AN: How is everyone? Crazy times, huh? I am actually stuck in a different country, so this story is partially inspired by my own situation. Unedited, bc I am too lazy atm.

In the blink of an eye, the world turned upside down.

Their trip through Europe came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the journey. Most of the travellers managed to catch the flight that would return them back home. Unfortunately not all were that lucky.

Hiccup tried to catch his breath from the running he had done. He pulled out his inhaler from his backpack and gave himself two puffs.

He and his girlfriend, as well as their best friend, had been staying at his grandparents' old hut instead of one of the cheap hotels the rest of their classmates had occupied. As the last flight back home was announced due to the incoming lockdown, their entire class fled to the airport to catch it. Halfway through to the airport, Hiccup came to the realization that he had left his mother's pendant behind in the hut and insisted Heather and Fishlegs go ahead without him and he will catch up to them in time. It was only a few minutes drive.

But then the unexpected happened.. A flat tire mid-uber ride in the middle of nowhere.

This took up a lot of precious time as he had to wait for another uber to arrive and by the time he got to the airport, his girlfriend and best friend had already gone through security, most likely upon the teachers' insistence.

Hiccup rushed with his suitcase to get it checked in but it was too late. The gate was closing in two minutes and the line ahead of him was too long for him to make it through security even if they somehow miraculously let him check in his luggage.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed Heather's number.

"Hiccup! Where are you?!" she exclaimed upon answering, "The plane is about to leave!"

"Have you boarded?"

"We are inside the plane! Where are you?" she asked again. "Please tell me you made it through security.."

"I just arrived, actually," he sighed. "Don't worry.. I'll.. call my dad, we'll figure something out.. probably. I love you."

"Hiccup, I'm so sorry! We should have waited on you, I-"

"It's not your fault, Heather."

"Mam, please shut off your phone or put it on flight mode. We are taking off!"

"Please be safe," she whispered. And just like that, the line cut off.


Unbeknownst to Hiccup, a few spaces ahead of them stood another one of his schoolmates, seemingly arguing with the airport staff.

"You don't understand, I was meant to be on that flight!" Astrid begged. "You have to help me, please. I can't afford to stay here for too long."

The officer shook his head. "That was the last flight. You should have gotten on it. This country is officially on lockdown now and I suggest you isolate yourself immediately. No bigger groups than 5."

"Ugh," Astrid grunted to herself and felt her knees grow weak from exhaustion. Her thoughts drifted to her boyfriend and her family back home.

She couldn't believe she was stuck in a foreign country by herself in the middle of a global pandemic.


Hiccup dialed his father's number as he walked towards a Starbucks in the airport. After two long rings, he got an answer.

"Hiccup! I was just about to call you, where are you?" his father gruffed.

He sighed. "I- I missed the flight, dad."

"You did what now?"

It was like talking to a brick sometimes. "I am stuck, dad. They are closing everything down to minimize the outbreak. The next flight isn't until the end of the month.. or something."

"Not good, not good at all," his father groaned in frustration. "Where are they keeping you?"

"Nowhere. I will just have to return back to his grandpa's hut, I guess."

His father groaned again and then hummed. "Yeah, you probably should. In the meanwhile, I'll try to make some phone calls. We will get you back home, son."

"Thanks dad," Hiccup murmured. "I'll talk to you later then, yeah?"

"Yeah.. Oh and son? Please be safe. Keep that inhalar with you at all times. Especially at times like these."


Sipping on his coffee, Hiccup frowned as he recognized a girl sitting by herself, looking depressed.

Astrid Hofferson, the captain of the girl's volleyball team and one of their school's top students. He had not spoken to her since middle school, back when they used to be neighbours, living next door to one another. Nowadays they moved in completely different social circles.

His green orbs made eye contact with dark sapphires. "Uh, hi.." he swallowed nervously. Suddenly breathing was getting difficult again.

She regarded him in surprise and then it dawned to her. "Hiccup?"

He nodded with a half smile. "So, you missed the flight too, huh?"

She grumbled, nodding. "Just my luck."