Title: Secret Journey

Author: DrGonzo124

Tags: Transgenders, femdom, non-con, futa on male, creampie

Dedication:To the wonderful and talented writers whose work I'm rippin-...I mean paying homage to, most especially ZappaGo who's hentai obviously inspired this.

Author's note: Long time reader, first time publisher so please be honest, ...being nice would be nice but definitely be honest




Five hundred years ago, SO the sages tell us, was a mighty warrior who lead armies to conquest on behalf of the Gods.

So powerful was she that she could defeat armies a hundred strong on her own. Her fearsome reputation kept many from even remotely challenging the Celestial Court, but soon many demigods and goddesses grew wary of her arrogance, the inhuman strength of her combat skills, and most disturbing of all, her appetite for the pleasures of flesh. It was said she once toppled a great walled fortress merely to satiate her lusts on The enemy commander's private harem, rumored to have been incomparable beauties every one.

The stories say the great warrior was lured into a contest and tricked, others say she was justly punished for her disgraceful and depraved behavior. The conflicting tales all agree that her strongest weapon was restrained and her powers lost to her.

Of course there's a hint of truth in even the most fantastic legend and this one is no different.




I've been reliably informed I'm far from the first cleric to engage in frequent and slightly deviant sex. And while I'm not exactly ashamed that I basically became a fuck toy for numerous celestial beings including a spectacularly well hung demigod. I'm kinda glad most of what actually happened never made it into the many epic tales sung by the bards; though I've also been reliably informed that bards lie, ... a lot especially about frequent and slightly deviant sex.

It started with the that fat horny pervert The Bastard-maker, or as you probably know him Unstoff the Charitable. It was his ashes after all that got me into this mess. I was charged by the Abbot of my polytheistic order, multiple Gods if you prefer, to deliver the man's ashes to the remote Chantry he'd called home for many years. Publicly it was his final request after a lifetime spent serving the Holy Church. Privately? They'd accepted the ashes THERE likely because it was the only church within a thousand miles Unstoff had ever served in not surrounded by cuckolded husbands, wives and the many bastard children he frequently fathered.

You've likely heard many stories, The Randy Priest? The Rake's Confessions? Lady Nightingale's Lovers? All were related to. based on or inspired by Unstoff's escapades. O.k. the thing about Nightingale and naughty choir boy might've been about yours truly but many of the others were about Unstoff. The church secretly publishing and profiting from the banned erotica about the randy cleric it publicly condemned.

When he died ... or was assassinated depending on who you believe, he was cremated and his ashes interred on display in the Grand Basilica in the Capital City as a pilgrimage for the faithful.

At least that was the plan until several young people chose that spot to ...progress their "physical relationships".

Thus his ashes were transferred to an urn, well I'd call it an urn though it was officially designated a reliquary after a certain infamously impotent, but extremely influential member of the Church hierarchy swore that merely touching the remains "restored his vigor to that of a teenager". Translation, he went from cuckold to cocksman in virtually overnight.

Between recently, impotent old men and horny teenagers fucking in the holiest of holy places, the leadership chose to send the ashes away. Which is how I became involved with the story.




I was several weeks into my pilgrimage. Clerics on church business are still expected to perform duties like blessings, prayers and minor healing. I wasn't SUPPOSED to be running amuck on adventures with sketchy champions, but I could offer prayers or blessings to your desired God or Goddess and patch you up or at least keep you alive long enough to reach a town or camp where you could get patched up.

Which is kinda what got me enough trouble for several lifetimes, I'd stopped at a local tavern/Inn. They had decent food and brew that tasted fresh.

The old man at the bar had a small shrine to the God of hedonistic excess, not unusual for a bar, though I suspect the old man was unaware his chosen deity would've been appalled at the poor options on his menu.

Variety is the spice of life and all, even amongst the Gods; especially amongst the Gods.

They also had a few questionably employed ladies suffering from the occasional suspicious rash or burning sensation when peeing or, ...doing OTHER stuff.

I provided no-questions-asked healing and in return he gave me a discount on my food and offered a similar discount for lodging. I was tempted to take the offer, but I had more ground to cover. Besides I could tell there wouldn't be A LOT of sleep in my immediate future if I said yes. Even at this early hour there was already a steady stream of men marching up to the rooms above the tavern usually followed closely by squeaking bed-springs.

"I hope you don't mind, but I've allowed some of the healthier girls to use my upstairs rooms." the innkeeper replied.

"Just the rooms or can they eat as well?" I asked.

"Room and board," The innkeeper answered uncomfortably, "they eat my leftovers."

"Warm or cold?"

"Warmish? ...What are you, a legislative advocate?"

"I grew up in a House of Ill Repute." I answered, "you wouldn't be the first tavern owner turned pimp I've met."

"Hey, I'm a responsible business owner-" he started to lie.

"-With a couple of women who conduct private business out of the rooms they've rented from you." I recited with an indifferent sigh.

"That's what my Legislative Advocate told me to say if anyone official asked." he replied.

"No, that's what your advocate told you to say when the magistrates come asking for bribes." I lectured.


"What? You thought you'd run your little side business without bribing anyone?" I chuckled at his naivete.

"Well sure, an occasional inspector or maybe a magistrate, but-"

"My advice, bribe the bureaucrats at the municipal offices. They all think they're underpaid and usually are responsible for setting the schedules of the inspectors and magistrates you thought you'd need to buy off."


"They can also steer clientele your way, people who'll actually accept a bribe instead of trying to take over the business for themselves or worse…"

"What's worse than trying to muscle me out of MY business?"

"Not accepting the bribe, " I answered, "an honest and incorruptible bureaucrat can be an absolute nightmare, for everybody."

"This is useful stuff," the man answered, he grabbed a piece of paper and honest to Goddess started taking notes.

"And see if one of the girls has a special friend with ...special needs, fetishes or fantasies or whatever."

"Ah blackmail."

"Goddess no, you tell-on every henpecked husband who drinks here? Of course not; you want to be their friend, thus you have their loyalty, running a brothel is the same way. "

"Any other advice?"

"Find a older woman to run the girls and you deal almost exclusively with her. The girls will instinctively trust her and occasionally fuck you to keep you from telling her THEIR business."

"Well that is WHY I wanted to get into the business." he snickered.

"Yeah, how often do you get drunk on your own booze?" I asked him.

"Never," he lied, "I'm a professional."

"Same rule applies here." I responded, "you don't have to take a vow of chastity, but don't overindulge in the merchandise."

"But I'm allowed to have fun sometimes right?"

"Oh absolutely, you want the girls to think your loyalty is for sale and sex is the price to keep your mouth shut." but you want to make it worth their time to buy that loyalty."

" -and this Madam runs the girls?..."

"-and you run the tavern," I explained, "you have problems, you talk to the Madame. They have problems you tell them to talk to the Madame

"What if she has problems?"

"If she's anything like the ones I've known, " I answered, "she'll get one of the girls to keep you distracted while SHE deals with it."

'Wait, do I want my Madame making important decisions while I'm having sex?"

"Trust me,' I assured him, 'Your life is much easier that way. "

"I should've come to you when I started this; you're way more useful than my advocate."

"I'm just more experienced than your advocate. Incidentally there's a few religious orders that would happily declare you a shrine if you were willing to give them a substantial cut ...and change the menu."

'And the point of that is…'

"Churches and shrines are taxed differently from taverns and bars and the rules that would get a bar shut down protect a shrine from the same scrutiny."

"You sure you want to waste your time praying, Cleric?"

"Church did right by me even given my colourful history " I replied.

"Is that why you're trekking through the ass-end of creation?"

"Church business, I'm delivering a holy relic to a remote Chantry."

"Aren't you a little, ...well little for that sort of thing?" the man asked indelicately, "you look like you'd blow over in a strong wind."

"It's not that valuable" I replied "technically the container is worth more than the contents."

"Well thank you for your wisdom Cleric, I'll remember your kindness."

"Could you remember the cheese and bread, maybe a few apples too, and definitely more of this wine."

"I've some more baked potatoes, they taste good with the cheese."

I acknowledged him with a wave and went back to my food, downing the fruity tasting wine along with the spiced meats and potatoes. I also stopped to check the urn, sorry, ...reliquary was secured properly, which is significant only because I was so busy checking the container to make sure the ashes were still safely secured within, that I missed the guy who slipped out and would eventually, along with three of his friends, follow me down the road.




As I look back, I should've just put up with the tavern/whorehouse.

I wasn't kidding the Tavern Keeper, I'd been born and raised in one of the most infamous bordellos in the land. I've fallen asleep alone and woken to couples frolicking in the bed more times then I can accurately count. I was used to sexual shenanigans.

But fate doesn't always call upon you when you're most prepared. In this it's often like a call of nature in that as much as you want to call it a surprise there's compelling evidence you should've seen what was coming.

Like those several glasses of wine I mentioned earlier. As I left town, I began to notice my heavy bladder so I looked around for a private spot to relieve myself and thus finally noticed the men following behind at a ridiculously indiscreet distance. I sped up and slowed down, hoping they'd pass me by but no luck. That was when I realized they were trying, and failing spectacularly, to follow me.

Had I been raised exclusively in a church I wouldn't recognize the pattern, but growing up around cutpurses in training and the occasional fledgling assassin you learned a few things about tailing a mark and more important knowing when YOU were being tailed.

Amateurs, not that cutting a man's throat and stealing his goods require either craftsmanship or finesse. They help, but are not strictly required.

They were obviously waiting till I was far enough outside of town most likely because I was approaching some favorite spot for dumping bodies. A friend, and I use THAT term loosely, used to say people who accommodated you by delivering themselves to a preferred lime pit, swamp or scavenger nesting spot made life so easy you ALMOST regretted having to murder them.

My bladder screaming for attention and nervously awaiting a knife in the back I finally gave in and turned off the trail headed towards a cave. I dismounted from my pony and ran inside the dark cave. I yanked up my robes and pissed in the corner nervously looking over my shoulder at the entrance. Which is why I was shocked when I heard a voice

"Really? You're just going to urinate on my favourite spot on the floor?"

I looked around and saw a wizened old woman crouched in the dark. She had long unkempt hair coming out of the hooded cloak that concealed her bent form.

"I apologize Grandmother, I didn't know this was your home or ...anyone's for that matter."

"THIS isn't my home trust me I'd leave if I could. "

"Well I'd think about leaving. There's men outside, I'm not sure they'll kill you, but I'm definitely sure they won't want witnesses."

"Why would they want to kill you?"

"They think I'm carrying valuables."

"And are you?"

"No it's just an urn with a dead priest's ashes."

"Then why would they care?" she asked, "If he's famous, just give it to them."

"He not that famous, ..lts Unstoff the Charitable."

"Never heard of him."

"Unstoff the Cheater? Unstoff the Hung? Unstoff the Bastard-Maker?"

"Wait you're carrying around the remains of some infamously big-dicked cocksman and his final reward is to be escorted to the middle of nowhere by, ...who are you?"

"Suki, a Cleric in the same religious order," I extended my hand, "anyway you should leave."

She shook it with a surprisingly strong grip. "Goku, pleased to meet you," she replied, "You should fight,"

"If I could fight I wouldn't be hiding in this cave with you." I replied.

"Well unfortunately for you I can't help while I'm bound and locked in this place."

"Really? ...then what does that key you're wearing open?"

"What key?"

"The key ... around your neck." I replied pointing at a slim golden key hanging on a silk ribbon.

"I'm not an idiot boy," Goku snapped, "I think I'd notice a key round my neck."

I reached out, grabbing the golden key. She blinked stupidly at me the same way I'd once starred in fascination when someone showed me sleight-of-hand magic the first time.

"Where the Hell did you find that?"

"Hanging around your neck?" I replied "I knew this old man once who was constantly losing his glasses even though they were usually on a chain around his neck or perched on top of his head," I explained and I swear I was almost not being sarcastic either.

She closed her eyes and pinched her nose, clearly trying very hard to restrain herself from punching me. Obviously my attempts to hide my sarcasm were failing spectacularly.

"I'm NOT senile." Goku snarled.

"You look old enough."

"I'm NOT old either." she hissed, "ok technically I'm VERY old but not in the way you're thinking."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"I know what I LOOK like," Goku snarled, "trust me in the time it takes to explain, you could be releasing me."

"Releasing you from what?"

The old lady hiked her robes up and I saw an ornately designed gold chastity belt and cock cage.

"Look this isn't really the best time for , ...whatever it is you think is going on." I replied cautiously.

"Priest come out of that cave," A voice shouted from outside. "you make me search for you and I promise I'll make whatever happens afterwards hurt A LOT"

"Look, you can either take your chances with the guys outside who clearly want to hurt you or you can take your chances with me who's still making up her mind."

"That's not a great argument in your favor," I hissed.

"You don't have the strongest bargaining position." she retorted.

"Good point, alright, I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass."

"I wouldn't worry about biting if I were you." she grinned.

In hindsight, I may have dismissed her remarks a little too quickly. Of course necessity, like deviant sexuality, occasionally makes for strange bedfellows.

I inserted the golden key into the chastity cage's lock. It snapped open, releasing a withered girlhood.

Goku sighed as her body began to change, her form shedding decades like a snake skin falling away.

She was compact and athletic. There was something vaguely bestial about her. Maybe it was the unnaturally coloured eyes , the tapered ears that came to a point or the hands that looked more like claws than actual fingers. Then I saw the prehensile tail sprouting from the area just above her tight muscular ass. Whoever or whatever this woman was, she was most definitely NOT human, at least not entirely.

"Don't go anywhere," Goku answered in a voice younger and stronger than the withered old crone she had appeared to be, "you're going like this next bit."

She strode forward rolling her neck working out the kinks in her body that seemed to swell and grow with every step.

The men came into view catching sight of the both of us.

"Here you are Priest, and you've got a woman. Well, we'll make sport with her soon enough, but right this second, I want that relic."

"YOU'RE going to have sport with ME?" Goku laughed cruelly, "Tell you what, let's see how that works out for YOU."

"Silence bitch, men are speaking."

"That's quite a mouth you got on you boy,"

Goku stroked her previously withered cock and as the Gods are my witness it started to grow ...and grow and grow.

"I'm going to enjoy shutting it." she hissed.

"What do you think you're going to do with THAT?" the man growled.

"Beat you and your friends til they run away like cowards leaving you alone." Goku answered, "Then I'm going to use your filthy mouth to take some of the edge off or else ..."

"-or else what?" The thug's asked like an idiot.

"or I'll just stick it in another hole, assuming I don't make you a fresh one. It feels hard enough for that already."

"I'm not some deviant, you freak." He shouted, "get that thing away from me."

He sounded nervous.

Looking at the thick python between her legs, I'd say he had good cause for nerves. Its intimidating size could obviously do some damage to the willing. Goddess only knew the damage she could do to the less-than-willing.

"I promise you, you'll be thanking me when we're done."

"Not bloody likely." The thug snarled.

"I was talking to the Priest, "the Apeling amazonian snapped, "he looks worried I'm going to break him in half with my girl here."

A death's head leer bisected Goku's entire face. "There's only one sound your sissy ass makes I care about, and I'll be hearing it soon Champ."

"Boys take them out." he shouted and with an angry roar, the gang of thugs rushed us.

I'm not helpless by any stretch of the imagination, though I'm much more comfortable with combat buffs than actual combat. I readied my best healing and strengthening prayers to aid Goku as best I was able when she, ...it's hard to describe what happened next.

The first man reached Goku hurling punches that she quite literally flowed around. The 2nd and 3rd reached her shortly after him similarly punching the air ineffectually. It was like dancing except with fighting moves instead of dance steps though it was no less graceful.

The last man, the leader of the bunch apparently, launched a brutal kick at Goku's head. Her tail lashed out, wrapping around the foot, pulling him off-balance. He stumbled into one of his fellows driving the unlucky soul within arms reach of Goku. She drove her fist HARD into the face of the guy sending him crashing to the ground like a sack of garbage.

Another tried to kick her between the legs. Goku's knees caught his foot while her clutching fist sought out HIS manhood. He screamed high and loudly as she used her grip to throw him one-handed across the space.

The 3rd kept trying to land a hit, but Goku took to repeatedly slapping him casually with a dominant and mocking aura to her almost playful abuse of him. Finally realizing how completely outmatched he was, he turned to run. Goku's tail tripped him up, but she caught him before he fell. She started to spank him; raining blows on his bottom. He wailed and cried though I may have been reading into things since he seemed to be enjoying it before she let him go.

The leader made a last desperate attack. Charging for Goku with a knife, which she caught in one hand; glaring at him even as she used her freakish strength to crush the bones in his wrist making him drop the weapon.

One minute there were four of them and a heartbeat and a half later there was one unconscious on the ground and another two running, ...well one was running the other was limping while cradling his crotch as if afraid something might fall off. The leader, the man I now recognized from the tavern earlier was cowering on the ground. Goku's fist now wrapped around his wrist, forcing him to kneel in the dirt as she stroked her arousal. If anything, the fight had clearly engorged her girlhood even more then before.

She waved it meaningfully at him. "A friend of mine used to say a submissive mouth is a terrible thing to waste." she sighed, "Now kiss it, ...kiss it or I promise you, you'll regret it."

She spoke about violating him so casually, like you or I might discuss preparing a meal or putting on clothes.

The thugs pursed his lips together and kissed the tip of her cock.

"You've probably never even LOOKED at another cock before today never mind kissed one; well that's going to change."

She forced him down with seemingly little effort. Kneeling on top of him she stroked her hardened cock.

"Open wide," she ordered.

"I'll bite it off," the thug snarled, making one more futile attempt to push her off. Goku's tail entangled his flailing hands, pinning them above his head.

Goku smiled down at him, trailing her hand across his face in a cruel parody of a lover's caress.

"This big bad girl is going inside you one way or the other," she whispered while stroking her excited shaft, "so you can either suck my cock or be fucked by my cock."

He looked fearfully at me.

Goku laughed and smacked his cheeks with her meaty shaft.

"He's not going to help you, now open your mouth Little Man," she threatened, "or by all that's holy I'll shove this somewhere else and once it's in there you'll BEG ME to put i t in your mouth."

I could actually see terror cause his ass to tighten and defeat and submission fill his eyes before he opened his mouth and the beast woman shoved the entire length of her erection down his throat.

"Five hundred years I've been without this feeling." She sighed as she started to slide her hard shaft back and forth in and out the thug's mouth.

"This is how I make sport boy," she grunted, "I turn little bitches like you into cum-dumps until you've swallowed so much of my cream, you're practically shitting it."

The thug gurgled in response, he seemed to be screaming but the girlmeat plugging his throat muffled such sounds, turning them into incoherent cries.

"What was THAT? You want my cum?" Goku sneered as she clutched his head in her fists, "but I'm not finished skull fucking your whore mouth yet."

The man beat his fists uselessly against her muscular thighs.

"If those hands don't stay behind your back," Goku warned, "I'll hold them down myself while doing things to your ass the bards will sing SONGS about."

I saw his head nod as tears filled his pleading eyes. His hands dropped submissively behind his back.

"Good boy."

She retracted her immense girlhood from his throat. He coughed up a creamy mix of spit and sperm. She'd obviously leaked a lot of precum down his throat as she abused his mouth.

Goku casually smacked his face with her erection, drops of precum smearing his tear stained cheeks.

The cleric in me pitied him, fortunately the cleric was subordinate to the boy who remembered this man had had every intention of brutalizing me and what he'd mistakenly assumed was a helpless female stranger. Forced oral servitude was relatively harmless in comparison to what he'd intended to do if fate had placed us both at HIS mercy.

"I'm sorry." he pleaded, "I'll tell you anything you want to know."

"You mouth is doing EXACTLY what I need it do." Goku laughed, "Hearing you choke on my pole like a little maiden girl is music to my ears."

She stroked her angry thick shaft, "Now open up, if I'd had anything remotely resembling a decent blowjob in five centuries I'd be punishing the shit out of you for how badly you suck, but lucky you, you get my first load in all that time."

Goku rammed her cock back in the thug's mouth.

"You like that? Your mouth is my first chance to clean my cock in five hundred years and you're sucking my meat like it's sweet candy."

I was watching Goku ravage a man's mouth, forcing him to orally service her and trying to ignore a sudden and unexpected yearning. As I watched her run her cock in and out of the thug's mouth, I couldn't help noticing my own mouth was drooling, I was actually salivating for the woman's cock.

I realized she was looking at me and judging by her bawdy winking, MY arousal was probably painfully obvious.

I could see him hollow his cheeks and swirl his tongue around the monstrous invader dominating his abused gullet. The part of me that remembered my days in the whorehouse snickered at his half-hearted efforts.

Apparently Goku was similarly unimpressed.

"If that's your best effort," she mocked, " maybe I'll track down whatever woman pretends she likes fucking you and show her what it's like to suck and fuck a real cock. Maybe I'll tie you up and make you watch while I do it."

I briefly pictured Goku ravaging some random woman while her cuckold boyfriend helplessly watched. My own hard and heavy erection, made my attempts to deny how much that idea excited me a pathetic lie.

"Work that tongue bitch," Goku groaned, "pretend your ass-virginity depended on getting me off because, I assure you, it absolutely FUCKING does."

Goku saw my hands fidgeting, yearning to go diving inside my robes to relieve my own arousal. Judging by her bawdy wink in my direction, she clearly enjoyed being watched.

Not content with abusing him, Goku humiliated and debased the thug.

"You're a FUCKING toy," she yelled punctuating her words with aggressive thrusts of her hips. "you're a COCK sleeve. YOU'RE the warm up act before the main FUCKING course."

She clutched the thug's head as she shoved his face into her crotch.

"Yes, here it comes bitch," she roared,"you'd better swallow every drop." her whole body shuddered with the force of her climax.

"There you go," Goku taunted as she clutched his head, "savour the taste of my first load in centuries."

I thought he was choking but his throat pulsed as he swallowed her apparently voluminous load.

She finally withdrew her still hard cock from his throat, I tried to ignore the resemblance between this and a carnival trick I'd seen in my youth by a swallower of swords.

Goku stepped on his shoulder, driving him into the dirt. "Start running now and maybe I'll be too busy with the Priest to make sport with your ass like you wanted to do with me."

The man struggled to his feet,

"Wait" I shouted

"You want to get in on this?" Goku sneered.

"Sort of," I sighed and prayed laying my hands gently upon him until his hands went to his throat. "There you go, good as new."

"What did you just do?" Goku laughed.

"Minor cure wounds with a little mending thrown in for good measure. I've been around the occasional person who liked their fun, ...a little rough. His throat is probably good for another round."

"What about the rest of him?" Goku asked with an almost demonic leer.

"Like the day he was born. He'd probably feel like a virgin, no matter how many times you took his ass."

The thug actually screamed as he ran away.

Goku rolled on the ground shrieking with laughter. "Best joke ever, you sure you're actually a Cleric?"

"That was kinda why I joined the order There was a cleric who would stop in the brothel and-"

Goku rolled her eyes and held up a restraining hand to forestall my complicated but fatefully pertinent backstory.

"Blah blah blah formative years, blah blah blah big moment, blah blah blah life changing experience. I'm sure it's all VERY fascinating." Goku sighed, "What I want to know is do you have food."

"You want to eat?"

"I want to do A LOT of things Priest; eating being only one. However it is THE most important one, right now."

"Fighting, fucking or food, this is actually bringing back memories."

Goku dug into my packs and we started to feast on the foods I'd brought from the inn.

"So you really are a priest?"

"You doubted?"

"Well there's a couple different kinds of religious types in the world and you seem pretty genuine in your belief."

"What, healing that idiot?" I waved dismissively, "well yes it was an act of charity, but it had another purpose. Healing his throat would make it sensitive and tight again. I figured the only thing he was more afraid of then you taking his ass was you using his mouth again."

"You've got a kind heart, but a little bit of a dark side Priest, I'm going to enjoy hanging around you for a while."

"You've been on your own for five hundred years, I'm thinking your bar for amusement might be a little low."

"Anything is possible," Goku grumbled around a mouthful of hard dough bread and some of the sweetmeats and potatoes.

"So I'm assuming there's a compelling story behind why someone put you in a magical chastity belt for five centuries?" I asked delicately.

Goku grunted while swallowing her wine, unleashing a loud and succinct burp.

"Short version of the story is I pissed off someone with no sense of humour and a lot of pull with the Celestial Court." she mumbled before chasing another mouthful of food with more wine.

"So you're the Monkey King, well obviously the bards got that one wrong."

"You've heard of me?"

"The warrior, ... the trickster, ...you fought with a mystic bo staff and as long as you held it you were practically invulnerable." I glanced meaningfully at her crotch, "was that the bards taking creative license or …?"

"The bards lie, ...alot, ...especially about anything sexual but yes, there actually was a staff."

"And how did The Monkey Queen became a king?"

"A few enemies preferred to tell people they were bested by a man and more than a few preferred the details of HOW I bested them remain a secret."

"So you've, uh...abused your enemies on the battlefield before?"

"On the battlefield, off the battlefield, ...I think I actually followed someone home once and did him in front of his mother."

"His mother?"

"In my defense, he lied to her about losing to me."

"THAT bothered you?"

"He made me look like a bitch in his story, and his mom WAS kinda hot."

"Wait, I've heard this story. In THAT version, you made his mother cook for you and her cooking was so good you stayed for a whole month and even defeated a neighboring country's army."

"That army was just a really big bandit gang with delusions of grandeur and as for the mother, she only cooked for me for a week. The rest of the time we made HIM do the cooking because I was, ...uh, keeping her … you know, ...busy."

"You fucked her brains out in front of him didn't you?" I deadpanned.

Goku laughed, "In front of him, behind his back, ... it's been a while since it happened so maybe I'm misremembering the threesome." she sighed thoughtfully, "so I'm famous?"

"Children's stories mostly, sometimes you're a brave warrior fighting for the weak, other stories paint you as greedy, selfish and not far removed from being basically a bandit,yourself."

"Its kinda complicated, but mercenary isn't too far off the mark."

"You were a sellsword for the Gods?"

"Hey, righteous smiting of the faithless and heathen takes effort and resources not every deity has to spare."

"Or righteous smiting of the faithless and heathen attacking your believers." I wryly commented.

"It always sounds better after the bards get finished with the stories."

"You mean the bards you just got finished telling me lie?"

"A lot, ...and apparently my good looks and sexual charm didn't make it into the stories." She grumbled, "I bet they lied about what happened to me; some cautionary tale?"

"The story I heard said your boastfulness and arrogance got you into trouble with The Great Sphinx, she proposed a riddle game which you lost though how you lost is open to question, all that's known is you answered wrong and were punished as a result."

"Kinda, sorta," Goku answered vaguely, "it was chastity or expulsion and exile. If I'd known being locked in chastity meant I couldn't even pleasure MYSELF, I probably would have let them kick me out. "

"Wait, so YOU chose chastity ? I've known you less then an hour and even I know that's not a great fit."

"Well fortunately for me fate not only delivered my freedom, but a fun little diversion as well." Goku leered.

She looked pointedly at my crotch so I swiftly turned my back to her.

"You know in all the epic stories the brave warrior gets a reward for saving the damsel in distress."

"I'm not a damsel." I replied.

Suddenly she was behind me, her powerful arms wrapping around my slim body. I felt her throbbing shaft grinding against my bottom.

"Someone else seems to have a different opinion." The beast woman growled into my ear, "I saw you watching me, were you jealous? ...Did you wish it could be you sucking my girl?"

"Jealous? I felt a swell of pity that your first oral service in centuries was kinda amateur." I've no idea where that boast came from but they were clearly my words.

Goku's hand dipped into my robes and found my erection hard and sensitive.

"Want to prove you're the better man," she whispered, "you're obviously up for the challenge."

"I love a good challenge." again my mouth and voice saying words that felt foreign yet so very familiar.

I dropped to my knees. From this angle I had to look up at Goku and her thick shaft. What had seemed angry and terrifying while it was raping a man's mouth suddenly looked, ...friendlier if that's a thing.

I actually nuzzled it, felt it's warmth on my cheeks and smelt the still strong odour and taste from the chastity cage clinging to the shaft as I slid my lips across its surface area. Before kissing and licking the head, taking the first few inches in my mouth.

"Don't you dare, you bitch," Goku suddenly snarled, grabbing my head and shoving her massive shaft into my mouth.

My throat was immediately flooded with a sizable load.

"I'm supposed to be enjoying this and you made me cum too quickly." She whined.

I didn't stop licking and sucking and she obviously approved. Her huge cock barely lost hardness growing in my mouth filling it up again.

"This was ALMOST worth five hundred years in chastity." She moaned.

I pulled my head back, "I'm giving you my best moves, I hope you're not going to always be a quick-shot."

"I'll show YOU a quick-shot," Goku laughed, "best mouth I've been inside in centuries, you damn lucky I'm not drowning you in cum."

With that she pulled my face back onto her cock lodging every inch inside the warmth of my throat. I licked the shaft swallowed around it my tongue and mouth massaging her cock. She sighed and moaned with joy as I unleashed every trick I'd ever seen the prostitutes perform. I was once again reminded why many insist on calling it a blowJOB. As much as I was enjoying it, I was struggling with Goku's intimidating size and length.

"Oh yes, that's it, I've missed this so much." Goku sighed. Before grabbing my arms and hauling me to my feet, she pulled me in for an aggressive kiss, her tongue invading my mouth, dominating it as much or more than her cock had.

She pinned me to the wall of the cave. Her hands, diving under my robes, found my naked ass. She licked her fingers and her bestial fangs reminded me this woman was as much beast as she was a literal demigod.

Her finger probed my not-so-secret spot.

She licked the digit that had invaded my ass, "I know a slut when I taste one. You might be a God-Boy now, but you've had some fun back here before."

"Not for a while."

"How long?"

"Too long," I groaned.

Goku nibbled my neck, forcing a moan from my mouth, "I'll take it easy at first." She murmured while probing my sensitive hole with her cock.

"Of course Master Quick-shot," I taunted, "you take all the time you need."

"Oh you are going to get it for that Priest." Goku laughed.

"Where am I going to get it Monkey Queen?" I taunted

Grabbing my hips in her freakishly strong grip she eased into my ass. We both groaned in pleasure as she started stroking her long cock in and out of my ass, the sides hugging her shaft tightly.

"Goddess, I've missed THIS so much," she sighed with joy even as her thrusts started to come faster and more powerfully.

"Come on Monkey Queen," I grunted, "show me what you've got, Fuck me."

"Yesss," she shouted, "I'm going to fuck you alright.

One hand pinched my nipple while her tail wrapped around and stroked surprisingly hard penis. I grunted and groaned, driving my hips forward, Goku's surprisingly soft furred tail effectively pleasuring me.

"Your ass is perfect, it was made for my cock." she yelled.

I didn't answer beyond tensing my muscles to cinch close around her thrusting shaft, teasing and milking her cock.

"God's own luck, you can get tighter?" Goku moaned, she started stroking her cock faster and faster her breathing and moans letting me know she was easily as close to orgasm as I was.

She pounded my ass hard and I somehow found freakish strength of my own to grip the wall, shoving my ass backwards. Her cock seathed itself completely in my bottom and she wailed long and loud as I felt her thickened shaft exploding inside my ass. We both fell to the floor, her arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Thank you," I panted, "That was amazing."

Goku's response was to start snoring. I wondered what someone like her might dream of but given her cock was STILL fairly hard and she was actually thrusting into my ass in her sleep, I assumed it was not only a sex dream but one she'd probably repeat several more times.

Even as she built towards another orgasm she held me tightly. I relaxed and let her sleep. I assumed the morning would bring our departure from this place and eventual separation. I couldn't have possibly been any more wrong.