*Hey guys, I kept this off long enough. Finally typed up the final chapter. Had a hard time figuring out how to end it, but I think I got it! Enjoy!*

The reception was held in the palace and her family decorated it in pink and white flowers. Beautiful chandeliers filled the room with light and the band was in full swing. Woody and Bo danced to the song 'Happily ever after', Buzz gave a speech, and Bo tossed her bouquet right into the waiting arms of Jessie. During one of the dances, Woody sneaked away to one of the balconies. He leaned against the railing and looked out at the little town.

"You know, I don't know much about wedding receptions, but I know the groom shouldn't be absent from his own party." The cowboy turned and saw Buzz standing in the archway. Woody chuckled at the remark.

"I know, I know. I just needed some air." Buzz came over to the railing.

"Your not having second thoughts about this, are you? Because it took alot of time on short notice."

"Oh no, I'm not regretting this at all. It was time I tied the knot with Bo. No, this is not what's bothering me at all."

"Then what is it? I've seen that face before, pal. That's your worried face." Woody sighed.

"I know the device is gone and I'm no longer under his control, but what if it happens again? What if, by some weird turn of events, I wake up one day and I'm evil again? Or what if I start to become bad again?"

"You won't. I worried about that when Lotso switched me. I worried all the time that the demo mode version of me would come back and somehow hurt the people I loved. Thankfully, you don't have to worry about that because you don't have a switch and the device is not inside you anymore." He could tell that Woody was not convinced. "Okay, how about this? If, by some stroke of chance, you start to feel like your becoming bad, just stop what you're doing, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, 'I am Woody Pride. I am not bad, I am good.'' Woody looked at him, perplexed. "Give it a try." The cowboy rolled his eyes, but stood tall, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I am Woody Pride. I am not bad, I am good." He opened his eyes and looked at Buzz.

"Now how did that feel?"

"Good. Really good." Buzz patted him on the back.

"See? Say that a few times and you'll feel better. You will move past this, buddy. I know you will."

"Thanks partner. And thank you for helping me out with all this. Not just the wedding, but everything we have been through together. I know I came off rough when we first met, but looking back, I don't think I could've done any of it without you." Buzz smiled and looked away.

"You are so lucky we can't produce tears." Woody laughed and threw an arm around him.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Buzz."

"I'll miss you too, cowboy." They hugged each other quick and then went back to the party. The next morning, the lost crew and Bonnie's toys bid the citizens and the royal family goodbye. Elena hugged Bo.

"Our kingdom is always open to you, should you ever return." She said, holding her hands.

"Thank you for everything, Elena. You have done an amazing job here, creating this home for toys." Bo said.

"We take in as many as we can. Some stay, but most leave within a week. We just like to be hospitable. I applaud you and your crew for taking this to other areas around the world. I want to officially make you honorary members of the lost toy brigade."

"Whoa, that's a high honor!" Ducky said.

"It is, thank you, your highness." Woody said, bowing. Elena shook her head, smiling a little, before curtsying. Woody spoke again. "Once again, I apologize for any trouble I caused."

"No need to apologize, Woody. All is forgiven." Elena said. Then she walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Take care of yourself and your friends, cowboy."

"I will, thank you." She smiled at him, and he returned it. The others said their goodbyes and then ran to catch one of the tour boats back to the mainland. A few hours later, they arrived back at Bonnie's window. They all climbed up to the window and greeted by the others.

"You've been gone for days!" Buttercup said.

"Woody! Good to see you, ole boy!" Prickle Pants said.

"You're back! Just in time too, Bonnie will be back in an hour!" Dolly said. She ran off to get the others ready. Rex, Hamm, and Potato Head said goodbye to Woody and Bo, Slinky took a few extra minutes, hugging Bo tightly and licking Woody's face. Jessie did the same.

"I can't believe we're saying goodbye to you again. She said, hugging Bo. It doesn't get any easier, you know."

"I know." Bo said sadly. Woody looked at them and then at Buzz. He didn't want to say goodbye again, but he knew he had to.

"Hey. Buzz said, getting their attention. I think we need to make a pact. That come what may, someday, we all be together again, united as one team. Whether that is when Bonnie goes off to college or a decade from now, we make a pact to somehow be together again, all of us, just like we've always wanted."

"Buzz, think about what your saying. You're taking about leaving playtime behind." Woody said.

"Not now, of course, but someday. Think about it. Working together like we used to. What do you think?"

"That would be amazing!"

"It would be something to consider. Bo said. Of course we would love for you all to join us, but that would be completely up to you, we wouldn't pressure you into it."

"We can talk to the others about it. Jessie said, taking his hand. In the meantime, just stay safe, and come back when you can. As hard as it is to keep on saying goodbye, we still want to see you guys."

"But we are all in agreement of the pact? Come what may?" Buzz said. Woody looked at Bo.

"Come what may." She said, taking his hand. Woody kissed her cheek.

"Come what may." He looked at his sister who smiled.

"I guess it unanimous." They all laughed. She rushed at Bo and Woody, hugging them. "Love you guys, be safe."

"Bonnie's home!" The Pea Pod shouted. Jessie and the gang rushed into the room as Woody, Bo and the lost crew rushed off towards the direction of the carnival, which was packing up, getting ready to move onto the next town. They climbed up into a truck and moved to the back, settling in for the long drive. Giggle snuggled up next to Duke and the two fell asleep. Bo smiled at the sight of them.

"I can't believe she never told me. And I never even saw the signs. She said, shaking her head. I am happy for them though." She looked at Woody, who had a small smile on his face. She nudged him. "Hey, are you going to be okay, honey?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think I will be. Woody said. I know I can't turn evil, but Buzz gave me some advice in case I ever feel myself growing bad."

"Good old Buzz. How about that pact, huh? Think that will happen?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Come what may, we will all be together again, and if that's working together helping toys, that's just fine with me. Either way, I'll be happy. Because on top of having Ole Buzz Lightyear, my sister, and my friends by my side, I'll also have my lovely wife too." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Hmm, wife. I could get used to that." She kissed his lips, and placed her head on his shoulder, soon dozing off. He looked at her and smiled. Looking at the wall of the truck, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I am Woody Pride. I am not bad, I am good." He whispered to himself. He didn't say it because he was feeling bad, but so that he can start to heal. Lotso was gone, really gone. No one was going to control him, and no one was ever going to make him terrorize or hurt his friends and innocent people again. He would be okay, thanks to the people who cared most.

*And that is it! For those who don't know, Happily ever after is from the fireworks show at Magic Kingdom, one I have yet to see in person! How bout that pact, huh? Would you guys want to read a story like that? If Buzz and the gang did decide to meet up with Woody and Bo? That could be a one shot idea somewhere down the road! Thank you to all of you who have followed along with this. I'm going to take a step back from long stories for a while and working on some small, one shots. I've got a few ideas so far. Be safe, stay healthy, and have a great memorial day weekend! Till next time!*