The hands of his office clock were just ticking past three o'clock when the glass door swings open. He had been too busy adding another series of rubber bands to the ball he had been creating throughout the last few weeks to notice that someone had approached the office until they were already in the process of entering.

He expects Foreman, or Chase at the very least, most likely coming to chastise him for neglecting to look at the case files they had dropped off earlier in the day, but when he looks up he finds not the members of his team, but a young girl staring at him.

She's certainly not an employee he deduces quickly. He would have taken notice of such a pretty and young nurse had she worked in the hospital, and she was much too young to work in administration.

"Happy hour doesn't start until I get off, and I usually ask for my hookers to be sent to my home, not my office." He looked her up and down, taking in her slightly disheveled appearance. The fall wind in New Jersey can be cruel and unforgiving, and she had certainly caught the brunt of it, "Little young to be a call girl."

If she's surprised by his crass comments, she doesn't let on.

"I'm sure your girl is still at her usual corner." She quips, "And last time I checked, your office door says 'Doctor' on it, not pimp."

"And last time I checked, it didn't say 'Enter as you wish' on it. Children's doctor is down the hall kiddo. This is where the big kids play, now run along." He tells her, propping his feet up on his desk with a sigh. His rubber band ball would just have to wait.

She rolls her eyes, "Let's get something straight, I came here looking for the best doctor on the east coast, and that's you."

He yanks open his desk drawer, it's contents smacking loudly against the metal. The Gameboy he keeps stored in there is unceremoniously taken out and flipped open, his eyes not bothering to look up at the girl in front of him.

"I see Daddy's money can afford to dress you in head to toe designer clothes, and his credit card is probably paid for your plane ticket or gas money or whatever to get here, so I'm sure he can pay for whatever OBGYN you need to abort whatever you were dumb enough to get pregnant with."

A high pitched musical tune sounds from the game console in his hand as he digs the tip of his finger on the volume button, turning it up as high as it would go.

The girl in front of him doesn't back down though, and instead only lets out a amused snort at his comment, "She doesn't give you enough credit; you're actually more of an ass than she made you out to be."

The vague 'she' she alludes to piques his interest if he's being truthful, though he hesitates to let her know that.

"Honestly," she continues, "I'm both surprised and slightly offended you don't recognize me."

This time, he looks up at her, drawing his eyes away from the images dancing across the screen of his game. He takes her in: her pristinely trimmed dark locks falling just at the tops of her shoulders, brown eyes wide and bright. There was an air of familiarity surrounding her, an energy that she carried that reminded him of a different time that he couldn't quite place.

"I've pissed off a lot of people, so if you're the kid of some patient who didn't like my bedside manner here to teach me a less, take a number."

A wicked grin graces her lips as she thrusts a hand into her bag.

"I thought you would say something to that affect, so I brought something that might help jog your memory."

She places three items on his desk: The first a small silver dog training clicker, its paint chipping away at the side from use. The second a bright blue toy money, which lay flat against the top of his desk. And the last, a single dime.

As he surveys the items, it dawns on him the connections between them, and subsequently the connections he and the girl have to them.

When he looks up again, she's smiling at him, her eyes shining with amusement. It's the same look she had given him dozens of times years in the past.


A/n: House was actually the first fandom I ever entered, and it has always been my all time favorite show. I started re watching it recently and thought about what would happen if Rachel grew up and went looking for House, and thus this was born.

I would say check out my previous House fics, but they were all lost and buried with a now deleted account.