Jughead, Betty, Archie, and Veronica arrived at the Stonewall party. Jughead and Betty kept their guard up while Archie and Veronica went into the woods. "We have to play along so we can catch them if their doing anything sketchy," Betty said.

Jughead nods and kisses her head. "I hope this works," Jughead said. He playfully placed his beanie on her head. Betty smirked softly as one of the stonewall prep girls walked up to them.

"Hey, can I talk to you Betty?" she asked.

"Sure," Betty said. Both her and Jughead tensed up slightly.

"Go," Jughead whispered into her ear. "Call me if anything strange happens."

Betty nods and follows the Stonewall girl into the woods. Soon both of the girls had disappeared into the woods.

Archie and Veronica left the woods and headed back to the party. They couldn't find Jughead or Betty anywhere. They went to Bret and Donna. "Have you seen Betty and Jughead?" Archie said.

"I saw them enter the woods," Donna said. Veronica and Archie went into the woods. They kept walking in the woods until they saw Jughead holding a bloody rock. They ran over and noticed he was standing over Betty's lifeless body.

"Jughead, what happened?" Veronica asked. Archie checked for a pulse.

"She's dead," Archie said. "What did you do Jughead?"

Jughead didn't respond. It looked like he had just stumbled across the body, leaving Jughead and Veronica to wonder what in the world just happened.

A/N: I randomly got this idea while reading other Riverdale fanfictions. Should I continue this? I enjoy writing these "What if?" fanfics because I enjoy exploring things that happened in the show.