Chapter – 15

Naruto laughed back at Zabuza. "You're gonna pay for my headband."

He formed his hand seal and screamed "Multi-shadow clone jutsu!"

20 clones formed and went straight at Zabuza. Zabuza wasn't even phased a bit. He fought with all of them in a jiffy and didn't even form a sweat or move from his spot. Naruto re did the jutsu and attacked him again. His headband was under Zabuza's foot. This time, he made his feet move back a little and the real Naruto dived in and took back his headband.

"You wasted all that chakra for a silly headband? You're the stupid one I guess."

"Shut up! This is really important to me."

Suddenly Naruto was pulled back by Sakura and team 7 formed a circle to formulate what to do next.

"All right. We have to free sensei and protect Tazuna-san at the same time. One of us has to stay back." Said Sakura in a lowered voice.

"Okay. Who's gonna stay back? I think Naruto should stay back." Said Sasuke.

"Why me?! I can fight him." Said Naruto.

After some thought, Sakura said

"I'll stay back. You two coordinate well. If his clone will defeat you two then I'll step in. Done?"

"Okay." Said the both of them. We have to protect Sakura.

Sakura stepped back and stood in front of Tazuna in a defensive stance. Naruto and Sasuke moved forward and stood in an attacking stance.

"Let's see if you can make me move from my spot." Said Zabuza sarcastically.

Naruto again formed clones and attacked him.

"This is getting real old, kid." Zabuza spoke. He found the real Naruto and kicked him back which made all the clones disappear. Sasuke jumped in and took out a big wheel patterned shuriken. He opened it and threw it at Zabuza. Zabuza dodged it easily but it wasn't just one shuriken. In its shadow was another shuriken and it was aimed at the real Zabuza. His clone realized that too late.

The shuriken was moving towards the real Zabuza and Sasuke thought they had won. But they were wrong to think so. The real Zabuza jumped up in the air and dodged it. Kakashi thought it was the end but they had more in store. While Sasuke was keeping the clone busy, he smirked. Here it goes.

The shuriken that flew past was actually a transformed Naruto. Naruto undid the jutsu and mid air threw a kunai at the real Zabuza from behind. Zabuza was town. If he moved, Kakashi would be free and if he didn't move, he'll get hit by the kunai. He clone was busy fighting Sasuke. That left him only one choice, he undid his clone and jumped away from Kakashi while undoing the water prison. Kakashi was free.

"YATTA! We did it!"

"Hn" said Sasuke with a smirk. And Sakura just smiled standing at the back.

"You two were amazing! You didn't even talk it out and executed that plan so perfectly!" said Sakura with a proud smile.

Kakashi spoke, "Good job, you three. Now then, lets duke it out for real Zabuza. You put my team in a great pickle. I'm gonna beat the hell out of you."

Zabuza was in trouble. Kakashi was openly mocking him and the kids were protecting Tazuna. He decided to finish this fight for real. It was a do or die situation.

Kakashi and Zabuza were standing at a distance on the surface of the water. The fight was too ballistic. It was jutsus over jutsus. Kakashi was copying Zabuza's every hand seal and performing the same jutsus as him.

"How can you copy my every move! You have all five types of chakra!?"

"I did tell you that you were mistaken, didn't I?"

"This is impossible! Can you read my mind?!" said Zabuza and Kakashi repeated it out at the same time. Zabuza was shocked and scared. Kakashi took advantage of his shocked state and came in front of him and gave him a swift and powerful kick. He flew and hit a tree and was knocked unconscious. Kakashi walked out of the water to finish him off but suddenly two needles came and hit Zabuza's neck. Kakashi hurriedly went and checked his pulse. There was none. He was dead.

A kid came down wearing a mask with the mark of the shinobi of Village of the Hidden Mist.

"Thank you for knocking him out. I could take a clear aim."

"He's all yours. I guess he was your mark?"

"Yes. I've been chasing him for days."

Team 7 came and heard that they were going to let the unidentified kid take Zabuza. Naruto was curious so he asked

"Who are you? Why are you taking Zabuza? Kakashi sensei defeated him not you!"

"You're mistaken, Naruto. He's the one who finished off Zabuza with his needle attack. I guess they were poisoned. They are the ANBU Shinobi of the Village Hidden in the Mist. Zabuza was a rogue ninja of their country so this guy has the right to take him."

"What is he going to do with him?" asked Sasuke.

"We are going to do what happens to rogue ninjas in the mist. It's better if you don't know. Then I shall take my leave."

The unidentified kid took Zabuza's body and disappeared.

"Phew that was a close one. Good job you three. Thanks for freeing me. Naruto and Sasuke your teamwork was splendid. And the decision to keep Sakura at the back was correct too. Well then Tazuna-san, show us the-" Kakashi stopped mid-sentence as he felt his vision spinning and he started going down. Sasuke and Naruto caught him before he hit the ground.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I guess using his sharingan this much made him lose his consciousness." Said Sakura.

That seemed like a reasonable statement so nobody questioned her.

"Show us the way to your house, Tazuna-san. Then we can put Kakashi sensei to bedrest."


Meanwhile, in a far off distance. The unidentified kid put Zabuza on the ground and took out the needles stuck in his neck. After a while, Zabuza shot up while gasping for breath. He looked at the kid and said "Damn! Your needles are as precise as ever, Haku."

"Well it has been a while since I have worn this mask to save your life, Zabuza-san."

Zabuza removed his taped mouth and coughed up some blood. The kid removed his mask to reveal a beautiful face. He had black orbs that were shiny and glazed lips. He almost looked as pretty as a girl.

They reached Tazuna's home after a while. It was a small house with sea surrounding it and a plank roadway leading to it from land. They knocked on the door and a middle aged woman with raven hair opened the door. She was short but pretty.

"Oh! Father, you're back! Was everything okay on the way?" she asked

"Yeah, thanks to these guys. They're the ones who have been hired to protect me till the bridge is completed." Replied Tazuna.

The woman looked at Team 7 and Sakura was the first one to introduce herself and the team,

"Hello! We are Konoha's Genin Team 7. I'm Sakura, this is Naruto and that is Sasuke. If it's not too much to ask, our sensei is weared out from a battle and needs a place to rest. Could you please provide a futon?"

"Hello kids! Yes of course. I'll arrange it at once. Please come in."

They all entered the house to find a dining table and kitchen at the entry. To the left was a room. They didn't notice it before but a kid, around 7 years of age was glaring at them from the corner of the door. He was wearing a bucket hat. He didn't speak a single word. Tazuna noticed him and greeted him cheerfully,

"Hey Inari, I'm back!"

At this, the group turned their attention towards Inari and he backed up and left the room in a jiffy. Tazuna's smile dropped

"Inari! Come back and greet the guests! This is no way to behave. I'm so sorry about him."

"It's okay. I know it's still hard for him to meet people like them." Said Tazuna.

"I'll arrange that futon for you."

"Thank you." said Sakura.

Okay. I know the whole deal about this family and this town. I have to stay low until we have to face Zabuza again. He must be alive because that was Haku who stuck those needles. Thought Sakura as she took off her shoes.

Kakashi was now resting on a futon with his eyes closed. Sakura decided to do some first aid on him but she knew it would take him a week to get back to normal. I'll try to heal him when everyone's asleep.