The Hero of the Sky

Chapter 0: Trailer

Disclaimer I don't own My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローア

The body is for mercy.

A fourteen year old Akatani Izuku, wearing what seems to be a heavily modified Gakuran Uniform, with its left sleeve torn off, and a utility belt around his waist. His left arm, from his left shoulders all the way to his left fingers, was completely covered with a green sleeve. Izuku was also wearing a wooden, hand carved, Dragon mask.

Currently, Akatani Izuku, in his capacity as the Pro Hero Gabriel was in pursuit of a villain.

'Why do they always run?' Izuku thought dryly as he chased after one of Japan's most wanted.

This villain was male with a Stealth Quirk that allows him to misdirect the senses and attention of those around him to wherever he chooses.

A good Quirk, all things considered.

The man had also utilized this Quirk to rob businesses and banks as well as too harassed women.

The man was lucky that he did not have rape in his criminal history. If the man did, Izuku would have killed him, no questions, asked.

The villain's Quick is fantastic for stealth.

Problem is, he is a Sky, and everything under the sky, everything within his vicinity, he could easily detect.

Nothing could hide from his eyes or from his intuition.

'Well, time to end this.' Channeling Sky Flames into his legs, he moved in speeds that would make the Iida family green in envy. He closed the gap between himself and the villain, and in a blink of an eye, he slammed his knee to the back of the villain's head.

The impact was enough to put the villain to the ground, rattling his skull.

Not wanting to see if the villain was still conscious, Izuku jumped in the air for a good four feet, both knees press on his chest, before savagely bringing down both of his feet to the back of the villain.

The villain gasped in pain before losing consciousness.

Izuku sighed in satisfaction.

"One more stricken out from the book." Izuku told himself before raising his right wrist near his lips. Pushing the sleeve down, a watched was shown. "Containment unit to my position please." Izuku requested.

"Right away boss." An electronic voice replied.

Izuku waited for merely a minute before a metal casket dropped into his position. The casket opened its top, revealing an empty space.

Grabbing the villain from the scruff of his collar, Izuku casually throw the villain into the casket before uncaringly closing the top.

"Deliver him to the nearest police precinct." Izuku ordered before tapping a button in his watched.

"Yes Boss." The casket suddenly roared to life before flying off to the air and moving towards the direction of the nearest police precinct.

Izuku could sense that people were converging to his position. Immediately, he grabbed his grappling gun and fired at the nearest building. When the grappling hook embedded itself into hard concrete, he pulled himself upwards before a crowd could form.

He did not took a side job as a Pro Hero to earn fame and cheers from the faceless masses.

Fame changes people.

He will not allow such a horrible thing to change himself.

A single edge for men.

Akatani Izuku, fourteen years of age, stood on top of a hill, overlooking the road below. He wore a long, sleeve, form fitting black shirt, with its left sleeve torn off. Over the shirt, he wore a protective, tactical vest, with numerous pouches filled to the brim with gadgets and tools. He also wore a pair of black cargo pants. A black utility belt was wrapped around his waist. His left arm, from his shoulders to his fingers was wrapped with a black cloth.

Over his head, he wore a fearsome, full-face mask that resembles the face of a dragon. The mask has four eye slits, further enhancing the mask's inhuman appearance.

Izuku was humming a tune as he waited for his target. Only a handful of heroes dedicates their careers in taking down the villains listed in the country's most wanted list. Considering his age and his other profession, hunting down high profile villains is perfect for him.

Still, hunting down those villains involved a lot of waiting and researching.

Fortunately, he was willing to do both.

In addition, he is given a lot more leeway when dealing with those high level villains.

Izuku perked up as his senses detected a particularly strong presence.

"Show time." Izuku exclaimed as he centered himself into the sky.

He gathered the power that he had access to, channeling said power into his body before jumping down to the road.

He slammed his left fist to the luxury vehicle that was going to pass by him, destroying the hood and engine of the car.

Immediately, the three vehicles behind and the two vehicles in front of the car that he landed on skidded to a stop.

Izuku stood to his feet as those inside the numerous cars began to step out from their respective vehicles, guns at the ready and Quirks at the verge of activating.

Izuku snorted.

That will not do them any good.

Izuku could feel their power levels. Izuku could comprehend their Quirks. Izuku could identified all of their weapons.

Nothing that they currently have can hurt him.

That being said, Izuku would not give them the opportunity to fire a single attack at him.

Knowing one's ability is great. Knowing the ability of your opponent is better. And not getting hit, regardless of the infectivity of the attacks is simply preferable.

Izuku opened his right hand before uttering a command.


In less than a second, a katana with a blade of 32 inches and a handle of 14 inches appeared in Izuku's right hand.

Before the second could pass and before the first shot was fired, Izuku was already in the move.

"Sky Dance: Sixth Wind Waltz: Eastern Wind's Melody."

"Sky Dance: Sixth Rain Waltz: Western Rain's Drizzle."

"Sky Dance: Six Mist Waltz: Southern Mist Cascade."

Izuku moved in such speeds that it was almost impossible to follow his movements. As he moves, a storm of swords slashes and thrusts littered throughout the road. With each swing and stab of his sword, his blade released an arc or blast of orange flames.

For what seems like minutes, although it was merely two seconds, Izuku finally seized moving, a soft grunt escaping his mouth as pain surged through his legs and arms.

"18…" Izuku grumbled in disappointment as he slammed the pommel of his sword on both of his legs in order to get the feeling back to his limbs. "Need to up my training. Everything should have been chained perfectly, and I didn't even get to the North." Izuku scolded himself before looking over his shoulders.

"Still, at least it was enough." Izuku looked at his handy work.

Six vehicles were slashed cleanly to shreds. The road were littered with corpses, and none of the corpses were in one piece. All of the corpses were in numerous pieces, with their wounds cauterize to prevent their bloody from spilling out of their bodies.

Everything could have been perfect if he had use the Northern part of his dance.

"My limit is still the fifth." Izuku groaned in disappointment before walking towards one of the destroyed cars.

He extended his left arm at one of the large pieces of steel that now littered the road. With a flicker of his left index finger, a blast of sky flames pushed the steel off the road.

Izuku shifted his head to avoid a bolt of lightning that was fired to his head.

"Nice try." Izuku told the last remaining villain in the road. "But, that's a bit slow." Izuku pointed out before extending his left arm again to catch the second bolt of lightning that was shot at him.

Izuku almost laughed at the expression that his target had on his face. It was not a common sight to see someone catch a bolt of lightning with their bare hands.

Izuku looked at his target, and it was a perfect matched when compared to his list.

Kazuchi Naito, age 43, standing at the height of 5 feet, 10 inches. Lanky built, black eyes, short brown hair, with a mole on the left side of his nose.

Quirk: Lightning Strike. This gives Naito the ability to fire a concentrated blast of lightning from his fingertips.

He is a villain known as Striker. He has rap sheet a kilometer long, but all Izuku cared about is the man's history of rape.

Izuku hates rape. If a villain is wanted for murder, even numerous counts, Izuku would send them to prison with a few broken bones or severed limbs. If a villain is wanted for thievery or robbery or for assualt, Izuku would send them to prison.

But if a villain has a history of rape, Izuku will not send them to jail. Izuku would outright kill them.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Izuku asked him as he pointed the tip of his sword to the heart of the villain. Izuku dropped into a partial crouch, both knees bent, left arm drawn back and right arm extended forward; he grasps the pommel of his Katana with his left hand and rests the tips of the fingers of his right hand on the blade near the blade's tip. "I am flexible, but I prefer my blade to your heart." As he said those words, the entire blade in Izuku's hand was encase with a brilliant amber flame.

Naito growled at the monster in front of him, at the monster who wiped out his entire gang. He felt fear as well but his anger was the more prominent emotion within him at the moment. Utilizing every bit of power that he was able to harness from his Quirk, shot a massive bolt of lightning toward his attacker.

Izuku shook his head as he moved in a way that was similar to lightning.

"Sky Dance: First Lightning Waltz: Lightning Arrow!"

Izuku lunged at Naito with a speed comparable to that of lightning, the flames on his blade turned into electrical. Izuku's blade thrust cut through the beam of lightning that the villain fired at him. Izuku thrust his sword to the heart of the villain, his lunge having enough force to push himself and the villain for a few meters. When Izuku skidded to a stop, the villain that he impaled with his sword had half of his chest obliterated. The heart of the villain was reduce to nothing on impact.

Izuku pushed the corpse of the villain to the ground, cringing in disgust as the body's excess blood spilled all over the pavement.

"Should have just stuck to pure Sky Flames. My Harmony needs work." Izuku told himself before swinging his sword to the mess that he left behind him.

"Sorahime, Cry!"

A massive wave of sky flames was released from the blade of his sword towards the destruction that he left behind. The waved of sky flames washed over the corpses and decimated vehicles. When the sky flames dispersed, not a single piece of wreckage, not a single piece of the corpses were left behind. Curiously enough, there was not a single scorch mark on the road.

Izuku extended his left arm at the corpse in front of him, his left hand forming an open palm.

"When you get to hell and meet the bastards and monsters that I've sent there, tell them to wait for me." An orb of fire was formed in the palm of his hand. "When my time comes and I am thrown to hell, I will kill you and them all over again." With those parting words, Izuku burned the corpse of the villain Striker to nonexistence.

"As my capacity as Jackal No.321, Yamikumo the Second, I sentence you to death!"

Two edges for monsters.

Izuku was currently in a commercial car, a type of car that was owned by the majority of the Japanese middle class. The car was parked in front of three buildings.

Izuku wore his killing uniform.

"Hey, it's me…" Izuku greeted as he pressed his phone to his ear, his eyes looking at the three buildings in front of him.


"Yeah, I just remembered that you owe me a favor and I am cashing in." Izuku informed the caller on the other line. "The pictures that I sent to you, those two buildings, how soon can you sell them to me?" Izuku asked, eyeing the two buildings that he was hoping to procure.

He was also eyeing the building that stood in between said buildings.


"That soon, okay." Izuku grabbed another phone from his pocket before inputting several digits. "Please open your bank account." Izuku requested.


"Yes, that account." Izuku confirmed. Izuku for a few second before pressing the send button. "Is that enough for those buildings?"


"Bastard." Izuku scoffed good naturedly as he entered a few more digits before pressing send.


"You're welcome." Izuku told the caller. "You have thirty minutes to put those buildings under my name, is that doable?"


"Good, do it then and call me back when the property is transferred to my name." Izuku instructed as he hanged up and recline to his chair. His eyes stared at the setting sun.

It was almost nightfall, and if his fortunate, no civilians would be caught in the crossfire.

His war, his father's war, will end with the least amount of innocent bloodshed.

Izuku waited patiently. His friend was efficient. He will get those buildings under his name in half an hour. He was great like that.

After exactly half an hour and not a second late, he received a text. Reading the text, he smiled. His friend came through. Izuku opened another app from his phone, revealing a virtual keypad. Pressing a certain combination of keys, Izuku disregarded the phone inside the vehicle before stepping out of the car. Izuku went to the trunk. Popping the trunk open, Izuku looked at the array of firearms that he had prepared for this specific operation.

His Quirk is useful, but sometimes, doing it old school is the better part of valor.

Izuku grabbed the weapons that he would need in this particular raid.

The AK-47 never did become obsolete, and considering the modification that he made to the AK-47 that he fastened on his back, it will prove useful for this particular endeavor.

The Benelli M4 never failed to stagger or outright kill a cunt with a Hardening Quirk with the right shot.

And then the pistols. Izuku was very fond of the Desert Eagle, and the Glock 26 had served him well in his last shootout.

Izuku fastened and secured his weapons, grateful that there was no one who was looking at him.

The street where he currently stood was not abandoned. There were several civilians loitering in the streets, but none of them were looking at him. It was not because it was normal to see a 14 year old arming himself or carrying firearms that would normally be reserved for S.W.A.T officers.

No, the reason why no one was looking at him was because of his Quirk, or one of the mental aspects of his Quirk.

"Sky Suggestion and Sky Hypnotism are really useful tools." Izuku commented as he mentally counted down.

'5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.'

Twin explosions roared in the city block that he was in as the two buildings that he had just purchased collapsed in such a way that two structures sandwich the building in between them.

Izuku ignored the explosions, he was used to explosions in this point of his life, and merely smiled when he felt the familiar feeling of an EMP going off. It was difficult making an EMP in such a short notice, but he managed and that was all that matters.

"Show time." Izuku told himself as he readied his shotgun and dashed towards the damage building.

Again, thanks to his Quirk, no one saw him running towards said building. They were too busy panicking or gawking.

Izuku fired one shot from his shotgun to blow open the door of the last standing building, creating an entrance for him to jump into.

The moment he entered the building, he saw two guards looking at him.

Izuku took care of them first.

With one shot to the chest and a second shot to the head, the first guard was dead.

The second guard, Izuku hit with the butt of his gun before firing twice, one to the chest and one to the head.

The two guards died immediately.

Izuku felt a few more hostiles approaching, most of them in the process of activating their Quirks.

Izuku reloaded five shells to his shotgun before stomping on the ground hard, releasing a massive pulse of sky flames that suppressed the Quirks in his immediate vicinity.

Harmony is such a wonderful aspect of his Quirk.

Izuku could taste the surprised of the three hostiles due to the jamming of their Quirks, and he did not allow them to recover.

Two shotgun shells for each hostile, and they died.

Izuku reloaded six shells to his shotgun before stomping on the floor once more.

This time, Izuku utilized the Stability aspect of his Quirk, causing the ground to destabilize. The floor beneath Izuku collapsed, causing him to fall to the floor below.

Izuku grunted slightly as the force of his fall sent vibrations throughout his body.

Izuku promised himself to continue practicing the application of the Stability element of his flames into multiple targets at once

Still, he still has the sense of mind to erect a wall of Sky flames to block the upcoming projectiles fired at him.

His master told him that if entry is compromise, defense should always be applied before and after entry.

Izuku felt his sky flames burning away numerous projectiles, and as it was doing so, he secured his shotgun on his back before grabbing his AK-47 rifle.

Izuku shifted his AK-47 to its automatic setting before he took aim. When he identified his targets, he began firing through the wall of sky flames.

If there was one feature of his quirk that Izuku like, it is the ability of his flames to discern what to attack and defend against.

The bullets that he fired was not something he willed his Quirk to defend against so his bullets sailed through the wall of flames without any hindrance.

45 bullets later, Izuku reloaded a new clip to his rifle, his wall of Sky flames no longer being assailed by projectiles.

Izuku felt seven lives being snuffed out in a matter of seconds.

Izuku did not care. They choose their side, they reap both rewards and consequences of their decision.

Izuku shifted his rifle into its single action mode before pointing his rifle upwards.

He pulled the trigger eight times.

Two bodies fell from the whole that he made, a bullet hole on their heads, neck, chest, and stomach.

Izuku moved forward, his rifle at the ready, his senses sharp and keen.

He kicked open a door that would lead him to the floor below, before stepping backward to dodge a punch form a guard that looks to have a strength enhancing Quirk. It was evident due to the floor where he used to stand was reduce to dust on impact from the man's fist.

The guard tried to strike Izuku once again, but a kick on the man's shoulder mid swing caused the man to stagger.

Six bullets later, three in the chest, one in the neck, and two in the head, and his attacker was down for the count.

People with strength augmenting Quirks are naturally tough, but their quirks are enhancement not fortification, and small, metallic projectile traveling at the speed of sound tends to punch through muscle and bones regardless of how thick or tough.

Izuku continued heading down, thought several presence coming up to his direction made him known that his work would not be easy.

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Izuku felt more than see the first hostile approaching, he fired four bullets, all aim at the vitals of said hostile.

The hostile was down before he could see Izuku.

Izuku felt several Quirks in the process of activating.

He jammed those Quirks before they could manifest.

Often times, Izuku laugh at how unprepared people are when their Quirks are taken from them.

Quirks are weapons and every weapon has the capacity to fail. How one adapts to those failures determines life or death, victory or defeat.

The people that was hired to protect this establishment did not seems to adapt well.

Izuku had to empty the clip that was currently loaded into his rifle, and when he entered the next floor, he left at least eight bodies behind him.

Izuku then secured the rifle to his back before grabbing his Glock and Desert Eagle. He took five steps into the corridor before stopping.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku stomped on the ground hard, utilizing the Stability aspect of his Quirk to decimate the floor beneath him.

Izuku fell to the floor below, and before his feet could reach the ground, he started firing.

There was no need to look or aim as Izuku immersed himself into the sky.

Eight bullets were fired from his Desert Eagle and another 10 bullets were released from his Glock.

The moment his feet touch the floor, six bodies collapsed with a thud.

Before Izuku could get his bearings back, a fist tore through the wall of flames that he summoned on entry and landed firmly to his chest. Izuku gasped in pain as he was slammed through a glass wall.

A kick to the gut followed causing the glass wall to shatter and for Izuku to fall a good ten feet from the room that he was forcibly ejected from. Before he could land back first on the ground, Izuku released a burst of Sky flames that made him hover a few inches from the ground. Another burst of sky flames allowed him to propel himself upwards to his feet, avoiding another blow from the man that attacked him.

His attacker tried to land another blow to Izuku but he caught his attacker's fist with his left hand.

"That's the most damage I got in a week." Izuku grunted, spitting a mouthful of blood as he finish his setence, before making a fist with his right hand, said fist was encase with Sky flames. "Let me return the favor." Izuku slammed his right fist to the face of his attacker, staggering the man. A knee strike to the jaw and a second punch to the side of his head drop the man to one knee. With no effort at all, Izuku lifted the man off his feet with his left arm before throwing him across the room.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku regain his composure before taking stock on where he currently is.

No matter how many times he sees it, the sight of children, some of them young, some of them malnourished, some of them in the verge of death, in cages enrage him to no end. The fact that those children were drugged to the gills further engaged him.

"You know, at first, I did not hate All for One." Izuku spoke loudly and he felt the surprised from the man that he had thrown across the room. "But two years as a Jackal, I finally developed hatred for the man." Izuku looked at his attacker.

"We have roughly three minutes before the Heroes get here, let me give you an ultimatum, I am leaving with every children here and you will allow it. In exchange, I will leave you alive." Izuku offered, his right hand raised. "Or you can attack me, and I would gladly turn you into a corpse." Izuku threatened as he glared at the man. "What's your choice, Chimera?"

The Chimera across him growled before a plate of armored emerged from his skin and covered every inch of his body.

"Death it is." A brilliant amber flame erupted from Izuku's right hand. "We have three minutes, although I only need one."

"As my capacity as Jackal No.321, Yamikumo the Second, I sentence you to death!"

Izuku could hear a growl as the Chimera before him swung both of his arms backwards. From his forearms, two long metallic whips burst outwards into existence. With another gesture of his arms, the whips went flying towards Izuku's direction.

Izuku uttered a word.


A flash of brilliant sky flames flooded the room, and when the flash died down, Izuku was holding a European Longsword.

The longsword had a 38 inch blade with a 13 inch handle. The sword grip was composed of an 11 inch handle and a 2 inch pommel. The cross guard had a width of 12 inches, and it elevated the total length of the blade by an inch, while the blade had a width of 2.3 inches. The blade is tapered for both cutting and thrusting.

"Form III: Soresu." Izuku whispered as he gripped his sword with his two hands, his hands were a thumb apart, his right hand a centimeter away from the cross guard and his left hand a centimeter away from touching the pommel of the sword. The blade of the sword was covered with Sky flames.

With relative ease, Izuku deflected the whips that the Chimera fired at him.

The Chimera growled as he made several swift gestures with his arms, causing the whips to move and cut through the air in tremendous speeds. With another gestures, the Chimera's whips descended down upon Izuku in every direction.

Izuku casually deflected, blocked, and parried the storm of steel that was dancing around him. He blocked every attacked so thoroughly, so expertly, that he did not moved from where he stood. His blade work was so precise and fluent that even though his sword movements appeared to be slow, his defense remain strong and not a single strike landed on his person.

Izuku could feel the frustration of his opponent as the whips increase in speed. He also saw the whips becoming red, the temperature in the room increasing significantly.

"Armor Quirk and a minor Vibration Quirk." Izuku whispered, not even showing any discomfort or struggle as he maintained his impregnable defense. "For a combination of Quirks, not bad."

Izuku would prefer ending this fight with his sword. He would prefer using Form III to close the distance between himself and the Chimera before using Form V to engage the Chimera in close range combat. He was even contemplating using Form VII.

He had not been practicing Form VII for quite some time now.

As much as he adhere to his master's philosophy of ending the fight as soon as possible, Izuku found himself enjoying fighting Chimeras. After all, he did not need to hold back at all when battling those monsters.

Still, he was short on time and if he was being honest with himself, this Chimera bores him.

'Sky Forms are out. Time to use Sky Judgment.' Izuku thought to himself as he made a slight kicking motion at the Chimera. That simple kicked caused a large cloud of dirt to fly towards the Chimera. The dirt glowed bright orange before forming an amber-colored, obsidian shape like baseball.

The ball flew towards the Chimera and on impact, the ball exploded with such force that it stunned and staggered the Chimera, effectively stopping its offense.

Izuku used this slight reprieved to go into a specific stance. He stood straight, legs parted, both of his arms raised like a conductor, with his longsword was held by his right hand.

"Sky's Judgment: Requiem: First Verse: Melody!"

Izuku took a deep breath before rushing the Chimera.

There was 10 feet worth of space between Izuku and the Chimera. Izuku closed that distance in a quarter second.

Behind the Chimera's armor, his eyes widen as he formed shields to defend himself from Izuku's upcoming onslaught.

And it was quite an onslaught.

Izuku deliver frantic and numerous blows to the Chimera with his sword, each blow were hard and fast, and it was hard to judge the speed and strength of each attack due to Izuku striking with either a single hand on the handle, which cause a quick and swift attack, or two hands on the handle, which generate a stronger and heavier attack. Also, each of his strikes produced a sound similar to that of a violin's melody, which was slowly disorienting the Chimera.

Furthermore, the Chimera was unable to counterattack. Not just because of the combinations of attacks that Izuku was raining down upon him but because he could not see an opening to exploit. Izuku's footwork, body movement, and body control was superb. Izuku's footwork was precise and calculated, firm and balance. Not a single step was wasted as each step added force to his swings. And with each step, Izuku was moving his body erratically. With each swing of his sword, he was not just putting his entire weight into his attacks, he was also minimizing the area in which an attack could land on his person.

In an outsider's point of view, Izuku was dancing into a rhythm that only he could hear.

The combination of attacks that Izuku threw hammered the Chimera in all directions, and with each solid strike that landed, the Chimera's armor began to break, not to mention the flames that covered the sword was slowly burning the Chimera. The Chimera tried to repair his armor but those orange flames caused his Quirk to malfunction.

In a matter of seconds, the armor that covered the Chimera was shredded off of his body, and Izuku began to hack the monster into pieces. With swift, heavy blows, the Chimera's arms, legs, and head was hacked off of his body.

Izuku took a deep breath as he halted his attacked, six heavy thuds echoing in the room.

Izuku turned around to see the Chimera cut into pieces. Contemplating for a second, Izuku buried the point of his longsword to the ground, the cross guard and the flat surface of the sword facing the limbs and body of the Chimera.

"Sorahime, Incinerate."

A flash of orange flame encompassed the remains of the Chimera. When the flash receded, there was nothing left of the Chimera, not even ash.

Also, there was not even a single scorch mark on the floor where the Chimera's remains used to be.

Izuku pulled his sword off the floor before heading towards the cages of the children.

He had a job to do.

Izuku pointed his blade at the cages where the drugged children were held before uttering a command.

"Sorahime, Fly."

Mind, heart, and Soul to the Angel.

"I am sorry if it was a bit public." Izuku apologized as he moved towards his Mobile Home. His phone was on his ear as he spoke with his only superior, although he wanted to postpone this conversation for tomorrow.


It was already late in the evening, and he wanted nothing more than to rest. "In my defense, I had no choice. Unlike you, I could feel Auras and there are several High level Chimeras in the city. I am good, but I am not yet strong enough to handle numerous High Level Chimera all at once. I was fortunate that the Chimera that I handled was of low level."


Izuku rolled at the anger in his superior's voice. "Well, if you can find someone with a Necromancy Quirk, tell me and we can revive Akatani Mikumo so he can supervise me to prevent cluster fucks like this."


"Fine, fine, I will stick operating during the night." Izuku conceded tiredly. "Still, I had to strike at that time. They were going to move the children in the evening, and I was not sure how many Chimeras I had to face if I had launch the operaton in the evening." Izuku said as he opened the door of his Mobile Home.


"Sorry that I still can't handle High Level Chimeras. Can you remind me again how many Heroes in the country aside from All Might can handle even a low level Chimeras?" Izuku snarked back, feeling frustrated at his superior's aggravation.


Izuku was about to retort when he felt something soft collided into his body.

Looking down to his chest, all the anger in his body vanished and a smiled appeared on his lips.

"I will call you tomorrow." Without any more words wasted, Izuku ended the call between himself and his superior. He knew his superior would give him hell for this tomorrow, but he did not care. He had more pressing matters to take care of.

Specifically, the beautiful girl that was hugging him at the moment.

Raising his right arm, Izuku returned the embraced that the girl was giving him.

"Hello Eri." Izuku greeted warmly. "I am sorry that I am late."

The girl now known as Eri pulled back slightly, enough for them to look eye to eye, but not enough for their embrace to brake.

Izuku and Eri were of the same age, although Izuku was taller than Eri by a head, although that did not say much considering that Izuku was merely five foot, four inches tall.

Izuku gazed hungrily at Eri. From her crimson red eyes, to her single white horn, and to her bluish, off-white hair, everything about Eri was exquisite. In Izuku's mind, he currently has the most beautiful girl in the world in his arm, and in the future, she will be the most beautiful woman in the world.

Izuku prayed that when that time comes, Eri would remain in his arm.

"I thought something bad happened to you." Eri breathed out fearfully as he buried her face to Izuku's chest.

Izuku fought a pained grunt from escaping his lips.

He would not show discomfort or pain when this remarkable Angel is in his arms.

Moving his right arm, Izuku placed a comforting hand on top of Eri's head. Patting her gently, Izuku spoke. "Didn't I tell you before, there is no man, woman, monster, demon, devil, or God in this world that would prevent me from coming back to you." Izuku promised her again as Eri snuggled to his chest. "I will always come back you, no matter how hard the fight, no matter how strong or powerful the enemy, I will always return to you. As long as I breathe, you will not be alone." Izuku added caringly.

Eri sniffled in joy as she heard those words. Since Izuku saved her and taken her under his wing, the young and scarred girl learned loved and comfort, and she feared losing the one who taught and showered her with such pleasant emotion.

The two teenagers remained still for a few minutes. Eri was making sure that her savior was indeed in one piece, and Izuku relishing the sensation of his angel still willing to hold her even though he had shed blood.

After a few more minutes, Izuku gently wrapped his right arm around Eri's waist before tenderly picking her off of her feet.

Eri giggled as Izuku walked further into the RV. Wrapping both arms around Izuku's neck, Eri hanged joyfully in the frame of her savior.

"J.U.L.Y, prepare us dinner would you." Izuku ordered the A.I that he installed in the R.V.

"Yes Boss." The RV replied in a positive.

Izuku hummed in contentment as he sat on the edge of the couch before laying Eri down, with her head resting on his lap.

Eri smiled in contentment as she snuggled into the lap of his savior while Izuku merely raised his right arm in the air, his index finger pointing forward. Numerous orange flame burst out from the tip of his right index finger, and those embers began to slowly spin in circles. With each completed rotation, a melody of a song played into the RV.

Izuku sang with the melody.

Instead of flying high, with wings that fill the air

We held each other's hands and said a little prayer

But still, I wonder if it's wrong to reminisce

And dream of boundless skies, a dazzling abyss

Eri sighed as the beautiful voice of her savior reached her ears. She always enjoyed the sound of her saviour's voice, especially whenever he serenates her.

Eri remembered meeting Akatani Izuku, also known as Yamikumo the Second, when she was at her most desperate.

And as the summer fades and leaves fly everywhere

I can't forget your face, the times when you were there

Is it pathetic or could this really be love?

I still don't know, but I know I'm not waiting now!

Eri remembered the first seven years of her life. She had a family. An amazing father and a loving mother. She had an ordinary life, and Eri was content with that.

But when she reached the age of five, her Quirk manifested and she accidentally killed her father.

The mother that she thought would love her for the rest of her life called her a monster and abandoned her at the doorsteps of her grandfather.

Eri was devastated but her grandfather loved her and she was content with the man's love for her.

Two years of happiness under her grandfather's tender love and care before it was reduced to dust.

The rain returns again to pour out from the sky

But still, the sun comes through between the trees in time

And long ago, before we knew what they were called

Were you still able to become "you" after all?

Chisaki, or Overhaul, took over the Eight Precepts of Death, and her life in hell began.

For more than five years, all Eri remembered was a life of misery and pain. A life of death and rebirth. A life of a lab rat. A life of a component to a horrible weapon.

In those five years, Eri knew only despair.

Eri was on the verge of breaking completely when she decided to make her escape.

It was the best decision of her life.

Today's a once-in-a-lifetime, gravity has fallen asleep

Let's hide where the sun cannot find us and fly away to a new world

When they wake up, we'll be gone beyond, we'll run somewhere so far that we can't come back

"Ready, set, go!", and we'll fly off the Earth into a brand new journey, a new land

For the first time in more than five years, she felt sunlight upon her skin. Eri would have laughed in happiness if not for bumping into a stranger.

A stranger that changed her life for the better.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Eri fell to the ground when she stumbled upon the boy that change her life.

A boy with forest green hair and cold emerald eyes looked down on her.

Eri flinched severely at those eyes at first, and the voice that called her name almost made her vomit.

On her trail was Overhaul, his eyes had hints of rage and displeasure.

Overhaul was calling for her to return. Eri, who only knew pain, fear, and despair at that point was about to obey when the boy that she collided with wrapped an arm around her and held her close.

My heart's become so rushed amidst the summer cold

The days keep flying by, the night's becoming old

But still, within the frantic sceneries I saw

Somehow, your face became the clearest one of all

Eri almost cried their and then. In one single gesture, the boy whose name she did not even know at that moment, had shown and given her more kindness and care that she had ever experience in the last five years.

"Don't let go." The boy whispered, his voice cold but caring. A katana appearing in his free hand and before Eri could react, the alleyway was flooded with orange flames that send a pleasant sensation in her back.

A second later, she was spirited away from her personally hell.

And ever since the day you came into my life

All of a sudden, all my dreams had ceased that night

They waited in the ground, preparing for this day

And now, it's time, this dream is finally awake!

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years, and after she was liberated from her personally hell, Eri only known happiness and love, and it was all thanks to her savior.

Today's a once-in-a-lifetime, gravity has fallen asleep

Let's run to the sound of the fireworks, and ride it far away

When they wake up, we'll be gone beyond, we'll run somewhere so far that we can't come back

"Ready, set, go!", and we'll fly off the Earth into a brand new journey, a new land

Let's go!

Their relationship may have started slow and shaky, with her being so scarred that she could not comprehend what kindness is, and Izuku being so cynical and hurt that he had willingly abandon his emotions and heart in favor of the mission that his master had given him, but they persists together, and in each other, they discover what they had thought lost or abandoned.

One more step and we're past our destiny

One more step and we're past our destiny

One more step and we're past our destiny

One more step and…

Izuku taught Eri love, care, and kindness.

Eri reminded Izuku how to be human again.

We fill our sails with our hopes and dreams

Sailing through night to the brightest day and our tomorrow

All of our hopes are enough to go

"It will all work out somehow" as long as we're together now

Two years in Izuku's care, two years removed from her personally hell, Eri could not comprehend a life where her savior was not by her side.

She did not want to think of a world where she was not part of his life.

And though we're scared, there's no way we can give up now

There'll be storms and roadblocks ahead, it's something that we just can't avoid

The voice in my head, the voice in our hearts, our voices yell out

"It's time to go!"

Izuku breathed deeply as the last lyrics left his lips. He looked at the Angel on his lap, and the smile that Eri gave him was enough to remind him when he was still Midoriya Izuku.

He may have embrace his identity as Akatani Izuku, but he would admit that Midoriya Izuku was a better human being.

Eri taught him how to be human again.

And he was grateful for it.

(Scene Change)

My name is Akatani Izuku, formerly known as Midoirya Izuku.

I am the Underground Hero: Gabriel

I am the Jackal: Yamikumo the second.

And this is my story on how I ended a secret war that is being waged within my country.

This is my story on how I achieve my hopes and dreams.

This is the story on how I achieved my happiness.

First Chapter is a trailer.

Second Chapter would the Prologue of the Story

Read, Enjoy, and Review

A/N: The song that Izuku sang to Eri is Grand Escape by RADWIMPS ft. Toko Miura. It is an OST from Weathering With You

The lyrics were translated by mewsic

Listen to her cover here www . youtube watch?v = 9O2pTGSz0X8

mewsic cover this song well

A/N: I am 5000 words in for the next chapter of Second Chances. I'll be dishing that chapter out next week. The whole country is going to shit but I work in My country's Social Security Service to I have to work from 9:00am to 2:00pm, but after that, I'll be finishing Second Chances.