The Hero of the Sky

Chapter 3: Prologue Part 3: Finale" Master's Happiness

Disclaimer I don't own My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローア

(41st Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Back in my days as a Peacekeeper and throughout my years as a Jackal, everyone and everybody has a weapon of choice.

Sometimes, weapons of choice.

In the days of my youths, most Mutations were not overly complicated or overly strong, and even those with overly complicated or overly strong Mutations still used weapons.

With the rise of All Cunt, the utilization of weapons in combat decreased while hand-to-hand fighting became the most prominent combat in the battlefield.

A waste if you ask me.

Not everyone is proficient with hand-to-hand combat. Not everyone has talent in hand-to-hand combat. Not everyone has the patience to learn how to fight hand-to-hand.

For example, my apprentice, Izuku.

Izuku is crap in hand-to-hand, completely talentless. Fortunately, he has the patience and the determination to learn how to fight hand-to-hand, and he is smart enough to develop skills to circumvent his weakness in hand-to-hand combat.

That said, in combat and fights, I would rather have Izuku stick with his swords and with firearms.

If I have my way, I don't want Izuku to fight anyone hand-to-hand, not unless he overcomes that crippling weakness of his.

But I digress…

Every Peacekeeper that I knew and worked with specializes in a weapon or even multiple weapons. My Jackals, all 319 of them, are the same.

Nene prefers dissecting scalpels.

Midoriya Kazuchika prefers a katana.

Kodai Genzou likes using hammers.

The youngest Yaoyorozu twin enjoyed using a butcher knife or any other culinary knives that he could get his hands on.

The elder Yaoyorozu twin, on the other hand, specialized in tridents.

Me, personally, I prefer using a shield.

Specifically, the shield that my father left me before his death.

My father's Magnum Opus.

A circular shield, 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds, made out a metal that my father created by accident, this shield had been with me for my entire professional life. This shield had survived every battle that I participated in.

This shield is a peculiar weapon, unlike any other shield in this world.

I've killed scores of people with this shield.

Some of my comrades had found it laughable that a weapon made to protect had shed more blood than any weapon that had ever graced this country.

I thought I would be buried with this shield. Planned on it in fact.

Plans change I guess.

The one thing that I would personally and thoroughly teach Izuku is how to use this shield of mine.

Hopefully, when I hand my shield over to him, he would not attached a tacky name to my shield.

(42nd Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Izuku does not have a normal Mutation, and I know that sentence is a double negative, but that doesn't make it any less true.

I've met people with Mutations that fundamentally changes how they act. I've met people with Mutations that drastically changes their emotions and mentality. I've met people with Mutations that resulted in the development of multiple personalities.

Dealing with those fuckers were tough and irritating.

Izuku's Mutation is all those three to a degree.

Izuku is still Izuku. The activation of his Mutation did not change that. He is still the kind, naïve boy that frustrates and amuses me at the same time. He is still the same endearing boy that I develop paternal love for.

That said, his mutation had change him in ways that both benefits and harms him.

For starters, when Izuku is not training under me, he is running around Musutafu saving people. Not in the show dog kind of way, but in small yet noticeable ways.

From my count, since his Mutation became active, he had prevented at least 45 vehicular accidents by pulling and pushing civilians away from speeding vehicles, he had retrieved a total of 200 lost pets, he had prevented a total of 15 suicides (Izuku, if he puts some effort in it, can talk freezing man to buy ice from him), he had saved a total of 50 cats that got stuck on trees, and he had prevented a total of 415 acts of delinquency.

The scary part about this is the fact that Izuku did not searched out any of the situations that he got himself involved in. Izuku did not go out of his way to find trouble. Trouble tends to find him and he tends to solve said trouble.

Worrying, but as long as Izuku can get out of the trouble that he attracts, then that is no skin off my back.

Furthermore, Izuku had stopped trying to interact with the friends and family that had abandoned and hurt him. He still wants to be friends with them, he still wanted to be loved by his family, I could see it in his eyes, but he had stopped making an attempt to be a person that they would care and love for.

He had stop trying to gain their love and affection.

I see that as a total win.

Seriously, conditional love is nothing but poison, and I am glad that Izuku is starting to learn that lesson.

Another thing, since the activation of his Mutation, there is a certain wisdom that seems to awaken within Izuku. His ideals and philosophies are less childish. He started looking at things beyond his red tinted glasses. He had started to become more of a realist, but with a healthy those of idealism.

Izuku is maturing faster than a child his age should.

And lastly, whenever Izuku uses his Mutation, whenever that crown of flames, appears on his forehead, his entire personality changes drastically.

When he uses is Mutation, Izuku is still Izuku, but he is more pragmatic, more logical, more ruthless, and emotionless. Whenever Izuku uses his Mutation, he changes into someone that would thrive in any battlefield.

It is a startling change, but it is a change that Izuku embraced.

According to him, whenever he uses his Mutation, he becomes the Izuku that he dreamt of, his ideal Hero, his ideal man, and he hates it.

He wanted to become that person naturally.

Still, it is good that Izuku had become more comfortable with his Mutation.

Without a Mutation, Izuku would go places. His intelligence and his skill would be enough to elevate him into a good position in this rotten world.

With a Mutation, Izuku is limitless.

(43rd Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Izuku's Daito is named Sorahime.

The Sky Princess.

Izuku's Longsword is named Araceli.

The Altar of the Sky.

Tacky names for weapons that were designed to kill.

Still, Izuku is Japanese and our people tend to give names to objects of high value.

My father named my shield Mugetsu, but I would never use that name to refer to my weapon.

A weapon is a weapon, there is not point giving inanimate objects names.

Only cunts would give their weapons names.

Unfortunately, most people that I associate with are cunts.

That said, I don't like how Izuku interacts with his swords.

Izuku trains with his swords, and I must say, there is a noticeable improvement in his swordsmanship whenever he uses his sword.

In Izuku's hands, his swords are weapons of destruction.

That being said, whether this is due to his weapons having his blood within them or that his Mutation affecting his psyche, Izuku is treating his swords like they are sentient beings.

I often watched Izuku clean his swords while having a conversation with them. Whenever we spar, he speaks with his sword, asking them on who wanted to fight. I watched as Izuku spends hours upon hours just talking with his swords, acting as if they were verbally replying to his queries.

It is creepy, bizarre even, but Izuku is still functioning like a normal human being, so I don't have to fear for his mentality.

Also, this is good for him him in a way.

I could remember Takeshi Ryohei, Jackal Number 178, he developed an imaginary friend because of his mutation, and he had still become one of the best Jackal within my ranks.

Considering Izuku's lack of friends, having imaginary friends would probably stave of his loneliness.

Being alone is a bitch.

Still, I hope he doesn't sleep with his swords by his side. That is not normal.

Even Kazuchika does not sleep on the same bed as his sword, and that man always put his sword on a separate bed whenever he sleeps.

I'll chalked this particular quirk on the Midoriya family's sword nuttiness.

(44th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Another Chimera found itself on my doorsteps.

Annoying, really annoying.

Seriously, I am retired. I stopped hunting their kind.

They should leave well enough alone.

Still, those endangered species apparently wanted to be wiped out.

I would have obliged, but Izuku wanted to try his hand on combating a Chimera.

In today's age, Chimeras would probably be considered an S-class Criminal, even low level Chimeras.

It is really pitiful that the level of this country's warriors degenerated to such extent that garbage of this caliber would be considered a threat.

Pitiful, truly.

Still, a Chimera is a Chimera, and a low level Chimera should be enough of a test for Izuku in his current level.

I allowed him to deal with the Chimera.

The result is a mix bag.

Izuku won, which is good. He sustained some injuries, but nothing fatal, which is also good. The fight ended in under seven minutes, too long for my taste, but not bad for a complete novice.

Those were the good.

The bad were as follows:

First, Izuku fought the Chimera for two minutes without using his Mutation. I don't mind Izuku fighting without using his Mutation. I'll encourage it in fact. Having a unique power and not using said power in every fight is a hallmark of a great warrior. Still, he should have a known going in to the fight that his Mutation should have been used at the get go.

Second, Izuku gave the Chimera moments to reset and recover his bearings whenever he overwhelms the fucker. For a kid who created a sword style design for adaptation and constant assault, he has a tendency to back off from his opponent whenever said opponent is down. Not pressing an attack when the opponent is down is a big negative.

Third, Izuku is fighting with a code of honor. Again, that is a negative. In battle, there is no honor, there are no rules. You win or you die, those are the only rules in combat. I thought I had hammered that lesson into Izuku, apparently, I am wrong.

I'll reeducate him at the earliest convenient.

Lastly, Izuku's tactics during the fight were too kind.

His heart is truly his greatest weakness.

After all, he won but he did not kill the Chimera.

I had to kill the Chimera.

Still, Izuku won, it was far from perfect, but by the end of the day, he won.

And this fight showed me a fatal flaw in Izuku's training.

I had taught Izuku many skills and techniques. I had taught him many tactics and strategies. Izuku had developed skills and techniques exclusive only to him. Izuku had developed his brand of tactics and strategies.

All of the things that I taught him, all the things that he had developed, all useless without a drop of experience on his belt.

Experience is the greatest teacher of all, and Izuku is lacking that.

Even our sparring would not give him the necessary experience to become a decent warrior.

I need to change that.

I need to make some calls.

(Scene Change)

Shu Kouichi is a 79 year old man. He is a career politician, having been born in a family of politicians, and the current Governor of Tokyo.

His constituents have known him as a competent Governor who had been elected to his office two times because of his excellent running of Tokyo. Since he took office, crime rates in the Tokyo region had decrease significantly, the economy of the prefecture is improving yearly, poverty had decrease significantly, and unemployment was also in a deep decline.

Shu Kouichi was such a competent Governor that, if he ran again, he is a shoe in for a third term as the Governor of Tokyo.

Also, once upon a time, in his youth, Shu Kouichi was a Jackal.

Number 213 to be exact.

And Mikumo swung by to visit him.

Currently, Governor Shu Kouichi was signing some paper work before pressing a button under his desk.

"Nagi-san, my 4 o'clock, please reschedule it." Kouichi ordered his secretary cordially. "Something important came up."

The Governor waited for a few seconds before a positive answer echoed into the room. Kouichi gave his thanks before he stood up and saluted the man standing across his desk.

"Commander!" The Governor of Tokyo greeted, respect and adoration clear in his eyes.

"Venom, it has been awhile." Mikumo greeted back with a nod.

Kouichi chuckled at the mention of his former Jackal codename. "It has been decades since someone called me by that name."

"It still fits if you ask me." Mikumo commented. "Your security here sucks. I didn't have to make an effort to get into your office."

Kouichi laughed at that. "Commander, if you wanted to, you could have killed everyone in the building without anyone knowing it was you."

Mikumo snorted at that. "The quality of soldiers of this country went to shit when Shimura's system got implemented." Mikumo stated snidely.

"Agreed." Kouichi nodded in agreement. "Do you want a drink sir?" Kouichi offered while walking towards his liquor cabinet.

"Pour me one." Mikumo said, accepting the offer of his former subordinate. "And while you're at, I need a favor."

"Anything…" Kouichi answered immediately while retrieving his favorite whisky.

"I want a list of every criminal, of every criminal organization within the Tokyo Prefecture that the show dogs are not going after." Mikumo requested.

Kouichi paused after hearing that request. "That is going to be a long list." Kouichi commented off handedly. "Are you coming out of retirement, sir?" Kouichi asked curiously.

Every surviving Jackal throughout the country knew that their beloved and respected Commander was no longer active. All of them were relieve. All of them believe that Japan, as it is currently is, did not deserve Yamikumo protecting it.

"Hardly." Mikumo answered. "This is for my apprentice."

"Apprentice?!" Kouichi was visibly taken aback by that answer.

"My apprentice has great potential as a warrior, although he is very green around the ears. I figured I should insert some experience into him before I unleashed him to the world."

(Scene Change)

Mikumo had just stepped out of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, a memory stick at hand and a phone pressed on his left ear

"Hello Technus." Mikumo greeted politely.

"[Commander, it has been awhile.]" A jubilant, loud, and clearly feminine voice echoed into Mikumo's ear.

"The blueprints that I sent you, when can I expect it to be sent my way?" Mikumo inquired, getting straight to the point. This was an ideal approached when dealing with Jackal Number 27, Technus, also known as Hatsume Yuno.

"[It'll be done within three and would be on your doorsteps at five.]" Technus replied giddily. "[Still, hard to believe that a hard ass like you would take a brat under his wing.]"

"I am getting sentimental in my old age."

(45th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I have realized something.

Most of the skills that I had taught Izuku are combat and fighting related. The time that I had met him, he needed those lessons. He needed to have a spine inserted in his back.

Still, I was wrong with my initial evaluation of Izuku.

Aside from hand-to-hand combat, Izuku is not talentless in battle or in combat, he just doesn't have the heart and the mindset for it.

Something to change later.

Still, Izuku now has a baseline in his combat and fighting abilities. Just a bit of polish here and there, and Izuku would be ready for battle.

The one thing that I have yet to teach him though are out of combat skills.

Most battles are determined even before the combatants entered the battlefield.

Information gathering, investigation, forensics, criminology, stealth, trapping and sabotage, disguise and escapology.

Voice mimicry and ventriloquism would also serve him well in the future.

Engineering, robotics, Information Technology, and computer science are knowledge that I should impart to Izuku.

In fact, I have a lot of skills that I want Izuku to learn.

Most of the skills that I have are self-taught and some were taught to me by my colleagues. I am not confident that I would be capable teaching everything I know to Izuku, but I am confident in my ability to motivate Izuku in learning the skills that I have on his own.

Izuku is a curious child, with a thirst and desire for knowledge.

The wisdoms that I will teach him, he will expand and make it his own, I am sure of it.

(46th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I began teaching Izuku out of combat skills.

The results are promising.

Information gathering and investigative skill, Izuku had taken those lessons extremely well. Izuku is an analyst by nature. He has an inhumane approached in comprehending everything he sets his eyes on, and his accuracy in reading and understanding situations and scenarios is to be commended . Still, he still has the tendency to overthink things, but that is something that I could curb with further lessons.

Izuku had also taken criminology and forensics lessons well, although he struggles with the scientific approached of the skills. Still, nothing that I could remedy with further lessons.

Izuku is a natural in stealth though. He can naturally blend with his surroundings, and he has this peculiar ability of misdirection. Furthermore, Izuku has this ability to make himself look unthreatening and small. I think that he had develop this skill after years of getting bullied and neglected. It is a good skill to have, but the way he developed it is tasteless.

Disguise and escapology is mix bag. Izuku sucked at disguising himself. His aura is just to pronounce and he is too honest for my taste. He cannot pretend to be anyone but himself even if his life dependent on it. Izuku's horrible skills in disguise aside, the boy has excellent talent in escapology. Seriously, he is as good in escaping restraints and breaking locks as he is with swords.

In trapping and sabotage, Izuku is average but I guess that is due to his mindset. Izuku is smart, with a field and situational awareness that is beyond me in my early years as a Peacemaker. He should be a natural in the art of trapping and sabotage, but his heart and nature is preventing him from being excellent in those discipline.

No matter, he will grow soon enough, and hopefully, his heart would harden as he matures.

When I was teaching Izuku voice mimicry and ventriloquism, I discover that Izuku is a great singer. He is so good, that if he did not want to be a Show Dog, he could make a fortune in being a professional singer. Still, this particular talent of his would make teaching him voice mimicry and ventriloquism easier than expected.

Speaking of things that Izuku could have done if he did not have dreams of heroics in his mind, Izuku would have made a find Computer programmer. He had taken his Information Technology and Computer Science lesson like a fish into water. His engineering and robotics lessons are iffy if I may say so myself, but he has enthusiasm in learning those subjects, and enthusiasm can really make the difference between a talented but unmotivated student and an average but motivated student.

I will make Izuku into a fine warrior.

Whatever it takes.

(47th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Among all the Jackals that had worked under me, only 13 people were genuinely useful to me.

Don't get me wrong, all 319 of my Jackals were excellent warriors. In fact, when I established the Jackals, I could have taken over this country with those 319 soldiers behind me.

I did not because I am no warlord. Also, back then, I did not have any interest in dancing with All for One in the political and economic stage.

Among the 13 most useful Jackals, Technus, Hatsume Yuno, is the most efficient. Dealing with her is a chore and a half, but she gets things done quickly.

Among my Jackals, she was the smartest among us, and she was the most efficient.

I looked upon the uniform that I commissioned from her.

Inspecting the uniform, I nodded in satisfaction.

It was a field uniform of a Peacekeeper, only more advance and more secured.

Time to give Izuku some field experience.

(48th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

There are very few crimes that would incite anger within me.

Seriously, for 60 years, I've dealt with every kinds of criminal under the sun, I've dealt with every crime and atrocity committed by men.

Seriously, Japan might be a first world country, but in the shadows, Japan is just another desolated rock, filled with cunts and bastards, knee deep in gutter with mud and shit.

There are very few crimes that would disgust me, three in fact:

Rape, human experimentation, and child exploitation.

Seriously, fuck all the cunts that commits those crimes.

That said, within the list that Kouchi gave me, I decided that the first thing that Izuku should deal with is a rapist.

A gang of serial rapist to be exact.

Izuku has a twin sister, an elder sister, and a mother, and ignoring the nonexistent relationship between him and those three, rape should be a touchy crime for Izuku.



I want Izuku to learn how to kill.

(49th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Normally, it will only takes me a day or two to tract down criminal gangs if I put an effort into it.

Regardless of era or generation, criminals will always stay the same. No matter how smart they are, how strong or skilled they are, regardless of the power they wield, criminals will always have a single mindset, and that mindset makes them predictable.

Normally, when tracking criminals, it will take me a day or two, this time, it took a week, and that's because it was Izuku who tracked them down.

For Izuku's first tracking mission, it was not a bad effort. Again, he overthink things and he second guesses his guts and instincts. Again, I have to remedy that, but not now.

Now, it is time for Izuku to enter his first official battle.

I even made an effort to get Izuku in the right mindset for this fight.

You see, I want Izuku to slaughter those rapists.

I hate men that would force themselves on a woman just to get laid. I mean, seriously, if they want to get laid, get a handful of money, pay a prostitute, find a bed, and then fuck. No need to rape a woman.

Men that rapes women just to scratch the itched between their legs disgusts me. If they cannot charm a woman to lay with them, then they should have just use their hands.

But I digress.

I had Izuku read the reports of the crimes that this gang had committed. I even had him watched some of the recordings of the rapes that they had committed.

The anger and disgust in Izuku's eyes was delightful.

Hopefully, he can channel that anger into something productive.

(Scene Change)

"Nostalgic if I may say so myself." Mikumo commented while looking at Izuku, wearing the full field uniform of a Peacekeeper.

A black protective vest over a black, tight fitting, turtleneck, long sleeve shirt. Both the vest and the shirt are bullet proof, knife proof, fire proof, electric proof, acid proof, and it would protect the wearer against kinetic and concussive force to a degree. The vest have many pockets, both visible and hidden, for storage purposes. Black cargo pants that were lined with both deep and shallow pockets that also offered protection that his upper wear provided. A green utility belt held the cargo pants to Izuku's waists, and said utility belt held numerous gadgets for Izuku's used. Aside from the utility belt, the uniform also sported black, steel toed boots, kneepads and elbow pads plated with steel on the surface, and two black gloves line with steel on the knuckles and back hand.

Hatsume did good work.

"Are you comfortable with uniform?" Mikumo asked while watching his apprentice stretch.

"It's very comfortable." Izuku answered solemnly. "It is so comfortable in fact that it is disturbing."

Mikumo chuckled at that. "Kid, always have a Hatsume by your side. All of them are nutcases and are difficult to deal with, but they do good work and they would never fail you. They are also very loyal." Mikumo advised before a serious expression crossed his face. "You know what to do?"

Izuku smiled a strain smile before raising his left arm, his left hand outstretch.

Sorahime, sheathed in a wooden scabbard that was painted green, flew into his outstretch hand.

"Sorahime and Araceli told me to only use them against opponents that would give me a challenge or if I am going to end lives. They are swords, they thirst for challenge and for blood. This evening, I would give Sorahime blood." Izuku stated solemnly while partially unsheathing Sorahime until the carve head of the Kirin was unveiled to the world. Izuku tenderly pressed his lips on the engraving.

"You are not using your Longsword." Mikumo inquired with a raised brow. If he was being honest, Izuku was better with a Longsword than with a katana.

"Araceli doesn't want to waste her time against rift rafts of this caliber." Izuku answered with any paused.

Mikumo just nodded, not commenting on his apprentice's words.

"Your first kill, was it difficult?" Izuku asked, his voice sullen and nervous.

Mikumo gave Izuku a simple answer. "Killing came easy for me, and I never had the heart to give a fuck."

Izuku nodded at that answer before standing straight. He fasten Sorahime on his left hip before giving his master a fearful look.

"Wish me luck." Izuku told his master.

"You don't need it." Mikumo assured his apprentice.

(Scene Change)

The gang of rapists that Izuku tracked down were composed of 20 members.

Izuku dispatched them with relative ease.

First, Izuku took care of the two people that were guarding outside of the building.

Izuku did not announced himself. He did not charge head first to battle.

Izuku approached the two gang members cautiously and quietly. Izuku kept to the shadows as he entered the premises of the building. When the two guards were within reach, Izuku unsheathed his blade and effortlessly decapitated the two guards with a single stroke.

Two down, 18 to go.

Entering the building, Izuku did not bother sheathing Sorahime back to her scabbard. A 48 inch katana with a 32 inch blade was not design for Battōjutsu.

Izuku found another four gang members patrolling the halls.

Again, Izuku kept to the shadows, he erased his entire presence as he approached the four gang members quietly.

When they were within range, Izuku struck.

In a span of four seconds, Izuku took down the four gang members with ease.

The first one, Izuku cleaved his waist cleanly with a single, horizontal stroke.

The second gang member, Izuku silenced with a stabbed to the man's throat.

The third gangster, Izuku cut in half from head to the crotch with a vertical slash.

The fourth and last gangster, Izuku struck down with a slanting cut from the man's right shoulder down to his left stomach.

As four bodies fell to the ground, Izuku took a moment to wipe the blood clean off Sorahime. He did not want Sorahime to be drench with wretched blood.

Also, Sorahime would whine and complain if she was not presentable for the next kill.

Izuku did not looked back at the corpses that he had made. There will be time to feel guilty later. Now, now he just needed to focus on the mission.

Six down, 14 to go.

Izuku felt a presence nearby.

He moved before he could registered who that presence belong to.

Izuku made a stabbing motion without even seeing his target. He allowed his intuition to guide his movement.

His intuition did not fail him.

When Izuku registered the presence, he found himself face to face with a man in his late 20s, Sorahime's blade stabbed through his gut.

Izuku noticed that the man was going to scream.

He did not allow that.

Izuku allowed a burst of Sky Flames to erupt throughout the naked blade of Sorahime.

The man was parboiled from the inside-out.

Izuku removed Sorahime from the man's gut before walking forward.

Seven down, 13 to go.

Izuku paused momentarily before pointing the tip of Sorahime to the door on his right.

Channeling Sky Flames on the blade once again, Izuku blasted an arrow of Sky Flames into the room.

Izuku heard a grunt and a thud, and the feeling of a life being snuff reached his intuition.

Eight down, 12 to go.

Izuku could no longer sense anymore presence in the second floor, so he went up to the third floor.

What he saw made his blood boil in anger.

There were five girls scattered throughout the room. All of them naked, all of them getting rape.

One girl was bent over, while four men surrounded her. Two cocks were forcing their way into her mouth and anal cavity respectively.

Another girl was handcuffed to a wall while a single man was shouting profanity at the girl while forcing his member down the girl's throat. Said man was also choking the girl as he forced himself upon her.

The third girl had three penises forced upon her, one for each of her orifices.

The fourth girl was tied up to such extent that the ropes were digging into her flesh, bruising her badly, while she was suspended in mid-air. Said girl was force to take two cocks, one from her throat and one from her vaginal region.

The last girl was laid down on the floor, a man was taking her by her vagina while a man stood over her, whipping the girl with a leather belt

Izuku could feel the hopelessness and despair coming from the girls that were being desecrated.

Izuku could feel the sadistic delight and joy that were coming off the men that were raping the women.

Izuku saw red as Sorahime's blade was bathed with Sky Flames.

Izuku moved before he could register his movements.

One man fell when Izuku split his head in half with a diagonal slash.

Another four fell when Izuku swung Sorahime in a wide horizontal arc.

Another man lost his life with Izuku carelessly shove Sorahime's tip straight into his skull.

Another two fell as Izuku swung his blade downwards and upwards in a graceful motion. Those two were cleave in half.

Izuku decapitated another two by beheading them, while the last two were killed via disembowelment.

Izuku slew 12 men in under two seconds.

"Excellent work." The voice of his master knocked Izuku out of the state that he entered and it allowed him to recover his bearing.

He looked around. The room was covered with dead bodies and women that were covered with sweat and other liquids that Izuku would rather not identified.

Swallowing the bile that was threatening to rise from his throat, Izuku began helping the women out of their current situation.

There will be a time for him to vomit.

(Scene Change)

"Commander!" The Commissioner of the Musutafu Police Department, Ouma Keido, greeted Mikumo with the Jackal Salute, his voice filled with admiration.

"Jackal Number 296, Crown." Mikumo greeted back as he motioned for his former subordinate to be at ease.

Keido let go of his salute before motioning to the building behind him. "Are you working again sir?" Keido inquired while he motioned to several police officers behind him to clear the inside of the building.

Keido knew what his commander was capable of, and normally, when dealing with Jackals, the police tends to turn the other way and ignore everything they see. Some officers struggle with that act, considering that Jackals can cause a bloody mess, if they leave any behind. Fortunately, the officers that Keido brought with him would keep their silence.

They have no choice considering that they are under his mental control for the next four hours.

"To an extent." Mikumo pointed at the vomiting form of Izuku across the street. "I am giving my apprentice some field experience."

Keido looked shocked at that piece of information before looking over Mikumo's shoulder.

He saw a kid, who looked to be entering his teen years vomiting his lunch and dinner on the sidewalk. Said kid was wearing a uniform that he too had adorn in his youth.

"He looks to be green around the ears." Keido commented as he returned his attention to Mikumo.

"He is green, and too kind for this world, but a bit of polishing here and there, a bit of realism and cynicism here and there, and a dash of ruthlessness here and there, and he would be one hell of a soldier." Mikumo assured his former subordinate. "He is quite talented if I may say so myself."

Keido raised a brow at that compliment from his commander before turning to look at the vomiting kid once again.

"First kill?" Keido inquired softly.

"First kill." Mikumo confirmed.

"That explains it then." Keido nodded in understanding, changing his initial opinion of the kid. The first kill would always be the hardest.

"The victims…" Mikumo gestured to the five catatonic girls that Izuku saved from a cruel fate.

"I'll have them delivered to Nene." Keido told his commander.

"Good." Mikumo nodded before making a move towards Izuku. "Disposed of the bodies, I have an apprentice to talk to."

"Yes Sir!" Keido gave Mikumo another Jackal salute before going towards the building to obey his one and only commander.

Mikumo knelt down beside Izuku, a comforting hand on his back. "All things considered, you did well." Mikumo complimented. "Personally, I would have had you torch the entire building." Izuku had showed enough control with his mutation that he could bathed an entire area with his flames and then pick and choose on who gets burn.

Izuku wretched another load of vomit before looking at his teacher, his expression was shaken.

Mikumo just looked at him.

"Killing, does it ever get easy?" Izuku asked softly.

"It was always easy for me." Mikumo answered without a second thought. "It won't be easy for you. Deep down, Izuku, you are a good guy, and deep down, I am not, and that makes all the difference in the world." Mikumo patted Izuku on the back comfortingly.

"You desired to be a hero, I never even wanted to be a Peacemaker back in my youth. Killing should never be easy for you. That is not the point of this exercise." Mikumo told him. "That point of this field exercise is for you to get experience, and for you to learn that some criminals are not worth the effort to rehabilitate. This is for you to learn that some criminals should be and deservedly be buried in the ground."

(50th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

As I told Izuku, taking lives had never bothered me. Ending lives had always been easy for me.

Killing is simple.

A stiff shot here, a stiff shot there, a broken bone here, a bruised organ there, and the target is dead.

Easy, like breathing.

Of course, like Nana had once told me to my face, I am a heartless, conscienceless, and uncaring monster, and she was right.

I am a bloody monster. A demon in fact.

Izuku is an angel in comparison…

Actually, screw comparison, the boy is an Angel, point blank.

And I am trying to teach an Angel an act that is against his very nature.

I have said this before and I would say it again, Izuku has a good heart. He has the capacity to see the good in everyone. Izuku wants to see the good in everyone.

As a human being, Izuku is remarkable.

As a warrior, he would die young because of that bleeding heart of his.

I don't want Izuku to die. I want him to live a long life.

And because of that, I need him to learn how to kill.

Or to be exact, I want him to learn how to discern when a criminal should be thrown to a prison cell or when a criminal should be executed.

I am aware that some criminals are criminals because of the hand that life and fate dealt them.

I am also aware that some criminals are criminals because they want to see the world burn.

I want Izuku to learn the distinction between a criminal that can be redeem and a criminal that should be killed.

One of the problems that I have with the Show Dogs is the fact that they try to bring in every criminal that they come across against alive. That is illogical and harmful. From what I've seen, at least 40% of the criminals that those show dogs fought against should be killed on the spot.

It would have made this country safer.

But instead, they take those criminals in alive, resulting in needless casualties on their side.

Casualties has never been an option for me.

To get a single comrade off the battle field alive, I would slaughter 20 men without delay and regret.

I've done it before.

I want Izuku to learn that sometimes, to save a comrade, to save a friend, to save a love one, sacrifices are necessary.

I want Izuku to learn that in order to preserve order and to maintain peace, some lives must end.

I want Izuku to learn when taking a life is necessary.

I want Izuku to learn when a human being forfeits their right to live.

This would be a hard lesson, one of the hardest lesson that I could possibly teach to Izuku, but the hardest lessons tends to be the most important.

(51st Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

It took Izuku a total of a week to get his bearings back after his first field mission.

All things considered, not bad.

I knew of some Peacekeeper who had taken a few months to get their minds sorted out after their first kill. The fact that it had only taken Izuku a week to get his bearings and composure back shows the inner fortitude that he possesses.

Still, I know that it would take some time before I could take Izuku to another field mission.

After all, I will need some time to hand pick the criminals that Izuku will be hunting. I need to make sure that they deserve the death sentence.

For now, we will be focusing in expanding his repertoire of skills.

Izuku had taken great interest in the computer arts, and I may not be Technus, but I am proficient in programming and hacking.

Considering Izuku's intellect, he'll probably teach himself to be better than me in the computer arts very soon.

Izuku has always been smarter than me.

Well, he is smarter than me when I was his age.

Still, the itinerary for the week is computer arts, espionage training, trapping and sabotage, and architecture and engineering. I will sprinkle in a few combat and fighting drills in the side, but truth be told, Izuku doesn't need any more instruction from me in relations to his combat and fighting skills.

I have taught him enough in the art of battle. In that aspect, Izuku would grow on his own. I'll fine tune him if necessary, but his growth in that regard depends on his willingness to train and learn on his own.

Something that I don't have to worry about.

Izuku is fanatical and eager when it comes to his self-growth as a warrior.

His swordsmanship is improving by leaps and bounds, to the point that I think he could give Kazuchika a run for his money when it comes to the sword.

His hand to hand skills are progressing nicely.

His weapons training is going well.

His Mutation is developing rapidly, and his training in said mutation is also progressing swiftly.

His battle prowess is growing by the day.

He just needs experience, and he will get more of that after a month or so after I finish handpicking his victims.

(Scene Change)

"Shouldn't you be with your family today? It is your 11th birthday after all." Mikumo commented as he watched Izuku dragged a boar carcass into his house. There is a forest just on the edges of Musutafu, rich in wild game, especially in boar and bear. One of the few skills that Mikumo had taught Izuku early on is how to hunt wild animals, and how to butcher the carcasses of said animals.

"I am with my family." Izuku told Mikumo unabashedly. "And seriously, I don't want to be anywhere near Izuka and her friends. I might vomit." Izuku added while grabbing some knives to butcher the boar.

Setting aside the warmth that he felt at Izuku's earlier words, Mikumo rose from his seat and went to his liquor store. "I want Barbecue boar." Mikumo told his apprentice. "Meet me outside after you finish butchering the boar, I'll have the sauce and charcoal grill ready."

"Give me a minute on that." Izuku replied as he ran a knife across the Boar carcass. Showing his prowess with knives and his skills in butchering animal, Izuku was able to successfully butcher the Boar carcass, separating the skin, meats, and bones in record time.

Izuku separated the cuts of the boar that he and his master would be grilling and barbecuing while using the other parts of the boar for stew.

His master enjoys his stew.

(Scene Change)

It took three hours of cooking, but the boar stew was cook while some pieces of boar meat was sizzling in the charcoal grill, the scent of the meat cause Izuku's mouth to watered while Mikumo poured a healthy serving of boar stew to two bowls, one for him, one for Izuku.

"For the birthday boy." Mikumo pushed the bowl filled with boar stew towards Izuku.

"Thanks, Sensei." Izuku said before grabbing two pairs of chopsticks. He handed one to his master while taking a pair for himself.

"If you say 'itadakimasu', I will slap that taste out of your mouth." Mikumo warned Izuku as he started devouring the meats from the stew.

Izuku could only chuckle at that as he too started eating the meal that was in front of him.

Taking a bite of the meat, Mikumo nodded in satisfaction. "You are finally able to cook a decent stew. Congratulations." Mikumo said before trying one of the pieces of meat in the charcoal grill. "The barbecue isn't bad too." Mikumo added.

"Thanks…" Izuku said, genuinely relive that his master finally enjoyed his cooking.

After over a hundred tries, Izuku's cooking finally satisfied his Master.

"I remember, when I was a Peacemaker, when there was more than one active Jackal, when I had a mission in the rural areas, and when I had a team with me, we had at least several stews lineup every breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Mikumo recalled with a nostalgic grin. "Your grandfather was a shit cook, I always kicked him away from cooking fire whenever we were preparing meals. He was better than Nana though, but Nana never cooked a day in her life…" Mikumo laughed at the memory of her friend's many failures in cooking. "Nana has shit taste in men, but Shimura was a damn fine cook. He makes killer stew. But the best cook in our entire regiment, the best cook among the Jackals was Yaoyorozu Nen, the youngest of the Yaoyorozu twins. Because of his mutation, the guy cannot taste meat aside from human flesh, but fuck, that fucker knows how to make good stew."

Izuku chuckled at that, enjoying the stories of his master's youth. "Wait, Yaoyorozu Nen, isn't he that famous chef that owns half the restaurants in Kyoto?" Izuku inquired, shocked at the identity of one of his master's former colleague.

"Yup, that one." Taking a large cut of barbecue from the grill, Mikumo devour the meat before elaborating. "When he retired from active Jackal duty, he started his own restaurant business. He had multiple branches of his restaurant six months in after he opened his first restaurant. There are two things that a Yaoyorozu is good at, eating and business. Don't compete against them on those two activities, you'll lose miserably." Mikumo warned his apprentice, humor clear in his voice.

Izuku made a note of that was he too ate some barbecue. "My grandfather, how good was he as a Peacemaker and a Jackal?" Izuku asked curiously.

Normally, Izuku never inquired about the grandfather that he had never met. As courtesy towards his master, he never asked him about his colleagues. He would asked him about his history and career, but never about the people that he had worked with.

"Kazuchika is a good man, but he is a bit of a bastard. He takes himself too seriously at times, and he has this annoying code of honor that he lives by. As a warrior, as a soldier, as a Peacemaker and Jackal, Kazuchika was an elite. He was the best swordsman this country had ever produced. Watching him wield a sword was a thing of beauty." Mikumo told his apprentice with a fond smile. "You could be as good as him though, you certainly have the talent for it."

Izuku blushed at that compliment. His master rarely compliments him, and when he does, he means it.

"You think my grandfather would like me?" Izuku asked shyly.

"He doesn't like a wussy, and you can be a wuss at times." Izuku hand his head at that reply. "Kazhuchika would kick your ass, before Nori would kick his ass, and Nori would probably baby both of you after that. Midoriya Nori is a good woman, too good for Kazuchika in fact."

Izuku perked up at the mention of a new name.

"You know my grandmother?" Izuku asked, a bit giddy at the aspect of knowing the side of the family that he had no chance of knowing.

"Your grandmother was one of the earliest Pro Heroes." There was clear disdain when Mikumo uttered the word 'Pro Heroes'. "She was good, all things considered. Her mutation isn't that strong, but it was showy, and she is very skilled when using it. She was good, very good in fact. She was skilled enough that if she was born in our generation, I would have had recruited her as a Jackal."

Izuku wanted to ask what his grandmother's Quirk is and what her hero name was, but there was a certain word in Mikumo statement that caught his attention instead.

"Grandmother was younger than Grandfather?"

"20 years age difference. Kazuchika was 38 and Nori was 18 when they met and married." Mikumo let out a laughed at a certain memory. "Your grandmother was quite a woman. She domesticated Kazuchika, made him loyal to her and her alone, and that feat is impressive in itself. Back in the day, Kazuchika is quite the ladies man." Mikumo laughed loudly as he drank a mouthful of stew.

Izuku could only stare at his master. "My grandfather was a pimp?"

"The guy was a whore, and a good one at that. He can charm any woman or women that he likes, and he can fuck them into a coma. I have seen him convinced an upwards of seven women to join him in his bed, and he would out fuck all of them, to a point that he would charm an addition seven women to fuck them in the same bed." Mikumo informed Izuku, enjoying the look of discomfort on his face.

"Too much information." Izuku groaned, wanting to erase that image from his mind.

Mikumo laughed at him again before bringing out a large jar of sake. "Speaking of your grandfather, there are three things he is good at, swordsmanship, fucking, and making sake, in that exact order." Mikumo brought out two sake cups. He poured a healthy amount of sake into both cups before sliding a cup for Izuku.

"I am under age." Izuku reminded his master.

"You murder 20 people a month ago." Mikumo countered. "Old enough to kill, old enough to drink, so drink up." Mikumo told him before lifting his own sake cup.

Izuku gave his master a stink eye at the reminder of what he had done a month ago before sighing and raising his cup at his master's direction.

Mikumo and Izuku toasted there cups before they both drank in unison.

Izuku cringed at the taste but he did his best to drink every drop of sake from his cup.

Mikumo sighed in delight as he poured himself another cup. "Your grandfather knows how to make good sake."

"Never give me something like that ever again." Izuku said with a scrunch up expression as he drank a bowl full of hot stew to get rid of the after taste of the sake.

"Kazuchika would be insulted." Mikumo commented with a small laugh. "When you get older, I'll give you a taste of the stronger stuff. Your grandfather knows his stuff when it comes to sake."

Izuku rolled his eyes, although a part of him would not mind trying sake again if he would be sharing with his master.

With that, the two continued with their private celebration, with Mikumo telling random stories about his youth while Izuku listens in rapt attention.

Furthermore, Mikumo had also successfully convinced Izuku to take another drink of sake, much to Izuku's consternation.

(52nd Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I had seven criminals prepared and lined up for Izuku to track and execute.

Two serial killers, three insurgences (Izuku should enjoy killing this three considering their affiliation to the Meta Liberation Army), a serial rapist, and a habitual pedophile.

Seven criminals with history of violence, with some martial abilities, and with unique mutations respectively.

I figured they would provide Izuku some challenge.

I am correct to a degree.

I already know the location of those seven criminals. I've been tracking and hunting criminals for the vast majority of my life. I need very little to find low lives.

Because of that, I did not interfere and allowed Izuku to hunt those criminals down.

It would have taken me, give or take, two weeks to find those seven targets.

It took Izuku one month and a week.

All things considered, his other life aside, not bad.

I had Izuku track those criminals for a simple reason: I want him to learn of the nature of his targets. He needs to know why they don't deserve to live and how he should effectively end them.

It work to a degree.

Izuku is a kind boy, with a good heart and a pure soul.

His moral code and compose, although great, needs some adjustments.

Learning the deeds of vile men and knowing how and why they escape from the system would make those necessary adjustments.

(53rd Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

After a month and a half of tracking criminal, a week of killing followed.

Quite a week if I may say so myself.

Izuku handled the rapist first. Personally, I approved. With this kill, Izuku did not bother using his swords, claiming that using any of his swords would be an insult to them.

I am not complaining because sometimes, variety is the better part of valor.

Still, poisoning was never one of my preferred methods of killing. The bastard deserved it, considering he has at least a dozen rape cases under his belt, but seriously, the concoction that Izuku made to execute that man was nasty.

Note to self, have Nene teach him more poisons.

Next, the pedophile. Handling this one, Izuku needed a skirt and a serrated knife.

I learned two things with regards to Izuku after this hit. One, the boy looks very good in drag. He is prettier than his twin, which is saying something. Two, if Izuku tries, he can be very seductive and persuasive. He got that pedophile dancing in his tune in three minutes, and he had that man's pants down in four.

After that, Izuku castrated and killed that man in eight minutes. He could have done it in one, but I approve the torture that he put the pervert through, brief it may have been.

Seriously, if a man or a woman gets sexually gratification fucking brats, they deserved to have their private bits saw off.

With the easy targets handled, time for some difficulty.

Next, Izuku targeted the two serial killers.

The first that he handled had a mutation that allows him to change into a werewolf.

Fun fact, I have seen a total of 56 werewolf transformation mutation in my life. All of them could turned to a different breed of wolf, a third of them are dead by the hands of your truly.

Izuku did not bother using his mutation when dealing with this criminal. He didn't need it, and I would admit that using his Mutation would have been excessive.

As I said before, I hate the motto Plus Ultra. That motto means excessive, and I don't like excessive. I prefer precision, surgical, and cerebral.

And Izuku showed those three aspect when he handled that Werewolf criminal.

Izuku used two pistols when taking care of thE criminal, a P30L and a Mark XIX Desert Eagle. Three 9×19mm Parabellum bullets to the neck and two .357 Magnum bullets to the chest, and the werewolf goes bye-bye. I approved the .357 Magnum bullet to the head and a 9×19mm Parabellum bullet to the gut to make doubly sure that the criminal is down and out.

Double tap, always double tap.

The next serial killer gave Izuku a bit of complication. This chick has the ability to manipulate an individual's fluids within their body, provided that there is physical contact.

I've seen four of this mutations in my day, two of which I'd killed.

This killer was a looker, with a pretty face and a good body to match. Her M.O. is to attract the wealthy, mostly men, get them in bed, fuck them, kill them, and then rob them of their money.

A typical Black Widow.

I appreciate the fact that Izuku did not choose to approach this one in close range. I have confidence in Izuku's combat prowess, but why take unnecessary risk if a safer option is available.

So Izuku waited onto of a Sky Rise building, mutation activated as he used a scope to trail his target. When the target was within sight, Izuku sniped her dead. A bullet of Sky Flames from the tip of his index finger pierce the woman's head from temple to temple. From what I've seen, the flame bullet dispersed to none existence at the point of exit.

800 meters sniping without the use of a sniper's scope. Not bad. Not bad.

Izuku could have made the shot within 1200 meters, but 800 meters is still impressive.

With the killers buried, time to move on to those Meta Liberation Army nuts.

Again, I should have killed Destro when I had him dead to rights. I should not have had my superiors talk me into throwing him into a cell. I should have had thrown him into a casket before throwing said casket six feet under.

To think, that man's asinine ideology would result to this level of harm to society.

Hindsight is truly 20/20.

Setting one of my mistakes aside, I unleashed Izuku to those Metal Liberation Army numbskulls, and I must admit, Izuku handled them with grace.

Izuku handled them with hunger.

Meaning, Izuku outright butchered them without using his Mutation.

I am not one to go out of my way to prove a point. I hated doing that in fact, but considering that this three men promotes an ideology that would demote a large sum of people to second class citizens, to subhuman, I'll forgive Izuku in this regard.

Izuku killed those three insurgences creatively.

The first insurgence, Izuku handled by rigging the man's phone and turning it into an IED.

Seeing that insurgent answer his phone, only for it to explode, resulting to a piece of circuit board to pierce his head was quite an enjoyable sight.

Hatsume, Technus, had done that before. It was enjoyable to see then, it was enjoyable to see now.

The next insurgent, Izuku handled with a personally touch.

Piano wire, the best friend of every legal killer in the world.

Izuku set up a trap involving a motorcycle, piano wire, and chili powder.

This insurgent enjoy taking long rides in motorcycles, so Izuku sabotage the man's motorcycle and set up a makeshift guillotine with a pair of trees and 20 yards worth of piano wire.

Decapitation, a quick and showy way to die.

The man should have never made it a habit to leave the city proper during his rides. He would have lived longer.

The last insurgent, Izuku handled with his bare hands, sword included.

Izuku values those without mutations. Even though he now has a mutation, Izuku still considers himself as a Purist, and due to that, he will protect his fellow purist.

So when Izuku stumbled upon his last target, him and half a dozen of his fellow morons, preparing to lynch a man who did not have a mutation, Izuku decided to make this kill personal.

This is an indictment on Izuku's part. Killing should never be personal. A Jackal kills because it's part of the job description, nothing more, nothing less. To add a personal touch to the kill makes it murder, and Jackals are no murderer.

Izuku is not a Jackal, so I guess he is free to commit murder, especially against trash that deems themselves above others because of a genetic fluke.

My disapproval of Izuku's mindset during the kill aside, Izuku's blade work is a thing of beauty.

The target's entourage were taken care of first. Six swings, six men died.

The actual target, Izuku butchered him until he was reduced into chunks.

Excessive, but nothing that I could curb.

Seven days, seven kills, more good than bad all things considered.

Not a bad week.

(54th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I gave Izuku a few days to get his head straight before we discussed the outcome of his mission.

All in all, with the exception of his last kill, I did not have any complains.

Izuku did not allow himself to be seen by his targets, his kills were quick and efficient, he did not kill in a pattern, with each kill that he committed being different from the previous, and lastly, Izuku did not allow himself to be overly affected by the kills that he committed.

He still vomited after he finished each kill, but that is to be expected.

As I said before, Izuku might be a natural born killer, but he does not have a heart of a killer.

Izuku first six kills, acceptable, with rooms for improvement.

His last kill from that week, I took issue in that, although the fault lies with me.

I should have taught this lesson to Izuku before I urged him to kill.

That lesson is simple.

Killing should never have any meaning. To kill without forgetting this single fact is the mark of a true professional. The act of slaughter, of murder, of killing, should never be given a justification. Murder is murder, killing is killing, and it should never be given an illusionary meaning or a flowery reason.

Izuku justified his last kill as an act of justice, of equality, claiming that if they were willing to brutalized their victim, they should be prepared if someone returned the favor.

That is an incorrect mindset.

I encouraged Izuku feel and express negative emotions. I want Izuku to feel and express hatred. I want Izuku to feel and express greed. I want Izuku to feel and express lust. I want Izuku to show and released every dark impulses within him.

Izuku is a human being, and human beings are expressive creatures.

But once Izuku enters the battlefield, once Izuku engages in combat, I want him to feel nothing. When Izuku engages into battle, I want him to have a clear yet sharp mind, as well as a hard and uncaring heart. When Izuku is in battle, I want him to kill because it is the most convenient, the easiest method to eliminate his opponent, nothing more, nothing less.

Killing should never have any meaning, it should never have any reason, and it should never be personal.

Izuku broke that cardinal rule in his last kill.

I will impressed that lesson into Izuku if it is the last thing I do.

(55th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I gave Izuku a long list of criminals, and I asked him to choose his targets.

I told him, point blank, the targets that he will choose, he would be killing.

The reason for this activity is simple. I want to see the level of Izuku's profiling ability.

I also want to determine the criminals that Izuku would consider as irredeemable.

Izuku is the type of man that would consider everyone redeemable. He is that kind of guy.

For me, that is foolish.

I may not have allowed any of my targets to walk away, regardless of the degree of their sins, but that is the person that I am.

As Nana once called me, I am a ruthless machine and monster.

Izuku is an Angel. He would give people second chances.

In this activity, I want Izuku to learn that not all criminals deserves second chances.

Every criminal in the list that I give him, Izuku would profile. Izuku would not just determined their level of proficiency in battle, he would also see their criminal and personal history.

As Izuku study their history, I want him to pick and choose on who deserves to die and who deserves to be left alone.

I want Izuku to make that choice. I want Izuku to choose on who deserves to live and who deserves die.

This is a difficult endeavor. I've seen Peacekeepers who struggle in this task in my youth. People that cannot separate their morals from their profession tends to break quick.

Now, I know the profession that Izuku wanted to enter. This profession does not required killing.

Not a problem really. I did teach Izuku proper body disposal.

Izuku would be a Hero, a decent show dog, and in that profession, I expect him to be wise and make the call on when a criminal should be thrown in a cage and when a criminal should be thrown into a grave.

Some may say that no man should be judge, jury, and executioner.

My rebuke to that is simple, if the system can perfectly protect its people and isolate those that would bring harm to the populace, then they would be correct. But if there are dangerous individuals getting through the cracks, if the most dangerous criminals are allowed to be free or left alone once they throw enough cash to the faces of our judicial system, then extreme means should be applied.

Peace is a fickle concept. Easy to attain, hard to maintain.

I should know. I lived in an era where peace was dismantled due to the dissatisfaction of the people onto the system that had protected them for generations.

The Peacekeeper system, though with flaws, was a good system to maintain the peace in the country.

The current system, all sizzle, no steak, all show, no substance.

(Scene Change)

"Just five?" Mikumo inquired with a raised brow as he looked at the folders his apprenticed presented to him. "I gave you over a hundred possible targets, and you only picked five." Mikumo said as he looked over the profile of one of Izuku's chosen targets.

Detailed, but to the point, easy to digest and comprehend, Mikumo is pleased with the growth of his apprentice's analytical ability

"Just five." Izuku confirmed, eyes turned away from his teacher.

Mikumo nodded absentmindedly. "Hunt them down." Mikumo ordered.

"Are you upset with me?" Izuku asked his master. "Over a month of research, and I only gave you five."

"And why would I be upset with that?" Mikumo inquired with a raised brow.

Izuku had a conflicted expression on his face as he squirmed where he stood. "Every criminals in the list that you gave me, they are all evil, they have done a lot of atrocious things, they have done things that are beyond what the law allows, they have all committed sins that would condemn them in the eyes of our law and society. Among the hundreds of those criminals, I choose only five to kill."

"But the five people that choose, you concluded to have lost their right to live, right?" Mikumo inquired again.

Izuku could only nodded slowly.

"Then I am satisfied with that." Mikumo told his apprentice. "Izuku, you are a natural born killer. Your potential as a killer is tremendous, even beyond mine. But you have a good and kind heart. You see the inherent good in people, and you desire to give people second and/or third chances. The fact that you determined, on your own, that this five have lost their right to live is a testament to their sins and their loss of humanity." Mikumo said somewhat comfortingly.

Izuku turned his gazed to his master as Mikumo gestured him to seat.

Izuku did so as Mikumo began a lecture. "When I was a Peacekeeper, in my decade serving the organization, I never questioned my missions. When my superiors tell me to kill, I kill. If the targets that they presented to me were not specifically ordered to be apprehended, I kill them. In order for a target to survive me, I have to be told by my superiors to spare them." There was an expression on Mikumo's face that Izuku could only call as bitter nostalgia. "I have never questioned the decisions of my superiors on why they would designate kill orders on criminals. I never cared to begin with anyway, so I just obeyed, I just killed, more convenient that way." Mikumo stated dismissively before he raised his hand and pointed at himself.

"But that was me. That was how I operate." Mikumo then pointed at Izuku. "You are you, you operate the way you want to. If it means sparing cunts that you think are redeemable, if it means allowing monsters that has the potential to be humans to walk from you, if it means throwing a few lowlifes that are better off dead to prison, so be it." Mikumo told his apprentice before gesturing to the folders on his table.

"I just want you to learn that some people are irredeemable. I want you to learn that some people deserves to die. I want you to learn that some people can lose their right to live. I want you to learn that some people are better off dead. I want you to learn to decide on that on your own." Mikumo slid the five profiles back to Izuku. "Admittedly, I want you to have more targets, but this five are acceptable. You determined that they deserved to die, and that is acceptable enough for me. Maybe, one day, when you harden your heart, your standards would lower, but for now, this is enough."

Mikumo looked at Izuku right in the eye. "Start hunting."

(56th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

It took Izuku three days to locate his five targets, and it took him four days to dispose of them.

Not bad.

Not Jackal level good, but it is still within the parameters of a decent Peacemaker.

By the end of the day, that is what Izuku could have been if he was born in my generation. An elite Peacemaker.

I think, if Izuku was born in my generation, I would have been close friends with him. Yes, he would probably be like Nana and would give me flak for my excessive killing, but he would have understood me better than Nana, and he and I would probably exchange drinks in bars while doing our outmost best to reject Kazuchika's offer to fuck a few prostitutes.

Izuku would have done well as a Peacemaker.

In this era, Izuku has to be satisfied with being a Show Dog.

Pity really.

Still, Izuku had improved his tracking abilities as well as his killing abilities.

Izuku slew his targets without any incident. In and out, one strike each, zero collateral, no witnesses.

Izuku still vomits after every kill, and he counts his kills, which is something I would advised against, but as I said before, Izuku does not have the heart and a mindset of a killer. If counting the number of people that he had slain will help him stay sane, so be it.

To each his own.

Izuku skills, strength, and power is growing exponentially by the day. His swordsmanship is nearing the level of Kazuchika at the beginning of his career as a Peacekeeper. His hand-to-hand skills are at the level that I would consider acceptable. His tactical and strategically abilities are only limited to what he is not willing to use. His Mutation is developing nicely and his usage of said Mutation is innovated to say the least.

I am aware that Izuku's Mutation is no ordinary fire, but for fuck sakes, his application of those flames are mind boggling.

If only he grows out of his reluctance to use his Mutation, Izuku would be a truly fearsome opponent.

That aside, Izuku is nearing the level in which he would not need me as a teacher at all.

I am aware that I have taught Izuku practically everything he knows.

Unfortunately, I cannot teach him everything that I now.

The reason, some of my skills, Izuku would be incapable of learning, or he would not have the stomach to learn it.

But that is okay.

Izuku is a smart. He knows that I cannot teach him everything that I know. That is okay.

Izuku will develops skills that even I am incapable of.

I am me.

Izuku is Izuku.

One day, Izuku will surpass everything that I am.

Hopefully, when that time comes, Izuku will have everything that I did not have.

(57th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

All for One…

I hate that man.

There are no words in any language that exists in this world can describe the hatred that I have for that man.

He killed Nana, and although my relationship with her was in the shitters at that point of our lives, I never stopped loving her.

I still love her to this day.

When Nana was murdered, I made it my life goal to kill All for One.

Of course, I failed.

I was never equip to beat him. Regardless of all my skills, my tactics, my strategies, regardless of all the weapons that I have under my disposal, I was never capable of killing that Devil.

But I was capable of being a headache to him though.

After all, I and my Jackals were the reasons why his Chimeras are an endangered species.

Monsters that were used to be thousands were reduced to a few hundreds.

No disrespect to Nana, disrespect to All Cunt though, but I have done more to be a hindrance to All for One that the two wielders of One for All had ever been.

And that is the reason why I have never hanged my boots.

If there is one thing that I appreciate All for One for, the one thing that I begrudgingly respect him for, it is the fact that the Jackals that had forfeited their license to the government, the Jackals that had retired, he never went after them.

And not just them.

The Peacemakers that retired after the system was rebooted, All for One never went after them.

That is baffling considering that our generation of Peacekeepers, we were very close in beating him. We came close in killing him in fact.

Another reason to hate Shimura, he went gung ho in reforming the system without waiting for us to eliminate the one fucker that would have freed Japan from its personal boogeyman.

Fuck you, Shimura, fuck you and damn you.

Still, All for One did not target the retired Peacekeepers that were legitimate thorns in his side. He never went after the retired Jackals that assisted me in making his life hell.

When they left the field, All for One left them alone.

I don't know why, I don't care, but I was thankful.

All for One will not extend that courtesy for me.

When the last of my subordinate retired and I became the last active Jackal, All for One sent a lot of bastards at me. Whether they be criminals under his clout or Chimeras that has an axe to grind with me, he sent a lot of bastards at my direction.

Most of them are dead now, but that did not deter him from sending people to take my life.

The last 25 years of my life before I took Izuku as a student, I spent killing more than hunting All for One's monsters.

I could not spend more than a month in a single town without a Chimera or a criminal attempting to take my life.

That is why it baffles me that only two Chimeras have found me in the last 3 years and four months.

Normally, in the past, in a week, if I stayed in a city for that long, I would have had a dozen Chimeras to contend with.

For the past three years and four months, I only contend with two, one of which, Izuku did most of the work.

Baffling, but welcoming all the same.

The said, my luck had ran out.

I am aware of my abilities and my limitations. That knowledge have saved me from taking on monsters that would have slaughtered me.

There are 24 Chimeras that still exists that I am incapable of killing. Regardless of the tactics or strategies that I would employ, regardless of the weapons that I would use, those 24 Chimeras, I would be incapable of killing.

At best, I would need a squad to kill one of those Chimeras.

I don't have a squad anymore.

The Jackals originally have 320 soldiers, 56 survived and are now retired, and I am not dragging any of them back to the field.

One of those 24 Chimeras is currently in Musutafu, or at least her fillers and scouts are. I am pretty sure one of her scouts have seen me.

Normally, I would have left Musutafu already, I would have disappeared for a month or so, just to shrugged of this particular Chimera.

Done it before, I could do it again.

I won't be doing it now.

Izuku is nearing that level. The level in which he won't need me anymore.

For him to grow even more, for him to become something that is truly remarkable, he needs a reason, he needs a push.

And I know what that push is going to be.

I hate myself sometimes.

(58th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I tracked down a high level Chimera.

Code Name: Artillery; This Chimera, aside from the typical physical enhancement mutation and regeneration mutation, has seven confirmed mutations, his most used mutation allowed him to assimilate weapons, mostly firearms, into his body, and the weapons that he assimilates, he could apply using his body.

This bastard also has a body mutation that allows him to harden his blood until they are as hard as diamonds, which in turned, gave him the ability to load the weapons that he had assimilated within his body with diamond bullets.

I could also remember that this Chimera has a Mutation that gives him exceptional maneuverability.

This fucker is one of the surviving Chimeras that had escape me and my Jackals in our heyday.

This Chimera, I could kill him on my own.

So I had Izuku go after him as a form of a test.

I just wanted to make sure.

And I was assured.

Izuku won, he beat and killed Artillery.

The fight lasted for about 15 minutes, too long for my taste but considering the skill and power level of the Chimera, it is forgivable and acceptable. Izuku struggled for at least seven minutes of that fight as he analyzes the Mutations of the Chimera. After the analysis, Izuku fought from the bottom, he overwhelmed Artillery, killed him, before cremating the body.

Izuku is extremely formidable with his Longsword. I often forgets that his preferred sword is a European Longsword because of how rarely he uses it outside of training.

I need to remember that Izuku claims that his swords are temperamental.

That aside, I have some criticism regarding Izuku's fight with Artillery, but that is not important.

What is important is the fact that Izuku won against a high level Chimera, all on his own, without any assistance.

Izuku can survive in my field, in my world.

(Scene Change)

Kodai Genzou is the current Commissioner of the Hero Association. He was 82 years old, but he looked to not be over 60 years, and this was due to good health and good body conditioning.

He was also a former Jackal.

He was Jackal Number 3 to be exact, the left hand man of Yamikumo.

And today, he had himself a visitor.

Genzou entered his private office in the Hero Association Headquarters, and he was doing his best to not show his aggravation.

Meeting and speaking with that bitch always soured his mood.

Stepping into his office, Genzou immediately turned his head to the side to avoid a familiar looking shield flying at his direction.

Genzou watched the shield ricochet throughout his office before a familiar man caught with his hand.

"I see that being a pencil pusher did not cripple your senses." Mikumo commented as he placed his shield on his back. "Evangelion." Mikumo greeted his left hand with a curt nod.

Genzou gazed upon the man that he respected the most in the world. The man who had been his commander in both his time as a Peacekeeper and a Jackal.

Swiftly, Genzou shut the door closes, triple locking it, before he went down on his knees and bowed reverently at Mikumo.

"Commander, what do I owe the pleasure?" Genzou breathed out, voice respectful as his head touch the ground in respect for the man who had been the protector of Japan.

Mikumo could only sigh exasperatedly at the over the top greeting that his friend gave him. "Stand up, Gen! How many times do I have to tell you?! There is no need for this shit!"

Genzou did not rise from his bowing position. In fact, he looked to be trying to kneel deeper from his current position.

Sighing one more time, Mikumo spoke. "At ease and stand."

Genzou jumped back to his feet and gave Mikumo as customary Jackal salute. "Commander, it is good to see you again."

"Same." Mikumo replied swiftly, and he did his best not to roll his eyes due to his former subordinate looking inordinately please at his reply. "This is not a social call though." Mikumo brought out a manila envelope and put it on Genzou's office table.

"Are you coming out of retirement, sir?" Genzou inquired as he walked towards him. "Whatever you need sir, name it, I'll give it to you."

"I am not coming out of retirement." Mikumo told Genzou. "This is for a contingency that might happen in the next few months."

"Contingency, sir?" Genzou picked up the manila envelope, but before he could open it, Mikumo stopped him.

"Open the envelop four days from now, in 1600 hours, Eastern Time." Mikumo ordered. "I'll be handing out the same packet to the old crowd. I gave you yours first considering that you would be the most important piece in the contingency that I am planning."

Genzou squealed in joy at that information.

Mikumo could only roll his eyes.

Among the surviving Jackals, Kodai Genzou is the most useful for his plans, but the man can be an utter, annoying fanboy at time.

"Once I deliver all the packets to the other surviving Jackals, discussed among yourselves if you are all willing to grant me this favor. If willing, I appreciate it. If not, that is okay to, but have a meeting among yourselves nonetheless. This contingency is important." Mikumo instructed before walking towards the exit.

(Scene Change)

"You are always welcome to my house. No need to sneak in."

"Kazuchika." Mikumo greeted as he stood behind his best friend and his right hand man.

"Mikumo." Kazuchika greeted back before taking a bottle of his newly brewed sake. "A new recipe, you'll like it." Kazuchika said, offering a bottle of sake to his commander.

Mikumo accepted the bottle before putting a manila envelope in Kazuchika's hands. "I need a favor from you."

"Name it." Kazuchika said as he looked at the packet his commander gave him with interest.

"In four days." Mikumo replied before patting his friend on the shoulder. "Thank you."

"For the sake?" Kazuchika asked.

"No." Mikumo replied in a negative. "For something else."

(59th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

I never really appreciated my comrades, my friends, my brothers and sisters to the degree that they deserved.

When I established the Jackals, I recruited the best of the best within the Peacekeeper Corps. I intended to recruit 1000 people, I only got 320, I included in the total tally.

Among those 320 Jackals, only 57 survived, and looking at all of them personally for probably the last time, made me realize how much all of them meant to me.

Those 320 Jackals followed me to hell and back, and although they left the Jackals, all of them never hesitated to help when I asked them for it.

To this day, even though I lead the majority of the Jackals to their deaths, all of them still respected and admire me.

Funny, I became sentimental knowing that my end is near.

Still, having one last reunion with the surviving Jackals was fun.

Although I would rather have them not begged me to leave my current location and go to hiding.

Seriously, this place is my boyhood home. I'd rather die here than in a ditch somewhere in this country.

Add to that, it was funny to see the genuine surprised on Kazuchika's face when he discovered that his son procreated and had three children.

Apparently, Kazuchika's relationship with his son is as bad as I would assumed.

Him not knowing the existence of his grandchildren aside, Kazuchika was very happy that I took his grandson under my wing, saying that Izuku would have been pathetic if his son had trained him. He was also quite prideful to know that his grandson inherited his talent with the sword.

Apparently, according to him, his genius with the sword skipped a generation.

I laughed at this while I ignoring Kazuchika hoarding over the fact that I had taken his blood as an apprentice over Genzou.

Those two still can't get along outside the battlefield.

I miss their banter, I really, really do.

Still, it was a struggle and a half to convince them of my plan. It was difficult to convince them of the necessity of it.

I succeeded in the end, and they conceded and agreed with me.

I know that some of them are still unconvinced, they don't know Izuku as well as I do after all, but they all trust me. They trust my judgment, my foresight, my everything, and that is enough for all of them to go through with my schemes.

I am grateful that they are onboard with my plans.

After, I will need all of them for the success of this plan.

Izuku will need all of them to end everything.

That aside, the last meeting that I had with my former comrades was the longest meeting that I ever had with them.

I want to remember their voices and their looks.

My comrades, my friends, my brothers and sisters.

It was an honor.

(Scene Change)

"Izuku, catch." Izuku turned around and immediately saw a rapidly spinning shield flying at him. Raising both hands, Izuku caught the shield, but the shield was thrown with enough force that it pushed him back a yard.

"Ouch!" Izuku groaned as he looked at the familiar circular shield. The shield was painted to make it look like the Japanese flag.

"Nice reflexes." Mikumo complimented.

"Don't want to get hit by Mugetsu again." Izuku told his master.

"Don't call it that." Mikumo said as he motioned Izuku for his shield.

Izuku nodded and threw Mugetsu back at Mikumo.

Mikumo caught the shield with a single hand.

"Throw it with you entire body, use your hips, back, and elbow." Mikumo instructed as he threw the shield back at Izuku.

Izuku caught the shield again, and he winced as he was push back a yard again.

"And when you're catching it, use your damn knees." Mikumo added as he motioned Izuku for his shield again.

Izuku once again threw the shield back at Mikumo.

Again, Mikumo caught it was a single hand. "Better." Mikumo complimented before throwing the shield back at Izuku.

"Follow me." Mikumo instructed as he began walking towards a wall. Izuku caught the shield again, this time, he was only push back by a foot. "And throw me back my shield."

Izuku obeyed as he sent Mugetsu back to his owner.

Catching the shield, Mikumo once again threw the shield back at Izuku, only this time, he had the shield bounce of the ground, causing the shield to fly at Izuku in a higher angle.

Izuku had to jump to catch the shield, and he winced due to the strain it had caused his wrist.

"Next time, when you catch a throw like that, take a few steps back, wait for the shield to be a bit lower before catching it." Mikumo advised.

Izuku nodded as he threw the shield back at his master, mimicking the throw that his master performed a few second ago.

Again, Mikumo caught the shield without problem. "Good." Mikumo said as he threw the shield back at Izuku in a similar fashion.

This time, Izuku caught the shield without any issue.

"Good, you're learning." Mikumo stated while Izuku threw the shield back at him without his prompting.

Again, like clockwork, Mikumo caught the shield before throwing it back at Izuku, only this time, Mikumo threw the shield at a wall. The shield bounce from the wall towards Izuku, in a low angle that would force Izuku to dive to the ground to catch it.

And Izuku did just that. He dove to the ground and caught the shield, before throwing the shield at the wall. The shield ricochet from the wall in a high angle towards Mikumo.

Again, with ease, Mikumo caught it.

Without a second of delay, Mikumo once again threw the shield at the wall, with the shield bouncing off the wall in an angle that would have made catching it difficult.

But Izuku still caught the shield, not with complete ease but he did not struggle with it all the same.

With the shield on hand, Izuku throw the shield at the ground a few feet from him. The shield bounce from the ground and flew at a high angle towards the wall. The shield touched the highest point of the wall, before ricocheting towards Mikumo.

Again, effortlessly, Mikumo caught the shield.

"Not bad." Mikumo complimented before he left his feet and jumped a few feet in the air. Mikumo flipped and spun in midair as he threw his shield at the wall again.

Izuku watched in fascination as the shield collided with the wall before flying towards the ground. Incredibly, when the shield touch the ground, the shield spun on the ground for a second before it bounced back at towards the wall. The shield then hit the wall before it ricochet towards Izuku.

It was thanks to the reflexes that he had developed training with Mikumo that Izuku was able to caught the shield.

With shield on hand, Izuku looked at his master with wide eyes. "What the fuck was that?" Izuku asked, both impressed with what he saw and shock at the supposed impossibility of said sight.

"That was a throw." Mikumo told him dismissively. "Give it back please." Mikumo requested.

Izuku obeyed, although this time, he did not try to make a show out of his throw.

Mikumo was different though.

Mikumo's next throw, he made the shield bounce two consecutive times on the ground which form the eponymous 'B' shape.

The throw after that, Mikumo threw the shield on to the ground. The shield spun rapidly on the ground before rolling speedily towards the wall. When the shield was a few feet from the wall, it bounce from the ground to the wall.

The throw after that, Mikumo threw the shield to the wall, but instead of the shield bouncing off the wall, the shield spun up the wall until it was on the highest peak before ricocheting off the wall.

The throw after that, Mikumo threw the shed to the wall while using a stuttered step. The shield, in midair, curved upwards before bouncing off the wall, but instead of the shield flying at Izuku, the shield flew past Mikumo's right shoulder. The shield then landed on the ground, surface first, but instead of the shield staying on the ground or even sliding on the ground, the shield spun rapidly before it flew once again to the wall. When the shield hit the wall, it bounced towards Izuku.

The next couple of throws that Mikumo performed, the shield acted as if it has its own physics.

Still, Izuku was still able to catch the shield whenever it bounces at his direction, with difficulty though. Regardless of how irregular the shield bounces, spins, and ricochet, and regardless of where the shield was aimed or how it travels, Izuku was still able to catch the shield.

After an hour, Mikumo stopped, giving Izuku a time to breath.

"That shied does not obey the laws of physics, at all." Izuku breathed out as he was bent over, breathing hard after the exercise. "None of those throws should be possible." Izuku commented.

"Yet, I performed them without any issue." Mikumo countered. "Always think everything is possible. Once you assume that something is impossible is the moment that something becomes unattainable for you." Mikumo told Izuku before motioning for him to follow him.

Izuku obeyed as the two left Mikumo's property.

Again, Mikumo threw the shield at Izuku, although this time, it was a normal throw.

Izuku caught it and threw it back to Mikumo.

Again and again, the master and student played ultimate Frisbee with Mikumo's shield.

As they played catch, Izuku noticed that his master was moving farther and farther from him until they reached the forest the surrounded Mikumo's home.

Mikumo blended within the forest, his body being swiftly hidden from the sight of his student.

Izuku sense more than saw his master and he hears more than sees the shield coming at him.

Still, Izuku caught the shield and continued throwing it to the general vicinity of his master.

Mikumo always caught all of Izuku throws, and Mikumo returned the shield either using a throw that resulted in the shield flying in an irregular manner or throwing the shield the resulted in an irregular bounce on the trees.

Regardless of the manner Mikumo threw his shield, Izuku always caught it without any issue.

The student and master continued this exercise throughout the afternoon and well throughout the night.

If Izuku is being honest, this was the most fun training that he ever had with his master.

(60th Recording: Akatani Mikumo)

Izuku, if you are listening to this, it means that I am dead.

Don't panic! Don't do anything stupid!

I am a Jackal. I am the first Jackal.

Dead had always stood by my side.

In fact, I never expected to live this long.

I have been in this world for 82 years, and I've spent a good portion of those years killing.

It was a hard life. I would say that, aside from a few reprieves, I lived a completely miserable life.

You made the last four years of my life the best moments of my life.

This past 4 years with you Izuku, had been the happiest of my life.

You are the son that I never had.

I have two regrets:

First, not meeting you sooner.

Second, not being able to see what kind of man you'll become in the future.

Those are my two regrets.


Move well!

Learn well!

Play well!

Eat well!

Rest Well!

Enjoy your life merrily to the fullest!

….when you find my unmoving body, go to Nene. My last will and testament is with her. I left something for you. Accept it or reject it, you decide. A part of me wants you to reject it, but I know you, and I know that the path that you'll be taking is something that you did not plan on ever taking.

My apologies for pushing you on a path that you should never take.

Although, if you may, do me a favor, succeed or fail, be happy.

I want you to find your happiness. I want you to find a woman, or women, that would stand by your side. If you prefer men, then go for it. Have a good life kid, be happy, live happy, and die contently.

I'll see you on the other side kid…

I love you, Izuku.


(Scene Change)

Turning of the recorder, Mikumo hid the device in a place where Izuku could easily find it, a place where no one would look.

Taking a breath, Mikumo grabbed a phone and called one of the two former Jackals living in Musutafu.

"Is Izuku there, Nene?" Mikumo asked when Nene picked up her phone.

"[He is.]" Nene confirmed, voice solemn. "[He is helping with the children. He is very good with them.]"

"That's good." Mikumo stated as he looked at himself in the mirror. Regardless of how old he is, his Peacekeeper Field Uniform, the Uniform that he wore throughout his Peacekeeping and Jackal career always fitted nicely on him.

"[Permission to speak freely, sir?]" Nene asked formally.

"Granted." Mikumo answered absentmindedly.

"[You are a cruel man, sir.]" Nene told him sadly.

"I am aware." Mikumo agreed. "Look after Izuku for me." Mikumo begged his friend.

"[I will, sir. All of us will]" Nene exclaimed, voice sounding teary. "[Serving under you, sir, had been the greatest honor of my life!]" Nene sobbed out as her cries echoed through the room.

"Leading all of you had been mine." Mikumo replied back as he cut off the call.

Taking his signature shield off his back and fastening it on his right hand, Mikumo left his room and made his way out of his residence.

He was walking towards his last war. While walking towards his home for four years, Mikumo began reminiscing of the days he spent with Izuku in his home.

Those memories cause a single tear to fall from his eyes.

The last four years were the happiest of his life.

At the exit of home, a familiar figured stood.

"Jackal Number 1, Yamikumo." The figure greeted cordially.

"Chimera, Code Name: Izanami." Yamikumo greeted back, voice cordial.

"You are aware of my name, right? There is no point in using my moniker if you could just use my name." The figure pouted at Mikumo as she leaned on the wall.

"Like I would actually call you by your name." Mikumo said dismissively. "Did he sent you to kill me?"

"Yes." Izanami confirmed.

"Shall we begin then?" Mikumo raised his shield in preparation for the fight.

"Father sent me to kill you." Izanami reconfirmed. "But I won't." Izanami told him as she gestured outside. "There are ten of my kin waiting for you outside. They want to kill you, and I think you have better odds surviving them than you have surviving me."

Mikumo looked at the Chimera standing before him before he straighten his posture and walked past her.

"My offer still stands." Izanami told him as he stood beside her. "Be mine, and you get to live for many more years, besides me. I can have you de-aged until you are at your prime, and I would make you the happiest man in the world."

"No." Yamikumo replied.

Izanami chuckled at that, expecting the answer.

"Pity." Izanami stated. "You are going to die today, Mikumo-kun."

"I know." Mikumo said as he offered the Chimera a smile. "But what comes after my death, what will come after my death, none of you will survive."

With those parting words, Mikumo stepped out of his home.

Ten Chimeras, fangs bared, raged evident, greeted him.

Mikumo greeted them with a feral grin as he walked towards them.

(Scene Change)

Throughout Japan, several men and women who had seen, fought, and been through hell, looked at the sky and saluted the man that they all respected and loved.

In a hospital somewhere in Musutafu, Midoriya Izuku's body straightened as he looked at the horizon where his master's home was located.

Tears began falling from his eyes as he suddenly felt his heart being torn to shred.

"Master!" Izuku whispered tearfully and helplessly as his mutation activated.

He flew from the hospital to the home of his master and father.

What he would see when he arrived, would be a sight that he would never forget.

What he would see when he arrived, would be a sight that would mold him into a man.

Read. Review, and Enjoy.

Story proper begins next chapter.

Next Chapter: The Rage and Grief of a Patient and Gentle Child Part 1