Next Symbol of Peace

Guest: Don't misunderstand, Naruto didn't spill everything. Besides if Gran Torino is going to take Naruto in and All Might is going to have him as his successor I think it's important that they know of Naruto's past as a Jinchuriki. Just that Naruto won't be telling everyone else so early, so don't be too mad about it. Understand that Naruto is only revealing this to a select few.

I also want to please everyone be safe from the virus! Please wash your hands, while washing your hands why not do some hand seals while doing it! lol! But all seriousness please wash your hands and stay safe! Social distancing is also important! Please stay safe everyone! GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!

Why am I starting a new story? Well, a story I'm currently also working on is being finished up. Meaning I am going to have more stories up for all to enjoy and love. As for pairing in this well it a single pairing. Its set-in-stone, no harems or anything. This time DEKU HAS A QUIRK! OMG! Yeah lol, as for his quirk you will all learn soon enough. In this fanfic, Minato sealed ALL OF KURAMA IN NARUTO! Don't get all mad and huffy about it! It's not going to be easy, I won't make it easy. Naruto will have challenges to face especially a full-powered fur ball in his stomach!

This is the Sasuke Recovery Arc where he tries to leave with Orochimaru

"Sasuke! I will bring you back to the village! Even if I must break every bone in your body! I will bring you back!" Naruto yelled at his fellow teammate. Naruto at the time was fighting his best friend at the Valley of the End. He had a light red chakra cloak. It made him look like a fox. His whiskers on his cheeks were darkened to have a thicker depth. He had fox-like chakra claws along with his feet. His rear had a single chakra tail swaying behind him. His face bared fangs with his eyes being crimson red with black slits down the middle. He was just bearly able to focus on holding his power back.

Sasuke grunted back, "I won't LOSE! NOT TO A LOSER LIKE YOU! NOT TO YOU!" Sasuke had a transformation that turns his skin grey, lengthens his hair, and causes him to develop wings. His hand sparked to life with a Chidori that emitted black and white lighting in his hands.

Naruto growled in return as a Rasengan formed in his hand. It was purple as it swirled to life to dense chakra, "Like I said before Sasuke! You're my friend! I WILL TAKE YOU BACK!"

Sasuke charged forward with his Chidori and Naruto jumped forward with his Rasengan. Their attacks smash into one another. It creates a dense black ball that encased their jutsus clashing. Then the mass of black energy fell inward on itself. With nowhere else for the energy to go but outwards. That attack shook the ground beneath them ripping reality apart.

Even though the two were strong and powerful, they were far beyond godlike. However, the beings or should I say ancient beings who resided in them. The clash of moves caused the sphere to implode and then explode causing all the energy forced inside outside. It was like compressing a rubber ball. However, the amount of energy built up inside, the energy whiplash outwards destroying the Valley of the End.

Through the clash, Sasuke was able to muster enough strength. Naruto knew full well that he could do a stronger Rasengan, but he didn't want to kill Sasuke. Sasuke was able to push forward after the implosion. He found his hand in Naruto's chest just below his lung. Naruto coughed blood up as he stared at Sasuke, "I won't lose! I WILL BRING YOU BACK!" Naruto's left-hand extended outwards with a Rasengan. He slammed it into Sasuke's face sending him flying. While these two continued their struggle, they were in the air the entire time. Naruto felt his body go limp as he fell into the water. His body rag-dolled and twisted in the air. He looked down and panicked as he saw a rip in the ground. It was black and sucking anything around it inside.

Naruto fell into the abyss not knowing where he was or what was going on. The fox inside of Naruto grumbled, "What the hell? Where the hell is this thing taking me?" That was before the gravity of the portal pulled Naruto further into the abyss. Which caused Kurama the Nine-Tailed fox to be forced to sleep. Not knowing where they were going to end up.

My Hero Academia World

All Might the symbol of peace of Japan was currently walking through town. All Might was also known as Toshinori Yagi. Toshinori was not who he typically is, right now he was a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his long neck and his eyebrows absent. Due to his battle with super-villain known as All for One. In one of their fights, he took serious damage which makes it hard for him to use his quirk, One For All. As he was walking down the shopping district, he found himself by a news tower which was rather tall. Then something hit his head, he looked on the ground to find a headband. With a weird symbol on the metal part of it. He then heard screaming a woman shouted, "OH MY GOD THAT CHILD!" Toshinori looked up and back up he saw a boy dangling on a flagpole. He was bloody, had scratches, and a hole below his left lung. Toshinori ran to a nearby ally and quickly powered up. Even though he was injured he could use his ability for about four-five hours.

Once Toshinori left the alley he was a totally different person. His body was different from his skeletal body, in his empowered form, Toshinori is a very large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique, his body resembling a typical western comic book superhero. He has short blond hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side, which often casts a dark shadow over his face, hiding everything but his bright blue eyes. He quickly leaped into the air with the boy's headband in hand. He jumped up and brought the boy down. Once he landed on the ground the people surrounded All Might, his hero name, to see the boy. All Might was shocked, "Sorry Folks I have no time! I must get this boy to the hospital!" All Might saw the boy with a giant hole in his torso. He didn't know it was THIS DEEP! This concerned him greatly. He leaped off as the people cheered behind him.

As he was jumping over to Recovery Girl, he had his hands on the boy's wound to try to stop the bleeding. What made it more interesting is the boy was slowly healing. He saw his muscles and internal organs repairing itself. By the time All Might made it to Recovery Girl his wound was just about healed, "Quickly place him here". Recovery Girl is a short, elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun, a large syringe poking diagonally out of it to the left. She has a notably small nose and eyes which are usually drawn as two little dashes, and a long mouth with defined nasolabial folds. She was amazed, "Toshinori! Who is this boy? His wound is healing? By the looks of the burns, it was from a lighting attack! How is he still alive? It's healing it was almost as if nothing happened!"

"I don't know Recovery Girl; I just saw him hanging on a flagpole passed out". All Might stated confused, "Though he did have this". All Might held up a headband with a weird symbol.

"Interesting, just who is this boy? He does not seem to be Japanese". She began to check over his body, "Wow it's amazing his body is slowly healing, whatever quirk he possesses it's strong enough to work on its own".

Toshinori sighed, "Well let's wait until the young man wakes up". Toshinori deflated into his normal skeleton-like form, "How long until he wakes up?"
"Well judging by his healing, I say in a day or two. His quirk must eat up a lot of stamina if it heals him this quickly. Don't you think it might be a good idea to contact the boy's parents?" Recovery Girl asked.

"That's the thing, he has no form of ID on him at all. He has these though". Toshinori held up his kunai pouch with shuriken as well.

"Ninja tools? Seems he might be a Ninja". Recovery Girl spoke, "Well then we will ask the boy when he wakes up". Recovery Girl went to check up on other patients. Toshinori relaxed before having to go back into his muscle state.

For whatever reason Toshinori was looking at the sleeping blonde and was confused. Who was he? Why was he hanging from a flagpole? He has so many questions for the boy, what made it weird was this headband. Toshinori stood up and looked over the boy, he studied the boy more and saw his cuts and bruises healing right before him. Toshinori wondered to himself, "Is this a sign? Could this be the next Symbol of Peace? Could he be my student Nana-sensei? Is this a sign?" Toshinori wondered he has been looking for a successor for One For All for a long time now.

Naruto's Mindscape

"Hey! What the hell is going on!" Naruto looked around finding himself in the seal.

"You damn brat do you know what you've done!?" Kurama roared.

"NO, I DON'T! So, what is going on!? Why was I dragged in here?"

"SILENCE YOU BRAT! Ugh, hearing your voice in here is already annoying!" Kurama whined slamming his face into his paw.

"You dumb fox what is going on!" Naruto wanted to know why he was dragged into the seal.

"Brat you got sucked into a portal… we're in another world". Kurama growled, "Congrats brat you and your love quarrel with the Uchiha cost you the chance to be Hokage". Kurama retorted.

"Shut up ya damn fox! That's impossible! Otherworlds!" Naruto shouted, "Y-You got to be joking!"

"Annoying brat! I'm not lying for once! Now get out of here! Ya know! A little thank you would be appreciated! You almost died!" Kurama growled.

"Tch! Dumb fox! Whatever! I'll figure something". Naruto marched walking off, "Thanks though… for not letting me die". Naruto left the mindscape as Kurama grumbled.

"Annoying brat… this adventure better be god damn entertaining". Kurama was fortunate that Minato was able to seal all of him in Naruto.

Real World

Naruto woke up feeling his body aching but healing. He looked around to find himself in a hospital. Naruto looked around to see he was not in Konoha. Naruto went to the window and looked outside. He saw that he was in some type of city. He saw these weirdly shaped box things with windows and wheels.

"Well, you woke up quicker than I expected your quirk is a very interesting young man". Recovery Girl smiled walking over, "Please have a seat so I check your body one last time. Seems your quirk does a good job healing you".

Naruto walked over and sat down, "Ummm thank you, ma'am, but I don't know what a quirk is". Naruto spoke which caused an eyebrow to raise from Recovery girl.

"Did you hit your head or something boy? How do you not know what a quirk is?" Recovery Girl asked confused.
"W-Well how do I put it… I-I'm not from 'this' world". Naruto said while pointing at himself.

Then there was a sudden poof as Naruto turned his head, he saw a 6'ft tall muscular man, "ALL right! It's so good to see you all well young man! Tell what your name young man!"

Naruto deadpanned, "Ummm nice to meet you… the name is Uzumaki Naruto"

"AHHH! YOUNG Uzumaki! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm glad your safe! After I saw you hurt and injured! I quickly saved you from falling and took you to recovery girl! I stuck around to make sure you were okay!" All Might rubbed his hand on Naruto's head.

Naruto stared at the man confused, "Ummm excuse me for being blunt but I have no idea who you are".

All Might stopped and fell on the floor as Recovery Girl's eyes open for the first time to reveal brown eyes, "W-What! Young man! How do you know who All Might is!?" Recovery Girl asked, but it hit her. He had no idea what a quirk was, he had no idea where he was.

All Might was confused, "Young Uzumaki I must ask… how do you not know who I am? I'm the number one hero? The Symbol of Peace?" All Might was very confused.

Naruto sighed in rubbing the bridge between his nose, "Well I'm not beating around the bush, I have no idea where I am. I have no idea who you are, I don't know what those box things with wheels are outside. I don't know what a quirk is, and I'm not from this world". Naruto looked at them with a serious face.

All Might scratched his forehead, "Might I ask where you're from Young Uzumaki?" All Might asked.

"Have you guys ever heard of Shinobi?" Naruto asked.

'Well yea, isn't Edgeshot a Shinobi?" Recovery Girl asked.

"He is indeed, but I don't think he is from his branch. He is far too young to be a hero already". All Might look at Naruto, "Young Uzumaki where did you say you're from?"

"I'm from a place called Konoha in the elemental nations… I think... I think I'm from a different world". Naruto looked at them with worry in his eyes.

"I'm sorry young man, but I have no idea where that is. Nor have I ever heard of that place". Recovery Girl looked at Naruto surprised.

"Young Uzumaki you do know that your suggestion that there are other worlds." All Might very confused, how is it possible for him to be from a different world?

"I-I'm telling the truth... I am from... a different world." Naruto tried to convince them, he was pretty certain that he is in a different world.

They look at him baffled, they decided to stay quiet and agree. They would have to watch from afar and then determine if he is telling the truth. In all honesty, he could easily be lying about this, "Young Naruto do you have any." All Might was cut off by Naruto.

"No, I don't have any parents… they died the night I was born". Naruto looked at the ground, thinking about parents hurts. Now that he isn't in the elemental nations, he looked up to two people. Jiraiya and Iruka were the two he looked up to as a family. Teuchi and Ayame were good friends, the only people in the village who didn't hate him. The others hated him for what he had inside of him.

"I-I see I'm sorry to say something so upsetting…". All Might frowned, "I'm not too sure on how I can help you".

"Why not contact Nezu, he might be able to help him out". Recovery Girl spoke quickly.

All Might left to contact Nezu, Naruto sighed thinking about what was going to happen to him now. His dream of being Hokage isn't going to happen, Naruto didn't even know if Sasuke was taken back to the village. Soon All Might came walking back, "Well Young Uzumaki I must ask you, what do you want to do? Do you want to go to a regular school, or do you want to attend U.A to try to become a hero?"

"A hero?" Naruto raised an eyebrow, "You mean a hero that protects other people and defeats bad guys?" Naruto wanted to make sure this whole hero thing was right.

"Well that is what a hero does, that reminds me… you said you didn't have a quirk?" All Might asked as Recovery Girl raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't have that quirk or whatever you guys call it. I do however use chakra". Naruto made a ram sign as he released his chakra. All Might and Recovery Girl felt the power the boy possessed, "However... I-I wanted to be Hokage... a person everyone could look up to. Now... I can't even be Hokage... it was my dream." Naruto spoke from his heart, his dream, his wish, was dead... he was unable to now be Hokage.

This shocked All MIght and Recovery Girl, Hokage is something they never heard anything on that before. "Young Uzumaki I must ask you… what do you believe in? What do you follow?" All Might look at Naruto with interest.

"Umm, you mean my ideals?" Naruto asked confused by his sudden questions.

"Yes, you have the possibility to be a great hero. If you say you don't have a quirk, but you have this chakra ability. You might be a very good candidate to be the next top hero". All Might smiled, "This world is crawling with villains! You might be the next best hero!"

"Ummm well, I still wanted to be strong Shinobi and protect my village. Now I can't even do that... why would being a hero be a good idea?" Naruto asked curiously. This is still a chance to become someone that everyone can recognize and look up to. A someone that everyone can respect as he helps and defend people. It was the same thing as being a Shinobi loyal to his or her village.

"Well, I hope you do become a hero! I think you have what it takes to make sure everyone is safe! That's what being a hero is Young Uzumaki!" All Might smiled, "I hope this path takes you far my boy!" All Might smiled.

Naruto smiled at the thought of being a hero. Then he thought about the new friends he could make; it was like a new clean slate for him. A chance at a happier life, but it did dawn on Naruto. What about everyone else back in Konoha? What is going to happen then? Will everyone be alright without him? Well, it's not like he can go back, there isn't a way he can go back. All Naruto can do is believe that Jiraiya, Kakashi, Tsunade, and everyone can live without him. There isn't an easy way for him to return to Konoha, "So, here the thing how do I become a hero if I'm not registered here or anything? Back in Konoha, we have IDs and registration forms and everything".

"I think I'll be taking care of that, Uzumaki Naruto". A short man who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse and a bear, which would make him a chimera. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, relatively square-shaped ears with pale pink insides slanting outwards from the top of his head, and an elongated muzzle with a small round nose. His fur is white and has large, dog-like paws with pink pads and a thin tail like that of a cat.

"Uhhh who are you?" Naruto asks.

"I am Nezu, I am the president of U.A. I was contacted by All Might, I heard you wanted to be a hero young man". Nezu smiled.

"So, the president of U.A is a weird looking rat?" Naruto said confused as tick mark appeared on Nezu's forehead.

"I'm not a rat, but that's beside the point I use to be human". Nezu stated darkly, "Now what were you saying?"

"Well yeah I guess, do you know that I'm not from this world". Naruto rubbed the back of his head still a bit hesitant, "Just that this is all a lot to take in".

"I understand Uzumaki, but I hope we can help you be as comfortable. I'm glad you want to be a hero; I hope we can make it comfortable for you. I know this is a lot to take in, but please if you need anything don't hesitate to ask". Nezu smiled happily, "A friend of ours is going to take you in and give you home. We will have a file ready for you by the end of the day".

Soon an old man came walking as well, an extremely short, elderly man that has short, spiky hair and a beard, "Hello young man, my name is Sorahiko Torino. I also go by my hero name Gran Torino". The old man smiled.

Naruto smiled as the man somewhat reminded Naruto of Hiruzen. He seemed like a good man, "Nice to meet you, so uhhh what is going to happen then? Am I going to live in an apartment or something?"

"No, you aren't Naruto you're going to live with me. I talked to All Might and Nezu, since I'm retired, I'd be more than happy to take you in". Torino smiled, "I was given clearance to take you in as my adopted grandson". Torino smiled.

"W-Wait really? B-But I'm just a random kid from a different world…". Naruto tried to mutter this part, "I'm someone that not a lot of people… liked". Naruto muttered the last part which everyone clearly heard.

"It's no big deal, I don't mind that much. Besides an old man like me could use the company. If you're going to be a hero, I could train ya. All I ask from you to do a few house chores". Torino smiled.

"REALLY OLD MAN! THANKS, A LOT! I WON'T LET YOU DOWN DATTEBAYO!" Naruto smiled standing happily. To think that anyone would take him is surprising, though wouldn't he have to tell them about Kurama one day? This worried Naruto a bit, but he pushed it to the back of his head. Naruto smiled then frowned, "A-Are you sure? I mean I'm just random kid that you guys don't know".

"Yes, if Nezu and All Might haven't said that you seemed like a bad kid. You're really this upbeat and happy all the time. I think you be an interesting kid; I don't think your all that bad". Torino smiled, "Common, Nezu said he would make the paperwork for you to attend a middle school.

"AWWWW SCHOOL!" Naruto began to groan annoyed; HE DID NOT want to attend school again! Like that Naruto and Torino left as All Might Stared at the boy.

"Toshinori you can't be serious! You just met the boy! You can't be serious about giving him One For All!" Recovery Girl said surprised.

Toshinori deflated back into his skeletal state, "For him to stumble across me just like that? It can't be that much an of coincidence. Besides Torino will give us updates about the boy, he can't be all that bad. Besides I think the kid can go far, he has the heart of a true hero". Toshinori smiled, for whatever reason Naruto seemed to be a good person. Toshinori has been looking for a successor since his fight for All For One. He needs the successor to hopefully take One For All.

With Torino and Naruto

"So, you're taking me to get clothes and then to your house?" Naruto was confused.

"Yes, we're going into a new house. A new set of clothes wouldn't hurt, too much orange for my taste". Torino and Naruto walked together.

They arrived at the store as Torino helped Naruto pick out some better clothes. Naruto didn't mind the old man too much. He told Naruto of the fights he had as a hero. Naruto had to admit that the old man was cool. He learned more about the rest of the world, about 20% of the population are born quirkless the rest typically have a quirk. Naruto learned that Torino's quirk was called Jet. Naruto had a hell of a time learning about Torino's abilities. These quirks were interesting abilities that Naruto was learning about. Kurama, inside of Naruto heard everything even he was intrigued by this, but no one held a candle to his power.

Soon they made their way home to his house that he had his things moved to, "Thanks to you I get to have a bigger house, though I hope you can live here comfortably. I still do some hero work occasionally, but I'll be here when I can".

"Thanks a lot, old man… this means a lot to me. I'll make sure to help take care of the house". Naruto smiled looking at the house. It was better than his crummy old apartment back Konoha. Torino saw the look in Naruto's eye, he didn't say anything because he didn't want to stick his nose into his business. Plus, the kid seemed like he has been through a lot, Torino held up Naruto's headband.

"Hey kid". Torino threw it to Naruto.

Naruto smiled happily as he tied it to his forehead, "My forehead protector… you know this made me an official ninja of the leaf. The place I called home, the place I wanted to be Hokage".

"The fire shadow?" Torino raised an eyebrow.

"It's like the number one hero All whatever his name is. The leader of the village is known as the Hokage. The person who protects the village and everyone in it. I wanted to be recognized and respected by everyone. Though… that dream is dead if I can't even go back". Naruto had a small smile, "Sorry I'm just rambling it's just hard to think I was thrown to a different world". Naruto turned to walk into the house.

Torino saw his wallet drop out of his pocket. He opened it to find currency, the currency was circular with a square punched in the middle. His eyes widen, "T-This is old Japanese currency… just where did you come from Naruto Uzumaki?" Torino mumbled, "Hey kid you dropped this". Torino tossed Naruto's frog wallet to Naruto.

Naruto turned his head and caught his wallet, "Hey! Gamma-chan made it with me!" Naruto was happy something of his came with him. Torino can now say for a fact that Naruto was not from this world.

At Dinner

Torino had some instant ramen which Naruto began to ramble about how ramen was the food of the gods. The jet quirk user was amused by listening to the ramen eating ninja. He listened to his adventures and the people he met. Naruto was able to show off his abilities, he was able to transform into people that Naruto knew. He learned about Kakashi, Sakura, Iruka, Sasuke, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Hiruzen, and everyone else. Torino was fascinated to meet these people, but the thing he wanted to know most of all. Who Naruto is, he has not once talked about himself, he has not once gone towards a direction about who he was. All he heard was how he wanted to be a ninja and then be Hokage, "Hey Naruto I won't demand response or anything, but I've noticed something just by the way of your voice".

"Hmm what is that?" Naruto raised an eyebrow at the jet user.

"Well it's clear that you met great people, you seem happy to have met them and all. Though I must ask you… how was your childhood as an orphan? You haven't once talked about yourself to me, the most I learned is you wanted to be a ninja and then Hokage". Torino wanted to know, "You don't have to tell me now or ever, but I want you to know. I do like you Naruto-kun I want to get to know you. However, I bet this all a lot on you. To be thrown into a new world not knowing anything of this world". Torino gave Naruto a supportive smile, "I'm just an old man, I want to make this new experience for me and you to be good. I want to be there to help support you, I think you're a great kid who has a lot of potentials to become the next great hero". Torino took a sip of his tea, "I want you to be happy".

Naruto took his words to heart. He heard the jet user wanting to learn about who he was. Not many cared to ask how he was. Not many would go out of their way to ever ask him how his day was going. He would either receive glares, looks or be berated. He would be attacked, attempts on his life were common, many of the times being terrible on his birthday, "I-I've not had an easy upbringing. I-I don't want to go too deep; I will tell you that I was kicked out of the orphanage at the age of 5. If that tells you what type of upbringing, well I learned one thing from a wise old man. People fear and for what they don't understand… I happen to be what people don't understand".

Torino's eyes widen, as his heart felt like it stopped. He quickly coughed into his hand surprised, "I-I don't have any words… I doubt you want to hear my sympathy. All I can tell you that you will not be treated like that here'. Torino frowned, "I-I'm sorry Naruto we can end it there, I will do my best. Well, you should get ready for bed; you have school tomorrow".

Naruto gave Torino a small smile, "T-Thanks JiJi-san that means a lot, I'll do my best". Naruto finished the rest of his ramen, got up and head to bed. Soon Naruto hit the hay and fell asleep in a comfy and warm bed.

With Torino

He sat there at the table rubbing the bridge above his nose. He called up a friend of his, "Hello Toshinori here how is young Uzumaki doing?"

"Toshinori… this child… needs all the support he could get". Torino spoke upset.

"What do you mean?" Toshinori said confused.

"Naruto… has not had an easy life, I've learned more about his friends he made in that other world. I've learned only one thing about him besides him wanting to be a ninja and a Hokage". Torino sighed taking another sip of his tea.

"If you had to call me it must be big, but how can one thing determine if this Young Uzumaki didn't have a good life". Toshinori was very confused.

"Simple… he told me a small bit of his entire upbringing to me". Torino grew eerily quiet.

"Torino what could have possibly". Toshinori was cut off.

"He was kicked out of the orphanage". Torino spoke.

"Wait if he was kicked out then that means something bad must have". Toshinori was cut off once again.

"At the age of 5". Torino spoke again with sadness in his voice.

"W-What? 5 years old? S-Something must have happened to the orphanage if he was". Toshinori spoke quickly thinking that was impossible.

"I-I don't think so… he then said something else, and I don't think any twelve-year-old would say, 'People fear and hate the things they don't understand'". Torino spoke, "Toshinori I'm worried about Naruto, he always has an upbeat personality. I-I don't understand how he handles with all the hate directed towards him".

"Do you know what they hate him for?" Toshinori asks.

"No… I think he is too scared to tell us. He thinks if we find out that we might hate him too". Torino sighed, "To think that he is that scared to be hated is something no child should worry about. To think he wants to be accepted by everyone… it's because he is scared to be hated, everyone". Torino looks out the window, "This Naruto child is certainly something else, not just that he also was brought up in this shinobi world".

"I-I don't know what to say to that… well, let's just keep an eye on him. Hopefully, he becomes a great hero". Toshinori didn't know it was that bad, Naruto seemed like such a happy upbeat kid. Maybe he hides all that pain behind this happy to go persona.

"I hope the boys make friends… I do know he deserves it". Torino looked at Naruto's door, "He seems like a good kid, he has a good heart. He has been taught by good people though, I'm glad that pain he has in his heart hasn't taken over. I think Naruto is going to go far if he is trained by the right person… All Might what do you think of him so far?" Torino looked down at his cup of tea.

"Well, when I can I'll come by and study the boy's strength. He sounds very interesting". Toshinori thought about Naruto being his successor though he doesn't know if he is the right one either.

Next Day

Naruto found himself wearing a uniform, this consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. He found himself at the school called Kuoh Academy. A school that use to be a female school only. It was the closet school for him to go to, once he arrived Torino went with him. Once he was dropped off, he went to his first class. Torino waved him goodbye as Naruto went inside with the principle. He was very happy to meet Naruto, "Well here is your class, Mr. Uzumaki, I hope you enjoy it here". (A/N: For my DxD fans Rias and Akeno and the rest of the crew ARE NOT in this series. I just used a random name for middle school since I couldn't come up with one).

Soon the door opened as the teacher smiled, "Please wait here". She closed the door and walked into the class, "Alright! Everyone I would like to introduce you to our first male students. Please try to overwhelm him! I heard that he was recommended to use by Nezu the president of U.A. I heard he is a promising new hero". "Since when did I get an advantage to become a hero? Oh great! I swear if there are fangirls in this place this was totally that rat's fault! That Nezu or whatever! Stupid rat!" Naruto shook the idea out of his head, if he is going to be a hero, he is going to do it legit, "Please come in Mr. Uzumaki!" The teacher called him.

Naruto was a bit nervous; he was being put in a school that use to be all girls. He walked inside and waved to everyone, "Hello everyone my name is Uzumaki Naruto, you can just call me Naruto, I hope we can all get along". Naruto gives a slight bow while still nervous being the first in an all-girls school.

The girls began to chatter among themselves. Many were positive but there were a few negatives, "Look at his yellow hair! He might be one of those troublemakers!"

"Really maybe he is part of a gang!"

Then one girl spoke out as she was the president of the student council, "You girls shouldn't judge someone by their looks. Look at his eyes, his eyes are blue which means he is a foreigner". A tall teenage girl with a rather mature physique, considering her age. She has long black hair that is normally tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face and onyx eyes that point slightly inwards, which seems to resemble a cat.

"Yeah now that you mention it, I see his blue eyes".

"Thank you I think he might be a good guy; he doesn't seem that bad". The girl smiled, she stood up, "Hello there, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu I'm the student council president of the school. Uzumaki-san if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me". The now named Momo gave a small bow to Naruto.

"Please you can just call me Naruto, thanks I will if I need anything". Naruto went and sat down in a seat in the back. He began to listen as the teacher began to teach them arithmetic. Surprisingly the level of arithmetic was lower than what he learned in the academy. It made it easier for him to keep up and remember some of the previous knowledge. Maybe school wasn't going to be that bad!"

Period Later

Naruto slammed his face into his desk going over history, what the hell? World Wars!? What!? This was something HE DID NOT EXPECT! Well, it was something new he had to learn, thankfully he was heading to gym class now. Naruto found himself in the locker room by himself. He changed and walked outside to find the rest of his class getting ready. Naruto looked around and wondered just how many other kids had quirks, "Alright class! We're going to be running the mile today!" The kids all whined as they lined up at the track. Naruto didn't say anything as he got on the line, once, "For the full points I expect everyone to be able to finish before seven minutes, and no quirks".

Once she said go, Naruto began to run forward with his arms flailing behind him. He had his body forward; he began to pass everyone up on their first lap. By the other kid's second lap Naruto was on his fourth! Naruto wasn't using chakra whatsoever; he was just fast because it was important for a Shinobi. Naruto went around the track seven times, which equaled a mile, and was done by four minutes. The teacher sighed, "Mr. Uzumaki I thought I said no quirks".

"Ummm I'm sorry sensei… but I didn't use my quirk". Naruto scratched his head.

The teacher was shocked, "Really? W-What was your quirk again?" She looked through her files as his quirk was undefined.

"Ummm I guess I have a few quirks then". Naruto quickly stated confused not knowing what to say.

"W-WHAT! A FEW!" The teacher and everyone else stared at Naruto shocked.

"T-That's impossible! Mr. Uzumaki, what is your quirk? You shouldn't lie!" The teacher said upset.

"W-Wait! I'm telling the truth…I got a few quirks". Naruto didn't know what to do! His mouth kept moving!

"Back it up then Naruto, I will give you this one time to use them. I should expect at least three". The teacher wanted to catch Naruto on his bluff.

Naruto crossed his fingers as two shadow clones appeared next to him. One disappeared and the one to Naruto's right spun their hands over Naruto's hand as a Rasengan formed in his hand. Finally, Naruto transformed into a perfect copy of the teacher surprising everyone, "See I only have a few quirks honest! None of them are speed enhances". Naruto did not want to be a problem child in this school.

The teacher sighed and nodded her head, "I-I'm sorry for putting you in the spotlight like that. I thought you were lying but I was wrong I'm sorry". Like that the rest of the period went without a hitch. Though Naruto didn't notice Momo looking at him interested in Naruto a lot. She heard he wanted to be a hero; she knew she did too. He was recommended by Nezu the principle of U.A.


Naruto went to lunch to find a place where he could order ramen! Naruto ran up to the bar and ordered four bowls of ramen. Two Miso Pork, and two Vegetable ramen. Once he was going to sit down to eat, he looked around to find the lunchroom full of girls. Since Naruto didn't want to be a bother he went and sat off in the corner by himself. He began to eat his food not wanting to disturb the girls, "If things are going to be like this, it's going to be annoying. I must wait until I'm 15 to enter U.A. What a drag… great now I'm sounding like a Nara!" Naruto mumbled to himself.

He felt the stares off from the side. He knew not all the girls were going to like him. He was able to feel the glares off him. It began to remind him of the civilians back in the leaf. He knew it wasn't from hate or anything. Though he could feel some girls hating him for being a guy being an all-girls school. Naruto continued to eat his food as he heard someone sit in front of him. He was rather confused, "Oh… umm hey". Naruto was rather confused to see Momo sitting with him.

"Hello there, I saw you sitting by yourself, so I decided to join you!" Momo smiled.

"Ohhh thanks then… I wasn't trying to intervene or anything on the other's routine. I know a guy being here isn't right, but I didn't have much of a choice". Naruto rubbed the back of his head, "I just feel out of place ya know? Oh, like I said before the name is Uzumaki Naruto, but you can just call me Naruto. I'm not big on formalities".

"That's fine, then I hope you don't mind call me Momo then!" Momo smiled as let out a small giggle with her hand up to her mouth. She then said, "I know and it's understandable, but I hope your years here are good ones! I'm sure everyone will warm up to you! You seem like a nice guy so I would like to extend my hand out to you as a possible friend. How about I give you my number so we can keep in touch when you need to?" Momo smiles happily with sincerity in her voice. She really did want to be his friend, Momo thought it be nice to help Naruto fit in. Besides he didn't seem to be that bad of a guy either. What she liked about him more is he looked at her. Momo was able to notice a lot of things about Naruto by his posture and where his eyes look. She was able to see that Naruto was looking at her eyes and not her chest. Naruto also has this welcoming persona to him, so being near him wasn't that bad.

"What do you mean you want my number?" Naruto asked confused.

Momo stared at him shocked, "W-Wait you don't know what a number is? I'm asking for your phone number?"

"A phone? I-I don't know what a phone is". Naruto said confused.

Momo's eyes widen further, "H-How do you not know what a phone is?"

Naruto's eyes widen, "Oh! I-I've lived up in the mountains with my father for the past twelve years! He recently passed away, he wasn't a hero or anything. Since then I've been living alone up there since 10. A hero so happened to stop by to find me by myself".

"Wow? So, you don't know much about this world, but you know what ramen is?" Momo said confused.

"Well, that was the one thing my father could replicate from my mother's cooking! We have a farm up there, I know how to farm, hunt, cook, and a few other things too. Living by myself for a couple of years was easy once I got used to it". Naruto couldn't believe he was telling this lie.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! So, who was that old man you were with then?" Momo was shocked.

"When the heroes took me to the hospital. I had blood work done and found a blood relative, the old man is my mother's father". Naruto scratched his cheek, he didn't like lying, but it's not like he could say the old man was Gran Torino.

Momo nodded her head, "Well I'm glad you found family, well once you get a phone". Momo took out a piece of paper and wrote her number down, "Call me and we can hang out sometime!"

"Yeah, sure! Once I get a phone, I'll definitely give ya call". Naruto gave her a fox grin across his face. Momo felt proud and happy about herself, it was also her first interaction with a boy as well. At least one her age, most of the time she was in an all-girls school. Momo also was really interested in learning who Naruto was as well. The first male to join their school has multiple quirks, he seemed like an interesting guy. She knew that most of the girls would be weary of Naruto, but hopefully, she showed that he wasn't that bad of a guy after all.

Time Skip End of School

Naruto walked out of school surprisingly in a happy mood. He made some friends, talked to some girls, but that was about it. Thankfully Momo was in most of his classes, Naruto just treated her like a friend it was plain and simple. He only wished it was this easy for him back in the elemental nations. Torino smiled and waved Naruto over, "Naruto over here I'm off for the rest of today, how about we get some training in".

Naruto stood there for a moment to stare at Torino. Naruto felt something inside of him click, he knew exactly what it was. It was compassion and caring that he felt from the old man. When leaving the academy Naruto would always walk home by himself. The other parents would glare at him and remind their kids to stay away from him. He never had anyone to come pick him up from school and take him home. Hiruzen was always busy so it wasn't often he came and picked him up from school, "Goodbye Naruto! Hope to see you tomorrow!" Momo called out waving him goodbye.

Naruto has also never had a goodbye either, he doesn't think many people would say goodbye. Many wouldn't ever say that they hoped to see him the next day. Torino saw Naruto's eyes, from the way he stood, the way Naruto's eyes were dilated, and his body posture. He could tell that this was a new experience for the boy. He couldn't help but feel his heart hurt to see this. A child should always know what it's like to be talked to. Love by someone, to have other people he hardly knows already give him a simple, 'Hope to see you tomorrow', response. It was upsetting for the old jeet user, "Y-Yeah see you tomorrow Momo!" Naruto waved to her as she got into a limo as her driver then drove off.

Torino did smile, "I see you're already getting popular with the ladies I see". Torino gave Naruto a sarcastic grin on his face. Also, he heard some of the girls walking off giggling and realizing just how nice Naruto was. He was a genuinely nice guy, upbeat, cheerful, and seemed to never give up when in class.

"S-Shut up Jiji-san, but yeah let's head home". Naruto liked saying that, getting to say go home, a real home, not some shitty apartment in the red district in Konoha.

At Home

Torino and Naruto arrived back at his place and went to the back to do some training, "Naruto, I must ask you, you said you didn't have a quirk. However, you told All Might that you had abilities. What would that be?" Torino asked curiously.

"Well, I got a few". Naruto crossed his fingers as three shadow clones appear, "These are my shadow clones, I can make up to over a thousand with little to no strain on my chakra. Chakra is the energy source I use, but it's no quirk because everyone has chakra. I'm just able to use it unlike others, it's like your life force. My pool of chakra is large, I can do this". A clone walked over and began to help rotate Naruto's Rasengan in his hand. Like that, a Rasengan formed in Naruto's hand and he ran up to a large rock and slammed his attack into it. It caused a deep spiral indent to be embedded into the wall.

Torino was shocked, "Such power! Naruto that's some abilities!"

"I can also". Naruto used substitution as a log replaced his previous location, "Substitute myself with a log so I can dodge an attack".

"That will come in handy". Torino didn't know where the log came from, but that will be helpful.

"I've also can do this!" Naruto body was enveloped as a perfect copy of Torino, "I can transform to sound and look perfectly like others. However, if I don't know how they act well then my cover is blown".

"That's helpful for recon, you're a very promising Hero Naruto. That reminds me, I got a call from Recovery Girl when she took your X-Ray on your body, you indeed don't have a quirk. You don't have a quirk because you don't have an extra joint in your pinky toe". Torino was still amazed, "You are classified as quirkless, you can say your quirkless. Just that your ability to harness your life force allows you to be so strong".

"I know that my shadow clones, whatever they see, hear, or experience are transferred back to the user. So, I can really train hard to become stronger. My one weakness is that I don't have a fighting style, it's difficult to fight sometimes. My chakra control isn't the best either". Naruto rubbed the back of his head.
"I see, well let's see maybe Kame Style fighting technique can help ya out. I'm not that good on helping you control your chakra". Torino then had a lightbulb go off and he said, "I know let me contact my friend Muten Roshi, or you can call him Master Roshi".

"I see he knows the Kame Style?" Naruto asked.

"Well speaking yes and no, he knows the Kame Style. Though he has it altered to the Turtle Hermit fighting style". Torino spoke putting his finger on his lip.

Soon a person appeared, "Hello Young Uzumaki! Gran Torino! How are you guys doing!" All Might spoke happily with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh! Hey, it's you! All… All… Muscle Man?" Naruto couldn't remember his name at all.

All Might fell to the floor, "I-It's All Might Young Uzumaki! I came here to see how strong you were! I heard you were quirkless, but you seemed like a promising hero with that chakra ability!"

"Well if you want a fight!" Naruto got into a fighting stance, "Then let's get ready!"

Torino sighed, "Don't push the kid too hard, but don't underestimate him All Might Naruto is pretty strong".

All Might rushed towards Naruto ready to swing at him. Naruto was still fast and was able to dodge his attack. Naruto punched All Might in the chest skidding him back a little bit. It wasn't far but Naruto was quick enough to do so, "Impressive Young Uzumaki! You're quite strong! Show me more of the powers you possess!"

"You got it!" Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu! Like that a hundred Naruto clones appeared before All Might as gasp as the sheer numbers. He waited as one charged at him, he punched that Naruto as he disappeared in a puff of smoke, "A clone!?" He saw another attack him as he punches that Naruto, "I see! You can make these clones, but they can't". Before he could speak a clone punched him across the face. He felt the punch too, he punched Naruto back as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"You thought my clones weren't able to hit! Actually, they are solid clones that can interact and fight back!". A clone spoke, "You're just going to have to find the right one!" Then Naruto and the rest of his clones began to spin energy balls in his hand, "CHARGE!" All the Naruto clones shouted as they rushed All Might

All Might punched the ground causing some of them to fall over and disappear, but many of them jumped and went to slam the attack on All Might. All Might quickly punch the sky using the force knocking Naruto back. However, more clones appear with Rasengans in hand. All Might brace for impact, "Take this!" Uzumaki Rasengan Barrage! Naruto landed a bunch of Rasengan on All Might. All Might felt the power Naruto's attack he was sent flying into the wall. Naruto stood standing there with a smirk on his face looking at All Might.

All Might stood up with his white T-Shirt torn and breathing heavily, "T-That was impressive *Cough* That move is much more powerful than I thought! *Cough*"

"All Might we should stop before you". Torino wanted to stop him before Naruto knew anything.

All Might smiled, "Young Naruto I must ask you when you think of being a hero what do you do?"

Naruto was confused, "Being a hero? Well, I think of protecting everyone! Make sure that my friends are safe, that the civilians are protected. Even if I'm not liked by many people, I promise to protect everyone! I'm not gonna run away, I never go back on my word! That's my nindō: my ninja way!" Naruto smirk with determination on his face.

All Might smiled, "That's great Young Uzumaki! Now let's see how far you can go!" All Might charge forward this time but used more of his power. He appeared behind Naruto and slammed his fist into his face, California Smash! Naruto was sent flying into the wall as dust and debris was kicked up.

Naruto slowly stood back upholding his head with some blood. He shook it off as he grinned, "Alright! Now we're talking!"

"To think he took your attack head-on and stood back up! Naruto seems like a very promising hero! He is super resilient!" Torino smirked; he knew Naruto is going to be an interesting person to see grow up.

Naruto charged forward with more clones, Naruto took out a fuma shuriken and tossed it at All Might. All Might quickly dodge his attack. Naruto came running forward with a Rasengan, All Might then heard another puff of smoke. He saw behind him Naruto in midair with another fuma shuriken and tossed it at All Might. All Might look forward to seeing Naruto with a Rasengan rushing at him. He quickly jumped into the air, but the fuma shuriken thrown by the Naruto that was just a fuma shuriken dropped the transformation. It showed two Naruto's that were hidden in the fuma shuriken. The clone Naruto threw the real one at Naruto, Naruto always wanted to try it. He knew it took a lot of precise chakra control; Naruto's fist began to glow blue as he built up chakra into his arm. He remembers Tsunade-Obaa-chan talking about how this takes precise chakra control to use her monstrous strength. His, well, was far from precise. Naruto launched his fist forward, Konoha SMASH! Naruto imitated All Might's attack landing an attack where All Might was badly wounded by All For One.

All Might cough up a lot of blood which shocked Naruto a lot. As the two fell to the ground Naruto saw steam running out from All Might's body. Naruto quickly grabbed hold of him, Naruto created an army of clones below him to cushion their fall. Torino watched in awe that Naruto was able to even use such an attack like All Mights. Once he ran over to where they landed All Might was back in his skeletal form. He was drained from that last attack feeling Naruto's attack. Torino looked at Naruto to see his arm completely busted. Naruto's hand was completely broken, he saw some bone sticking out along his entire arm bloodied, "Damn this hurt!" Naruto screamed as he held his arm.

"Oh god!" Torino checked over Naruto, "We need to get you to Recovery Girl!" Torino said worriedly.

Naruto looked over to see All Might was now replaced by a skinny man. Naruto looked down to see his hand covered in a light red chakra. This caught Torino's eye, he saw the red glow mending his broken arm. His bones and muscle were mended back together slowly. Naruto smirked, "I-I'm fine j-just taking a bit to heal". Naruto was really going to have to practice getting his chakra control better. He was going to have to try meditation like Jiraiya taught him before. Kurama in the seal was slightly impressed by Naruto's display of strength, though to the very end he was a bumbling idiot. Now he had to use his chakra to help heal the brat's arm.

Toshinori walked over, "Young Uzumaki that was an amazing display of power and strength. Your strong, you think quick on your feet. You will make a fine hero one day; you've got the heart. Even as your opponent you still went out of your way to save me. That's what a true hero is".

Naruto was shocked, "I'll ask about your appearance later if you want to tell me. But yeah, I've had a good teacher, they taught me well. Plus, you're a comrade, I couldn't let you get hurt if I had the power to do so. Quoting what my teacher said, 'Those who break the rules are scum, that's true, but those who break the rules and abandon their comrades are worse than scum'. That's why I made a promise to never abandon my comrades. Even if I can't be Hokage, I want to be better than you were as All Might then. If you're that strong… then I want to be stronger. I want to be stronger so I can protect everyone".

"What about the villains? There will always be someone stronger than me. Someone will take someone hostage making them stronger than I am. People will die, you and I can't save everyone. The villains will always be around ready to attack. Your friends, your teachers, family, people you look up to. Everyone will die, it can easily be done by a villain". Toshinori spoke wanting to see Naruto's resolve.

Naruto smirked, "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want! You're not gonna scare me off! No way! I don't care if I do get stuck as a student in training for the rest of my life! I'll still be the number one hero someday! You can't tell me to quit, I want to protect everyone now. I have a chance to become someone I still wanted to be even if it isn't the Hokage! I truly believe this is a place where I can belong to! Respected by others! Looked up by others! Just give up… on trying to make me give up!"

Toshinori saw a lot within Naruto, Toshinori smirked, "Naruto I have a question for you".

"What is that?" Naruto asked.

"Are you willing to work through the pain, to get stronger. To work your hardest to be the strongest, to be the greatest hero. To be able to protect everyone even if it cost your life. If you were to die tomorrow at the hands of a villain. Will you regret dying? How will you feel?" Toshinori asked once again.

"I am willing to work my hardest! Like I said, quit trying to make me quit! I'll never go back on my word! That's my nindo way! Because I never give up! If I die today, tomorrow, or even in the future! Then I better do it by saving my friends, a teacher, a civilian! If I die knowing I saved someone than I'm fine with it! This world has a lot of hatred, one of my teachers told me that there will always be hate no matter what. So, I plan on continuing that dream of his here, I will break that curse. If there's such thing as peace, I will find it. I won't give up on a promise that made. I will make it where everyone one day will learn to understand one another! That way the hate will stop spreading. So, everyone can live happily with no hate, no discrimination against one another!" Naruto held his hand out in front of him with his palm facing the sky. Then he clenched it smirking at Toshinori, "I'll do it even it costs my life to make a better tomorrow!"

Torino and Toshinori look at Naruto with smiles on their faces, "Naruto, how do you feel about being the next possible symbol of peace?" Toshinori asks.

Naruto smirked, "Working hard and driving myself into the ground, I don't want no easy way out. I want to do everything legit! If I'm going to U.A which I learned was the greatest Hero school to go to! I want to get in with my power! I want to do this in my own way! With my own skill! I don't want any damn recommendation to get in! I want to make a name for myself!"

Toshinori smiled, "Naruto you truly can be the next greatest hero… to think that I doubted myself". He sat down on the ground sighing when I thought about this through my head. When I learned you were quirkless, I had no hope then. Did you know that about 80% of the world's population has a quirk? I thought to myself truly that there was no possible way for anyone to be a hero without a quirk. Might I ask, how do you do all these things again without a quirk?" Toshinori asked.

"I use life energy called chakra. You can basically call it my own life force; I might not have a quirk. But with my own strength I know I can go far!" Naruto smirked pointing to his headband, "You see this headband too? Quirkless or not anyone can be a hero I think it's possible for anyone. This headband symbolized my loyalty to the village I belonged to. The village I swore to protect, but since I'm not there right now. Then this headband will symbolize my will to fight, to fight for this world just as if I was going to for my old world. I'm still Uzumaki Naruto, I will become the next greatest hero!"

"To think that I was such a fool, for you to be quirkless and be trained enough to harness your own life force as a shield and a weapon to protect others. You've opened my eyes Young Uzumaki, I think you will become a fine hero. Now I must ask you… are you willing to inherit my quirk?" Toshinori asked as Torino's eyes widen.

"W-What? Inherit your quirk?" Naruto said confused.

All Might smiled, "Young Uzumaki… I've lost hope in finding a successor, I've spoken out that anyone can be a hero. With a quirk or without one anyone could be one, I preached that for so long. Yet I found myself knowing that without a quirk you couldn't be a hero. That there wouldn't be a possible way to do so. Now that I've met you, I think it's possible now. I think it's possible again for anyone to be a hero! Even if they have a quirk or not! You've opened my eyes again Young Uzumaki! Its thanks to you that I can believe again!"

Naruto was ecstatic that he helped him open his eyes, but it dawned him. Why would he give Naruto his quirk? Then again how was that possible? "How is that possible though?"

All Might smiled, "Young Uzumaki listen closely, I need to know before I continue. Can I trust you to stay quiet about my secret?"

Naruto smiled, "I swear on being the next biggest hero I will not tell your secret until you say so!"

Toshinori smiled, "My quirk is called One For All. One For All is a transferable Quirk that can be passed on from one user to the next. Its name comes from its nature; being 'one' Quirk for 'all' people. For the Quirk to be transferred, the recipient must ingest a sample of the predecessor's DNA. For the Quirk to be transferred, the current owner must freely choose to transfer it. Because of this, the power cannot be forcibly taken, however, it can be forcibly given, as the recipient doesn't have to agree to anything". Toshinori took a deep breath as Naruto continued to listen to him, "One For All also allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability. The user can focus the stockpiled power into a single body part, or spread the power evenly throughout their body, although, focusing the power puts a greater strain on the part of the body where the power is focused. The user is also able to control the percentage of the power that they activate. The core of One For All has grown in strength from being passed from user to user, and the Quirk Factors of all the previous users have merged into the core, granting the current user the ability to access these Quirks. The Quirks have significantly increased in strength since they were used by their original users; this is due to the nature of One For All's core stockpiling power and increasing in strength from user to user. In addition to the Quirk Factors merging with the core, One For All carry's echoes of the consciousnesses of all the previous users. One For All draws power from the cries of help of those in need, as they are like a direct order to the user". Toshinori took another breath.

"So, you want me to inherit all this? Then this isn't my power… it's everyone else power that I'm inheriting. I don't want to use someone else's power; I want to be a hero with my own power. Even if I stay quirkless, I want to be able to use my own abilities as a hero". Naruto wanted to train for his power, he wanted to keep training and win with his own power. Not with someone else even if it was transferred down to others.

Toshinori nodded his head, "Young Uzumaki".

"Please you can call me Naruto, I'm not big on honorifics". Naruto smiled.

"Young Naruto please understand that I'm looking for a successor, I have not found a worthy person to ask so far. So far, you've met those requirements and pushing those requirements even further. Your thoughts, your feelings, your ideals. Far surpasses the expectations I had for my successor. Please understand that I cannot give this quirk to just anyone it has to be willing to take up the mantel of the next symbol of peace". Toshinori wanted Naruto to inherit the quirk, he has the true heart of a hero.

Naruto sighed, "I-I don't know someone else who is quirkless could inherit the quirk than me. Don't you think it's smarter to ask?" Naruto was cut off.

"Naruto, I know this is a lot to ask of you but understand. I want it to be you it must be you. If I can start training, you with One For All as well as Torino. The better chances you will have at controlling it. You proved it to me earlier when you built up energy in your arm today. It proves that your willing to push your body to the upper limits even if it means breaking your body". Toshinori smiled, "I could care less about you being quirkless or having a quirk. It's the Naruto I like, its Naruto whom I want to be my successor". Toshinori put his hand on Naruto's head, "I know you can do it… I believe in you Young Naruto. I know you can become a great hero that everyone accepts and acknowledges".

Naruto was a bit hesitant and sighed, "Can I get some time to think about it?" Naruto asked.

Toshinori smiled, "Thank you, please take the time that you need. I don't need an answer now or even tomorrow. Hell, I don't even need one in a half a year. But one would be nice by the end of the year". Toshinori walked over to a tree and pulled out a cooler. He took out a white bag and pulled out popsicles. He broke the two popsicles stuck together and handed one to Naruto. Naruto smiled remembering how Jiraiya did the same thing for him.

Torino smiled going inside to leave the two be, "Toshinori I hope he is the one you're looking for. I can say that Uzumaki Naruto is going to be a very interesting Hero. Naruto also has no family. Maybe Naruto can be more than just your successor, things around have already been livelier than they use to be".

Time Skip Next Day

Naruto was given money to get a phone after school. He was going to school right now until a limo pulled up and the window rolled down, "Hey Naruto! You want a ride to school?" Momo smiled.

"Thanks for the offer, but I like walking". Naruto smiled.

Momo smiled, "It's okay, hey I'll walk with Naruto". Momo smiled talking to her driver, "I'll text you when to come to pick me up". Momo got out with her school bag, "I didn't know you lived so close".

"Well, that's what I was sent to this school. I was surprised that it was an all-girls school. I still feel a bit weird that I had to go. The school rules so happened to change that day". Naruto rubbed the back of his head.

Momo chuckled, "Don't worry about it, I think it's a good change of pace. Besides, I heard the news around the school that people are starting to warm up to you. So far people don't think you're a pervert or anything".

Naruto smiled, "That's good, that's the one thing I don't want. I knew a pervert once".

"Who was that?" Momo asked confused, "I thought you lived on your own?"

"My Tou-san". Naruto mumbled quickly as Momo nodded her head understanding.

"Well I'm glad you didn't turn out like him then, but I'm assuming he tried to turn you into a pervert?" Momo asked jokingly.

"Yeah he did, but if he did, I just end up pranking him". Naruto chuckled back thinking how Jiraiya would try to be a perv, but he would end up pranking him then.

The two talked and walked to school earned a lot of complaints from Momo's classmates, "Awww Yaoyorozu-Onee-sama is hogging the new kid already!" A female classmate said dejectedly.

"I thought he was a perv, but he isn't now, and he is taken by our great Onee-sama!" Another complained. Many of the girls were worried, but not any more of Momo was able to approach him so easily. They wall watched how she easily interacted with him. Momo even texted them telling them how Naruto was a genuinely nice guy and he wasn't trying to hide anything. At least anything about being a pervert.

The day went on as normal as they went to classes, Naruto mainly being bored the entire time. He knew most of the material when it came to arithmetic and science. Most of that was covered in the academy. However, the only interesting part was history and English for Naruto to learn. Momo was in most of Naruto's classes, so that was a bonus for Naruto.

After School

Naruto was leaving to head to the store, but there was one issue. He had no idea where the place he had to go to get a phone. Naruto had to ask Momo for help, "Hey Uhh Momo are you busy after school?" Naruto was a little nervous.

"Ummm n-not really! W-Why do you ask!?" Momo was surprised by the sudden question, "Wait is he asking me out!? Wait no it's too soon!? I mean we just met one another and… wait why am I getting so worked up!"

"Do you know where the phone store is? I was given money to buy one, but I don't know where to go". Naruto asked sheepishly while he rubbed the back of his head.

Momo smiled shaking such thoughts from her head, "Oh! Yeah! Sure, let me text my driver and let him know!" Momo quickly texted her drive and put her phone away, "Alright let's go! So, what type of phone are you looking for?" Momo asked as the two walked.

"Well, what type of phone were you using?" Naruto asked.

"Well I'm using an iPhone XR if you want, I can take you to the apple store to get one". Momo smiled. The two walk to the store with Momo learning a little bit more about Naruto, "So what is your reason for trying to be a hero?"

Naruto smiled, "Well I want to be a hero so I can be strong. If I'm strong that means I can protect everyone, I can protect the people I care about". Naruto didn't want to bring up the Hokage part but being able to share dreams was nice.

"Well, that's a nice dream! I'm being a hero so I can prove that I'm more than just a rich girl. I want to be as strong as I can. Being able to save others and be great as All Might". Momo smiled, "Well that's a nice dream too, I didn't even know you were wealthy. Though that doesn't matter to me, your Momo nothing more nothing less". Naruto smiled giving her a foxy grin.

Momo was quite happy to hear this. Most people every saw her as a rich girl or an easy catch. Many would think it would be an easy score to date her. Momo was really starting to like this Naruto, he knew how to treat someone equally, "Thanks Naruto means a lot, many just try to be my friends because I have connections. I'm still debating if I want to go to U.A or not. Your quirk is so amazing that I don't know, it makes me nervous".

Naruto shook his head, "Momo I can definitely tell you that you can be a hero. You can go to U.A I don't want you to doubt yourself. What is your quirk anyway?" Naruto asked.

"Well my quirk, make a right up here, my quirk is called creation. This gives me the ability to create any non-living material/object from my exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells. In order to create something, I need to understand the molecular structure of what the material/object is made of. The more I eat, the more material I have to work with, so I need a considerable amount of food for ingestion for my Quirk to be effective". Momo smiled proudly.

"Wow, that quirk is pretty cool! That's versatile you could do almost anything with that!" Naruto said excitedly, "That's really cool Momo!"

Momo was flattered by Naruto's comment, she was happy that he thought her quirk was that useful, "Thanks Naruto… that means a lot". Momo smiled back giving Naruto a grin.

The two walked into the store as Naruto picked up the same phone with Momo. They had the phone set and Naruto got her number once it was bought, "Hey I'm hungry you want a bite to eat? My treat". Naruto smiled.

Momo giggled, "Are you asking me out on a date?" Momo teased.

"W-What! N-No! No! I was just asking since you led me the way to the store! Just a way to say thanks for taking the time to help me!" Naruto blushed rubbing the back of his head.

Momo giggled, "I'm just joking! Thanks though, I was happy to help you out". Momo smiled, "Common I'm pretty hungry too". Though something in Momo wished it was, "W-Wait… do I really feel like that about Naruto? I mean it's only the second day… well, he is a really cute guy…. Wait what!? Why do I keep thinking like this! I just met him!" Momo took a deep breath as the two continued to walk.

"You okay Momo?" Naruto asked confused as he saw Momo close her eyes while sighing.

"Its nothing… thanks for asking though". Momo smiled as the two walked off to a ramen shop.

Naruto was really relieved to have found a ramen shop. Once they sat down to eat her ordered three bowls of Miso Pork ramen, "What do you want Momo?"

Momo smiled, "I think I'll have the same thing with three bowls too".

"Well that's one thing that you found out about me; is I really enjoy ramen! I like ramen a lot! I like training too! I also hate the three minutes it takes to cook instant ramen!" Naruto said with a pout as Momo laughed thinking that it was so trivial but funny.

"That nice, well what are some of my likes! Well, like to read, encyclopedias when I can, training, and making friends! Then spending time with friends! Ya know I've had plenty of friends thus far, but by far you stick out the most". Momo smiled, "You're different from the rest, the always to praise me or make me some type of idol. I just want them to treat me like any other girl". Momo giggled, "So far you've done that while not even trying!"

"Well, I think it been a good day. I can walk ya home". Naruto stood up once his meal was done and paid for.

Momo nodded her head, "Thanks for the meal, sure we can walk home together". Momo and Naruto left as they just talked and got to know one another better. Momo learned how determined Naruto was to get stronger. For whatever reason she liked that, his determination and his desire to get stronger. She took a liking to that and enjoyed hanging out with her. Like that Naruto arrived at her big house which was guarded off with gates, "Well thanks for hanging out with me, I hope we can do this more often". Momo smiled happily, "I'll see you again tomorrow!" Momo waved to him as she walked back into her house.

Naruto began to make his way home as he smiled to himself. For whatever reason it was he was happy. He felt wanted in this place, way more than he did back in the elemental nations. That's what he was feeling right now, no one hated him. No one glared at him, he was being treated like a normal person. He liked it, he was happy about it, though having Kurama inside of him worried him. He was scared, he didn't want to tell everyone. He didn't want them to leave him, it scared him. He just didn't know how to tell everyone, if he is going to tell anyone it would be Gran Torino.

Time Skip Week Later

After a week of Torino was with Naruto, he has really begun to like the boy. For whatever reason, he was this bubble of energy that drew everyone and everything to him. All Might has stopped by more to help Naruto train. Naruto has been doing a lot of meditating and insane chakra control exercises which Gran Torino thought were ridiculous.

As of right now, Naruto was sitting in the hospital in front of Toshinori in his deflated state along with Torino and Recovery Girl, "I-I know I should have told you guys earlier, but I was scared".

Toshinori and Torino knew that Naruto was hiding something, they knew he would tell them when it was time. Today was one of those times when Naruto accidentally used this strange energy.

Flash Back an Hour Ago

Naruto was training with All Might; All Might land a powerful blow to Naruto sending him flying into a wall. Naruto stood up not wanting to give up, Naruto was trying to push himself to the uppermost limits once again. Naruto and All Might traded blow after blow and Naruto felt a weird shift in his chakra. He didn't know what it was, but he felt the seal on his stomach move.

All Might went to punch Naruto again, but when he punched Naruto he didn't even move or flinch. Torino and All Might look at Naruto strangely as his body was enveloped in a red chakra cloak. His whisker marks thickened; his eye were blood red with black slits down the middle. His canines were sharpened as he let out a bestial roar. Naruto didn't know what it was, but he lost full control of his body, "DIE!" Naruto said in his bestial roar. A two red-tails along with fox ear like features began to appear on his body.
Naruto charged at All Might, All Might blocked his attack and tried to pin Naruto. Then he realized that this red chakra was burning his skin. All Might quickly punch Naruto in his stomach knocking him out. Naruto passed out and fell to the ground as All Might look at Torino shocked, "W-What was that… Young Naruto never mentioned this before".

"I-I don't know but I'm sure we should take him to Recovery Girl to ask him some questions". Torino and All Might took off to Recovery Girl.


Naruto found himself looking at the three with a sad look on his, "I-I'm sorry All Might… I-I didn't mean to… I don't know what happened". Naruto couldn't control himself; he didn't know what to do.

"Y-You have seemed to lost control when sparring with me… you unleashed this red chakra cloak around your body". All Might looked at Naruto confused.

Naruto looked dejected and Torino, who has only known the boy for a week now. Never did he think that he posses this power, "Naruto it's okay you can tell us anything".

Naruto felt the pit in his stomach, now he was worried. To think that this would happen, was this as the result of having the nine tails in him? What was it? "Well for starters… I'm the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune".

A/N: That's it! I hope it's a good beginning, I had more scenes with Momo and Naruto. However, I think their interactions are good right now! This is indeed a Naruto and Momo story! Because I've seen so many Naruto and Momo stories and only a few were up to par. I also don't like the fact that he is always born in the world with quirks as well. I thought hey, lets make one where he is transported to the world. Obviously, he would be considered quirkless, he would explain his real powers. He would pass his abilities off as quirks to people he doesn't really know. I also do not know a story where Naruto actually does decide to inherit One For All. Yes, I know he is going to be too overpowered! Well, guess WHAT! I made it difficult for Naruto. If you read the story, you saw that Naruto lost control of his power. If you read the first AN it said that he had ALL OF KURAMA SEALED IN HIM! In this universe, Minato decided to seal all of Kurama into Naruto. I know it seems farfetched, but I think it's still very possible! Oh, and Naruto's hero costume is this story cover page. Naruto obviously does not have that good chakra control, so it won't be that easy for him to use One For All that easily. I am trying to slowly build up Naruto's and Momo's relationship! This story is replacing the one story I've been working on. Obviously, this probably won't be posted until two other stories are done. Lol, I hope everyone enjoyed it! I'll write more later! TitanFall007 OUT!