A/N: I hope everyone is safe and staying positive during these difficult times. For me, writing is an escape. I've been really anxious lately, and this is something I wrote to take my mind off things. I hope you enjoy it. Thank-you for all your amazing support. I wish you all the best!


She runs into him in Paris of all places.

The Louvre is packed with tourist on that particular Sunday morning.

Bonnie believes her eyes are deceiving her at first. There is no way Klaus Mikaelson is here in Paris, inside the Louvre like any other normal person.

They make awkward eye contact across the room.

If Klaus is surprised to see her, he hides it well. His face is a blank canvas and for a split second, Bonnie feels sure she is dreaming.

How many years has it been since the last time they saw each other?

When was even the last time they were near each other?

A blurry memory of graduation surfaces.

Bonnie shakes her head, daring the creature on the other side of the room to disappear. He shouldn't be here, intruding on her like this.

Klaus like the statue behind him, stands still.

It's been so long but under that calculating gaze of his, Bonnie is transported back. She momentarily feels like that young and idealistic girl who still saw the world as black or white. So much has happened since that night when she nearly killed him. She's been through hell and back and something deep inside her tells her that he has been through a lot too.

Neither of them says anything.

Bonnie is the first one to look away.

It's better to pretend that they don't know each other.

The past is the past and the best thing they can do is continue to move forward.

They quickly turn around and walk away in opposite directions.

Klaus Mikaelson has no business talking to Bonnie Bennett.

Bonnie Bennett has no interest in the Original hybrid either.

They are two strangers, nothing more.


The forest is illuminated by fireflies.

Bonnie has never seen anything so enchanting.

She feels like she has just stepped inside a fairytale.

All around her, people are drinking and dancing.

In her flowing skirt and with the crown of wild flowers in her head, Bonnie feels like one of them; happy and free.

Her entire body is tingling from all the magic flowing in the air.

It's intoxicating.

The Romani witches celebrate the moon with their chants. They pay tribute to their ancestors and bless the earth with their magic. There is no need to hide, there is no need to be afraid. In this forest, in the middle of the night, Bonnie feels at home. There are so many different breeds of witches all over the world, Bonnie is fascinated by their similarities and by their differences too. Everywhere she goes, she makes it a point to seek them out, to learn and exchange stories with them. It's how she was invited to this festival in the first place.

With her arms raised and eyes closed, Bonnie's hips sway to the beat of the drums. She loses herself in the music and doesn't realize how deep into the forest she walks until the music is replaced by the sound of water.

Green eyes open to a dirt path.

She can hear the water rushing down; a waterfall must be nearby.

Bonnie hesitates, the sound of the water calling to her like a siren's song. Getting near water while being high with magic is not a good idea, she tries to find her way back to the camp instead. The night is young still and there is much to celebrate.

The magic doesn't flow as freely this deep in the forest.

Bonnie shivers; a strange tingling slithering down her spine.

Her senses are alerting her to something but she's not exactly sure what it is.

She stumbles upon the lovers while retracing her steps.

The woman's dark hair glows with the moonlight.

She is on her hands and knees, eyes closed, mouth parted.

Bonnie freezes, blood rushing to her face.

A string of moans echo through the trees.

It doesn't take long for Bonnie to notice him. His pale hands grip the woman's hips as he pounds into her from behind. Hard and fast, he impales the woman while she cries out in evident pleasure.

Bonnie cannot take her eyes away from them.

The voluptuous gypsy woman is so lost in the moment that she hasn't noticed the interloper.

Klaus notices of course.

Amber eyes stare at Bonnie as he picks up the pace, driving into the woman harder and faster, almost nearing vampire speed.

Bonnie can't move.

Bonnie can't think.

Klaus is fucking the witch like there is no tomorrow but his eyes, those hybrid eyes are focused solely on Bonnie.

She feels a wave of heat invade her at the look he's giving her.

This is wrong, she thinks. She shouldn't be watching this. She tries to rip her eyes away from them but she can't. She tries to make her body move but she's completely rooted to the spot.

The woman's fingers dig painfully into the dirt, her entire body is flushed with sweat, while her pretty face is contorted in a mix of pain and pleasure. She continues to moan without care, enjoying as the beast behind her continues to slam into her.

Bonnie sees the flash of fangs and she opens her mouth to warn the woman but no sound comes out.

Klaus grips the woman by the hair, she screams. He yanks her body up and back against him. With one hand, he holds her waist, with the other, he cups her breast. He gives Bonnie one last look before sinking his fangs into the woman's creamy neck.

The painful cry makes Bonnie's ears hurt.

It's horrible but it's also the wake-up call Bonnie needs. Her body finally comes alive, feet moving quickly.

She runs out of there as fast as her legs can carry her.

As she runs out of the forest, Bonnie can swear she hears his laughter echoing through the leaves.

She leaves the Gypsy camp shaking and makes it to her hostel bathed in a cold sweat.

She doesn't waste any time, throwing her things into her bag without care. The need to get away from him consuming her.

She gets on the first train out of the city.

The train ride is about eight hours.

Bonnie has trouble sleeping. Every time she closes her eyes, she seems him. She scolds herself but the imagine is forever burned in her mind. Worse still, when she finally manages to doze off, she dreams about it.

In her dream, Bonnie is the one on her hands and knees.

She's the one crying out in pleasure as Klaus drives into her like a madman.

It feels so real.

She can feel his hands on her hips.

She can feel each of his hard thrusts.

She even feels the sharp pain as his fangs sink into her flesh.

Bonnie wakes up with a startled cry, face flushed, sweat lingering on her neck and chest.

She touches the side of her neck to confirm that it was all in fact, a dream.

The relief is short-lived, for Bonnie feels absolutely ashamed of the wetness between her legs.


Neuschwanstein castle is a dream.

Bonnie feels like a little girl as she stares in awe at the fairytale like structure. She takes it all in with a happy smile on her face. She has showered and changed and gotten rid of any trouble thoughts. Her mind feels at ease as she trails behind the tour group.

Once she gets to Marienbruke or Mary's bridge, she swallows her nerves and bravely crosses. The sound of the water crashing against the rocks echoes in her ears as she takes slow steps. She knows better than to look down for she will lose her nerve and make a fool of herself. She's a witch who has faced all kinds of monsters and yet, she is suddenly scared of heights. She giggles at the irony. She feels pretty confident that if she were to fall, she could summon enough magic to safely land on the ground. It's not something she wishes to test, however.

Once she gets to the other side, she gasps in surprise.

He's standing right there, ready to cross the bridge himself.

Bonnie's eyes go wide and her mouth drops open. She hadn't expected to run into him again. The image of him in that Romanian forest, fucking the gypsy witch returns to her mind with a vengeance. Her cheeks are suddenly set aflame.

"You got to be fucking kidding me," Klaus curses loudly. "Why the hell are you following me?"

"I'm not!" Bonnie exclaims offended. "What the hell are you doing here?" This is the third time she runs into him in less than a month, can the universe be getting anymore crazy?

"I could ask you the same thing, sweetheart."

Bonnie frowns.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you," Bonnie insists.

"The Louvre," Klaus reminds her. "The Gypsy camp," his lips curl with a knowing grin. "And now the Bavarian alps." He arches an eyebrow. "Heard that the sire line is broken and you came to finish what you started years ago?"

"No," Bonnie responds sincerely. "I have more important things to do than follow you around and try and kill you. You're not a threat to me." If he were to try anything against her friends however, it would be a different story.

He growls and takes a menacing step closer.

Bonnie forces herself to remain still, if she backs away now, she'll be on the bridge again. Her stomach flips. "Get out of my way." She gives him a defiant look.

"Or what?" Klaus challenges.

"Look," Bonnie says exasperated. " I don't know what you are doing here and I don't care, so how about you let me pass and we pretend this never happened." Like we did the other two times before, it's left unsaid.

Klaus studies her face with mild curiosity.

Bonnie fidgets under his gaze, goosebumps forming on her arms.

"Where are you going next?"

"What?" The question catches her off guard. "Why the hell would I tell you that?"

He looks annoyed. "So, we don't run into each other again, obviously."


"I've been traveling for the past couple of months and have yet to run into a familiar face," Klaus mutters. "How curious that this is the third time I run into you in less than a month."

Bonnie frowns. "I have been traveling for a while too and you're the first vampire I run into." She has actively been seeking witches and avoiding places where she thought she might encounter the dead. She's been careful to stay away from vampires and werewolves but has seemingly run into him by chance, three times now. "Where are you going next?" she throws the question back to him.

"Vienna," Klaus responds.

Bonnie feels surprised by how quickly he responds. "London," she tells him in turn while staring blankly into his face, heart steady.

"Good." He steps to the side.

Bonnie breathes a sigh of relief and quickly walks past him.

He's going to Vienna, she's going to London (not really) and they will avoid running into each other, it's perfect.

Klaus crosses the bridge back to the castle and Bonnie continues with her hike in the surrounding grounds.

She does her best not to think about him. This is surely the last time they run into each other. She's better off forgetting about him and those stupid dreams.


The smile on Bonnie's face is as radiant as the sun as she sits on the Spanish steps and eats a gelato. She savors each scoop and lazily lets her eyes wander over the crowd. The August heat is almost unbearable but the throngs of tourist don't mind as they snap picture after picture and gush over the beauty of the eternal city.

Rome is a dream come true.

Casually dressed in shorts and a white top, she's the perfect picture of contentment. She already threw a coin in the Trevi fountain to ensure her return. As beautiful as Paris had been, Rome calls to her in ways no other city has before. After nearly two years traveling the world, she might actually settle down here for bit. It wouldn't be so bad, Bonnie thinks, although she might wait until she finishes with her Italian tour before making that decision. She still plans to visit Florence, Milan, and Venice…there are so many beautiful places calling to her heart.

Since Germany, she has been on high alert. She has made it a point not to seek any witches and is on a constant look out for vampires and werewolves. She wants to stay clear of any supernatural creatures from now on. She has been lucky so far, as she hasn't crossed paths with another supernatural for over three days now.

The only thing ruining her trip to Rome are the dreams.

Her cheeks heat up as she recalls the vivid dream of that morning.

Since that night in Romania, she hasn't stop dreaming about Klaus.

He haunts her.

Why did she have to run into him?

Why is she suddenly wondering what it would be like to have his hands on her skin?

She's young, she's horny that must be it.

Bonnie suppresses any thoughts about the hybrid and finishes her treat.

Afterwards, she happily bounces down the steps and contemplates what her new life in any Italian city might be like.

The happiness evaporates however, when she spots a familiar blond head in the Piazza. He has his back to her but she would recognize that arrogant stance anywhere. "You got to be kidding me," she mutters pushing her sunglasses up her head to get a better look at him. This can't be happening again.

As if on cue, he turns around. "Fuck."

"What the hell are you doing here?" They both yell at the same time.

"You're supposed to be in London," Klaus hisses angrily.

"And you're supposed to be in Vienna, liar." If she didn't know any better, she would think this is some type of cosmic conspiracy.

"Pot calling the kettle," Klaus mutters.

Bonnie glares at him. This is unbelievable. Why the hell does she keep running into him? Judging by the look on his face, Klaus is as equally pissed as she is. She places her hands on her hips, looking every annoyed by him. "Why do we keep running into each other?"

"Why are you asking me, you're the witch."

"Are you plotting something?"

"Don't be absurd."

They regard each other with suspicion.

Bonnie feels butterflies in her stomach when his eyes linger on her legs, her shorts leave very little to the imagination and the white top clings to her like a second skin thanks to the heat.

He feels absolutely no shame in undressing her with his eyes so Bonnie takes her time to study him in turn. He looks good in jeans and a dark blue henley which brings out the color of his eyes. Those eyes that continue watching her as if she were a tantalizing meal. Bonnie stares a little too long at the necklace around his neck and the exposed pale flesh underneath. The butterflies in her stomach intensify. She knows what he looks like without a shirt. She bites her lip hard as that stupid night in the forest comes back to haunt her. She looks away because she's afraid he will see the shameful dreams she's been having about him reflected in her gaze.

It would be so easy to walk in opposite directions and forget they saw each other again. It's what they should do really. There is no point in talking to each other, they're not friends. They're not even old acquaintances.

Neither of them wants to move however.

They are both intrigued.

"This isn't a coincidence, is it?" Bonnie has been a witch long enough to know that running into each other is part of something bigger. There has to be some meaning behind all of this.

Something flashes across his face.

Bonnie waits for him to provide an answer to these weird encounters between them.

Klaus settles for a simple, "Perhaps."

They find a restaurant nearby and sit outside with a bottle of wine in between them.

The blazing August sun has Bonnie feeling sticky from all the sweat, even her heart rate has increased tremendously in the past couple of minutes as the sun glares down at her. Because, no, the incessant pounding of her heart has nothing to do with the handsome man sitting across from her.

If anyone would have told Bonnie two years ago that she would be in Rome, sipping wine with Klaus Mikaelson of all people she would have laugh like crazy. It's the most ridiculous thing ever but here they are, miles away from New Orleans and Mystic Falls. Two strangers with a complicated history.

"I thought you would be a teacher at the Salvatore school for the young and gifted," Klaus says as he fills her glass with wine.

Bonnie gives him a strange look. "How do you know about the school?"

Klaus chuckles, amused by her question. "I have eyes and ears everywhere, love."

Of course, he does. She shouldn't feel surprised that he has kept up to date with the ins and outs of the town he once called home but still, it bugs her. "Stalking Caroline?" she asks not so innocently.

The amusement drops from his face.

The satisfaction she feels is brief as she remembers Caroline's wedding and Stefan death. "Do you know that-"

"She married Stefan and he died almost immediately after, yes I know."

"What else do you know?" Bonnie asks curiously.

"Damon and Elena became human," Klaus indulges her with a response. "And you had a vampire lover, Denzo or something-"

"Enzo," Bonnie snaps. She feels guilty all of a sudden. She hasn't thought about Enzo in weeks, the last time she thought about her dead lover was when she arrived in Paris, right before she ran into Klaus actually. She grabs her wine and gulps it down quickly waiting for him to make fun of her for finding love with a vampire after she fought them for so long.

Klaus arches an eyebrow but otherwise, stays quiet.

The wine makes her throat feel dry, she licks her lips. "Why aren't you in New Orleans?" she changes the topic because she doesn't want to talk about Caroline or Enzo.

Klaus's jaw clenches, eyes drifting away from her.

Bonnie tilts her head to the side, studying his face carefully. "Something is different about you."

Angry blue eyes flash to her face once more.

In that moment, thanks to the power flowing in her veins, she can feel it. There is so much sadness, so much regret, and above all, anger. He is not the same Klaus she met back in Mystic Falls, there is something off about him…there is something inside him actually; a darkness he didn't possess before. Her brows furrow as she struggles to understand what is going on with him. Their previous encounters were brief so she didn't pick up on it but now that she has been sitting across from him for a while, she can tell. "What happened to you?" she blurts suddenly.

The shock on his face is almost comical.

"Something has changed," Bonnie continues without thinking. "There is something different about you, as if you had something inside you…something dark…" her fingers itch to touch him, to dig deeper, and find his secrets. She shakes her head. She must be losing her mind.

"You can sense it?"


"The darkness inside me."

Klaus is watching her with an almost hungry look on his face now, it makes her uncomfortable. Damn it, Bonnie why couldn't you keep your mouth shut? She thinks while finishing her wine. Her hands are shaking when she puts the empty glass down. She should leave now but her curiosity gets the best of her. "What darkness?"

He stays quiet for the longest time.

Bonnie re-fills her glass with wine and waits for him to answer.

"The hollow," he finally tells her. "My siblings and I each took a part of the hollow inside us. It was the only way to stop it."

"Stop it from what?"

"From taking my daughter," he replies softly.

The regret, the longing for his child, gets to her. She doesn't think she has ever seen such vulnerability from him before. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

He watches her curiously, wondering why she would feel sympathy for a creature like him. "Don't be." So much has happened since he discovered he was to be a father, there is no time to drown in self pity, and he definitely doesn't want or need her pity.

"So, this darkness is inside all of you?"

Klaus nods.

"Is that safe?"

"As long as we don't run into each other or go near Hope, we'll be fine."

Hope, that's his daughter's name.

How old is she? Bonnie wonders.

What does she look like? Is she a hybrid like him?

Bonnie feels curious but she knows better than to ask. She's actually surprised that Klaus has shared so much with her.

"Where is Enzo?" he asks suddenly.

Bonnie feels a tiny stab in her heart. She wants to tell him that it's none of his business but since he shared something with her, she feels obliged to do the same. "He's dead," she avoids his eyes. She hasn't talked about Enzo in a long time. She used to dream about him when she first began traveling, not anymore though. Her dreams are occupied by a certain hybrid now. She waits for the guilt to eat her heart but it never comes.

What does it say about her? That she forgot her lover after running into the hybrid that terrorized her and her friends back in Mystic Falls?

But she made a promise not to spend the rest of her life mourning, didn't she?

The past is the past, Enzo wouldn't have wanted her to live the rest of her life grieving for him. Enzo wanted her to live and that's exactly what she has been doing since she left Mystic Falls. There is nothing wrong with that.

"I'm sorry."

Bonnie looks up startled. "No, you're not."

Klaus laughs. "No, I'm not," he agrees. He's not as compassionate as she is.

This conversation is getting too personal, Bonnie drinks more wine.

"Where are you heading next?"

Bonnie gives him a weird look. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious."

"So, that we can run into each other again? No thanks."

Klaus leans back against his chair, eyes drinking her face like a man starved. "Don't you find it odd?"

"What?" Bonnie shifts uncomfortable in her chair.

"That we keep running into each other."

"Yeah, I guess." She has to admit that is all very strange. Why? is the questions that lingers between them. Bonnie feels suddenly scared to find out the answer. "I should go." She decides suddenly.


The way he says her name has her heart doing flip flops. Damn him! She stands up nervously. "Let this be the last time we run into each other, okay." When he doesn't say anything, she begins to ramble. "If you see me, don't acknowledge me. Don't look at me, don't even think about me, just walk away. Let's keep our distance and forget…" she meets his eyes briefly and looses her train of thought. "Let's forget this ever happen."

"And what if we keep running into each other again and again?" Klaus wonders. "What if no matter where we go we are bound to bump into one another?"

"That's not possible."

"How can you know for sure?"

"Because..." she stops abruptly, not knowing how to respond. "I have to go."

She runs.

Bonnie has become really good at running away from him.

The club is packed.

The music is loud to the point that her ears hurt.

Going clubbing is not something she does often but tonight she feels the need to unwind. Her encounter with Klaus left her shaken and she wants to put it behind her. And what better way to do it than by drinking herself to oblivion and dancing until sunrise?

She has danced with three different men already.

An Australian who tried to talk her into going back to his hotel room.

A Frenchman who kissed her like a fish out of water.

And a dark and handsome Italian who presses himself against her back and molds his body against hers to perfection. Her mind is buzzing from all the alcohol she has consumed and her hips sway with the beat of the music while her companion's hands move up and down her sides. The tight red strapless dress she's wearing fits her like a glove and gives him free reign over her curves.

It's easy to forget herself as she dances in the tightly packed night club with a handsome stranger.

Bonnie chose to come out and have some fun because otherwise, she would be pacing around her hotel room, thinking about him. She doesn't want to think about Klaus, she doesn't want to run into him anymore. All she wants is to forget.

But you are thinking about him now, Bonnie makes a face, the last thing she needs is to invoke him. Knowing her luck, she's about to run into him. Her stomach clenches and a wave of heat spreads across her body. She hates the bubbling excitement she feels at the thought of running into Klaus again.

What the hell is wrong with her?

The sexy guy she's dancing with whispers something to her in Italian. Bonnie catches the word, bella and smiles, letting his big hands roam over her body. It's fun, it takes her mind off things she shouldn't be thinking about.

When the guy begins kissing her neck, she sees Klaus's face.

Bonnie freezes.

The Italian guy grips her hips and rubs himself against her back, letting her feel his hard length right up her ass.

Bonnie gasps and blinks rapidly, thinking that she must be dreaming.

Across the room, through the flashing lights, and the throngs of dancers, she sees him.

Klaus stands by the bar, watching her.

How long has he been watching her?

Why is he here?

The Italian guy sucks on her ear, hands moving up her body to cup her breasts.

Klaus is still watching her, yellow eyes glowing in the darkness.

Bonnie whimpers and squeezes her eyes shut, she can swear she hears Klaus growl.


Amber eyes

A flash of fangs.

What would it be like to be on her hands and knees as he moves inside her?

The image is so vivid, the desire so unexpected, her knees buckle with the intensity of it all. She would have fallen on the floor had her companion not grab her. The lust pumping her blood and the wetness between her legs have nothing to do with the guy touching her but with the hybrid watching her from the bar.

Bonnie pushes the guy's hands away and heads straight towards the bathroom.

The guy-whose name she doesn't even remember- calls for her to return and attempts to follow but Bonnie uses her magic to block him. She doesn't even bother to look back. She needs to get away from Klaus before she does something stupid.

Once inside the restroom, she splashes water on her hot face and tries to control her breathing.

She has never experienced this intense desire before.

She hasn't felt so horny either.

It's thrilling and also terrifying.

The door opens.

Bonnie stiffens.

He calmly steps inside the small bathroom.

"You alright, love?"

Bonnie gasps, his accented voice has her involuntarily rubbing her thighs together. She watches through the mirror as Klaus closes the bathroom door and leans against it, a knowing smirk on his lips. "Need any help?" he quips.

Bonnie groans, her underwear is soaked already. She stubbornly shakes her head.

Klaus arches an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" In two steps, he is standing behind her. "You seem a little flushed."

Bonnie grips the sink with both hands and swallows hard. Klaus is standing so close to her; she can feel his hot breath against her ear. Her knees nearly give out. She must be possessed, it's the only way to explain this crazy need inside her. Is she under some kind of spell?

Klaus grins. He can smell her arousal as clear as day.

Bonnie's breathing is ragged as she meets his eyes through the bathroom mirror.

The heat of his body behind her has her trembling from head to toe.

His hands come to rest possessively on her hips, pulling her swiftly against him.

Bonnie whimpers, heart ready to burst.

Eyes still on the mirror, she watches as one of his hands slowly moves down and disappears under her dress.

Bonnie moans and closes her eyes at the feather like touch of his fingers on her thigh.

She is ashamed by how wet she is already.

He teases her at first, fingers probing through the wet cotton.

Bonnie feels tears of frustration stinging her eyes. She can't take this anymore. "Please…" she begs him.

When he pushes her underwear aside and finds that sweet spot inside her, Bonnie cries with relief.

His lips touch the side of her neck and brush softly against the sensitive caramel flesh at the same time that he pushes a finger inside her.

"Oh God," Bonnie practically sees stars.

His finger delves deeper, stretching her before slowly pumping in and out of her.

"I can't…" Bonnie makes a sound of distress. It's been so long and this feels so good. "I…oh…" she gasps, hands still grabbing the sink for dear life. She pushes back against him, rubbing her ass against his crotch. Klaus growls in response, the sound sending delicious shivers down her spine. He's hard and ready for her. She suddenly imagines his hands ripping her dress apart while he takes her from behind. "Please…" she whimpers. She needs him to touch her, she needs him to fulfill the fantasies she's been having since she stumbled on him and that woman in the woods. "Faster…" she pleads. "I need..." all of you.

Klaus is in no rush, keeping a steady pace. Even when she writhes like an animal against him, he continues with his slow torture, wanting to prolong the inevitable.


He makes a strange noise when he hears his name fall from her lovely lips, holding her with one arm, he begins to suck on her neck while slipping a second finger inside her. He licks her flesh at the same time he pumps his digits deeper into her.

Bonnie cries out and the lights flicker on and off as her magic goes crazy with the pleasure she's feeling.

His lips on her neck, his fingers moving inside her. It's too much, she's practically crying now.

Klaus's fangs graze the side of her neck and she sucks in a breath, walls clenching down on his fingers.

His name is like a prayer on her lips.

When he playfully bites her neck, she comes undone.

A light bulb explodes with a loud pop, leaving the bathroom in semi darkness.

Klaus has to hold her because her boneless body gives out on her as wave after wave of endless pleasure continues to assault her.



Bonnie is not sure how long she slumps on the sink, body trembling uncontrollably. Her eyes are glazed and her cheeks are wet as she finally pulls herself up. Her legs feel like jelly and her body is still rocked by the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Klaus still holds her around the waist, keeping her steady.

Through the mirror, Bonnie sees him take his finger up to his mouth. She nearly sobs when she sees him lick them dry. He offers her a dimpled grin before pulling away from her completely. His eyes moving up and down her back, enjoying the view of her ass thanks to the short tight dress she's wearing.

Bonnie feels embarrassed, her dress is all rumpled, her thighs are a mess and she can barely look at him in the eye after what happened. She has no idea what came over her. She tries to find her voice but no sound comes out. What is she supposed to say anyway?

Can we do that again?

She tries to clear her head from the lust filled haze that surrounds her.

"My hotel is down the street."

Bonnie looks up, eyes wide. Is he suggesting…?

He looks so calm, so in control. She's a mess physically and emotionally but he doesn't have a single hair out of place. His eyes though are hooded with lust. Klaus is watching her with an intensity that has her wet and ready for more. She also notices the bulge in his pants. She found her climax, he didn't. "…What…" she stammers.

"I want to fuck you," he tells her bluntly.

Bonnie swallows hard. Yes, please. She bites her lip.

Klaus lets out a strange noise and takes a step closer ready to throw all caution to the wind but he steps back almost immediately. He wants her but he is holding back. He doesn't want to lose control, not yet. "I don't want a quick fuck," he says huskily. "If you come to me, I shall worship every inch of you."

Bonnie squeezes her eyes shut and suppresses a moan.

"One night might not even be enough."

Is he warning her or telling her?

Bonnie isn't sure. When she opens her eyes, she meets his heated gaze through the mirror once more.

Klaus smirks at her. "Room 213," he says and then, he's gone.

Bonnie blinks, one hand still grabbing the sink.

She talks herself out of it at least a dozen times on the walk from the club to the hotel.

This is wrong on so many levels.

She should pack her things and get the hell away from Rome before letting him near her again.

She doesn't of course.

Their little thirst in the club's bathroom was not enough, not for her and certainly not for him.

I shall worship every inch of you

There is so much pent up energy swirling inside her as she walks inside the hotel.

No one stops her.

No one even questions her as she gets on the elevator.

When Bonnie stands in front of room 213, she considers turning away and running out of there. It has become her favorite pastime after all, to run away from him. But she can't, not after what happened. The lust she feels it's all consuming. She's going to get it out of her system, that is all. No feelings need to be involved, it can be a one time thing and then they both can move on.

It sounds so simple but as she stands in front of the door unable to knock, she second guesses her decision. if she does this, there will be no going back. Even if it's a one time thing, it will change things forever. Is she ready for that?

The door opens before she can change her mind.

"Took you long enough," Klaus greets her with his all too familiar smirk.

Bonnie's pulse quickens, not because of his sexy smirk but because of his naked chest.

He's shirtless.

Klaus chuckles. "Nothing you haven't seen before," he points out.

The fantasizes she's been harboring since that encounter in the woods have her blood boiling with excitement.

Bonnie stops gawking at his chest and focuses on his face instead. "I…" whatever she intends to say is cut short by the hard press of his mouth against hers. She never saw it coming and freezes automatically.

It takes a couple of seconds for her brain to process the fact that Klaus Mikaelson-her once worst enemy-is kissing her. Once it does, she throws her arms around his neck and kisses him back. His lips are surprisingly soft. He pulls her firmly against him and moves his hand up and down her back, sucking on her lips gently, as if he were savoring a scared nectar. As the kiss grows more urgent, he dips his tongue past her lips and Bonnie moans in response, feeling the flutters inside her stomach.

The hunger they feel for each other is mutual but they allow themselves a tender moment to simply kiss.

It's something they enjoy tremendously but once the primal lust they both feel becomes unbearable, Klaus pulls Bonnie inside his hotel room and slams the door shut.