29 February 2020

God, I feel terrible. I don't think I've ever felt this ill. My chest hurts so bad, it feels like someone is pushing against it every time I try to breathe, and if that wasn't bad enough I can't stop coughing. All I want to do is sleep.

Come to think of it, that's all I have been doing since I called into work on Monday. It wasn't that bad at first, I had a headache, a slight cough and maybe a fever, but as time has gone on, my body has drained of all energy. I thought it might have just been a cold, the flu even. I tried calling up my GP surgery. I told them my symptoms, I even asked if there was a possibility that it could be coronavirus. Yeah, maybe my mum has me paranoid. The nurse asked me if i had been abroad, or if i had been in contact with anyone who had been abroad. When I told her no, she told me it would just be the flu. I had no other option than to take her at her word.

"Bella?" I startle when I hear someone shouting from inside my house. "Bella, where are you?" It's Edward. He must have used his key. I left a spare with him in case there was ever an emergency.

"In here," I manage to croak.

"Shit," he says as he walks into my bedroom, looking over me laying in my bed. "You okay?"

I haven't washed or looked in a mirror in days. I dread to think what I look like, but I can't even find the energy to care. "Is something wrong?" I ask, trying my best to push myself up from the mattress.

"Your mum called me. She's been trying to reach you, but you haven't answered. She was worried."

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine, just worried about you. Are you okay?" he asks, his face filled with concern.

"Yeah," I say, reaching over for my phone. "The nurse says I have the flu." I glance down at the screen to see I've missed several calls from my mum. She must be going out of her mind. I'll need to call her and downplay how I'm feeling. I don't want her worrying, although it already seems too late for that.

I notice a news notification just as I'm about to sit my phone down.

First death from coronavirus in the United States confirmed in Washington State.

A/N: GP - General Practitioner

So I based Bellas symptoms/experience on my husbands. He was seriously sick at the end of February. Did he have the coronavirus? Does Bella have the coronavirus? I guess we'll never know.