Hello there everybody, Klyju here, and I hope you're ready for this new story! Admittedly, I wanted to do this one instead of my MHA/KnY story, but due to a poll I put up on a Discord server I'm in, I ended up starting on the Izuoske story instead. However, that hasn't stopped me from thinking about this idea, and as time went on, I began to flesh out more details! Fast forward a while later, three other fanfics read (Kaiju in the World of Queen's Blade, Hail to the King, and The God of Destruction comes to Remnant, go check those out), and one instance of writer's block, and here we are! I hope you enjoy this new story, and also, I don't know anything here. With that out of the way, OPEN THE GAME!
Miki Saegusa opened her eyes as she looked out of the window, taking in the sight from the base overlooking the island's jungle. The year was 2004, 9 years since HIS life extinguished in his greatest battle. Even though it's been so long since then, the fact that something as powerful as him was dead still felt surreal to the world at large, though this was mitigated by the fact that his son took his place as King, the main difference being that he was a protector of mankind instead of its reckoning.
But even though he was defending humanity, it was obvious that he was still hurting from his father's demise, especially since in the years between that and his resurgence, Leo had to defend the world from threats. It was in 1998 when Junior made his reappearance, taking down his father's poorly conceived imposter in New York. Ever since then, he has defended the planet from more threats that dared to destroy Earth. From Orga to Megaguirus, to even the Ghidorah that hailed from Venus, he toppled them all, claiming his position as the new King of the Monsters.
"Miss Saegusa." A voice spoke up from behind her, causing her to turn around to look at the person. "It's time for the experiment to begin." The scientist said, earning a nod from the young woman. The scientist walked away to the viewing room, leaving Miki behind to take one last look at the jungle to send a message out telepathically.
"Junior, whatever you do, do not go to the southern region of the island."
The titanic king opened his eyes as he awoke from his cavern, slowly swimming out of his underwater home before poking his head out of the ocean waters. Just a few moments ago, he heard Miki tell him to not go somewhere, but why? What could be so secret that he shouldn't know?
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a chirp and a wail coming from the beach nearby. Junior turned around and saw his adoptive brother, Mothra Leo, and his (what humans say) Royal Advisor (whatever the heck that meant), Anguirus, a mutated Anguirosaurus that was mutated by a nuke from the 70s.
Junior swam towards the beach, walking up to the sandy area before he looked at his two closest companions and letting out an inquisitive grunt.
Leo was the one who responded first, letting out a series of chirps to explain the situation. The Divine Moth explained how he felt the humans constructing something on the southern region of the island, something that brought a sense of unease in him that hasn't occurred until now. Anguirus let out a series of wails to confirm this, stating how he saw a group of humans carrying large pieces of metal to build something. Normally, they would've gone off to see what it was, but since Junior had the closest relationship with humans, they figured that he should go check out what the humans were building.
Junior let out a grunt of confirmation at this, agreeing to see what the humans were making, just to make sure that it wasn't harmful to them in any way. With a loud screech, the third King of Monsters began to walk towards the southern area of the island, intent on finding out the source of his allies' concern.
As he walked through the island, he saw some of the trees rustling nearby, eliciting an eye roll as he caught glimpse of a glare peeking through the thick foliage. Ever since he defeated Zilla in 98, the mutated Iguana held a grudge over not being able to take his spot as King, but that was his fault for trying to take his father's identity, forever remembered as a cheap imitation of Godzilla.
The prince snorted in amusement as he continued onward towards his target, but for some reason, he felt something clawing at his mind. As if something familiar was calling out to him…
Testing Area
Captain Gordon watched over the room as the technicians started up the Dimension Tide. The UN may say that it was some kind of dimensional warper designed to access different types of energy from other dimensions for the future of mankind, but one can never be too cautious when dealing with the unknowns.
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the door open behind him. The grizzled man turned around to see who walked in and was pleased to see Saegusa coming in. "Miss Saegusa." He said.
"Captain Gordon." The young woman said. "Are we prepared for the experiment?"
"Ready as we can be, miss!" One of the technicians called out. "Has Junior been called off?"
"I did what I could," Saegusa replied. "He won't be a problem."
"Beginning in 3… 2… 1…"
The room looked at the monitors, watching as the Dimension Tide powered up, creating a small sphere of energy from within, much to the delight of the researchers there. However, despite the overall optimistic mood of the room, Miki couldn't help but feel uneasy for some reason.
It was then that an alarm began to blare, warning the scientists in the room of the impending danger. Several workers scrambled around to their positions, trying to activate safety measures and figure out what exactly was going on. As this happened, Miki closed her eyes to try and reach out to a telepathic connection with one of the more benevolent monsters, such as Leo. Unfortunately, something was blocking her connection. As if there was another frequency nearby, but how was this possible? She then redirected her attempts to find the source of the interference, only to be surprised that the interference was coming from the machine. Not only that, but the noise seemed familiar as if it was…
"Biollante…" She muttered before she looked towards the screens. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Junior stomping his way towards the Dimension Tide, his eyes glazed over as if he was being drugged. It was the same situation as in 1984 when they had his father be directed to Mt. Mihara by the frequency made to get his attention, as well as in 1989 when Biollante's cries attracted Godzilla. "The machine is making a frequency similar to Biollante! Junior thinks that it's another Godzilla!" She cried out, alerting the others to the situation.
They began to try and deactivate the machine as quickly as they could, but the damage was already being done. Junior was denting the machine as if he was trying to reach out to another being, which caused sparks to fly out of the Dimension Tide as the machine began to destabilize.
Soon, Miki felt the interference fade away, and she acted quickly. "Junior, get away!" She yelled out, but it was too late.
Junior regained his senses as soon as the Dimension Tide stopped creating the frequency, but things weren't over yet. Soon, the energy that the machine built up caused a collapse, eliciting a roar of shock from the titanic beast. A dome of energy expanded, swallowing up the monster in a blinding light as his roar faded away.
As the light faded away, the group of researchers saw that Junior was nowhere to be seen. It all happened so quickly, and the silence cast over them seemed more deafening than any kaiju's roar.
"How long until we can get it back up and running again?" Captain Gordon inquired, much to the surprise of everyone else in the room. "Earth just lost its greatest defender, and we're gonna do everything to get him back. Let's get going, people!"
The workers started to work with a newfound determination, but Miki stood near the screen, looking at the area she last saw Junior as a look of concern before she turned to walk out of the room. As she walked out, her thoughts wandered off to the disappeared kaiju.
"I hope you're alright, Junior."
The monster in question screeched in terror as he felt himself tumbling around in a vortex of many colors. Despite there being no atmosphere, he felt the wind flowing around him as if he was in a storm. He didn't know how long he'd been tumbling around, but eventually, he felt the pull of gravity jerk him off to another direction. Soon, he felt himself crash down upon the ground, the sudden shock knocking the wind out of him.
As Junior laid on the dirt, he let out a grunt of pain, but the sound he made immediately alerted him that something was wrong.
The monster king raised his arm, and let out a gasp of surprise when he saw a human arm instead. He forced himself up, letting out a yell of surprise as he did so before he tumbled back down. The former kaiju shook his head in pain before yelping out in shock as he felt something attached to his tailbone. Once again, he got back up, a bit more slowly this time as to avoid tumbling down. When he got up, he felt himself stumbling a bit, but something managed to stabilize his body. He turned around to see that he still had his tail, but then he noticed that it seemed a bit thinner than before. With that out of the way, he began to take a better look at his new body, noticing how human-like it was.
He sported a rather muscular build, appropriate for a swimmer like him, though it still had some bulk to it. The skin tone looked as if he spent a healthy amount of time out in the warm, island sun, but then he noticed his legs, which were a fair bit more muscular than the rest of his body, and spread apart in a stance that could accommodate his weight and tail. The same went for his feet, which were somewhat wide and had claws at the ends of each toe. On top of all that, he noticed that his lower half was covered in a strange, charcoal gray cloth, which seemed a bit weathered from age.
"Wruh…?" He grunted out, his new human throat getting used to speaking for the first time. "Wruh… Haprn… uhmeh?"
He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the sounds of running water nearby, causing him to look around to see the source of the noise. He quickly spotted a river a few meters away from him, and the sight of the clear liquid made him feel a lot more thirsty than he usually is. Taking a few cautious steps towards the river, Junior then broke into a moderate sprint, stumbling a fair bit as he did so before reaching the water. Desperately, he grabbed several handfuls of water and drew them to his mouth, gulping it down to refresh himself of his thirst. Eventually, he let out a sigh of relief from the drink he had, but he then snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed his reflection in the water. Taking a closer look, he saw that the face of a monster was long gone, replaced by the face of a young man. He had a somewhat angular face, somewhat resembling his face when he was a monster if only just the eyes, which still had their orange-red irises surrounding the pupils. On his head was a massive tuft of fur, hair, if he remembered what his mother told him about humans when he was a newborn. The hair reached to his mid-back, starting with charcoal black coloring, but the edges of it, starting from his neck to the tip of the bottom, had a white gradient to it, somewhat resembling his spines. His ears were a bit pointed, and he saw that his teeth were still as sharp as ever.
"Wruh is guen on?" He wondered out loud. How did he become a human-like creature? Was it because of that weird machine? If so, then where was he?
Figuring that staying in one place wasn't going to do anything to help, the monster decided to walk in a random direction, hoping to see if there was anything to help figure out his location.
Junior had been walking for a few hours now, to the point that day had become night, and so far, he has found nothing to give hints as to where he was. Even though he was the strongest thing on the planet, Junior couldn't help but feel a bit worried. Before he towered over the world as it's king, unafraid of the challenges it would throw at him, nor of the allies he trusted dearly. Now, everything seemed to loom over him with an ominous presence. There was practically no comfort insight, and he was beginning to feel a bit restless.
Soon, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone cry out. Finally, social activity! He had found somebody! The kaiju-turned-human ran towards the source of the noise, a sense of joy swelling in his heart at the thought of finally interacting with somebody. However, as he got closer to the source of the noise, he began to realize that the cries sounded like someone was in pain, and that made him worried. He began running faster to the source before he stopped when the cries were practically next to him. He slowly walked to where the cries were heard, hiding behind a tree as he did so. What he saw next shocked him.
A few meters away, in the middle of a clearing, he saw that a large, monstrous man with a spider-like face was looming over an extremely pale woman, both of whom wore matching white robes. The woman looked as if she had been crying, the bruise marks that contrasted with her body signifying that this has been going on for a while now. "Please, Father, stop! Please!" She cried out, to no avail.
Hearing her cry out sparked something in Junior, as memories of his father began to flood his mind. Thinking about just how different the two beings were, and how brutal this monster was being to the woman ignited something within the young king. He felt his face contort, as anger began to swell up within his body before he suddenly let out a breath at the spider-like man.
Mother Spider Demon
She looked at the Father Demon with tears of terror in her eyes, the pain coursing through her body becoming too much to bear. She didn't mean to fail her task! She was doing the best that Rui told her to do, honest! Despite this, Rui still gave the order to beat the lesson into her, that failure was not tolerated in his "family". She could do nothing about her situation, not even call out to the rest of the family that was hiding up in the trees. As the Father Demon raised his arms to deliver one last blow, she closed her eyes in anticipation, knowing that she couldn't escape her fate. She could already hear the sounds of death's bells humming as time seemed to slow down.
Just then, a blue stream of fire blasted the Father Demon away from her, knocking him to the ground and shocking everyone who saw the sight.
The Mother Spider Demon looked at the downed form of the Father Demon in slight awe, before she heard something behind her. Footsteps, but for some reason, these footsteps sounded rather heavy. She turned around to see where the flames came from, and her eyes widened at the sight of her savior. An imposing figure lumbered out from the foliage, a glare contorting his face as he looked at the Father, who was getting himself back up to see who struck him. The air seemed tense as everyone in the nearby area looked towards the unexpected savior. Then, as if someone had rung a gong, he let out a roar that shook the heavens.
Holy shit, that took a while. Sorry to keep you all waiting with that, there has been a bit of a delay! I mean, I WAS writing the other chapter to Wild Boar Hero, and I did do four drawings lately, one of which was a comic strip for a friend (Go check out KlyKaiju on Deviantart to check those out), along with the Corona Virus shit happening elsewhere, I had to deal with some self-quarantine and isolation, but hey, I'm not dead, y'all! Anyways, make sure to follow, favorite, and review to keep up with this story, as well as my other stories, such as Devilman Crybaby: Final Genesis, as well as Wild Boar Hero! Also, to anyone curious, I will NOT be writing a lemon for the latter! A. Because it has a T rating, none of that naughty stuff there, and B. It's too soon for Izuoske and Kirishima to have romantic relations, that needs to build up, so stop! TELLING ME ABOUT IT! If you want lemons, I'll write them in my M rated stories when I get to them! Oh, and if you want to talk to me, as well as other good people, head over to my Discord server at discord . gg/RTRUrsC (Erase those spaces, guys, don't like links very well.)
With that, Klyju, OUT!