Hailey´s pov

I and Jay have been together over a little bit more than a year now and we just got engaged. I have never been happier in my life before and it is all because of him, well a big part of it is because of him. Jay and I also live together, we moved into his apartment after dating for five months. For some people it might seem fast and like we are rushing things but that doesn't matter to me. I love Jay and I want to be with him forever and that is all that matters to me and not what everyone else thinks. Every time I think about him and us, I cannot help but smile big and blush a bit. In short, I was very happy with my life right now and I wouldn't change much about it. I love what I do for a living, being a nurse has always been a dream of mine and I get to do that every day and then there is Jay the love of my life. I couldn't ask for much more really. All I wanted to do now is plan mine and Jay´s wedding and get to be his wife and then have kids. I think about our future together and feel a smile creep on my face. There is only one problem and that problem is that I think that I am pregnant, I haven't taken a test yet, but I have all the symptoms. I haven't told Jay yet; I want to make sure I am pregnant first. I think about the possibility of having children with Jay and I feel myself smiling.

- ´´What is on your mind beautiful?'' Jay asks breaking my train of thought and I lift my head off his chest and look up at him and meet his green eyes.

- ''I am just thinking about you and us and the future´´ I tell him, and he smiles and lean down and kisses me quickly.

- ´´Yeah, I can´t wait to spend the rest of life with you´´ Jay says as he pulls me closer to him and I lean up and kiss over his heart.

- ''I can´t wait either´´ I tell him honestly and he smiles at me.

Then Jay´s phone starts to ring, and he groans, and he lets go of me and reach out to answer his phone. He answers it and starts to grab clothes at the same time, and I know he must go to work. I sigh and get out of the bed as I start to also get dressed. I leave the room so I can fix some coffee and breakfast. I was free today and Jay was supposed to have the day off too but now it looked like he must go to work. We were going to plan the wedding but now I am going to do it on my own, which is fine, I know that Jay´s work is important. I hear Jay down in the hallway as I finish breakfast, I just made some toast and coffee. Jay ends the phone call and sighs and meets my gaze.

-´´I am sorry babe, but I must go to work, there´s been a shooting'' Jay tells me, and I nod and give him a small smile.

- ''Don´t worry about its Jay, just be careful okay? ´´ I tell him, and he nods and walks up to me and leans down and kisses me quickly.

-´´Of course babe, I will see you later and I love you´´ Jay tells me

-´´I love you too Jay´´ I tell him, and he leans down and pecks my lips and then he pulls away and turns to leave. He grabs his jacket and gets out of the apartment.

I finish my breakfast and think about then I remember that I should take a test to figure out if I am pregnant. I don't have a test at home so fist I have to go to a store and get one. I grab my jacket and start to walk towards the pharmacy to get a couple of tests. I get the test and pay for them and then I walk home again. I get into my and Jay´s apartment and I look down at the three pregnancy tests I had bought, and I take a couple of deep breaths and go to the toilet and do the testes. Then I put them on the bathroom counter and grab my phone to distract myself while I wait for the result. The wait feels like a forever and I don't think I have ever experienced three minutes that went by so slowly. Then finally the three minutes have gone by me close my eyes and take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair and look down at the test. The test has two lines, and I feel tears well up in my eyes as I realize that I´m pregnant. I let out a happy sob and let a couple of tears feel down as I stare down at the test. I reach out and wipe away my tears and reach out for my phone, my first instinct is to call Jay and tell him, but then I realize that this is news I should tell him in person. I want Jay to be the first person I tell so I don´t call anybody else either.

After that I try and come up with a way to tell Jay my news. I figure that he would probably enjoy me just telling him and not doing that much extra. I also try to plan our wedding, but I can´t focus on planning the wedding because I was so happy. Right, when I am sitting on the couch looking at different setting arrangements for the wedding, my phone starts ringing, and I grab my phone and look at it confused when I see that´s Kim is calling me. That´s weird, I and Kim get along fine but she doesn't usually call me, and it makes me think that maybe something happened to Jay since Kim is Jay´s partner.

-´´Hi, Kim´´ I say into the phone trying not to sound worried.

- ´´Hailey, Jay´s been shot´´

As she says those words, I feel my whole world fall apart.

To be continued