Hallo~ GuyNumber23 here, doing my first fic on Honkai Impact 3rd. I had this idea for a while now and I simply couldn't hold it anymore, so here it is. I won't be anything near my other fics, if you happen to know some of my work... That said, as usual, I don't own any rights over the characters. Have fun~
A White Winter Rose
10 a.m, air space of Soukai City. The vessel known as Hyperion made justice to its naming, crossing the few clouds in the bright sky. The mighty structure, though armored and ready to combat the menace known as Honkai, floated peacefully this morning like a slumbering titan. Many of the citizens of Soukai City were used to the sight; in fact, it was somewhat a good sign to see the great ship somewhere above the horizon. That meant they had people watching over them, protecting them from the forces trying to erase humanity. And aboard the impressive vehicle were the Valkyries, fighters like no ordinary men could hope to match, the best defense of humanity against certain annihilation.
However, as mighty as the Valkyries were, they couldn't do everything alone as they were few, and the enemies far outnumbered them. No, they were the spearhead, the edge of the blade. Schicksal was one of the organizations invested in fighting against the Honkai, the one behind the Valkyries program, and so they provided pretty much all the resources needed to this battle. Enter the Captain of Hyperion, a young man that studied hard for a long period and passed on a battery of tests so he could fill the hole. Few people wanted to have anything to do with that war, and even less were apt to fight, mostly because Valkyries were strictly women. Regardless, this man went through it all and got his spot as the captain of Hyperion. There was only one tiny problem…
His role couldn't be less important.
Make no mistakes, he was skilled and had knowledge of combat tactics, complex strategies and could handle resource management with high efficiency. But still… whenever the time to fight came, he had to sit down on the back and watch the monitors as the Valkyries did the hard work. Top that with the fact that they were trained to act autonomously and adapt to any kind of situation, and his role got even more diminished in the big picture. No wonder why his payment was so low and so often got delayed. Captain didn't sign up for this. These were things that no one was aware of. They all had a part in this fight and they had to do their best to fend off the Honkai, each member of the crew knew that. Even so, Captain couldn't help but feel he was just a symbolic figure there, as practically everyone aboard the Hyperion treated him like a mere colleague, at best. Well, whatever, this is the life he chose, so Captain might as well do the best he could.
Speaking of Captain, one person wandered around the many hallways of the ship, shouting and looking for him.
"Captain! Captain, where are you?" White long hair tied into two braids swung back and forth as she walked. The girl with turquoise eyes looked left and right, passing through a few engineers and maintenance staff. They were already used to her loud and brash nature.
"Captain! Hurry up and get out wherever you are!" Her voice pretty much echoed through half of the large ship.
"Kiana, don't be so loud. You are annoying the crew" Kiana Kaslana, the white-haired girl, turned around as her friend admonished her.
"Mei! Have you seen Captain? I can't find him anywhere"
Raiden Mei, a girl with long black hair and light purple eyes, stood in front of Kiana with a small frown. She always caused trouble no matter where she went. Of course. Mei knew it wasn't on purpose but still, Kiana definitely could use some better manners.
"No, I haven't seen Captain since last night. But why are you looking for him, anyway?"
"Oh, um..." Kiana looked away sheepishly, rubbing her arm. "Well… I was thinking if he wouldn't mmnmnmn..." She murmured the last part so low Mei barely registered it.
"If he would what?"
"I thought that he could mmnnmnmn..."
"Kiana, say it already" Mei said in a stern yet sweet tone, prompting Kiana to look at her and speak out loud.
"I wanted Captain to do my homework" The guilt showed in her face. She got caught. Again. Mei closed her eyes briefly and sighed, gently placing a hand over her forehead.
"Kiana… how many times we have to discuss this? It is your homework, you can't have others doing it for you, especially Captain"
"But Mei! Himeko passed me a lot of extra stuff and Fu Hua said we would have another study session later. That's too much!" She whined.
"Himeko-sensei passed you extra homework because you didn't finish yours last week"
But Mei! Today they will make a resale of Kallen Fantasy VII! The stock will vanish in seconds, I can't stay locked up studying!"
"Homework comes before games, Kiana. Besides, how do you plan to buy it if you already spent your money on snacks last week?" Mei asked the girl with a raised eyebrow. Once again Kiana shied out and rubbed her arm.
"Erm… I was thinking of asking Captain since he would already do the homework for me..."
"Kiana! You can't simply ask others for their money. That's it, we're going to do your tasks right now" Mei said grabbing Kiana by the hand and dragging her along.
"Eh?! But Mei, the sale-"
"If you finish it quickly then you can try it"
"I will never finish that much homework before night, the shop will close! Can't I do it tomorrow?"
"If you have so much work to do, one day might not be enough. Besides, you should start working on it right away"
"It can't be..." Kiana whined again with imaginary tears in the corners of her eyes. Despite her better judgment, Mei couldn't keep mad at Kiana for too long. She sighed again, knowing that she was being too soft for Kiana's own good.
"... Look, if we finish a good part of it we can go to the shop, okay?"
The brooding Kiana immediately shone a bright smile.
"Yes, but you have to do it yourself. I'll just help a little"
"Then we can make one page and go?"
"At least a third"
"A fifth?~" Kiana pleaded with puppy eyes.
"A quarter and nothing less. Letting your tasks pile up isn't good, Kiana"
The two girls walked through the corridors, Mei rolling her eyes while Kiana skipped and hummed a happy tone. Homework was boring but with Mei she could do it no problem. Then, the girls met another familiar face. A small gray-haired girl floating in their direction. Her hair was tied with large navy blue ribbons into two drills falling gracefully from the sides of her head, and she wore a uniform resembling that of a sailor. Her skin was fair, almost white as snow, but perhaps what stood out more in her was her robotic legs. She approached the two with a completely neutral and emotionless face.
"Oh, hello Bronya-chan" Mei greeted her.
"Hi. Mei-senpai, have you seen subject Captain? The Bronya can't find him in the scanners"
"Ah, you're looking for him to do your homework too?" Kiana asked.
"No. The Bronya finished her homework yesterday. Besides, the Bronya does not need any help with it like Kiana Idiotka" Bronya might look cold outside, and she really is. However, after spending some time with her you can learn to catch on the subtle hints, like the vibe of smugness she had right now.
"Oi! Who are you calling Idiotka?!" Kiana pointed a finger at the short girl.
"The Bronya does not see anyone else fitting the description here besides subject Kiana"
"What was that?-"
"Kiana-chan, Bronya-chan, don't start a fight now" Mei was the middle gear keeping this team functional. Otherwise, Bronya and Kiana would be fighting over everything. Oh wait, they already did that regardless of her efforts. Mei sighed again with a hopeless and tired smile, as she loved both girls the way they were. It wasn't like they didn't make her life more fun.
"Anyway, Bronya-chan, why are you looking for Captain?"
Bronya stopped bickering with Kiana immediately and turned to Mei.
"The Bronya wishes to ask Captain a favor. There will be a resale of Kallen Fantasy VII this afternoon, but the Bronya will be busy grinding on Homu Wars at the time. The Bronya wishes to get the limited prize that comes with it"
"Ah, I was planning on getting a copy for me too" Kiana said.
"Unlikely. Kiana Idiotka probably spent all her money already"
"The Bronya is correct again"
"Drop it, you two. And Bronya, we can't just ask Captain to do anything we want"
"Why not? Subject Captain does it all the time"
"I know but we can't take advantage of his kindness" Mei said that with a hint of shyness as she also had some guilt there.
"Does Mei-senpai has anything to ask subject Captain today?"
"Well… I kind of wanted to make stew for dinner, but we are lacking vegetables back at the dorms. Maybe he could buy me some, Captain always brings fresh stuff when he goes shopping for me and… no, no, no, we can't. Kiana, you have homework to do" Kianna flinched once she got reminded of it.
"Suggestion. We can wait for subject Captain in his room until he arrives. It shouldn't take long since subject Captain is a slacker"
"Bronya-chan, just because Captain doesn't have a lot of work, doesn't mean he slacks off" Mei tried to defend the reputation of the poor young man.
"Well, he does have a lot of manga in his room" Kiana said.
"Da. And games too" Bronya added.
Feeling that convincing them would take more time, Mei decided to roll with it.
"Okay but once we find Captain, we will do your homework, Kiana"
And so the girls headed to Captain's room. The metal door slid open and they came in, Kiana first.
"Captain! I have a favor to ask and- eh, he's not here"
"The Bronya stated she couldn't find subject Captain in the scanners, Idiotka"
"Well, I'm sure he's busy with something. We'll wait for a while then" Mei said, taking a seat on his bed.
Kiana dashed to the large shelves full of manga and started to look at the titles for something she found interesting. Bronya noticed the stack of games neatly piled on a table and so she decided to see what Captain had been playing lately, mostly so she could make higher scores or unlock all the achievements before him. The white-haired girl smiled as she found something of her liking and pulled the volume carelessly from the shelf, dragging more along with it. She flopped on the bed and started to read, but not for long as Mei looked at the mess she made.
"Kiana, be careful with other's belongings" Mei said as she picked up the other manga scattered on the bed and floor. She was about to place them back on the shelf when she noticed something. "Hmm?"
She reached farther into the shelf and retrieved a book, completely different from the manga collection. It had a reddish-brown hardcover and no title on it.
"Oh, what is it?~" Kiana peeked from her reading and got curious in an instant. That also got Bronya's attention.
"I don't know. It was kinda hidden back there" Mei said as she further inspected the book.
"Statistics suggests that subject Captain deliberately put the book the to conceal its existence"
"Subject Captain is hiding it from everyone"
"Oh, why didn't you say that already?" Kiana quirked an eyebrow. "Well, what's in there, anyway?"
"I don't know, but… if Captain hid it, maybe we shouldn't look" Mei said, ready to put the book where it was, but then Kiana snatched it from her hands.
"Wait up, Mei. I'm curious now, what does Captain have here that he wants to hide?"
"Kiana, prying on other's business is very bad" Mei said almost in a motherly tone.
"The Bronya is interested in knowing the contents too" Bronya said, siding with Kiana for once. That left Mei to sigh again as she got closer to Kiana on the other side.
"Just a quick look. I don't want Captain thinking that we're nosy girls"
And then they opened the book. The first page was filled with handwritten text. It had dates in a few lines. Kiana and the others started to read it.
Well then, my psychologist said I should do something to keep myself busy, and as lame as it might sound, keeping a journal is the easiest thing. I could rank up in a few games but I don't want to finish them already, as my income is much lower than I would like. For the same reason, manga binge is out of the question.
Why did I ever think that being the captain of a Schicksal ship would be nice? I heard recently that ME Corps is hiring and they are pretty acceptive of anyone with some knowledge. Maybe I should consider it…
"Eh? Captain is planning on leaving?!" Kiana shouted in surprised.
"The Bronya believes subject Captain wouldn't do such a thing. Subject Captain's skills aren't well aligned with ME Corps interests"
"I don't think Captain would leave either… More importantly, this is his diary, we definitely shouldn't be reading this" Mei told them.
"But we just started to read this. Besides, why would Captain need one?"
"Keeping a diary can help relieve stress and cope with difficult situations, like the current state of subject Captain's wallet"
Mei looked reluctant, Bronya was neutral, and Kiana was hyped with curiosity. Regardless, the three of them kept reading.
I can't believe it, the nerve of some people! Just because I'm young everyone from the crew makes fun of me. Well, not exactly make fun, but they don't treat me as a captain. Back at the academy, every time someone with a higher rank passed by we had to salute and all, but I'm not getting any of this around here! Ah, forget it, I think I would feel weirded out anyway. I would prefer it if everyone was more friendly, though. We are all working towards the same objective, so I might as well make things easier without this ranking thing.
Oh, that's right. After four months of waiting, the Hyperion will be assigned to a team of Valkyries. Apparently it will be a special case since the Principal of Academy asked personally for me and the Hyperion. I don't care what Chase told me, I'm more than a bonus that comes with the ship! I wasn't the #1 student for nothing, you know? Great, now I'm talking to the journal…
"Oh, so Captain started this journal before we met" Kiana concluded.
"Mhmm. I feel a little sorry for him, though. Captain apparently has it hard from the very beginning" Mei said empathically.
"Don't worry, Mei, subject Captain was aware of the conditions" Bronya said in her monotone voice.
"Yeah, probably, but still..."
"Ah, look, this is where we came to the Hyperion" Kiana pointed at the text. They quickly glanced over the next paragraphs and found a small surprise. "Eh? It's about me. Captain wrote something about me" She said, returning and reading the texts thoroughly.
Well, talk about unexpected. I knew the Valkyrie program was different from everything else but I didn't think they would train girls to fight the Honkai. Like, high school girls. I know, I know, I kinda did the same thing to become a captain faster but I'm not dealing with honkai energy directly, am I? I guess having Stigmata does make a huge difference. And the surprises didn't stop coming. You know the Principal of the St. Freya Academy? The person responsible not only for the normal learning system but also for the Valkyrie training? She's a twelve-year-old! I mean, she looks like twelve years old girl at least, but she was all business when I came to her room. She gave me a quick tour through the buildings and then presented me to the team I'll be leading. I'll say again that I was surprised because they can't be older than 16 and I still have to wrap my head around it.
Actually, forget it, that's not the worst part. No, no, you had to that white-haired girl. What was her name? Kiana…? Yeah, Kiana. We just met and she simply couldn't care less. She looked so happy next to that other girl but when I came to greet them she legit stuck out her tongue. A 16yo. Stuck her tongue to me. How am I supposed to deal with this? Do I have to be her babysitter too?
"..." Kiana was speechless.
"Well, that's something" Mei commented quietly.
"Kiana Idiotka is a master of embarrassing herself"
"Shut up shut up shut up! Ah! I can't believe Captain wrote these mean things about me"
"Subject Captain wrote more, look"
Kiana Kaslana. She must be the bane of my existence. She's reckless, she acts like a brat most times and she just won't leave Mei's side for anything. And don't get me started on her constant fights with Bronya. One week and I already feel like giving up. Oh well, I'm the captain of the Hyperion, I can't give up like this. Maybe if I get on her good side, she'll behave better… Maybe I should leave more space for her here. There is always room for improvement.
"Hm? Space?" Kiana questioned out loud and flipped a few pages. Some of them were written and others were blank, then Captain resumed to write.
"Subject Captain left blank space for the future. The Bronya wonders how much of it will be complaining"
It's over. Any hope I had of getting Kiana to cooperate just flew through the window. Why do people don't lock their doors? I came to the room where she lives because we were late for deployment. The door was unlocked and she was the only one remaining. I swear I thought she was sleeping… that cursed timing… I opened the door and I saw her halfway through pulling up her shorts… No shirt or jacket anywhere close. Just who changes clothes in front of the door?! Well, as you can imagine, journal, I got a book to the face. And I was called a pervert. It's over.
They were in silence most of the time but now it felt heavier. Kiana especially felt her face heat up.
How do I do this? How do I apologize? She's been avoiding me like the plague and I simply can't say that in front of everyone. And what's worse, she refuses to listen. She'll work along well with Mei, and with Bronya to some extent, but only if I ask the girls to deliver the messages to her. Otherwise, she might as well do the opposite of what I say. Give me a break… Why does she have to be so stubborn?
. . . . .
Yo, journal. Um, how do I say this...? I saw her crying. We just got back from a mission and everyone was exhausted. Kiana even got carried to her room in the Hyperion. I went to check on the girls and congratulate them on their third mission completed. Mei thanked me back, Bronya simply nodded, but when I came to see Kiana. Well, obviously it would be hard to deliver the message when she was ignoring me. I stood a few minutes talking alone on the door and when I was about to leave I heard something. Now, after what happened I shouldn't be opening any doors but I got worried, and when I opened it I found Kiana on her bed. She was holding her blanket as if her life depended on it and even with only the light from the hallway I could see it. Her eyes… She was crying in her sleep.
I really don't know what came over me, journal. I felt that I had to do something, so I got closer, as silently as I could. The last thing I wanted was to be called a pervert and a creep again. I somehow managed to get next to her bed and I stood there, not knowing what to do for two solid minutes, at least. Then I just… moved, you know? I tried to caress her head as gentle as I could and I froze in place when she stirred. She mumbled something about her father, I guess, I couldn't hear much of it. She mumbled some more while I kept caressing her and eventually she stopped crying. I don't know if I even helped but at least she doesn't look so sad now. Maybe… maybe there's more to Kiana than I'm seeing, or she lets others see. Can I speak with Principal Theresa…?
They stood in silence again, but this time it was broken by the surprised voice of the white-haired girl.
"...Eh? That happened…? Was I really… that mean to Captain?"
Kiana now felt an urge to keep reading.
I was right, journal, Kiana isn't simply some spunky brat. Principal Theresa didn't tell me much but apparently Kiana lost her parents. Well, in a sense since she lived with her father for some time when she was young, but he went missing and she had to live on her own. It wasn't until much later that Principal Theresa would take care of her, even enrolling her on St. Freya. Man, that's tough. I can't even imagine how hard life has been on her. I kind of empathize with her kind of failing in her studies. Hmm, scratch that, this is no excuse, but… can I help her? I mean, if she ever let me get in a ten-meter radius from her, that is. I should try regardless of her reaction. I just hope she doesn't hit me with another tome or something. Wish me luck, journal.
. . . . .
I can't believe that just happened! I would say it if that didn't, in fact, happen to me. Guess what, journal? Not only did I manage to approach Kiana and offer to help with her homework, but she also accepted and I even got to say I was sorry for the dorm incident. She wasn't exactly the definition of "at ease" by my side but that's a start. Wow, I do feel good, journal. I know things have been kinda harsh for Kiana, so I'm trying to make things a little better for her at least in that small part. I don't even need her to acknowledge or appreciate it, just doing it is fine to me. You had to see her face when she finally understood that equation. She seemed so radiant… Oh yeah, you can't see. Allow me to further elaborate in words.
Kiana might look like a spoiled kid, and she really is, in a certain way. But more than that, she's a spunky girl who is not afraid of trying and failing (she needs to work on the failing part, though). Kiana won't ever stand down from a challenge, she faces everything head-on, and while this makes her quite irresponsible, I can count on her to anything. Anything that doesn't involve homework, this requires some persuasion. She's always full of energy and boy, does she eats. I guess it is needed to keep her going.
Despite her brash nature and lack of filter, she's also a really sweet girl. Last time I helped her to study, we made a deal that if she passed the test I would buy her some chicken tenders she was whining about the other day. She came the next day with her test and she barely passed, but a deal was a deal. What surprised me was that after buying it, she immediately started to stuff her face and I simply watched the sunset, but she poked me and offered one. One from the fifty I bought her. She looked away as if she was shy or something, and she thanked me for helping her.
. . . . .
Kiana is a special girl. She is strong, or she forces herself to be. Yet, under all that attitude she just as sweet as a box of chocolate she likes so much. I caught her crying again. It happened other times, but I just heard and left her, or she was sleeping again. This time though, I couldn't dismiss it. It was late and I had some paperwork to finish. I wanted to finish it already and to do so I was picking my third cup of coffee. A metal door slid open and then we locked eyes. She stared at me with watery eyes for a few moments, then turned away, rubbing the tears away. I had to say something, and I told her to wait. She froze in place and after some hesitation, I managed to get her to sit down with me. She didn't have to say anything I told her, and we remained in silence for a while, just staring at the clouds outside. Then, she started to talk.
Kiana told me about what happened during her childhood, how she couldn't remember much from it, how her father took care of her and taught her how to fight and how to survive. By now was already familiar with the name Kaslana, but she told me her father was a powerful fighter and that she had the hot blood of the Kaslanas pulsing through her veins. Actually, that's how she met Mei. During a honkai outbreak, she was the only one against a hoard and then Mei appeared. They fought together and when things seemed lost, Bronya appeared. It seems that by chance they got together.
She told me about how her father was a pervert and a womanizer, and how she sometimes had to keep him in the line. How he left her suddenly, without even saying goodbye or where he was going. How he was stupid and a good for nothing, (ironically) an irresponsible dad that could only teach her some basic gun kata and how to cook. Behind all that heavy criticizing I could see clearly. She still wanted to see him again, just so she could bash him for abandoning her, I guess. Once again I don't know what came over me, journal. She felt so lonely, so cold… I had to do something, and before I knew I was hugging her.
We both got surprised, Kiana with my hug, and I with her slowly returning it. My arms were around her so she just lifted her arms, holding mine and leaning a bit on me. I'm not gonna lie to you, journal, I felt really nervous right now. I mean, I'm the captain, maybe I shouldn't be so intimate with my crew, even less someone, ahem, underage. But whatever dark scheme might be boiling in the deep corners of my mind got erased as Kiana said that I was the second person to make her feel so warm. The first person? Mei, and by the way she said it I knew I stood no chance whatsoever. well, it's not like I was chasing anything with this, except for making Kiana feel better, so I guess mission completed, right?
. . . . .
I really didn't bother about not being recognized for what I do, even less regarding these things. I think that when we try to do something good for someone, we can't make it expecting something in return, and I never did. I never asked Kiana to even thank me, I just wanted to be there for her, because I felt that for a long time, no one was. So I think we can agree that I was mostly surprised, journal. Recently Kiana opened up so much to me that it is overwhelming. How so? She keeps asking me for money and favors, and she evolved from asking for help doing her homework to straight-up asking me to do it for her. She hangs around my room to binge some of my manga and play my games, without asking before, I must say. She keeps being her spunky, impetuous self and the more we the time pass, the more she surprises me.
Just a fair warning. I know you can't eat, journal but please, please never let Kiana talk you into eating her food. She is a complete disaster and her food might as well be classified as a biohazard. Mei tries to teach her from time to time but this Kiaslana simply can't cook anything more complex than instant ramen. What amazes me more is that her stomach seems indestructible. Seriously, why would she think roast beef with chocolate was a good combination of flavor? As much as I want to keep her at a ten-meter radius from the kitchen, I simply can't say no to her. She is legit making some effort to learn, and when Mei is there to help, she actually manages to cook something edible.
Kiana is like that in almost everything. She doesn't give up easily, accepts the challenges even if the odds are totally against her. She's strong but also sweet. She is brave but has a soft and caring side. She goes out of her way to help others, and be it the famous Kaslana blood or not, I admire this in her. I know that I can count on her when the time comes, and even though I didn't say it properly, I'll be there for her always. She will never stop pushing forward. The winter can come but she'll keep blossoming like a beautiful white Christmas Rose.
There was a minute of silence as the girls stared at the book. Mei and Bronya slowly turned their eyes to the frozen lady between them. Kiana had her eyes glued on the last lines, reading them over and over again. Her hands began to shake lightly and she felt her face heating up like she never felt before. Eyes widened in shock, she suddenly shut the book close and put it down.
"W-w-w-wha… w-what was that all about?!" She shouted in a mix of confusion and embarrassment. Mei looked at her while covering her mouth with one hand, concealing a small smile.
"Wow, who knew Captain could be so sensitive"
"Eh?! S-sensitive? It's the Captain we're talking about, Mei! He can't have written all t-that!" Kiana pointed at the book.
"The Bronya ran a small check, the speech patterns confirm. Subject Captain is the author behind this embarrassing text about Kiana Idiotka"
"Grrrr, I'll show you the idiotka!"
"The Bronya is not afraid of resorting to Project Bunny 19C" The short girl said as the large robotic companion materialized, floating near her.
"Drop it, you two. We have other problems now" Both girls turned to Mei as she stared with a worried face at the book. She carefully picked it up, then looked at them. "We did something wrong, we shouldn't have looked. These as Captain's personal thoughts and feelings, and if he went all the way to hide it, we should respect his privacy" Mei gave them a lecture and was on her way to put the book back, but then Kiana stopped her again.
"Wait, Mei, don't you think there is more on this book?"
"What do you mean, Kiana?"
"I mean..." Kiana poked her fingers together. "I can't believe Captain wrote these things about me, it was kinda embarrassing… I can't be the only one he wrote about, right?"
Mei stared at her for a moment before it dawned on her what the girl meant.
"Oh no, Kiana, we're not looking further into this"
"But Mei-"
"No "but Mei" miss, we already went far enough. Think of how Captain would feel if he found out we were reading his personal journal?"
"He wrote about that time he saw me changing, I can't be the only one with an embarrassing moment!" At that moment, mei flinched a bit. It was tiny and quick but the girls managed to notice.
"W-well, even so, we should at least ask Captain about it and-"
"Got it!" Kiana once again took hold of the book, but this time Mei went to retrieve it.
"Kiana! Put Captain's journal back on the shelf!"
"Just a moment, there has to be something else here"
"Just a little more" She moved away while gliding her eyes over the paragraphs, avoiding Mei's grasp as best as she could.
"Kiana, give me that book!"
"No! You won't let me read!"
"Aha!- Whaah!"
Mei tackled the girl in an attempt to recover the journal, but they ended falling from the bed. The book flew up and landed on the hands of the small girl with an emotionless expression.
"Oh, subject Captain wrote a part for Mei-neesama too"
"I knew it!~"
"R-really?" Mei got up and looked worried at the book and then at the silver-haired girl. "Um… Bronya-chan-"
"Nuhu, the Bronya is curious" She said, moving the book away from Mei.
"Come on, Mei. Aren't you curious to know what Captain thinks about you?" Kiana asked her, half teasing and half honestly curious to know too.
The dark-haired girl looked at them again and then at the journal, sighing and then slowly moving to pick the book. Bronya hugged it but Mei simply held and pulled.
"If we're doing this, I want to at least read my part" Bronya let got and then took a seat next to Mei. Kiana did the same on the other side. Mei took in a deep breath and opened the journal again, flipping the pages until the found her name written in bigger letters. "Well then, let's see..."
End of Chapter
Tada!~ So, how's that? It does feel nice to write some cuteness from start to finish, like that slice of life in the middle of two battle shonen, just to keep things balanced. Heh, this might be the incentive I needed to get back on the tracks with the other fics. Anyways, as always I'm open to critics and opinions. Have you ever heard oh HI3 before? If not I highly recommend, not only the game but the manga too. Did I miss something? Leave a review if you feel like, it is much appreciated. Thanks for your time and for reading, Guy leaves~~