Some sweet Ochaco times, featuring Bakugou and Deku, to lighten up these heard days we are living. Hope you are safe, no matter where in the world you are.

Let me know what you think of this story. I have two more parts already written, and considering writing some more, if anyone would like to read them.

Love, E.

My Girl

Part 1 - Summer camp

Summer camp. A proper one at that, no villains attack, no emergencies. Just a lot of hard work and training under their hellish teacher. And then, finally, three days for them to do what they get to do so little: be teenagers.

The bonfire was lit, marshmallows were put on sticks and everyone was gathered around the fire, chatting and eating.

Ochaco was sitting quite near the marshmallows, paying a lot of attention. She loved marshmallows. Actually, she loved everything that was soft and sweet – a little bit like her personality, really. Izuku was sitting close to her and they chatted casually, as they so often did.

Those days, it was easy for her to do it. She had overcome her childish crush on him, figuring it was much more admiration than anything else, and was really glad she reached that realization. She treasured his friendship way too much to be worried about herself having those kinds of feelings for him.

Suddenly, for her utmost surprise, an arm was put on her shoulders.

"Oi, angel face, stop talking to this loser."

Ochaco was shocked. What in the world was Bakugou playing at, so casually touching her like that? Sure, they had become friends in the past years, after she asked him to help her improve her martial arts techniques, but this…

"Katsuki-kun, are you drunk?" she asked, finally catching the alcohol coming from his breath.

"I have no fucking idea what you are talking about, round face."

Yes, he was most definitely drunk.

Izuku, on his turn, was even more shocked. He didn't know Ochaco and Kacchan were close, definitely not enough for her to call him by his first name and him to act so casually around her.

"Come talk to me instead."

"How can I talk to you if you are not even coherent? How on earth did you guys manage to get booze to camp without Aizawa-sensei noticing?"

Kirishima, approaching them, arrived just in time to hear her last question. He shrugged.

"Well, he is good but he is not that good."

By now, Ochaco was terrified.

"Don't repeat that or I'm sure he will just appear out of thin air to punish you guys."

The red-haired boy laughed.

"Don't be so tight, Ochaco-chan!"

"I so mean it! You are way too reckless for your own good."

Izuku just kept getting more and more surprised. So, she was familiar with Kirishima as well?

"Hmm… Ochaco-chan." He started. "Since when are you friends with those two?"

Ochaco felt her cheeks getting a little hot.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for not telling you, Deku-kun. I just… I didn't want to burden you any further. Eijiro-kun and Katsuki-kun train in the spar room every other day already, so I asked if I could join as well."

He was taken aback by that piece of news, but most of all because Bakugou still had an arm around her shoulders and, apparently, she was 100% fine with it, as she didn't ask him to remove it. He would never be able to be so casual around girls.

"Are you mad? I didn't tell you so you wouldn't be upset, so please don't be upset by me not telling you."

He smiled at her.

"I'm not upset… Just, surprised, that's all. I never figured you…"

"And she is awesome, dude!" Kirishima interrupted him mid-sentence. "You really should see her sparring with us. Sometimes she just kicks both our sorry asses."

Ochaco blushed.

"You are exaggerating, Eijiro-kun!" she protested.

"No, he is not!" suddenly, it was Mina's voice, as its owner joined the conversation and the small group. "You kick their sorry excuses of asses often, girl!"

"Hmm… Do you train with them too, Ashido-san?" Izuku asked timidly.

"Sometimes, yes! I like to cheer on Eijiro as well, I'm his personal cheerleader and all."

Izuku blushed with the connotations lying beneath that sentence. Kirishima and Ashido weren't exactly open about it, but everyone kind of knew they were together. So, if the four of them trained together, did that mean Ochaco and Kacchan…? That thought almost melted Izuku's mind.

"Are you drunk too, Mina?" Ochaco asked, exasperated.

The pink girl winked at her. And suddenly, Ochaco knew. No way Kirishima and Bakugou were smart enough to fool Aizawa-sensei and bring alcoholic beverages to summer camp.

"You are the alcohol smuggler!"

"Shhhh!" Mina exclaimed, a finger on her mouth. "Don't yell it! If rep finds out he will sure tell!

"You are insane!"

But Mina just laughed, sitting in Kirishima's lap as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her to be doing in front of everyone else.

"You know, I think I'll go over there talk to Todoroki-kun, bye guys!" Izuku announced, quickly going away.

"Finally!" Bakugou yelled, knowing full well Izuku could hear him.

Ochaco sighed.

"Stop being so rude to him. You know I don't like it."

"And you know I don't give a shit about him."

"And what about me? Do you give a shit about what I feel?"

That made him speechless.

Kirishima laughed.

"She got you good in that one, bro."

"Shut up." Bakugou mumbled and then focused back on Ochaco. "I won't apologize."

"I know you won't, but try to hold back a bit, you can be really hurtful."

Bakugou just groaned some incomprehensible thing in answer. He didn't know how that happened, how that little fluffy vixen had managed to creep up to his heart, but she had. He saw her efforts to improve hand in hand combat after their fight in the festival and had been meaning to invite her for a long time, but never figured how he could do that. Until one day she simply walked in there and asked.

"Now that you scared Deku-kun away, what do you want to do? I'm waiting for the marshmallows."

"What were you talking with the idiot?"

Her stare threw knives in his direction.

"With Deku, what were you talking with him?"

"Nothing in particular. A little bit of this and that."

"Then, talk it with me."

He was not that drunk anymore, her sweet smell had chased some of the dizziness away, but now that he was there, now that he had worked up the courage to be near her, he wanted to seize it.

"Well, first of all, I think we should get our friends a room."

And indeed, Mina and Kirishima were glued to each other, sharing a very graphic kiss. Bakugou laughed.

"No way I'm getting in the middle of that. Pinky can be vicious when she wants to."

Ochaco was forced to agree. There was no stopping Mina once she put something in her head.

"Just ignore the two horny idiots and talk to me."

Ochaco smiled, leaning a little closer to him. It was a bit bold of her to act like that, but she didn't care. She had an opportunity here, one she never had before. Bakugou was never that open, that touchy-feely. She was enjoying it.

"Did you miss me? Seems like you missed me."

He groaned.

"You spent all of the free time with him."

"He is my friend."

"I don't give a fuck."

"Are you my friend too, Katsuki-kun?"

He growled. What went on between them was… unconventional, to say the least. They barely acknowledge each other's existence at school, but twice a week they spent two to three hours together, talking and sparring and laughing together.

Once, and only once, one time when Kirishima and Mina had to do some extra studying for a test, it was just the two of them. Bakugou wouldn't be able to explain how it happened, but when he caught himself, they were kissing. And it wasn't innocent kissing, it was one hell of a kiss. They never talked about it though, and it never happened again.

"We are more than friends, aren't we, Ochaco?"

The tone of his voice, calling her by her name, the intensity of his eyes… he was dead serious and it made Ochaco blush.

"I don't know. Are we?"

She remembered their kiss, so so well. She had been wondering all this time what he had thought of it, since he never mentioned it. They finished training, they were lying on the tatami, exhausted, he turned to tell her something, not realizing how close they were. Next thing she knows, his mouth was on hers, and then her hands were in his hair, and they were so soft despite looking so edgy.

When it was over, it was over. They resumed their conversation and nothing was ever said about it, even though she constantly daydreamed about it.

"I keep going back to that kiss and it's fucking distracting." He whispered so only she could hear it.

Ochaco felt as if her cheeks – whole body, really – were on fire.

"But you've never said anything about it."

"Well, I figured you would be the one to say something. You are the chatty one, not me."

"I… I thought maybe you regretted it." She answered in a small voice.

He snorted.

"I should have seen this shit coming. Trust you to think something idiotic like that."

"Why do you have to be so rude?" she rolled her eyes.

He pulled her even closer to him. Any more and she would be in his lap.

"We kissed and then I had to watch day after day you by his fucking side as if nothing had ever happened between us. My girl, best friend of fucking Deku, my luck is really something else."

My girl. Did he really…? She swallowed her embarrassment, tried to calm down her heart.

"Is that what I am, then? Your girl?"

He smirked.

"If you want to."

Ochaco looked into his eyes, into those deep red irises that always seemed to hypnotize her. Her heart was beating like crazy, as if ready to take flight. When was it that she fell for him? For Bakugou Katsuki, of all people! And, oh gods, did she fall hard.

"Yes, I guess I would like that."

And then his mouth was on hers again and she couldn't think of anything else. She didn't even care about all their classmates seeing them, she only cared about him, about everything he made her feel. Her hands were in his neck, and then his hair and she pulled him even closer. When the kiss was over, they breathed as if they had just run a marathon. With their foreheads touching, Ochaco smiled to him. To her surprise, he smiled back.

"Took you guys long enough." The moment was interrupted by Mina's voice and Kirishima's chuckles.

"You shut your fucking mouths, both of you." Bakugou barked to them.

It only made Kirishima laugh harder.

"You have no idea how much Mina and I work hard to give you two alone time."

Ochaco felt her cheeks blushing all over again. All those absences and weird excuses, it was all so she could be alone with him?

Bakugou was ready to jump on his best friend and murder him, especially with the way he was yelling at him, but Ochaco held him by his hand.

"Stay with me, please?"

And it was all it took. Bakugou calmed down immediately, as if he had never been angry in the first place. He was just unable to resist her and those big round chocolate brown eyes.

"Fine. But you you are going to be fucking dead very soon, shit for brains. You better not fall asleep tonight."

Kirishima just laughed again. Good thing his quirk was so good at preventing real damage from Bakugou's explosions.

Ochaco moved, sitting between his legs. He passed his arms around her and rested his chin on her left shoulder. He would never say it out loud, but he was really enjoying it.

"Anyway, may I finally eat my marshmallows, please?" she declared.

Bakugou couldn't help but laugh. Indeed, he would enjoy every single day with her.