Snotlout and the twins were uncharacteristically quiet and physically subdued during the entire, albeit short, flight from to village centre to the training arena. While it looked like guilt was what brought out this behaviour in the trio, Astrid knew them too well to know that was not the case. Not for Snotlout, anyway.

That, or she could be wrong. Who knew, seeing that everything she knew was normal fell apart around her, and it didn't even take a week.

Whatever the case, it was clear that something that the three had done something that had done a number on Hiccup. She knew their leader, or, at least, she told herself that she did - given that she had only known Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third for about an year out of his sixteen years. Anyway, right now, it didn't matter how much she knew him, or how much she had ignored him for fifteen years. Right now, all she knew was Hiccup was tenacious, and didn't leave matters just like that. He just doesn't leave home for ignoring his friends. Something was at play here, and Stoick had insinuated that the three riding behind her without complaint had something to do with it. Well, she will know what that 'something' was. Seeing that it had occured over three years ago, an explanation was long overdue.

The four dragons landed heavily in front of the first door leading to the academy. They will be needing rest, seeing that the group had been flying for the majority of the day. Fishlegs disembarked quickly, and with a strange swiftness, lifted the door with ease. He then proceeded to the second door while the others, still on their dragons, entered the tiny tunnel one by one. Fish lifted the second door, too, with utter ease. One by one, every dragon filed in without any complaint. They seemed to understand that whatever was about to happen would be of serious nature. That, or they were just very tired to raise a ruckus.

Astrid dismounted Stormfly quickly, and unsheathed her axe. Bouncing the weapon heavily on her left hand, she waited for the three tricksters to unmount. They were taking their sweet time to do that simple task, and Astrid was running really low on patience to start with.


Snotlout silently dropped down from his saddle; the twins doing the same. The dragons left after that, and all that was left were five teenagers - one seething in anger, one silent and very strangely un-fidgety, and three loking guilty and solemn. Astrid seemed to have enough of this silence.

"So help me, Snotlout, I'll-"

This statement seemed to bring about a monumental change in Snotlout's demeanor, for he switched from forlorn to livid in a matter of nanoseconds. He spared an angry glare at Astrid, which made her lose her character for a second - her scowl dropped ever so slightly as she took an involuntary step back. Snotlout had never scowled at her, not with this much venom in it. She was surprised more than scared, but something told her that she had something to do in this whole affair too, after all.

"You would threaten me and beat me, right? Seeing that it's the only thing you can do, after all."

Everyone was now staring at Snotlout in varying degrees of surprise; even the twins looked up from their individual sulks. The stocky boy seemed legitimately angry, an emotion he barely sported. He might be insufferable and snide, but anger - well, that was new.

Snot stepped forward and pointed a finger at Astrid accusingly, all the while looking vicious. She quickly took another step back, while tightening her grip on her axe handle.

"I don't know what your problem is, Astrid. I know what I do is wrong, but I also know that whatever I do doesn't warrant beatings and death-threats from the likes of you on a daily basis."

Astrid was, by this point, simply outraged. Her face had contorted to show exactly how outraged she was. She wasted no time for her verbal parry.


Well, Snotlout wasn't letting Astrid take the upper hand in this fight - nooooo sir.

"Look, you may be all bold and strong because you are a big revered warrior and stuff, but that doesn't mean that you can just go ahead and do whatever you like with me. I don't deserve that."

Astrid looked gobsmacked. And angry, of course. Can't have Astrid without the anger, right?

"Revered warrior ... excuse me? What the hel are you talking about? You don't deserv-"

"Astrid, I don't know what your problem is, but it's having a bad effect on us. Like I said, you might be a great warrior, but it DOESN'T MEAN that YOU can beat ANYONE YOU WANT!!!"

And just like that, Snotlout drove the point home in a clean stroke - the point being one of Astrid's guilty though enjoyed insecurity of being violent. One of her prime yet undesirable traits that no one would deny she possessed. While she knew about her anger and violence issues, the last thing she needed was for someone to vocalize it for her - Snotlout being last on that list. It was a direct hit on her ego, and she just couldn't help but freeze completely, as she wrapped her head around the fact that she was being chastised by Snotlout of all people - who was not letting up. At all.

"What do you think, Astrid? Do you think I LIKE being hit by YOU? Sorry, that might be Hiccup's thing, but not mine. I see how you hit him whenever you want, and he takes it for whatever reasons only god knows of."

"You are talking as if you don't warrant those beatings, Snotlout! Do you have any idea what you do for whic-"

"Oh, I do, Astrid. I really do. My sole problem is that, as far as I am concerned, ALL I DO IS FUCKING VERBAL! I try to flirt - yes; my flirting technique is of the wrong kind - yes; BUT WHAT IT IS NOT, IS FUCKIING PHYSICAL! Just because YOU are a girl doesn't mean that you can beat WHOEVER you FUCKING want, and THEY WILL TAKE IT WITHOUT ANY FUCKING COMPLAINTS!!! Your punches HURT, for crying out loud! Your kicks HURT! YOU HURT!!!"

Yeah, lots of unresolved bottled-up emotional issues are never a good thing. Astrid stood there, an appalled look on her face, complete with her mout slight ajar. As for the two s and Fish, their mouths were hanging open completely. None of the gang - nope, scratch that, none of ... well, ANYONE, had EVER seen Snotlout THAT mad. This was a first. So much so that the twins remained quiet even though it looked like they had a lot of stuff they wanted to say and let loose.

This was important, for even the dragons huddled together in a far corner of the arena seemed to understand it's immense significance and remained quiet. A feat for dragons who were awake. All of them stayed eerily silent and stared the scene unfolding before them with wide unflinching eyes.

As for Snotlout ... well, let's say he was the one seething in the group while breathing like an enraged yak, not Astrid. My, how the tables have turned...

Astrid, maybe for the first time in her life, did NOT want to fight with Snotlout, knowing that maybe, just maybe, this had a LOT MORE to do with her that she had initially estimated. She wanted to pacify the situation before it got out of hand and escalated.

"Snot, I ... I never ... thought ... you never complained! I-"

"I never complained because I didn't want to be seen as WEAK! I wanted to be a strong boy and man, just like my father wanted! If I were to be seen griping and being petulant about being punched in the face by a girl, no matter how hard or however frequently, that 'strong boy' image wouldn't last now, would it? I have enough problems with my dad as it is, Astrid, with him telling me how much of a disappointment I am, o- or how I am a soft weakling, or just plain worthless! I didn't need anything else added to my plate, thank you very much. But of course, you wouldn't understand. YOU will NEVER UNDERSTAND. The mighty Astrid Hofferson is above these teeny tiny matters now, isn't she?!?"

Like I said, lots of childhood issues, and father son problems. Looks like Berk is in need of a psychiatrist more than a healer - lots of unresolved problems everywhere. Add the sheer amount of stubbornness of vikings to maintain their strong images without letting in on anyone about their problems, and you have ... well, by the looks of it, Berk. A capital example of extreme quandary.

"Snot, I-"

"You know what? I am tired of all this. I'm just tired of you and your games, Astrid. I don't want to see you right now. I hate you - face and all. I'm going home."

With that, he turned around and set off at a brisk pace towards the arena doors. No one uttered a single word. Well, until Snot stopped at the inner door.

"You wanted to know what happened three years ago, right? Ask Ruff and Tuff. They were there when we did it, and they remember it just as much as I did."

With that, he disappeared as the darkness engulfed him, leaving the others confused and conflicted, and in Astrid's case, in severe self doubt and guilt. The team was more shattered than ever, and so far, she seemed responsible for quite a bit of it, even though she still didn't know what had transpired when they were thirteen.

Did she really do all that? No matter however much she wanted to deny it, or blame Snotlout for it, she knew that she had done it. Had, more often than not, overcompensated on the 'punishment' department of hers.

Well, things looked bleak. Her usual self confidence and self assurance were at an all time low. She had hurt Snotlout, and even she knew how hard it was to really, REALLY push Snot over the edge. Maybe for the first time in her life, she felt sorry for Snotlout for what SHE had done, something she had swore she would never feel.

She felt conflicted - she wanted to run to Snotlout to at least try to clear thing up at least, but she still needed her questions answered. She needed to know if she was really, somehow, behind the gang's current predicament. She had to know if she had brought down all this, no matter how directly or indirectly.

Snotlout would have to wait. She needed the whole story before she could make amends. She needed the whole picture, not assumptions of what could have happened, even though the rough picture was crystal clear by now.

So, she set her sight on the twins, who were quietly standing there. Something was very wrong if it made the twins stand quietly, with the occasional fidget and without any complains. Her urgency to know increased tenfold.

She grit her teeth and prayed to the gods that whatever she was about to hear had not happened due to her. Even if she were even partially responsible for any of this, she will be let down in her own eyes.

Time to being the interrogation.

"I want to see the world, Cami. See it, explore it ... cherish it, I guess. Really, any synonym of explore will do."

Cami's eyebrows rose up. Way too much. Hiccup hastened to explain.

"I wanna see what the world has to offer, Cami. I mean, it just can't be it, right? There has to be SOMETHING beyond the fog bank on the edges of our archipelago. I mean, what do we have? Us, you guys, the Outcasts, Berserkers, Lava Louts, Reef Warriors, Meatheads ... I mean, I could go on, but you get the picture."

Cami just looked puzzled. And shocked, of course.

"I mean, think about it Cami. There are eighteen inhabitated islands out of the hundreds of uninhabited ones. Oh, and thousands of sea stacks. It's a bit ... limited, don't you think?"

Cami nodded.

"See? I wanna go out there and explore. The 'Great beyond', as a few call it."

"Yes, but why are you telling me this? You said you had a proposition for me, right?"

"Yes, of course I do."

Camicazi looked at him questionably, trying to egg him on to continue.

"I want you to come with me. I want you to accompany me on this journey."

Maybe the silence was expected. Or maybe not. That doesn't waver the matter that the silence was NOT comfortable. After what seemed like an eternity:


That's it. Hiccup was confused by the reaction. He had expected some sort of excitement, but there was nothing.


Cami looked at him with strange eyes.

"Um, yeah. That's great. But, umm..."

Hiccup frowned a bit.

"Cami, are you all right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"No, just that ... well, ... I used to remember how you used to be really ... thrilled on the prospect of exploration. Of any kind."

"Well, yes. That hasn't changed. I still wanna see what is out there! And, your idea to beyond the archipelago is splendid!"

"Well, the splendid is not actually showing up on your face."

Cami sighed at that. She had to tell him; there was no other way.

"Hic, I'm sorry, but I don't have a dragon. Not yet, at least."

Cami hurried out the last part after she saw Hiccup's confused frown morph into a surprised face.

"B- but I thought that the Bogs had made pea-"

"We did, Hic. We did. And trust me, I tried my hardest to befriend a dragon, but I just didn't feel it. Quite a few others have dragons, but not me."


"That is also one of the reasons why I'm here, Hiccup. I see them, all happy and fun-filled, while they play with their willing and equally happy dragons, and I feel so jealous. Just ... so jealous! I was first in line for a dragon, but I didn't have one."

Hiccup didn't say anything. He was thinking hard.

"You see, Hic? I am over the moon that you asked me to accompany you. Hel, I was aboard your plan the moment you said 'explore the world'. But, if I come, I would be simple dead weight, lagging behind and getting in trouble while having to ride on Toothless constantly - I will only pull you guys down. Think about it - it's a dangerous world out there, Hic. I wanna explore too. Heck, I would have left this place on a boat a long time ago if I had the conviction. I have seen what cruel outsiders and foreigners do to you, Hiccup. Any of us are not well received out there. Having a dragon would have still given me a sense of security, but I just don't wanna go without it. I'm gonna say it, I am scared of going out there without a dragon. I can't, Hic. Sorry."

Hiccup was shocked, and for good reason. Cami wasn't scared that easily by ANYTHING. Hel, she was one of the bravest people she knew, and yet, SHE was scared of the 'Beyond'. Was it really that dangerous? No, it can't be!

Anyway, Hiccup would have been more shocked had his brain not been racing at a mile a minute. Something clicked, and he smiled. Cami did NOT see what was coming next at all.

"But that's okay! I know what you are talking about Cami. That, and it clears a lot of things for me too. Thinking back, many people on Berk have dragons of their own, but now that I come to think of it, some don't. It makes sense now -until and unless there is a genuine connection between you and a dragon you guys will never bond completely and satisfactorily. The dragon's opinion matters too, and some of the villagers went to other islands and bonded with dragon there! It's a two sided process! Of course, why didn't I think of it!"

While half of Hiccup's words went over her head, the other half didn't. For the first time in a year, she her mood lifted a fraction - all this time, she had thought that she was just not cut out for having a dragon as her friend. It was still a possibility, but not necessarily so any more. Maybe, just maybe...

"So, does that mean..."

"Well, your draconic friend is waiting for you somewhere out there! We just need to go out there and find him! Or her!"

"Or, maybe, I'm just not good enough to have a draconic friend."

"Nonsense, Cam. I know you. People wayy less friendly and deserving have dragons of their own. You don't wanna kill 'em, and you wanna have one as your bud! You are broken hearted just because you don't have one, yet. We can change that, Cami. There is a dragon for everyone! All it needs is that spark, and a connection. A deep bond is formed over time, but that spark needs to be there! You need to see yourself in the dragon's eyes! It's important!"

Cami's mood lifted. Could it be possible that she could really have a dragon of her own? If Hiccup was right about this, then there was the good possibility that she actually could.

"Are you sure, Hiccup?"

"I am positive, Cami! You are sweet, caring and violently protective! You have determination too! You were born a Dragon Rider! We just need to find your Dragon. For that, we gotta leave."

And with that, Cami was convinced. She wanted a dragon, bad, and Hiccup was giving her a chance. She would take it, no matter how small the probability of befriending one.

She couldn't help it - she hugged him, HARD and TIGHT. Hiccup gave out a little 'oof', but didn't complain much. Cami seemed really happy, and for the first time in days, he felt happy himself.

"I take it that you are happy. That's good to know, Cam."

She finally let go of him and looked him in the eyes - untold happiness clouded over her eyes. She suddenly kissed him - short, sweet but hard. Hiccup was left feeling a bit ... dazed.

"I am beyond happy, Hic. But, my mom..."

Aah, there it was. Convincing the famous and inordinately stubborn 'Big Boobied' Bertha.

"Leave that to me, Cam. It's clear to me that you wanna explore the world too. More than me, I'd wager. That, and you really want a dragon. Many reasons why you have to go out there beyond. I can talk to her. I can make her understand. I give you my word, Cami, I will take you with me."

"You sure?"

"Well, people do say that I am really persuasive. And, to be honest, I did manage to convince my dad to have a dragon. I don't wanna brag, but seeing that he used to be one of the greatest dragon hunters of his time, it's kindda a big deal."

There it was - both of the previous best-friends teasing and laughing with each, and having a good time. Old times and memories were flooding back.

Cami was so happy that she decided to let the Hiccup-forgot-me-and-didnt-come-to-meet-me fiasco slide. They would talk about it later. Right now, she had her best friend back, and who was promising a much more better future for her. She couldn't be happier.

She kissed him again, but this time on his cheek. She then hugged him again, but this time with much less force.

"Thanks, Hic. I owe you one. Thanks for coming here for me when I needed you to."

"Don't worry, Cam. Everyone deserves to have a dragon, and I will make sure you do. I will make sure you accompany me on this tour. We will talk to your mom tomorrow. For now, I better figure out where I wanna sleep for today - I'm very tired. I should've thought about this a lot more, but hey, we met again, and I couldn't be happier about it."