Chapter 14-Of Grey Rats and Poor Faith

Word soon spread of the Iron Born with House Greyjoy being broken along with House Bolton of the North and House Frey at the Twins meeting their end due to the might of House Targaryen unleashing their dragons on them. Ordinarily, such an act would make many within the Seven Kingdoms, Lords and Ladies alike, feel worried or fearful that they would be next on the whims of someone wielding so much power at their command. However, given the three that were destroyed by House Targaryen, many surprisingly did not feel such things, mainly because who those three Houses were that fell.

One House had flayed people for fun. One was a House of reavers, rapists, and raiders with little love for anything else. The third House were dishonorable opportunist, who took so much and gave so little back.

Of course, there were still some who felt it was unwarranted. Namely the Faith of the Seven. They not only condemned the act simply because it was "unjustified", but it was due to Aegon using his "sorcery" that he had learned of the plot. As far as the faith was concerned, magic had no business being around in the world. It had died with the dragons over a century ago and they wished it to stay dead.

Not to mention they had an issue with Aegon's decision to allow a foreign religion be allowed to setup a temple in King's Landing. Or have several weirwood trees be planted and allowed to grow for those who worshipped the Old Gods. To the High Septon and those who were more zealous of their faith, it was an insult to allow such heathen beliefs be allowed to challenge their own. Their faith was the supreme faith. Not one where you worshipped fire or a tree with a face on it. To them, anyone who thought otherwise in the ways of following a religion should be denied anything and everything from the world.

Though in many ways, the faith had been hypocritical of things when it came to helping the people they preached should be helped. Many of the High Septons were not as holy or religious as they claimed. Some ate almost as well as King Robert did when hosting a massive feast, but on a daily basis. Some of them had been with whores at a brothel while doing it to "help" the "lost" loose women there.

And all the while, the people suffered under them for it. Oh, they "claimed" it was a test by the Seven to see how much the people could endure those of the faith tried to do their best in "healing" the city. But it was lies. All lies. In truth, the fat, covered in jewels, and fine robed High Septon along with those like him had used their position to live content lives at the expense of the people they were supposed to help.

Not that the people below them knew it. Or those further down on the faith's authoritative ladder. As far as these men were concerned regarding their religion, they were the faith, and had the final authority regarding the people because of it.

Though as they would soon find out, their positions as part of the Seven Faith to "guide" the people meant nothing to the dragon.

(The Red Keep)

"The Faith Militant has attacked different parts of the city?" asked Aegon when he saw the rest of the Small Council nod.

"Yes, your Grace. My little birds whisper songs of them attacking taverns and brothels all over the city. They are demanding you denounce the faith of the Old Gods and the Lord of Light. They also demand you convert your faith to the Seven and you denounce using your powers ever again as magic is forbidden," said Varys with Aegon not looking happy with this.

"They have no right to demand that of my nephew. King or not. Everyone has a right to follow a different faith. Provided that faith does not perform dishonorable practices on innocent lives," said Ned Stark with everyone around him nodding.

"The High Septon is a fat man wearing expensive robes of the finest quality and the finest jewels along his form. He walks around like a pompous ass and a stench of arrogance that makes me want to vomit," commented Stannis with a growl in his voice.

"What do we do about the Faith Militant? Any action we take will no doubt give them the justification to attack. On the other hand, if we do nothing, they will perceive us to being weak. Either move could get the people on their side," said Tyrion with concern since the people could be swayed by action or inaction of the Crown.

"Not to mention the High Sparrow from his sect of the faith are doing their part to stir the poor into joining their ranks or the Faith Militant with the way they dress, walk, and talk. We are being assaulted on two fronts within the city representing multiple sides living within King's Landing," said Daenerys with Aegon sitting their in thought.

"We need to reveal just how unfit the current High Septon and his followers really are to be in such a position of leading those of the Seven Faith. As for the High Sparrow and his own birds, we need to show the lowborn and poor of this city how misplaced his actions are against us," replied Aegon while knowing the perception of the people and what they believed of him as King was crucial to ruling.

"Fortunately, we stand in a good position your Grace. Your actions taken since being on the Iron Throne have the people believing your rule will be a good one for years to come. So long as that is proven, the people in the city, if not throughout the Seven Kingdoms would never consider rebellion against you. Through reasons of faith or otherwise," said Mace with Aegon nodding.

"Agreed. But many of these people are also religious and follow the Seven Faith. They may decide its best to fear the wrath of their Gods over loving their King. Even if the wrath they fear will not happen despite what the High Septon or the High Sparrow say to the contrary," said Aegon while many frowned since that was true for most.

"How do you intend to combat the High Septon in this issue your Grace?" asked Varys curiously,

"A man like the High Septon is a clearly a corrupt individual. Hiding behind religion and faith so people will ignore or deny the truth about him. Stannis himself said the man is an arrogant one and I have no doubt the man and those close to with the High Sept are not as...holy as they all claim. I trust your little birds can keep a close eye on him and those he keeps close in confidence?" stated Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Of course, your Grace. I will make sure my little birds whisper to me songs of what the High Septon and those close to him do," answered Varys with Aegon nodding.

"And the High Sparrow? He has many of the lowborn on his side my love. If we were to do anything openly to him, it could only spur the man on further, and take full control of the Faith Militant," said Margery knowing many people in the city were still poor and the idea of being an agent or instrument of Gods authority may cause them to leap into the arms of the Seven Faith.

"We won't do anything openly my dear Margery. We will show the people that the High Sparrow has no position or justification to move against us in any way. To do that, we need our agents to tell the people of what we have been doing since becoming King. I trust we can have some men do that and prove it with more help or aid to those in need of it?" asked Aegon with Ned nodding since he knew what it is the King wanted to do.

"We can have several heralds in place throughout the city and more men giving out food and medical supplies to those in need of them. Such actions will show the High Sparrows view of you or perception of you as false," said Ned knowing the public hearing how the King did wonderful things for the smallfolk would prevent the Faith Militant from acting or giving the Seven Faith a means of gaining public support.

"See to it done Uncle. This meeting is over. Lord Stannis, please wait a moment. I need a word with you," said Aegon with the others leaving with the exception of Stannis.

"Your Grace, you need something from me?" asked Stannis curiously.

"I wanted to know about the former Maester of Dragonstone after he was brought here by Ser Davos. Have you spoken to him yet?" asked Aegon with Stannis gritting his teeth at the mention of the former Maester of Dragonstone.

"I did your Grace. If only briefly," replied Stannis with anger in his voice.

"I take it he tried to beg for his life? Or at least plead his innocence to you?" asked Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"He did," said Stannis while his fists tightened at the memory.

Spare me my Lord. I am innocent. Whatever I have been charged with, it is not true. I swear it!

The King has proof that says otherwise Cressen. I have seen it myself. Your journal was also obtained after Davos had you smuggled to his ship. I read everything in there. Don't bother denying it.

Trickery my Lord. You have been tricked. Why would I agree with the others when they offered you counsel to go to King's Landing when the dragon reclaimed the Iron Throne if I were your enemy?

One of your more recent journal entrees speaks for itself. You were hoping Aegon would kill me soon after my arrival. This would leave my daughter vulnerable enough for you to poison her so she would be too weak to flee and could be slowly poisoned continuously soon after. All at your discretion until she one day died. You have also been sending messages to the Citadel inquiring about poisons or means to slowly end a dragon's life. Either the creature itself or the rider.

It had to be done my Lord. Don't you see? The dragons are beasts. Monsters of old that burn everything in their path! And if that isn't enough, magic returns with them. Magic is not natural. It is vile. Evil. Such powers should die with the beasts. Only science and men who understand it should be allowed to be in power. Not sorcerers. Not magicians. Or whatever they call such people in Essos. Don't you understand my Lord? Only through men like me and those in the Citadel does the world exist and continue to exist.

And just how many people have to die to keep men like you and those in the Citadel in power? How many times did your poisons and concoctions deprive me of a son? How you tried to kill my daughter with Grayscale? How you used your knowledge to leave a scar on her face? Or depriving Shireen of having brothers and siblings?

Your bloodline is tied to dragon. Even if it is just a sliver by comparison, it can awaken in future generations. I did what needed to be done. For the good of all. The dragons must die. All those of its bloodline must die. No matter how small.

Even knowing I am one such person, Cressen? Even Shireen?

Yes, my Lord. Even you and her. The Maesters of the Citadel will soon be the true rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. We, who provide you with advice. We, who provide medicine to you when sick. We, who bring your children into the world. We will be the true power behind the King. Behind the Iron Throne. Our word shall be heard and command the King to do what we wish.

And if he does not? If his children do not?

Kings have a way of dying even under the most simplest of means my Lord.

Perhaps. But you will never succeed here. Whatever plans you have to try taking down the Targaryens again, or their dragons for that matter, it won't work. You and the rest of the filthy rats in the Citadel are going to learn this the hard way soon enough.

"You struck him?" asked Aegon with Stannis looking him in the eyes.

"Aye, I struck him your Grace. Across the face with my fists. Multiple times in fact," replied Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"As was your right my friend. After what he and the other rats in robes did to you, my House, and many others...a few punches were ultimately a small price to pay. At least for the moment," said Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"Will you be visiting him your Grace?" asked Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"Yes. I think I will visit him now. If only to let the fool know that the dragon is not one to be challenged. Especially when the dragon in question is strong in both mind and body," said Aegon while the two walked toward the Black Cells to have a meeting with the now former Maester.

(Black Cells)

Maester Cressen cursed within his mind. Cursed how foolish he had been to let his guard down when a raven came for Ser Davos for his eyes only in private. Though it seemed that no sooner had Ser Davos read the private message, men soon came for the Maester. He put up a fight in protest, but Cressen was old, outnumbered, and they had struck him from behind to nearly knock the man out. They soon bound his arms and legs, the gag on his mouth to muffle any further protests, a hood over his head, and finally being carried to the former smuggler's ship.

And before Cressen knew it, he was in King's Landing. Placed in the Black Cells no less. And when the bag was removed, an angry Stannis Baratheon was standing in front of him with his fury showing clearly through those intense blue eyes all Baratheon's were known to possess. He had asked what was happening? Why he was here? What had he done to anger his Lord?

And received punches to the face for each question. Cressen begged for the man to stop, but the blows came harder, stronger, and filled with fury the Baratheon House was known for since its founding. He had begged Stannis to free him. That whatever he had done was not true or some misunderstanding.

Only for Cressen to hear from Stannis how the King knew of the conspiracy. Knew of the plot by certain Maesters at the Citadel to remove dragons, magic, and the overall blood of House Targaryen from the world. Cressen's own secret journal was found and even used against him when trying to plead his innocence to Stannis in the hopes of being freed. But the Baratheon would not yield and Cressen was filled with fear of what would happen to him.

His thoughts on the matter were soon interrupted when his cell door opened and the King himself was standing in his presence.

"Hello former Maester. How do you like your accommodation?" asked Aegon with his eyes figuratively burning holes into the man's skull.

"You have overstepped your bounds your Grace," said Cressen while inwardly burning with hatred for the King.

"Have I? And just how have I overstepped my bounds? Have I conspired with others to manipulate the Seven Kingdoms? Have I used my knowledge from various books to kill babies before or after they are born? Have I used my influence to whisper paranoia and deceit into the minds of High Lords? Into the minds of Kings? No. I do no such things to the people around me. I do not try to mold events on the orders of some robed rats who wish to play themselves players on the board or even act as if they were Gods. So, tell me Cressen, how did I overstep my bounds?" asked Aegon with Cressen glaring at him.

"What my brothers and I have done is for the good of the Seven Kingdoms. We keep you and your High Lords in line. We keep you all in check and our actions ensure peace and prosperity," answered Cressen with Aegon scowling.

"And killing children? Killing the bloodline of the dragon? You have no right to kill and take the lives of others when some of them have never had a chance to even draw a single breath. You have no idea if the actions of you and your so-called brother rats were for the betterment of the Seven Kingdoms. You deprived the world of so much and you justify it with the belief these actions help the realms instead of hurting them. And without proof your actions are justified in their application," said Aegon with Cressen snarling at him.

"We have every right! Knowledge is power. He who control knowledge is the true King, is the true God of the Seven Kingdoms. Not those of royal blood. Or those various faiths with their pathetic Gods to justify their actions. Maesters of the Citadel record and store all the knowledge of the known world. We hold all the power and thus have a right to use it how we see fit. To mold the course of human history. To ensure things go the way WE want them to go. And that includes the removal of your bloodline. My brothers will purge your dragons and House's blood from the world along with the magic they have birthed. It has no place in the world. In our world," said Cressen with Aegon glaring down at him with eyes filled with hate.

"You're right. We don't belong in your world. In the world you and your fellow brother rats envision. But that's the problem. Your vision will never come to pass. Soon, you and your fellow brother rats will know a dragon's fury. A dragon's rage. And a dragon justice that is long overdue," remarked Aegon with Cressen glaring at him with all the hate his old body cold muster.

"I curse you. I curse you and your future children. And their children's children to the end of your bloodline and the bloodline of that whore you call an Aunt. They will never know peace. Never! If it is not my brothers who bring down the dragon, it will be someone else. Faith of the Seven. Old enemies from Essos who wish your blood for their magic. You will be cursed with the madness your family is known for and see enemies around you on all sides. It will be your undoing!" exclaimed Cressen with his eyes filled with hatred and rage for the Targaryen King.

"That is where you are wrong. Soon the enemies the dragon will be no more. And peace will be obtained. Sadly, you will not be alive long enough to see it," said Aegon before walked out of the room with Stannis right behind him.

"How do you want him handled your Grace?" asked Stannis curiously.

"For now, we keep him alive. If only for the moment Stannis. I don't want his robed rats for brothers finding out we are onto them or he died in our custody. Once the conspirators on their end are dead, he will be among the last to fall," said Aegon with Stannis nodding since it was a sound tactic.

A Maester, one assigned far from King's Landing, found dead, would surely reach those in the Citadel quickly. However, an unknown old man, who clearly wasn't of sound mind languishing in the Black Cells would be ignored. Oh, the man would scream out his name and position, but anyone who heard it would think him mad. No one knew Cressen had been taken out of Dragonstone, but a few handful, and all were loyal to Stannis, if not the Crown. They knew what the old Maester had done and as such, they would keep silent on the issue until the rest of the robed rats were handled.

Stannis had always made sure his men at Dragonstone were his men. Clever men. Smart men. But always loyal and could carry out orders to the letter when called upon.

"When do you plan to strike against the rest of them?" asked Stannis curiously.

"Soon. I need to handle this carefully. If even one of them gets away from us, the rats will flee to other lands to rebuild in order to continue plotting. They will seek to bring down the dragon and magic because they fear its potential. They fear things they don't know or understand my Lord. So, they choose to destroy it. If they cannot understand such things, it has to be destroyed in their eyes. Which is foolish considering it is part of life and was used in ancient times to help combat the White Walkers and build the Wall in the North," said Aegon with Stannis not saying anything about magic in general.

Stannis didn't understand such powers. They were beyond him. What he did know was it could be used by those attuned to such things and was considered good or bad depending on the wielder of such power. Aegon had told him magic had the power to heal as well as hurt like a shield or sword in the hand of its wielder.

Of course, Aegon himself didn't use magic. But the concept was similar in terms of using the Force as it was with magic. There were those who wielded it as a weapon or a tool. It was all based on the intentions of the wielder. Not that the rats for Maesters or even the High Septon understood it.

And right now, Aegon intended to use the Force along with his dragons as a sword.

(Old Town-Secret Location-Sometime Later)

The various Maesters of different rank, position, and skill met in this one barely lit room with concern on their faces. all of them were worried with the recent events coming about with the dragon once more sitting on the Iron Throne. Even worse regarding their plans for the Seven Kingdoms, the Targaryens had three actual dragons, and magic being said to have returned as a result. Their secret attempts planned meticulously over the years, to kill those of dragon's blood, the actual dragons, and destroying dragon eggs if found were at risk of being undone.

"It is as we feared. Magic has returned to the Seven Kingdoms. The three dragons under this Aegon Targaryen is proof of it," said Archmaester Theobold with a deep frown now on his face.

"Something must be done. We have not plotted from generation to generation to bring the dragon down just to have this new King undo everything," said Archmaester Walgrave with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, it is not so simple my brothers. Five of my most trusted agents have tried to get close to each of the three dragons themselves. All with the purpose of either killing them discreetly or prevent reproduction. All were struck down before they could even get near them. This new Targaryen King seems to know who to trust near his dragons or the dragons themselves know," said Maester Thorpe while the rest of the group of Maesters in the room looked displeased by this news.

"Dragons are beasts. They have no intellect. And to speak as much is heresy against the Order of Maesters," said Maester Nash coldly.

"I'm sure Maester Thorpe didn't mean anything by it brother. Merely an observation from what our spies could report back to him. Dragons are indeed beasts, but even beasts can sense when there is hostile intention aimed in their direction if they are awake. Mindless or not," said Archmaester Theobold while Nash huffed and continued to glare at Thorpe.

"All the same, we need to be extremely cautious. While none of our actions in trying to kill the dragons has been or can be proven, I doubt the numerous attempts made against the dragons have gone unnoticed. Add that Grand Maester Pycelle has also been killed so soon after the Targaryen King sat on the Iron Throne makes me even more nervous," said Maester Martin with concern since the most recent acts against the dragon were clearly signs of someone attacking from the shadows.

"If only Maester Luwin was one of us. We could have possibly found out about the false bastard sooner and killed him as a helpless child," said Archmaester Vaellyn bitterly and wished he had pushed harder for one of their men be appointed in the North.

"Now is not the time to look back into the past brother. Now is the time to look forward and plan the continued fall of the dragon and the magic they wield. Remember, progress for the world must be controlled by us. Not the Kings who rule on the Iron Throne. Not the Lords or Wardens of each territory. And certainly not those who would practice the magical arts. We hold the knowledge of the world and therefore hold all the power. The power to shape and mold the world as it should be and how we see fit. Our Order is the one true power in the Seven Kingdoms. Never forget that," said Archmaester Theobold.

"How do you wish to proceed brother?" asked Maester Zarow curiously.

"I have an idea. How about all of you die painful agonizing deaths," came a voice from the shadows of the room.

With the dim candlelight revealing Aegon Targaryen in his dark robed and masked glory with sword in hand.

"You?! What are you doing here?!" demanded Maester Thorpe both with anger and fear in his voice.

"I could ask the same of you, provided I didn't already know from what I obtained from the journals of your fallen brothers I had killed," replied Aegon while the rats in front of him glared.

"And how many of our brothers have you killed to get to us?" demanded Maester Zarow while wondering how the King got through their own security.

"Practically all of them. Every single Maester in your Order assigned to seeing my House brought low and magic cast away from the world. The only exception being the Maester you assigned to Lord Stannis Dragonstone. He is currently a guest in the Black Cells of King's Landing and will be the last to die. The Maester for House Lannister was killed by Lord Kevan personally after finding your man's journal and reading how the fool tried to kill his brother's wife slowly through poison. Of course, he didn't know she was pregnant during the time he was poisoning her, which resulted in poor Tyrion's dwarfish form. It also didn't stop the fool from making sure she was never treated for the blood loss when bringing my friend into the world. At first, I thought it was to make Tywin the cold man everyone knew him to be in life. But in truth, it was all because Lady Joanna had politely declined his discreet advances on her person. Your rat for a brother couldn't keep it in his robes, much less stand being around such a beautiful woman without having a taste. As for the Maester you assigned to the Vale to look over House Royce was thrown through the Moon Door. The Lords of the Vale felt it was necessary when the truth was revealed about his intent to cause a civil war there to counter my appointment of its new Warden. Your man assigned to House Bolton died in the North when I sacked the Dreadfort, but I already know from the journals left behind from the other rats that he was assigned to bring about dissent. To keep the North weak, fractured, poorly educated in certain areas, and even corresponded with Ramsey Snow on the how to keep someone alive the longest while flaying them. I also know you wanted to make sure they were seen as fur wearing barbarians who do not respect Southern traditions. Speaking of the South, Prince Doran doesn't have to worry anymore about being poisoned or his gout spreading further by the Maester you assigned there," replied Aegon with the rats in robed around him going pale since it was clear to them that he had killed everyone they had put into position to mold the Seven Kingdoms as they envisioned.

"You have ruined everything! Years of planning and plotting to make the world as we see it have been destroyed by your actions and filthy existence," spat Archmaester Theobold.

"And I should care about how you feel, why? Who are you to determine if a dragon lives or dies? Or if babies should be born from their Mother's womb or should be snuffed out before having a chance to breathe? Who are you to determine the way things are run in the Seven Kingdoms? Who are you to decided anything beyond your own responsibilities in life?" asked Aegon with Archmaester Theobold now snarling like an old angry rabid animal.

"Our Order has existed for this purpose! We obtained and use the knowledge gathered through the ages and to best protect the realms of men. Kings come and go. Whether they wage war or rule during times of peace, it matters not. We are the smartest minds in the world and know what is required to keep the realms stable regardless of who sits on the Iron Throne. We are the true power of the Seven Kingdoms. We decide which child lives and who dies because it is our right as men of knowledge and have the right to control the fates of others," said Archmaester Theobold passionately as if his words alone had the power to make Aegon bow before them in submission and understanding.

"No. You are not wise men. You are all blind fools and greedy rats in robes. You try to control the lives of others simply because it makes you feel powerful and Godly. You do not know if your actions will provide you the end result and if it doesn't, you don't care and try again until it happens. You gamble. You plot. You test. You experiment. And you end lives before they can even begin all in the belief your actions will benefit the Seven Kingdoms when it is unknown until after the deed is done if there was any fruit to your supposed labor. You act blindly and therefore are blind," replied Aegon with the robed rats around looking displeased by his words and not just because they were true, as loathe as they were to admit it to themselves.

In truth, most of their plans and schemes were trial and error. They were blind and could only manipulate certain things or events. Some events. Not all. The vast majority were all chances and experiments to test how things would play out if one child died at birth and the next child conceived by a Lord or King was a better candidate. They had manipulated countless events with their men in place, whispering in the ears of Lords, poisoning and killing them, if not their respective other half. If the Lord in question was too well loved and needed to be knocked down from his position of power, they would target his heir or his wife. When grieving, they would whisper some more. Make the Lord go from kind to ruthless. Or advise a new wife be taken. New heirs be made while the original ones died or be cast aside for the new half brothers or sisters. And all the while, the Maesters would have secret control, authority, and positions of power within these Houses. To even have the Maester they assigned to a wealthy House try to drain the wealth discreetly and make sure it was funneled straight to the Citadel so they could use it at their discretion. Most of the time it was to use in the high-quality brothels and establishments. Even to those that cater to more...discreet clients with less than...honorable tastes that didn't always pertain to full grown women.

But these robed rats would never admit it. In their eyes, they were Gods among men for what they knew and how to use it. This King was nothing to them. An obstacle for them to remove in order to restore the natural order of things.

Their natural order of things.

"It doesn't matter what you say Targaryen. Your House, your very bloodline, your three dragons, and your fucking magic created through it all will be lost soon enough. We will not allow all of our planning to be stopped by your unnatural powers and the chaos they bring!" declared Maester Thorpe.

"You act as if you have the power to stop me. Your hired help here is dead. Your pawns and fellow rats you command to carry out the deeds you wish are no more. All that is left is yourselves and the greed that festers in your hearts," replied Aegon while he along with a small, but efficient group of Unsullied with him to ensure there was no escape.

"We may die here dragon, but our efforts will continue one way or another. When people here how you killed us, we will be seen as heroes and you the villain for ending our lives. Those who join our ranks to continue our work will swell to new heights before the end of the year!" proclaimed Maester Zarow like it was some kind of prophecy.

"Not when I have the evidence to prove otherwise. Do you think Maesters will be loved by the Lords and Ladies into their Houses once the damaging information I have reaches them? No. They will keep a closer watch on your future brothers and their actions with very vigilant eyes. Their duties will be restricted to match what they were supposed to do and know. Not what they claim to do and know. The people will never trust your brothers as they did in the past. That trust was abused, tampered with, and overall violated by the likes of yourself and the rats in this room. As such, your belief in other men taking up the cause behind your work is an empty promise," remarked Aegon before he was upon the Maester and swiftly struck him down.

The other men in the room tried to flee. Running to the only door in the room. But several problems arose from the attempt. The first being the door itself was shut and locked with the only key being in Aegon's possession. The second was the candles lit in the room had suddenly gone out through Aegon's command of the Force, leaving the room in darkness where these old men in robes could not see even their own hands in front of their faces. They stumbled around blindly, jumping at the presence of the other, screaming like they were frightened children, and one of them pissing himself before Aegon's blade struck him down in multiple parts of the body prior to the darkness being eternal.

Archmaester Theobold had heard the sound of his fellow brother fall. The sound of metal cutting through flesh was unmistakable. The others were soon cut down as well, leaving him the only one left of their group alive in this room with their murder. In his mind, he wanted to be defiant of this King. To stand up to him. To say his beliefs about magic and dragons being mindless beasts were justified in the plan to destroy their return like he and his brothers did with the Targaryens of old. But in his heart, the man was terrified. All the years of plotting, planning, scheming, and experimenting with the lives of others to get the results they wanted to put the Seven Kingdoms under their secret control was being undone. Their group controlling the others had to be small to prevent being caught and they had succeeded. The subordinates they commanded were slightly larger but had to be carefully chosen to carry out discreet commands. Not every Maester in the Citadel was like them, so the choices were made after careful watching, subtle testing, and eventually revealing their belief to them to gauge the candidate's reaction.

And within a few Moons, it had been undone. By one boy, who called himself King. A boy, who had dragon's blood in his veins, and had powers to go with it. Theobold easily recalled how his predecessor had chosen him, quickly becoming one of the Maesters to join, and had been one of those who believed magic brought chaos with few who could wield or control it. As such, since the Maesters of the Citadel seemed unable to wield it in any shape or form, it was decided to remove it from the world so those who did have the ability were denied. Was it selfish? Was it cruel to take it from others who could use such power? Yes, on both counts, but Theobold had been selfish in his own desires for power like his brothers when this conspiracy was first created. The man believed that if he could not wield such power, no one else could or should wield it in his place. Knowledge he could obtain, and control was the only power that would matter. The elderly Archmaester had gone to great lengths to be a man who wielded it throughout the Citadel unopposed.

Only to find such power counted for nothing against someone who wielded true power.

"Do you understand now rat in robes? Do you understand what it means to be powerless against someone with power? Where is your authority? Where is your supposed strength? You have none of those things. You have nothing because you are nothing!" said Aegon in the darkness.

"I don't care what you say dragonspawn. You can kill me, my brothers, and hundreds of others to silence us. But your end and the end of your bloodline is inevitable. One way or another, our goal will be achieved!" declared Theobold in the darkness.

"Perhaps, one day it will happen as you say. But the future is always in motion. And you will not live long to see it. Nor enjoy the afterlife that follows your death," replied Aegon before thrusting his sword into the robed rat's torso and took great pleasure in hearing the man scream out in pain while moving the weapon through the fool's body.

And with that done, the end of what the future would one day call this moment in history as the Maester Conspiracy was ended.

(King's Landing-Sometime Later)

"The High Septon has continued to denounce you and the actions done with the Maesters as of late your Grace. From what my little birds have been saying, the High Septon has been calling on the faithful to once more form the Faith Militant. They feel the time for the Crown having absolute power is an insult to the 'one true faith'. Even more so when you allowed for the worship of the Old Gods of the North and the Red God from Essos," said Varys with Aegon sighing.

"The High Septon is an idiot. A greedy idiot hiding behind his religious robes. The man is under the impression that the Faith of the Seven should have complete control over the Seven Kingdoms in terms of religion. That all other religions are either wrong or should remain weak. No. I won't allow it. I have nothing against the Faith of the Seven. What I do have a problem with, are those who claim the religion is the right one, is the best one, and the only one people should pray to when they seek religious enlightenment," replied Aegon with his Small Council nodding.

"How do you wish to handle this your Grace?" asked Tyrion since the incidents within the city being minimal due to the Crown giving so much to the people that they didn't want it taken away.

"Simple. We expose the High Septon along with his fellow supporters for the greedy, arrogant, and sin filled man he is while having our heralds shut down the High Sparrow with our actions in helping the poor. At the same time, we state our reasons for allowing for multiple religions into the Seven Kingdoms was to give people the right to choose their faith. That they are allowed to choose their own faith, but not try to convert others. That joining a religion available to them is a choice within the Seven Kingdoms is a choice. If they wish to follow the Faith of the Seven, they can. If they prefer the Old Gods from the North, they can pray to them. If they wish to pray to the Lord of Light, I won't stop them. What I won't allow, is one of the faiths waging some kind of war against the others. One religion does have the right to impose its Will or faith on the others. I trust such plans were already set in motion when I left to deal with the robed rats?" commented Aegon with Tyrion nodding since it would remove the momentum of the opposition.

"Yes, your Grace. It is one of the reasons the people have supported you over the High Septon and the High Sparrow. Some wish to pray to the Lord of Light while others wish to follow the Old Gods of the North. We have kept any kind of confrontation between the faiths to a minimum, but it is only a matter of time before both the High Septon and High Sparrow decide to take more...aggressive measures," replied Ser Barristan with Aegon nodding.

"Agreed. Which is why we will plan accordingly," replied Aegon since the Faith of the Seven would not allow things to go against them for long.

(Red Keep-Sometime Later)

"You disapprove of my decision regarding your Mother?" asked Aegon with Robb in the room looking at him with a mix of anger and confusion.

The future Lord of Winterfell was filled with mixed emotions. He knew what his Mother had done and planned to do was wrong. Robb wouldn't deny it. Only a fool would deny it after seeing everything the way he did. But the woman was his Mother. She brought him screaming into the world. Loved him. Raised him. Tried to teach him when his Father could not. Granted it was a mixed bag of North and South that came with it in terms of the learning with his Mother insisting he be raised more on the Southern side of things.

The customs and religion being chief among them to grow in the North in the belief it would help make the area be more enlightened. His Father wanted him to keep to his roots in the North, follow the Old Gods, and respect Northern traditions. It had been a bitter struggle between Robb's parents when growing up. The boy's Mother wanted him to marry one of the Southern girls from a high standing House while his Father said only a Northern bride would truly suffice due to the Northern Lords wanting to ensure that the South had little influence on them as possible.

Though given his interest in a certain Targaryen woman, he hoped they would make an exception on the issue since it would tie the North to the royal family even further.

"I understand. I don't like the decree, but I understand it," said Robb firmly though there was sadness and anger in his voice.

"Would you prefer I cut off her head? Burn her alive? Parade her naked through the street from the High Sept to the Red Keep to perform the 'walk of atonement' for her crimes?" asked Aegon with Robb looking at him in shock.

"You wouldn't do that. Not to her. Not to my Mother," said Robb with Aegon nodding.

"Aye, I wouldn't. But if it were anyone else in my position, do you think they would stay their hand on the issue? Would the Usurper Robert Baratheon be lenient in punishing her? My Grandfather Aerys Targaryen? The infamous Tywin Lannister? His daughter Cersei? Joffrey? Roose Bolton? Walder Frey? You and I both know those people would not be so kind to her. Family by blood or marriage, it wouldn't matter to them. What I am doing is more then fair with how things have gone after I took the Iron Throne back for House Targaryen. I know you hate this Robb, but I can't show her anymore mercy or I appear too weak to rule. Nor due I wish to be a cruel to the point where many will think I am my Grandfather reborn. As King, I have to draw the line between cruel and merciful to the eyes of the people. They need to know I am neither a weak King nor am I a brutal one," said Aegon with Robb nodding in understanding since it was the same in the North and what his Father tried to teach for when he ruled as Warden.

"Surely, overtime when years go by and you could lessen the punishment. Let my Mother return to the North," offered Robb with a hint of what could only be a plea.

"I'm sorry Robb. I cannot. What does that say if I did what you ask? I cannot allow it. However, just because I forbid actually seeing her, I didn't forbid writing to the woman," commented Aegon with Robb's eyes going wide in shock.

"We can write to her?" asked Robb to make sure he heard his cousin correctly.

"Of course, cousin. We are family. I can leave that one particular opening for you and the rest of my Mother's family to have despite everything. Though I will insist that any letters from her speaking of treachery and betrayal be brought to my attention should she try to suggest such things. Just because she cannot do anything herself against me, doesn't mean your Mother will not try it with you, Sansa, Arya, Brandon, or even young Rickon due to his impressionable age," replied Aegon with Robb wincing since he knew his Mother was not one to give up on things if there was a chance for victory over the King.

Damn Tully stubbornness.

"I will make sure the others know about this. At least Bran and Rickon won't feel too bitter about this once properly explained," said Robb with Aegon smirking.

"When are you returning to Winterfell?" asked Aegon with Robb thinking it over.

"Soon. I have been gone too long. The North is calling me back. I can feel it in my blood and desire to be home," said Robb with Aegon nodding.

"Take Daenerys with you. She should see more the Seven Kingdoms. To know the lands of each one that should have been her home," said Aegon with Robb looking surprised.

"Are you sure?" asked Robb curiously.

"I trust you Robb. You are a man of honor like my Uncle and your Father. Besides, it is clear the two of you have feelings for one another. Don't think I can't see it. I do. Besides, who better for a Northern Lord to have for a future bride and wife then someone of royal blood in their veins," said Aegon with Robb's face going red and a tad nervous.

"Something you have seen?" asked Robb curiously since he was aware of his cousin's ability to see things.

"No. But its no less true. I do not need to see the future to know one with you will make her happy. That is all I care about when it comes to my family," answered Aegon with Robb smiling at him.

"Thanks cousin," said Robb before leaving and feeling like a great weight was lifted off his shoulders.

(Sept of Baelor-High Septon's Personal Chambers)

The High Septon groaned as he felt his release leave his cock and into the whore's mouth with satisfaction. No one dared disturb him when he was here and even more when being visited by someone, namely whores, seeking "spiritual advice" or his "personal blessings" on delicate matters. Of course, the fat man for a High Septon usually visited the whores in brothels over them visiting him, but the issues with the Crown and King made his life stressful with little time to travel to his favorite places to "bless" the women there with his "holy light".

After paying the woman what he felt was a generous sum, even if it really was not, the fat High Septon ordered the whore away in a polite pious tone while stating the Seven had truly blessed the woman. Not that the High Septon cared since he only said it to make it seem like it was his right in receiving such a sinful act from such a woman without being judged by others if they ever saw him in such a manner.

After rearranging his robes so no one would know of the act just committed, the man left his chambers, feeling less stress while walking to meet his fellow brothers helping him with the issue of the dragon sitting on the Iron Throne. They had made little headway in regard to bringing down the Crown with their faith spear heading the faithful into the heart of the issues magic and dragons brought to their faith. Or the declaration by the King to allow other religions to establish themselves in the city so people could choose which Gods they wished to believe in.

Not to mention their coin, which up until recently, the Faith of the Seven had completely claimed as their own uncontested means of financial support. The more people who came to the High Sept. to received religious guidance gave coin to go with their prayers. It had made the High Septon and his associates, or rather the Faith of the Seven, extraordinarily rich to the extent it allowed those inside the supposedly holy place to enjoy the more questionable if not...sinful pleasures life had to offer.

Not to mention successfully bribing those who would find the pious leader actions and the actions of his fellow brothers morally questionable...until the small, yet heavy bag of gold dragons was in the hands of these men.

The High Septon's thoughts on this were interrupted when he heard what sounded like shouting and fighting nearby. Frowning, the fat man of the faith walked toward it with caution to ensure what was going on was simply an argument that had grown beyond what was intended.

Only to find what was happening to be more then just a simple out of control argument.

Men of the Faith Militant were arresting his fellow brothers, dragging them away kicking and screaming. Some of the Faith Militant were armed with various clubs and other types of weapons, which they used on the more determined Septons when facing resistance.

You can't do this! We are followers of the Seven. The same as you! Take your hands off of us!

All of you have perverted the Faith of the Seven. You go into brothels and sin by laying down with the whores. You commit horrible acts on women and even children. You have defiled your position and it will not be tolerated any further.

You have no authority to do this to me! We are Septons of the Faith!

You are all sinners. And sinners face divine justice!

On whose authority do you challenge us?

The High Sparrow.

Hearing enough, the High Septon ran as fast as his fat body could run while covered in his fine thick robes and jewelry that actually weighed him down. As he ran, the fat man could hear more of his fellow Septons being arrested by the Faith Militant that seemed to have stormed the High Sept of Baelor. Clearly, the High Sparrow had taken control of the Faith Militant they were commissioning to form against the King. How that happened, he could not say or know. The only thing that the High Septon did know right now, was all of his fellow brothers were being arrested for their on the side pleasures, which meant he was most certainly next.

The stories of the Faith Militant punishing the sinful were well known and the man was not about to be subjugated to such brutality. Not if he could help it.

Of course, the only thing the High Septon could do now at this point to avoid such things was to run and hide. Hide in his own personal chambers and barricade himself inside the room to prevent the Faith Militant from coming after him. Though he suspected it was only a matter of time before they came to his room and broke through his intended means of protection to come for him.

"Not so fun when you are the one being persecuted for your crimes, is it High Septon?" asked Aegon now appearing from the shadows to see the terrified fat man of the Seven Faith.

"You! You did this! You somehow allied yourself with the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant. You used your sorcery no doubt," the High Septon accused while pointing a fat chubby finger at the King.

"I did nothing of the sort. I merely made sure the High Sparrow was made aware of your various actions that were of a sinful nature, as well as the actions of your fellow brothers of the Seven Faith. What he chose to do with such information is not my concern," said Aegon with the High Septon glaring at him.

"You will pay for this. You and your ilk. The Faith Militant and the High Sparrow will come after your once they are done with me," said the High Septon with the sounds of footsteps now being heard outside of his door before loud banging noises were made against it.

"Yes. I'm sure they will try. But they will fail in the end. Just as you did," said Aegon before he vanished from the High Septon's sight.

And just before the door was destroyed and the Faith Militant came into the room.

"High Septon, the High Sparrow wishes to speak with you and discuss the sinful deeds you have committed against the Faith," said one of the Faith Militant members.

"You would take orders from him? Some poor peasant living in filthy robes on the street? Over me? A man appointed by the Seven to lead the faithful?!" the High Septon angrily demanded.

"We shall see just how faithful to the Seven you have been, if what we were told was in fact true about your sinful activities," replied the same Faith Militant soldier before his fellow Militant brothers had moved to grab the fat High Septon.

"No! No! You can't do this! I am the High Septon. In the name of the Seven, I order you to release me! It's the damn King you should be going after for his evil sorcery like ways. Not me!" protested the High Septon while the Faith Militant began dragging him away.

(Red Keep)

Aegon stood in front of the open window, gazing down at the city below him with a small smirk on his face. Even now, he easily sensed the Faith Militant were doing exactly what was expected of them when the High Sparrow had successfully recruited enough men to the cause of "cleansing" the city of sinful things. Of course, the target was taverns and brothels within the city, which didn't bother Aegon for the most part, even if the damage done to them would have to be fixed using the Crown's funds. Not that he didn't have enough, but it would still be expensive all the same. He would have to put more coin into funding each establishment in order improve their overall appearance. By doing this, the people would want to visit and spend more coin and thus allow each place to easily pay the slightly (and temporarily) raised taxes that would be owed to the Crown.

And thus, getting more from the investment of rebuilding them.

"Is everything all right my love?" asked Margery while she saw Aegon with a smile on his face and saw him turn to look at her.

"I am fine my dear. Your plan worked. I had thought to wait and let the two sides of the Seven Faith lose face with the people by letting them strike first. But your plan was by far the better one. With the sins and deeds of the various Septons, including the High Septon himself exposed, the High Sparrow will use this to hid advantage," said Aegon smirking at her and Margery smiling back.

"I can't take all the credit my love. Grandmother helped in suggesting it when I wrote to her for advice about this issue. So long as these two sides oppose your rule, we cannot be wed, even if we were to arrange a wedding be performed under the Old Gods or R'hllor," said Margery with Aegon giving her an apologetic look.

"I know you wish to be married Margery. I do apologize for it. I am not trying to delay or postpone anything. I swear it on the Old Gods and the New," said Aegon while Margery hugged him close.

"I know Aegon. I do. My Grandmother does too. Everyone who knows you also knows it is not your fault. The dragon has sadly obtained many enemies over the years. Ambitious enemies, who seek the power that comes from ruling the Seven Kingdoms. Both within the city and without. High Lords. Maesters. Even the Faith of the Seven seemed aimed at bringing the dragons low. Even after showing those who took the power from the dragon were not fit to rule in its place. Dragons need to rule because only they have the power to rule over the Seven Kingdoms and hold the weight of the crown on their heads," replied Margery with Aegon holding her tightly too.

"And roses with thorns to press against us from time to time in order to help remind the dragon to stay alert and awake when required to face off impending danger," commented Aegon with Margery slapping his side and gave him a mock glare.

"Careful my love. Or you may just get hurt at the hands of my thorns," warned Margery and Aegon laughed.

"Such an act would be well worth it," said Aegon before they kissed passionately while holding each other.

(King's Landing-Sometime Later)

The High Sparrow had indeed done what he set out to do in removing his fat rival for a High Septon, who had faced divine justice by his followers. In the end, the man easily confessed to his sins before being struck from behind by a blunt object hard enough to kill him. His body stripped of his jewels and robes before being dumped into the street naked with the words "SINNER" branded on his from and back. Commanding the Faith Militant to take the sinful men hiding in religious robes had been easy. The men recruited to his cause were true followers, had been poor, living poorly under the Stag's rule, and felt they could no longer stand by while things progressed as they did.

Even with the return of the new King was a dragon sitting on the Iron Throne, it was an afront to the faithful due to the fact this King had an actual dragon and had the ability to use magic. The Faith of the Seven denounced had magic for years, had demanded it be purged and the source behind such things be destroyed to ensure no such power could rival their Gods. They had tried so hard to destroy it, destroy the dragons, and any means of them returning when the Stag took the Iron Throne.

But now they had returned. Not one dragon, but three. Three of them to be precise. Not only that, but magic returned with them and had been used by the King himself to further implement his authority over the Seven Kingdoms.

Even worse, the lowborn did not seem to care. Despite the Seven Faith denouncing it and saying it was evil. The people of King's Landing embraced the new King and it currently made the High Sparrow frown in frustration since the Faith Militant could not go after the Targaryen simply on that alone. Oh, the High Sparrow could easily try to justify his men acting on such orders by quoting from the book of the Seven Star, chapter and verse that denounced magic in all its evil.

But who was to say Aegon would not counter his words by reminding people of his deeds since he had been King? Of the deeds he did in bringing them food, housing, a means of earning honest coin to help put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies? How the dragon had weeded out the evil and corrupt men within the Stag King's Court and those who were ambitious enough to end the lives of innocent people to get what they wanted?

As much as it annoyed the High Sparrow to no end, attacking the Crown and the King now was not the best time. So long as the King was benevolent to the people, they would not raise protest or arms against him. Even the policy of letting the other faiths like the Old Gods of the North and the Lord of Light from Essos practice their religion within the walls of King's Landing was not enough to unleash the Faith Militant on the dragon.

"You should leave matters of your faith to those less…fanatical," said Aegon with his form now emerging from the shadows of the room where the High Sparrow called his chambers for prayer and sleep.

"I do what I must to protect the faithful from those who would lead the people astray with false Gods and sorcery," said the High Sparrow calmly since he had heard the stories of the King appearing in front of people, yet was not really there at the same time.

"Sometimes the people need protection not from those outside of their faith, but rather those from within it. Your actions and the actions of the fat pig calling himself the High Septon is proof of that fact," said Aegon with the High Sparrow sighing.

"I do not deny that the Faith Militant has been rather…active in their open attacks against various establishments. But it is necessary to remove such evil things. Corruption is and always shall be a boil that needs to be treated repeatedly, if not somewhat harshly from time to time, in order to prevent it from spreading. Sadly, many within the Faith Militant do not possess the finesse required in aiming the lance needed to pop it properly," said the High Sparrow with Aegon crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"And this excuses them of their actions against the people of the city? Excuses them for their dragging women in brothels out by the hair and beating them openly in the street? Destroying barrels of wine and mead in taverns and other eating establishments? Are you going to excuse these men of the faith simply because you believe its okay so long as the good book you read says so?" asked Aegon with the High Sparrow not looking shaken by his accusations.

"If required to make others see the light of the Seven, then yes. People have strayed too far from it and openly do not embrace the faith like they did in the past. A reminder is needed for them to embrace the Seven. Even if it means the reminder is a harsh one," said the High Sparrow with Aegon not looking pleased.

"You mean a faith that says obey me or be beaten into submission. Who cares if it's not by choice? Am I right?" countered Aegon with the High Sparrow smirking since it was true for the most part.

"Perhaps to a certain degree, but its for the betterment of the people that they follow the Seven over that of a tree with a face or fire of all things," replied the High Sparrow with Aegon not looking convinced.

"I didn't think the Faith of the Seven was so fragile that you would need to make others follow it over one they choose to follow," commented Aegon with the High Sparrow now frowning at the perceived insult to his faith.

"It doesn't. But it also would prefer to not contend or compete with other faiths," replied the High Sparrow with Aegon smirking at him.

"Meaning you can't stand the idea of people making sound decisions regarding which of the Gods to pray to when they wish to follow a faith. You actually make it seem like the Gods of the Seven are just like children who don't like to share what they have with their older Godly siblings," said Aegon with the High Sparrow now trying to keep his temper in check again at this particular insult.

"Your misconception of the Seven is understandable. Given your faith involves praying in front of a tree with a face on it," commented the High Sparrow.

"Better a tree with a face then in front of a High Septon who eats better over most of the people seeking his so called 'spiritual advise' when called upon. Or from a man such as yourself who is quick to judge others without getting to know them," countered Aegon with the High Sparrow not having any real defense against such words.

"So, you feel my actions are unjust because my faith, the one true faith, guides me to do what I must," concluded the High Sparrow at last.

"Tell me, which would you pardon if you had the power to choose between one of two people. The first worships from the Seven Faith who has killed men and raped women. The other who worshipped the Old Gods of the North for a simple stealing a small piece of cheese?" asked Aegon while already seeing into the man's mind knowing the answer that would be given.

"Why the first one of course. Men like that can repent for their sins under the light of the Seven. The thief would be damned for the stealing and being a Northern heathen doomed to suffer for his blasphemy," answered the High Sparrow with Aegon scoffing.

"Hardly seems fair. Punishing one for being of a different faith and pardoning another for being the same as yours. Even more so when the one of similar faith committed far worse crimes," said Aegon with the High Sparrow smiling at him.

"Unfortunately for you, it is not your place when it comes to religious matters on who is the worse offender. King or not. Such matters rest entirely with the Faith of the Seven to decide on who is worthy of the Mother's mercy," said the High Sparrow with Aegon now frowning at him.

"And it is exactly that kind of blatant stupidity that has people seeking a different faith to believe in where they can feel loved by their Gods and know the judgement of them is not tainted by rigid interpretation," replied Aegon with the High Sparrow's smile leaving him.

"Of course, you would say that about my faith. Coming from the man descended from a House that practices incest," countered the High Sparrow.

"A practice I have neither performed nor will I allow for future generations to do when I am gone from this world. So, I suggest you quit your attempts to besmirch the honor of my House. And as for the Faith Militant, you will see to it is disbanded," replied Aegon with the High Sparrow frowning at him even further.

"And why would I do that? Afraid you will be seen as the evil vile creature the Faith says the dragons and magic represent?" asked the High Sparrow with amusement in his voice.

"No. I am commanding you to disband it because if you don't, I will kill you, all of the Faith Militant, reveal your true intentions, and cast down the Faith of the Seven until it is just a whisper in the wind," said Aegon with the High Sparrow now looking at him in a new light of sorts.

"You would really kill all of the Seven's faithful?" asked the High Sparrow.

"Not all. Just those who would take up arms against innocent people, other faiths, and the Crown as a whole just to bring back the dark times when the Seven was very…fanatical about things. Or have you forgotten the Seven's history with 'The Faith's Cleansing', as the history books call it?" asked Aegon with the High Sparrow now looking nervous.

The Faith's Cleansing wasn't so much of a cleansing as it was a purging. A purging of all things deemed sinful in the eyes of the Seven. Food, drink, and even people regardless of who they were or their religion. The Faith Militant had been vast in those days. Religious at a fanatical level, believing it was their duty in the eyes of all the Seven to remove the things that would offend their Gods. They had burned down wineries to prevent the flow of wine. Food deemed sinful by the Seven-Pointed Star was banned or destroyed. People were tortured, killed, brutally with no regards for who they were or status in life. Worse, those who carried out the "The Faith's Cleansing" were not all pious either. Some raped women deemed whores or foreigners before killing them. Some men secretly drank the very wines or food ordered to be destroyed. In the end, the Faith Militant had done their own bit of sinning, hiding actions behind their so called "righteous beliefs", and trusting those leading the Seven Faith to protect them.

Unfortunately, the High Septon and his associates at the time, saw the writing on the wall with people overall not being happy with the actions of the Faith Militant. Eventually, the people fought back against them, backed by the Crown, and punished the religious army for its crimes despite many among their ranks protesting that they had the right of it due to being followers of the Seven Faith.

It was one of the reasons the Faith Militant never rose again or came back to rise up until now with so much chaos running around the Seven Kingdoms the King had only recently brought to heel. Just before Aegon took the Iron Throne, the High Sparrow had seen this as a chance to bring the Faith Militant back to help bring the Faith of the Seven back into a position of true influential power. The issues and problems with the King Stag letting the Seven Kingdoms fall apart was being used discreetly to get people to rally behind the faith. Then the brief war happened where the dragon came out of nowhere and ended it before things could truly escalate. After the King allowed the faith of the North and the one from Essos being allowed to setup in King's Landing, the High Sparrow thought he could obtain a large contingent of followers.

Sadly, all the good deeds the new King had done when ascending the Iron Throne had stopped it, followed by the intended marrying of Margery Tyrell, which had garnered many supporters in that area since many knew the woman cared about the smallfolk. The same smallfolk the High Sparrow was trying to commission into being Faith Militant members or supporters.

And if the King could prove he was exploiting the smallfolk to restore the Militant Faith to take over the Seven Kingdoms through religious fervor, it would spell disaster to him. Oh, the High Sparrow did believe in the Seven Faith. He really did. But he also knew that the people would not flock to him without cause and raise him up to be the new spiritual leader. His eventual plan was to use this to make himself THE leader in all things related to the Seven Kingdoms would be put in jeopardy.

But it seemed the King was one step ahead of him. Multiple steps it seemed. Was it due to the man's sorcery? Surely not. Still, the High Sparrow was not about to cross the man if he could ruin things.

"It will take some time to convince my fellow brothers of the Seven Faith it is necessary to disband from the Faith Militant. Simply ending it so soon would raise suspicion," said the High Sparrow with Aegon nodding.

"So long as you do it, I could care less. And do not stall or delay the disbandment. You will not like my response if you do," growled Aegon before he was gone from the High Sparrow's sight.

(Red Keep-At the Moment)

"The High Sparrow is going to be a problem if he isn't handled now," commented Aegon with Tyrion Lannister being in his room along with Ser Barristan since the King felt this needed someone clever to help him with this issue.

"You offered him the terms?" asked Tyrion while drinking some wine and calm despite knowing his King had just literally left his body to speak to someone in a spirit like form.

"More or less. The old bird knows that I know of his plans and believes I can prove they exist if brought to light. While not untrue, I don't want him to use my power as an excuse to get around facing justice should he try something against the Crown. Or say the use of my power is not enough to convict him of any crimes done in the name of the Faith," said Aegon with Tyrion letting out a noise of understanding.

"How do you intend to handle him your Grace? While this will in fact slow him down, it will not be the end of this struggle to keep the Seven Faith from doing something stupid," said Tyrion with Ser Barristan nodding.

"I agree with Lord Tyrion your Grace. From what I have heard from a few people I know to keep me informed of things in King's Landing, the High Sparrow believes his way, or rather the Seven Faith is the right way. The moment he sees an opportunity, the man will take it to bring back the Faith Militant, if not attack the Crown," said Ser Barristan with the Aegon nodding in agreement.

"I am open to suggestions if either of you have them," said Aegon since he preferred to hear the advice of those around him before acting accordingly.

"My own experience in these matters is second hand from when someone challenged my Father. If he were here instead of me, the man would devise a means to have the High Sparrow killed while implicating it was done on his order, but at the same time, could not be proven to be done by said order," said Tyrion while drinking some wine casually.

"Such an act would only make the man a martyr to the Seven Faith and strengthen those who follow or support him," said Aegon while shaking his head.

"Which is why I am glad my Father is not here to see it happen," remarked Tyrion while Aegon smirking.

"I asked for suggestions and plans on what we should do Lord Tyrion. Not something we know your Father would do," said Aegon with Tyrion thinking.

"As bad as it is to suggest this, we need to have the High Sparrow killed. If he is allowed to stay alive, like Ser Barristan said earlier, the man will try again to raise the Seven Faith up to what it was to the days of old during its more…harsher days," answered Tyrion like it was just another day in the Seven Kingdoms.

"Agreed. But the way it is done will determine the future of the Crown, my family, and the people I rule over," said Aegon before he looked over at Ser Barristan, who nodded in agreement.

"I take it you are suggesting he fall, but not by anything that would indicate foul play on our part?" asked Tyrion with Aegon nodding.

"He must die in a way that says it will be considered accidental. That the only plausible way the High Sparrow meets his end, is by accidental means. And when he does die, it must be with witnesses seeing it for what they believe upon seeing his newly made dead body. An accident. Nothing else," said Aegon knowing they couldn't kill the man using swords, poison, knifes, or other ways that people would see as a means of murder.

No. The man had to die of accidental or natural causes. Unfortunately, the latter was just not possible at this point.

"It will not be easy. The High Sparrow is surrounded by his followers when out in public with the people. I imagine he has quite a few guards nearby at all times to ensure no one gets close to him unless allowed," said Tyrion while knowing even Varys little birds were having trouble getting close to the man.

"Which is why he must be killed in public or in a place where he is protected by his own followers. And not by any hand we wield or in a way that says assassination. The High Sparrow is living among the still badly decaying buildings of Flea Bottom we have not had a chance to restore, correct?" asked Aegon with Tyrion and Ser Barristan nodding.

"Him and his followers have made restoring that area difficult. Any workers or masons assigned to that area have been intimidated by them so work there has been reduced to a crawl," answered Ser Barristan with Aegon nodding.

"If the High Sparrow genuinely cared about the people, he would have let our workers do their job to improve housing for the poor there. Instead, work as Ser Barristan just said, is reduced to a crawl," added Tyrion while finding most so called "religious leaders" to be hypocrites above all things since they say one thing, but do another while condemning anyone else who does the latter.

"Agreed. Which is why I intend to use the very structure he resides in against him," said Aegon with a smirk on his face.

(Black Cells-At the Moment)

"You again. What now?" spat Theon angrily while Daenerys Targaryen walked into the room with Jon Connington right beside her with a hand on his sword.

Bound in chains or not, the man dared not risk the Princess of House Targaryen with one of the very few remaining Iron Born in the Seven Kingdoms with nothing left to lose.

"I thought you would like to know about the fate of the Iron Islands after speaking with my nephew," commented Daenerys calmly.

"Since you are here, it means he burned them down," remarked Theon bitterly.

"Yes. Though we have heard reports of your sister and a few ships loyal to her escaping my nephews dragons. From what we have determined, she is attempting to sail all the way to Essos. Stopping only at ports when supplies are dangerously low to ensure no one attempts to capture what is left of your people. Not that my nephew will stop them. He does not believe the Iron Born will rise again. Your sister seems like a smart woman and has no intention of challenging the dragon or returning to such ways," replied Daenerys with Theon grimacing bitterly.

"So Yara escaped. At least that is something. And what is to become of me? Am I going to lose my head or stay in here to rot?" asked Theon with Daenerys smirking.

"That was something I discussed with my nephew. On one hand, you should be killed. On the other, death is too good for you. We did consider having you go the Wall, but it was turned down. You can't be trusted to live your life there and not stick to the vows. Not to mention you would be too close to Winterfell and the remaining Starks. Aegon won't run the risk of you sneaking away into the castle to kill them or possibly abandon the Night's Watch to join the Wildlings over the Wall," said Daenerys while Aegon had revealed to her about his ability to see visions of the future from time to time depending on the choices people made.

It was quite an edge to have when running the Seven Kingdoms though Aegon did tell her the visions should not be taken at face value since the future was always in motion. Just because the vision shows something happened, didn't mean it would or will happen at the moment of truth.

"The King is smart. I probably wouldn't stay at the Wall. A vow of celibacy doesn't feel right for someone like me," commented Theon with Daenerys smirking.

"Which is why the choice here is death or living remainder of your life here in the Black Cells. My nephew, being the generous King that he is, decided to be merciful and let you make the choice," said Daenerys with Theon gritting his teeth.

"Some choice," muttered Theon Daenerys raising an eyebrow.

"Be grateful he is giving you the choice. Everyone else wanted to make it for you. Some called for your head on the spot. Lord Hand felt you should live in the Black Cells, but still treated better than most would in your place despite everything," said Daenerys, as she could understand the man's hesitance given his hostage had become close to his son up until recently.

And while it was soft hearted of him, the Dragon Princess believed Ned Stark did this to keep the balance since Lord Stannis felt the Greyjoy should meet his end with a sword to the neck. Ultimately, the decision would be Aegon's to make, but it was clear the King's Uncle didn't want him to become so ruthless while on the Iron Throne that people would fear him over love with the end result risking another rebellion against the dragons.

"He is an honorable fool. Believing I should be treated with measure of mercy and try to change me in the process. I won't change. I can't be changed. I am not a Stark. I am and always will be a Greyjoy. Even if I live here in this Gods damned cell to the end of my days," said Theon with Daenerys nodding.

"Yes, you are a Greyjoy. A squid currently without the water thrive in. You are at your weakest and at the mercy of your enemies. Remember that while being left here to rot," said Daenerys with Theon grumbled in the darkness while the dragon princess left him there.

(King's Landing-Flea Bottom-The High Sparrow's Chambers)

He was praying. As a man of faith should always do when seeking guidance from higher powers to deal with things that required them. The Faith of the Seven despised magic and dragons. It didn't matter if the magic or the dragons helped the realms prosper. The Gods of the Seven could do that without the help of such things. And now, in order to remove the stain of magic and dragons from the realms once more, the High Sparrow sought out guidance from the faith that demanded they die.

One way or another.

Unfortunately, his prayers seemed to be going unanswered as of late. No inspiration. No visions from the Gods. Nothing! It was as if they too were unsure of how to deal with this situation. Though he wasn't one to question the time and place when Gods of the Seven gave their most loyal followers commands or messages. Perhaps they were deciding the proper means of crushing magic and the dragons once and for all. They had set things in motion to ensure they would never return and for their followers to continue the task. It was no secret to the High Sparrow that the Seven expected the faithful to keep things that way and were no doubt disappointed how far those following the Gods had failed in their task.

High Sparrow, we need to do something about the dragons and the King. His actions are an affront to the Seven and their faithful. I know you ordered the Faith Militant officially disbanded, but to let the King go unchallenged cannot continue!

I know brother. And we will do something. Soon. But we must be patient. Rushing into action will only bring about our downfall. We must be cautious. Plan accordingly. We also need the people to support us once we implement our plans. To make them see that our way is right. Is just. And above all else, ordained by the Seven. Without these things, the people will turn their backs on us and the Seven.

Do you or the Gods have a plan High Sparrow?

Not yet. Things like this take time. Time the Gods are no doubt using to assist us with the destruction of the dragons and magic. I will pray and ask for their guidance. Once they have spoken to me on how to make our enemies fall, I will call for you.

And so, the High Sparrow's followers waited for a sign. They waited and waited some more. A week. Two. Three even with no end in sight. Still, they waited patiently while trying to keep those of the faith on their side.

'What have we done wrong to allow such vileness to reclaim King's Landing? Tell me Gods of the Seven so I may correct this error. Who do you wish dead so your greatness can rise again? Who among the sinners of this city must be cleansed? Who here must be purified by our means to remove the dragon's strength now and forever?' thought the High Sparrow while waiting for an answer to his prayers.

And all the while praying, so focused on hearing the words of his Gods, the man failed to notice the ceiling above him start to crack. To slowly crumble. He was so devoted to his cause in the fall of the dragons and magic, the High Sparrow didn't realize he was being sent to the meet them when the ceiling, as well as the entire building he was in to collapse on top of him. The rocks hitting his head, breaking multiple bones in his already aging body, and one of the wooden planks piercing his chest.

And it wasn't just the High Sparrow who was killed. The dwelling from which the man and his followers lived in had killed quite a few of his more devote followers. The people outside had screamed, calling out for help, and wondering what happened to make the building collapse. Some the High Sparrow's followers who remained alive had accused the Crown of killing the High Sparrow, but the King had refuted it saying no one could have caused the building to collapse except the house itself. Aegon had gone further to explain the homes in those areas, especially the one the High Sparrow resided in were not capable of supporting anyone living in them. They were not structurally sound, and it was inevitable they would collapse if left alone to be fixed or torn down.

When the members of the faith had accused the King of allowing such things to happen, Aegon countered again stating he had plans to rebuild or restructure that area before the High Sparrow took it over. The man of the faith had refused to move or relocate with his followers elsewhere, which many could attest to having heard the old man proclamation with his devoted followers standing beside him when he did.

Aegon stated it was not the Crown's fault the building collapse and was respecting the High Sparrow's wishes to leave the building alone because they were being used by men of the Faith. The King even went further to state how he gained nothing from the High Sparrow's death since he had no quarrel with the man.

While not true in the full sense of the word, it was for the most part since Aegon wanted to have peace with the Seven Kingdoms and the High Sparrow was standing in his way of it. Plus, with the man now dead by means outside of himself, as some tried to accuse, no one from the Seven Faith could possibly raise a fuss, much less use the man as some kind of martyr.

The man would die as a man. Not as a religious figure or a martyr to a cause.

"It is finally time. The time to have the royal wedding is upon us. Once the mourning of the High Sparrow is done by the people, we will set things in motion for the wedding to take place," said Aegon once he had time to speak to his Small Council while his future wife smiled beside him.

"The beginning of a new era my love," said Margery with Aegon nodding.

"Indeed. The beginning of a new era. One where there is peace, prosperity, and good will towards others. One I intend to last long after we are gone from this world," said Aegon with Margery holding his hand and smiling.

"Hopefully, that last part will not happen for an exceptionally long time. For all of us of course," said Tyrion with a smirk and got a small chuckle from everyone on the Small Council.

"Your Grace, with your permission, I would like to bring my daughter to King's Landing so she may attend the wedding. There is also the issue of trying to remove the scar she has from her condition," said Stannis with Aegon nodding since he had told the man in private of trying to use his powers to heal his daughter of the remaining mark.

While he couldn't guarantee it would work, which was told to Stannis outright so the man wouldn't get hopes up, it didn't hurt to make the attempt. Besides, Aegon had planned to go North initially to help his cousin Bran with his back and being paralyzed. What was the point of having this power if it couldn't be used to help others in need? In fact, since Stannis could bring his daughter here, why not bring Bran to King's Landing too?

"Granted. Uncle, I suggest you do the same for Bran too. Rickon can stay in Winterfell under the guidance and tutelage of Maester Luwin," said Aegon while Ned nodded, but the issue with the Maesters still fresh in his mind though the Warden/Hand knew better then to question the older man's loyalty to his House.

Maester Luwin brought all his children into the world and never once failed to insure his wife or children would be claimed each night. Luwin was a true Maester and was one you could trust to carry out his duties without straying from the honorable path.

"I will see it done nephew," said Ned knowing it would be a grand occasion to see his son walk again.

It would help symbolize the Seven Kingdoms was able to stand tall once more and it the symbol behind it would be House Targaryen. The House of his nephew.

(A/N: YAY! I updated once more. Sorry it took so long. Been TERRIBLY busy since my last update. My time writing slowed to a crawl and still has slowed to the point where it will take time to update again. Sorry. Plus, during that time I needed to relax and take a semi-break to breathe and have fun outside of writing. Helps clear my head. Don't worry, none of my fics are abandoned so don't worry. Until next time…PEACE!)