discourage him. I have been doing that since the day I met him." Sabine told her and Alloria shook her head.

"Bantha Bull Shit! We all have seen it. Now as I understand Mandalorian's are purists. So your Culture and Heritage will not allow you to even consider him as a Mate. So since you cannot...let me have him. I want him and you are essentially making that impossible." Alloria stood and walked towards the door to the Hanger Bay. Sabine glared at the departing young Woman.

"BITCH!" Sabine growled angrily. "I have not been encouraging him! All I have done is discourage him!" She thought about it and then realized that she indeed had encouraged him several times. From them going on Missions together. To her spending hours with him in the Ghost Mess Hall just talking. She had encouraged him so many times that she could not count them all. Then after she would immediately discourage him. "Kalabast...I have been doing that." She whispered and she knew why. It was simple. She loved him and in her culture that was not allowed. Her heart and mind were at War with each other. In moments that she felt drawn to him, she would encourage him and then her mind would catch up to her feelings. She would then discourage him. "I do love him. How the Feir'fek did that happen?" Sabine asked herself and then she smiled. Standing she went back to the Ghost, soon she would let her heart finally triumph over her head.

Back to the Unknown:

"Sabine...are you still awake over there?" Ezra asked and Sabine winced. She had lost herself in thought as she waited for the Nav-Computer to verify what it had just told her a few minutes ago.

"Yes..I zoned out for a minute. Guess I am feeling a little tired." Sabine admitted and Ezra chuckled. "So what were you saying?" She asked and he edged his own Fighter closer to hers.

"The Sensors have detected several nearby Planets. The nearest is...well we would have to use our helmets to breath. But it does have Point 5 Gravity. Sure it is a lot lighter then we are used to. We could land, make sure the Fighters are okay and not just sit here doing nothing." Ezra suggested and Sabine shrugged.

"That does sounds like a good idea. Once down we could do a thorough check of the other Planets and Moons. Maybe there is one that has habitation or at least atmosphere." Sabine powered up her own Fighter as Ezra did the same. Directing their Fighters towards a Red Tinted World. Once down and with their Helmets on. They pulled the Emergency Flexi-Domes out of the Compartments. Attaching the two together in between the Two Fighters and turning on the two Oxygen Exchangers to provide air within the Domes. They were mid-sized flexible structures that allowed them to take their helmets off. But they would keep them close at hand, just in case the Domes integrity failed since they were older then Sabine and Ezra added together. Sitting down, Sabine took a deep breath. While holding a Data Pad that contained all the information that the Sensors had detected about this System. "Kalabast! There is only one Planet in this Whole System that has Breathable Atmosphere and is inhabited." Ezra gazed over her shoulder at the information.

"Point 6.8 Gravity. It is a lot lighter. Almost 10 times lighter." Then Ezra pointed to something on the pad. "Their technology seems to be primitive. They are using Alpha Radiation for Energy." Sabine gave a soft laugh.

"They are at least above Spears and Clubs. But they are not too far from it. Unfortunately that is our only choice. I have no desire to try to go elsewhere and run out of Fuel before finding somewhere more suitable." Sabine stated and Ezra had to agree. "Oh look at this...we are picking up Delta Waves." Turning on the Transmitter, voices emitted from the device.

"Do you understand any of that?" Ezra asked, to him the language was not understandable at all. Sabine concentrated for several minutes and replayed several words over and over again.

"It sounds close to Amorian Interlac Basic. I think the Translator should be able to decipher it. We better learn it before going...generally Primitive Cultures tend to resort to violence when confronted with...well we would be from another World. If we know the Language then we can at least understand them and make them understand that we are peaceful." Sabine suggested, though she was not too worried about that. Ezra after all was a Jedi with a Lightsaber and she a Mandalorian Warrior. At most they might encounter from those on the Planet would be primitive slug throwers. Not much of a threat to either of them.

"Might take me longer then you..I am not as Intelligent as you." Ezra said and Sabine smiled.

"Nonsense. It did not take long for you to remember how to read and write. Learning a different Language will be just as easy for you." Sabine countered still smiling. Remembering when Ezra officially joined the Ghost Crew, he barely could read or write. Too many years living on the Streets of Lothal. With his Parents in Imperial Prison, he was left to fend for himself. That meant he did not have access to the Educational Systems on the Holonet. While they waited for the Computer Translator to decipher the Languages from the third Planet from the Sun. They both took a nap.

It took another four hours for the Computer to be able to translate the Language and Sabine found out she had been right. The Languages on the Planet were based upon Amorian Interlac. It amazed Ezra that Sabine knew about Amorian Interlac Basic, since it was something that was almost 20,000 years old or even older. Not many knew about that ancient Language. Since it primarily was spoken by a Race that had left the Known Galaxy long before any official records indicated that they even existed. She had been right, Ezra was able to understand the different languages in about two days. She learned it in about four hours, but continued to preview it so that Ezra would not feel embarrassed on how long it took him. "One more suggestion before we go. We leave your Fighter on that World's Only Moon and take only the one Fighter down. With the Summon Call, if we need it then we can always send for it." She said and Ezra nodded with agreement. It made sense.

"Good idea. I think it might be wise to set the Self Destruct on yours as soon as we land. From what I learned from the Jedi Holocrom. It is not wise to allow less advance People to get access to higher technology." Ezra looked down at his Lightsaber and his Blaster Pistol. "After we land, we should hide my Lightsaber, your Blasters and Armor." He added and Sabine winced.

"I do not like the idea of meeting anyone unarmed." Sabine stated, then smiled as Ezra handed her his Blaster. "Guess that will work. I can always palm the Power Pack if they make me turn it over to them." Placing his Blaster into her Belt. While he removed a Sealed Storage Bin from his Fighter. Dumping the Contents into the Cockpit of his Fighter. He placed his Lightsaber inside it. Sabine reluctantly removed her Armor and her Helmet, putting it inside the Bin. Then her Blasters. Grabbing an Orange Flightsuit, she slipped it on.

"Without the Armor, the Body Suit is a little revealing." Sabine explained as she tightened the straps of the one size fits all Suit. Picking up the Flight Helmet and putting it on. Ezra closed the Bin and put it in Sabine's Cockpit behind the Backseat. Climbing in himself, and buckled himself in. Sabine climbed in as well and closed the Cockpit. "Well...I guess we are ready." Turning the Fighter on, she glanced back at Ezra. "Before we...I have to tell you Ezra something." He exhaled and closed his eyes.

"Please Sabine not again. I cannot go through this again." Ezra whispered and Sabine stared at him with confusion. "Alloria and I talked the day before this happened. She sort of pointed out that you...well you...I can't go through that again." He stated and she gave him a wry smile.

"I am so sorry I did that to you...I did not realize that I was. But I want you to know I am not going to do that to you anymore. In fact...Ezra...I...I..Love you." Sabine quickly said the last words so fast that she feared he had not heard them. At the same time she felt a great weight leave her. She noticed him staring at her in utter shock. "Well say something you Dikut!" She growled and Ezra smiled broadly.

"I the Force...of course I love you too." Ezra stammered and quickly said. Sabine pushed herself backwards, uncomfortably leaning over the seat until her head was on his right shoulder.

"Turn your face towards me." Sabine ordered and as Ezra did, she lightly kissed him on the lips. That was about all she could do in the confined space. Returning to siting on her seat. "You get more of that after we land and if we survive." She told him and raised the Fighter upwards. The other unmanned Fighter followed Ezra's Remote Control and as they neared the Moon. He directed it to land and shut down. Within twenty minutes they were nearing the Inhabited World before them. Both were anxious and nervous. From what they could tell the World was divided into different Cultures and Governments. What really concerned them, was that about 80% of the Populace had some type of weird Powers. Though Sabine doubted that any of them could match a Jedi or a Mandalorian in Combat. Especially since the difference in Gravity would make them both about ten times stronger then an average person.

"Weird." Ezra said suddenly and Sabine looked back at him curiously. "Oh it is really nothing. I can feel some down there that...they have a minimal touch with the Force. They seem to...I do not know...I can sense them." He tried to explain it and Sabine just chalked it up to it being a Jedi thing. Sabine set the Course towards where the Language was the nearest to Amorian Interlac Basic. Since it had been the easiest for the Translator Computer to interpret and thus for them to learn. A small Nation within a vast Ocean.

"Their Detection Methods still have not detected us." Sabine told him as they neared the Island. Easily spotting a vast Volcano. "That will change since we are landing at night and right now anyone looking up will see us coming in." She adjusted the Fighter's course to head towards a wooded area, next to a large City.


Walking from the City Library that was adjacent The Honji Park, Izuku Midoriya along with Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima were heading back to the UA Campus. When the four of them saw the sudden appearance of something above them light up the entire sky. They watched as some unknown object descended towards the Park. "What that?" Mina asked as she pointed at the object. "Hey could that be a UFO?" She asked with a huge smile. The others stared in disbelief and then placed their hands over their ears to muffle the sound the thing was making. When it finally set down the sound reduced enough for them to actually hear each other. Midoriya ran towards the unknown object and within seconds noticed that the others had joined him.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we are about to be invaded by Aliens from above?" Kirishima asked with a huge smile as he ran with the others towards the UFO. Nearing the thing, they stopped at the trees and stayed in seclusion just in case whoever came out was hostile. Ochaco had her Cell Phone out and was trying to contact the Hero Administration Emergency Line. As the Cockpit of the Object opened, all four stared in wonder. Then in mild disappointment when two normal looking people came out of the Ship.

"Crap! They are not Green or even look like Aliens!" Mina said actually hoping that perhaps those in the strange Ship looked like one of the Aliens from her favorite Movie. They all watched in curiosity as one of them walked over to a nearby Boulder and with a gesture it rose in the air. A few seconds later he lowered it back down.

"Cool it looks like his Quirk is like mine." Ochaco commented. None of them blinked as the two milled about. Finally one of them took off the helmet. "Hey that one is a girl." The Gravity Quirker stated and Kirishima smiled.

"Oh yeah and what a Girl. Wow, she is gorgeous. If that is what an Alien looks like from wherever they are from...then she can take me to their leader with no argument from me." Kirishima said attempting to lean a little closer to get a better look at the Female Alien. Mina was about to slap her friend in the back of the head for being so frustratingly idiotic, then stopped when the other visitor followed suit and she gasped.

"Me too...that one..can take me too." Mina commented with a huge smile of appreciation. Looking over to see that Ochaco was also admiring the Male Visitor with just about as much appreciation. The Male looked in their direction.

"E...EY...I kno U R ther. Wee meen no harrrm." The Male one said and the Female shook her head.

"Nice try almost got it." Sabine said perfectly in the Language and smiled towards where Ezra was looking. "Hello not he tried to say. We mean no harm. I am Sabine Wren this is Ezra Bridger." She continued to smile, while keeping her hands in clear view. After a second a Green Haired young man stepped out from behind the trees. Followed by a Entirely Pink Girl, a red Spiky haired young man and finally a Brown Haired Girl.

"Hello...Uhm well...this is Izuku Midoriya." Mina pointed at him. "She is Ochaco Uraraka and this is Eijiro Kirishima." She pointed to each of them and then at herself. "I am Mina Ashido. Uhm...Welcome to Earth." She said with a smile. A few minutes later several Pro Heroes arrived.

To be Continued if there is interest: