A tall young man with short blonde hair and a black band that has a metal plate on his forehead stood in front of the entrance to the great city of Magnolia and sighed, closing his eyes. He wears a black uniform jacket with an orange zipper and which has several buttons on the waist and sleeves, allowing him to fold the left sleeve and the rear skirts, giving him easy access to the weapons bags on the back. back of his belt. She also wears a red band with a swirl symbol on her left arm, and a blue and white striped scarf.
7 years, it was seven long years since you were last in the city of Magnolia with Ero-Sennin, and the city gave off a certain air of nostalgia.
He still remembered how peaceful that city was (ignoring the Fairy Tail guild that people were so complaining about at the time) and there were also its beautiful sunsets that he watched as Ero-Sennin trained him, in that place there was no Akatsuki to chase him Neither did villagers who hated it, just calm.
He opened his eyes again after he finished thinking and remembered the real reason he was here ...
"Wendy ..."
(I recommend listening to 'Across the universe' from the beatles)
Somewhere in the thick forests of Magnolia there was a big explosion in the middle of a group of trees that ended up exploding, inside a large crater between the trees was the same blond young man from a few moments ago, only he was smaller and in place. from his current black dress he wore a large orange and blue jacket with a white collar, the jacket was open revealing his torso.
The young man was lying in the big crater with a lot of dirt in it, he tried to stand up leaning on his right hand but only fell. Not far from there was a blue-haired girl who was rushing towards the crater, she was very pretty, she had blue hair and wore a blue dress too.
Once the girl entered the crater, she tried to keep the blonde who was still trying to stand up.
"Don't try too hard" she seemed angry, as if she had found him doing something he shouldn't have, the girl directed her hands towards the blond's wounded torso and a light blue glow emerged from his hands that healed the blond's wounds.
"I know Wendy-chan but ..." The girl identified as Wendy gave her a terrifying look that she didn't even know what the shy girl could do. "But if I stay untrained all the time I will not be able to fulfill my promise ... I could not bring him back to be the happy team again 7" The blond man gained a sad expression after saying those words while clenching his fist until it bled.
Wendy at that time felt very guilty about making her friend feel bad again, shortly after helping him get over that little depression he was in when he met him.
"I-I'm sorry Na-Naruto-san" And there was his usual shyness back, and Naruto knew only one thing at the time to make Wendy cry.
"N-not that bad Wendy-chan, I'm fine, just don't cry!"
Without both noticing they were being watched at the time, but it was not by an enemy or anything like that, but by the blonde's master, he was neither more nor less than one of the three sannin Jiraiya, the sage of the toads . His fame went even beyond the elemental nations to Earthland, where some saw him as a war hero and others as a murderer.
Jiraiya was a very tall and bulky man, with large spiky gray hair, the man wearing a scroll on his back behind his battle kimono. The man watched them both with sadness and melancholy, the scene in front of him was replaced by a younger version of herself being brutally scolded (beaten) by a blonde girl.
"So you got yourself your Tsunade, eh gaki (brat)" the man then watched amused as Wendy instead of comforting he cried louder. "Only yours is not so temperamental"
Wendy stopped crying once Naruto assured her that she was fine.
"I swear I'm fine, Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled in exasperation adding his verbal tic for his annoyance.
Wendy started to laugh a little when she saw him release his tic, it was very funny for her to hear him "D-don't laugh! 'Ttebayo!"
"Hai, Naruto-san, sorry" The girl bowed to the blonde again nervous.
Naruto watched her bow to him and smiled nervously before scratching the back of his neck. "Don't worry Wendy-chan. It is I who should thank you for healing me and saving me so many times" Her smile this time was different from any that Wendy had seen before, she was not big and sly, she was small and genuine, she was beautiful in opinion of the girl.
Without realizing it, the girl had started to blush, which did not go unnoticed by the blonde, who worried when he saw his friend blush for some rightly, fearing the worst and going unnoticed by the blue-haired, the uzumaki had approached her and had touched his forehead with his own.
"What's wrong, are you sick? Do you have a temperature?" Wendy instinctively backed away and did what Erza had advised her in situations like this.
""! Aaagghhh! "I slap him
Jiraiya couldn't help but laugh, so he started to laugh out loud at the situation.
Naruto listened to him and totally reddened, then pointed at him even with a red face "Ero-Sennin! Don't spy on us old green tail"
"Do not call me that way!" The man leaped to the ground and landed in a strange pose with drums in the background. "How many times must I tell you that I am a super pervert!" Wendy's instincts took over (cough Grandeneey cough) the moment she heard the word pervert.
"Wind Dragon Roar!" And from his mouth came a great gust of air that sent the pervert and some trees flying.
"The great Jiraiya has been defeated again!" "Sugoi!" It was the simultaneous screams of both the teacher and the student, while the teacher walked away like a glow in the sky.
Few minutes later...
Jiraiya had returned with the help of a toad named Gamaken, and he seemed very angry. His face was completely red and his eyes were white with anger.
"Let's go Gaki!"
"Wait, that's unfair!"
"Gaki would have told you before, but your girlfriend decided otherwise" Jiraiya sounded really annoying, and childish at the same time thanks to the pouting he did.
"She / He is not my girlfriend / boyfriend!" They both screamed totally reddened.
Both of them would have continued had it not been for Jiraiya taking Naruto in his arms before trying to leave. "Put me down! Put me down Ero-Sennin! I must even say goodbye!"
"We do not have time!" Jiraiya answered him curtly before going back up on Gamaken.
"We have been here too long gaki! Akatsuki will not take long to realize, and they will come after you, do you want to risk that girl over there?"
"No ..." "Then let's go" Jiraiya released the blonde once he stopped opposing, but he refused to turn around and see Wendy, he didn't want him to see him cry, he wanted the last image Wendy had of him not he was a crying child, she didn't want him, she could hate him but there was no other option, he couldn't risk her so much, Naruto clenched his fist one last time.
Wendy watched Naruto's back in the distance with shock and tears in her eyes.
"Wait!" She didn't want any loved one to ever leave her again.
"Do not leave Me!" She yelled desperately, and started running toward the big toad inconsiderately, raising her right hand hoping that somehow her hand would draw the blonde into her arms.
Naruto heard her scream but didn't want to turn around, didn't want to see the betrayed expression on Wendy's face.
"Naruto don't abandon me!" He had ruined it he knew it deep in his psyche ...
"!Not you!" But to hell with pride, he immediately turned around shaking both arms in the air, confident in his movements, even while crying, lego added chakra to his vocal cords.
"I'll be back Wendy! I promise! It's a promise of a lifetime!" And the toad took off with a jump.
"I promise ..." His voice already sounded like a whisper as they took off in the air and their eyes were downcast. Jiraiya watched his student cry but did nothing, the boy had to vent first. I watch him shed tears and make a promise that he may never keep if things go to hell. Once they were in the air, Jiraiya hugged Naruto, and he cried in his arms, he let off steam for the first time in years, and he cried for everything that he did not cry before. I cry for the death of the one I consider to be his grandfather once, I cry for years of loneliness, I cry for the rejection of the girl he loved and I cry for the departure of his brother.
Even in his chest Jiraiya heard one last word from the boy before he slept.
"I will be strong ... strong not to leave behind ... s ... s ..." his words stifled before letting out a last whisper and sleeping. "No one else ... grrrhhaa" and then hoarse, Jiraiya watched his godson cry and felt guilty for everything. For leaving him behind, for not being the godfather that he should have been from the beginning, but that was what this trip was to correct his mistakes, to be with his godson before his possible death ... But at this moment he could feel nothing but pride for your godson.
"Well said Gaki ... I hope and you do ... I hope and you do"
The man did not know how right he was.
End flashback
Naruto left those sad thoughts behind with only one goal in mind...
Fairy Tail, Wendy's Guild, for it was time to deliver on her promise.
And with that in mind, he stepped into the busy streets of Magnolia.
The place did not have many changes, so without realizing it he began to act like an excited child, his pace accelerated and a big smile was reflected in his face at that moment before taking a great leap towards a nearby rooftop as it used to do years ago, his pace accelerated again and the only thing that civilians and some magicians saw was a flash of black and orange, his smile did not stop seeing the distance in the distance. great building that was the Fairy Tail guild he met.
And with another great direct jump to the roof of the place ...
He fell back from the roof of the guild as he did seven years ago during his arrival at the guild, his fall continued to descend the floors of the great and now old guild building of Fairy Tail. Once he fell to the top floor of the guild he noticed something different, it was not the big fancy bar he met years ago, no, instead there was a big pink crystal inside which was a blonde girl a few years younger than Konohamaru . His gaze wandered then to the other parts of the place and he saw that he was in an old laboratory slightly less creepy than those of Orochimaru, some devices were covered with blankets and ... Why the hell the master Makarov and that Gildarts guy were at about to hit him? Oh sure I had just broken into the guild's secret lab so maybe ... uhh ...
"Who the hell are you a pretty boy? Did the old men of the council send you ?! I won't let you hurt my little Cana!" Gildarts moved at impressive speed for a person who was missing half his limbs, seriously he was not as fast as raikage, but he was still fast.
"Gildarts no! You will blow up Fairy Glitter!" Ok if the destructive old man failed the blow he would very possibly explode the city, and if he received the blow he would be very hurt- "Idiot, use wise mode or my chakra cloak to resist the blow" "Thanks hairball!" "Don't call me that stupid brat!"
Following the advice of the fox inside, he attracted the abundant natural energy in Earthland to use wise mode, to his surprise and convenience it took no more than a second to do so. He raised his right hand before the blow reached his face, the world around him was slower and slightly deflected the impact force towards the ceiling by any impact force of Gildarts 'crash' magic.
And the roof was smashed into small cubes that creaked as they disappeared. The action not only surprised Gildarts, but also Master Makarov.
"! The boy deflected my attack so fast that I didn't realize it!"
"Not only did it deflect it but I also bear part of the impact"
The teacher also began preparing to fight until the boy finally showed his face well, the teacher had been shocked to recognize him, but it was not his fault. Who could blame him for differentiating between the man in front of him and the little boy he met who was an unofficial member of his guild.
In front of him was a tall and strong man, but his image of him was that of the scrawny little boy, who was very confused looking at the guild with curiosity when he fell from the roof of his guild.
"Gildarts is enough! He is not an enemy!" Hearing that from the teacher wasn't a good answer for the Fairy Tail ace.
"But teacher-" Gildarts' protest ended at the moment the teacher sent him a look that only demanded respect, just like when Gildarts first met him.
"So you finally recognized me Gramps" Naruto sounded very calm, too much for a child as hyperactive as Natsu. The blonde was shaking off his black clothes and the light was shining directly on him due to the Gildarts blow that shattered much of the roof. Thanks to that light Makarov noticed something new in the hyperactive blonde, his eyes were yellow and in the contour of his there was red paint. To his surprise the red paint began to retract into his eyes, and the boy's eyes returned to the blue that reminded him. When the painting went away the tranquility around the young man left and the hyperactive boy was back, which was reflected in the big smile on his face, just as he remembered it. "Why that sudden change in attitude?"
"Does Master know him?" Gildarts acted differently than usual, the relaxed demeanor was gone and now there was that demeanor for which he was so feared by the dark guilds.
Makarov nodded even with Naruto's gaze who was starting to scratch the back of his neck from his nervousness.
"S-surprise" The blonde opened his arms and raised them to the air as if he was showing something spectacular at that moment.
Makarov scratched his hundreds annoyed by the fact. "Seriously, you really became as destructive as Natsu. In case you didn't know that comment was just a joke-" Makarov was interrupted the moment the blonde gave him such a sweeping hug that it made his old back creak.
"Yes, I know, I know Gramps. Just let me greet you as it should be" After saying those words Naruto released Makarov in the air, dropping him on the ground.
"It's not that I'm not happy about your presence Naruto, but what are you doing here?" Hearing that from Makarov made Naruto scratch the back of his neck harder and ducked to hide his blush.
"Wait! Naruto! You mean this pretty boy-" "! I'm not a pretty boy!" "It's that annoying-" "Hey!" "Gaki" Makarov just nodded at Gildarts' words, who gasped before taking a serious expression.
Gildarts's face at that moment reminded Naruto a lot of Captain Yamato's sinister gaze. "If you flirt with my little girl I castrate you" Naruto covered his manly member after hearing him say those words and then furiously shook his head.
"No! No, no! I didn't even know you had a daughter! And it's not like I invited her out!"
"Oh, you mean that my Cana is not enough for you, huh"
"Wait! Cana is your daughter? Besides, she's about seven years older than me, and I'm not going to mature."
"What do you call my girl old! Hey little punk" Gildarts muttered trying to hit Naruto who was running away from him.
"You two stop fighting! They've stopped being kids long ago!" Makarov got tired of being ignored, so he used his titan magic to enlarge his head and scold both men who were now holding each other together while nodding as much as they could.
Makarov regained his composure and pointed to Gildarts. "You remember why we came here" Then he pointed at Naruto. "And how the hell did you get here"
Naruto nodded before answering. "Well ..." He started acting nervous, scratching the back of his neck again. "I fell off the ceiling" I mutter sadly.
Gildarts started laughing like crazy while Makarov sighed "There are things that not even time changes, right ..." Makarov whispered.
"Well, how about we go back to the guild and talk better." Makarov stopped Naruto and Gildarts fighting again, both reluctantly nodding.
Before they left, Makarov turned to Naruto with a serious look. "And Naruto, don't tell anyone in the guild about this" He pointed to the crystal that contained the girl, Naruto nodded just as seriously but not before giving his part. "I will but you owe me an explanation about this master" Makarov reluctantly nodded and turned to Gildarts "fix it" and Gildarts knew there was no escape so he got discouraged.
Finally Naruto and Makarov left for the guild.
Makarov had to explain many things to Naruto as they walked to the outskirts of Magnolia, but he left the most important thing for last.
Shortly before Naruto opened the gate of the new guild, someone else had opened it before him, it was none other than Lucy Heartfilia. And to Naruto's surprise she hadn't aged a bit since the last time he saw her.
Meanwhile, Lucy was watching cautiously at the man she had collided with, perhaps it was from Twlight Ogree. I watch him closely until his gaze hits her face and the gears in her mind start working properly.
"Naruto!" That was the last scream that the young woman gave before throwing herself against him and knocking him down to hug him, which attracted the attention of everyone within the guild who watched the scene in front of them with attention
Makarov started having a bad feeling, his hand went to his pocket, right where his wallet was and he cried. The arrival of the child could only mean chaos, and consequently, many debts.