A/N: I told you there would be at least one more chapter, so here it is! almost all of it is pure smut with a sprinkling of fluff :) Hopefully it lives up to the expectations I set with the previous round ;)

Alpha love to honeysweetcutie

Forever unbeta'd

FB Group: madrose_writing


"I have a house in the French countryside that I spent a lot of my summers in. We could go there for the holidays."



Hermione gnawed at her bottom lip as an idea formed in her head. "Can we invite Theo and Harry?"

Draco's brows shot up as far as humanly possible, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Guess that takes the guesswork out of what to get them for Christmas," he said, pulling her in to bite her lip for her. "Should I wrap you in ribbon?"

"Only if all promise to unwrap me together."

He groaned as he picked her up, her legs going around his waist. "This is going to be the best holiday yet."

Hermione had always loved Christmas, especially since she had found discovered she was a witch. Since the war, it had always felt bittersweet as she celebrated it alone with Harry, but even without Ron or her parents, the holiday spirit never went away completely. And this year, as the holiday drew closer, she was even more excited about spending it with Draco. She knew she would miss Harry, but they were moving on with their lives. They would never stop being best friends, but they both had serious partners and knew they would need time to spend with them.

So when Draco made the suggestion about going away to France and agreed to invite Harry and Theo along, Hermione couldn't remember a single Christmas she was more excited for.

For the briefest of seconds, she had asked to invite their best friends along for completely innocent reasons, but the sight of Draco's eyes dilating just a touch was enough to dampen her knickers. They really had had a lot of fun that day and a part of her wanted to explore more of what they could do together, but she was with Draco. And they were doing so well after only a few months that she didn't want to jeopardize it by asking for something like that again.

Not to say they didn't see Theo and Harry quite a bit. In fact, they saw them more than ever afterwards. They would have dinners together, she would go shopping with Harry, to the movies with Theo, and even Draco spent time with the two of them together or one at a time. They were all extremely close and the best of friends she could ever ask for. She didn't want to spoil that at all.

A few days after solidifying plans, Draco had informed her that Theo and Harry and accepted their invitation. He assured her that he let them know what they had discussed and that everyone was onboard. So Hermione, bound and determined to make it the best holiday, took a few extra days off work so they could decorate the house for the duration of their vacation.

Harry and Theo arrived two days before Christmas and greeted both her and Draco with decidedly not innocent kisses to break the tension she was worried about building. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she went about showing Harry the entire place with a new rush of excitement.

And it was that very night while the four gathered in the sitting room in front of the fire that the real fun began. Draco and Harry had started a game of Wizard's Chess over an hour ago. She had never understood the appeal of chess; it was too slow, too calculated. Far too much room for errors. Her mind was always ten steps ahead of itself and the thought of sitting there, staring at the pieces on the board always made her antsy.

So instead, she had curled up on one of the most luxurious of couches she had ever sat in and poured into one of the dozen or so books she had stolen from the library earlier that day. Theo was on the couch with her and didn't complain when she stretched out over the cushions and put her head in his lap. He had smirked down at her and continued reading through his magazine in one hand while the other toyed with her hair.

She kept reading, even as his hand began to move lower, his fingertips ghosting over the neck before trailing down her shoulder, then her arm. And as his hand slid down her chest to cup her breast beneath the top of her dress, Hermione read the same passage six times before giving up. But when she peeked up at him around the corner of her book, his eyes were still glued to his magazine, the page flipping with the aid of a whispered spell.

Hermione kept trying to concentrate, but she wasn't sure when she had even turned the page. As his hand moved away from her chest to smooth down her abdomen, she forgot what she was even reading about in the first place. She continued to state at the page before her eyes as he bunched up the material of her skirt enough so he could reach her core. She sucked in a slight breath as he wordlessly vanished her knickers and slid his fingers through her nether lips.

The moan she emitted garnered the attention of Draco and Harry, but neither did more than send a smirk their way before continuing their game. Hermione widened her hips as much as she could without one leg falling off the couch completely. Only when her hips arched from having his finger swiping across her clit did he pluck the book from her hand and toss it down on the end table with his magazine. Without anything in their way, she held his gaze until her lids fluttered from the feel of his fingers finding their way into her wet heat.

She didn't realize the smirk on his lips had changed and she whined when he withdrew his hand. She glared up at him a moment before pushing herself up to sit, watching with just the smallest bit of amusement as he tasted her. "Tease."

"Says the girl with her head in my lap for the past half hour," he returned, a lazy grin on his face.

She rolled her eyes and did a double take at the sight of Draco and Harry; neither of which were playing their game anymore. "If you want to come so bad, Granger, why don't you go ahead and do the honors?" Draco suggested.

"Why in the world would I get myself off when I'm surrounded by more than my fair share of helping hands?" she asked, her eyes flickering around the room at each of them in turn.

"Because we want to watch you do it," Harry said, the hungry gleam making his emerald gaze burn hotter than she'd ever seen it.

"I'll help you," Theo said from beside her, but as she turned to smile and tell him thank you, the rest of her clothes vanished and he slid off the couch with a triumphant smirk. "See? Wasn't that helpful?"

"Slytherins," she muttered before biting her lip to keep from smiling back.

It was Harry that got out of his chair and came to sink to his knees before her. He adorned her with a smile far to sweet for her to believe any good would come of it. His gaze swept down her body from where she sat and gently placed a hand on either of her knees, drawing them apart. "Come on, Hermione," he said, pressing feather-light kisses on the inside of her thighs as she made herself comfortable. "Show us what we've been missing out on."

"Speak for yourself, Potter."

"We get it, Draco," Theo said, his voice a bit deeper than usual. "Since you don't need the reminder, you can stand behind the couch."

Draco smirked, but did exactly that. As Harry and Theo took up a place on the couch on opposite sides of her, each of them holding one of her legs to keep her steady, Draco stepped behind them all. She looked up at him as he bent down and dropped his lips to her forehead. "The faster you do this, the faster we can be inside of you," he prompted.

As Harry and Theo leaned in to keep their mouths occupied with her breasts, Hermione reached down the length of her body and began to touch herself. She moaned softly and Draco brushed his lips over hers. The angle of kissing upside down was far more sensual than she had ever thought it would be. It took a minute to get a feel for it, but once they had a rhythm down, she found herself enjoying it immensely.

With all of the attention from the three of them, it wasn't taking nearly as long as it normally did for her to feel that warmth below her navel. She broke her kiss from Draco with a strangled moan as she felt her hand being shoved away from core, only to be replaced by Theo's and Harry's. Harry slipped two fingers into her, curling them to make sure he hit her g-spot while Theo thumbed at her clit. Draco kept his forehead against hers, whispering all sorts of dirty things to her and before she knew it, she was coming so hard she nearly launched herself off the couch.

They both continued to touch her, prolonging the pleasure until she rode it out, but it was only Theo that withdrew his touch. She turned to watch as he tipped his face up towards Draco and hummed in approval at the sight of them in a heated lip lock. A breathy moan left her lips as Harry slid from beside her on the couch to his knees before her, keeping his fingers curled inside her body. Her hips bucked and she shuddered as he leaned in and gently lapped at her clit with his tongue.

Normally, still sensitive or not, Harry was never gentle when it came to getting her off with his tongue. He was always rapid fire swipes and hard sucks between his lips, but this time, he was slow and sweet. Hermione bit her lip, but couldn't stop the laughter from bubbling up.

"Something funny?" Theo murmured, pulling away from Draco's lips.

She gave a short nod, but her next bout of laughter turned into a lewd moan as Harry sucked her clit between his teeth and pumped her with his fingers. Even when Draco lifted a brow at her and gave Theo a shrug, she couldn't stop her body's desire to laugh and moan with pleasure at the same time. And when she came undone again, the mixture only increased.

He nipped at the inside of her thighs before sitting back and wiping at his face. He turned a narrowed, but amused glance at her as he sucked his fingers clean. "Gods, Hermione. It hasn't been that long since we were together last."

"It wasn't bad," she panted, shaking her head in earnest, feeling bad for laughing. They all knew by now it wasn't really something she could control, but she still felt horrid. She leaned forward and held his face between both palms, kissing him soundly. "You were just different this time."

"Because I missed you," he said, smirking against her lips.

She pulled back after a kiss to the tip of his nose and they rose with her. Theo reached for Harry and pulled him into an embrace so fierce Hermione couldn't help but melt at the sight. Draco came around the couch to wrap his arms around her in a similar fashion and her heart skipped a beat. With a grin on her face, she whispered a few things under her breath and suddenly, all three men were snorting at her tactics.

"Real subtle, Granger," Draco muttered, his cock twitching against her.

"Gryffindor," she said, pulling away to admire her handiwork; all four of them complete nude in the living room now. "No subtlety about it. I'd like to move to the bedroom now."

"Your wish is my command," Draco said, grasping her hand and leading her down the hall to the master suite. Theo and Harry were close behind them, stopping just after crossing the threshold to snog each other senseless.

"I want to watch," Hermione whined as Draco pulled her towards the bed, away from where the other pair of lovers were devouring one another. They both had a hand lowered between them, each grasping at each other's cocks. The moans they exchanged made Hermione's mouth water and her body tremble, eager for more.

"You'll be able to," he said, lying down with his head on the pillows. He motioned for her to come closer and she obliged with a small sigh. As she climbed into bed with him, wondering how this would work, he was lifting her. A small gasp escaped her lips as he spun her as well, stopping only when her thighs were on either side of his face. "Even saved you the best seat in the house," he said, giving her a grin before pulling her down until his face was completely buried in the depths of her cunt.

She wobbled slightly, afraid of falling, but with his iron clad grip on her thighs and the position of her knees, she realized very quickly she wasn't going anywhere. And as luck would have it, the show she didn't want to miss was coming to her.

She moaned softly, her hips bucking over Draco's face on their own accord, as Harry knelt between Draco's legs. Hermione's breath nearly faltered as he leaned with after giving her a wink and grasped his cock seconds before she watched it disappear into the depths of Harry's mouth. And the piece de resistance came in the form of Theo right behind him with his own cock lubed and ready to go.

It was like a train reaction; a barbershop quartet of moans. Theo was first as he buried himself inside of Harry. Then Harry at the feel of being filled. Draco at the vibrations it caused around his cock. And Hermione from the sights and sounds of the entire course of action.

To date, it was the fastest she had ever come.

Draco continued to feast upon her core as if she were his last meal. He tightened his hold on her, forcing her to stay in place despite the way she squirmed to try and get away. The only small reprieve he gave her was when he tilted his head to draw breath, but even then, it put him in line with a place they had both recently discovered could do her in in no time flat. She yelped as he rimmed her backdoor, two sets of eyes meeting hers with a flicker of concern.

She nodded, or at least moved her head in a way that she hoped was somewhat reassuring as Draco continued his assault. Theo was quick to nod back at her before the sound of skin slapping skin picked up in tempo. Harry's gaze held hers a bit longer, making sure she was fine. They moaned in unison from the ministrations of their respective partners and then he winked as he lowered himself back down to guide Draco's cock back into his mouth.

She tapped at his hands, wanting him to loosen up. When he did, she leaned forward with a surprising amount of precision, stopping only when her head was right beside Harry's. Draco groaned with approval and gave his mouth a well-deserved respite by sliding two fingers into her core. Harry lifted his head and gave her a smirk that told her he understood.

"Bloody hell," Theo groaned from behind Harry, his eyes glued to the two of them as both their tongues ran up and down the length of Draco's shaft in unison.

Draco's body jerked from the double dealing of pleasure and his fingers stilled for a moment. "Not fair, I can't see," he whined.

She wiggled her backside for him, pressing back against his hand. "It's the best thing I've seen in my entire life," Theo said, his voice gruff.

He went still behind Harry, grunting with his own release, putting a pause on Harry's movements for a brief moment. When he did move, it was lie on his side so he could watch them tag team Draco's cock. With a deep groan of his own, Draco came, showering both Harry and Hermione with his release. Hermione was left with no time to even think about being embarrassed before Harry surged forward and claimed her lips. Draco's essence flavored their kiss as he swallowed her moans, not caring in the slightest about what was cooling on their skin.

Draco's thumb swiped her clit and she moaned in Harry's mouth. She continued to push back against him as her next release drew near and after a fairly short bit of time, she was pulling back, her forehead resting against his so she could cry out as she crested. The familiar sound of Harry when he came hit her ears and when she opened her eyes, she was rewarded with the sight of his release drenching the hand Theo had wrapped around his cock to get him off.

Everyone having come at least once, they all collapsed exactly where they were, forming a massive heap of sated, panting bodies on a very large bed. When she had the energy to lift her head, she looked around at the others, all of which gave her the same hazy look and a smile. While she knew they all wanted more, she knew there was plenty of time for that later; a sentiment they all seemed to share when no one dared move a muscle.

The next morning, Hermione was positive she wasn't the only one experiencing the best kinds of aches throughout her body. Theo was the only other of the bunch that liked to be out of bed at a decent time and after a raised brow and a tilt of the head, they let their respective partners behind while they grabbed a shower together. It was strange, doing something so intimate, but unlike Draco and Harry who usually were too busy pinning her to the tiled walls of the shower to actually bathe, Theo was just conserving water.

Granted, he made no objections to her getting on her knees and sucking him off under the warm spray of the water.

She declined his counter offer, still a little sore from the previous night's excursions so in return, he did the honors of washing her hair. Something he had learned early on she liked very much. And when they returned to the bedroom, they were both rewarded with Draco and Harry lying on their sides, each sucking each other's cocks until they came. Afterwards, they broke for their own showers while Theo and Hermione went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

The rest of the day had been spent playing boardgames, exploring the library, and whatever else they could do to occupy their time in the French countryside. It was later that night that they found themselves in the sitting room again, gathered around the fire. Harry and Theo were curled up on the couch while Draco poured himself another drink and Hermione stood near him, staring in the direction of the other two.

Harry's grin was sly as he cocked his head at her. "I know that look, Hermione. You want something."

She hummed in agreement, but wasn't ready to answer with her words. Draco was there, pressing a kiss to the back of her head before his breath warmed her ear from behind. "You know, if you tell them what we've been working on, we can enact that fantasy I know you've been harboring."

She sucked at her teeth, heat creeping up her face. "You know about that?"

His chuckle made her nearly stomp her foot. "I do now."

"You're a prat," she whispered, turning to face him.

"That's been established for quite some time already," he said, taking a drink. "And before you even think about keeping it to yourself out of principle, maybe you should consider that you're not alone with that particular fantasy."

That thought had not occurred to her and she slowly let go of her embarrassment in favor of smiling. She gave a slow nod and turned back to Theo and Harry on the loveseat across the room. Both were staring at her with amusement dancing in their eyes as they patiently waited for her to speak.

"Well," she started, clearing her throat, keeping her gaze evenly split between the two of them. She considered beating around the bush, but as the words rolled off her tongue, it was the more direct route she chose. "Recently, after a lot of work, Draco and I have engaged in anal and ever since we started with the prep work, I've been wanting to have two people fuck me at the same time."

She took a deep breath at the last word and smiled at the dumbfounded expressions on both their faces.

"I think you broke them," Draco laughed from behind her, reaching over to place a tumbler into her hands.

"The only qualm I have about this is that you haven't said something sooner," Theo said with a pout despite the glimmer in his eyes.

Might as well go for broke, she thought. "And the odd man out will just have to settle for my mouth."

It was Harry that sputtered on his drink and Draco that chuckled softly from her side. "Trust me, none of us considers any part of you as settling."

Hermione's grip tightened around the glass as she raised it to her lips, hoping that it would hide her blush for a moment. "Any preference on who…" Harry's voice trailed off as he cleared his own throat. "Who goes where?"

Her shoulder's lifted quicker than she could even start to think of an answer. "I really hadn't thought that far ahead." A slow grin took hold of her lips. "I think I'd rather leave that up to you three."

The three of them gave wistful nods of agreement and Hermione watched them all glance around at each other. For the first time in a while, a bit of awkward silence settled over them and Hermione used it to down the rest of the drink Draco had poured for her. And as she cleared her throat against the burn, Harry was getting to his feet and taking her glass from her hand. He vanished it, linked their fingers together, and before she knew it, the four of them were on their way to the master suite for tonight's escapades.

She wasn't sure who, but one of them vanished their clothes once they crossed the threshold and as Harry sat her down on the edge of the bed, it was Draco that was kneeling before her, pushing her legs to the side to taste her. Theo watched the three of them with an intense hunger in his gaze, his hand slowly pumping himself. Between Harry's kiss and the way Draco was devouring her nether lips, Hermione didn't last long. Before she knew it, she was coming in a series of moans and whimpers, each of which Harry swallowed as he kept their lips fused together.

He pulled away as Draco got to his feet and in the time it took her to draw one deep breath, he was taking Harry's place. The taste of herself was heavy on his tongue and it made her shiver. His kiss was shorter than she thought it would be, but she was grateful for the opportunity to catch her breath before they moved on. With a slight nod, she took Draco's hand and allowed him to help her into the position of straddling Harry's waist. He was already in position when she turned around, making the transition fairly easy as they had done this plenty of times.

His hands rested on her hips as she pushed up tall on her knees and reached between them until she had a firm grasp of his cock. After brushing it through her drenched core, she lined him up and sank herself down onto him, moaning the whole way down. His hands slid back to grip her cheeks and spread them open, lifting her just a touch and then lowering her back down. When they were both well adjusted to one another, his eyes sought someone over her shoulder and he gave a slight nod.

She peered behind her when the bed dipped and saw Draco making his way to them. A small bit of relief washed over her. Not that she didn't trust everyone in this room, but Draco had only successfully penetrated her rear a handful of times. The first of which she had cried during; mostly from laughing so hard at how awkward and slightly painful it had been.

Sensing that she had tensed, he pressed his lips to her shoulder and kissed his way up her neck until he found her ear. "I'll go nice and slow. Tell us if you need a break. Whatever you need."

She nodded and leaned back into him until he pulled back and placed his hand between her shoulder blades. She took the hint and leaned forward until her breasts were flat against Harry's chest. He kissed her cheek and she felt his hands sweeping up and down her back in a soothing manner as Draco applied a generous amount of lube to her rear. "Don't be nervous, Mione," he whispered. "No one's going to hurt you. Just breathe."

He continued to talk to her, saying whatever he could think of to get her to relax and assure her that she was safe. She turned her head slightly, her cheek pressing tight to Harry's as his arms banded around her back. Draco swiped the head of cock through the smile of her backside and Hermione sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. With a gentle push forward, he notched himself inside of her and stilled at the whimper she made and the way her body tensed.

She gave a nod, but Draco must not have noticed because Harry asked, "You ready for more?"

"Yes," she whispered.

He must have made a gesture to continue when he lifted one hand briefly from her back because the moment it settled, Draco was nudging himself forward. A muted, "Fuck," could be heard along with a hiss from behind her as he sank all the way in and then stilled.

Hermione sucked in a deep breath as her body adjusted to the both of them. She had never felt so full in her entire life and she was sure she was about to come without either of them having to move an inch. She was glad this time her channel had stretched, and while it still burned, it felt good more than painful. After few more breaths, she pushed herself up so she could see Harry's face and gave a nod of her head, signaling they were okay to move.

They both tested the waters and she could feel them rubbing against one another through the thin barrier of skin that separated them. It was better than she ever imagined and she could do nothing but hold still, too overwhelmed by the pleasure that racked through her body. And when the timing of their thrusts fell into sync with one another, she reared her head back and roared a series of, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" under her breath until her throat was raw from the screams.

It was then that Theo approached, kneeing near Harry's head to watch her face. "Never thought I'd be questioning my sexuality after I came out of the closet," he teased.

A chorus of snickers turned groans came from Harry and Draco as Hermione just snorted a laugh and shifted herself towards him as carefully as possible. "Theo…" She had meant to beg him to put his cock in her mouth, but she barely managed to make his name coherent.

He smirked, gave her a wink, and after some adjustment until they found the right position, gave her what he knew she wanted. She hummed around him as he slid passed her lips. His fingers sank into her hair to gather it out of the way and after he was sufficiently lubed by her tongue, he rocked his hips and mimicked what the other two were doing to the rest of her body.

It was definitely better than what she had imagined in her head. The feel of all of them in her at the same time was worth the bit of embarrassment in the beginning. When the three of them began to move in ways that signaled they were close, Hermione surrendered to the tidal wave of pleasure that rolled through her and came hard enough that she wouldn't need another round for a few days.

Harry and Draco were still in the process of filling her up with their releases, if the way their cocks were pulsating inside of her was any indication. And Theo had waited until she came down from her high before coming down her throat so she wouldn't choke. She swallowed him down without complaint and when she had taken it all, he fell backwards onto the pillows with a satisfied sigh. No sooner did he get settled did Draco pull away from her, both of them groaning at the sudden loss. Harry was the last to extract himself from her, taking the brunt of everything running out of her.

Theo was the one to help her off of Harry when she discovered her legs were far too shaky to support herself. It was right after she had flopped onto her back beside Theo that Draco returned from the bathroom with a few damp towels. He handed one to Theo and Harry so they could clean themselves, but he took it upon himself to clean her up before using the last one on himself.

Hermione was yawning herself silly and using Theo as a pillow before Draco had even joined them all in the bed on the other side of Harry. "Definitely want to do that again," she murmured as her lashes kissed her cheeks.

"All you need to do is ask," Harry said from beside her, turning to drop a kiss on her shoulder. "So long as Draco doesn't mind sharing, Theo and I are happy to oblige."

"She knows I don't mind," Draco replied, exhaustion clear in his voice as well, making her smile.

She felt her lips moving to reply, but she never heard what it was she had to say or if she even said it at all before she let exhaustion pull her into a deep sleep.

She had gone to bed without even remembering it was Christmas Eve, but she sure knew it was Christmas morning the moment she opened her eyes. Excitement coursed through her and she jolted out of bed, climbing over a groaning Harry so she could cuddle up to Draco. "You promised you would wake up with me before the sun came up so we could sit under the tree, remember?"

"I thought we've been over this before, Granger," he said, voice groggy as he playfully pushed her away. "The things I promise with your hand around my cock are things that you can't hold me liable to."

He grunted as she smacked his chest playfully and shook him by the shoulders again. "Please? It's our first Christmas together and-"

"Both of you get out so I can sleep," Harry groaned from next to them, turning over so he could curl up next to his boyfriend.

Hermione snorted at that. "If anyone gets to play the 'I'm too tired card,' it's me." Harry simply waved his hand at them and Hermione smiled before slipping out of bed and summoning her clothes. She would shower after breakfast.

With a sigh of his own, Draco got up and did the same, only he chose not to wear a shirt and combed his hair with his own fingers. Ready, she grabbed hold of his hand and tugged him down the hall to the main sitting room where the largest tree in the house was located. "Explain to me what we're doing again?"

"Just something I started doing as a kid. I thought it was pure magic and my dad always…" She stopped moving as she stared at the tree, an all too familiar sensation of loss weighing down her heart. She swallowed hard as Draco wrapped his arms around her held her tight. "We would lay under the tree and just stare up at the lights and make up stories about a fairy wonderland until Mum would come in and yell at us for ruining our eyesight." She pulled away from him and smiled as he kissed her temple. "She always said it with the biggest grin though."

"I bet."

"We don't have to do the story thing; that was mostly Dad's doing," she said as she moved towards the tree again.

They got down on the floor and after turning over on their backs, moved their heads beneath the tree to look up at the lights. Their hands met and intertwined together right away and she turned to him and smiled. He was still staring up, completely awestruck by the sight. "This is not what I was expecting."

"I love you."

He went still a moment before he squeezed her hand and turned to look at her. "Nor was that."

"You don't have to say it back until you're ready, but I do love you." She swallowed nervously and bit at her lip for a second. They had only been going out for half a year and she wondered if it was too fast.

But luckily his response came before the panic could settle in and he raised their joined hand to his lips so he could brush them across her knuckles. "I love you too."

When she turned back to look at the lights, laughter bubbled past her lips in an uncontrollable manner. Wiping tears from her eyes with her other hand, she asked, "Why do all of our important moments happen after a foursome?"

He chuckled and squeezed her hand again. "Guess that takes the mystery out of how I'll propose to you."

Any other relationship, partner, or place and time, that sentence would have scared her senseless and had her running away, but in that moment, all she could do was laugh. He pulled her to him and held her for a bit longer as they stared up at the lights until their eyes really did start to hurt.

The smell of food brought them to the kitchen where Harry and Theo were going about making breakfast. As they all sat down to eat, Hermione looked around at the three of them and smiled, wondering how she had turned out to be so lucky as to have not one, not two, but three best friends who would do anything to take care of not only her, but each other as well.

Without even receiving a single gift, she had everything she wanted. It was the most perfect Christmas she had had in years and she was looking to several more like it in the future.