Sup guys? Lighting Wolf here! back with another story, this one about Azur Lane. Enjoy the 800-word chapter. I don't own Azur Lane, Shanghai Manjuu, Ximen Yongshi and a few others do.

No matter how things went, war always cost lives. Everyone knew that.

Though there was also the technology of the Sirens, such technology went beyond what was possible by humanity.

"Your asking for something that might not even be possible… But it isn't possible, right?" One Siren asked. They had worked on a new project. The sea faring race looked at the being and hummed.

The man had black hair and had the appearance of a soldier who had been killed during the war, he couldn't have been more then his early 20s. A very early casualty of the war.

"Flight technology is very dangerous and we don't even know if it will work… I don't even know if it could be done to fix anything. We have never tested such individuals and you already know our purpose is to test humanity, he has ties to 2 of the girls and had caught the attention of a third one when he had been sent on that mission where our fleet destroyed there's." This came from the mouth of a Lurker Siren.

The group had recovered his body from the wreckage of his ship as he had near life readings. He was clearly a fighter as he clung to life despite the damage to his body while they pulled him from the wreckage by the end of the battle.

They had studied the history of the great war they planed replicas of, air power was a very big factor in such a war that it fazed out the power of seaborne vessels.

This, combined with the idea that a plane was launched from a carrier, Kaga, Akagi and the carrier Hiryuu were all part of the Sakura Empire and the man at question was known as an officer for the Eagle Union.

It interested the Sirens greatly that such a human had the attention of the Sakura Empire, a rival and a problem for the world.

Then again, the Sirens were well aware of what happened in another reality in the conflict between the Union and Empire and how things could have been much worse.

"Dreamweaver was adamant. I want to point out that our duty is to simulate differing elements so Humanity advances… This was always a prototype idea… And you know it, we were ordered to do it. I want him transformed or you can be sent to the front lines with the rest of the fleets." The Omitter Siren turned and walked away before rolling her eyes.

She knew it would be a problem for the Sirens as a flying warrior would be able to cover more ground and they would end up being put on the back foot.

But they weren't the villains in the story. They simply guided humanity where it had to be at the end of the day.

She hummed and sighed before rubbing her temples. She knew things would be a problem at the moment as there was other forces at work between the Sirens, the other counties and such.

She walked into another room before looking at the screen in the distance.

"We are preparing to operate on him…. I still wish we had a better air force as even a single plane will be able to counter our entire fleet if he's used correctly." She stated.

"Air power is something we've never looked into during the war, we just used drones… Drones are easily fooled and can be defeated… A living plane or figure? They outperform and you saw in another life how effective air support is during the other reality. I want it simulated… It seems inevitable anyway that things will be much different down the road, we're already taking losses and the creator's enemies are coming to the reality… Humanity must be ready, for we weren't during things." Beta said before the two Sirens turned and walked to the side.

Both knew things were changing for their sides and how the war and how things would be beyond their control soon.

The Sirens couldn't control the war for much longer and they would have to step down and try to right the wrongs they had caused during the war.

The sirens wondered what happened before they stood down.

Next year of the war had to be better.

Author Notes

Phew, first chapter done! I want to point out ALL my Azur Lane stories involve shipboys or plane boys … Maybe, next chapter will be in a week or so and will show the OC meeting Kaga again and show how they first met. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!

Ps: Next story is in a week or so.