Mount. Justice.

August 19. 7:39 pm

Deep inside the cave of the mountain, we find our young heroes in the main room. Superboy and Aqualad circle one another both in defense mode on the combat mat. Off to the side are Artemis, Megan as the audience.

Initiate-combat training The computer announces. 3, 2, 1...

At that two males charge each other blocks, dodges, and punches are delivered back and forth.

"Artemis eyes the Atlantean before saying to Megan "Kaldor's, uh, nice, don't you think? Handsome. Commanding. You should totally ask him out." She tells her with a knowing grin.

"He's like a big brother to me." The martian says. "But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally."

Both girls turn to look at the said redhead who was busy stuffing his face on a burrito.

"You're so full of passion" She points out. " and he's so full of, uh-of-" Struggling to find the right words.

"It?" The blonde finishes amused, the comment sending them in a fit of laughter.

Out of the corner of her eye, the martian spots Jester sitting against the wall with his knees bent supporting a sketchbook, laying comfortably on the manics head is Speedy dozed off.

Like the rest of them, the clown wears his casual clothes. A long, black, shirt hugging loosely on his slender frame, one side of collar exposes a boney shoulder with a black and purple striped strap of the tank top he wore underneath. His legs covered in gray skinny jeans fitting perfectly and black boots with silver stars to finish the look.

Everyone a few minutes at a time the pale teen would look up from his book to catch a glimpse of the fighting males before looking down again and moving his pencil.

Curious about what he was working on the martian makes her way to him.

Jester glances up again before adding more detail to the sketched version of Superboy. He fails to notice Megan peering over his shoulder as he works on the clone's eyes, the strokes of the pencil begins to slow in a gentle manner to the point that the clown stops all movement to look at the picture. The martian can see the small smile forming on the manics lips as he stares longley at the sketched male.

"He's handsome, isn't he?" She says finally making herself known.

"Mmhm." The clown hums automatically at the question.

He then realizes what has just been asked and who asked it made him jump and stare at the martian with startled eyes.

"Red!" He cries, slamming his book shut and hugging it protectively to his chest. "I swear it's not what it looks like. I'm not a perv!" His bleached cheeks clearly showing crimson red.

She giggles at the flustered teen before making herself comfortable beside him. "I don't think that of you, Jester. I was just admiring your work, and from what I just saw you're very skilled."

Jester flush deepens in the color of the complement. "Oh, you're just saying that. I'm not good." He smiles shyly rubbing the back of his head.

"Im serious. You have talent." She eyes the book then back to his face. "Would you mind if I saw more?"

At this the male hugs the book closer looking uneasy. "Um, I don't know, I mean, their not that great.."

"Please?" She smiles encouragingly.

After a second of hesitation Jester thrust the book into the Martian's hands before burying his face in his hands, hiding so he wouldn't see the girl's reaction to his work.

Carefully, she opens the book. The images she saw were breathtaking. Drawings of random objects and landscapes were looked to be drawn from a master artist. She skims through more pages when she comes across pages filled with different clothing designs. She continues her search when one page makes her stop and stare.

There, covering the whole page is a drawn version of herself smiling shyly, the detail that was given to the sketch looked life-like.

She turns the page and finds a picture of Aqualad, surrounding the Atlantean are waves of the ocean.

The page beside it was a picture of Wally in casually leaning against the counter munching on an energy bar.

The next page was a picture of Robin. The sketched version of the youngest member can be seen working on the holographic screen the device on his wrists gave off.

The sketched version of Artemis on the next page shows her with bow and arrow aimed. The way Jester had drawn the blond's eyes clearly shows it took him a while to detail them to get the fire in them.

Finally, she turns to the last page that held the unfinished drawing of Superboy. The clown had only gone far to get from the head to the shoulders. She eyes the drawing closely, noticing that out of all of the drawings this was one had extreme detail. Jester was clearly taking more time on this one.

She closes the book and hands it back. "Jester, those were remarkable. How did you learn to draw like that?"

Jester takes back the book averting his eyes to her, instead, he takes interns on the cover. "I taught myself. I've been drawing for years. I started when I was really young when Joker had me captive. Five years in isolation, you pick up a few talents I guess." He smiles sadly still not looking at her.

Megan goes quite, not really knowing what to say to that. Instead, she tries something else. "I saw the drawings you did of us."

At that sentence, the male looks at her with panicked and worried eyes. "You don't mind, do you? I swear I'm not a creep, I just…"

She cuts him off before he could start babbling. "No, it's fine." She reassures him. "It was just a surprise. Have you drawn anyone in the League?"

The male nods at that. "I got another book at home filled with of them. I still have many that I haven't drawn yet. I brought this one with me when I realized I hadn't sketched Supey, yet."

Both teens look up to the sound of a loud grunting coming from the still fighting males. Superboy blocks a punch before delivering one of his own. His face in deep concentration.

The martian looks back at the maniac who was still eyeing the clone. She hits the softness those green/blue-eyes held, the small smile he still held as he observed the darker-haired male. The way Jester was looking at him held pure affection.

"He likes you too, you know." She tells him. "I can tell by his actions. The way he looks at you when you're not looking, or the way he seems lost when you're not here, or how he only seems to smile when you're around." She then looks into his gems. "I personally believe you two would be great together."

By this point, the teen's snowy face is the same shade as the martian's hair. "Oh, stop, please. My face is burning." He smiles shyly not looking at her. "Its nothing serious, or anything. It's just a small crush that's all. I'll be over it."

His smile then fades to a faint one when he glances back at the clone, eyelids slightly lowered. "Besides, I don't think we together would be the best."

The girl tilts her head in confusion at that. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it Red, the clone of a beloved hero in a relationship with the son of a feared homicidal criminal? That's just a freak combination." He tells her looking down.

She frowns at that comment. Before she gets a say the sound of the Atlantean grunting catches their attention. The look to find Aqualad on his back, defeated.


Superboy dusted his heads, smirking at his work. "Black Canary taught me that." He said proudly.

Just then the doors on a circular entrance on the ceiling open and down comes RT gliding on a red twister to the ground. Once landed he makes his way to the tubes.

Wally races to him. "Do you have a mission for us?" He asked the droid eagerly.

"Mission assignments are Batman's responsibility." He simply tells them.

"Yeah. Well, the Batman's with the Robin Doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham." Suddenly realizing that he turns to Jester. "Speaking of which, why aren't you with them?"

The clown just shrugs. "Bats gave me a choice tonight."

Satisfied with the answer the redhead turns back to the droid. "But you're headed somewhere, right? Hot date or a-a misión?" He says with a cheeky grin, hinting ou the last word.

"If we can be of help" Aqualad speaks up.

The droid says nothing but turns around, automatically the graphic screens come into view. The image of an older man with a dark dress suit and cane comes on screen. "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old" The droid says.

"Guy doesn't look a day over 90," Wally whispers to Artemis.

"And he has been missing for 23 days," RT explains. "Kent was a charter member of the justice society, The precursor to your mentors' justice league."

The Atlantean's eyes widen at the information. "Of course. Nelson was earth's sorcerer supreme. He was.."

"Doctor Fate!"

All eyes whip to Jester's shout. The teen's eyes hold so much enthusiasm, a wide smile stretching his cheeks. "The king of magic! I've been dying to meet him forever!"

Wally on the other hand has the opposite effect. "More like doctor fake." He scoffs. "Guy knows a little advanced science and "dumbledore's" it up To scare the bad guys and impress the babes."

Green/blue-eyes narrow at his comment. "Shut that food compactor of yours, Sunshine!" He hisses before looking back at the screen with awe. "The man is a legend."

RT continues. "Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts, But he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, The source of the doctor's mystic might, And it is unwise to leave such power unguarded."

Megan steps in. "He's like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to help find him."

"Me, too." The speedster's arm automatically flies up. "So honored I can barely stand it. Magic rocks." He says with a grin.

Jester eyes him with a confused look. "Since when do you-oof!" He is cut off when the redhead jabs his elbow to his much thinner frame.

RT presents to them a gold key. "Take this. It is the key to the tower of fate." He tells them, Aqualad takes it.

Wally then eyes Megan with a cheeky smile. "What are the chances we both so admire the mystic arts?"

Jester cuts in once again. "But you don't-Mmmf!" He is shut up by the redhead stuffing something in his mouth. The clown does a taste when his eyes widen in the realization of what it is.

A cookie.

"Mmm." The clown hums in delight from the treat, causing all to look at him, curiously.

Wally coughs nervously behind his fist before giving them all a weary grin. "Um, shouldn't we get going? Fate's not going to find himself you know." He tells them walking to the tubes, the others follow.

A pale hand gripping the redhead's shoulder causes him to halt, he turns his head to find a frowning clown.

"First of all: Ow! Second of all: Yum! And third of all: Last time I checked, you weren't a big fan of magic!" He whispered harshly at him. "Just what are you up too?"

The redhead just grins sheepishly. "What, me? Nothing!"

The green-head studies him closely. "Yea, you totally are. I know that look. I invented that look." He says proudly before going serious again. "What's the deal?"

But the other tries to wave it off. "Its nothing, its just Megan-"

"Red?" That's when he puts two and two together. He groans before continuing. "You do know you're not going to get anywhere with her when she finds out you're not a believer, right.?"

"No, because you are going to help me make sure she doesn't find out."

"Yea, no. Not happening." He crosses his arms and turns away with a 'humpf."

"Squeak!" Speedy says agreeing at the top of the clown's head, also turning away from the redhead.

"Not even for these?" The speedster says slyly, holding up a bag of cookies and shaking it to get the other's attention.

Green/blue-orbs grow at the sight of them, he begins to fidget. His jaw clenching tight to control himself. But they were so close!

Wally senses the other will break any second, he tries another push. "They're your favorite, chocolate chip." He says chirpily with a grin.

That does it. "Alright, fine! Now gimme!" Jester cries, begging.

The redhead smirked in victory, "Atta boy." He reaches into the bag pulling out a cookie before tossing it to the manic who easily caught in his mouth releasing a pleased hum.

Speedy just sighs, shaking his head at his green-headed human.

"So, Wally, When did you first realize your honest affinity for sorcery?" Artemis asked from her seat in MM's bioship.

The ship is set to camouflage mode as it silently makes its way to its destination under the moonlight.

Sitting in his own seat with Speedy on his stomach while munching on an apple that was offered to him Jester perks up at the blonde's question.

"Yea, Sunshine, when did you? We all would just love to know." He grins teasingly. Oh, he wanted to hear this!

The redhead stutters before replying with a confident grin. "Well, I-I don't like to brag, but, uh, Before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself." He says eyeing Megan.

Behind him, he hears Jester snickering.

"Yup, believe it or not, Sunshine has been studying all things magic since the first time I met him. Wouldn't shut up about it." The clown said casually leaning back on his chair with hands behind his back.

Wally then reaches into the bag of cookies in his pocket. Pulling out three of them he tosses them over his shoulder where Jester caught them in his hands before devouring them.

No one notices the exchange.

"We've reached Tornado's coordinates." Megan announces as they make it to a clearing in front of an old torn down building. "but- - Nothing's there."

There was in fact nothing there. No Tower of Fate insight.

"Take us down." Aqualad orders.

Once the bioship lands all are out trying to find anything that may resemble a tower. Wally speeds around the area in search.

He comes speeding back. "Nothing." He tells them. "This isn't simple camouflage."

"So what do you think, Adaptive micro-opto-electronics combined with phase shifting?" The blonde asked.

"Absolutely... Not!" He says hesitantly when the martian comes beside him. "Clearly mystic powers are at work here."

Jester, who was standing beside Superboy, groans and rolls his eyes at the redheads poor attempts to impress.

"A test of faith." Aqualad suddenly says, he eyes the key that RT gave him, an idea pops up.

"Stand behind me." He tells them as he makes his way to the center of the clearing.

Key in hand, he inserts it into an invisible keyhole and turns. Instantly, before their eyes a giant tower appears out of thin air.

Jester smile maniacally with excitement. "Sweet!"

They make their way in. Once inside the door closes and disappears.

Superboy looks for it. "Uh, where'd the door go?"

Just then, out of nowhere a hologram of Mr. Nelson appears before them. Jester contains his squeal at the sight

"Greetings. You have entered with a key, But the tower does not recognize you. Please state your purpose and intent."

Wally looks to Megan with a confident look before addressing the other. "We are true believers, Here to find Doctor Fate."

But the hologram does not look pleased with that answer, his face drops to a frown before wisping away leaving them all confused.

All of a sudden the floor beneath them starts to shake, before they can react the floor breaks causing them all to fall through, a pool of scorching hot lava waiting for them below.

Megan tackles Wally and bring him to her side, using her force to keep them levitated.

Artemis whips her grappling hook and fires at the rocky wall. She catches the Atlantean before he could fall further down.

Superboy reaches for Jester, hooking one arm around the narrow waist, bringing him closer until they are pressed chest-to-chest. The clown wraps his arms around the teens neck in an instant to hold onto something. Using his free hand the clone grabs the wall in hope to slow their fall. Fingers leaving a trail, he grunts at the sensation. He then uses his feet.

They slowly stop but not fast in time as the clones boots are dipped in the pool of fire. He cries out in pain, resurfacing his bare feet, the boots had completely melted.

He frowns in irritation "Those were my favorite boots." He hisses. "This Nelson guy better be worth it."

"Just be glad it wasn't us being boiled, Sweetness." Jester says from his position. His back pressed against the wall as he is sandwiched between it and Superboy, the clone's arm still wrapped securely around him. It's then the manic realizes how close their faces are from each other.

"Eep!" He quickly ducks his head, hiding it in the crook of the others neck before the clone notices the flush appearing on Jesters cheeks. It's only when he is sure that Superboy can't see his face that he lets out a shy smile.

Speedy peaks out from his pace in Jesters pocket to find what all the commotion was about. When he eyes the pool of lava he squeaks in fear and diving back in his hiding spot.

Up above them Megan is struggling to stay levitated to prevent Wally and herself to fall.

"Having trouble Maintaining altitude." The martian pants wiping sweat from her head. "I'm so hot."

"You certainly are." Wally tells her dreamily.

"Wally!" Artemis cries in disbelief that the redhead is choosing now to flirt.

"This is no time for sweet-talking you pervert!" Jester adds in.

"Hey, inches above sizzling death, I'm entitled to speak my mind." He snaps.

Jester's head perks up that statement. "If that's the case then I'm entitled to do this!" He turns his head and plants his lips on Superboy's cheek in sweet kiss before ducking away again, not wanting to see the older teens reaction.

They were going to be roasted so he might as well die with a happy memory.

The clone is left dumbstruck, trying to process what just happened.

Aqualad wipes the amounts of sweat from his head. "My physiology and M'gann's are susceptible to extreme heat. We must climb out quickly." He tells them.

Just then a thought comes across the Martian's head. "Hello, Megan. We never truly answered the question." She calls out to the hologram. "Red Tornado sent us To see if Mr. Nelson and the Helmet were safe!"

Automatically, doors shut the pool of fire making it safe for everyone to land.

"This platform" Aqualad says crouching down and feeling the surface. "It should be red-hot, But it is cool to the touch." He takes note.

"Don't worry, Megalicious." The redhead says with a grin, hooking his arm over her shoulder to steady her. "I got you."

Artemis has had it!

"Enough!" She shouts at him with a harsh push. "Your little "impress Megan at all costs" game

Nearly got us all barbecued." She shouted at him.

"When did this become my fault?" He snapped.

"When you lied to that, whatever it was, and called yourself a true believer." She then points to Jester. "Not to mention bribing Freak over there with cookies which I heard he isn't even allowed to have!"

Wally face drops at that. He's been caught.

"Yea, I heard your conversation and saw the exchanges." The blonde says.

The redhead gulps nervously when the Atlanteans eyes snap at him in disbelief. "You gave him cookies!?" He calmly shouted. "You know what they do to him, Wally."

The redhead backs away, hands up in surrender. "I only gave him a little!" He said trying to defend himself. "They can't possibly cause that much damage."

The dark-skinned teen then rounds up at Jester causing him to duck behind Superboy. "And what do you have to say for yourself?"

The green-head peeks over the clones shoulder with a sheepish smile. "They were delicious?" He only receives a raised brow.

"It wasn't my fault! They were chocolate chip and you know how crazy I get over them! It was a moment of weakness!" He cried out, burying his face in his hands in shame.

The Atlantean sighs. There's nothing that can be done know. "We have to keep a close eye on him now. Who knows when the sugar will take effect." He tells everyone.

Megan returns her attention at the redhead. "Wally, you really don't believe?" She asked him.

Now all eyes are on him awaiting for his answer.

"Fine! Fine! I lied about believing in magic. But magic is the real lie, a major load."

"You're a major load! Magic is so real!" Jester cries out.

Aqualad nods in confirmation. "Wally, I studied for a year at the conservatory of sorcery in Atlantis. The mystic arts created the skin icons that power my water bearers." He explains.

But Wally wasn't having it. "Dude, you ever hear of bioelectricity? Hey, in primitive cultures, fire was once considered magical, too. Today it's all just a bunch of tricks."

"You're pretty close-minded For a guy who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers." The blonde shot out.

"That's science. I recreated Flash's laboratory experiment, and here I am. Everything can be explained by science." He says hotly.

"Not everything." All eyes turn to Jester. The clown walks in front of the speedster. "There are many things that science can't explain, there's always a supernatural theory for them. And magic is one of them."

The redhead groans and rolls his eyes at the childminded teen. "How many times do I have to say it!" He leans in close to the clowns face. "ITS. NOT. REAL. And if you still think it is then your more immature than I thought. It's time to wake up Jess, and stop living in a fantasy!"

That was a low blow. Everyone can tell by the hurt look in those green-gems. Wally's face drops in realization at what he just said. "Jess, I..I didn't…"

Jester cuts him off, speaking in a soft tone, never breaking contact with the redhead. "If waking up from a fantasy means having to face the cruelty of the real world then I don't ever want to wake up."

With that he makes his way back beside Superboy with arms crossed, averting everyone's eyes.

The redhead sighs, rubbing his head. He messed up.

An awkward silence fills the air.

Aqualad is the one to break the silence "Let us test that theory." He grabs hold of the platform and begins to lift.

The redhead widens at the others action. "Wait! The back-draft from the lava will roast us alive!"

However, when the teen opens the thick tile instead of lava a cool wisp of wind blows out, flakes of white crystals float out of it.

"It's snow." Megan says.

Artemis eyes Wally with a smug look. "Do you ever get tired of being wrong?"

One by one, they jump through, ending up in an arctic-like environment.

"Well?" The archer raises a brow with a smirk. Trying to see if the other is having second thoughts.

Sadly, he doesn't. "Ever hear of string theory? We're in a pocket dimension."

The blonde cries in frustration from the males stubbornness.

Jester rolls his eyes annoyed.

"What's that?" Megan says pointing. They all turn to was she was pointing to.

There, levitating from the ground is a golden walking cane.

Wally is unimpressed by the display. "Ooh. Maybe it's Nelson's magic wand." He said sarcastically before dashing to and grabbing it, in that exact moment Artemis also takes hold.

"I got it."

"I got it."

They both say. Just then the cane begins to shine. The two try to break free but they can't.

"I can't let go."

"I can't let go."

Without warning the cane shoots up into the sky, dragging the teens with it and disappearing in a flash.

The rest of the team are left speechless.

"Well, that was..interesting." Jester said still eyeing the spot they disappeared to.

Aqualad looks around the area and starts to walk ahead. "We should keep moving. We are bound to come across another portal if we are lucky.

The three teens look at one another before making following.

Megan suddenly speaks up "I don't understand Wally. It's almost like He needs to believe the impossible can't happen."

"Wally uses his understanding of science to control what he cannot comprehend." The Atlantean explains. Acknowledging the existence of magic would be to relinquish the last vestige of that control."

With that said they continue on.

The young hero's walk for about 15 minutes through the blistering cold out, of the corner of his eye, Superboy notices the manics thin frame starting to shake and fidget. He thinks it might be from the cold so he continued looking straight.

The sound of giggle catches his attention. He turns his head to get a proper look. He finds the teen with his head bowed down, his green locks falling down his face, his slender shoulders quaking.

The clone frowns his eyes in concern. "Are you alright?"

Just then the teen raises his head to stare at the other. Jester's green-eyes are held with such intensity, his pupils slowly start to shrink in size. Across his face holds the widest smile the clone had ever seen yet. Jester's giggles slowly start to increase in volume.

Superboy's not liking where this is going. "Hey, uh. We have a problem here." He calls to the others.

Megan and Aqualad look back, the Atlanteans eyes widen at the sight of the clown. He knew exactly what was going to happen. "Oh no." He breaths out. "Grab him!"

Superboy takes action and starts the grab but the teen manages to slip away just in time before sprinting at full speed to the Atlantian.

Aqualad tries to grab from the front. Jester manages to flip over the teen, he taps the top of the teen's head before he takes off again, his laugh echoing in the wind. "Tag, you're it!"

"No, Jester, Jester!" The older male shouted and running after him.

Superboy and Megan following close behind.

"What's wrong with him?" Megan called out.

"Hyperactivity! It's the sugar in the cookies." He shouts back. "We can't lose him!"

Jester looks back at the teens chasing after him, he laughs madly before looking forward again. Up ahead he spots a large amount of pile snow, he grins wickedly then looks back again. "New game, hide and seek!" With that he dives face-first into the snow, disappearing from view.

The other's waste no time diving after him.

They search frantically for their missing clown.

Superboy parts the snow in search of the paler teen, unknowing to him that a mop of green is slowing stalking him from behind. He has no time to react when he is pounced, causing him to fall forward.

Jester giggles madly from his back before leaping off and running away again. The chase was back on.

It was surprising how such a thin teen can run so far with great speed.

A whispering sound causes Jester to halt and lookup. There perched on one of the mountains is another portal opening. He rushes to it. Looking down he finds it is a long way down. He turns his head when he hears footsteps approaching fast. He spots the others gaining fast.

A mischievous grin forms on his face.

Superboy see's it in time.

He wouldn't.

"Don't even think-"

He did.

The clown leaps from the edge and falls down the abyss, his laughter fading as he fell.

Superboy leaps after him, followed by Aqualad and Megan.

They fall into the unknown.

Wally, Artemis, and Mr. Nelson look up at the sight of a portal opening from above them. They hear the sound of laughter, an all too familiar laughter the redhead recognizes. "Jess?"

And down plops down said teen himself, landing gracefully on the ground, throwing his hands in the air in victory, he doesn't acknowledge them as he frantically looks around at the strange room of stairs before darting one up.

A second later Superboy and Aqualad fall out of the portal landing hard on the floor each letting out a grunt. Megan comes out next levitating down. Artemis rushes to them.

"Friends of yours?" The elder asked Wally.

All of a sudden a beam of lightning blast past them. All look up to find Abra Kadabra and Klarion above them.

"Friends of yours?" Wally copied as he and Mr. Nelson rush to the golden bell. The older taps it and they both rush in with Klarion following behind leaving the teens to battle with the other villain.

They all stand in defense.

"Artemis, did you see where Jester went?" The Atlantean asked.

"I saw The Freak run off on one of the flight of stairs but I don't remember which one." She says before dodging another blast.

One by one, the teens fight off the evil sorcerer but they are each taken down by his blast, causing a cage of electricity to engulf around them. They cry in pain as the bolts of lightning strike their bodies.

Megan, finding no way they will win against him, calls to Wally. 'Wally, we're in trouble. Tell Kent we need Doctor Fate.' Just then the blast is aimed at her trapping her like the others around her.

They were done for.

All of a sudden the martian catches the sound of giggling. She looks up to find Jester sitting upside down on one of the bases of the stairs. The teen can be seen with his eyes closed and rocking back and forth. It looked like he was still in a playful mood.

That gives her an idea.

"Jester, come down here. I have a new game." She manages to call out despite the painful spots she's receiving.

Jester's ears perk up at the words 'new game' and immediately lands on the floor. Abra Kadabra does a double-take trying to figure out where he came from.

"Ready to play?" She says, struggling to smile entirely at the clown. Jester responds by nodding his head, an excited grin as he waits for the game.

"Its called 'Take the wand from the villain.' You have to take the wand from the man there without getting hit by the lightning, if you do your lose. Are you ready?"

An enthusiastic nod is her response. This game sounded fun!


Instantly the teen crouches low, ready to tackle the villain with a crazed smirk.

The man's eyes narrow at him before raising his wand and pointing at him and firing. The teen easily dodges before charging. The man continues to fire but Jester continues to not get hit. He finally makes it in front of him.

He tries snatching the wand but ducks and blocks the blows the man gives.

"Major points if you hit him!" Artemis cried out.

That's all Jester needed to hear before delivering punch to the gut and a knee to the face before backflipping away.

Abra shakes off the daze, glaring daggers at the teen. Jester simply blows a raspberry. Enraged, his blasts become more intense. The clown manages to avoid all of them.

This pattern continues for a while. Jester would get close enough to take the wand only to engage in hand-to-hand and dodging more blats.

However the cycle is broken when Abra finally manages to capture the clown in his cage of lightning. Instead of screaming of pain like the other he laughs uncontrollably. The shocking sensation must give him a ticklish feeling.

Abra looks around at the captured teens, satisfaction in his eyes from his work.

Now it was time to end this.

He raises his wand to finish them off when his wand and clothes suddenly disappear. (Courtesy of Doctor Fate/Wally.) He looks down on himself to find the cause of it.

With Abra's wand gone the cages are broken apart freeing the teens. Superboy is suddenly in front of him, his Intimidating look causes the villain to flinch back.

"Shows over." Is all he says before landing a punch right on the other's jaw, instantly knocking him unconscious.

A groaning catches their attention. They turn to find Jester still laying on the ground, breathing heavily, and unfocused eyes. They are immediately at his side.

Superboy cups the clown's face with his hand and is startled to find the other's temperature is high. "Now what?" His voice full of concern.

"The sugar-rush is dying out meaning that the adrenaline is fading. This is why we prevent him from eating cookies. He becomes extremely hyperactive to the point his body functions start to shut down." Aqualad explains to them. "His high temperature is due to his body catching up on all the intense movement he has done."

Jester struggles to keep away, but he's just so tired. The feeling of arms around his thin frame and lifting him off of the ground and pressed against a strong chest makes him shiver.

The last thing he sees before everything fades to black is the color of ocean-blue looking down at him in worry.

The feeling of a tiny wet tongue licking his cheek causes Jester's eyes to flutter open. He looks around before moving in a more comfortable position and letting out a sigh as he drifts off to sleep again.

His eyes snap open. He jerks up and looks around again. He is laying on one of the sofas in the living room back at Mount Justice.

"Squeak!" He tilts his head down and comes face-to-face with Speedy. He lifts his hand scratching behind the critters ear. "Hey, boy. How did we get here?" All he remembers is walking along the snowy mountains before everything went blur.

Then he remembers.

Wally. Cookies. Sugar-rush. Crashing down.

He groans while rubbing his head, trying to fight off the headache that was still there.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

Jester whips his head to the side to find Wally sitting on a chair beside him. How did he not notice him in the room?

"I feel like my head got smashed by a semi-truck."

Wally grabs the glass of water on the table before handing it to him. "Here." The clown takes it and drowns it down.

A moment of silence pass before the redhead speaks up.

"I'm sorry." Jester looks at him as he continues. "I knew what giving you those cookies did to you afterward but I didn't think about it then. I'm also sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean it." He looking down, avoiding eye contact with the other.

Jester smiles at the apology. "It's fine Sunshine. Just don't say it again. Sticks and stones are not the only things that hurt you know."

The redhead smiles in relief at his friend's forgiveness.

Jester sets the empty glass on the ground before sitting up eagerly. "So what happened after you and Spitfire disappeared out of the blue?"

It takes a moment for Wally to figure who Spitfire is when he realizes it must his nickname for Artemis. "Well." He begins. "We met Nelson. After me and he had managed to get inside that giant bell he died shortly after." At this, the clown's eyes fall at the news. "But it's alright. He united with his wife." He tells him so he wouldn't be completely devastated.

"Anyhow, Klarion comes in going psycho on us. And in desperation, I put on the Helmet of Fate."

"You put on the Helmet of Fate!?" Jester shouted. "What happened next!?" He said impatiently.

The redhead smirked before saying. "I totally beat that whiny, spoiled brat into a pulp." Jester's expression was full of awe.

"What was it like having it on?"

"Kind of weird. I wasn't in control, the original was. Nabu."


"Yea." He said continuing. "After that whole fiasco, I was told that I was now the new Doctor Fate. But I declined. Said that I was still a believer in science and couldn't take the role."

Jester excitement dies down at the mention at that. "Oh."

Then the redhead grins at him. "But I did tell him about someone who's a strong believer that would be more than happy to take care of this." From behind his back, he pulls out the golden helmet itself, holding it in front of the clown.

Jester gasps. Not believing what was about to happen. "'re giving it to me?" He breathes out in disbelief.

"I know you didn't get to met him." He hands the helmet to him. "But I hope this makes up for it."

Carefully, Jester takes it in his hands. A wide smile as he examines it. "It really does." A thought then comes to mind. "But what about keeping this as a souvenir? Don't you get one from every mission?"

The speedster just waves him off. "Eh, they'll be more in the future." He then stands before placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Try to sleep some more, you know, just to make sure you don't pass out again." With that, he makes his way out of the room.

The green-head hugs the helmet close to his chest, a smile stretching on his lips.

"Oh, almost forgot." Jess looks up at the speedster who was holding two tickets in his hands. "I was going to ask M'gann but seeing what I put you through and feeling horrible about it," He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Want to see this magic show with me? Its front row seats."

Jess couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You," He pointed. "Mr. Im-a-believer-of-science bought magic show tickets?" When the other nods shyly Jess cant contain the muffled giggles from escaping.

"Wha? Hey! I felt bad what I did, alright?" The redhead grumbles with arms crossed in a huff checks red in embracement.

Jess manages to control himself. "Aw, Sunshine Im not laughing AT you! Im laughing because it's cute!"


"Yea! You bought something that holds no interest for you just to make it up to me AND your still willing to sit through it. It's sweet." He gives Wally a rare non-sadistic smile and offers him one sincere. Which causes the speedsters face to heat up more.

"Oh! Right. Does that mean you wanna...?"

Jess replies with a playful eye-roll. "Of course I do, Freckle-face. Its a date."

'Its a date.' Runs through the redhead's mind. By this point, his face is engulfed by the shade of deep crimson that the clown now notices.

"You alright there, Sunshine? Your face is getting pretty red. You coming down with something?" The bleach teen asked tilting his head in concern.

"Nope!Allgood!Gladyouagreed,gottagonow,needtodosomestuff,okseeya!" With that Wally bolts out from the room, leaving behind a more confused clown.

Jess looks back to Speedy on his lap and jerks his head to where the speedster disappeared. "What's his deal?" Speedy is just as confused as he is.

Shugging it off the clown smiles and chuckles to himself. "Well never understand that Kid huh?" He says to Speedy while scratching under the critters chin.

Speedy just muzzles back happily.

If I were to write an Injustice: Gods Among Us rewrite with Jester would any of you read it? If yes, what would you want to see? Don't forget to leave a review and I will see you all in the next chapter!