Hey everyone! Hope whoever reads this enjoys it, I'm currently under self quarantine so I'm just passing time by trying to get back into writing and I've been obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug for a while now so I'm really excited to write about it. Hope you enjoy it! (Disclaimer: none of these songs are mine, I am simply using them in reference to the story which is about music)
(France, Paris)
"Lila! Where are you going?!" they chased after the brunette who refused to acknowledge their chants of resistance.
"What does it look like? I'm leaving!" she scoffed, picking her things up off the floor and storming past the door.
"What happened to doing this together?" shouted one of the girls, her glasses on the brink of falling as she chased further after her bandmate.
Lila stopped, her back remained towards the four other girls, Alex, Juleka, Rose, and lastly Alya. "I got a better deal, with some serious artists, they're going to turn me into a star, so I quit".
"Are you serious?!" said Juleka in discontent.
"Yeah I'm serious! You guys aren't on my level!" she lashed back out, and with that she took off, leaving her former bandmates without a singer.
Rose had begun biting on her nails, anxious at how this would affect them all, "W-what are we going to do now?"
Alex sighed, "I can't believe we were ever somewhat friends with her, what a bitch."
Alya groaned, now kicking the wall with frustrations, "Yeah, but she was a bitch with talent, I don't even know if we'll be able to find another singer as good as her, or even better."
(China/ Hong Kong)
"Marinette! Are you done packing?"
She didn't answer, she was focused on finishing the lyrics to one of her many songs, her feet kicking and swaying in the air as she laid flat on her bed, listening to her music through her ear phones.
A little white dog with a single peculiar black spot on its head had scurried into her room, jumping on her bed as it continued running around her in circles, she giggled as she rolled out of bed with a yelp, "Tikki! What's the whole fuss about now?"
The dog jumped onto her lap, now climbing on her as it licked her face, barking as she continued laughing and enjoying the affection from her friend, "Ok ok girl, I got it, mom's really on edge about this big move huh?"
Tikki barked again, sparking the blue haired girl to sigh as she began picking up her scattered papers, "Yeah me too, I've only ever been to Paris once, and I was only five at the time, but now it'll be our new home. I'm glad dad's shop is expanding, it's just…."
Her smile had slowly faded into a frown, before she even knew it, tiny tear droplets had slid down onto the floor beneath her "...I'm really going to miss all of my friends here."
A tiny sigh had exhaled out, "Marinette."
She looked over to find her mom standing by the door, a heartfelt look in her eyes upon finding her daughter crying, "M-mom! I-i'm not crying!" she wiped her face down as Tikki jumped in, licking her face all over to help.
The older woman walked in, now sitting beside the young teen as she hugged her, "I know this is hard for you, and you have every right to be sad, you're whole life was here in Hong kong, but your father and I are so proud of you for being strong and for being so supportive, I'm blessed to have a daughter like you, and I promise you will fall in love with Paris, it's so beautiful and rich with lots of new adventures waiting for you."
She was still sad, but her mother's words brought about comfort and a little glint of hope, she was determined to be positive and just as her mother said, she hoped something good awaited her in Paris, "You're right mom, I can't wait."
(3 Weeks later)
There was a ring on the intercom, "Hi folks this is your captain speaking, we will be arriving shortly to our destination, if you look out your window you'll be able to see the beautiful city of paris, remember to take along all your belongings and stay safe folks, thank you."
She took in a deep breath, now gripping her knee firmly as she rubbed it, she turned to her left, now lifting the window blind up as she was hit with the warmth of the sunlight, "Wow…"
It was more beautiful than she imagined, her eyes softened upon seeing all the beautiful buildings, her heart began jumping and she had no clue why, "It's gorgeous…."
Her dad smiled, he leaned in, frightening her as he chuckled, "Sure is, just wait until you see where our new home is."
The plane had landed not long after and they had caught a rental to take, there father drove through all the streets, allowing a small field trip so the bluenette could see the inner beauty of the streets more closely.
"Are we there yet?" she asked in a more excited tone this time, Tikki was by her side, also barking for answers.
"Almost." he smiled over at his wife who followed suit, the both of them holding hands as he continued driving.
Her eyes were glued to the window, watching all the parisians walk down the streets, all the tourists as well who were just like her, fascinated with the scenery and aesthetic of the city. She then took notice of a giant billboard posted by the corner of one of the streets, it featured a beautiful model on display, his blonde sunny hair and chartreuse green colored eyes that pierced through into her, who was this handsome boy?
"Noir by agreste." she read out the words displayed on the perfume bottle the model was holding.
"Aaaaaaand! We're here!" her father chimed out while pausing the car.
She looked out, the building was amazing, it wasn't big but it wasn't small either, it was just the perfect size. She rushed out, running up to the door where her mom opened it, allowing for the young teen to go in and explore.
"This is soooo cool! Oh man, look at the bakery! It's so adorable!" she cried out excitedly, she saw the stairs and immediately ran up where she found herself in there home, it was just as cute. It was smaller than the home they had back in china, but she was still content with it.
"Marinette honey, why don't you go check out your room?" her mother walked up the stairs with a box in tow.
The older woman had pointed to a second set of stairs which led to what seemed like the attic, except it was much more than the usual expectation one has for what an attic should look like.
"C'mon Tikki!" her dog followed in tow as they rushed up into her room.
It was pink and lively, large windows that illuminated the room even more and brought nothing but positive vibes into it, she then noticed how there was a door that led up to the roof which also served as a balcony, another extra space where she could do all of her hobbies and activities, but the best part in her opinion was the view she got of the city from above, and not far from her was also the view of a lifetime, the eiffel tower.
"I can't believe it…...I'm really here, this is really happening….." she mumbled to herself, unable to keep her eyes away from it all, Tikki howled in excitement, now jumping happily as she bursted with an urge to explore.
She ran back down the stairs, passing by her parents as she shouted out to them, "Going out to explore! Be back later!"
"Woof!" Tikki chased after her, also wanting to tag along.
They looked at each other, surprised, but also not at all, they already knew how adventurous the young girl was, and there was no stopping her when she was set on it.
"No no no! Stop…..this isn't right." Alya sighed unhappily, she placed her drumsticks aside, getting up as she began to pace back and forth around the room.
The rest of her bandmates looked at her, worried for the glasses girl as she seemed to be the most affected by Lila's sudden exit, Rose had approached her, stopping her in place as she gave her friend a hug.
"Don't worry Alya, we've still got time before the showcase, we'll figure something out."
"She's right." said Juleka now patting the tanned girls back.
"I say we take a break, go out and get something to eat, I'll buy." smirked Alex as she held up her wallet.
She sighed one more, only this time forming a half hearted smile, "Thanks guys."
"Can you believe this Tikki? I-i mean I still can't believe we're here, it still feels like a dream." she twirled with her arms out, giggling as Tikki jumped, barking with excitement too.
The faint sound of music playing from a distance had captured her attention out of nowhere, she paused, now trying to follow the trail of music, it got louder and louder until she found herself in the middle of a giant crowd, all of them staring up at the giant screen on display up front of what looked like a news station.
The crowd was cheering along, clapping to the music and some even dancing along, she looked down at Tikki who barked along happily to the beat. "They're awesome." she clapped along, joining the wave of people supporting the music group.
"They're so hot!" one of the fans cried out in tears.
"I can't believe they're playing here next month, isn't that awesome!" another said.
"W-who are they?" asked the bluenette, immediately regretting her actions as she had quickly been stared down with dirty looks and harsh judgement.
"You don't know who Viper's Kiss is?" she shook her head, earning tons of gasps from the fans around her.
She shrugged with a sheepish smile, "I just moved here, does that count?"
They had all agreed to it, "Obviously, anyone who lives here would already know who Viper's kiss is, they're like the most popular band in the city, and soon they'll be famous all over."
She turned her attention back up to the screen, watching the video of the band playing for an enormous crowd under the eiffel tower, the camera zoomed in catching a close up of each of the members, the last one had focused on the lead guitarist and singer of the group, his eyes had stared straight into the camera.
She felt a jolt down her back, his stare was so intense, almost as if he was staring deep into her very soul, she didn't know why, but the curve of his lips to form a smirk had made her face heat up, she kept tapping her cheeks and forehead, thinking to herself, *Whoa….he really is hot*
"WOOF!" Tikki had spotted a black cat within the crowd, she chased after it sparking Marinette to chase after her.
"Tikki wait!" she cried out.
She wouldn't stop, still scurrying down the streets as the black cat hissed, taunting Tikki into furthering their game of tag, Marinette was still keeping up from behind, calling out to her pet who wouldn't let up.
Both animals went into the entrance of an institute, now running in circles on the court until the black cat jumped onto the rail of the stairs, enraging Tikki who ran up the stairs.
"W-wait…..S-stop it…" she breathed out, attempting to catch her breath as she paused midway through the stairs.
There was a loud crash in one of the rooms upstairs, she knew it couldn't be good and stormed in through the doors, finding Tikki buried beneath a pile of instruments, she rushed in to help her, pulling the little dog out as she inspected her for wounds.
"Oh Tikki, you're such a stubborn girl, luckily you're not hurt, but next time be careful, now we don't know where we are".
She saw a pair of drumsticks near her feet, picking them up as she gazed around the room, her eyes lit up with fascination.
"Whoa…..look at this music room Tikki." it was like a candy shop to her, all the instruments they had and all the equipment was state of the art quality.
She glanced around the room once more, making sure it was empty, it was like a light switch flicked on, she had an idea.
She had plugged her phone in, accidentally switching the intercom button on in the process, she began scrolling through her personal files where she picked one of her own songs, it was all sets of her own beats, the lyrics she performed in person. She set the microphone and its stand in the center as Tikki sat across from her, acting as her audience. A beat had started causing her to bob her head as she took in a deep breath.
(New romantics by Taylor Swift)
Marinette: We're all bored
We're all so tired of everything
We wait for
Trains that just aren't coming
We show off
Our different scarlet letters
Trust me, mine is better
Alya had stopped, as did the others, "What's that?" she asked.
"Singing." Alex answered, they were looking around at their surroundings, trying to figure out where the music was coming from.
"Whoever that is, they're good." Rose chimed in, bobbing to the music.
"Like really good." Alex said.
We're so young
But we're on the road to ruin
We play dumb
But we know exactly what we're doing
We cry tears
Of mascara in the bathroom
Honey, life is just a classroom
'Cause, baby, I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle
But every night with us is like a dream
Baby, we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heart break is the national anthem
We sing it proudly
We are too busy dancing
So get knocked off our feet
Baby, we're the new romantics
The best people in life are free
We're all here
the lights and boys are blinding
We hang back
It's all in the timing
It's poker
He can't see it in my face
But I'm about to play my Ace
We need love
But all we want is danger
We team up
Then switch sides like a record changer
The rumors
Are terrible and cruel
But, honey most of them are true
'Cause, baby, I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle
But every night with us is like a dream
Baby, we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heart break is the national anthem
We sing it proudly
We are too busy dancing
To get knocked off our feet
Baby, we're the new romantics
The best people in life are free
People outside on the streets were also able to hear the music, most of them now stopping as they were attracted to the beat, some of them had even begun taking out their phones to record the sound.
"Hm?" a boy with shaggy teal locks tucked within his hoodie had stopped along with the crowd, a guitar case had been strapped to his back, hands in his pockets as his head was lowered down to hide his face.
"That voice…" he muttered, a small look of fascination growing within his turquoise eyes as he could hear the passion in her voice.
So come on, come along with me
The best people in life are free
Please take my hand and
Please take me dancing and
Please leave me stranded, it's so romantic (it's so romantic)
'Cause, baby, I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle
But every night with us is like a dream
"That's it! That's the voice we need!" shouted Alya.
"But where is it coming from?" Juleka kept looking around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
"Guys! The school!" shouted Alex taking off first, the others quickly ran after.
'Cause, baby, I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle
But every night with us is like a dream
Baby, we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heartbreak is the national anthem
We sing it proudly
We are too busy dancing
To get knocked off our feet
Baby, we're the new romantics
The best people in life are free
There was a moment of silence with her eyes closed, she regained her breath, now opening them as she smiled down at her dog, her tail wagging wildly in the process, "Well? How was that?"
Tikki had started barking and howling nonstop, she jumped into Marinette's arms, causing the blue haired girl to laugh as she was showered with affection from her pet, "I'll take that as a good job, thanks girl."
She had unplugged her phone, leaving the room with Tikki as they exited the school from the other end. It wasn't that long that the girls bursted into the room, but they were too late.
"Where did she go?" asked Juleka.
"Damn! How are we supposed to find her now?" growled Alex in irritation.
"Alex is right, it could be anybody out in the streets and we wouldn't be able to know." frowned Rose.
Alya kept staring at the Microphone and the mic stand, she knew it wasn't there when they left the room earlier, she walked up to the intercom and switched it off, now looking at her friends who looked on with stunned expressions, "Whoever this girl is, she's the one, she's got the voice we've been looking for."
"EXCELLENT! MARVELOUS! MAGNIFIQUE!" he shouted with gleaming eyes, his finger was pulsating from all the pics he was taking of the model displayed before him.
She had stepped in front of the shot, blocking the photographer who scoffed and then frowned as he noticed the purple haired secretary staring him down, expressionless as always, "Ok, I think that's enough for today, the young master has fencing lessons with his instructor in thirty minutes, we'll pick this back up tomorrow."
The blonde haired male behind her had frowned, he was exhausted and already overwhelmed by his hectic schedule, "Nathalie, is that really necessary? Can't I just take a break today?"
She turned back to him, "I'm afraid that's not possible Adrien, your father has given strict orders for you to fulfill all your duties and lessons, skipping one will result in eventual failure".
"Not really….I just want some time to myself, I've already done the shoots for dad's next collection, I'm ahead in all my lessons and I'm excellent in fencing, one day won't hurt…...please?"
He clasped his hands together, begging the older woman who still remained without any sort of expression, but the more she looked into his eyes the more she couldn't hold her front, she sighed, "Ok….but just for a few hours, The gorilla will accompany you, I can't risk anything happening to you, your father already worries enough."
"Yes! Thank you thank you!" he tackled his secretary into a hug, surprising her as she had just noticed how tall he had grown, it felt like only yesterday when he was just a kid, now he was a full fledged sixteen year old.
A smile warmed up onto her lips as she patted him on the head, sending him off with his bodyguard who she instructed to take care of the teen, "So eager to explore the world, how refreshing."
He had taken out his phone, there was another male voice on the other line, "Yo! Adrien!"
He smiled, "Sup Nino, you busy? I'm free for a couple of hours."
"Heck yeah! What do you have in mind?"
"Not sure, but let's make it count, I've been needing this break for a long while now."
"Sweet, I'll call up the rest of the gang, see you in a bit."
He hung up, now stretching his arms out as he stared outside his window, enjoying the freedom of being outside, the streets crowded with lively music and people exploring the city, this is what he wanted, adventure, fun.
There was ring from his phone, he looked at it, receiving a video message from Nino with the caption, "Check it out dude! Mystery voice of Paris leaves many looking for a singer".
He played the clip, blasting his volume as he listened closely to the music, it wasn't long before he noticed his feet tapping to the beat, it was an addicting melody to him which he kept replaying, "Mystery singer…..who are you?"
"This is my new school? I was just there!" she said out in surprise, she paused midway, now looking up at her parents who gazed down at her in confusion and curiosity.
She smiled up at them, "I-i mean, coool! It looks nice, can't wait!" she said cheekily, hoping her little lie would pass by them.
Her mother chuckled, "Yes, school starts at 8:30, and here is your schedule, the principal said you would pick up your books tomorrow, make sure to set your alarms later tonight, I know you have a habit of waking up late."
She was right, back in China she would always get in trouble for coming late to school, she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "Don't worry, I won't, but I am nervous, I'm not the best when it comes to first impressions, for some reason I always end making a fool of myself, what if I don't make any friends."
Her father sat beside her, bringing her in for a hug, "That's ridiculous, how can people not love you? You're funny, smart, talented, and you're cute as a button!"
She placed her hand to her face in embarrassment, "You telling me that doesn't count dad, that's how all parents are."
Her mother kissed her forehead, "Regardless, your father is right, you're an amazing girl, you'll make friends in no time."
She sighed, getting up as she headed up to her room, staring down at the brochure of her school along the way, "Well, as long as I don't bring attention to myself I should be alright, ok Marinette! Do your best tomorrow!"
"I'M LATE!" she rolled out of bed, groaning in pain as she rushed out, still dragging her blanket which was wrapped around her ankle.
"MOM! DAD! I'M LATE!" she cried out, running to the restroom as she ran back out, her toothbrush still in her mouth as she went to change out of her pajamas.
"We told her." her mother sighed from down stairs in the bakery.
"It wouldn't be our Marinette if she didn't do it though."chuckled her husband.
"NO NO NO NO!" she cried once more, the frustration and anxiety of knowing she would have to walk through the front door in front of a whole full classroom shook her to the core, she didn't want that attention.
She grabbed her book bag and stormed out of the living room, running down the stairs and past her parents, "BYE MOM! BYE DAD!"
She was out the door before they could even respond, "Hopefully all goes well." they both chuckled.
She looked down at her watch, "Eight twenty! I can make it! Hopefully." she growled in frustration, now skipping and jumping over sidewalk pavements to save time.
"Your spanish lessons begin at nine, are you almost near the gates?"
His eyes stared out the window in boredom, "Yes, we left the studio fifteen minutes ago, I'll be there in five minutes, thanks Nathalie".
His bodyguard noticed the gloomy mood of the blonde, "Is everything ok master?"
"No Mr. Gorilla, I wish father and Nathalie would understand and let me go to school like the rest of the kids my age, I feel so alone with these independent studies father makes me do".
"Have you talked to them?"
"No…...they wouldn't hear me out anyways, they always think they know best."
"Almost there Marinette!" she could see the school's entrance not that far from where she was at.
She saw the same black cat from yesterday, it had stopped in the middle of the road, now licking its paws as if it hadn't a care in the world.
Then she heard the horn of an oncoming car, it was heading straight for it but the cat still wouldn't move, "Kitty!"
She was getting closer to it without a thought, her heart was ready to burst, it was the stupidest move she had done so far.
"Look out for that cat!" shouted Adrien.
He braked, but it didn't stop when the car had slid from the rough abruption, "I got you!"
She dove in, sweeping the little cat into her arms as she jumped, letting herself roll across the hood of the car, landing on her knee with a clean slate.
"What the-" his eyes had widened at what he saw.
"Woo!…...you're safe now." she breathed out with relief.
"My car!" Gorilla had come out, now panicking as he saw the dent on his hood.
"Shit! A-are you ok?!" Adrien rushed out, running to Marinette's side as she laid flat on the floor, exhausted and nearly weak as the adrenaline in her was dying off.
"I-i'm fine…..just leave me be." she muttered out, still clinging to the cat which began hissing, insisting on being let go.
He brought the cat out of her arms, noticing how the animal quickly warmed up to him, it began purring and rubbing its head against his chest. "I-i don't think you're ok, I'll call an ambulance, stay put."
"NO!" he jolted at her tone.
"I-i'm fine…...see?" she was struggling to get up, but eventually did so.
He looked up from his phone, getting a full view of the blue haired girl who left him in awe, her baby blue eyes drew him in, something he quickly shook off as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Ow, that'll bruise for the next couple of weeks." she muttered to herself.
"You're a crazy chick, you know that?" he sighed out.
"Is he hurt?" she asked, rubbing the black cats head who began purring.
"I don't think so, is he your pet?" he asked, still holding onto him.
She shook her head, "Nope, but this fella seems to be causing me a lot of trouble already."
There was a moment of silence, he looked down at the cat and then back up at her as she began smiling while petting the animal,"Why would you risk yourself doing something so stupid?"
"Why not? I don't think it was stupid to save this little guys life, If I were him, I'd want someone to look out for me too, don't you think?"
He took a minute to himself, processing her words over and over again, "Who are you?"
"Me?" she asked, he nodded.
She backed away, "Look buddy, I don't give my name out to strangers."
"S-strangers?! Don't you know who I am?" he asked in pure shock.
"Should I?" she took a moment to think, wondering If maybe she did know him and just didn't care.
He was about to speak, but the sound of the school bell interrupted them, "CRAP! I DID IT AGAIN!"
She went back to pick up her belongings, leaving behind a pink notebook as she took off, now waving back to Adrien and the cat, "See ya stranger!"
He was at a loss for words, this was the first time a girl didn't know who he was, or the first time she didn't care, most girls would immediately try to flirt with him, but not this one, she just completely dismissed him.
Gorilla had regained his composure after throwing a fit over his car, "Master, we need to get you home, you're already late."
"Y-yeah." he nodded, still staring at the entrance of the school where Marinette ran in.
"Hm?" he noticed the notebook on the ground, now picking it up as the black cat he held onto wouldn't let go.
"What's up fella? You wanna come home with me?" he smiled down at the cat who purred once more.
"Master I don't think your father would approve of you having a pet."
He got back into the car, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him, let's go."
"Right away master."
The cat now rested on his lap, napping contently as he stroked its back, "I think I'll name you….Plagg…...that seems right."
He grabbed the notebook and opened the first page, reading the contents which he quickly smiled at, "Marinette Dupain Cheng, so that's your name."
Well there you have it! First chapter done, hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll be back with another update soon hopefully, stay safe everyone!