Chapter 20: NaruSaku!

- 5 days later-

"She's been extra nice lately"
"I made fun of her forehead and she said 'thank you'"
"You don't think her and know..."

- Ichiraku Ramen-

Ino grew a blood vessel,
"Who cares! It's not a competition or anything!" she said,
Shikamaru looked at her with a raised brow,
"You sound pretty envious for not caring" he said,
"Shut up, it's not like you haven't done it either! Besides, are you really ok with Naruto getting some before you did?" Ino asked as she stuck her face in Shikamaru's bubble,
Shikamaru sighed,
"It's not like that with us guys, we may brag here and there, but it's just for fun, nothing to be serious about" he said,
Ino put her hands together, a picture of a shirtless Sai popped up in his head,
"To be embraced by true love for a whole weekend, ahhhh"

"I'd like to be embraced by some buffet later tonight'" Choji said,
"At least we know if you fall for someone, it would be for their cooking and not their looks" Shikamaru said with a grin,
Choji smiled as he ate his bowl, Ino stared at Shikamaru with a glare,
"What now?" he asked as he looked back at her,
Ino crossed her arms and sighed,
"Nothing, nothing" she said.

- Konoha Hospital -

Sakura twirled a pencil between her fingers as she read some documents,
Tsunade had grown uncomfortable with Sakura's overwhelming mood of positive,
anytime they spoke, Sakura's face automatically glowed even more than it had been,this lead Tsunade to believe that a high level adultery had transpired,
"Sakura" Tsunade said,
Sakura turned around, there were stars in her eyes,
"YYyeeess Ladyyy Tsunaaade?" she asked, her voice was quite musical, but despite her somewhat delirious behavior, she was actually excelling in performance,
she was more focused, much more patient with clients, and more attentive to patients,
Tsunade's eye twitched,
I don't wanna be a Negative Nancy or anything...but I can't take much more of this, I can only imagine how Kakashi is handling Naruto...

- Hokage's Office -

Naruto stared at a pile of books that seemed to grow to the ceiling, his arms were crossed, he was in deep thought,
Kakashi noticed a change in his behavior,
"So I take it things went well over the weekend?" Kakashi suddenly asked,
Naruto looked over, he then turned back and grinned,
"I feel like I could be Hokage by tomorrow!" he said with confidence,
"Well, since you're in such a good mood, here" Kakashi said as he stood up,
Kakashi picked up a stack of scrolls and planted them on the other side of the table,
"I'll be going for a walk, I'm sure you can handle this, Hokage" he said as he walked away,
Naruto's face dropped,

- A few minutes later -

Kakashi walked back inside, due to being caught by one of his advisors,
his eyes widened,
Naruto was a little more than half way done, he was quickly reading, writing notes, and humming even,
he went over to Naruto's temporary desk and picked up his written notes,
"Not bad" Kakashi said as he set them back down,
Naruto nodded,
"I'm gonna try and work twice as hard!" Naruto said,
Kakashi went to sit down,
Looks like he's taking this Hokage training more serious, it might make things easier on me...or not...
the Hokage looked over to the next Hokage, he was asleep on his desk,
Kakashi smirked,
For what it's worth, you did actually do some of my work, and a decent amount, so...I guess you earned a small nap..

Naruto finished his work for the day, he only had a few minutes left, so Kakashi let him hang out on the balcony until it was time to go,
his elbow rested on the ledge, his head rested on his palm, he was in another world, thinking about Sakura, his eyes were lowered, the corners of his lips pointed upwards,

- Konoha Hospital -

Sakura looked out of the break window, she had a bowl of ramen with Narutomaki in it, she got it because well,
it had Naruto's name in it, and...she was completely in love with him, probably more than ever now, and he was too, it's surprising how well they're able to work with each other on one another's mind, they felt refreshed, as if they had taken the ultimate bath together, (more or less they kind of did), and Sakura thought it was high time that Naruto was brought to her home for a proper dinner, with her family...but on second thought...

Sakura had a nervous look,
My mom and I can't...

She imagined Naruto and her parents laughing at her, the coffee cup cracked as her grip tightened,
Sakura gulped,
I'm gonna die of embarrassment.. but Naruto wouldn't do that, not after what happened...this weekeeendddd..

She sighed,
But I wanna see him too...I'll just have suck it up.

- Sun set -

Sakura turned in a medical report to Tsunade, she read the conditions on the hospital's west wing patients, Sakura put her hands together and stretched her arms high above her and sighed,
"All done Lady Tsunade" Sakura said with...a musical tone once again,
Tsunade crossed her arms, she hadn't mentioned anything of the
"You've been doing more than your usual lately" she said as she looked at down at the report,
Sakura's face lit up,
"I had a good weekend off, thank you Lady Tsunade" she said,
"Oh really? What did you...and Naruto do?" Tsunade asked,
Sakura gulped and laughed nervously,
"Oh, we...went to The Land of Hot Water...a festival was going on, we did that..."

Sakura giggled a bit, she then quickly cut herself off by clearing her throat, her eyes were closed as she tried to focus on being more serious,
"I'm sorry Lady Tsunade, you probably noticed the way I've been acting"
Tsunade smiled,
"I take it some thing unexpectedly good happened this weekend?" she asked,

Sakura's posture was struck down, she slouched,
"I've been trying to hide it but it's probably pretty obvious" she said with an quiet, insecure voice,
Tsunade laughed,
"You were practically in a musical all day, I don't think I wanna see how it is when you're not hiding it"

Sakura stuttered a bit,
"Well I - see you tomorrow Lady Tsunade, haha" she said as she waved goodbye,
Tsunade waved back,
I'm more than happy for you Sakura, just...go easy on him... heh..

Sakura opened the door to her house, she was quite tired, and had not intended to go shopping for food, she then heard laughter, from not two, but three people, her eyes widened,
she saw Naruto sitting down with her parents, laughing, and chatting as if he had already moved in,
Mebuki turned,
"Ah Sakura, you're late, Naruto here was waiting outside the house for you for about...a whole hour, you should be ashamed for being so late, making him wait so long" she said,
Sakura gulped as she looked at Naruto, who politely dismissed her mother's comments,
"Honestly Missis Haruno, it's not a problem, I don't mind waiting for her" Naruto said with a smile as he looked right at her,
Mebuki looked at his sincerity, she grew a bit more frustrated with her daughter, Sakura approached the dining area,
"Naruto is such a gentleman Sakura, you should consider yourself lucky" she said,
"I'm..sorry for being, let me go dressed and...we can - "
"Nonsense Sakura, why don't you two stay for dinner" her mother said, Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened,
Kizashi nodded in agreement,
"That's a great a idea! We could call it a family dinner!" he said with a loud voice,
Naruto sort of leaned back, Sakura felt helpless as she watched the events unfold before her eyes,
"I uhhh -"
Kizashi turned,
"We can have some man to man talk ya know" he said as he elbowed,
"Kizashi!" Mebuki said with a stern voice, Kizashi and Naruto both looked at her,
she cleared her throat,
"Our Sakura would never succumb to a man so easily...not to say that Naruto is any ordinary man, but even so! I know our Sakura would never be so hasty" she said with confidence,
Naruto almost choked on his water,
Oh crap...I definitely wanna get out of here now

Sakura felt a bomb drop on her internally, faith you have in totally gone now..

"Besides, I'm sure Sakura would love to have you over for dinner" Kizashi said as he took a drink of water,
Naruto looked at Sakura with pleading eyes, as in: 'dear god, please help me, oh no'
"I mean, I don't want to interrupt an- "
"Naruto Uzumaki, your kindness won't get you away from this, you're staying, but..Sakura was supposed to go out and fetch groceries for us, you should tag along with her" Mebuki said, she had a sort of menacing stare,
Naruto quickly jumped up,
"Yes ma'am!" he said,
Kizashi eagerly agreed,
"Yea! I'm starving, haven't had a meal in forever!" he said,
"Well, what are you two waiting for? Get going" Mebuki said.

Sakura closed the door, the two stood in front of the Haruno Residence, the awkwardness inside the house had leeched onto them as they left the house, she took a deep breath,
Naruto looked up to the sky,
Sakura turned to Naruto,
"What are we gonna do!?" she whispered,
Naruto shrugged,
"I don't...know?" he asked, unsure...
Sakura got in his personal space,
"You've never had a family dinner before...things get...awkward" she said as she looked to the side, she looked rather embarrassed of it all,
Naruto grabbed her chin and kissed her forehead, she looked at his deep blue eyes and his smile that tore all insecurities down, as his calm, soothing voice spoke,
"It's gonna be fine, you'll see - dattebayo" he said,
Sakura smiled,
"Yea...let's go shopping" she said,
The two walked off to the food district,

- Food District -

Konoha's vendors did not give a wit's end about the light snowfall, most had come prepared anyway,
steam raised up to the ceiling of their tarp covers, branching outwards and reaching for the sky, dispersing amongst unforgiving cold air.

Sakura looked at some Natto in a large bowl,
Naruto made a squirmy like face,
Her mom really likes that stuff?

Sakura ordered it,
she then moved to Yuba slices, the shiny texture indicated it was freshly cut, she ordered those as well, but then turned to Naruto,
"Aren't you gonna help me out?" she asked,
Naruto looked kind of nervous,
"I mean I..don't really shop for anything else than...well you know" he said,
Sakura smiled,
"I knowww, just kidding, but, can you do me a favor? grab me some stuff, I want to make some Sukiyaki tonight" she said as she tore half of a paper she was holding and handed to him,
"You're gonna...cook?" he asked,
Sakura nodded,
"Of course I am, my boyfriend is staying for dinner after all" Sakura said with a smile,
"Yea...ok, right, you can count on me Sakura!" Naruto said as he went off with confidence.

Naruto looked at a list of items to gather,
Pound of beef, a bit of vegetables, block of tofu, pork, Tonkatsu Sauce, wheat noodle, Negi, Daukon, and was nearly sleeping when she walked in the door, but she's still gonna cook...I should really learn to make something other than ramen...

Naruto made a fist,
I'll learn to cook! Dattebayo!

Thus, Naruto Uzumaki invested himself in his time looking for ingredients, asking questions about food, toppings, and combinations,
the village vendors, (some who traveled from other countries) were more than happy to give Konoha's Hero advice, some even wrote down lists with their names, and even gave him discounts,
in a way, Naruto didn't like being treated so different from the common villager, it was ironic, he was alone, wanting attention, and now that he has gotten some, it can be a bit much at times...

"Thanks grandma!" Naruto said, he held bags of food in both hands, he looked quite pleased with himself,
with the help of the sellers, he was able to gather the listed items without fail,
Sakura held a bag as she looked her favorite food, her eyes then looked at her wallet, her mood went into a state of childish despair,
I'm too broke...
"One Syrup Coated Dumpling for my girl, please" a familiar voice said,
Sakura turned, Naruto was standing there, he looked at her and smiled, her eyes lit up as if it was the highlight of her day, but in actuality, it was the fact Naruto knew exactly which sweet she was eyeing without even asking, it let her know that he is in fact paying much attention to her.

Sakura bit into the dumpling as they walked home, she practically gorged on it,
"Hey...Sakura, don't you think you wanna slow down a bit?" Naruto asked as he looked at her,
she shook her head,
"If you're staying over, I'm gonna need the energy to handle my mom's attitude" she said as she took another bite.

Naruto looked ahead, he saw two familiar faces walking,
"Oi Shikamaru, Choji!" Naruto shouted,
Choji and Shikamaru turned,
"Oi Naruto!" Choji said as he took a chip out of his bag,
"Yoo" Shikamaru said as he waved,
The friends greeted each other,
"Look at you two, shopping for food together, have you two finally moved in with each other?" Shikamaru asked Naruto,
Naruto and Sakura's face went red as lava,
"N-no, I'm just eating dinner at Sakura's house t-"
Sakura elbowed him,
"Dinner at Sakura's huh? Seems like things are getting serious hehe" Shikamaru asked,
Shikamaru quit teasing! Sakura thought.

Naruto leaned in to Choji,
"Are you free this week for some food testing?" he asked quietly,
Choji looked at Naruto,
"Of course, but why are we whispering?" he asked,
"What was that Naruto?" Sakura asked,
Naruto quickly turned,
"Oh nothing, just a night out with the boys that's all! Well, Shikamaru, Choji, we gotta run, nice running into you, bye!" Naruto said, Sakura looked at him suspiciously.

"What did Naruto ask you?" Shikamaru asked,
Choji looked a bit enthusiastic,
"He asked me to be a food taster this week, but I don't know what for, must be a ramen he's working on" he said as he took another chip,
Shikamaru sighed as he looked at the snow beneath his feet,
"Well it is Naruto after all, sounds like drag, come on, let's go eat" he said.

- Haruno Residence -

"We're back" Sakura said as she closed the door,
Naruto followed her to the kitchen, Kizashi and Mebuki were watching TV on the couch next to dining area, the husband turned to his daughter,
"Oh! What did you get!?" he asked as he got up quickly, Kizashi often acted like a child in his home, Mebuki didn't mind so much, but when in public, she was much more strict with his behavior, often regarding it as babysitting more than an outing for a couple, but the nonetheless she loved her husband as much as she loved her daughter.
"You can sit now, Naruto" Sakura said as she opened the fridge door,
Kizashi looked through the bags,
"What! Takoyaki! Yuba! Sukiyaki!? Tonkatsu!? You really went all out, that's my girl" he said as he wept tears of joy,
Naruto sat at the table, he stared at Sakura as she began preparing a meal,
I know Sakuras' the best medical ninja other than Granny Tsunade, but...the commitment she has to getting things're amazing...Sakura..

Kizashi walked to the kitchen and began helping her cook,
Mebuki began setting the table around Naruto,
"Kizashi was supposed to set up the tables, but he tends to forget his chores sometimes, especially when food is involved, but at least he's cooking with Sakura" she said quietly as she smirked, Naruto nodded in silence, he had no clue how to socialize with adults, though he was one himself, let alone trying to socialize with Sakura's, Kizashi was definitely more approachable, but Mebuki on the other hand seemed like she demanded a straight posture without even so much as uttering a sound,
"Soo...Missis Haruno, how did you and Mister Kizashi meet?" he asked,
"So formal with my name, you can use my first if you'd like" the mother said,
Naruto gulped,
First names? That was easier than I though...
"Kizashi gets along with everyone he meets...we met at a very young age, right after the academy we were assigned to the same team, he did just about anything with confidence, a smart kid, but he could never tell if a girl liked him or not, he never noticed my advances, that is until..."

Mebuki looked at Kizashi, he and Sakura were happily cooking together, Sakura used her medical ninjutsu to quickly cook some of the ingredients, she leaned in to Naruto,
"One time he walked into a spider web during the Chūnin Exams, he's such a coward when it comes to spiders, when I rescued him, he finally noticed me, and long story short, here we are" she said,
"Woah, thanks for sharing that, Missis - I mean, Miss Mebuki" he said,
Sakura glanced over at her mother and Naruto, there was as sudden giggle between the two, she had a rather suspicious look on her,
Kizashi bumped her with his elbow,
"Listen" he whispered as he chopped some meat,
he turned to her,
"Your mom was exactly the same way when I went over to her house for the first time, she's not making fun of you, she's cherishing the memories of her little girl, they only happen once, and then they're all grown up, so try and suck it up for her sake tonight, or I'll be the one getting it" he said quietly with a smile,
Sakura looked at her father, he's right, her mother wouldn't want to embarrass her in front of Naruto Uzumaki, a Hokage in the making, so why would she try and bring her down?
"Thanks dad" Sakura said quietly,
Kizashi nodded,
"Alright and...presto, we're done, why don't you go sit and wait, I'll serve the plates tonight" he said,
Sakura nodded as she walked to the table, she took a seat next to Naruto,
"Hey" Naruto said as he smiled, Sakura smiled back,
"Hey" she said,
Mebuki saw the look in their eyes,
the same look her and Kizashi give each other,
Alright...that settles it...

Mebuki turned to her husband, who looked at her, she nodded, Kizashi grinned.

Kizashi walked over with plates,
"Dinner is served, thanks to yours truly, and of course, Sakura Haruno" he said, as he served everyone,
Naruto looked at his food,
This is totally different from the ramen she tries to looks so good, huh...

Everyone put their hands together,
"Arigatou" they all said.

After a few minutes of eating,
Mebuki cleared her throat,
Kizashi looked at her, she then elbowed him, he then cleared his throat as well,
"Ah, so, Naruto, you are Sakura are pretty serious now huh?" he asked,
"Yea I guess you could say that!" he said with joy, he then felt pressure on his foot immediately after saying so, Sakura closed her eyes as she took a bite out of her meal, her nervousness was like a fire thrashing about in a large forest unchecked,
Kizashi smiled,
"That's great to hear, know I always say that I worried Sakura worked too much too afford a boyfriend, I'm glad you two are together" Mebuki said,
Sakura stared at her mother,
What's...going on here...

She watched Mebuki's lips move,
"Now that you two are serious,'s time to look for a place together" Mebuki said smoothly,
Naruto and Sakura's eyes nearly covered their face,
"M-Move? Move out? Move in...with" Sakura began to say as she looked at Naruto,
he looked at her with a very nervous expression, almost frightened to say anything,
Sakura's face was red,
"IS THAT WHY YOU INVITED NARUTO OVER!?" she asked with a loud voice,
Kizashi chuckled,
"Relax Sakura, it's clear you two are in love, we were only wondering what the next plan was...other than..." Kizashi began to say,
Sakura crossed her arms, her voice changed from embarrassed to a more quiet, angry tone,
"I see someone is eager to throw me out" she said as she glared at her mother, Mebuki glared back, same posture, arms crossed, lowered voice,
"Not at all, just excited to see the next chapter of your life" she said,
"Why rush things, it's taken us this long to get together, who knows how long it'll take for us to move in together" Sakura said,
"Lifes' too short to be waiting for something to happen, one should tackle any opportunity that appears, and sooner than later seems like a good time to me" Mebuki said, there was lightening in their eyes that seemed to emit to one another,
Naruto and Kizashi both looked at the loves of their lives getting entangled in a subtle war on different opinions,
Sakura turned to Naruto, he saw that she suddenly had a very bright expression, her voice was very sweet, obviously hiding her anger,
"You don't think something like this is too soon, do you, Naruto?"
Naruto gulped, his voice cracked a bit,
"I uhh, I guess, yea, sure, whatever you want, really...dattebayo" he said,
Mebuki turned to Kizashi, she attempted the same thing on her husband, he hadn't seen her perform this maneuver in quite sometime, he was caught off guard,
"Don't you think two people that are perfect for each other should move in together?"

"That doesn't really suit you- "
"What the hell did you just say?"
" - Er I mean, of course honey, whatever you sayyyy" Kizashi said as he forehead sweated,
he turned to Naruto, he brought his hand up to cover his voice a bit as leaned in towards Naruto,
"Let's go drink sake on the back porch" he whispered,
Naruto nodded in agreement,
the two got up,
"Where do you think you're going!?" the two Harunos' said with demanding tones,
"We're just going outside for a bit while you two settle who's right, What was that again?" Kizashi asked,
"ME!" the women said simultaneously,
they turned to each other, Kizashi grabbed a bottle of sake, two cups, and pushed Naruto to the outside.

"Cheers" Kizashi said as clinked his cup against Naruto's ,
he sighed,
"Phew, they're a handful when they're in the same room" he said,
Naruto smirked as he looked at their yard,
"I thought I was a goner" he said,
Kizashi grinned,
"It isn't my first rodeo, pro-tip, always ask who's right between them, they instantly forget about any outside opinion" he said as he poured himself another cup,
he poured Naruto another,
"Whattaya think about that whole moving in thing?" Kizashi asked,
Naruto suddenly became nervous again,
"Uhhh...I "
"Don't worry, I won't bite, truth is, it's ironic, Mebuki's parents did the same thing to her, she took a page out of their book" he said,
"What did you say?" Naruto asked,
"I said what any logical man would: yes, can you imagine how things would turn out if I said no?" he said as he laughed,
Naruto lightly smiled,
"I guess you're right" Naruto said,
"That's why I wanna know, man to man, are you up for something like that?" he asked,
Naruto looked at Kizashi's positive expression, it was clear that he was expecting total honesty, and could very well handle whatever his answer was,
"To tell you the truth..." Naruto began to say,
he took a sigh,
"I'd love more than anything than to move in with Sakura, but...I don't have enough money to afford a house yet" he said,
I haven't even thought about any of this, aw man, I should get on it...

Kizashi chuckled,
"Mebuki and I were really broke when we first moved in together, and after she got pregnant with Sakura, I took up extra missions and even small jobs around Kohona to keep her healthy, it was tough, but I enjoyed every bit of it" he said as he looked down at his cup of sake, Naruto had a new found respect for Sakura's father, the lengths he went through to keep things sustainable was impressive,
"If you truly love Sakura, which, you don't have to convince me. I know you'll make things workout, just like I did, I'm sure you'll do a better job anyway" he said with a soft voice,
Naruto nodded,
"I do love her, and I' I've always done everything I could for her since I've known her, and, I only hope that everything I do is enough, but it never feels like it" he said,
Kizashi leaned back and looked at the night sky,
"The first rule into a pleasing the love of your's never enough" he said with a chuckle,
Naruto smiled,
"Thanks Mister Kizashi" he said,
Kizashi turned to Naruto,
"I'm the one who should be thanking you, after all, I'm gonna be a grandfather soon, so I can definitely start acting like a fool without criticism from my wife" he said with a big grin,
Naruto's eyes widened,
"k-kids!?" he nearly shouted,
"Shh!" Kizashi said, he leaned in and poured Naruto another cup, there was a slight hiccup that came out from him,
"We both know what you two did over the weekend, come on, I may act like an idiot, but I was a ninja too, I can tell when somethings' going on, she got it on with the hero of the village! I couldn't be more proud" he said as he pumped his fist,
Naruto blinked several times,
This is somehow as uncomfortable as being between Sakura and her mother...

Kizashi laughed,
"My advice, don't rush into it, don't wanna end up doing all kinds of crazy stuff just to put food on the table!" he said,
Naruto had a worried look on his face,
"Don't sweat it, Naruto, you're gonna be fine, every man at some point worries he doesn't do enough for his woman" he said.

- 40 minutes later -

Sakura and Mebuki opened the door to the porch, they saw their men laying down with a bottle of empty sake, they were passed out, the Haruno women smiled as they looked their soul mates,
"I think it's best we leave them out here, they stink of alcohol" Mebuki said,
Sakura nodded,
"Definitely don't want that smell in the house" Sakura said.

- 1 month later -

Sakura laid in her bed, she woke up, and with no energy, she was caught off guard by this, her stomach suddenly rumbled,
Ughhhh, what's wrong with me...I haven't drank this past week...what gives.

Sakura lazily got up and walked to the bathroom, her body swayed somewhat, she felt extremely nauseous with every action she did, her eyes stared at the toilet,
she suddenly fell to her knees and threw up in it, she spit out pieces that didn't make it out, a gross taste was in her mouth, and she felt as though she didn't vomit everything, her throat was irritating her,
she stood up and rubbed her temples, the attempt to brush it off and get ready for work was nearly futile.

Sakura walked to work with a slouched posture,
I should've taken something...but I'm gonna be late as it is...
she then saw Naruto, as he approached her, he noticed her face,
"Narrruutooooo" she said quietly, there was a groan along with it,
"Sakura! You don't look - are you sick!? Why are you walking to work like this!" he said,
"Keep your voice dowwwnnn" she said,
Naruto performed his signature shadow clone jutsu,
he then turned around,
"Sakura, on my back!" he said,
she looked embarrassed, a group of young girls had been strolling by, they were in awe at Naruto's romantic behavior,
"THAT'S SO CUTE" one shouted,
Sakura however, did not want to be carried, out of fear of throwing up on him,
"'s fine you don't have t-"
"I'm not gonna let you walk to work like this, get on!" he said,
Sakura sighed, she got on his back,
"Happy?" she asked,
the young girls nearly cried out as they saw it,
Naruto turned to his clones,
"You, tell Granny Tsunade that Sakura is feeling sick, and you, go finish that errand and tell Kakashi what happened, I'll take Sakura home" he said,
"Naruto, it's finee I can work" Sakura said as she nearly fainted on Naruto's back,
"Hold on Sakura, I'll get you to a doctor" he said.

- Konoha Hospital -

Tsunade looked at Naruto's clone,
"She's sick? Seemed fine the other day, did she say how she was feeling?" Tsunade asked,
The clone shook his head,
"She looked like she was going to throw up, she kept rubbing the sides of her forehead, and she was hunched when she walked" he said,
"You're saying this happened out of the blue? She hasn't been drinking lately either?" Tsunade asked as she got up,

"Hmmmm, well, thank you for the info" she said,
the clone nodded and then disappeared.

In another section of the hospital, Naruto sat on a chair next to Sakura, a doctor walked in,
"Miss Haruno, your test results are're pregnant"

Sakura and Naruto's eyes widened.
"SHE'S -"
"I'M WHAT!?"

- End of Story -

THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading all the way until the end, but don't worry, this is just the first part of a longer story, what kind of author would I be if I left their story on such a thin edge like that!? Part 2 will be on the way, but I think I'll be taking a little break for now to work on some original content, thank you for all that have read this far, I can't express how grateful I am to those who liked to the story, and to those who don't, I thank you anyway, it allows me to better myself as a story teller, which is my goal in life.

It seems as though Naruto and Sakura are going to be parents, that means a lot of stuff is going to go on in the next installment, marriage, babysitting, learning to be a parent, etc, it's gonna be a wild new experience for the both of them, and I can't wait to see how they react to these new environments, a new frontier for the both of them! Good luck to them both!