Obviously the usual disclaimer applies. The show and characters belong to the creators of Scarecrow and Mrs. King. (As I update I'll find the correct wording and update). The original characters to me. This applies to all chapters.

This is written for myself, for fun and for my best friend. For those who would enjoy it too - I am posting it here.

The episode order will be adjusted slightly as it fits with more realistic character development in the show and where it makes sense for this plot twist. Some chapters will be the adjusted episode, others fillers, and others will just go off tangent. I have the outline and am writing and I can see the final scene.

Anyways, Enjoy and as I edit chapters I'll post them. So let's listen in as Amanda tries to tell the story to Francine of just how in the world they pulled off Operation Watchman, a secret marriage for so long and what ever else happens as a result.

This page will update as general notes need to be added for the story as a whole.

This is being very quickly written and likely will have a chapter per episode and I want to thank clagjanet for the feedback that I had pulled an idea from her story too close and it lead me to go from the story going in a tangent to better in line with the crazy plot I set - I'd only done it because I'd stumped on how to involve Amanda's extended family more so thank you. Anyways I expect to average about 5 chapters a week / 5 episodes for a little while. If I make a plot error from the TV show or accidentally pull from someone else's story an idea (won't do that again), you're welcome to let me know and I'll clean up quick edits.

Also the story is getting sort of screwball comedy and it all started because I was trying to think of what would convince Lee and Amanda to a secret marriage earlier then expected and the main plot of the Operation Watchman and getting the Watchman, to "Apple Time" for a family reunion before dropping the secret of how to bring down the iron curtain. Well, when they meet the missionary that Blue Leader talks about in Chapter one that's when the plot will take off and go really AU.

So anyways with this Coronavirus scare it's a good distraction writing this, and I will try to switch to having one chapter ahead written so I can catch things like above that just aren't good plot ideas. Anyways, I figure if I don't post as I write within a day or two I just won't post at all so that's the reason there maybe some minor revisions as I move ahead. But most likely as I know the final scene not any major plot changes going back. - Nell (3/26/2020)