
"What the hell" Naruto said thinking out loud

"Always so brash" a male voice said sounding happy coming from a ball of light "hello Naruto" he said

"Hi" Naruto said seeing Will unconscious on the ground "where are we?" he asked seeing nothing in every direction

"A place between worlds I have come to inform you of the world you will be venturing to" the voice said explaining some simple things to Naruto

"Ok this is all said and good but I feel there is more to it than what you're telling me" Naruto said as he knew there was always more to things than what one heard or saw

"As you venture to this new world you will have your memories sealed as due to certain...restrictions you will be deaged to that of infants" the voice said getting Naruto's attention

"Will she be ok?" Naruto asked more concerned about her safety than his own

'You'll never change will you Ashura? stubborn no matter what' the voice thought happily "yes she will and so will you" he said feeling a little sad that he had such disregard for his own safety but still felt proud nonetheless "your seals will eventually come undone and you'll remember one another but you shall be close to each other" he said happy seeing Naruto feel relief

"Thanks, I'm ready" Naruto said watching Will as light enveloped them both

'Let me give you a parting gift' the voice said sending a multicolored sphere into Naruto before he completely faded away and let out a happy sigh 'It is always a wonder what change my son will bring to a new world' the voice said sounding as if he had done or witnessed this more than once


'What the hell?' a well-built man thought looking out his front door as he heard a noise outside and saw a small blonde baby in a basket on his doorstep "hey little guy" he said examining the child and saw a letter in perfect handwriting reading a sad but touching confession about not being able to be there for their child and hoping that he'd be cared for and soon saw a birth certificate and saw it read 'Naruto Namikaze' 'guess you're stuck with me little guy' he thought smiling at the baby and noticed the middle space of the certificate was blank 'guess your middle name can be my last name' he thought as he wanted a close connection with the infant he would care for and quickly wrote down his last name on the certificate which now said 'Naruto Barkin Namikaze'


"Aw c'mere sweetie" Ann Possible said as she picked up a small baby girl with bright red hair as she and her husband found her on their doorstep

"Wanna keep her?" James Possible asked as he read a note and wondered if his wife wanted to keep the baby girl

"Yes Jim she's so precious" Ann said as she loved children and wouldn't mind having a second daughter

(few years later)

"You guys ok?" Naruto asked two red-headed girls and a blonde boy as they were being a picked on by a kid on all fours, a blue boy, and what he assumed was a boy wearing a skirt and he jumped in and helped out

"Yeah thanks I'm Kim possible and this is my sister Will" Kim said shyly introducing herself

"Naruto Namikaze" Naruto said then looking at his fellow blonde "what's your name?" he asked curiously

"Ron Stoppable" Ron said a little shyly

"Nice to meet you" Naruto said as they all hung out till their parents showed up

( years later)

"Hi I'm here to meet Wade" Naruto said as Kim hired a computer tech to help her with her website and he decided to meet the guy in person

"You're here to see my Wade? c'mon it I swear that boy never leaves his room" a woman who Naruto assumed was Wade's mom said as he walked into the house and then a dark highly advanced room with great technology

"Naruto!" Wade said in surprise as his mom soon left them alone "how'd you find me" he asked curiously

"Reversed tracked your connection to Kim's communicator nice touch on the firewalls and hacker protection I almost triggered some hidden bobby traps" Naruto said as he developed certain sets of skills

"And you still hacked it wow man" Wade said as they then talked for a while finding a lot in common despite the six-year age difference

(few years later)

"How do you keep ending up in fights?" Kim asked as she and Will were watching Naruto fight multiple seniors

Kim was wearing a green tank top that was tight around her mid D-cup breasts and exposed her midriff and athletic bodily curves, blue capri pants tight around her round ass, and white running shoes

Will was wearing a small shirt that was tight around her low D-cups and exposed her midriff, a black and white plaid skirt that barely hid her nice ass, white knee length stockings, and white and pink running shoes

"I don't know Kim maybe it has to do with the fact I don't take their crap or my dad's a teacher or maybe it's the fact I'm so much better looking then these idiots" Naruto said as he sent a senior flying into two others

'Well the last one is certainly true' Will and Kim thought as they had major crushes on Naruto

"So how is it to be captain Kim?" Naruto asked as Kim became captain of the cheer squad

"Awesome" Kim said with a proud smile

"How's Bonnie taking it?" Naruto asked as Kim and Bonnie competed with everything they did

"Being her regular passive aggressive bitch self" Will said as she didn't like Bonnie at all

"Will" Kim said firmly

"What? it's true" Will said as Kim was always a stickler

"Naruto!" Rufus said crawling up him

"What up little buddy?" Naruto said petting the naked mole rat

"Ron locker" Rufus said getting their attention

"Oh man" Naruto said walking up to a locker twisting the knob to it's combination allowing Ron to fall out "seriously dude I can teach you to fight" he said as Ron refused to fight back

"Not my style Naruto my man" Ron said very lazily and passively

"So how is the website going?" Naruto asked as he, Ron, Will, and Kim did stuff for people around the world

"Packed we have a lot of stuff to do" Kim said exhaustingly

"Be glad we get paid for some of the stuff we do" Naruto said as he redid certain policies on the website allowing them to be paid for menial tasks and certain high up government jobs while other people with crises which if ever presented the job was free

"That's true" Kim said as she felt a little guilty about it till Naruto explained it and gave her a different view on the matter

"So you guys have your term papers?" Naruto said as they were due today

"Oh no!" Kim said in realization "I have to go print it!" she said running off

"Hope she makes it" Naruto said as she had two minutes and his dad was patrolling the halls today and he wasn't lenient especially on people about to get a third strike and Kim had two already


"Thanks for the food dad" Naruto said as he was having dinner with his dad Steve Barkin

"It no trouble" Barkin said as he enjoyed this time with his son

"So can I ask you a favor" Naruto asked curiously

"Shoot" Barkin said wondering what his son needed

"Can you let Kim off from detention?" Naruto asked as Kim was being hazed a little because people were giving into the belief about 'cheerleaders never get detention'

"She has three strikes she had her chances" Barkin said firmly not willing to show favoritism to one of his friends son as it set a bad president

'Ok nuclear option time' Naruto thought "if you let Kim off...I'll join the football team" he said as his dad wanted him to join due to his massive talent and how good it is for a resume

"Really?" Barkin said hopefully as he had many positions in the school as a teacher and runner of many activities like clubs and school duties

"Yeah" Naruto said knowing he'd have to deal with the jocks who actually lived up to the stereotypes

"Fine Possible gets her silver lining and I get a new quarterback" Barkin said with a smile

"Thanks dad" Naruto said with a smile knowing there was no relation in blood but the bond that was there truly made them father and son, he then heard a beep on his kimmunicator which he pulled out revealing a black and orange device he asked Wade to customize for him

"Naruto we got a situation" Wade said as he filled Naruto in and that the team was headed to South America

"Tell Possible this is her only pass" Barkin said as he saw his son get dressed into grey cargo pants, a skin tight black tank top, and finally a ninja mask covering his mouth

"Alright" Naruto said taking off


"You so rule" Kim said as they were on a plane to South America

"No prob" Naruto said with a smile "but seriously this is your only freebie" he said wanting her to know next time she was on her own

"How'd you get Barkin to let her go?" Ron asked not a fan of Barkin as they were always at ends with each other

"Told him I'd join football" Naruto said simply

"I thought you hated those meat heads" Will asked curiously knowing Naruto complained about them all the time as they were basically the school dicks

"You joined the team to get me out of detention?" Kim asked a little happy on the inside as it was kinda like a fairy tale

"Aww" Rufus said thinking that was sweet and got a glare from Will and quickly hid thinking only one thing 'scary' he thought hiding in Ron's pocket

They all soon landed on the water

"Thanks for the ride Gustavo" Kim said in appreciation as she was very thankful for the rides people gave her

"After what you all did for my village after the flood last year I only wish I could do more" Gustavo said as he was very grateful to them

"It was just like swim practice" Kim said as she performed and trained to the best of her ability always

"No problem after we finished we grilled up some piranhas" Naruto said as Gustavo's village waters had some aquatic predators and as they helped the village they caught some piranhas

"They were still creepy" Ron said as he had trouble eating something that tried to eat him

"Oh man up and let's go" Will said as they got on land

They all heard a familiar ring and pulled out their communicators seeing Wade pop up

"Here's the footage of Prof. Akari's lab guys" Wade said showing them footage of a woman in a green black suit quickly destroying the camera

"She's good" Naruto and Kim said able to recognize game


"A tick seriously what is the point of a robo tick?" Will said as they were far from Prof. Akari

"Gotta agree sis" Kim said also not seeing the point

"Big things come in small packages" Naruto said not doubting there were capabilities for such a thing "Rufus is proof of that" he said as Rufus had gotten them out of situations in the past

"Yeah give some props to the naked mole rat" Ron said always taking any opportunity to hype up Rufus

(next day)

"Why are we here?" Ron said in a whiny tone of voice as he, Kim, and Will sat on the bleachers for the football field

"Because Naruto did this for me least we can do is be here on his first day" Kim said with Will quickly agreeing both actually here to see Naruto play

Naruto quickly came on the field wearing the training gear

"Alright Naruto glad you're here" Barkin said with a smile "Flagg" he said calling Brick Flagg tossing him the ball then looked at Naruto and smiled

"I know that look" Naruto said mumbling under his breath "Brick throw the ball far" he said getting ready to run

"Sure bro" Brick said throwing the ball

"Didn't mean now" Naruto said quickly running after the ball moving at incredible speeds

"Woah" Kim, Ron, and Will said seeing Naruto trying to run and catch the ball

Naruto barely made it but he caught the ball stumbling only a little but it was a still a good catch

Everyone was silent as Naruto caught a ball from midfield originally starting from end zone

"That was awesome" Ron said in excitement with Rufus breaking the silence

'How is he that fast' Kim and Will thought in amazement


"Ya know I think this is the first we've been captured" Naruto said as their missions always did have there up and downs but never capture, they were currently on top of a platform above shark infested water

"First time for everything kid" a woman in her early twenties said watching them, she was wearing a green and black outfit that outlined her DD-cup breasts and big ass

"And your name is?" Naruto asked checking her out Will and Kim getting angry as they spotted this

"Shego" Shego said sending him a wink as he was a little easy on the eyes and took a little joy pissing off the redheads

"The Possible sisters and the orange hurricane Naruto Namikaze" Draken said walking in

"Hold up you're the orange hurricane?" Shego asked in surprise before she started laughing "oh man major respect heard about your work surprised you're a good guy with all the bones you've broken" she said as she heard stories and rumors about him

"See what happens when you don't restrain yourself?" Kim said not really bothered by that but was more angry that he was checking the enemy out

"What does it get me Kim? and also the dicks bones I break do some real messed up stuff seriously the weakest reason I had to break someone's bones was animal cruelty" Naruto said as he hated certain things people did like abusing living creatures

"A cougar interested in you" Will said making Shego pissed and Draken laugh

"I'm twenty smartass" Shego said igniting her hands in green plasma

'Whoa' Naruto thought impressed and felt something stir inside him

"He's seventeen still makes you a cougar moron" Will said smartly

Shego growled and glared at Draken "what the hell are you laughing at?!" she said angrily making Draken shut his mouth

"So who's he some unfrozen frankenstein?" Naruto asked as Draken's blue skin was a little confusing

Shego then smirked as Draken growled in frustration

"The sharks seem famished perhaps you can stay...for lunch" Draken said with a smirk thinking his pun was clever

"Oh god I think I'd actually prefer the sharks to then hear that" Will said as that was terrible

"Then let me grant you your wish" Draken said as he deactivated the platform letting them fall into the water

'Sharks one of my least favorite animals' Naruto thought seeing one swim past him and was blindsided as one bit his arm, Naruto expected incredible pain but instead felt nothing and in that moment ripped his arm out of the sharks mouth to see it was perfectly fine 'what the hell' he thought swimming up to see the others and swim to the stairs

"What guy gets only two sharks?" Will said as that wasn't much of a death trap

"Some species of sharks are cannibals surprised these two are still around" Naruto said trying to distract his mind

"I bet lunch that the guy didn't know that and he's just incompetent" Will said as the man struck her as an idiot

"Suckers bet" Rufus said with a smirk

(few minutes later)

Everyone was currently hiding as they moved around Draken's lab listening to him talk about he weaponized the 'nano tick' and stole back the schematics for it to return it to the Professor

'Seriously I'm gonna kick this guy's ass so hard' Naruto thought as he heard Draken explain how he was gonna used the weaponize nano tick to control people and if they didn't...boom, then heard him explain something about getting back at people from gym

"Ok we're definitely putting this guy in the mad scientist category" Kim said quietly which got nods of agreement from the others

"Mad angry or mad crazy" Ron asked barely above a whisper

"What do you think?" Shego said revealing herself as she noticed them entering earlier

"Why'd I even bother with the sharks?" Draken said as they rarely earned their keep

"I don't know stupidity" Naruto said as he and Kim engaged Shego

Naruto and Kim were doing well combat wise but with Shego's powers they had to be careful

Naruto caught her fist stupidly and was surprised instead of intense pain they were ignited with blue and black flames

Everyone looked at Naruto in surprise

"He has powers?" Draken asked the opposing group in surprise

"Since when man?" Ron asked thinking it was cool

"Ok this is a new one for me" Shego said perplexed 'no way is he like me?' she thought thinking back to her brothers "so spill kid besides ripping off my stick" she said motioning to the flaming hands "what are you lab rat?, mutant?, genetic experiment?,...alien?" she asked throwing some ideas out there

"No idea" Naruto said as his hands were still lit "ready for round two" he said deciding not to care and just go with it

"Ha never had a guy say that to me before" Shego said as she lit her hands ablaze

"Ok not a cougar more like whore" Will said as she was then hit in the stomach with a green coated fist courtesy of Shego

"Hopefully that'll shut that mouth of yours" Shego said with a smile "Ok now that she's down let's see what you can do" she said as they traded blows

"You ok?" Kim asked checking on Will

"Yeah" Will said as Kim helped her up and they saw Naruto trade blows with Shego "so just gonna ask did he always have powers?" she asked both not taking their eyes off the fight

"Not to my knowledge" Kim said feeling a little hurt that he didn't tell her-them that he had powers

"Ah Draken is trying to escape" Ron said feeling that the girls were...a little more invested in the fight than they should

Kim blindly threw a bolo that caught his legs

"Been awhile since anyone's given me this good a fight kid so what do you know?" Shego asked as she had training in hand to hand and knew a few martial arts

"Been breaking stuff in multiple fighting sports as a kid" Naruto said as he took all sorts of fighting classes and got black belts or banned due to how much ass he kicked

Shego smiled as she actually enjoyed herself as this job rarely provided any excitement or real challenge she always thrived for but then noticed Draken captured "real sorry to cut this short but I have to do my job" she said blasting a control console causing a chain reaction and then went and grabbed Draken


"What do you mean you can't do it?" Will asked angrily wanting Naruto to ignite his fists only for him to tell them that he couldn't even after multiple attempts on the boat they stole from Draken

Kim then called Wade and filled him in on what happened so he did a scan on Naruto through Kim's kimmunicator

"The scans I did show he's perfectly healthy no residual trace of any energy no radiation none of that he is clean" Wade said perplexed as he even hacked into what was left of Draken's security systems and verified their story

Naruto went to the edge of the boat and looked at his reflection in the water looking at himself differently than he had in a long time seeing someone he both recognized and that was a total stranger

"You alright" Will asked appearing right next to him

"Yeah guess I see myself a little differently now" Naruto said giving a weak smile

"We'll figure this out" Kim said coming up on his otherside

"Absolutely" Ron said coming up next to Kim and Rufus coming up giving a firm 'uh huh'

"Thanks guys but let's keep this between us for now" Naruto said knowing this could cause a lot of panic

The others agreed wholeheartedly as this was Naruto's secret so it wasn't theirs to tell


Naruto was currently tossing and turning in his bed asleep having a major case of cold sweat


Naruto felt motionless as he felt like he was drifting in a void of nothingness

'What is it you wish to protect?' a voice called out

'What I wish to protect?' Naruto thought to himself as he felt his life run by him remembering all the fun and adventures he had with Will, Kim, and Ron just being together with them made his body and mind be at peace

'You need to remember' another voice said

'Remember?' Naruto thought to himself 'remember what' he thought in wonder

'Happiness, joy, pain, love, friends, family, your life, your ninja way, your….will of fire' multiple voices called out

Naruto's eyes widened as he woke up and went to the bathroom looking directly into the mirror only instead of seeing his tired reflection he saw himself wearing an orange and black jumpsuit wearing a black headband with a metal plate with a leaf symbol, he moved his hand up and touched the glass just as the reflection did and then it came crashing down on him