Four months ago...


Clotho 'Cleo' Oculus, 28 - Gamemaker

It's not often a Panemian thinks about the rest of the world. Maybe it was all barren wasteland. Maybe there were other governments as insular and paranoid as ours. Whatever the case, they weren't my concern. Maybe Atropa knew. But anyway, here I was, on a tropical island halfway across the planet when very nearly no one ever even got out of their District.

And what an island. Soft white sand as far as I can see in either direction. A beach with water in an ombre from green to blue. Palm trees leaning lazily over far enough to touch the water in some places. A warm sun beating down on the back of my neck hard enough that I pull my wide-brimmed hat down. Perfect conditions. Perfect backdrop. Shots and sequences flashed through my head. Helicopter overviews sweeping from an extreme long shot to an establishing shot. Drones capturing a birds-eye view of Tributes running an obstacle course. Fisheye cameras the size of a marble mounted in trees to preserve all the mundane moments they thought we didn't care about. It amuses me to think that I would practically be the 25th contestant since I would be running alongside the Tributes in so many challenges wielding a camera.

Beside me, three Avoxes cart all of my gear. I'm not the only one filming, of course, but I was an artist and I preferred to set up locations and shots myself. And no matter how many times we lab-tested them, I did not trust a "moisture-proof" lens until I saw it on location. Atropa came up with this idea. Lance made the connections to make it happen. But it's my job to bring it to the screen.

"We'll need to clear out three clearings," I say to my coffee-holding assistant. "Challenges will take place here, just off the waterfront." That would allow for plentiful natural lighting and keep pesky shadows out of my way.

"And for the council hut... somewhere foreboding. I want gnarled trees. I want shadowy ferns and grasping branches. Thatch the roof unevenly so shadows shift on their faces. What's the count on wildlife?" I ask my assistant, Antigone.

"The boar herds are stable and thriving," she replies. Okay, so we stretched the truth a bit. About the only animals the Tributes could hunt here were lemurs and fossa, both too cute to kill on television. So we added some little wild pigs to go with the birds and stuff.

I pick up a camera and slide it around atop a tripod until it clicks into place. I turn it on, watching the autofocus turn the viewscreen from an impressionist painting to photorealism. I tinker with the settings, calibrating for exposure and focal length and all the other things that made the difference between pointing a camera at something and making a video product. I turn the camera to the rainforest and zoom in, watching Madagascar, and the Hunger Games, get closer and closer.

Lachesis 'Lance' Oculus, 28 - Gamemaker

The locals greeted us with open arms when we first arrived in our hovercrafts. They cheered and applauded, the excitement apparent in their eyes. And I can't really blame them. To be part of such a unique experience is thrilling to say the least.

I dig my toes deep into the decadent, warm sand, letting a small 'Ah' escape my lips. I throw my head back and shut my eyes, letting the sun hit me. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now than fall into a translucent, hazy dream and sip at my Lychee Martini.

Cleo's off exploring the jungle, like some travelling bard while Atropa said she needed some 'space', whatever that means. But all I know Is that I have the whole resort to myself and I'm going to succumb to all the luxuries that the beautiful island of Madagascar has to offer. It's my job, after all, to make sure the Capitol guests have a flawless stay here and the only way for me to do so is to experience every little thing in this resort. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to determine what needed to be improved.

'Um… Mr. Oculus' a squeaking voice chimes in.

I tear my eyes open forcefully, not really wanting to and sigh. 'What is it, Jerry?'

'So, you ordered how many shrimp cocktails again?' Then and there I knew something was out of place that would throw the homeostasis I've created out of balance. I have to choose my actions carefully. The fate of everything lies in my hands. I will not disappoint my sisters.

'Jerry, I asked for three thousand shrimp cocktails.' I turn around to face him. 'Please tell me you ordered three thousand shrimp cocktails.'

'So here's the thing…'

'You had one job, Jerry.'

'I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again.' Jerry stands awkwardly next to me in his white uniform, sweat dripping down his forehead. Part of me wants to fire him but I didn't go to anger management therapy for nothing.

'What are you standing around for? Go tell the chef to make more!' I stare daggers at him, raising my voice slightly to establish my dominance. Jerry scrams and I catch him almost tripping on his way back from the beach. I smile to myself in content.

Obviously, sometimes it's hard for me to keep up with my two sisters. Cleo is this experienced film guru who'll do whatever it takes to get the perfect shot while Atropa has read more books than I'll ever be able to in my entire lifespan. They call her the politically correct one and I don't even know what that means.

But all I know is that when I do have a job to get done, I'll make sure it is executed flawlessly. It is up to me to make this the best resort these guests have ever visited and I'll keep persisting until every vase is placed in just the right angle, until there's enough shrimp cocktail for everyone to indulge on, and until I know that people will leave from here, never forgetting the memories they've made.

Atropa Oculus, 28 - Gamemaker

"You're going to love this, Atropa," Cleo reassures as she leads me off of the hovercraft and into the jungle. "We've got so much here - there's the boar herds for tributes if they need some protein, we've got wild pineapple fields, there are coconuts and bananas to eat - and fish galore! The bananas aren't that good - they're those tiny little inedible things that only serve the purpose of looking really cute - but there is so much here!"

"Will it be entertaining enough to drive up audiences?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee - Cleo had asked me if I wanted to try one made with Madasgacar coffee beans, but I adamantly refused. I trusted my coffee, and it trusted me. "We've got a big budget this year, flying out all of the tributes into Madagascar of all places while trying to keep a decent camera crew and hidden cams around the island. The resort alone's eaten up half the budget - we're going to have to really please with this one if we don't want to lose our jobs. I want to keep my job, Cleo."

"Oh, you'll be fine. Now, look at this forest! We've got a lot of potential for some really fascinating arcs - you know, people can really break down when they're isolated. Social connections mean everything - so if we have some interesting tributes, we can really amp up the tension from any conflicts they have. Imagine the drama of two tribemates fighting over something as small as a fire because they're tired, they're hungry -"

"I know how psychology works," I sigh. Cleo gets too passionate about her pet projects - I swear, sometimes she thinks that she's one of the tributes with all of the running around that she does. Sometimes she just needs to slow down and actually think for once. "I trust your vision - but the gameplay will stay the same. You've found a place for tribal council and competitions - did Lance find a construction company willing to work out here for the obstacle courses? And we need lifeguards, too - we need to discuss this more. You two just ran into Madagascar like you owned the place."

"The details don't matter," Cleo laughs. "As long as we have our vision, we'll keep on track."

"I'm worried that your vision is going to lead us way off budget," I mutter.

"Don't be such a mother goose - Lance has found more than enough sponsors to make up for deficiencies. You're in charge of explaining this to the President - you keep in charge of that. We've never let you down, have we?"

"Not yet." I take a big sip of my coffee - ugh, not dark enough. I need something stronger to deal with my siblings.

Yet, there's something about this place - it's everything I dreamed that our arena for these Games would be. Sure, it's unconventional - for forty-six years every arena has been manmade. And our format's going to confuse more Capitolites than it enchants at first. But when we get the tributes here... when we begin...

I pull out my phone, hoping that my plan extends all the way to Madagascar. The last thing I need is to get a whopping bill because I was scouting out the arena my siblings dreamt up. "Hello, Madame President? Yes, it's Atropa. We've... well, we've found our arena."

Welcome one, welcome all, to a collision of styles! We present to you a collaboration between LadyCordeliaStuart, LordShiro, and TheAmazingJAJ!

*confetti falls*

But yes, welcome to the collab! We're going to have a lot of fun with this :D

We have a few rules: conventional careers are allowed, all districts remain as they usually are, only one tribute per person unless you have an amazing reason (NOTE: currently, only one tribute is allowed per person due to interest, we apologize in advance) and such. Send your tributes through this account via pm, and use this form below!



Gender (and preferred pronouns):






Important people:

Parade Outfit:

Interview Outfit:

Private Session Plan:

Private Session Score:

Games Plan:

Thoughts on Allying:

Thoughts on Backstabbing:

Potential Arcs:

Fight or Flight Response:

One Word That Sums Them Up:

Biggest Strength:

Biggest Weakness:

SKILLS CATEGORY (Rank each skill from 1-5, only one can be given the maximum amount of points so choose wisely)

Physical strength:




Hand-eye Coordination:

Brute Strength:

Strategic Prowess:





Speaking abilities:


Yadda yadda exciting quote - We're off to the races! We can't wait to see your tributes, so enjoy! We'll see you soon with the reapings :D