Chapter 1
Welcome to another Shelby sister story! Hope you enjoy!
"Hello you." Elijah Jesus calls softly, so as not to scare the young girl in front of him, her dark curls blowing about in the wind. She turns with a smile, cigarette held up to her lips as she beckons him over with a nod of her head.
"Alright?" Bessy replies, watching out of the corner of her eye as Elijah leans on the wall beside her.
"What are you doing out here?" He asks, pulling out a cigarette of his own.
"It's so damn stuffy in there," Bessy complains, nodding her head towards the doors of the Garrison. "I needed some air."
"Those are bad for you ya know." He teases, motioning to the cigarette in her hand; Bessy rolls her eyes, giving him a kick in the shin.
"Shut up." She replies as he laughs, reaching up to pluck the cigarette from his fingertips, taking a deep inhale as she throws her own cigarette stub to the floor.
"Oi!" Elijah yells, letting out a laugh. "Come 'ere." He growls taking Bessy by the hips, pulling her to him, connecting their lips. Bessy smiles into the kiss, letting out a contented sigh as she winds her fingers into the hair on the back of Elijah's head. "Come back inside. Sit with me. I'll get you a drink, eh?" Bessy tilts her head to the side, looking up at Elijah with a smile.
"My brothers won't like that." She teases, rising on to her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
"Fuck 'em." He jokes in reply, winking at Bessy who shakes her head in mock despair.
"'Fuck 'em', but don't tell them that we're..." Bessy trails off, raising her eyebrows at Elijah.
"That's up to you Bess. You know that. Tell them whenever you want." He replies, tucking her wayward curls behind her ear.
"What, and have you killed? No thank you! I'd rather have you and keep you a secret than be burying you Mr Jesus." She states, slapping him lightly on the chest.
"Alright, alright. Just come inside out of the cold will ya, it's bloody freezing out here!"
"Ohh! Poor little Elijah! Stood outside in the freezing cold!" Bessy teases, wrapping her arms around his waist with a pout. Elijah ducks his head, pressing his lips to hers in a lingering kiss.
"Get inside. Come on." He jokes as they pull away, Bessy winking at him as she side steps past him, pushing through the backdoors back into the pub. Elijah walks behind her, hands resting lightly on her hips until they reach the main part of the pub, immediately dropping them into his pockets, following Bessy back towards the room where her brothers were sat.
"Found her!" Elijah calls as they enter the snug, Bessy rolling her eyes as she drops into a seat beside Arthur.
"Took ya long enough!" John jokes glancing between the pair as Elijah opens the hatch, motioning to Harry for a drink.
"Maybe I didn't want to be found John!" Bessy calls over the table, sticking her tongue out at her twin.
"Get out then!" He replies teasingly, watching as Bessy winds her arm through Arthur's hugging her body into his.
"Bess." Elijah says softly, nudging at her shoulder, holding a glass out to her over her shoulder. Bessy smiles up at him gratefully, taking the glass of gin from him as he pulls a chair over to the table beside her, throwing her a small wink as he does so.
"Can I see you tomorrow?" Bessy asks as she walks down Watery Lane, arm wound through Elijah's, body tucked close to his.
"Of course," he replies, rubbing his hand over hers that was resting in the crook of his arm. "I'm working with dad in the morning, I can come over in the afternoon? Or meet you somewhere?"
"That would be good. Shall we go to the pictures?" Bessy suggests as they come to a stop outside her house.
"I'd love to take you to the pictures." He states, pulling her in front of him, his arms wrapping around her waist. Bessy smiles up at him, puckering her lips for a kiss, Elijah immediately responding by pressing his lips to hers.
"I love you Elijah Jesus." She states, punctuating each word with a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you Bessy Shelby." He replies, pulling her in for a tight hug. "Goodnight." Bessy pulls away reluctantly, moving out of the shadows and to the doorway where she pushes the door open and slips inside.
Bessy stands outside the cinema waiting for Elijah, rocking up and down on her heels as she glances around, waiting for sight of the young man. She rolls her eyes when she spots Elijah casually strolling down the street, one hand shoved deep in his trouser pocket, the other loosely holding a cigarette up to his lips.
"Come on! Quickly!" Bessy chides teasingly, grabbing Elijah's hand as he approaches her, dragging him inside the cinema as he laughs, allowing her to pull him inside.
"Bess. Slow down!" He laughs, tugging back on her hand to make her come to a stop just inside the doorway, letting other people past for a moment before pulling her in for a kiss.
"Mmm, that's better." He hums as they break apart. "Hello Bess. How are you today?"
"Hello Elijah. I'm fine, how are you?" Bessy replies in the same teasing tone. "Now, can we please go inside? We'll miss the start of the picture!" Elijah shakes his head, a smile etched on his face as he allows her to drag him along behind her once again.
"Afternoon Miss Shelby." The cinema attendant greets Bessy as they approach the doors to the screen, she gives a polite smile, quickly slipping into the dark room, tugging Elijah towards an empty row near the back. Elijah settles into a seat beside Bessy, turning to find her staring at him, a grin spread across her face.
"What?" He whispers, Bessy leaning towards him for a kiss rather than replying.
"Hello Eli," she whispers, Elijah rolling his eyes at her returning to their previous conversation now they were seated and the show had yet to start.
"Hello Bessy-Jo." Bessy giggles lightly, lifting Elijah's arm to rest around her shoulders, leaning in to his touch. "Sweet?" He whispers, pulling a paper bag out of his jacket pocket, smile widening as he sees the grin grow on Bessy's face.
"'Lijah!" She exclaims, keeping her voice down. "Is that why you were running late?"
"Couldn't bring my girl to the pictures without a bag of her favourite sweets." He responds, passing her the bag of sweets. She opens the bag, peering inside to find toffees from her favourite sweet shop.
"Thank you!" She coos, pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. She settles back under his arm, tucked in close to him as she plucks a sweet from the bag, holding it out to him before popping it into his mouth.
"Have you watched this one before?" Elijah asks, pecking a kiss to the crown of Bessy's head as she shakes her head.
"Ada has. I phoned her last night. She recommended this one. It's about..." Bessy pauses, glancing up at Elijah, looking down at her with an amused smile. "Sorry. I won't spoil it." He lets out a quiet laugh, digging his fingers into her side to make her squirm.
"Shouldn't have asked," he replies teasingly as Bessy rolls her eyes at him.
"I didn't say anything!" She protests quietly, slapping jokingly at his chest, Elijah takes her wrist in his hand, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand.
"Shh, it's about to start!" He teases, Bessy jokingly pushing him away with a cheeky grin.
"Shh!" She mocks back, as the lights dim.