The chair creaked as he leaned backward, adjusting his neck in an attempt to rid it of the increasingly annoying cramp that has been getting worse the past hour. The plastic leg staggered under the pressure.

"Fuck," Katsuki cursed beautifully to no one in particular when he nearly fell over. He then cursed pink-girl for being a cheap ass and forgetting, once again, his very polite request to get new furniture. Like seriously, fuck her. She was his secretary. He paid her actual good money to do this kind of stuff.

While he was at it, fuck electric-boy for quitting his deteriorating hero career. If Katsuki had never met the guy, he would've already had properly functioning and comfortable couches in his own office. Kaminari would've been on his merry way and wonderfully failing half the missions he was sent on; a brain-fried extra dancing to the backdrop of bodies and burning buildings. Maybe a passing villain would think he was too looney and send him away.

Interrupted from those pleasant thoughts by a loud ring, Katsuki made it a statement to (violently) press the answer button. It was his personal cell phone, so he knew it wasn't a business call. And fuck it. He was tired, grumpy, his old hag of a mother wanted to have lunch with him, and his eyes were drooping down to his stomach from how sleep-deprived and hungry he felt. Whoever was on the other end would get hell. "Hi. Hello. Fucking great weather we're having. Oh wait up, you can't see shit outside!Who the heck calls at 2 am in the morning? At least I'm working, jackass!"

No answer.

Katsuki was in the middle of blasting into the other's speaker again but paused. Just to check, he lifted the phone away from his ear to see if the person had the nerve hang up. It happened a lot, after was even more confused when he saw the name "Pink Girl" instead. "You deaf? I asked you a question, two actually."

Silence again.

His previously drooping eye twitched. "Yeah, whatever. I'm hanging up-"

"NO!" He very nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice assaulting his ears. If it wasn't for his years of concealing any emotion other than anger, Katsuki would've actually done it. Thank fuck he didn't. About to retort, he was cut off when the same voice then devolved into a strange choking sound. "B-…Bakugou, I…" The words died into another fit of noises.

Call it his instinct, but Katsuki knew something was serious here. He sat up, ignoring the squeak from his forgotten chair. "Ashido," he rarely used her name. "Speak up. What happened?"

He'd never been more frustrated when he received no answer yet again. A range of erratic sobs intertwined with deep breaths substituted any coherent communication that would've taken this conversation somewhere. Lost, Katsuki eyed the scattered medical files littering his desk. This… wasn't like dealing with one of his clients. This was, as much as he didn't like to admit it, someone he actually cared about. He couldn't fuck it up.

"I…oh god, what have I done, I can't-!"

He took a deep gulp of air and let it out. "Ashido, you're hysterical." Blunt as always, she wouldn't want him to sugar-coat things. That's just how their weird friendship worked. "Don't try to talk yet, just listen to my own breathing."

Instantly, the attempts at stringing together ideas stopped, and there was nothing between them but silent unstable sniffles. Her own sniffles, but Katsuki didn't comment on them. "Great. Now, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you as your boss who will fire your ass if you don't listen. Match your breathing to mine."

The combination of his strangely calm yet still unmistakably grumpy attitude seemed to do the trick, as gradually, the girl's breathing calmed to a normal pace. Her heart didn't feel like it would beat out of her ribcage anymore. Her palms were still wet with a solution of sweat and acid, but the discomfort of it all was nothing compared to the pain of what happened just an hour ago.

When the blond noted that she was coherent enough, at least for now, he spoke again. "Now tell me where you are, Pinky."

"I'm…" she gulped, so out of character for how quickly she usually spat out words. "I'm outside the building. I left my keys there…my wallet too."

Faster than could be seen by the naked eye, All Might would be proud, he emerged into reception and slammed the door open into the cold night air. There was naught a person out in the streets, as it should be in a decent neighborhood at 2:30am in the morning, but if one were to turn left and peer along the walls of the clinic, they would see a shivering figure leaning against the water tank.

Upon taking her appearance in, running makeup, missing a high heel shoe, and without a jacket, Katsuki was frozen on the spot for only a millisecond before quietly marching up to her.

"Ashido, what the fuck?"

Okay, those weren't the most sensitive of words. But Katsuki wasn't a sensitive person. Anyone who didn't like that can kindly fuck off. Ashido, not being under that category, simply sent him a shaky smile. It didn't reach her eyes. "He left."

An uncomfortable feeling settled into his gut. Whoever 'he' was only had three possible candidates. And seeing as Katsuki himself obviously wasn't it, he didn't need to be the prodigy he was to figure it out. He asked anyway. "He? Who's he…? Wait, no. There's a spare coat in the closet. I'll get it before you freeze your pink hair to death."

Before he could make a move to do so, Ashido held a stuttering hand up. It was their signal, one they developed as teenagers when the other just needed time to stop and not have anything happen. It was one of the reasons why Katsuki wasn't as annoyed as he played off to be when she applied to be his secretary. There were worse people he could be forced to see on a daily basis.

Not agreeing with this action but respecting it anyway, Katsuki walked back to her side and sat down. The pavement was freezing by the way, thanks for asking. He wouldn't be surprised if both of their asses were stuck to the ground by the time they tried to stand up. He shrugged the state of his legs off just in time to see a burst of new tears creep down pink cheeks.

"He left." She repeated, wiping her eyes with a renewed vigor that wasn't there before. It helped, having someone to talk to about this. "Everything was wonderful at first. I mean-" Here, she needed a moment to breathe the snot that was leaving her nose back in. "We went on a c-candlelit dinner and everything." A stuffed laugh."I know, we don't usually do that kind of stuff but I was planning to tell him something special so I decided to have a special date."

Ashido seemed strangely out-of-breath from speaking the equivalent to what would usually take her 10 seconds or less to spew out. As much as he's told her to shut up, Katsuki couldn't help but wish that she'd start talking his ear off again. Misinterpreting her silence as not continuing, he practically whispered. "What were you going to tell him?"

There was that choking noise again. "I'm pregnant."

The world turned white.

For Katsuki, things like marriage and pregnancy were far-off ideas borderlining on fantasy. He's never had a relationship with anyone, let alone been intimate to that level with another body. It was unnecessary. He's never had the urge to be with someone and start a family, his own goals and his small circle of people who he tolerated were all he's thought about. Sure, there were clients who came in halfway through their time before, giving grandiose gifts to express their gratitude for saving so and so wife or baby. But that's never been something that he pictured happening to someone he cared about. Someone who mattered.

Just as well, his reaction wasn't the most refined. Even he could admit that. "So, you're going to be even more of a bitch these next few months?"

Thankfully, it seemed Ashido was expecting such a response. She laughed, her first genuine and Ashido-like laugh since what happened. "Oh, you're still a riot, explodey-boy! But a poor innocent one. You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much…"

Katsuki scoffed. "Fuck you."

Instead of getting the backlash of teasing he was expecting, to his shock, the girl's tear ducts seemed to choose that exact moment to resume their course. But, this type of crying wasn't the same as before. He could tell by the watery smile she sent his way. "Thanks, I mean it. For not treating me any differently."

The sneer on Katsuki's face hardened. "How did he treat you?"

He didn't like how any semblance of life that had revived itself in her posture during their talk seemed to instantly die out at the mention of her boyfriend. He's seen it in the sappy movies she or Pikachu boy would force him to watch on Saturday nights, but witnessing it in person was a million times more aggravating.

"Like I said, he left. He… just broke down and told me that it wasn't fair that he wasn't being completely honest. There's…" A shift in the wind caused an echo in the distance, but they were both too absorbed to ignore it. "There's another woman, one who his parents arranged a marriage with because his hero job had garnered so much attention. He was planning to tell me and break it off tonight. Th-Their wedding is at 8am."

For the first time in his life, Katsuki was speechless.

She continued, "I guess sometimes…as soon as you pass someone, you never look back."

Contrary to before, he saw red.

In some corners of his memory, he could recall dropping Ashido off at Kaminari's and ringing the doorbell like a fucking girl scout until said boy walked out in his Pokémon pajamas. He shoved the sleeping woman into the other's arms. The only explanation offered to the baffled glance was an offhand statement about watching over her and about being back in a few hours. Taking in the desperate atmosphere and in a rare moment of insight, Kaminari only nodded and retreated back into the house before Katsuki was back on the road driving as a mad man.

The bored female voice of his GPS prattled on about routes. He was sure he ran through at least four red lights in the city portion of his road trip. After what felt like five minutes of clarity but was in reality an entire two hours of booking it down the road, he came to stop near a gated area with the correct address. He stopped for gas sometime halfway, but his mind was too high on emotion to function on anything but muscle memory.

The place was massive, and that pissed Katsuki off.

Golden lights and a bed of daisies surrounded the brick wall around the gate. Beyond the artistic black metal designs, he could spot a fountain of two lovers uniting under a cherry blossom. That in itself would've been fine enough, but through what little hints of the moon were peeking through the clouds, he could make out crystal finishing's on the dress of the bride. Limos filled with the kind of people you would expect to go into cardiac arrest if you so much as spilled water on their clothes or even breathed the wrong way were mingling about, but their numbers were far and few in between. The remaining loiterers were already making their way inside for the ceremony.

Whoever was getting hitched was obviously very well off. It was a day of celebration, a day of happiness towards the uniting of two people who saw stars in each other's eyes and probably fucking thought about each other in their sleep. People who were so in love that they'd blow off half their life savings on this one special day. A stage in her relationship that Ashido is, or was, very quickly approaching.

Katsuki seethed.

He didn't understand those feelings. He couldn't fathom the very notion of throwing away everything he worked towards to be with someone who probably forgets to close the windows in the mornings, leaving him sneezing with a cold in the afternoon. Who left their socks inside inconvenient places for Katsuki to find and trip over. Who probably breathed so loudly that every exhale would break his concentration and send them into an argument. Which would then lead to divorce. Which would mean everything he spent years trying to fix and coddle over was gone just like that.

He didn't understand it, butthat didn't stop him from slamming his car door open and promptly pummeling the security guard by the gate in the face and jumping the fence. It didn't stop him when he heard shouts of 'intruder' and 'villain' yelled over his shoulder, not even when the last two or three guests left outside turned around and got into fighting stances.

Heroes, he realized that he misjudged them. One man with a sugar quirk rushed him after dumping the contents of a honey jar in his mouth. Katsuki ducked his very obvious right swing, getting down and taking advantage of the uneven steps to trip him and send the much stronger body sprawling on the stairs. Another one, this time with a bubble breath quirk, attempted to seal off the pathway with a giant shield. Not giving a single fuck, Katsuki winded up his arm and threw out the strongest punch he could muster, shattering the glass and socking the guy in the face. It wasn't supernatural by any stretch, but it was enough of a direct hit that he didn't get back up after hitting the rose bushes.

Making his way up the last remaining platforms leading to the church on adrenaline alone, Katsuki knew the effects of everything he just did would catch up to him soon. He was a physical therapy doctor in his late-twenties, for fuck's sake. Not some vigilante brat on the run. It was nearing ten years since he last physically challenged his body and hyperactive senses to break all previous limits. Relapsing back to such strenuous exercise when he's done nothing more than light boxing as a hobby would come to kick him in the stomach later. He knew, but that was later and this was now.

Which was why, eleven (he counted) steps from making it to the church doors, the last remaining hero that stood in his way seemed to piss him off the most.

"Well, well. What do we have here? You're all by yourself! You really are in over your head." No, scratch that. It was his girly sneer and squeaky voice. And Katsuki would shoot himself in the head twice before thinking of losing to such a punk and missing out on his chance to give the man on the altar a piece of his mind.

He wasted no small talk. Aiming to send a right hook across the bastard's jaw, Katsuki narrowly dodged a countering punch sent towards his stomach. The blow still grazed his side, sending him jumping back before the hook could land.

"Let me in." He seethed. Red eyes were blown to resemble a wild animal out for blood.

But unlike most people who had the common sense to cower immediately under the famous Katsuki Bakugou glare, the other's smirk only grew wider. And oh, Katsuki swore that was the moment this bitch sealed his fate.

"So feisty. Let's see how you like it when you see your own power turned against you." Bringing his hands up to activate whatever quirk was stolen, his smug expression was quickly replaced with horror upon noticing not a single ounce of power flowing through his veins. "Wait, you're-" Not gracing him with a proper explanation, Katsuki kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. It was followed by a gracious shove that landed his weeping self into the poison ivy plants. Sucks to be him.

Not sparing another moment, Katsuki lifted his foot and kicked down the door. Because fuck pleasantries.He was tired, grumpy, his old hag of a mother wanted to have lunch with him, his eyes were drooping down to his stomach from how sleep-deprived and hungry he felt, and now he was going to beat the shit out of that red-hair pansy.

At the explosive boom of the church door slamming into the wall behind it, nearly cracking the design, the other door outright giving up and landing on the floor, every single pair of eyes was on him in an instant. Katsuki prided himself on his yell that could cover a football field, and it came in handy at that moment when he took in the sheer massiveness of this entire event.

"OI, FUCKFACE!" He pointed a determined finger at the male silhouette by the altar. The pair were both frozen and staring wide-eyed at his presence. Fuck right, pay attention to him. "If you think you're just going to waltz into this fancy-ass church with your fake as shit smile and your miserable bitch of a wife while my friendis sitting on the street carrying YOURBABY, then YOU need to step right down here SO I CAN DETONATE YOUR ASS UNTIL NO ONE IN THIS BUILDING CAN RECOGNIZE YOUR CONNIVING LYING FACE, YOU DIPSHIT EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!"

A beat of silence.

And then all hell broke loose.

It started with a loud 'SLAP' sound, resonating from none other than the bride of the day who activated some quirk to maximize the pain that her ex-fiancé felt. At about the same time, a lady who was standing near the front fainted from the news, knocking over the table with the wedding cake and a glass swan sculpture. The scattered remains caused the ring bearer, a brown-haired woman with pink cheeks to jump up in shock. Her quirk accidentally activated and sent half of the brides' maids into the air. A man with half white and half red hair rushed to save the statue, but ended up tripping over a power line which engulfed the room in darkness. It didn't take long for everyone else in the building to follow. One girl with a horn started wailing while others stomped around in complete lividness.

In the midst of it, in the midst of the glory Katsuki felt at the complete chaos, a calloused hand grabbed his sleeve, prompting him to turn his victorious smirk towards the perpetrator. Towards the bastard Kirishima who should be thanking his very existence right about now.

Instead, he was met with wide and curious green eyes. "Excuse me, I'm the I know you?"


Fuck. He crashed the wrong wedding.