Hey! Welcome to the Fire's Tempest! I'm the Rogue Mando and before you read this story please pay attention to this little heading. This story is not rated M because of harsh language although it is there. This story is not rated M for lemons although there is minor sexual content in the coming chapters, just not the kind most people like to read. This story is rated M because it deals with a harsh reality and a dark world, a world not viewed through rose-tinted glasses. This narrative has grit and has rolled through filth, you'll see what I mean in Chapter 2 Revelations. Like life, this story is not always going to be polished and shining, the world is not always sunshine and unicorns, and - in the words of George R.R. Martin - "The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself." That being said...
I do not own Harry Potter or X-men and now that that's out of the way, please enjoy Fire's Tempest…
I woke up screaming in terror.
Why, you might ask, is that? Let me finish voiding the contents of my stomach before I answer.
Let me ask you a question, have you ever been in a car crash running faster than seventy miles an hour?
No? Let me just break something down for you then, it sucks. I was on my way from Mobile, Alabama over to Pensacola for a weekend at the beach with a few of my buddies when a damned Honda Civic decided to merge into my lane. Fast.
I had about a quarter-mile of open road ahead of me, shocker right? But there was a guy in an F-250 riding the left lane so blondie in the Civic decided to try and make him move by riding his tailgate. Big man probably didn't even see the itty bitty little bug of a car and kept on trucking. I was about to pull alongside him when the next thing I know, the Civic decides to change lanes. This wouldn't usually be a bad thing, but it was raining. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I lost control of my car. The first thing I realized was that I was in the emergency lane, the second? Shit.
The Civic shoved me behind a broken down Peterbilt.
I nearly vomited again thinking of the trailer shattering my window then smashing my skull into powder. Fuck what they say about a quick death, time seemed to slow down to give me a front row seat to my own execution.
I dry heave once more before pulling myself up on my shaky legs… I realize pretty quickly that this isn't heaven, nor is this hell. It's certainly white enough to be heaven but the absence of gates and angels clues me in to the fact that this definitely isn't heaven while the lack of hellfire and brimstone proves that this ain't hell… Purgatory maybe?
"Not quite," I whip around to see the owner of the voice is a man in black robes wearing Josh Brolin's face, I quirk my eyebrow at the man in front of me.
"Alright, I know for a fact that Josh Brolin isn't dead so why the hell do you have his face?"
"Thanos," his eyebrow twitches at the mention and comprehension dawns on me.
"Ah, so you take the face that people most associate with Death?" He cocks his eyebrow as I smirk a bit, "how long were you a formless shape under a cowl?"
"Longer than you care to think. Tell me, why do you think you're here?" I just shrug.
"God lost my paperwork and needs to find it before I can gain access? Or is Satan hunting for those documents as we speak?" His lips twitch as mine take on an entire smirk.
"Neither, in fact the reason should be here in..." he looks down at a beautiful gold on black leather wristwatch "... now."
Light explodes around us as a kid appears out of nowhere, he looks like a kid athlete that's somewhere between nine and ten but then he opens his startling green eyes. He's a shorter kid with a wiry figure and hard muscle, not at all what I would expect to see in a kid. I try to figure out where I know him from, he seems way too familiar… I can't help but gasp in surprise when the recognition hits me harder than the Civic did, that's Harry Potter! But wasn't he described as too thin and knobby kneed?
The pair of us stand there as a lithe figure in a green T-shirt and blue jeans strolls out of the fog. "My beautiful baby boy, how I wish I didn't have to see you yet…"
"You're my Mum?" The boy asked in a timid voice as Lily kneels before her boy as tears streamed down both their faces, "why did... why did you leave me?"
"I didn't want to, baby, I never wanted to leave you… there was an awful man that…"
The conversation carries on for about thirty minutes as Lily Potter explains why she died, why he was placed with the Dursleys, and comforts her son who's been through absolute hell. Oh how I wish I could get my hands on those animals in human clothing!
"Do I… Do I have to go back, mum?" the boy looks at his mother with such hope that it's painful.
"Honey, I…" her voice breaks but she takes a breath and calms herself... slightly,
"I think you do," her voice shatters with her heart seeing the boys face, I understand as my own is breaking for the boy, "there was a pro…"
"Mrs. Potter, I do not believe it is necessary to tell the boy that information quite yet." Death steps up from where I'm standing. I take in a breath and fall in perfect step with him, damnable marching band, "if Mr. Potter wishes to move on then I believe he has that right and I have the answer for you right here," he gestures toward me. I smile softly, kneeling beside the woman (who shockingly looks to be my age) while reaching my hand out to Harry.
"Hi, I'm Sss... Ssss... um, Thanatos?"
"You cannot use your name here. Fate herself has decreed it."
"Joy," I think rapidly before remembering a certain few Star Wars characters along with my pen name, I turn back to Harry with a small smile, "please, call me Vizsla, Jaster Vizsla."
He reaches out his hand and I shake it gently before looking at the boy with a smirk on my face, "pssst," I glance over at Lily multiple times trying to keep an awestruck but still serious look on my face, "can I tell you a secret?" he nods slowly and I raise my hand to the side of my face, blocking my mouth from Lily before I tell the boy in a stage whisper, "your mom is reaaaaally pretty!"
The boy finally smiles his first real smile and nods along enthusiastically, "she is, Mr. Jaster."
"Pshhh, none of that Mr. stuff! I'm too young! My father is Mr. Vizsla and grandpa is geezer Vizsla," I grin like mad as the boy laughs a bit. Lily looks almost stunned before I see a tear roll down her face, "Harry, do you want to go with your mom? You can be with her forever," I poke his belly lightly, "and ever," another poke "and ever!" One last poke and the previously crying boy is now giggling uncontrollably.
I glance over at a beaming Lily who just mouths "thank you."
"What do you say, Harry?" I grin at the little boy who asks one heartbreaking question.
"Are you coming too, dad?" His eyes are so full of hope it's actually painful, Lily moves to say something but I wave her off.
"No," his face falls, "because I'm not your dad," his face changes back to confusion but I still have a goofy-ass smile on my face, "tell you what though, if you'd like, I'm always looking for new friends." I feel like sweating bullets but what's a guy to do? That's when Lily laughs and I get tackled by prepubescent Harry James Potter. I grin and look at the softening face of Death himself.
Death may come for all, he may be hard, he may be cruel, but he can also be tender, he gives mercy. That's the face of death I'm looking on now.
I stand up with Harry still attached to me at the hip as a train pulls into the station. The door opens to reveal a pair of people, one a man with salt and pepper hair with hazel eyes and a woman with silver hair and violet eyes standing as regally as any queen I'd ever seen. I kneel down beside a wide-eyed Harry as he stares at the man on the train, "Harry," I whisper to the stunned boy, "meet your..." I look up at Lily who mouths a word, "...grandparents."
He looks at me, then at James, me and back, wash and repeat. Until he locks eyes with the hazel-eyed man and whispers "Papa Char? Granny Dory?" like the child he is.
His arms let go of me as he tackles the man who I think is Charlus Potter, sobbing and crying with his legs wrapped around his waist with his arms around the man's neck as Dorea Potter rubs the boys back and whispers words in his ear. Dorea is crying too while Charlus is beaming at his darling grandson that I have a feeling he never met. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist as Lily Potter smiles like the sun itself but with tears streaking down her face.
"Thank you…" she whispers, I hug the beautiful ginger back as sobs start to wrack her body. "Jaster," she looks up, her gaze stopping me short. Her green eyes shining with the radiance of the killing curse, "send me the Walrus, I'm going to tear him bit to itty bitty bit!"
I snort at that but promise I'll do just that knowing she's talking about Vernon Dursley, my least favorite character in fiction. I look back to the train thinking of something that's been nagging me "this wasn't supposed to happen yet… how did he die?"
"He's died so many times that I've lost count," my eyes snap down to the petite redhead clinging to me for dear life, much to my surprise, "Vernon" she growled in pure hate, she takes a breath to calm herself, "Vernon gave my boy over to Muggle authorities who claimed they wished to study him, he did it without a second thought for enough to pay off his mortgage and vacations for the next twenty years," I stiffen in horror, what kind of fucked up world am I getting into?
"He took the opportunity with both hands. My baby boy was given to an American program that tortured him in the name of science until one day his magic couldn't help him so his body did," I hold my breath, how could his body have helped him? "One day he woke up screaming in pain as... " she takes a moment to collect herself, "as claws erupted from his forearms."
I goggle at her for what must have been an hour, "claws? Bone claws?"
'Oh… Holy… Shit… the question is am I weapon X-0 or the X-23 of this earth?'
"They grafted this strange metal on his skeleton and the resulting blast of magic leveled the facility, the experiment killed him…" she said in a guilt laden voice, "but he's still alive in a way..."
"Oh… The prophecy," I say in horrified realization. "Either must die at the hand of the other… the horcrux binds Harry to earth while Tom himself is bound to Harry, Harry has to stay alive to keep his moldy shorts together... Would this deal get rid of the horcrux or am I Tommy's anchor now?"
"Neither," the cloaked figure says.
"So we're going for an assimilation deal?"
Death cocks an eyebrow and shakes his head slowly, "Yes."
"Great! But could we hold off on that entire thing for like a day?" I grin like a lunatic when Death nods his assent until...
"GREAT!? Lily Potter shrieks like a banshee letting go of me and puts her finger in front of my nose, Death waves his hand as a silver shield appears in front of the door, "What in Merlin's name is "great!" about a HORCRUX BEING ASSIMILATED INTO YOU?" Lily Potter thunders, even Death took a step back. They say death is senseless, but apparently he's not stupid. I take in a breath as the redhead stands there tapping her foot with hands on her hips
"I'll have all his knowledge (all his strengths and weaknesses) up until the bastard 'died,'" I roll my eyes thinking of the immortal dork lard, "I'll be able to beat him at his own game."
Lily stills in a heartbeat, her incandescent rage fading to a quiet stoicism. She smiles brilliantly, although some might consider it evilly, before taking my face in her hands. "You'll avenge my baby boy?"
"By fire, you can be damned sure I'll avenge him," I swear without hesitation.
She grins impishly at that and looks over at Charlus, Dorea, and Harry. The boy smiles angelically, Lily waves to her son before the door starts sliding shut. The doors secure themselves with a small click then the train fades off the platform.
"Thank you," the redhead whispers as she stares off toward the direction the train should have went, "the last time I ever saw him that happy was his last birthday when I was alive," she laughs ruefully at something only she remembers. She unexpectedly pulls my face to hers, the kiss is scorching and I feel her tongue sneak into my mouth. I don't know how long we stood there but eventually, Death cleared his throat. Sometimes, Death is an unwelcome interruption.
"Lady Potter, it's time."
The woman pulled her lips from mine to nod at the diety's words. With another peck on my lips, she says two words: "avenge us," before I can answer that the fiery beauty faded from existence, leaving me with one thought: where the hell was James Potter?
The world spins and squeezes for a heartbeat as that thought shot through my head. When I land I notice three things, one, I'm still me. I haven't changed to Harry yet. Two, it's hotter than what I thought hell was supposed to be. Third? This place is way too familiar… I look around for a second and cock my head at the odd look of the place, lava rivers crisscrossing the landscape with smoke and ash blotting out the sun. I look down the hill I'm standing on, 'wait a second… that looks really familiar, but why?' I look down the hill I'm standing on before turning around to the lava river flowing behind me when recognition dawns on me, "Why am I on Mustafar?" oh… I really am disoriented if I said that out loud.
"We'll talk about that later, mister! Now we need to talk!"
I spin around to see a woman in a deep maroon outfit that looks suspiciously like Raven's uniform from Teen Titans (the best cartoon ever) except it's crimson, instead of purple, cloak. Most shockingly though, she's wearing the face of a rather cute blonde that looks shockingly familiar 'wasn't she in that movie with Lindsey Lohan?' I actually have to repress my smile when I finally find the name, Rachel McAdams. The biggest bitch in cinema history, so who would be the embodiment of a bitch?
I think furiously as the woman floats up the hill until she's right in my face. That's when the realization hit me like a bolt of lightning.
"Hello, Lady Fate, how can I help you today?"
"Well, we can start by discussing just how much you're going to destroy!" she huffed but then her face shifted into a smirk, "but you know, you'll mostly destroy the plans of those who seek to destroy you." She smiles in a way that would send most people running for the hills, "you see, there's a reason the Norse call me Loki, I love to see the best-laid plans reduced to rubble!" her smile is almost innocent but the amusement in her eyes is anything but. I actually feel my jaw drop before I feel laughter boiling up in my chest. It comes to the surface and I bend over in a full belly laugh gasping for breath.
"You!" I laugh again pointing my finger at her, "I like you!" A smile crosses her once harsh face, I guess she realized I'm not laughing at her.
"Yes, my champion, you are going to seriously, how do your people say... throw a sock in some plans?" Her nose scrunches in concentration as her face shifts slightly from Holdo to a female copy of Harry Potter?
"Throw a wrench in it, put a sock in something means to shut them up. Throwing a wrench in the gears? Well," I smile viciously, "that destroys even the strongest machine. And I resent the fact that you think I'm simply going to throw a wrench in some plans, I am the wrench." I wink at the mouth-wateringly beautiful woman in front of me who smirks a sultry smile and walks up to me.
"Oh yes, you will do well indeed. I don't think those Stoll twins in that one world or Weasley terrors where you're going would have anything..." 'holy shit did she actually purr that?' "...On you, my champion."
Her leg comes around my hip and around the back of my thigh as her face is just inches from mine while her fingers tighten into my shirt. There's no way she doesn't feel my… shall we say appreciation, against her thigh. She grins a bit and says, "Oh no, we still have business to attend to… but I wouldn't say no to a little… fun, with you afterward. It's been ages since I've had a man!"
"Sister, stop trying to seduce the mortal!"
The emerald green eyes roll back in her head as she turns to face a man in ruby robes striding toward us, his chin held high and faux look of anger plastered to his face, but the humor in his bright red eyes ruins the moment.
"Oh c'mon, brother, let me have my fun!" She actually pouts, I can't help but chuckle at the adorable expression on her face. She looks at me with another smirk, "oh, you liked that huh?"
"It was cute," I move my hands from her waist to her hips for a beat and back to her waist, she shivers a bit at the touch.
"Oh my, do anything like that and you'll have my brother here turn you into an immortal mouse!" I pale a bit but don't move my hands off of her, actually enjoying the feeling of her booted leg rubbing over my bum and thigh.
"Immortal mouse?"
"The name's Reality, kid. Thanatos asked I give you a bit of a favor," with a wave of his hand, I feel my excess fat melt away and harden into muscle, my face shift so my cheekbones are higher, my nose sharper, and my eyes shift from their deep-set to a more almond shape. I actually watch in not a little bit of disappointment as my skin tone changes from the slight tan I picked up to almost ivory pale, oh yeah… sunbathing season whenever I can. But most interestingly is the changes I feel to little me, and Fate can't help but comment on it.
She's so surprised her green eyes change to an orangish-red as she looks down, "did… did you just grow down there?"
I blush furiously only giving a small nod of agreement, I groan softly as a small hand finds its way to the front of my jeans. She smirks victoriously, "my, my… it seems Mister Potter had no idea what he was packing…"
"Well, he was -mmm just like that- ten. But you know, I do have something to ask you?" She looked into my eyes and repositioned herself to kiss my neck while I gather my wits again. I look over at reality and nod my thanks as he walks off with an amused, yet exasperated, expression on his face. I knew he had something to do with the new and improved deal down south because this is just unnaturally large!
"Why did you decree I can't use my real name?" I grin as she looks up at me sheepishly.
"Because you are now Harry James in all but birth now. You have his blood, you will have his memories, and you will have his body, except much improved and with some of your own features, when you leave here," she nips at my ear with a slight moan of, "but that's not until I finish with you," she pulls back and looks me in the eye. Her orange eyes meet mine with lust burning deep within them.
"Hmph, maybe I wanted a turn too, Moira?"
We both look at the teen coming from the other direction Reality did, she looks at the pair of us with powerful green eyes, not normal green eyes, not even Harry's killing curse eyes, noooo that'd be too friggin mundane for a cosmic entity. Her eyes are literally thrumming with power as they give off a neon green light that looks way too familiar. Her face is that of Lexa "my real name is too long" kom Trikru, she even has the same voice! But what's more is that she's wearing the same armor and furs Lexa wore in the series with a forest green cloak, although I don't think I ever saw Lexa wear a smile like that.
"Chrona!" Moira (I like that name much more than Fate) jumps off of me and tackles the psuedo-commander to the ash and soot, the two roll around for a while laughing and hugging fiercely until Time lands on tops of Fate who's still wearing my face, but girl version, with those damningly attractive orange eyes. The girls stand up and hug some more before kissing gently. I watch with a small smile as the two part from each other.
Next thing I know the two are on either side of me, trapping my arms between their breasts.
"So, Harry," Moira says with a small giggle.
"You wanted to know…" Chrona (I'm assuming she's Time) continues on with a slight smirk.
"Why we're here?" Oh shit, not twin speech...
"Well the answer…"
"Is within you!"
"You see…"
"This isn't hell…"
"Not even close!"
"We're standing in your…"
"Newly awakened…"
"Elemental core!" They say in unison.
I watch the two go back and forth like a ping-pong match before nodding thoughtfully. Not as bad as I expected, and I quite like the idea of my core being the scene of one of my favorite sword fights in cinema history. I nod slowly while taking a look around.
"So I'm a fire elemental?"
"Yes!" Chrona says cheerfully.
"No!" Moira says at the same time with the same tone of voice.
I tap my chin slowly, "So I am, but at the same time I'm not?"
"Exactly!" The two of them chorus just making me chuckle at the pair's antics.
"Alright, I'll bite. What's my other element?"
Thunder crashes over our heads, Moira seems smug while Chrona just seems a bit exasperated.
"That," Fate says in a whisper in my ear, "is your second element and my gift to you handsome."
The storm above us crashes even harder, as the silhouette of a giant bird with six wings appears in a flash of lightning. My jaw dropped while watching the sight of the huge bird falling like a meteor.
The Thunderbird lands in front of our Trio, I move to stand in front of the majestic bird. I look over my shoulder at Fate and Time who are standing hand in hand, I look up at the bird and say, "give me one second if you would," I turn on heel and take Fate in my arms kissing the life out of her before turning to Time who has a deer in the headlights look, I take her in my arms too and kiss her as well. "If you ever want to see me, don't hesitate to stop yourself," I smirk at Time, "and drag me back here beauties, I'll see you soon." I kiss them both passionately again before standing before the Thunderbird once more.
"Well big guy, let's do this." The Thunderbird brings his head down to my level, I lay my hand on his forehead as Thunder claps around us.
"I name thee Stormfront, the one who leads the storm! Together we shall fly high!" With those simple words, a blue bolt of lightning strikes both man and bird as a green energy pulses over both of us.