With the COVID19 in full swing, this is what happens when a hyper charged bunny locks horns (so to speak) with her no-nonsense husband.
All characters are owned by Disney.
"Nick, Nick, we've gotta hurry and get to the store!"
"Why Fluff, what's up?"
"You know … that virus thing … we've gotta stock up on toilet paper, paper towels, wipes, meat for you, veggies for me and-"
"Hold up a second there bunny, what are you ravin' about anyway?"
"Nick, we've got to get this stuff before it's all gone!"
"Ok, there might be a few things we need, but toilet paper and paper towels? Really?"
Nick we NEED those things and we've GOT to get more before it's all gone!"
"So you said. But I have a question for ya Fluff…"
"What Nick? Will you please hurry?"
"Stop and think for a sec Judy. Is the virus an intestinal virus or a respiratory virus?"
"Ummm … respiratory?"
"Yup. Now, what are the symptoms of a respiratory virus?"
"… Dry cough, fever, tiredness, difficulty breathing in severe cases?" as she ticks of the symptoms on her fingers.
"Right again. Last question …. Where is the part where we need to stock up on TP and paper towels? I don't recall explosive diarrhea being part of all that!"
"Yes, you have a nice one"
"What? Anyway, you didn't answer my question. Why do we need a ton of paper products? We already have enough at home to last us a month or so by the way, especially since we usually use the toilet at work? And, we have a freezer full of chicken and veggies, So I see no need to blow our checks on stuff we really don't need."
"That's what I thought. Listen, panic buying is only gonna make us spend more money than we need to spend and create shortages for those mammals who really need the stuff."
"Ok then … since you've saved us so much money just now, I think you should treat your loving wife to a night on the town!"
"What do you mean nope?"
"Since you're so worried about this virus thing, I thought we could have a nice quiet candle light supper at home have a little wine and play spin the bottle afterwards…"
"You naughty fox, you're just trying to get into my pants…"
"Yea … and?"
"Sounds like a plan, let's go."