Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this sequel to Tadashi's Heroes.

Being stuck in a hospital bed while doctors ran tests on you was not fun. Then again, no longer being a puppet of a deranged professor bent on revenge was something to smile about.

Hiro had been fully conscious for a week now and was eager to leave the hospital already. To find out that people had assumed he was dead for weeks only to discover he wasn't and had been experimented on made his stomach churn.

So many things had changed in the time he had been in a coma. His brother and friends had become superheroes to get justice for him. He had lost his scholarship to SFIT and would have to try again to earn a new one. The biggest change was his neural transmitter was fused to his head and brain. He also now had fully functional medical nanites inside his body.

"When can I leave?" Hiro asked the neurologist who was examining him. His voice was still hoarse for now. It was getting better each day and hopefully, it would go away completely because it made him sound like an old man.

"Once we've determined that you are ready to go home, young, man. You've been through incredible trauma and your body is still adjusting to being fully conscious again," Doctor Beakman replied.

Next to his bed, Baymax helped prop up Hiro for his EMG test. "Are you comfortable Hiro?"

Hiro rolled his eyes. "I'm comfortable as I can be with three broken ribs and one broken leg." The bruising on his left side was nearly gone. His burned skin on the right side of his chest was back to normal except for the scarring.

His nanites had repaired the area well. The scars were not as perceptible as they could have been. You had to be within a foot or two to see them clearly. He felt them though. The scaring had made his skin tauten slightly so breathing or abrupt movements caused him pain.

Since they had to reset his broken bones it was taking longer for them to heal. The doctors estimate he would need twice the amount of time to fully heal. During surgery they had placed plates and screws to help stabilize the ribs while he recovered.

As for his leg, because of the resetting and the severity of the break, it would take three to six months for it to heal. The doctors had applied the plaster cast a few days after his surgery.

Hiro was very dissatisfied that his hair had not started to grow back. They had shaved most of his hair away, just leaving a thin layer on his scalp. He was unbelievably embarrassed so he kept the medical cap on. Regrettably, it couldn't hide the transmitter.

The reason Hiro was having an EMG was to determine how weak his muscles were from being unused during the coma. Because the prosthetics and servos had been responsible for his movements during the coma, his muscles didn't do their job.

"The EGM will not affect your pain level, Hiro. The first part of the test is very simple. The electrodes will tell the doctors how well your motor neurons communicate with your muscles. Once the test is complete, the electrodes will be removed from the skin," Baymax explained to his patient.

The teenager was quivering somewhat as they placed the final electrodes were placed on his body. Baymax gave him a shoulder hug telling Hiro to relax. Taking a few breaths the teenager stopped fidgeting.

The doctor monitored the readout as he tested the different muscle areas. He first tested the muscles in Hiro's right leg before moving to the left. The arms were next. Lastly, he tested the boy's chest muscles.

It took half an hour to perform the first part of the test. After the doctor removed the electrodes from the skin Baymax explained the second half of the test. "The second part of the test might cause a bit of pain. The doctor will clean the affected areas with an antiseptic. Then, he will use a needle to insert electrodes into your muscle tissue.

The needle electrodes' job will be to evaluate the electrical activity of your muscles when contracted and when at rest. These electrodes will be removed after the test is over."

Hiro squirmed in his bed. He hated needles! He closed his eyes and squeezed Baymax's hand tightly as the needle punctured his skin over all the areas being tested.

It took another half hour to finish the second part of the test. Once the last of the electrodes were removed, Baymax helped Hiro lay back down. "Can you tell me the results of the test?"Hiro asked anxiously.

"I want to show them to my colleagues first. Your situation is unprecedented and I want to be certain my readings are correct. I will be back in one hour to discuss the results with you, Hiro.

As soon as he was alone again, Hiro tried to scratch his leg only to be stopped by Baymax. "Hiro, you should not attempt to scratch your skin. It could lead to an infection."

"I know that Baymax, but my leg itches badly. Ugh, how do I make it stop if the skin itching is in a cast?" It was taking a lot of willpower not to start scratching his scars.

Baymax scanned his patient before tapping the cast in the spots that were incredibly itchy. Tapping a bit harder against the cast, the itchiness started to fade away on the leg.

The medical care companion then partially removed Hiro's hospital gown to better reach the scars. He dispensed some cocoa butter lotion over the scars to moisturize them. "There, your itchiness should have stopped. I recommend getting some rest. Aunt Cass and Tadashi will be here around the time the doctor will be back with the test results."

Hiro rolled his eyes. He had spent several weeks in a coma. Did he really need to sleep more?

"I'm not tired Baymax. I want to do something! Can you turn the TV on?"

"Watching TV is not beneficial for your recovery. Perhaps a lullaby will put you to sleep." Hiro protested that he was too old for a lullaby, but Baymax had already started playing one.

"Sleepy little baby warm in your bed. It's time to rest your head on a pillow. Sleepy little baby, the sun is getting low. Until you depart, I hope good dreams fill your heart. Close your eyes and go to sleep."

Baymax looked at Hiro and the teenager was sleeping soundly in bed. "Perhaps, I should keep of video of this for Tadashi. It might be helpful if Hiro has difficulty sleeping in the future."

Sometime later Hiro woke up and yawned. Aunt Cass was talking with the doctor and Tadashi was sitting by his bed. "Hey, little brother. Did you have a nice nap?"

Hiro shrugged his shoulders. He braced himself as Aunt Cass gave him a big hug. "Hiro, I'm so glad you're awake now! Doctor Beakman was about to explain the results of your EMG tests."

She helped prop her nephew up and stood next to the bed opposite of Tadashi. The young man was paying very close attention while Baymax recorded everything so he would know how to take care of his primary patient.

Doctor Beakman looked at the clipboard once more before clearing his throat. "Your muscles have atrophied quite a bit and that's typical of any patient who is in a long term coma. The areas most affected are your limbs because of the robotic prosthetics covering them during the coma.

Your chest muscles have lost a little bit of strength but should recover soon. As for your limbs, your arms are at half strength right now while your legs are even weaker.

Because you've lost some muscle tone you're going to need several months if not at least a year of physical therapy to regain full strength in your limbs. Of course, we'll focus on strengthening your chest and arm muscles first because of your leg injury.

Once your leg is fully healed you will start learning to walk again. For now, we want your leg to be as stable as possible. You'll be using a wheelchair until your physical therapist believes you can handle crutches.

By the end of your physical therapy, any remaining pain from your injuries should be manageable. Of course, you'll be coming back here for follow up visits to check on your progress."

Doctor Beakman looked over at Tadashi and Baymax. "As you know, Hiro's nanites are an extraordinary piece of technology. I have persuaded my colleagues to allow you Mr. Tadashi and your health care robot Baymax to be responsible for their care and recording data for the scientific community."

Hiro glared at the doctor. "I am not a science project! My injuries are the result of being a science project for a grieving scientist!" He looked up to his brother pleading with him. "Big brother, please don't do this."

Tadashi bent down a little so he was eye level with Hiro. "I know you're not a science project Hiro. I promise I won't treat you like that. Doctor Beakman is right though. Your nanites need to be monitored to help understand how they work while also ensuring they don't hurt you in any way. Think of how many people will benefit in the future when the medical field has its own nanite breakthrough."

I'm not concerned about the rest of the world, just about me. I don't want to be an experiment anymore! Yet, I can't let Tadashi down. Not after everything he did to save me the boy thought to himself. "Alright, but your tests better be non-invasive."

Tadashi promised and hugged his little brother. With the nanite situation covered, Doctor Beakman promised Hiro could go home as soon as the café and apartment were wheelchair accessible.

Aunt Cass was already on the phone with Fred and going over with him what needed to be done by tomorrow afternoon. Hearing Fred cheering loudly over the phone, they were confident the arraignments would be done in time.

That night, Hiro tried to get comfortable enough to sleep. He couldn't really wiggle around because of his injuries and he still had an IV in delivering strong painkillers due to his injuries. He would be switched to extra-strength ibuprofen once he went home.

His leg was starting to itch again and he couldn't reach it. The transmitter also was causing problems with finding a way to rest his head comfortably. "Why didn't I add padding of some kind to the transmitter? I hate the fact hindsight is twenty-twenty."

Tilting his head to the right a little more getting a little more pillow for his head. He felt his skin tightening and had to readjust his head again. He let out a groan and coughed hard.

"Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" Adjusting himself again, he took one last look at his monitor and gasped. There was some kind of strange image on his monitor.

He blinked his eyes several times and the monitor was showing his vitals once more. He must have been more tired than he realized. Adjusting himself once more he finally fell asleep.

The next afternoon Hiro was being pushed out the back doors of the hospital in a dark purple, pediatric, hybrid wheelchair to avoid the press. Since the story broke, reporters and the news had been trying to get to Hiro to interview him.

Tadashi and his friends had managed to get most of them to back off, but the ones from the science and medical journals would not give up. It took Aunt Cass threatening to get a court order of protection before they finally backed off.

Knowing that Hiro would be in his wheelchair for at least three months if not more, Fred had arranged for his butler Heathcliff to pick up the family in a wheelchair-friendly van.

Heathcliff rolled Hiro in his chair up the ramp and into the van. "I hope the ride is comfortable for you young Mr. Hamada. Do any of you need assistance with getting strapped in?"

"We're good Heathcliff. Thanks for helping us out," Tadashi told him gratefully.

Heathcliff gave him a half bow. "Of course. Any friend of Master Fredrick's deserves my helpful service. Shall we be going?" The ride back to the Lucky Cat Café went smoothly. As the approached the café Hiro took a look at the changes to his home.

For starters, the doorway was much larger, making it easier for all types of wheelchairs access to the café. He also saw that a ramp had been built. As they got closer, Hiro tugged on Tadashi's jacket pocket. "Please don't tell me you and Aunt Cass are throwing me a welcome home party the moment I enter the café."

Tadashi laughed softly. "Don't worry. I talked Aunt Cass out of having the welcome back party today. I know you need a bit of time to adjust to your situation. The gang won't come over until you tell me you're ready to see them."

When the ride came to a stop Baymax took over pushing the wheelchair forward. Hiro's chair did have a motor and he would be using that until his upper body strength returned. Once that happened he could manually push himself around. For now, Baymax was happy to help Hiro out.

Hiro couldn't believe the changes that had been made to his home. It felt as if he was in a new house. The café had been updated to have the latest appliances, free Wi-Fi, and new comfy chairs to sit in.

Entering the apartment space, Hiro noticed that the walls were all freshly painted and the floor polished. A motorized wheelchair stair assistant had been installed to bring Hiro up to the stairs and into his bedroom.

The bedroom had been cleaned up and reorganized. Now there was enough space for Hiro to get in and out of his chair. There was also a soft wedge on the bed to keep his leg elevated while it healed. He was also informed that the bathroom was also handicapped accessible.

Wiping tears from his eyes, Hiro looked at all his family members. "I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family to look out for me. This is the best gift for someone who's risen from the dead."

The family laughed and hugged one another, glad to have their lost family member home at last.

The next morning, after waking up, Hiro tried to get into his wheelchair by himself. He had to bite his lips as he used his elbows to push himself up. Doctor Beakman had been right about the weakness in his muscles.

He scuttled across the bed wincing as he dragged the cast over the bedspread. The noise woke up Tadashi, who quickly got out of bed when he saw what Hiro was trying to do.

"Hiro, stop! You're only going to make your injuries worse. Let me help you."

"I'm not an invalid Tadashi. I think I can get myself into a wheelchair." Hiro scuttled another step and had to stop. He had made it less than five spaces from where he had been sleeping.

Tadashi smiled and scooped up his little brother. "I know you're not an invalid Hiro. However, the doctor did tell you not to push yourself more than you can handle for now."

He tapped Hiro's nose causing the boy to giggle. Hiro didn't resist as he was put in his wheelchair. Carefully, the teenager used the joystick to maneuver his wheelchair around.

Hiro unintentionally pulled the joystick back and he hit the wall. "Sorry, about that. Let me try again." He pushed the joystick to go forward a tad too far and suddenly he was jerked forward and nearly fell out of his chair.

"I'm smart enough to build microbots but I can't get this wheelchair going in the right direction," he grumbled to himself. He looked at his brother, worried he was going to start pushing him but Tadashi just stood there with a smile on his face.

"I know you can do this Hiro. Try again."

The teenager nodded and gently pushed the joystick. This time, he moved forward at a slower pace. He practiced with the controls moving in every direction until he had it under control.

When he was ready, he drove the wheelchair onto the stair assist and let the machine take him downstairs to enjoy his breakfast. Aunt Cass had already set out breakfast.

"Good morning boys! I thought we could have pancakes for breakfast today! I designed them after Mochi." The cat purred in delight as he looked at his face made up of toppings before jumping out of the way as Hiro's wheelchair moved him closer to the table.

He bumped the table and luckily Aunt Cass was able to catch the food before it spilled on the floor. "Sorry, Aunt Cass. I guess I need a bit more practice."

"It's not a problem Hiro. Do you need help with your silverware?"

Hiro shook his head. He had needed help eating at the hospital, but he was determined to eat his breakfast without assistance. Picking up the silverware, Hiro tried to cut a piece of pancake for himself.

He was able to cut part of the way into the pancake when he dropped his knife. He picked it back up and started cutting again only to drop the fork when he tightened his grip on the knife.

"Hiro, are you sure you don't need help?"

"I can do it Tadashi. My muscles didn't degenerate enough to thwart me from using utensils," Hiro insisted. He tried two more times before he managed to get a piece cut and into his mouth.

He smirked at his brother. See Tadashi? I'm capable of handling things by myself Hiro thought. Then the silverware slipped out of his hands again and out of reach.

"ARGGGGGG! Why is this so hard?" Hiro yelled before grabbing his throat as he started to cough. Aunt Cass helped him drink some orange juice to soothe the irritation.

"Hiro, you can't raise your voice, remember? Your vocal cords are still recovering." She placed a hand on her youngest nephew's shoulder and gave him an encouraging look. "I know this is hard for you. It's hard for all of us. We just need to take each day as it comes."

Hiro looked down at the floor. "I know Aunt Cass. It's I still feel like I have no control over anything. I was on my way to join SFIT and having friends to hang out with and now look at me. I'm a helpless mess."

Both Aunt Cass and Tadashi hugged Hiro tightly letting him know how much he was loved.

"When I get home Hiro, I'll help make up a physical therapy routine you can do at home in between your visits to the hospital's PT Center." Ruffling his brother's hair one more time, Tadashi headed out to college.

"I'm going to go open the café. I really want you in the café where I can see you…" Aunt Cass started to say when Hiro interrupted.

"Please Aunt Cass, don't make me sit in the café. I can't handle people staring at me. Do you know how many people would take pictures of me and put them on the internet as a joke?"

"Hiro, calm down! I'm not going to make you come down to the café. You can stay here in the living room as long as you don't push yourself and Baymax is with you at all times."

"I can agree with that. Where is Baymax anyways?"

They heard the robotic footfalls and saw Baymax carefully coming down the stairs. "I have finished recharging and am ready to take care of Hiro as needed."

"Thanks, Baymax. If you need anything, don't hesitate to get me." After a quick kiss to Hiro's cheek, she headed downstairs to open the café leaving her nephew in the care of a very capable robot.

Hiro maneuvered his hybrid wheelchair until he was facing Baymax. "So what are we doing first?"

"We will do five minutes of exercise for your hands today. We need to determine how much activity you can do to create a baseline for your physical therapist when you have your first appointment."

At SFIT, Tadashi met up with his friends. They were all eager to hear how Hiro was doing. "Hey everyone. I wanted to tell you that Hiro wants to wait a couple of days until he's ready for his welcome home party."

Honey Lemon nodded in understanding. "After everything, he's been through its natural he wants some time to adjust. Whenever he's ready we'll be there to celebrate with you two."

"So how's Hiro handling his new ride? Do you need me to make a few adjustments to it?" Go-Go asked hopefully. She would love to trick out Hiro's wheelchair. Maybe even make it levitate.

"Go-Go, Hiro's barely learned how to move it! He needs a few days to get used to using it," Tadashi laughed.

"Besides, if you tricked it out Go-Go, then what was the purpose of using my parents' money to make the home wheelchair accessible for?"

"Everyone, we can talk about Hiro later. We all need to get to class now. They're announcing the new dean today and don't want to get on his/hers bad side," Wasabi pointed out.

Tadashi, Honey Lemon, Go-Go, and Wasabi headed to class, while Fred headed to the think tank lab to give his newest proposal for the students to work on.

Settling into class, everyone watched as all the monitors turned on showing a woman in her late forties appeared on the screen. "Good morning SFIT students. I am Professor Granville and I am the new Dean of SFIT. I know that everyone on campus has been through a great deal of stress over the last two months and I promise to do my best to make this school a safe and conducive learning environment for everyone."

The monitors turned off and the teachers started class. Tadashi forced himself to focus. He had managed to bring his grades up and was back on track of graduating with the rest of his friends at the end of this year.

They were learning a new coding algorithm today in class. Programming code and making changes in it to solve unexpected problems was an important skill in robotic engineering.

Tadashi was halfway finished with writing the changes he needed in the codes when a messenger entered the classroom and whispered something to the teacher. "Mr. Hamada, the Dean is requesting your appearance in her office immediately. Gather your things and I will give you your homework for tonight."

Wondering why Professor Granville wanted to talk to him, Tadashi did as he was asked and hurried to the dean's office. He knocked on the door and was given permission to enter.

She looked up from some paperwork she was working on before sliding it under a fancy paperweight. "Mr. Hamada, thank you for coming in. There are some issues I wanted to discuss with you."

Tadashi raised an eyebrow. "Issues? Professor Granville is there a problem with my course work? I know I missed several days of school because of my family's situation, but I was assured my extra credit brought my grades back up."

"Your grades are fine Mr. Hamada. Please sit and I will explain what I mean by issues," Professor Granville stated as she gestured to the chair. Once Tadashi was sitting she leaned a bit forward on her desk.

"The first issue is that as the new Dean of SFIT, I want to formally apologize on the behalf of this school for everything that has happened to you and your younger brother. While we were unaware of Mr. Callaghan's mental state, the faculty should have taken a better look at him after he supposedly perished, even if it was just to find out who might have targeted him."

"Thank you for the apology, but it's not necessary. The only one to blame here is Callaghan and he's in prison where he belongs." After everything the former professor had done the DA had wanted to push for the death penalty. However, the judge didn't agree and instead, Callaghan was sentenced to life in prison.

Professor Granville accepted Tadashi's response and moved onto the next issue on the itinerary. "As you know, your brother was the original winner of the scholarship, which was given to another student after his "apparent" demise.

I have talked with the facility as well as the scholarship sponsor and we all agree that Hiro should be given the scholarship for next year and forgo the expo. Efforts for rebuilding the hall are to begin next month. We were originally planning on naming it after your brother, but believe that it might be inappropriate now.

I would like for you to discuss this with your brother and come up with a new name because the fire affected your family the most. Can I count on you to give me a response by the end of the week?"

"Of course, Professor. Is there anything else you would like to converse about?"

Granville opened the top right drawer on her desk and pulled out a lanyard with a guest pass attached to it. "This is for your brother to use if he needs to accompany you on campus. I may not know the whole situation with your brother and his recovery, but I assume that you would be familiarizing him with the campus.

We've tightened up security since the fire so Hiro will need to wear this if he wants entry to the campus. If he's here you will need to be by his side at all times. If there is anything I or the school can do to help you and your family please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy the rest of your senior year."

At lunch, everyone gathered at the same table to hear about Tadashi's meeting with Professor Granville. When they heard about Hiro getting the scholarship to attend school next year, Honey Lemon squealed in delight.

"That's fantastic news Dashi. Hiro's going to be so happy to hear that he still has a place here at school!"

"Not as happy as he will be to find out he gets to name a new building on campus. What do you think he'll name it? Maybe he'll call it Big Hero 6 Hall after his rescuers. By that I mean us," Fred hinted only for Go-Go to punch him in the arms.

"I thought we agreed to not bring that up again. We did what we sought out to do. We need to focus on the real world and not the comic book hero fantasy you have in your head, Fred."

The others nodded in agreement. Now that Hiro was back, they had to focus on finishing their education and looking for jobs after they completed the year.

Even Fred, the one who desired them staying heroes the most, acknowledged he also needed to get his English degree if he wanted to start publishing his own stories.

"Besides, what are the chances that San Fransokyo will need heroes to fight against a supervillain to save the city again?" Wasabi joked causing the others to laugh.

Three days later, Hiro was back at the hospital to start his physical therapy. The center was massive and there were so many patients. To the left, there were several different exercise machines. In the far corner of the room, there were areas for people to practice walking again.

There were offices in the back and there were other areas dedicated to massages and hot and cold treatments. A door on the right lead to the pool for hydrotherapy and there was still more areas dedicated to different therapies!

Aunt Cass and Baymax accompanied Hiro as they made their way to the office of his new physiotherapist, Freddy Pipton, to do his initial evaluation.

Dr. Pipton was a tall man with a slightly rounded figure. He was wearing a blue hoodie and white sweatpants. He seemed very outgoing and engaging as he welcomed everyone into his office and asked if Baymax preferred to sit or stand. Baymax elected to stand.

"I'm glad you could all make it here today. Hiro, there is no need to feel stressed out. Today is just about figuring out what I need to know to make a plan to help you reach your goals. So what are they?"

Hiro's response was immediate. "I want to be normal again."

Dr. Pipton chuckled upon hearing that. "Nice to know you think big Hiro. However, that's a broad goal considering what's considered normal varies between people. What is your normal Hiro?"

Hiro thought about it for a second. "I want to walk again. To use my arms and hands to do things without dropping items. I don't want to feel pain from my scars when I move. I want my hair to grow back, my voice not be hoarse, and find a way to cover up the transmitter so no one points at me."

Aunt Cass gave her nephew a quick hug. "Hiro, your hair will grow back, it's just going to take a bit of time."

Baymax stomach lit up showing the growth rate of hair before showing a list of ways to help hair grow faster. "There are plenty of ways to grow hair faster. A healthy diet, less shampoo, and more conditioner, along with rinsing with cold water and drying it with a microfiber towel are a few steps you can take to regrow your hair faster and longer."

Dr. Pipton thanked Baymax for his help. "You see Hiro, all your goals can be reached if we take the time to figure out how to achieve them. I've been reading through your medical history and I think we can reach each goal with no trouble."

"Really? I could get back to where I was before all this happened," the boy asked excitedly.

"Indeed. Now, why don't we get started on figuring out a plan to help you reach these goals."

First, Dr. Pipton discussed what kind of diet would be best to help Hiro's recovery. "I understand that you own a café, Ms. Cass?" Receiving a nod he continued speaking. "It is important that you make sure Hiro gets plenty of vitamin D, calcium, and protein every meal.

For breakfast, you want to have a big meal to help you throughout the day. I suggest for breakfast yogurt, cereals fortified with calcium, and boiled eggs. Also drinking at least two glasses of semi-skim milk. Alternately, I would suggest porridge.

For lunch, the meal should be slightly smaller than breakfast. Fish, greens such as broccoli and kale, along with a slice of cheese would be ideal. Switch out the greens for red kidney beans every few days.

As for dinner, it needs to be satisfying to last the whole night. I recommend lean meats; turkey, broiled chicken, and lamb once in a while. Different types of nuts should help fill the stomach along with different cheeses and one small fruit as dessert."

Aunt Cass quickly wrote down what Dr. Pipton said before asking Baymax to do some research on how to cook dishes including those ingredients. "What else can I do to help Hiro?"

"Can you buy some resistance bands? It will help Hiro build up his upper body strength. A few flexibility exercises such as stretching can help. Remember to moisturize your scars, Hiro, before exercising. It will help in reducing the pain."

Hiro nodded and listened as Dr. Pipton continued to explain they would be using massage, ultrasound, and once the cast was gone, hydrotherapy to help him regain the ability to walk. Once he was stronger they would also add in some exercises to do at the center.

"Now, unfortunately, I can't help you with covering your new head-wear so it's not noticeable. I suggest talking to someone in the fashion industry who might be able to make a custom piece to help.

Oh, before you go, I would like to give you this web address to a chat room for kids going through physical therapy. For a healthy mental state, it's good to talk to someone who knows what you're going through."

Aunt Cass thanked Dr. Pipton and worked out a schedule that would work for everyone. Hiro would come to the center three times a week for an hour of therapy. Baymax would accompany him to ensure the genius didn't overdo it.

That night after dinner, the boys were up in their room. Tadashi was doing his homework while Hiro was on his computer slowly typing in the web address to the chatroom Dr. Pipton suggested.

"How was school today Tadashi?" Hiro asked as he hit enter.

"It was fun. The new Dean, Professor Granville is an amazing teacher. She's teaching two classes, one for the freshman students and one for seniors," Tadashi explained as he looked up from his homework. "She only chose the best students for her classes."

"Let me guess, you're in the senior class. Who am I kidding, you're the smartest and coolest student on campus. Why would you not be in her class?"

Tadashi missed this. He loved seeing his little brother look at him with such adoration. "What about you little brother? How did your evaluation go?"

Hiro shrugged. "We've got a plan to help me out and I hope it works. The sooner I'm back to normal the better. I mean, we can't even tussle until I'm out of the cast."

Both boys laughed before going back to what they had been doing. The chatroom was open and Hiro typed in a username; HeroP7.

HeroP7: Hi everyone. I'm new to this chatroom situation. I was told by my physical therapist that I could find emotional support here. Is that true?

Brittlebones: Welcome HeroP7. You're in the right place if your physical therapist told you to come here. Everyone here has a story to share. Do you want to share it now or later?

HeroP7: Later, please. My situation is unusual and I just want to talk with other people right now.

SCP: Everyone's case. Is very. Different. I have. Cerebral Palsy. Been working on. Getting better with my walker.

Newlungs: Are you just starting physical therapy? I started mine before I got my new lungs and still go. I got to keep my lungs functioning for as long as possible.

HeroP7. I just had my evaluation today. I have my first session starting on Monday. I'm going to be doing orthopedic therapy exercises. Does anyone know what to expect from my first session?

Cyborg-Girl: Prepare to be exhausted. In the first session I had, I was barely able to do the resistance bands for more than a few minutes. I was really upset about it.

Brittlebones: Welcome back Cyborg-Girl! It's been a few months since we've heard from you.

Newlungs: Where did you go? We were worried about you.

Cyborg-Girl: My dad wanted me to try a new treatment his private doctor came up with. I had to travel all the way to Japan and I wasn't allowed to use any computers because the doctor was paranoid I would leak information about it to other doctors. Then we moved again because of my dad's job and I was finally allowed to use my computer again.

SCP: Your dad. Is such a. control freak. How do you manage to lead a semi-normal life?

Cyborg-Girl: I'm just used to it I guess. HeroP7, don't worry about your first session. I know physical therapy might seem scary now, but after a while it just becomes routine.

HeroP7: I'm not scared! I just want my life back to the way it was.

Cyborg-Girl: Sometimes you can't go back to the way it was. Over time you just learn to adjust to what happened and accept any limits you end up with. It's what most of us in this chatroom had to do.

Brittlebones: Agreed.

SPC: Indeed.

Newlungs: What they said.

HeroP7: Then I guess I have to find out for myself if that includes me.