In the morning, after a little sleep, Emma realized her phone was vibrating in her pants, somewhere bunched on the floor.

"Forgive me," she said to Regina as she untangled herself from her arms.

Regina tried to keep her in bed with a heated kiss. She was successful for a few moments.

Emma broke the kiss. "What if it's Henry? Did you leave him a note?"

Regina put her hand to her forehead, "Oh no, I didn't!" She fell back on her pillow. "Shit." She reached for her phone as Emma reached for hers. "Let me call him. If your parent's called, call them back."


They both got on their phones, calling who they said they were going to call.

Regina watched Emma walk around and pick up her clothes as she apologized to her parents and reassured them that she was fine and that she was with Regina who helped her. She threw a side smile at Regina.

Regina tried to smile and find humor, but Henry was on her phone, chewing her out for not telling him where she went; he was panicking with his grandparents about the both of them. She hung up quickly with him, assuring him that they would see him shortly.

Emma ended her call and looked at Regina sheepishly. "Looks like we are both in big trouble," she said as she started to squeeze into her tight jeans.

Regina walked over to Emma and pushed her down on the bed, climbing on top of her, kissing her breasts and nuzzling her neck.

Emma moaned and felt Regina's body one last time, "No time, we have to get dressed and go."

Regina looked at her, "You don't regret this?"

"You told me we shouldn't have any sorries between each other anymore. I am not sorry in the slightest." She laughed and kissed Regina.

Regina took one last look at her, "Good."

Emma was about to kiss her breast, but Regina snapped her fingers and they had their clothes on.

"Oooooh, no fair!"

"I get the 'no fair'–we have to meet your parents' shortly." She got off Emma then extended her hand to her to lift her up. "Do you want to try and teleport us? Can you remember how it feels?"

"I think," Emma said as she embraced Regina.

"I'll help you. But take us outside their door, if you are going to keep holding onto me," Regina smiled at her.

Emma nodded. She felt Regina's magic slightly guiding her, but she transported them with ease, as if she always knew how to do it.


They made it successfully to the front door. Emma stole a kiss from Regina. "I'll go in first."

Regina tried to compose herself, but she kept feeling the corner of her mouth turn up into a smile when she looked at Emma.

Emma knocked and then opened the door, looking around the door to the dining room, where her parents, Henry, and Elsa were sitting.

"Ma!" Henry exclaimed as he ran up to hug Emma.

She embraced him, "Hey, kid."

Regina slipped in behind her.

"MOM!" Henry threw himself at Regina. She embraced him and kissed his cheek. "I am sorry, Emma needed me, it was an emergency."

"What happened?" Henry asked.

"Emma's magic was out of control, but we worked on it," Regina simply stated.

Henry was assured by what she said, "Of course you could help her. I knew it!"

Henry followed Emma to the couch to sit. Elsa got up and hugged Emma, "I'm glad to see you are all right."

Emma hugged her back, "Me too. I thought Ingrid really got to me for good, or for the worse. I'm better now thanks to Regina." She looked over at Reinga who was standing next to Snow. She didn't look pleased; in fact, she rolled her eyes and looked away as Elsa let her out of the hug. Emma didn't know what that was about.

Snow looked up at Regina who was looking at her. Snow grabbed her wrist. "I'm glad you were there for her, Regina."

"Yes, well," Regina cleared her throat, "You're welcome." Regina flushed, looked away, feeling awkward.

Snow studied Regina's face for a moment before turning to her daughter, "Emma, we were worried. Why did you run?"

Emma replied, turning to her dad, "You saw what I did to the wall, and the lamp post, David. Didn't you tell her? I was out of control. I didn't want to hurt anyone."

"Of course I told your mother. And Elsa did her best to answer our questions," David replied.

Elsa nodded. "Ingrid left almost as soon as you ran off. But I grabbed her, trying to get her to help you. She said you didn't need help. She wanted to give us our memories back before she enacted 'The Spell of Shattered Sight' in two days. She also told me that we didn't have to worry, but it would bring to light the truth of how people see us. When I tried to get her to explain, she disappeared. Regina, have you heard of this spell?"

"No, I can't say that I have."

Elsa pursed her lips. "This is very frustrating. How are we to know what to do? We can't wait for the spell to happen and figure it out then."

"I agree. Maybe we need to involve all other magical people in town. Rumple and Blue usually know obscure things, maybe they can help?" Snow asked.

Regina snorted, "Those two are usually no help. Sure they know things, but where are they when shit hits this town?"

Everyone but Elsa in the room nodded their head in agreement.

"It's worth a shot through?" Elsa said.

"Yeah, I think so. Mom, can we meet in the Mayor's office this afternoon. I'll go talk to Blue, and Regina can you and Henry convince Rumple that it's his best interest to get involved?" Emma asked.

Elsa got up, "I'll go with you, Emma."

Regina's eyes narrowed before she could protest. Henry got up excited, "Let's go Mom!" He rushed to the door.

Elsa and Emma followed after him. Regina stood still, watching them go to the door, not looking pleased. Snow looked up at Regina again. Snow noticed Regina's face changed when Emma looked over her shoulder, and they exchanged warm smiles.

Emma asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Regina headed for the door. Snow grabbed her hand. "Regina, you may want to re-button your shirt. I think you were in a rush when you got redressed this morning." Snow gave her a smirk.

Regina tried to give her a frow that said, I don't know what you are talking about look, but Snow maintained her knowing smirk and gaze, daring Regina to deny what she knew. Regina just lifted her eyebrow and fixed her shirt. Snow didn't stop staring at her.

Regina was glad to leave, in case Snow started to ask her questions.

She listened to Emma and Elsa talk as they went down the stairs. Elsa said to Emma, "I see your ribbon disappeared too?"

Emma held up her wrist, "Oh, right, it's gone. I didn't even notice."

Regina wanted to know what the ribbon was about, but she wasn't in the mood to hear Elsa explain anything to her.


"I know that curse," Blue said as she walked into the Mayor's office, flanked by two other fairies.

Everyone else has been waiting for Blue to arrive.

"Glad you could join us. Please, enlighten all of us," Rumple snarked. "We have been waiting."

Blue gave Rumple a frown, looking at him up and down, appearing disgusted that she had to be in the same room with him. She started to get on with telling them what they wanted to know. "'The Spell of Shattered Sight' is taken from an ancient tale from beyond the mountains of Arendelle, where Elsa is from. A king had a mirror made for his daughter's 15 birthday because he wanted her to see the beauty he saw in her. But before he could give the gift, she died. He was so broken and distraught that he turned to the dark arts for comfort. He took the mirror that now reflected all the ugliness in him and enchanted it to carry his sorrow and pain. He wanted his kingdom to share in his misery. He shattered the mirror and blew the broken glass to the wind to carry the curse across his kingdom. When it hit his subjects, it did more than just give them sorrow, their sorrow turned to rage, and the ones they once loved became the objects of their ugliness. They turned on each other, destroying themselves, and the kingdom fell."

David was the first to ask, "So, this spell will bring out the worst in us, and make us turn against each other?"

"I'm afraid so," Blue said.

"Is there any protection from the spell?" Regina asked.

"It is a very ancient and dark spell, not unlike the one you casted. It takes time to come up with a counter spell. I don't think we will have time, nor the resources. The good news is, it doesn't last forever. It only lasts 36 hours."

Regina snorted, "Only."

Blue gave Regina a nasty look.

"Surely, we can't all turn on each other. David and I are true love, we don't have what it takes to tear each other apart," Snow said through a nervous laugh.

"My sister Anna is as loving and pure as they come. I'm pretty sure this is the spell that Ingrid put on her to capture me in that urn. She said some angry things to me, insane sounding accusations. None of us are that pure or nice."

"I'm really sorry about that, Elsa," Emma said.

Regina, standing next to Emma, stepped closer to her so that their shoulders were touching. Emma didn't turn to look at her, but she pressed into her and gave a little smile.

"I will do my best to protect myself and Belle, but it doesn't appear that there is any way for us to stop the curse unless we stop Ingrid."

"And nobody knows where she is hiding out?" Snow asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

David spoke up, "I will head up a search team, get Hook, Robin and his Merry Men to comb the forest with me."

"I will put out some magical feelers to see if I turn up anything. Any chance one of you ladies happens to have an item of hers?" Rumple asked Emma and Elsa.

"No. I bet the ribbons would have been perfect, but they disappeared," Elsa replied.

"What ribbons?" Regina asked.

"Ingrid gave us these yellow ribbons to tie around our wrists, giving us our memories back," Emma said. She then reached into her pocket, "What about this?" She pulled out Regina's mirror.

"You got it back!" Regina took it and opened it. "It's missing a piece."

"She probably used it to complete her spell. It's your magical mirror, correct?" Rumple asked.

"Yes." Regina said.

"I could try and use that as a locator spell. But the magic has been mixed, so I am not sure if it will work."

"It's worth a try," Regina handed Rumple the mirror.

Snow spoke up, "Ok, so, what else can we do to prep? Minimize access to weapons? Board up business as if there will be a riot? Lock ourselves up?"

"All of that sounds great, Mom. The rest of us can help you out," Emma said.

"Oh, Emma, Elsa, there is a good chance that because you are in Ingrid's favor, you will not be affected by the curse," Blue said.

"That is what she told Elsa. That is two people who can help when shit hits the fan," Emma said to Blue.

Blue flinched, not used to being spoken to so colloquially. As soon as Rumple left, Blue approached Elsa and asked, "Where did you get that necklace?"

Elsa held it up and looked at it hanging around her neck, "It was my mother's. I found it in my mother's things, and when Anna got engaged, I gave it to her, since there was no wedding ring to pass on."

Blue eyed it. "Very interesting how items travel. It's magical, you know. It's a wishing star."

"It is? Does it really work?"

"Yes, it does. It was mine at one point."

"Oh my goodness," Elsa exclaimed, and started to take it off, "Here, you can have it back."

"No, no, you keep it. I don't need it to grant wishes. It was just a badge I wore symbolizing my fairy roll, but over time, it became imbued with its own magical strength."

"And how did you lose it, Blue? Tell them…" Regina, who had been eavesdropping, spoke up.

Blue turned around sharply and said indignantly, "What do you mean?"

"Rumor around the magical community is it was stolen from you by Blackbeard the Pirate. Care to elaborate how he got close enough to take it from you?" Regina grinned evilly.

Blue narrowed her eyes at her and clenched her jaw. "It was a long time ago, but yes, Blackbeard did take it from me. I didn't know where it went from that point. Apparently it fell into Elsa's family, and I hope that it will stay with her."

Elsa didn't like that Regina was insinuating anything, as well as interrupting her conversation. "Blue, if I can wish on it, then couldn't I wish the curse wouldn't hit?"

"No, it doesn't work against dark magic. It will give you your heart's desire. You get one wish though." Blue told her. She smiled at her sweetly just before leaving.

"She wasn't always a nun you know," Regina said as she watched her walk away.

Emma snickered and nudged Regina, "Ok, stop."

"What? All that magic she has, but she always refuses to step forward and help!" Regina said.

"She was useful today," Elsa tried defending her.

Regina shrugged and put her hands in the pockets of her blazer. She turned to Henry. "What are your thoughts?"

Henry stayed quiet for a moment, looking down. "I think I'm actually scared. We can't leave town because Ingrid has surrounded the town, and even if we could, who knows if everyone would retain their memories. Be nice if we had a magic bean, or portal to escape to, but that's not an option. Mom, you can't think of anything to protect us, anything?"

Regina felt horrible. She hugged Henry tight. "I promise I will try and hold off for as long as I can. We need to find Ingrid and stop her. But you are my number one concern to protect. We will fight, your mom and I will do our best to protect you. Stay by our side today, for as long as you can. You are part of the team for right now, ok? And you always have good ideas." She gave a small chuckle as she kissed the top of his head. "I love you. I don't care what this spell may do or say."

Henry's eyes were red. He held back tears. He was nearly a man, and he had to act accordingly. "I love you too, Mom. Thank you for believing in me."

Elsa looked at Regina and Henry and it warmed her heart. Regina was a bit prickly, but she could tell that if she loved you, she loved you with her whole being. It really made her miss Anna.

"I wish Anna was here."


For the rest of the day, Mayor Snow inform the citizens of Storybrooke that a curse was coming, and the options they had to protect themselves. Snow wanted citizens to remove anything that could be used as a weapon away from them, their household, dispose of, or lock them up as they saw fit. Emma and Regina came up with the idea that if people isolated themselves, they would charm their locations so that they were temporarily locked up and couldn't get out to harm anyone. There were quite a few citizens who were weary of Regina using her powers against them, so Snow, David, and Henry made it a point to say that Regina would be personally doing the same for them. Still, other's prefered Emma only.

They got the word out, and hoped for good news from David on finding Ingrid, but they were finding no clues. Rumple had also failed to create a locator spell from the mirror.

By evening, they were all weary with talking, repeating themselves, answering all manner of questions, and straining their minds to make sure they had all things covered. By then, many of the citizens were ready to have themselves shut away for the rest of the night, so Emma and Regina started to put their protection spells in place. They tried to get Elsa to learn how to form a protection spell so she could help, but she couldn't get her magic to bend that way.

They continued to work through the night because they weren't sure at what time Ingrid intended to cast the curse.

Close to midnight, David texted Snow that he was returning to town. The Merry Men were still combing the forest. They refused magical help. They were going to destroy their weapons and tie themselves with chains to trees. That was a relief to Regina that she wouldn't have to have contact with Robin, although for Roland's sake she would have helped.

David also mentioned that he was coming back with a surprise. Snow told him to meet them in the patio of Granny's.

Snow took this opportunity to feed Neal and put him down to sleep, hopefully. She wasn't sure who could watch him in the next 36 hours. Elsa was with her, and promised to do her best to see to it that he was safe. Maybe Ingrid would have a heart. Emma and Regina had not returned from performing protection spells.

"Snow, are you still here? Great, and Elsa you are here too. There's an old friend I'd like you to meet that I ran into in the woods," David said. He turned and from behind the bushes he brought a woman forward, "I'd like you to meet Joan." David had a big silly grin as he stared at Elsa.

Elsa looked up at the woman, "ANNA!!!" The two women flew into each other's arms, nearly knocking each other over and spinning each other around, laughing and crying.

Snow looked at David confused. The excitement woke up Neal.

"Is that her sister! David, where did you find her?"

"In the forest as we were combing it. She was wandering around," David replied.

"But why did you call her Joan?"

"Believe it or not, I met her before. This was before we met. She came to my farm in search of something, and had nowhere to go. My mom took her in. She didn't want help, she was being secretive, and said her name was Joan. We figured she was lying, but…" David explained.

They heard Elsa finally ask Anna, "How did you get here? What do you remember?"

"I dunno how I got here! I was actually back at our home. I was frozen, Ingrid did that to me after she tricked me, no, she cursed me into putting you into that urn. Oh my gosh, Elsa I am so sorry about that! I can't believe I…" Anna started to tear up.

Elsa grabbed her sister by the shoulders, "It's ok Anna. I understand Ingrid put a curse on you. She is actually putting the town under the same curse tomorrow."

Anna's eyes widened. "Oh no! What will we all do?"

Snow spoke up, "We are doing what we can. I think we will be ok. We have your sister to help, and my daughter, and Regina."

Anna nodded her head, although she didn't know who she was talking about. "The spell doesn't last long. Just after Elsa went into the urn, I came to...and then Ingrid yelled at me because I guess that wasn't her plan, and then she froze me, and Kristoff, and then...oh, Elsa, terrible news!"

"More terrible than what you just said?!" Elsa asked.

Anna stammered, "It's all pretty bad, isn't it? Hans and his brothers. They barged into the dining hall to take over the kingdom. But Ingrid froze them too. I unmelted, so it were, but I didn't see them unmelt. But that was only a moment until I disappeared and ended up in the forest! I thought I was back in Misthaven. I'm so grateful that David found me after a few hours. I doubt I really could have found my way to this curious little town. Where are we?"

"Storybrooke." David said.

"Is this near your house? I'm surprised I recognized you, you cut your hair. Hummm, I think I like this better. Is your mom here?" Anna said in one breath.

David spoke: "Sadly, no. My mom passed away sometime ago. And Storybrooke is everyone's town. We actually aren't in Misthaven, or as we call it, the Enchanted Forest. Long story, but many of the inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest were cursed, and we ended up here. It hasn't been too bad, except when we have to fight off villains."

"This sounds like an amazing story! I can't wait to hear it someday!" Anna said. She turned to Elsa, "You have mother's necklace. How did you get it!? I threw it in the fire."

"I found it here in Storybrooke believe it or not," Elsa took it off and put it on Anna. "Here, it is yours. I think this is how you ended up here."

"What do you mean?" Anna said as she fingered the star.

"A magical fairy told me it was her's and it's a wishing star. Earlier, I wished you were here and here you are," Elsa said as she reached up to stroke Anna's cheek. "I have missed you so much, and been a mess without you here."

"I can't even imagine I would have done well mentally if Ingrid hadn't froze me. I don't know what I would have done, knowing what I did to you. Well, I'd probably try to find a way to get you out of that urn, and I'd have to fight Ingrid, but things have worked out perfectly. A wishing star! Can't you wish the coming curse away?" Anna asked.

"I already asked about that. Apparently it doesn't work that way. It just gives you your heart's desire. So be careful what you wish for," Elsa laughed.

Suddenly they heard a thunderous roar. They looked up into the sky and saw sparks shooting out of what seemed to be a large dark cloud. The cloud quickly covered the sky and stars.

Snow leapt up, holding neal. "David, we need to get home. Call Emma or Regina. Where are they?"

Soon, Emma, Henry, and Regina ran down the street, and stopped suddenly seeing them there on the patio. Granny opened the door and stuck her head out.

"What is happening?" Snow said anxiously to Emma.

Regina spoke up. "It's the curse. It's coming."

Anna looked up into the sky; wonder and fear filled her eyes, "The curse didn't look like that when Ingrid put it on me!"

Elsa held Anna's hand, "That's because it was just you she cursed. This one is large enough to cover the whole town."

"David, we need to get home," Snow said.

Regina turned to them. "I don't think there is time. The Sheriff's station is just across the street, let's all go there."

Granny called out, "Wait, Emma, seal the door?"

Emma nodded and waited for Granny to go inside. She enchanted the building so that nobody could get in, and Granny couldn't get out.

At the station it is quickly decided that Snow and David would each take one of the jail cells. Henry would be put into one of the interview rooms.

"What about Neal?" Regina asked, looking very concerned.

"I am going to try and look after him for as long as I can. Hopefully Ingrid will be merciful," Elsa told her.

Regina looked unconvinced, but there really was no other solution. She knew that she couldn't watch him; she wasn't certain of how long her own spell-resistor charm would last on herself. Regina waved a hand over the baby, "Let me put him to sleep. He can ride out the next 36 hours like this. But let's lock him in one of the interview rooms just in case you can't come back, Elsa."

"What about me? What can I do to help, or where should I go? I really don't want to attack my sister again," Anna asked Regina.

"Who are you?" Regina tried to ask nicely at this critical moment.

"This is my sister, Anna," Elsa said.

Regina raised her eyebrows, "Oh, good, you got her back."

"Yes, actually, very good!" A flash of realization came on Elsa's face. "You already experienced the curse. It can't hit you again. You watch the baby, please!"

"Yes! Of course I will!"

Emma bursted into the station, "Ok, Granny is taken care of. There are still a few people out there who didn't get a chance, so I guess we will have to manage them as best as we can." Emma turned to Anna. "Hey, hi, who are you?"

"Anna. Wow, you're pretty. Elsa, don't you think she looks a little like mom?"

Elsa looked at Emma and tilted her head. "You know, she does a little. Maybe that is why she felt so familiar. In the eyes and mouth."

"And mom's freckles," Anna smiled.

Emma felt awkward, " are Anna, the missing sister! Wow, where did you…you know what, nevermind, no time, but I'm glad you are here!" Emma turned to Regina, and then looked at Elsa, "We need to get out there and start to maintain order. Elsa, I presume Anna will stay in here?"

Elsa and Anna nodded.

Emma started for the door.

"Emma, wait," Regina grabbed her arm. "Remember, at the slightest hint that I have no control, you will transport me to my vault, and seal it, correct?"

Emma nodded, "Yes, but I am hoping it won't come to that. Having you with me gives me strength."

Regina's eyes shone with love and pride. She wanted to lunge forward and kiss her, but there was no need to put more surprises out there at this moment. Emma reflected her look, not without blushing.

Anna caught Emma's blush and said aloud, "How cute! They're girlfriends?"

Regina turned and looked at Anna mortified. Emma looked confused. Elsa also saw the looks; in fact, she saw a lot of things between them this past week. She turned to Anna and said, "I don't think they are there yet." She then opened her arms wide and swept the two of them out the door before they could respond to her not-so-smooth-sister. "Come on, we are needed outside, urgently."

When Regina stepped outside, she felt something stinging her eyes, "I think it's hitting." She crouched down, covering her face, trying to resist.

"Regina, are you going to make it?" Emma knelt in front of her.

Regina nodded. "Yes, I have pushed it back for now. I think I can hold out for a bit."

Emma helped her get up, and the three of them took to main street.

The cloud was above them. It had covered the entire sky, and town, and they could see little shards of sparkle falling everywhere. The first people they saw on the streets running was Doc and Dopy, but they were too late to take cover. When the spell hit them, they froze and covered their eyes for a moment, crying out in pain, just as Regina had done. When they emerged, their eyes shone like silver marbles, and they looked at one another. Doc shoved Dopy to the ground.

"You stupid mute! So stupid you can't talk. You know how irritating it is trying to communicate for you? Any of us? You are useless! Maybe you should just die!"

Doc jumped on top of Dopy and started to punch him.

Emma ran over and pulled Doc away. He cursed and screamed at her to let him go. She threw him up against a lamp post and summoned chains to bind him up. Huffing and puffing she said, "There, stay there for now."

Regina caught Dopy as he got up. He was running toward Emma and Doc, fists balled up, his face contorted in anger never seen before on him. Regina hoisted Dopy in the air and put him on another lamp post. Elsa created ice chains to bind him.

Regina turned to Elsa, "Well, look at that, you can do something."

Elsa wasn't sure how to take that, but she took it as a compliment.


Emma turned around quickly and saw Hook walking towards her, arms stretched out. She was alarmed, thinking that Hook was coming after her, cursed. "Stay back! I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean, luv? I'm here to help you." He showed no signs of slowing down.

Emma peered into his eyes. "It looks like you haven't been cursed yet, but you will be soon. I have to restrain you. Wait, are your eyes blood-shot? Have you been drinking?"

The closer he got, the more she could smell the rum. "Just a little-lot, lass, but I hear there is trouble and I'm here to save you!"

Emma was not taking any action, so Regina stepped in, putting Hook in a choke-hold, "Stay right there. When the curse hits, you will be useless to her. You can't resist it. Nobody can. We will just have to detain you until it passes."

Hook tried to talk, but couldn't. Emma put a hand on Regina's choke hand. "Let him go. Push him to that light post over there. At this rate, we are gonna be out of light posts."

Elsa stepped in, "I can bind him with ice."

In a matter of minutes, Hook was up against the post and iced down, but his mouth was still free. "Swan, how can you not trust me? You trust that wicked witch, but not me?"

"Oh my god, Hook, seriously, where have you been this whole time? Drinking, feeling sorry for yourself since I let you down?"

He didn't reply to her question. He hung his head in shame. Then suddenly, he threw his head up and his body seized up. The curse finally hit him. When he looked at them, they could see his eyes glowing sliver.

He gave Emma a cold stare, and then started to laugh. "I am done trying with you, Emma. I think I am finally coming to my senses. I chase after you, and try and try, but for what? I think I like this curse. I feel reborn! I see you clearly now for what you are–nothing more than a pretty blonde distraction, and there are many women out there willing to give themselves to me. You will regret losing me and I will revel in your pain. You push away those that you love, you know, and you will remain alone; Emma Swan, the forever orphan!" Hook began to laugh, but suddenly his jaw was in pain. He spit blood from his mouth.

Regina shook her fist. She never hit someone that hard before.

She walked over to Emma who was holding back tears.

"I'm sure it was mostly the curse that was making him talk like that. Ignore his cruelty." Regina said to her.

She looked at Regina. "And if your spell falls, what will you say to me. I don't think I could bare it." Tears began streaming down her face.

Regina pulled her into a hug. "Let's not get to that point. Whatever I say, you have permission to punch me in the face like that, ok?"

Emma squeezed her as she laughed.

There was a slow clapping in the distance.

They turned around and Ingrid was in the middle of the street. "Sweet, but why haven't you turned yet?" Ingrid threw up her hand and tore Regina from Emma's embrace. "The point was not to stay away from those you love, but confront them and see what they have to say about you." She held Regina in place.

Elsa pushed out a blast. "Let her GO!"

But Elsa's blast went right through Ingrid this time.

"When you put on those ribbons, it gave you your memories back, but it also magically bound us as sisters. We can't harm each other."

"Then as my sister, I'm asking you to let her go," Emma asked Ingrid as calmly as she could.

"Well, since you asked nicely," Ingrid said, releasing Regina. She doubled over.

"Regina are you ok?" Emma ran to her side. Regina nodded.

"She can't hold out for this long, I'm sure," Ingrid snapped her fingers and Hook was released.

He started to charge toward Emma, but Regina stopped him, magically throwing him back and knocking him unconscious. She doubled over again, holding her face. "Emma, I don't think I can…"

Emma wanted to hold her, lend her her power, but Ingrid sensed it and held her back. "Now, now, let the curse do what it's supposed to do, sister."

Emma watched Regina stand up, her eyes glowing silver. She gave Emma an evil smile. "So much for your powers, Savior." She inhaled the air deeply, "Smell that magic in the air. It's so satisfying." She looks down at herself as she turns toward Ingrid. "What in the world am I wearing?" She waved a hand over herself and changed into an Evil Queen dress–tight black corset, layers of hooped skirts, and a collar as high as her hair. She put a hand on her hip and looked at Ingrid lustfully. "Like what you see? Not sure what the pirate was whining about, but I loved being distracted by blondes."

Ingrid smiled at her pleasantly, "Compliment taken, however, I am not like my sister in that way."

The Evil Queen pouted. "Oh well, I'm not feeling particularly amorous right now anyway. I have failed at my mission while in Storybrooke, and that is to see Snow White taken down once and for all. Excuse me while I go visit an old friend." She swooped her skirts as she turned and stalked off to the Sheriff station.

Emma, imoblie from Ingrid, is finally released when Regina is out of sight. "What the hell, Ingrid! Stop fucking around with my town!" She tried to send another blast her way, but was unsuccessful.

"I am curious what the two of them will have to say to each other, now that your mom can speak her mind. Shall we go see? After all, I think Emma really needs to hear what her parents really think of her," Ingrid said as she walked off toward the Sheriff station.

Emma looked at Elsa and nodded her head to follow. She leaned into Elsa, "This will all be over in 36 hours. We are not going to let her destroy the town."

When Ingrid opened the door to the station, they heard yelling, and screaming, and what sounded like swords.

Emma and Elsa rushed past Ingrid and saw Snow and Regina fighting each other with swords. Suddenly, Snow was thrown across the room by magic from Regina. Snow hit the desk, taking the computer monitor to the floor with her. Emma winced and yelled out, "MOM!"

But soon, Snow was back up with her sword, "You said no magic, Regina!"

"And you said you could keep a secret," Regina screamed at her.

Snow charged her, "I was TEN!!!" Snow swung her sword at Regina, who blocked her swiftly.

The two of them barely knew Elsa, Emma and Ingrid were watching.

"Elsa, go check on Henry, Neal, and your sister" Emma said.

Ingrid sharply turned around. "What did you say? Where is she going?"

Emma ignored her and watched Snow and Regina, hoping that if something death-defying was going to happen, she could protect them and not have Ingrid interfere.

Ingrid followed after Elsa. Emma realized that the kids and Anna could be in danger. She had to leave Snow and Regina much to her dismay.

Elsa was in the hallway, trying to explain to Anna what was happening when Ingrid laid eyes on her. "YOU! What are you doing here!"

Anna held on tight to Neal, "Please don't hurt the baby. You won't hurt a baby, right?"

Neal started to cry.

Henry pounded on the door, "Who is out there? Let me out!"

Ingrid narrowed her eyes at them.

"Ingrid wait, please, hear Anna out. She has made a great discovery!" Elsa pleaded.

"Yes! Yes!" She handed the baby to Elsa next to her, and reached into the room for a scroll. "While I was sitting here waiting with the baby, I thought to myself how I wished we knew what happened that made you so angry and hurt, and suddenly this appeared. It's a letter from our mom, your sister, explaining what happened!"

Ingrid clenched her jaw. "You lie. Where did you get that?!"

Elsa touched Ingrid's arm, "Please, Ingrid, let's just listen to what the letter says."

Anna said, "It's real. I promise. It has the seal of my mother on it. Listen:

I don't think your father and I will ever get back to you, but I need you to know that we were wrong to conceal Elsa's powers. We came looking for a way to help rid her of her powers, but this storm has come to stop us, maybe even punish us for what we were trying to do. You need to know that I had two sisters, and one, Ingrid, she had powers just like Elsa. I did something terrible to her because I thought she had killed our middle sister Helga, but I learned recently that was not the case. It was a terrible accident. But I reacted poorly and trapped her inside a magical urn, then had the rock trolls erase all memory of them from the kingdom. The three of us were so close, and they were beautiful, and I lost them and let the pain and fear of what happened, of what I have done, guide my life. Elsa, when you manifested power, it was a reminder of that life I once had, and what I did to my sister. But I cannot live life in fear of my beloved daughter. I pray this letter gets to you. The two of you must fix the wrong that I have done if your father and I do not make it back. Find my sister–she is in an urn hidden in the Northern Valley. Release her. Tell her of my regret and sorry. I should have celebrated her, protected her. I'd give anything to take back what I did and hold her in my arms one more time. I have always loved her and I always will. I know that she will love the two of you as I have loved you, and I wish for you to all be the loving family that we used to be when we were young. Attached is the memory stone of my sisters. Restore them to Arendelle, never let them forget how wonderful they were."

Ingrid listened, tears filling her eyes.

When Anna was done reading, she looked at her with tears in her eyes too, but Ingrid's eyes flashed back with anger. She put up her hand, and gripped Anna physically by the throat. "That letter is a LIE! My sister always feared me, and she wished me dead!"

Elsa and Emma tried to stop Ingrid, but she froze them in place.

Anna managed to talk through the grip, "I understand why you casted that curse on me. You thought I was like my mother, I'd eventually turn on Elsa. But it's ok, we can come back from this together."

Ingrid growed, "You don't understand me because you are nothing like me! Your kind never will!"

"I understand that my mother loved you for who you are. It's a lesson that I can love you like her too, like I love Elsa. Family never gives up on each other."

Ingrid dropped her and slaped her, taking the letter. She placeed her finger on the stone and saw the memories of her sister. She felt all the love her sister had for her, and Ingrid broke down on the floor crying.

"What have I done," Ingrid sobbed. "I have spent so much time being angry, searching for Emma to force her to be something she isn't, hurting my niece, being a terrible example for you Elsa. I was so wrong. All I wanted was the love of my sisters again."

Emma stepped forward and Elsa gave her Neal. Then Elsa and Anna both knelt besides their aunt, wrapping their arms around her. Elsa said, "It's ok. You made a mistake, just like our mother made a mistake. But we are family, and we need to forgive each other for our wrongs. I did love you once before, so did Anna. We all did. You are worthy of love, and we are ready to give it to you."

Ingrid nodded, and her nieces let her cry.

Henry continued to pound on the door, but Emma had to ignore him. It made Neal cry. She didn't want to intrude on the family moment, so she stayed as still as she could, bouncing Neal up and down, trying to get him to settle down. Was it possible that he too was cursed? His teary eyes prevented her from seeing. She figured it didn't matter anyway, just what could he say to anyone? What did matter is it made it difficult to listen for Snow and Regina, who were still fighting. She closed her eyes and concentrated on transporting Regina to her vault. It became quiet, and she casted the protection spell on the vault.

Snow came running down the hall. "Where is she! She fights so unfairly! I hate her!" When she laid eyes on Emma, she pointed at her, "YOU! Give me my baby! You will not fry him like you almost did the other day, you monster!"

Emma was shocked by her words, but she knew it was the curse talking.

Ingrid stood up, "Stop!" She reached out and froze Snow in place.

She turned to Emma. "Those are the things I wanted you to hear, so you would love me again. That is so unbelievably wrong. Can you forgive my desperation? We aren't family I know."

Emma looked at her, "I'm not going to lie and say that I am not irritated at you for the trouble you have caused. But I get being consumed by negative feelings because you have been wronged. I have regretted not giving forgiveness to people I should have, but I now believe in second chances, happy endings. We are family. The memories I have of being with you are filled with love, the most love I ever felt. And you were going to adopt me. You loved me, right, not just for my magic?"

Ingrid smiled, "I was eager about the magic. But I regretted pushing that issue. I would have loved to have spent the last 10 years getting to know you, being in your life, having the privilege of being your mother in this world. Without your magic, you are a remarkable person." She pulled Emma into a hug, squashing Neal between them.

Neal became quiet.

Emma embraced her back and teared up. The last 10 years would have been so different had she stayed with Ingrid. She wouldn't have had Henry, and then how would she have made it back to Storybrooke? And then there was Regina…

"I think Neal likes being smothered," Emma stroked the top of his head when she pulled away from Ingrid. "Little weirdo."

"So now what do we do from here?" Elsa asked.

"I'd like to help," Ingrid said, "The curse will last for only so long, so I suppose we can continue your plan and protect people from each other until it's over."

Emma went to knock on the door with Henry, "Hey, kid, sorry, but I'll have to leave you in there for a while longer. Be back soon!"

"No! Don't leave! That is what you always say, later, but you lie like all adults!"

Emma shook her head, she didn't want to talk anymore to Henry and make him say things he didn't mean. He would be back to himself soon.


A few hours before the curse broke, Emma drove to the vault. She wanted to be the first to see Regina when the curse broke. She was tempted to go in early. She wasn't sure why. When she saw her in the past, she terrified her; she reasoned that Regina had every opportunity to harm her, but she didn't, right away. But, Regina was in a different state of mind currently, however, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

She checked her watch. Maybe she could go in like ten minutes early. Regina did accuse her of being reckless.

Emma paced it so that she entered just a minute after the curse broke. When she saw Regina, she was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed.


She opened her eyes and looked at Emma, "I feel like I have a hang-over. Oh god, what am I wearing?" She looked down at her gown as she stood up. She raised her hand up, but Emma stopped her.

"No, wait," she came up to Regina and hugged her. "There's something about this outfit on you that I really like."

Regina gave her a little grin, "You've never seen this before…"

"No, I did see you like this before, and it took my breath away how stunningly beautiful you were in it, and also a little frightening."

Regina laughed, "Emma, you have a fetish I think we need to develop."

"Hummm, yes, and I also adore it when you laugh." Emma leaned in and kissed her deeply. "I've waited 36 hours to do that."

"Have you? Oh my, wait, what happened to Ingrid?"

"Things worked out with Ingrid, a wishing star miracle. The others, don't know, I came here first."

"Oh, Emma," She captured her lips in hers, sucking gently on her bottom lip before pulling away.

Emma's knees wanted to buckle, but she stayed strong.

Regina pulled back. "There will be time enough for us later. I really think we should free our son."

"I like the sound of that. Hold onto me." Emma transported them to the Sheriff station.

She meant to take them to the hallway where Henry was, but instead, she transported them near her office, in front of her parents.

"Emma!" Snow said excited, but then with a touch of confusion. She looked at David.

David had a surprise look on his face as he looked at his daughter, embracing Regina.

The two of them pulled away quickly. Regina waved her hand and opened their doors. Emma stood back and put her hands in her back pockets.

Snow smirked and looked at them, then looked at David knowingly, although he still appeared a little confused. Snow was about to say something when Anna came in with Neal, Elsa and Ingrid following behind.

"Spell is over, Neal, look who it is! Mommy and daddy!" Anna said as she came toward Snow, oblivious to what had transpired just moments ago.

David went on defence, and jumped in front of Snow, Anna and Neal. "What is she doing here? Do you know she followed you in?!"

"David, it's ok. It's all ok. It's a long story, but it's ok. We are all family." Emma said.

David looked at her skeptically, but he stopped being defensive.

Ingrid approached them. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused. There is no excuse for my actions, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I will not be a burden like that ever again, and I am more than happy to help wherever possible."

Snow smiled at her, and approached her. She put her hand out. Ingrid looked at it strangely, but eventually took it. "Welcome to Storybrooke, Ingrid. We look forward to getting to know you."

Anna squealed with glee, Elsa laughed at her.

"Thank you for being so gracious to our aunt," Elsa said.

"Has anyone freed Henry? I'm gonna go do that right now," Emma said. Regina followed her.

Henry was overjoyed that his mothers were safe. He stormed out of the room, clutching his Once Upon A Time story book. "I'm so glad that is over; having dark thoughts really sucks. Now I think I understand why it's so important to have love. It keeps us sane."

His mothers giggled at his comment.

"My, Henry, you are so smart and wise beyond your years," Regina said to him.

"Hey, kid, I don't remember locking you in with the book," Emma said.

"No, you didn't. But it showed up. I was bored, and I was full of bitterness."

"Bitter about what?" Emma asked.

Henry stayed quiet.

"Henry, I think that you can tell me. I would probably understand," Regina said.

"I'd try to understand. You should never be ashamed to tell me anything," Emma said.

Regina grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Henry noticed that they were being nice to each other. "I've got more to tell you than just how I felt. There's some stuff that pertains to Operation Mongoose too!"

He took them back in the room and put the book down. "So I was bitter because everyone has a story in the book, except for me, and I was getting really upset at Operation Mongoose because where was my story? So I was trying to distract myself from my thoughts by looking through all the cabinets for something to do, and I found the book. So I started flipping through it and when I came to the end, I found this…"

Henry opened a page toward the end of the book, and turned it towards them. It was a picture of Emma and Regina kissing. The two of them were taken back and shocked. Henry blushed. "You're not mad, are you?"

"I, well, I um, can explain," Regina started to say.

"Please tell me that is the ONLY picture in there," Emma asked.

"Yes, that's it. What other pictures would there be? Ew, gross, don't wanna know...but is the book telling the truth?" Henry asked. He stared at his mothers looking embarrassed. "Wait, let me rephrase that. I don't really think it's gross. I don't wanna see anything more than a kiss is what I was trying to say. Anway, Mom, your story has updated you. It's your redemption story of how you have changed, and how you have found true love in another with a lion tattoo. Is this telling the future? Did I ruin it by showing you? I know how stubborn you two can be."

"What?!" Emma and Regina both said to him.

"You didn't ruin anything. Emma and I have come to realize that we care for each other more than just friends."

"And we did share a kiss…" Emma put it out there. "But the lion tattoo…" Just then, Emma looked at her wrist, and then held it up.

Henry got excited and flipped back to another page in the book. "Look, Ma, it's the same flower on the Charming's coat of arms—a Lyon flower."

Regina looked at Emma's wrist. "I saw that on the night of dinner. I didn't get to ask you about it."

"I forgot to mention it to you. I got it to remind me of Lily, and how I messed up with her," Emma told her.

Regina nodded. "Well, fate has a weird way of making things happen. Or rather insisting that things happen a particular way."

Henry just smiled at them. "We still don't know who the author is, but I don't want to give up. They apparently are still out there somewhere, and they knew what we were up to!"

"We can solve that mystery later, I suppose, but book or no book, I think I have followed my heart, and I am glad for it," Regina said as she looked at Emma fondly.

Emma gave her a stupid grin, "I agree."

Henry pulled them both in for a hug, "I couldn't be a more lucky kid."