Prologue: The Knight

It was supposed to be a normal rayshift and their destination closer to the present times. The place was similar enough to lostbelts and singularities, albeit, on a smaller scale.

Senpai said it would be fine. She said it would totally ok, just like how they've conquered all of those singularities… and lostbelts. This phenomenon was just small and wouldn't even affect the timeline. Sion-sama said it would be fine if left it alone as it would disappear on its own, even Da Vinci-chan agreed on that thought. Even without even uttering any words, Mr. Holmes already figured the thought.

There's no need to bother it, they say.

It would dissipate on its own, they say.

But Senpai insisted that we must resolve that place at the given time. I totally agreed on her. I should have expected that will be her answer to all her troubles.

I fully trust Senpai as Senpai fully trust her Kohai, that would be me.

But doubt lingers within my heart and this is not the same as the previous ones. I feel that this meaningless singularity held some strange qualities that I could feel.

The restriction that only female Servants qualified to join Senpai's journey for no reason should be suffice enough to make her suspicious.

But she said its okay, just like with the other singularities. They would be together till they managed to resolve this phenomenon. I smiled warmly at the thought. I will never doubt Senpai, ever.

But what is this vague feeling…

I kept my dubious moment to myself, there's no need for Senpai to concern me. I curled my fist to my chest as I hold on that thought.

We were now preparing to rayshift.

I could even see Da Vinci-chan waving at me, saying that she would expect us to remove the anomaly on this stray singularity. Sion-sama is now doing the statistics and prepared the device.

I eyed Senpai once more, she just smiled at me.

How could I ever betray that beautiful smile? Even if I'm worrying a lot just like how I did previously on previous singularities. I shouldn't let my gut feeling be an obstacle to our mission.

If this feeling won't let go then I will tell Senpai after we arrive there.

Little did I know that Senpai's assuring grin would be the last time I would see.

The rayshift was compromised midway. The pathway became faulty and we were thrown away from our lifeline and destination.

I was suddenly struck with ill-gotten worry. I tried to grab Senpai but I was too late.

I was thrown away from her. The gap between us grew larger until I no longer see her.


I shouted with all my might as I saw Senpai disappeared from the horizon. I floated aimlessly within a confined space amidst the chaotic dissonance. I desperately tried to reach her even though I could no longer see her.

My heat skipped the beat.

I was supposed to be at her side and I fail it.

There's no time for sorrow.

Everything was too fast for me to notice.

Eventually, I suffered from a blackout.

I don't know how much time has passed.

But the first thing that made me notice was the blaring of siren from afar.

My eyes are still closed shut. I don't know how I would react when I realized that Senpai and me were separated for somewhat reason. At least, the only thing that made me relieve a little was how my feet landed on something solid. Still, my legs felt weak and lanky, not from physical exhaustion but on the thought of Senpai's disappearance.

I hoped that Da Vinci-chan and Sion-sama has found a way to retrieve us but that's just a wishful thought. I need to open my eyes.

Do I ended up on our destination? Am I back to the Chaldea? Or worse…

I shook that thought in my head and forced my eyes opened.

I found myself deep center in a crater, large enough to be mistaken for an asteroid. I was confused for a moment but I looked up and saw a clear blue sky.

I confirmed that I was in the strange unknown place and I am still clueless whether this is the place that we were intended to resolve or not. The blaring sirens earlier also did not escape from my notice and I looked around and felt my breathing hitched for a moment.

Tall skyscrapers and buildings, all around me, just like Shinjuku but at the same time I knew it wasn't.

Does that mean I am in the present time? No, impossible. I must not think of it immediately as if I'm already in conclusion.

A sound similar to jet plane caught my attention and I looked up. Pinpoint of unknown variables were present and could be a dozens of them. If Senpai would be here, she would try to talk them out but this time I'm on my own so therefore, I must recognize them as an immediate threat no matter what.

I was already donned in my Shielder armor and I welcomed this get-up so I materialize my shield before I was too late.

The unknown variables were just too fast for me to escape and when they finally came closer, I realized that they were some sort of Valkyries(?) but something more high-tech. I leaned my shield close to me.

No matter how they looked innocuous the women, I must remain vigilant no matter what. It is a hard lesson that Senpai gave to me. They finally floated midair using some kind of magic and tech I've never heard of as they revealed their heavy weapon that made me gulp in nervousness. I don't want to rely entirely on my assumptions but I felt those weapon could really hurt me, even if I'm a complete Heroic Spirit. My gut feeling says those weapon can hurt Heroic Spirits too.

"There's no escape… Knight." They said with contempt as they pointed the muzzle at me.

Hold that thought. Knight? Who's Knight? Are they were referring at me?


This fanfic is still heavily experimental. Author might either: delete, remain at it is, make some changes and/or continue the story.