Hey guys! Welcome to a new fanfic. This is my first time trying a BNHA fanfic and I really do hope you all do enjoy. All I own is the plot and my OC characters. If you like please leave a review to tell me what you think and favorite it to get the updates fo the next.

When the principle of the best hero school came to my agency and offered me a job, I accepted it without hesitation. I could finally put my quirk and knowledge to good use. The paper work was finished and I was on my way to Musutafu.

It was the day before the first day that student would be filling the halls, I was in the infirmary, taking inventory. Being Recovery Girls assistant is cool, I also teach rescue lessons once a week.

The door behind me opened, the tap of a cane told me that it was the nurse. "Oh, I would have tooken inventory, Deary."

"Well I took inventory in my station and I thought I might as well take inventory for your side as well."

"Aren't you a sweetheart. I feel like this year I really will need an assistant." She said as she took her seat at her desk.

"Especially if that one student keeps hurting himself. You think that maybe he's just not use to his quirk?" I guessed as I handed her the clip board.

"Maybe, but lets just make sure that we have the supplies to heal him." She suggested.

"Yes ma'am." I agreed. "Oh speaking of students, I need to go make sure my lesson plan is in order. I'm going to the teachers lounge real quick."

"I'll be here." I waved goodbye and made my way to the teachers lounge. I looked out the window and took in a fresh breath of air. Being stuck in a room really messes with your mind. I reached out to touch the tree that was next to the building. A wave of energy filled my hands as the branch grew and wrapped around my arm. It was kinda like the tree was saying 'hi'.

"Well if it isn't the news staff member at UA." I looked to the side to see Nezu standing around the corner.

"Oh Principle Nezu. Getting ready for the new year?" I asked as he walked up to me. I let go of the tree and bent down to his level.

"I think I should be asking you that. Is every thing ready in the nurses office?"

"Yup, ready to take care of anyone as soon as they walk in."

"And what about the rescue lessons? Are you excited to teach?"

"Very. I'm used to mountain and nature rescue lessons back home. But to know I'll be teaching future heroes about it. It's such a dream." I exclaimed. "I was actually on my way to the teachers lounge to make sure I had covered everything."

"Have you met the teachers yet?"

"The only ones I've met are Midnight and Present Mic. I knew Present Mic in high school so its nice see a familiar face." I joked.

"I believe the teachers are in there. Come, this way." He began to lead the way and I soon followed. "So then I can guess that you were a student here as well." He asked.

"I was."

"Well why didn't you become a big hero like the others?"

"Well I was never one for the spot light. I'd rather be a hero that works in the small town where real help is needed. You'd be surprised how many natural disasters happens up in the mountains."

"So then you opted to be the small town hero? That's all?"

"Well kinda. My parents were small town rescuers themselves. I guess its in my genes." We both slightly laughed as we stopped in front of a door. The door opened and we walked right in.

"Well if it isn't Miss Harumi Anko. It's been a while!" Present Mic said loudly.

"It's been a week." I pointed with a hand on my hip.

"Well when you have a party life like mine, it feels like a year!"

"God your still the same as you were in high school." I said as I walked over to my station. A bulk man with white hair and fangs sat next me. He was dressed in his hero costume.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sekijiro Kan also known as the Blood Hero: Vlad King. Home room teacher for Class 1-B." He greeted.

"Pleasure is mine. I'm Harumi Anko also known as the Nature Hero: Kodama. I'm the nurses assistant and I'm teaching rescue lessons to the first years. Thank you for having me." I said as I bowed.

"You must be the newbie. Have you found everything ok?" I nodded.

"Everything is set to go in the nurses office. Would you like to go over which day you would like for me to teach 1-B in the afternoon. That way I'm don't show up ready to teach and you already have something planned."

"That's not a bad idea. I know that some afternoons All Might will be taking 1-A and 1-B to some of the Ground too." He opened his planner and I began writing down the dates in my planner.

"Hmmm. It seems that the only days I can do it on are either on Wednesday's or Thursday for you. I assume its the same for 1-A?" I asked.

"It should be. Though knowing how he is, I doubt he'll even have a class.?"

"Well that doesn't really help me at a-. Wait! What do you mean not have a class?"

"Let's just say that he expels student he doesn't see fit to be at the school." Vlad said smirking.

"What! I taught as a teacher, we're supposed to support our student to achieve their goal."

"That's if you're just a regular high school teacher. This is UA. We're training future heroes. Same thing its just that everyone has the same goal to be a pro hero." Present Mic corrected. My shoulders fell.

"I think I might have to change my lesson plan or at least... make it more challenging." I looked down at my planner. I felt a hand on my head and ruffle my hair.

"I'm sure you'll do fine!" Present Mic encouraged. I swatted his hand and fixed my brown pig tails. The door suddenly opened. "Well speak of the devil!"

I looked toward the door and gasped. It's been so many years since I had seen him. Probably since high school.

"It's about time you showed up." Mic went to the man and wrapped an arm around his shoulder causing the man to groan. "You sure took your time."

"Yea. Yea. Whatever." He shook Mic off and began to walk to his station. He looked at Vlad nodding hello then looked at me, his eyes widened.

"Harumi?" I stood to my feet and smiled lightly.

"It's been a long time, Shota." I said. "You look good. A little scruffy but good." He chuckled as he scratched the back of his head.

"You look good as well." My face turned light pink. "So your the one everyone is talking about, I assume." I nodded as I walked up to him.

"And I'm assuming that your Class 1-A's homeroom teacher." I stated. "I was just talking to Vlad about choosing a day to do rescue lessons."

"You can do them on Wednesday. That's really the only afternoon I left open."

"So you really did make a lesson plan this year?"

"Of course. I'm a teacher, aren't I?" He said smirking. I giggled.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold the phone." Present Mic stood between us. "You two know each other?"

"The middle of second year we were paired up for an assignment." Shota said.

"Yea but your smiling a little. There has to be more than that. Even I've never made you smile hell not even a laugh."

"After that we got to know one another and we started dating. Then we-" I was inteuptd when the door slammed opened to reveal Midnight in her racy costume.

"What's this I here about dating?" She exclaimed.

"Turns out Mr. Eraserhead here had a high school sweetheart and didn't tell us."

"It's none of your business." Shota and I said at the same time.

"As your friend I beg to differ." He said crossing his arms and pouting. Midnight squealed and pulled me away from the boys to the other side is the room.

"You must tell me, is he good lover or is he a really good lover." She teased making my face heated up.

"It's nothing like that. Plus we weren't even dating long. We were only together for like 3 or 4 months."

"Just 4 months? Was he not what you thought he was?" I sigh knowing that there was no way to get out of this.

"No it wasn't that. We both realized that we both wanted to focus on our hero careers. A relationship would just add more to the plate. Plus after I graduation, I went back home to the mountains. I never saw him ever again. It was mutual." I looked over to Shota to see him being teased and questioned by Mic. My heart tugged slightly in my chest making me look away from him. "Just a little teenage romance that came to an end."

"It kinda sounds like you weren't fully on aboard with it." Midnight whispers. I chuckled and nodded. "You must have really fallen hard."

"Well the saying goes 'the first time you fall in love it change you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away." I felt arms wrapped around my head and face shoved into a chest.

"Oh you poor thing!" She whined. "Don't you worry, we'll get you a new one to fill the void." I quickly pushed her away.

"I can promise you there's no need. I've moved on and its in the past." I walked away to go back to my desk to continue with my lesson plays.

"Oh come on!" I gave her a look.

"Don't you have classes to plan out?" She pouted, turning around to leave.

I shook my head at her and looked back at my planner. My eyes moved to look at Shota who was sitting diagonal from me. He looked even more handsome than he did in when we were dating. My heart jumped in my chess as Midnights words repeated in my head.

"It kinda sounds like you weren't fully onboard with it."

Maybe I am...

Maybe I'm not...