Chapter Five

Big Brother

(Ian's POV)

Ian pulled up into the parking lot of the New Mushroomton Convention Center. Barley had written down in his bold handwriting specific instructions of where to go and what to do. Once school let out Ian would leave the Con and go pick up his brother, so they could try to figure out how to break the spell.

"Hmm," Ian thought out loud. "Barley told me to pick up his reserved parking pass at entrance booth C." He then spotted said booth on the far side of the lot. As the elf drove up, he noticed a bored cyclops managing it.

"What's the name used to purchase your parking pass?" she asked in a monotonic voice.

"Should be under 'Barley Lightfoot'?" Ian said nervously.

"Lightfoot...Lightfoot...ah, here it is." She handed him the pass and he put it in the corner of the inside of the windshield. "Your parking space is 37. Thank you, and have a magical day at Quest Con." said the cyclops faking a smile to go with her meaningless 'thank you'.

"Whatever you say, Gladys" Ian replied, trying to be thoughtful and call the cyclops by her name on the tag she wore.

"My pleasure, Mr. Lightfoot." she said, looking away and waiting for Ian to leave.

"Right." he caught on quick and went through the gate to find his parking space.


Walking up to the center, Ian soon discovered how big it really was. The place was huge! How was he going to find his way around? Little alone, find the booth to pick up Barley's 'Thursday Only' badge? Luckily, there seemed to be a map at the entrance. He walked up and found the room he was looking for was just down the hall. Everywhere he looked, there were creatures dressed in costumes. It was as if Ian had been transported into a real life version of his brother's game.

"Okay, let's just get this over with." he said to himself, as he synchronized his smart watch so it would ding once it was time to leave and pick up Barley. "I only hope Barley can keep himself out of trouble until then." he pushed the thought of his brother ruining his social status to the back of his mind.


(Barley's POV)

Barley sat in a desk in the classroom that was hosting detention that day. Even though he was used to getting in trouble with authority, he knew Ian wasn't. How was he going to tell his brother that he failed him? That he flunked the exam? And possibly ruined his reputation of being one of the 'good kids'? Oh, Ian was going to kill him! Which wouldn't be too hard, seeing how he currently was the 'big' brother; in age, size, and strength. Yep, he was as good as dead. Barley was startled back to reality when, the teacher hosting detention, slammed a packet as thick as a notebook on the desk in front of him.

"Mr. Lightfoot," the teacher shook his head. "I never thought I'd see you in here. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement." He walked past and continued passing out packets. Barley shamefully looked away and opened up the math packet in front of him. As he began writing in his answers, he overheard some creatures talking behind him.

"Guess that screw-up of a brother finally wore off on him." Laughter followed that comment. Barley was about to turn around and say something, when he decided against it. He'd gotten Ian in enough trouble already. To further his prove his decision, the teacher spoke up.

"No talking during detention!" At that Barley returned his attention to the math, wishing this nightmare would end already.


(Ian's POV)

"Here is your badge and your ID. Enjoy the con." said the volunteer to Ian. He took back Barley's driver's license and the Thursday Only pass. After sticking the license back in the wallet, he read the name on the Quest Con badge. Of course, instead of using his real name, his brother requested to be called Sir Barley the Bold. Ian rolled his eyes at the dramatic name Barley used in his Quests of Yore campaigns. He glanced at his watch and to his dismay, only 30 minutes had passed. He sighed, clearly annoyed. That's when some creatures in cosplay waved at him to get his attention. Ian walked over, and waved nervously.

"Hey guys, can I help you?" The cosplayers looked at him excitedly. Finally, the satyr dressed as an archer spoke up.

"Are you Barley Lightfoot? THE Barley Lightfoot?" she asked.

"No, I'm his brother. Ian." All three cosplayers looked at him weird. The elf then remembered that things weren't exactly normal today. "Kidding. I'm totally Barley Lightfoot." he said, hoping they'd buy it.

"Oh, well we were hoping you'd join our Quests of Yore campaign. With your knowledge and expertise we shall finally complete our quest!" the cyclops dressed as a wizard explained. Ian winced. He knew next to nothing about his big brother's obsession. But how was he going to get these nerds to understand that that was the case. His brother had earned the Quest Master title for a reason. If he attempted to join their game, he could ruin Barley's respected reputation. "You know, I would love to, guys, but I don't feel like playing right now, exactly. So I'm gonna have to pass."

"Are you sure you're Barley Lightfoot? I've never known him to turn down anything that has to do with Quests of Yore." the troll dressed as a warrior questioned. "If you don't want to play with us, just say so. You don't have to make something up to spare our feelings." The wizard jumped in. "Sorry if we're not good enough for you to hang out with, oh mighty one." he said sarcastically.

"Look guys, I'm sorry, really. But I'm just not...myself today. I can't do what you're asking of me. Sorry."

"If you're not here to play Quests of Yore, why did you even come?" the archer asked him. What was Ian supposed to tell them? That his brother and he switched places? That the Quest Master they were looking for was actually at New Mushroomton High School? That they simply had the wrong guy? "Come on, you guys. He's too good to join our game." the nerds walked off. Ian almost went after them, but decided it was best not to. He hoped Barley would forgive him for possibly causing a rift between him and the gaming community. He decided to go to Artist Alley and get a commission done for his brother. Maybe then, he wouldn't be too mad.