Hello, friends!

This is a story I've had cooking for a couple weeks now. I've been slowly rewatching Inuyasha and Inuyasha: The Final Act, and I became curious about the ten day separation between when Inuyasha leaves Kagome to study for her entrance exam and when he comes to get her on the day she finishes in the TFA episode entitled The Day of Days.

I had never really picked up on the fact that Kagome says, "In the ten days...Inuyasha didn't come over once (I'm somewhat paraphrasing)." She was referring to the fact that she got to study, but I went a different route with my thinking.

Of course, the chaos in that episode is funny, but I pondered what could have been going through Inuyasha's mind in the time between their almost-kiss and when he comes back for her.


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. All rights to Rumiko Takahashi.

Ten Days

Inuyasha took a deep breath as he hopped into the tallest tree he could find and leaned back against the trunk.

He had just left Kagome's time so she could fight her battle with the entrance exam yokai. Kagome had asked for ten days at her home, so Inuyasha had left that evening.

He thought back to what had happened shortly before he'd come back through the well…

"I sure hope you didn't hurry home on my account!"

An awkward chuckle escaped Kagome's mouth as she greeted her family.

Inuyasha stayed back, his mood dampened and irritation growing...

Inuyasha groaned as he gently hit his head against the trunk of the tree. The moment had dissolved as soon as her family got home.

Of course her family would interrupt when I finally got the nerve to try and kiss her…

Well, he supposed that wasn't entirely true since kissing her really hadn't been his actual goal. He'd certainly been wanting to kiss her for a while now, but the fact that he went for it took even him by surprise.

When she'd told him that she wanted to stay with him for the second time since they'd met, with such sincerity and assurance, he knew it was meant to be.

"Kagome, if that's what you want, I promise I'll protect you with my life…"

Inuyasha hadn't meant to try and kiss her after he said that, but her eyes had been wide with surprise, and her cheeks had been bright with a blush, and her hand he was holding had been trembling in his grasp.

What's a guy to do?

Inuyasha had known about Kagome's feelings for him, and he'd just recently come to terms with his. Of course, he'd had feelings for her since shortly after they met, but with Kikyo and Naraku and all of the evil they were facing, he knew it wasn't the right time, especially since Kagome was a human and he was a hanyo.

And yet…

Kagome was always there for him. She constantly assured him that he was worth all the happiness in the world, that he was important, that he was cared for. She had a way of just being the light in his life, and that had sparked his love for her. She'd cried for him and stayed by his side through even the worst of times.

Yeah, he was a lucky guy. His grief for Kikyo had clouded a lot of his feelings, and now he knew that Kagome had been suffering, too. He'd finally found closure after Kikyo's death, and a lot of the guilt from their time together had subsided.

Now that the battle with Naraku was intensifying, Inuyasha found himself thinking about Kagome's death as well.

Just the idea of Kagome losing her life made Inuyasha grow cold with devastation. She was the thing that brought him the most happiness in his life. He wasn't mushy often, but when he thought about her, it was usually inevitable.

These ten days without her were going to suck.

He figured the space would be good, though. He needed to think about some things and now was probably the best time to do it since she wouldn't be expecting him for another week-and-a-half.

He didn't really know what he should do now. He'd tried to kiss her, and she'd seemed all too eager for it, too. Despite his lack of knowledge in the field of romance and just emotions altogether, even Inuyasha knew that you couldn't come back from a kiss.

He figured it was the same for an almost-kiss, too.

Regardless, he just hoped nothing would change. Now was not the time for that mushy crap. They were fighting an all-out war with Naraku, so trying to pursue anything would just be a distraction. Miroku and Sango were waiting to be together until Naraku was dead, so he knew it was the right thing to do.

But Kagome…

He already loved her. If they were actually together and Kagome died, that would just make it so much worse.

Inuyasha's head was swimming and he felt like his brain was going to explode.

In addition to all that, Kagome had said how much she enjoyed living in her time and she was always trying to go back there. He knew her studies and family were important to her, but would she want to come back after they destroyed Naraku?

He closed his eyes and tried to figure out what to do.

As he began drifting off to sleep, a plan came to his mind.


The next morning, Inuyasha decided to put his plan into action.

He was going to pretend that Kagome would never come back.

It was a little extreme, but he needed to be prepared in case she decided to not return after Naraku was dead.

So, rash as he was, he woke up and headed to Kaede's home to meet up with everyone.

He grunted a reply to the greetings he received when he walked through the door.

Shippo immediately bombarded him. "When's Kagome getting back? Did she say when she would be returning?"

Inuyasha cringed, but remembered his resolve. "I don't know." Of course he knew it would be ten days, but he was still enacting his plan. He was, as Kagome would say, going with it.

He could practically feel Miroku and Sango looking at him, but he ignored them and instead took the bowl of food Kaede handed him and began eating.

Breakfast was a quiet affair, as it usually was without Kagome. Well, Inuyasha was quiet. The others went about as usual. Shippo was the only one that was really affected by Kagome's absence in a way that was similar to Inuyasha. They both loved Kagome, although in very different ways, but they still felt strongly for her.

The runt is gonna be a wreck without Kagome, Inuyasha realized it as he watched Shippo throughout the morning. As soon as the little fox had finished eating, he'd pulled out a book of pictures and the coloring sticks Kagome had given him. Whenever she was gone longer than usual, Shippo would draw several pictures to give her upon her return.

Inuyasha tried to ignore Shippo as he continued coloring, but it became difficult when the child consistently asked, Do you think Kagome will like this? Should I use blue or red? Which one should I color next?

Finally fed up with it, Inuyasha got up and abruptly left Kaede's house. Miroku called after him, but the hanyo ignored him completely.

Inuyasha walked aimlessly in silence. There was no chatter next to him, no laughter from a woman of whom he was rather fond, no deep sense of comfort in the presence of the one he loved.

It was quiet...and kinda empty.

Get a hold of yourself, Inuyasha scolded internally. You're not a pathetic human. Something as stupid as feelings is not going to ruin your life.

And yet, the emptiness remained with him.

But he still continued about his day.

By day five, even Inuyasha himself knew that he was being especially grouchy to everyone.

Given that he was still pretending Kagome would not return, he had purposefully not gone to see her. Of course, that had just made his mood gradually decline as every minute passed.

Sango was the one that broke first.

"Inuyasha!" she shouted as said hanyo cursed very loudly and colorfully for at least the tenth time since that morning. "Do you mind? We're trying to have a meal together and we don't need your coarse language ruining it!"

Inuyasha growled. "Don't listen to it then!" he sneered.

Sango moved to stand up, no doubt to swing at him or something of the like, but a gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her.

Out of the corner of his eye, Inuyasha saw Miroku give Sango a silent look. The taijiya didn't seem pleased, but she remained seated and looked away from Inuyasha.

"Is something the matter, my good friend?" the monk asked kindly. "You've seemed a bit...off this week."

"He probably misses Kagome," Shippo pointed out.


At the sound of Shippo's wails after Inuyasha hit him, the hanyo left.

I need to get a grip, Inuyasha thought to himself. This is self-destruction if I've ever seen it.

He punched the nearest tree before taking off into the forest.

He skidded to a stop when he reached the Goshinboku. He peered up into the branches and thought back to the moment he'd met Kagome.

It was then that he realized the truth.

He would never be the same without her.

How can I ever live again if she's not with me? I'll survive, but I will never truly live if I can't see her again.

Inuyasha jumped up into the Goshinboku with his ears drooping and his mood plummeting as he tried to block out all of the thoughts racing through his head. It didn't work too well.

About an hour later, he heard someone approaching.


Kaede's voice came from the trunk of the tree. Glancing down, Inuyasha saw that she was carrying a basket and appeared to be looking for him up in the branches.

The hanyo hopped down and frowned. "What?"

Kaede reached into the basket. "Ye have not been eating much as of late," she pointed out. "I thought a snack would do ye good." She handed him a piece of fruit and gave him a look that obviously said Don't give me a hassle about it.

Inuyasha took the fruit silently but didn't take a bite of it. He just couldn't.

"Something is troubling ye quite deeply," Kaede said. "Would I be correct in assuming it has something to do with Kagome?"

Inuyasha scoffed. "As if I would be troubled about Kagome."

Kaede chuckled. "My, my. Ye are certainly good at denying what ye are so evidently feeling."

Inuyasha blushed as he remembered the conversation he and Kaede had before he'd taken the bow from Mount Azusa to Kagome.

His thoughts from that day came back to him. If Kagome were to lose her life, just like Kikyo did, I—I'd be...it would be hard to let her go.

Inuyasha looked up to see a sense of understanding in Kaede's good eye.

"I've just been thinking," he began uncertainly, "about what it would be like if she didn't come back."

Kaede peered at him. "Do ye wish for her to remain in her time?"

Inuyasha frowned. "I want her to be safe," he explained. "But...no. I want her here with me—I mean, with us. All of us." He blushed at the realization of what he'd said.

Kaede only nodded. "That is understandable, Inuyasha. Ye and Kagome have a bond that would be hard to lose should it ever come to that."

Inuyasha sighed. "I just need to figure out how I would be able to go on without her if she doesn't return."

The elderly miko shook her head. "Kagome will always return."

"But something could happen that makes her not able to return," Inuyasha persisted. "If that happens, I don't know what I'd do."

Kaede paused for a moment, obviously deep in thought. "Well, at the moment, ye strive to protect Kagome from all danger and ye value the relationship ye have with her, correct?"

Inuyasha nodded quickly, uncomfortable with admitting how he felt.

"In a way, part of your livelihood is committed to protecting Kagome," Kaede continued. "So if she were to never return, then ye should just continue what ye are doing."

Inuyasha frowned in confusion. "How am I supposed to protect her if she isn't here?"

Kaede shrugged. "She does not have to be with ye physically for ye to protect her. Ye can protect her by ridding the world of evil so the future will be better for the ages to come."

Inuyasha's eyes widened. "That's...true, I guess."

The miko smiled at him. "There is a powerful bond between ye and Kagome. It is a bond that cannot be easily broken, and it is one that I suspect will always be able to transcend time. I believe that to be so no matter how many years separate ye two."

With that, Kaede set the basket down in front of him and left to return to her home.

Uncertain of how long he stood there, Inuyasha finally moved to pick up the basket Kaede had left. He jumped back into the tree and peered at the contents. It was full of fruit and a few pieces of fish.

At the sound of his stomach growling, Inuyasha realized how hungry he was.

He ate all of the food in minutes. When he was finished, he thought about what Kaede had said.

She's right, he realized. I supposed I really can protect Kagome even if we're apart. That's how I can survive if we're parted. I'll fight the evil in this world and continue the legacy we're creating.

He jumped down from the tree and began to walk back to Kaede's house to join the others.

For the next five days, Inuyasha gradually went back to normal. He still missed Kagome, of course, but he didn't feel as empty.

After breakfast on the tenth day, Inuyasha stood up and announced that he was going through the well to get Kagome. Everyone was very pleased to hear that the young miko would be coming back that day, so Inuyasha departed from the wide grins of his friends.

When he reached the well, he didn't hesitate to jump in.

It took him a while to actually make it to Kagome though. After he found out from her family that Kagome was off fighting her battle against the entrance exam yokai, he decided to follow after her.

She told me ten days, Inuyasha thought to himself, so she better be finished with everything by the time I get to her.

He had to go to the big place with all of the huge, fast-moving iron carts, but he managed to catch up to her.

She wasn't happy to see him.

Inuyasha was shocked when she told him to sit without even greeting him. Has she changed her mind? Does she not want to be with me now?

He jumped on the huge metal cart and rode it until it stopped again. Stupid Kagome changing her stupid attitude all of a sudden...I gave you my word, Kagome, and I don't go back on my word...

Finally, after a fiasco with Kagome's bag and a lot of her tears, Inuyasha finally got the reaction he'd been waiting for since he'd left her house ten days ago.

Kagome threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you! I'm so, so glad you were here! You completely saved my life!"

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her hesitantly as he took in the sweet scent of her hair.

"I'm glad you finally figured that out," he said quietly as they embraced for a few moments more.

Eventually, he'd dropped her off and her mother brought her exam sutra-ticket thing so she could fight her battle, Inuyasha walked back to her house with her mother's scarf covering his ears.

As they walked in companionable silence, Inuyasha reflected on everything that had happened with Kagome.

Things would only get harder from here as they neared what he knew would be the final confrontations with Magatsuhi and Naraku, but Inuyasha knew he had the most important constant by his side through it all.

He truly believed that everything would be worth it in the end, no matter what happened.

And three years later, he found that he had been right.


I hope you all enjoyed!

Much love.