So I am currently walking through a high school party with my friend Cesar sneaking beer for all my friends and myself. Cesar is sneaking through, but I am just walking through. I was invited to this party since I just finished my freshman year of high school.

Cesar, however, hasn't started high school yet. Neither have our other friends; Jamal, Monse, and Ruby. My name is Sofia Martinez and Ruby is my little cousin. Ruby and I have always been close that is why his best friends are my best friends too.

I am a year ahead of them in school and a little more than a year older than them as well. My birthday is August 2 which makes me one of the oldest in my grade. I'm 15 currently, but I'll be 16 in a few months.

This is my first time being at a high school party, I never felt right going to one without my friends. Not to mention I was terrified to go alone. I have met some acquaintances in high school, but no one I would consider a real true friend.

Cesar and I finally accomplish our goal and we manage to get to the beer. We grab enough for everyone and make our way back to our friends. Once we are right behind them we hear Monse say, "No doubt. They got this. When has Cesar and Sofia ever disappointed us?"

Fair point Cesar never disappoints and I try not to either. Jamal says, "Mmm, fourth grade. Kickball tourney. We lost." That one was Cesar I wouldn't have even tried to play kickball.

Cesar interrupts them to say, "Only 'cause I picked the kid with no skills. And I'd pick you again. Loyalty trumps victory, compa." He has a point on that. We pass everyone their beers and I stand on a crate next to Jamal to see over the wall into the party.

We all can't be giants like Cesar who can see over the wall without standing on anything. I am on 5'2 after all. I say, "Take it in guys."

Cesar says, "This is about to be us. This is high school." We all take a drink and I notice everyone but Cesar and myself made a face. Beer isn't that great, but there are worse things out there.

Monse says, "Ruby, you think your brother's gonna marry Angelica?" I let out a snort about that one. His brother is getting out of here which is good, but his brother is a little bit of a dumbass. He'll probably marry the first girl he meets in college. I love my cousin though even if it doesn't seem like it.

I look out to see Mario making out with Angelica. Well damn guys. Ruby says, "No idea. Mario tells me jack."

Jamal lets out a laugh and says, "What about that time he said Angelica has a dangler?" Too much information.

I say, "Some things you should keep to yourself Jamal."

Ruby shushes Jamal and Jamal goes on, "But he said that." I roll my eyes he will never learn.

Ruby says, "In private! Time and place dude!" There is never a time and place to share that information with anyone. Ruby says, "Oh guys check out Huerita at nine o'clock. Monse if you were a girl?"

Monse interrupts him, "I am a girl."

Ruby continues, "Yeah, but if you were a girl like that, would you wear underwear?"

I say, "Ruby that was really creepy."

He says, "It was just a question. You're a girl do you?"

I roll my eyes and say, "So, I'm a girl, but you don't consider Monse one? Also I am your blood cousin that was beyond creepy."

Ruby says, "Your right I take it back."

We are interrupted by Jamal saying, "Oh my God. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die." What is he panicking about?

I ask, "Why are you going to die?"

He points over to a group of pretty big guys and says, "Those guys play for the 'Ridge. Did you know that last year alone over a quorum of kids-"

Monse cut him off, "Died playing football? You're stuck on repeat. So, don't play." That is a fairly simple solution to his over reacting.

He says, "No choice. My pops was a legend. It's a family tradition. I'm dead." His dad is a pretty great guy he gave me a job at his BBQ place. I need to start saving money to get a car and to have a life. My mom is constantly working and we still struggle.

Everyone, but Ruby turns away from the party to check on Jamal who is hyperventilating. I say, "You're not dead Jamal. Calm down."

Cesar says, "Football spiral?" I nod and Cesar bends down to talk to Jamal. He says, "Jamal CTE is not in your future."

Ruby turns to us and says, "Guy, check out my game. Huerita just gave me the nod." This can't end well.

Suddenly a scary guy pops up behind him, I knew this wouldn't end well. He says, "Eyeing my girl, carbron?" I am psychic I swear.

Ruby says, "No. God, no. I'm not into blondes." He is an idiot I swear. Just say no and be quiet.

Cesar says, "Easy. He does your mom's taxes. Mrs. Guzman, right?" The guy nods. I don't think that is going to help. Honestly Cesar should just drop his brother's name. He may not like it, but his brother's name means something around here.

Ruby says, "Three thousand dollar refund. Schedule C, line 30 home office deduction."

Monse says, "Seriously dude?" I have no idea who that is directed at though.

Randomly another guy pops up next to the one hurting Ruby. He says, "Yo, what are you doing, ese? That's Spooky's little bro, dawg." Cesar nods at them. See I knew we should have just dropped Oscar's name. He's in jail and people are still terrified of him. I don't really blame them. If I didn't grow up around him I'd be terrified of him too.

The guy lets go of Ruby and says, "I didn't realize that was you, homie. Hey, listen man; tell Spooky Sad Eyes sends respects alright. Let's get out of here." The two guys acknowledge Cesar and walk away taking a beer with them. Spooky saves the day without even knowing he did it.

Ruby says, "Thank God for your brother."

Cesar shakes his head and says, "Don't. Thank God for better things."

I roll my eyes and say, "That is your brother for better or worse. You should be thankful for him." I know Oscar is difficult to live with, but he raised Cesar basically he should appreciate that.

Out of nowhere we hear a gunshot. Cesar says, "Oh shit! Let's go!"

We take off running and as we do so Monse says, "That was a .38."

Jamal says, "No, it was a .45"

Ruby says, "It sounded like a .44"

Jamal says, "Wrong!"

I say, "Can we get the fuck away from the gun than decide what it is?"

A gunshot goes off again and we all say, ".357." Apparently I am as bad as they are. We run all the way back to Ruby's house.

Jamal, Cesar, and Ruby are spying on Mario out the window and Monse and I are sitting on a chair. Jamal says, "Angelica is pissed."

Ruby says, "She's always pissed." If that is true why is Mario with her? She pretty sure, but please tell me there is more there.

I say, "Will you guys stop spying on them?"

They ignore me and Jamal says, "You would be too if you had a dangler. What?" I really wish Ruby hadn't told him that he is never going to let that go and I really wish he would. It's weird to keep saying it.

Jamal says, "She's making Mario cry." Sounds like a break up if he's crying.

Ruby says, "My brother doesn't cry."

I say, "Yes he does I have caught him crying a least twice in the last year."

Ruby says, "Dude, he's crying." Cesar walks away from the window to come sit with Monse and I on the chair.

Cesar looks at Monse and says, "¿Qué estás pensando en tu cabeza?"( What are you thinking in your head?)

Monse says, "Nada. My brain is empty. Do I really need some stupid writing camp? I don't want to waste my summer." I personal cannot wait for the day these two finally stop being stubborn and get together. I know it'll happen eventually.

Cesar says, "It's not a waste, it's badass. Not everyone can get in, even the kids who pay. But, you'll need this." He hands her a little book. Ugh they are too freaking cute. Cesar goes on, "It's for writing your stories and maybe an old-school letter or two for your favorite?"

They are so cute it hurts. Jamal and Ruby quickly run from the window as Jamal yells, "Here comes waterworks." We all rush over to the couch and try to look innocent. Mario comes in and slams the door behind him. I love my cousins, but Ruby and Mario are so damn dramatic.

Mario says, "Were you guys spying on me?" Everyone but Jamal shakes their head no while Jamal shakes his head yes. Ruby and I nudge him and he quickly shakes his head no. The struggle is real with him.

Mario starts crying again and we all feel a little uncomfortable. Cesar asks, "You ok, homie?" Do not get sucked in I learned that the hard way. I guess it's too late now.

Mario says, "Yes. No. I don't know. Look at you. On the verge of high school. All the excitement."

I interrupt to say, "I'm already in high school. Can I not be a part of this speech?" I try to get up to leave, but Mario stops me.

Mario says, "No, sit down and listen." Ugh this is what I mean about being sucked in he gets like this when he's emotional. It can be insightful sure, but it can also be annoying.

Mario continues, "All the firsts. First parties, first football games, first love. Want me to drop some knowledge?"

Everyone says some variation of no. I say, "Please don't."

Mario ignores us and goes on, "High school, it's the foundation for the rest of your life. Any false starts could lead to your own dead end. Now sure, you guys are smart, setting curves and all that, but you still have to go hard." He unnecessarily yelled that last part.

Mario continues his speech, "Cause there's only one chance at a first impression. So, do you want to sit on the sidelines or play in the game?"

I say, "Mario calm down."

Jamal says, "I just don't want to die."

Monse says, "Is Mario high?"

I say, "Yes he is."

Mario says, "Yes, he's high on life and memories and some seriously good indo. What I was saying is work hard, put your heart out there, even if it's broken by some bitch you've known since Mr. Estrada's seventh grade social studies." He stops to exhale a breath and I really hope that was the end of the speech.

I am not surprised when he continues, "Anyway, uh, what I was saying, and you may want to write this down. Don't go into high school without back-up. You guys need to stick together to survive. Got it?" He leans down level with us to make sure we understand.

We all nod them because I think he got to them, me I nod because I know he won't stop until we nod. Mario stands up still looking serious than he suddenly looks happy as he says, "I'm going to college, mofos! Now kiss my class ring." He holds it out to Ruby.

I say, "Fuck off Mario." Ruby, however decides to kiss the ring. Idiot. Mario than walks off all serious again. He is so dramatic. How am I related to him?

Jamal says, "What the freak?"

Monse says, "Is he kidding me?"

I say, "He is a drama queen."

Jamal says, "That's why you don't smoke that stuff."

Mario suddenly pops back up and says, "Damn, I almost forgot. One last thing: don't bone Monse or Sofia."

I say, "Mario say one more word and I will kick your ass. High or not." He walks away quickly and we all burst out laughing.

Monse says, "Why would anyone want to do that?" I am surrounded by children I cannot wait for them to grow up.

5 weeks later:

A lot has happened in the last 5 weeks since Monse has left for writing camp. I started working for Jamal's dad that's going pretty good, Mario is getting packed up to leave for college, Ruby is planning how he wants to set up the room when it's his and Cesar's brother Oscar got out of jail last week.

I haven't seen Oscar since I was like 12 years old and he was 17. I wasn't never scared of Oscar like my friends were, he saved me from some bullies when I was a kid and I always thought there was some good to him. He's kind of cute too, but I would never say that to my friends they would flip out.

My birthday is in less than a month and I'll officially be 16. I'm so excited about that, my party won't be huge because my quinceañera last year was insane. I don't really care much about the party, last year kind of drained me of my energy for birthday parties.

Today I am working all day. Luckily because it is hot outside Dwayne, Jamal's dad, is letting me wear shorts and my Dwayne's Joint BBQ shirt. I was brought out of my haze of boredom when I hear someone walk in. I turn to them and start ask how I can help them, but when I see who it is a freeze for half a second.

I smile and say, "Oscar? What are you doing here?"

He looks me up and down. Is he checking me out? I kind of hope he is. He says, "It's Spooky. Do I know you hyna?"

I say, "I guess it's been a minute since you've seen me. Sofia Martinez." He does a double take.

He says, "Damn princesa you grew up to be one fine hyna. How old are you now?"

I smile and tell him, "I'm almost 16 my birthday is in less than a month."

He nods and asks, "What are you doing after you get off?"

I shrug and say, "I don't know yet. Got any suggestions?"

He smirks and says, "Yeah we're having a party at the house. You should come Cesar will be there."

I nod and say, "Sure I'll change after work and head over."

He asks, "How do you get around?"

I say, "I walk like everyone else."

He shakes his head and says, "Nah princesa that's too dangerous. Especially around here. I'll pick you up from work and I'll run you home than we'll head to the party."

There are a lot of people in this world you can say no, but Oscar Diaz is not one of them. So, I nod and say, "Thank you Spooky that would be great. I get off at 10."

He nods and says, "Alright princesa." He orders his food than he asks if it's time for my break. I wasn't going to take a break, but I decide to take one to eat with Spooky or Oscar he said I can call him either in private. However, I need to try to call in Spooky in front of other people.

We spent my break talking and catching up. He has gotten hotter and definitely harder, you can see it in his eyes. He's seen and done things he can't come back from. Why does that make him more attractive? I think my crush just got stronger. I have deep seeded issues at least I own that fact.

After my break is over Oscar tells me he'll see me when I get off and heads out. I finish up the rest of my shift in a daze. I can't believe I just spent time with Oscar and I really can't believe he invited me to a party tonight. I wish I could invite Jamal, Monse and Ruby, but their all busy.

Monse is at camp, Ruby's family is having mandatory family time before Mario leaves, and Jamal and his family are out of town visiting a relative. At least Cesar will be there Oscar may have invited me, but I'm sure he won't spend the whole party with me.

The rest of my shift dragged on after Oscar left. I was ready to get to see him again to go to my first party. A Santos party was going to be my first party that is insane to think about. Finally my shift came to an end. After everything was cleaned up I rushed out to see Oscar leaning against his red Impala.

I say, "Your right on time. Let's get out of here."

He nods and opens the door for me. He says, "After you princesa." Hold it in Sofia don't let out a high pitched squeal right now. I continue to repeat this in my head as I get into the car. Once my door closes he walks to the driver side and gets in.

As we drive to my house he says, "So how was work?"

I say, "It was a slow boring day I'm glad to be off."

He nods and asks, "Why are you working? None of your friends are yet."

I say, "Mom does her best, but I don't want to depend on her for money. She works constantly and we are still struggling. This way if I want something I don't have to worry about if we won't be able to pay a bill to get it. I also want to save up for a car."

He says, "That sounds like a grown way to think of things princesa. Don't work yourself too hard though. If you need something you can always come to me."

I smile and say, "Thanks Oscar that means a lot. I won't overwork myself I still have to go to school when that starts back, and I want to have a life still also."

After I finish that thought we pull up to my house. I say, "I'll just be a minute." He nods and I run inside I don't have time to shower so I fix my ponytail and straighten it quickly. I don't wear makeup to work so I quickly put on some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.

I brush my teeth, put on deodorant and strip out of my work clothes. I change into a black halter top and a pair of tight shorts. I grab my black converse and put them on as fast as possible. I check my appearance in the mirror quickly before spraying myself with perfume. I grab my phone and some cash than hurry out the door.

Once I got back in the car Oscar says, "Damn mama you did all that in less than ten minutes that's impressive."

I smile and say, "I've mastered the art of getting ready quickly because I have not mastered the art of waking up on time." He laughs and we make small talk for the rest of the ride.

When we finally pull up to the party I can see it's in full swing. I will never know how you can leave the party for a while when you are the one throwing it. I would never trust all these people alone in my house, but I am not as scary as Spooky so I guess it's not the same.

Right before we get inside Oscar stops me and says, "I have to go talk to some people. I'm going to take you to Cesar and I want you to stay with him until I come find you."

I nod and say, "That was my plan anyway."

He nods and we make our way inside. He looks around for a minute before he starts moving through the house. He grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. As we walk by guys cat call and whistle at me. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but I know Oscar and Cesar won't let anything happen to me so I ignore it.

Suddenly Oscar stops and I look up to see Cesar standing there. He looks shocked as he says, "Sofia what are you doing here?"

I smile shyly and say, "Spooky invited me when he came into my work today."

Before Cesar can respond Oscar says, "Watch out for her Cesar I have to talk to some people and I'll be back. Behave and keep your hands to yourself." With that said he walks away and leaves us there.

Cesar still looks shocked. He says, "I think Oscar might claim you."

I now looked shocked as I say, "Why would you think that?"

He says, "He's never told me or anyone else to watch a girl he flirted with nor did he care if someone else took her. My brother doesn't do crushes or secretly liking someone. He takes what he wants and I think that's you."

I process what Cesar just said on one hand it's a dream come true and on the other I don't know if I am ready to be claimed. I decide not to dwell on something that might not happen. I say, "Let's get a drink and stress about this if and when it happens."

He nods and we head off to the kitchen to get a beer. Once we get our beers we begin drinking and having fun. We talked, danced, and drank it was awesome. Eventually, after like 4 beers Cesar says, "I have to go to the restroom I'll be right back."

I nod and head back to the kitchen to grab a water to cool down. While I'm grabbing one from the fridge I feel someone slap my ass. I turn around super fast with wide eyes. I look up and see that guy Sad Eyes from the part we crashed a little over a month ago.

Sad Eyes says, "Damn Mamacita back that ass up over here."

I'm pretty sure a disgusted look came onto my face as I say, "Not happening."

He steps towards me and says, "Ah don't be that way hyna."

Before I can answer Sad Eyes is jerked back. We both look up to see Oscar standing there. Oscar says, "Estas mirando a mi chica, perra?" (You looking at my girl bitch?) Um his girl? I was going to ask, but I should probably wait until Sad Eyes leaves.

Sad Eyes says, "Sorry man, I didn't know. It won't happen again, homie."

Oscar nods and says, "It better not." Once Sad Eyes leaves Oscar turns to me and says, "I didn't claim you if that's what you think. I just scared him off. I'll let you know before I actually claim you."

I ask, "Does that me you are going to claim me?"

He smirks and says, "Maybe." That's where that conversation ends.

Cesar comes back and asks, "What happened?"

Oscar turns to him and says, "What part of stay with her do you not get?"

I say, "Oscar it's no big deal he just went to the restroom he didn't know Sad Eyes would corner me."

Oscar turns to me and asks, "How did you know his name." We quickly tell him what happened last time we ran into him. Oscar shakes his head and says, "You guys sat outside a high school party instead of crashing it?" We just nod and he laughs at us.

I spend the rest of the night hanging with Oscar and Cesar. I meet a few of Oscar's friends they were pretty cool. All in all it was one of the best nights ever. This summer is turning out awesome.

3 weeks later

These past 3 weeks have been crazy. So some of the guys saw a picture of Monse and were making all kinds of comments. To protect her Cesar claimed Monse by telling everyone they slept together.

I knew it was true, but our other friends found out and think he's a liar. It's not my place to tell it's true, but I told them not to be too harsh on Cesar because they don't know why he did it, they almost banished me from the group too.

I've also spent a lot of time with Oscar my friends are starting to notice, but they haven't said anything about it so that's good. I really like him. He hasn't talked to me about claiming me, but I think he likes me too.

Today is my birthday! I have plans to spend the morning with Cesar, the afternoon with Jamal and Ruby, and the evening with Oscar. It's about to be a busy day. My mom is working today and going to her boyfriends tonight, but I'm not mad at her we had dinner last night and watched a movie.

She knows how busy I am today. I didn't feel right having a birthday party without Monse here, so that is one less thing for us to spend money on. I'm going to have a dinner with my family tomorrow night and that is as close to a party as I want to get.

Cesar took me to breakfast and after we ate and talked he took me to the park and we swung on the swing set like when we were kids. I even convinced him to push me for a while. It was a lot of fun. Simple and nice which I know is not what Ruby and Jamal will have planned.

Jamal and Ruby took me to get my nails done, took me to lunch, and then took me back to Ruby's to watch a movie. It was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, which I appreciated greatly.

Ruby picked a black dress with some white wedges for me to wear to go out with Oscar tonight I tried to argue it was too fancy, but Ruby said it was my birthday nothing is too fancy. Ruby helped me curl my hair too. I wore a simple amount of makeup just eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss.

I was ready just in time for Oscar to text me that he was outside. I hugged Jamal and Ruby then hurried out to meet him. When I got in his car Oscar says, "Te ves hermosa princesa. ¿Haces todo eso por mi?" (You look beautiful princess. you do all that for me?)

I blush as I say, "Es mi cumpleaños, tuve que lucir lo mejor posible." (It's my birthday, I had to look my best.) I knew I looked too nice.

Oscar just laughs and says, "Whatever you say, princesa." We drive in a comfortable silence. I have no idea where we are going Oscar gave me no clues. He just said it was a surprise. I tried asking Cesar, but he doesn't know where we are going.

To my surprise Oscar took us to the beach. This is a nice way to end my birthday because I love the beach and it is so relaxing here. Once we get the car parked we silently walk along the beach enjoying each other being there.

Oscar turns to me and says, "This was the first place I came after I got out. I needed to be out in the open after being crammed in a cell. I'm sure Cesar already told you this and I'm sure you already know this, but I don't sugar coat things or beat around the bush. As of tomorrow everyone will know I've claimed you. I know how Cesar claimed your friend, but that is not the only way to claim someone so don't worry."

Um what? I ask, "So how else can someone be claimed?"

He says, "For me it's as simple as telling everyone I claimed you and to back the fuck off."

I ask, "Do I get a choice?"

He smirks and tells me, "You made your choice three weeks ago when I basically told you this would happen." He got me there. I knew it was a high possibility this would happen and I stayed anyway.

I say, "So what now?"

He shrugs and says, "Everything will be the same we're just official now and I can kiss you and do some other things with you when you're ready, mi amor."

I smile and say, "So is that my birthday present? A kiss?"

He pulls a box out of his pocket and hands it to me he says, "No that will be a bonus this is your present." I open it to find a cross that looks like his, but is much smaller.

I smile and say, "I guess I really have been claimed. Put it on me, amor." He nods and comes behind me as I pull my hair to the side. He puts the necklace on me and I know in that moment that I will never take it off.

He turns me around and pulls me close to him. I stare up at him with a smile and he surprises me by smiling down at me. He leans down to kiss me, it starts off soft and heats up as time goes on. We stay on the beach until late in the night just kissing and talking. Tomorrow the whole town will know he has claimed me, but tonight it's just us and it is a nice feeling.

2 weeks later:

Currently I am watching Ruby and Jamal jump on Ruby's bed. They are so dumb I try to evenly split my time between these two, Cesar, and Oscar. Not to mention I have to fit in work and family. My life would be easier if they would forgive Cesar.

I thought they were going to banish me when they found out I was claimed by Oscar, but after they had an actual debate about it they decided it wasn't in their best interest. I'm excited Monse is back, but I am not excited for her to find out what Cesar said.

I know why he said it, but it is not my business to tell her that. Ruby and Jamal decided not to tell her, but bless Jamal he will end up telling her. That boy can't keep a secret. Hopefully when Monse finds out I can either keep her calm or keep Oscar calm.

Ruby shouts, "Check me out bitches! I got my own room! My own room." Him and Jamal stop jumping on the bed and jump to the ground. Ruby says, "So, let's not trash it. I don't want to break my pimp couch before it gets some play." I roll my eyes at him. Yeah right.

Ruby goes on, "High school is an opp for reinvention. So if I want a new life, I got to be a new man. It all starts with my kingdom." I'm going to be real sometimes I wonder if I would be friends with Ruby if we weren't cousins.

Jamal holds up a book and says, "Royal reading?"

Ruby says, "Ha. No, it's a conversation piece. And 2.99 at Ross. Enough chitchat, let's feng shui."

Monse comes in the room and says, "I'm back."

Ruby being Ruby says, "Can you move that side table?"

Monse says, "No, seriously don't make such a fuss. I've only been gone all summer, but really, no big deal."

I push past Ruby and say, "I missed you so much! Don't ever leave me with them again!"

Monse laughs and says, "I missed you too Sofia!"

Ruby sighs and says, "How was camp?"

Monse says, "Camp was good. Notice anything new?" I hope they notice and don't say anything stupid, but I know that's aiming to high.

Ruby and Jamal say, "You got boobs." I knew they were going to same something dumb, just once I wish they wouldn't.

I roll my eyes and say, "Her braces are off idiots."

Monse says, "You can wait for Cesar to help."

I sigh and say, "Don't go there Monse."

Jamal says, "Then we'll be waiting a really long time." Ruby just walks over to his closet ignoring the statement.

Monse asks, "Why? Where's Cesar?"

Ruby says, "We're not talking to him."

I say, "Speak for yourselves."

Ruby says, "Fine. Only Sofia is talking to him."

Monse says, "You in a fight? "

Jamal says, "Well, it wasn't really like a fight more like-"

Ruby cuts him off, "We're not getting into it. Trust us Cesar's not cool."

I say, "Monse it's complicated and it's not my place to tell you. I will say these guys have a right to be mad, but I know the whole situation. What he did was wrong, but I understand his reasoning." She nods acknowledging what I said.

Monse says, "Well, I'm not cool being not cool. And why aren't you at football." Yeah I forgot to mention he quit football.

Jamal says, "We should really get to orientation before those lines get too long."

Ruby says, "Yeah, I don't want to be too sweaty for my ID. Like Mario said, 'It's all about the right first impression.'" Wow they almost learned something from Mario's' insane speech.

Monse says, "And sticking together!" Which was the main lesson behind Mario's crazy ass speech.

Monse says, "You are totally deflecting this whole Cesar sitch. So stop being bitches and tell me." So I think I have a better chance of calming Oscar down than Monse when she finds out what Cesar said.

As we made our way out of Ruby's house Monse went on and on trying to get someone to tell her what happened. No one has broken yet. As we walk down the street she shouts, "What happened with Cesar? The silent treatment will only last so long. I will break you."

She won't break me I do not want to be more twisted in this than I already am. Monse goes on, "Come on. There's no way Cesar did anything on purpose to destroy our crew. He's the glue of our crew." He didn't do it to destroy the crew, he did it to protect Monse. It wasn't the best idea, but he was thinking on the fly.

Jamal says, "That was then, and this is now."

Ruby says, "Yeah, Cesar ain't shit." I'm surrounded by drama queens, I swear.

Ruby says, "Shit Prophets. Be cool."

Monse says, "Ditch your colors." I discretely hide my necklace they will know what it means no need to start unnecessary problems. Ruby quickly removes his hoody.

Ruby says, "Damn it. Did I just jack my do?"

I say, "Yeah you did." It's not that bad and if it were anyone else I would tell them it was fine, but Ruby is a perfectionist. I answered the question by his standards. Ruby pulls out his phone to check his hair.

Ruby says, "Code dread. Code dread. Approaching on your six." These guys are jerks. Jasmine is a bit much, but I don't have a problem with her like these guys do.

Jasmine says, "Yo! You guys going to orientation? Hey you know my cousin Berto, the fine one, hey? His daughter Letty said it ain't nothing, unless you're stupid and you can't spell your name. And then you hold up the line and then people get mad." They pick up their pace and I match them, but I feel bad for Jasmine.

Jasmine says, "Hey why are you guys walking so fast? You know I can't keep up. I have asthma."

Monse says, "Sorry, Jasmine we're having a private convo. Real sensitive stuff. Catch you next time."

Jasmine says, "That's what you always say."

I smile back at her and say, "I'll text you later Jasmine." She smile back at me than takes another hit off her inhaler. These guys are jerks for doing that to her.

They take off running and I roll my eyes. I see Jasmine running behind me I decide to keep up with my friends to make sure they and Jasmine are ok. Jasmine doesn't last long bless her. And we run till they can't see her anymore.

Jamal says, "Man she is relentless. Nice save."

Monse says, "Oh you're not safe."

Jamal says, "Your threats aren't penetrating ok? I'm not telling you what Cesar said." I knew Jamal would be the one to cave, I just knew it.

Monse says, "Ah ha, so he said something." Jamal quickly covers his mouth.

Ruby snaps, "Jamal! Do you need a muzzle? Monse, no offense, but you're a loose cannon. And we're not telling you for your own protection."

I say, "I'm not telling you because it's not my place not because I think you need to be protected."

Monse says, "My own protection? Eat a dick. Thank you for being honest Sofia." I nod. This is the loose cannon thing, but honestly not telling her is worse than telling her.

Ruby say, "Case in point. You don't even know and you're already at Defcon Solange."

We hear someone getting their ass kicked we glance over and look away quickly. Looks like someone is getting jumped in. Jamal says, "Don't look. Keep walking."

We keep walking pretending not to see a thing. Jamal says, "Why would anyone want to get jumped into the 19th street? If it were me I would join first street, only one second of pain."

Ruby says, "Agreed. And who wants a lifetime of commitment at our age?" I roll my eyes they are so naïve.

I say, "Not everyone gets a choice guys. And some people don't know any other way of life. This is all a lot of people out here know."

Monse ignores what I said and says, "Apparently neither of you. Lack of commitment seems to be a noticeable trend in this friendship. As does lack of personal space!" Monse looks up and freezes when she sees Oscar's car.

This will not end well. Ruby says, "We can't tell you what Cesar said."

Monse says, "Fine. Then I'll ask him myself." She then steps in front of Oscar's car. Yeah this is not going to end well for anyone least of all me.

Oscar says, "Hey , You crazy?!"

Monse goes to Oscar's side of the car and leans down to talk to them. She says, "I just wanted to let Cesar know I was back in town." If I know Oscar and I do he is about to say something to piss off Monse, Cesar, and me.

Oscar says, " And looking like a fine ass hyna."

Monse says, "An underage hyna."

Oscar says, "Not for some. It's all good. You look a little different. What is it?"

She should say braces, but I doubt that is what she will say. Monse says, "My boobs." Girl no do not give him ammunition.

He laughs and says, "Nah, you got your braces off. Ah Sofia get over here." I sigh and nudge Monse over a little.

I say, "What's up Spooky?"

He smirks and says, "You sure you want to walk I can give you a ride princesa." I roll my eyes he is so annoying, but he has his sweet moments.

I say, "No Spooky I'm good walking with my friends."

He pulls me down and kisses me showing off I little. I love his kisses, but now isn't the time. Oscar says, "I'll see after call me if you need a ride." I nod and step back. Once I do he drives away.

Monse is in shock she walks over to the guys and I follow her. Ruby throws his hoody over her shoulders. Monse asks, "When did Oscar get out?"

Ruby says, "Six weeks ago."

Monse says, "Now it makes sense. Whatever Cesar said he said to impress Oscar. Cesar's terrified of his brother."

Jamal says, "Along with everyone else, but Sofia." That's true he has his scary moments, but I'm still not scared of him.

Monse says, "Then who cares what he said."

Ruby says, "Oh, just drop it."

Monse says, "Do I look like I can just drop it?" I sigh they should just tell her, I can't I'm being neutral. Not telling her is worse than telling her. However she will react she has a right to know.

Jamal says, "Actually, you do. You just won't."

Monse then turns to me and says, "And what is up with you and Oscar."

Jamal says, "Oh Oscar claimed her." I roll my eyes thanks for letting me tell her.

Monse says, "When the hell did that happen?"

I say, "On my birthday we're together please don't make a big deal. I like him."

Before she can say anything someone says, "Tax time, bitches!"

Jamal says, "Shit, Latrelle." We turn around to face the idiot who is mugging us. Well them he knows better than to mug me.

Latrelle says, "Hand up, money out. Not you Sofia I'm not dealing with that shit again." He's not a very smart criminal. Those are the kind that get caught. I wasn't going to put my hands up anyway, but nice to know he didn't expect me to.

Ruby asks, "How can we take our money out with our hands up?" Fair point there Ruby.

Latrelle says, "I know you bookheads got that back-to-school gwop." I roll my eyes can this go a little faster.

Monse says, "It's orientation day. So technically, we're neither back to school nor out of school. We're-"

Ruby cut her off by putting his hand over her mouth and says, "We don't have any money."

Jamal says, "What about that 20?" I roll my eyes he will never learn I swear.

Ruby hands over his money and we make our way to orientation. Jamal says, "At least you finally got your own room." It was a long boring process and I was glad when it was over. Everyone walked home, but I walked to Oscar's.

I've been at here for a while hanging out with Oscar and everyone. Currently I'm sitting with Cesar on the couch talking to Oscar while he works out when I notice Jamal and Monse talking not too far from here. I knew she wouldn't give up easily. I get off the couch and walk over to Oscar.

He puts down the weight he's lifting and pulls me into his lap. I lean over and whisper, "Monse is here please keep your cool. I can't keep her calm, but I need you to be." He nods and kisses me soundly.

I see Monse making her way over and I nudge Oscar. He looks up and shakes his head. This won't end well. Monse stops in front of Cesar and says, "I need to talk to you."

Cesar says, "I'm listening." Yeah he's being a total dick. Everyone is staring at her I nudge Oscar, but he shakes his head again. Of course he wants to see how Cesar will handle this. As someone who knows him well I already know.

Monse says, "Privately?"

Cesar says, "Yeah, we can go inside." Oscar clears his throat and I know what is going to happen and I elbow Oscar for it.

Cesar continues, "But if you wanna sit on my face, you got to put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate." He then fist bumps Oscar. Monse storms away.

I lean over to Oscar and whisper, "You're an cabrón (dumbass). I'm leaving." I know better than to cause a scene here so I kiss him like normal. Not to just let things go I slap Cesar on the back of the head as hard as I can before follow after Monse.

I know Oscar is going to be pissed I left, but he will be less pissed since I didn't cause a scene. I mean hitting Cesar was justifiable. When I catch up with Monse she says, "Cesar is dead to me!" I don't argue with her because he went too far.

Jamal says, "I told ya."

Monse says, "He doesn't break up with us, we're breaking up with him! 'Sit on my face?' Who says that?" An idiot says that. I'm not defending him on this one, but I'm still not going to shut him out. He needs friends right now.

Jamal says, "Chairs who can talk! And Buttholes!" Oh Jamal.

I say, "Monse just take a deep breath and try to calm down."

Monse says, "I wouldn't put dumb crap like that past Oscar, but Cesar? What happened to him? And Sofia why are you with Oscar you see what he's like what he did to Cesar."

I shake my head and say, "He's not like that with me and Cesar made a choice now he has to deal with the fall out of that choice."

Monse goes on, "Cesar's gotta be hitting the pipe. Right? Right." Ok or ignore me and what I say.

Jamal says, "Could be." This whole time he's rolling around in the dirt and jumping around its getting weird to be around him.

Monse says, "That was totally out of character. What are you doing?"

Jamal says, "I'm getting into character." How did it take her so long to ask that?

Jamal says loudly, "Hey Pops." Than quietly he says, "Say nothing and go with my flow."

Dwayne says, "Monse! Sofia! Welcome back baby! You guys ready for the new year." He hugs us both. He's so nice I really adore him.

Monse says, "Bound to be a lot of surprises."

I smile and say, "I'm ready for cheer try outs!"

He chuckles at us and goes over to Jamal and asks, "How was practice?" I forgot to mention his dad still doesn't know he's not on the team.

Monse looks over and asks, "Yeah, how was practice?" I roll my eyes she is so mean. I do want to see how this plays out though, I'm a little mean too.

Jamal says, "I don't know. Ask those D1 scouts who were all up on me."

Dwayne being the great guy he is bought it. He says with a laugh, "That's my boy."

Monse asks, "Did you quit the team and not tell your dad?"

Jamal says, "No."

I say, "Yes he did."

Jamal says, "Yes. Look I suited up on first day, and I just wasn't feeling it."

Monse throws his bag back at him and says, "Wasn't feeling it?"

Jamal says, "Yeah, I wasn't feeling like breaking my neck. Listen, everybody who knows me knows I suck, except my pops. And he keeps thinking that I'm just gonna wake up one day and be him, and I'm not him. I just need to find the right time to tell him."

Monse says, "How ironic that a guy who can't keep a secret is keeping the biggest secret of his life." He shouldn't have told her she will use this to get her way. She smirks suddenly.

Jamal says, "What?"

Monse says, "I'm going to rat you out to your dad unless you drop the 411 about Cesar. What did he say?" I knew this would happen. I just knew it.

Jamal says, "No." This won't last.

Monse says, "Yes, Mr. Turner." Jamal quickly covers her mouth with his hand.

Jamal says, "Cesar said you let him hit it before you left for camp." Well he lasted longer than I expected him to. This isn't going to end well.

We go our separate ways. I have to walk by Oscars to get home. As I pass by I hear, "Princesa." I know it's Oscar, but I am in no mood to deal with him so I keep walking. He grabs my arm and says, "Really?"

I glare at him and say, "Yeah really. Look I didn't cause a scene earlier, but that doesn't make me any less pissed. She is one of my best friends and you made him go too far."

He says, "You know how things work princesa."

I nod and say, "I do, but she doesn't. He went too far and tomorrow I'll probably be less mad, but right now I'm mad at both of you. I just want to go home and chill out."

He nods and kisses me quickly. He says, "At least let me drive you home." I nod and we get in his car. We drive in silence and when we get to my house he kisses me. As I get out he says, "See you tomorrow princesa."

I nod and say, "See you than amor." I than hurry to my house and get ready for bed. Monse texts me a while later to meet at my work tomorrow at 5. I quickly text back that I get off at 6 so I'll be there.

The next day I work with Jamal. At five Monse shows up and we continue to work until 6 when I get off. For the next hour I sit with Monse while Jamal works. Monse says, "That's my 11th text. Ruby's almost 2 hours late."

Jamal says, "Chill. He said he'll be here, so he'll be here. Trust me."

Monse says, "Says the guy who's pretending to play football?"

Jamal says, "Maybe my pops won't notice?"

I say, "Jamal that is not possible."

Jamal says, "Where the hell is Ruby?"

Monse drags me with her to Ruby's house. When we get there she just walks in and we see Ruby standing in a dress. This is a priceless image. Monse says, "What's going on?"

Ruby says, "I think it is pretty obvious."

I say this, "Is the best thing I've seen all day." Ruby glares at me for that.

Monse says, "Great. So, walk me through the moment Cesar said what he said." This is getting way out of hand.

Ruby says, "Don't worry about."

Monse scoffs and says, "There you go again."

Ruby asks, "There you go again what?"

Monse says, "Keeping things from me. You gotta stop withholding, damn it! Lo siento señora." (I'm sorry ma'am). Oh abuela (grandma) I love you so much.

Abuela says, "It's ok. I watch bravo." Yeah I love her so much.

Ruby says, "Monse. Wait Monse." Monse pulls him outside and I follow. Ruby says, "We need to go back inside." I'm too busy laughing to help either one of them.

Monse says, "What did Cesar exactly say? And how did he say it? I need context. Tone. I need to know." I was there I know, but I am so not going to be the one to tell her.

Ruby says, "You know what I know. What I don't know is why he said it." Again I have the answer to this, but it is not my place to say anything. Ruby goes on, "But he said it. We tried to get him to take it back, but he wouldn't. So what can we do? Drop it." She is so not going to do that.

Monse says, "I can't."

Ruby says, "Why?"

Monse says, "Because I'm still figuring out if I hate him. You heard what your brother said. How are we going to survive high school without Cesar?"

Ruby says, "Mario is not some sage. Don't take his words to heart. They're just words. Plus we have Sofia we're good. Her boyfriend literally runs the Santos." I roll my eyes thanks primo (cousin) thanks.

Monse says, "If that's true then why should we take Cesar's words to heart? There just words."

Ruby says, "Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it. And Cesar said it like he meant it. But things could be worse."

Monse says, "What's worse than losing a friend?" Not a lot, but there are still worse things.

Ruby says, "Entering high school with a rep. You're smart enough to know that a rumor could ruin your life. But it's contained." In this place I don't know if it will stay that way. I'm just going to pray it does.

Monse says, "You're right. No one knows." I see Jasmine coming and I know she only brings trouble with her.

Jasmine says, "Hey! Damn Ruby! I see you ! I see you! And I'm down with it. I like the freaky. Just like Monse." Oh no, I did not pray hard enough.

Monse says, "What are you talking about."

Jasmine says, "You ain't gotta be shy with me, girl. I know you and Cesar be gettin' it in."

Monse whips back to face Ruby and shouts, "No one knows? Really? I officially hate the traitor and now I'm gonna kick his ass." Oh no this is bad.

I say, "Monse please calm down this is not a good idea."

She ignores me and storms off Ruby calls after her, but she ignores him. I chase after her and say, "Please don't do this Monse you don't know what it's like there this is an extremely bad idea." She ignores my pleas.

She storms all the way to Oscar's house I plead with her the whole way to turn back, but she doesn't. I don't know what to do I'm in a very complicated situation. As soon as she sees Cesar she loses it.

She pushes him off his skate board and starts wailing on him as she says, "You little bitch!"

I say, "Monse please calm down." She ignores me yet again.

She continues to wail on Cesar as the guys around her make dumb ass comments. She says, "I fought for you. I had your back. For what? For you to impress your puto friends and humiliate me?"

Of course Oscar is no help he says, "Hermanito (little brother), you better back up before you get smacked up." I adore my boyfriend, but I also hate him sometimes too.

Monse says, "Shut up, puto!"

I say, "Monse chill the fuck out now!" I cannot afford for her to piss off Oscar.

Oscar says, "Hey watch it now." Jamal and Ruby make their way to Monse and pull her away.

I walk over to Oscar and say, "Please just let them leave. You know he was a dick to her, he deserves the ass beating." He considers it for a moment.

He says, "You stay the night they leave clean and clear." Of course he would use this to get his way.

I nod and say, "Deal."

I look over when I hear Monse shout, "Crazy? I'm crazy?"

Ruby says, "Calm down. Breathe."

I say, "I'll be right back." Oscar nods and I rush over to my friends. I say, "Monse it's ok just calm down."

Monse yells, "Don't you patronize me! I don't need you. Any of you. I was trying to keep our crew together, but since I'm the only one who cares, you're all dead to me. I'll survive on my own." Well that escalated quickly.

We stand there and watch her go. Hopefully this fight won't last long. I look to Jamal and Ruby and tell them, "Look I have Oscar calm for now, but you guys should probably bail while you can." They both quickly nod and run away as fast as they can.

I stay with Oscar that night nothing happens we just share his bed. It wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last. I sleep amazing when I sleep next to him it's pretty awesome and I love it.

The next morning the guys texted me about Monse hanging out with Jasmine and than 30 minutes later Monse texted me that she forgives us. That didn't take long. I giggle at her message and that wakes up Oscar.

He asks, "What's so funny princesa?"

I smile and say, "Monse just forgave Ruby, Jamal, and me. She caved faster than I thought she would."

He nods and asks, "You sure she isn't crazy? Last night was insane."

I roll my eyes and say, "You know your Hermanito (little brother) handled this the wrong way."

He nods and says, "Probably, but he needs to figure out how to be grown and fix it. We can't do it for him."

I nod and say, "I know you are right. Now come on you have to take me home so I can get ready for work. Then you have to take me to work."

He rolls his eyes and says, "You don't even ask anymore?"

I roll my eyes and say, "You made me stay here."

He did take me home I got ready and then he took me to work. I worked the whole day than Oscar picked me up and took me to get food. After we ate we hung out for a while just talking and kissing before he finally brought me home.

He wanted me to stay the night again, but I have school tomorrow so I feel like I should stay home my first night before school. After I get ready for bed I get a text from Jamal about his lie to his dad. And way later that night I got a long text from Monse about what happened with Cesar and how she knows I knew the truth.

She's not mad at me for not telling her she agrees that it needed to come from Cesar. She also told me Cesar got jumped in and I'm not surprised. I think Oscar is jumping him in way too soon, but Cesar could have said no, it would have been hard but he could have, and Oscar was jumped in way earlier in life.

The next day we all meet up to walk to school and Monse makes us go to Cesar and Oscar's hoping Cesar will walk with us. And he does. There is a gunshot and we all say, ".44."

Oscar pulls up and says, "Cesar, Sofia." He gives us a nod. My friends are already on thin ice with him I don't want to make it worse Oscar gets out and lets Cesar in the back and the guy in the front seat gets in the back so I can sit next Oscar.

As I walk over I say, "See you at school guys." I smile sadly at them as I go.

I wave at my friends as I get in the car. I am not leaving them behind. I like Cesar am trying to keep them safe. Cesar didn't choose this life, but I did and I think our lives are about get complicated for the choices we made willingly or not.