Hey! So, here's another MacGyver fic. I'm going to still be writing my Criminal Minds/MacGyver crossover, Agents of Different Types, but I had an idea for one this. I've seen a lot of agents as kids Criminal Minds fics, but not a lot of ones for MacGyver, so I'm adding my own! Warnings for mentions of abuse and bombings. As usual, I do not own MacGyver or any of the characters. Enjoy!

The worst thing by far about working on an elite CIA team was, in Jack Dalton's opinion, the strange hours. It wasn't that they were necessarily early, because he didn't have to be at work until eight A.M, but that was only his general office start hours. More often than not, he would be called in at three in the morning or eleven at night. It wasn't that Jack couldn't get up early either, because he had to get up at the crack of dawn when he was in the military, but it was the unpredictability of it all that made Jack extremely exhausted with it all. Apparently, insurgents didn't have sleep schedules like normal people.

So, when he got called into the office no later than 3:48 A.M., he knew that it was just going to be one of those days. With a quiet groan, he rolled out of bed and tried to get up as quietly as he could. He glanced back down at the bed to see that his wife, Diane, was still sound asleep. He wanted to let her sleep as long as she could, knowing that she had the early shift today at the pediatrics office.

He easily slipped into his usual early assignment routine. He quickly showered, dressed, took care of the frivolous things like brushing his hair, scribbled a note to Diane and his seven-year-old daughter, Riley, and grabbed his go-bag before slipping out the front door.

He flew down the amazingly empty LA highway and pulled into his workplace parking lot with an alarming screech of the breaks. He jogged into the building and went directly to his team's usual conference room. Glancing at his watch, he smirked at the time, it was now 4:14; it had taken him less than a half hour to get here from the time he woke up.

When he entered the conference room, he was met by the gaze of several other people. A black-haired man who was about Jack's age smiled as he walked in. "We were just starting to take bets on how long it would take you to get here, Dalton. It seems like you set a new record for yourself," Jack's old war buddy, Nathan Landers chuckled. Some of the other agent laughed quietly.

"Good for you, Dalton, but just know that I'm not going to pay your speeding ticket when you get pulled over," his boss, Matilda Webber, said from her position at the front of the room, "Or for your funeral."

Everyone, including Jack burst out laughing at Matty's last comment. A good laugh this early in the morning really helped to clear the agents' sleep-deprived brains. When everyone calmed down enough to listen, Matty took the opportunity to rope everyone into their latest mission.

"I hate to break up joke time, but we got a major lead that needs our immediate attention." Jack took his seat between Landers and a young newbie girl named Casey Lithes who had just graduated from Caltech. Jack didn't really have a problem with her, she was a serious badass, but you had to be in order to make it on their team. The only problem: she had virtually no field experience compared to the rest of them.

Everyone turned their attention to Matty when she cleared her throat in annoyance. Once she had their attention, she began, "You all remember the bomber we've been chasing lately, right?"

"How could we not? The guy killed thirty people with one home-made bomb and fifty more that we know of since. We've been hunting him down for six months," a young war medic turned agent named Sean Bochen, said sarcastically.

"Thanks for the lip, Bochen, really appreciated it. Anyway, I think we finally have a lead on the guy," Matty said.

"How can we have a lead? We don't even have name for the guy yet. How are we supposed to track him down?" Darius Cooper, an ex-LAPD agent asked.

Matty rolled her eyes at the question, "Well, Cooper, we happen to now have a name for the bomber. His name is James MacGyver. We located him in a house up in Mission City. He lives deep in the woods on the outskirts of town, so no wonder he wasn't found before this."

The last agent on the team, Amber Reyes, spoke up she. She was older than Casey, but she was still only in her early thirties and was even scarier than half of the men in the room, "If he was so secluded, how did you locate him now? I mean, what kept us from finding him months ago when this all started?"

"As you know, there were no leads towards him. Since we didn't know his name, we couldn't find him. Now that we do, we found out that he owns no property and has no credit cards. This morning, we received a phone call from an employee at a 24-hour hardware store. He had been watching the news lately and saw our broadcasts about the bomber. A man came into his store and bought a massive amount of materials that go into the types of bombs that he had been making lately. The employee called us, and we were able to identify the bomber upon watching the security tapes," Matty explained.

"When are we going to get him?" Landers asked.

"Right now. But you guys have to be careful and keep your coms in for Pete's sake! We don't know what kind of bombs this guy has set up all over his property or if he will set them off. I want this guy alive, so refrain from fire power unless absolutely necessary. Lithes, stick with Landers since this is your first bombing field op. Wheels up in ten guys," Matty commanded.

The six agents hustled out of the room, grabbing go-bags and granola bars as they went. Once they were all set to go, they got on to the jet and it almost immediately took off. Jack snagged his usual seat in the towards the back of the jet. He ate one of his granola bars while he watched Lithes, Cooper, Bochen, and Reyes play a game of poker. Landers walked over and took the seat across from him.

Landers glanced in the direction that Jack was looking. He turned back to him and smirked, "I remember when we used to be calm enough before an op to play card games."

Jack snorted, "Yeah, but there still babies. Even with Bochen and Cooper's law enforcement and military history, they're still youngins. We've seen enough stuff out here to know the 'what could happens' of all this. They're still naïve."

"Are we really that screwed up. With the military and the job, did it really mess us up all that bad?" Landers asked quietly.

Jack shook his head, "Nah, we ain't that messed up yet. Sure we've seen enough violence to take us to our graves, but we wouldn't be who we are without it all. You know how I know that we're not all that messed up? Our families. I got Riley and Diane. You got Ellie, and Max, Logan, Justin, Lacey, Caroline, and Rosie. They wouldn't be with us if we were all that messed up."

Landers chuckled, "Yes my wife Ellie and our brood of children."

"Man, I only got one so you're on your own," Jack responded with a chuckle of his own.

"Do you think this is going to be a bad one?" Landers asked quietly, now completely serious.

Jack shrugged, "It's kinda hard to tell with these ain't it. I got a feelin' that this one's definitely gonna be different. Maybe not bad, necessarily, but different. I just can't put my finger on how it's gonna be different."

"Don't worry about it, I guess, we'll be finding out soon enough anyway. Let's just talk about something besides the op. You ever planning on joining the society of multiple children?" he asked Jack with a smile.

"Me and Diane have talked about it a couple of times, but nothin' ever came of it. With my job there's just too many unknowns to worry about," Jack sighed.

"But you have Riley and you guys do just fine with her," Landers countered.

"Yeah, but we had her before Diane got the Senior Pediatrician position and now her hours are almost as long as mine. Now that Riley's older, she understands and can go with the babysitter, but we wouldn't be able to handle a baby right now," Jack answered.

Landers nodded in agreement and the pair continued to talk about all sorts of things until the jet landed at the closest airport to Mission City, since the city didn't have one itself. The six agents piled into a preplanned vehicle and drove towards the coordinates Matty had sent them on the way over. Two SWAT vehicles followed close behind there's with all of there equipment and lots of backup.

They drove through the woods on hidden little roads for miles until they came to a beat-up dirt road mostly covered in shrubbery. Matty's voice crackled across their coms at this point. "Get your equipment on and start hiking. You're going in on foot from here. Three armored vehicles will be much easier for MacGyver to detect than if you all go in on foot."

"How far is it, Matty?" Cooper practically grumbled.

"Only about a two-mile trek. You can handle it Cooper," she snapped back at him in his ear. He winced at the tone of her voice and Reyes smirked at him.

The group went over to the first SWAT car and started putting on their gear. Jack felt a slight reassurance at the familiar sensation of his TAC vest tightening around his frame; it wasn't much, but they were about to apprehend a highly dangerous bomber so a man had to take what comfort he could get. He holstered his spare gun on the front of his vest and decided to grab one more for his hip holster just in case. He checked the ammunition in the piece that he was going to carry, and finding that it was full, added an extra two clips to his vest. He glanced over at his team and saw that four of them had decided to take the third gun and put it in their hip holsters. Landers was handing an extra one to Lithes and explaining why she needed a backup for the backup sometimes.

"Get moving!" Matty barked. If he hadn't been trained for surprises, Jack would have jumped at this. He had almost completely forgotten that they even had coms. The team had a bad track record of getting rid of coms in the middle of ops and going dark, that's why Matty had warned them about keeping the coms in.

"Move out!" he commanded to his team and the troops of SWAT. His team took the lead as they all silently moved up the road. They all had their guns drawn at the ready out in front of them.

Since they all had physical fitness training, they broke through the tree line two miles later hardly breaking any sweat. "Split!" Jack hissed, "Team one, go around and down the east hill. Team two and three each head down a side of the house. Team four go around to the back door. My team we're headin' right up front. Be on the lookout for anything that could possibly trigger and set off bombs. This guy won't be against killing himself if it me takin' the rest of us out with him. Let's go!"

Stealthily, the groups split up to head towards their assigned positions. Jack brought his hand up and silently waved his teams members forward. They advanced towards the small house, walking in the traditional way. They had their shoulders turned so as to lessen the target area for a bullet, their guns were positioned out in front of them, and they took quick leg over leg steps.

They made it up to the front porch, Jack in the front followed by Cooper, Reyes, Lithes, Bochen, and Landers bringing up the rear. "Ready?" he hissed into his com. There were four hushed replies of "Ready!" from the four teams he had split up over the property. He held up his hand with three fingers up. Slowly, he counted down on his fingers and then clenched his fist when he got to zero. With that, he brought one foot up and broke the door off of its hinges with on powerful kick.

They rushed into the house on high alert. Team four immediately smashed in the back door and entered the house. The teams made quick work of clearing all the rooms until Jack and Bochen went into an upstairs bedroom.

James MacGyver stood with his hands calmly folded behind his back, staring out the window. He didn't even turn around when the two agents entered the room. "Hands in the air!" Jack commanded forcefully, "I said hands in the air!"

Slowly the man raised his hands into the air. "Turn around!" Bochen growled, gun at the ready. James obeyed, keeping his hands raised the whole time. He had a look of complete calm on his face, seemingly not concerned that two CIA agents had guns pointed at him. He even had the nerve to grin. "I watched your men come up the road," he said quietly.

"Shut up!" Jack growled lowly.

"I knew you were coming for me," he stated calmly.

"I said shut up!" Jack snapped, raising his gun to point directly at the man's heart.

"You won't shoot me," James plowed on, "I'm sure your boss wants me alive, so I can stand here and talk all day, but you won't shoot me."

"Try me," Jack said darkly, "I have orders to shoot you if you don't cooperate, now walk away from the window."

"I think that's a stretch. I think your orders were to only shoot me if I was endangering anyone's life, as far as I can see, I am not," James explained. Both Jack and Bochen ready their guns.

"You're endangering lives by not being behind bars, so I can technically shoot you anytime," Bochen said roughly, "Walk away from the window, we're not going to tell you again."

James sighed, "Fine. You're all so dramatic, but if you insist." He slowly came forward and Jack surged forward and roughly shoved him against the wall while Bochen kept his gun trained on James. Jack pulled out a pair of cuffs and shoved them on to James' hands. The pair then left the room and led the bomber downstairs. Once there, some SWAT members came over and led him back towards the way they had come.

"Good job guys, but you have to find proof that he did what he did or we can't convict him, so start searching," Matty commanded over the coms which Jack had once again forgotten about in the chaos of everything that had happened.

Now that everything had calmed down, Jack regrouped his team on the front lawn. "Hey great job out there everybody. I'm real proud of all ya'll, but the boss says that we gotta look for evidence that this guy was making bombs, so let's get lookin' so we can get on home." The group dispersed to search for their evidence, but Jack stopped Lithes by putting his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm especially proud of you, Casey. You did good out there. Believe it or not, I was in your shoes once, so I know that it's scary to go out there and stare down the worst of the worst. Heck, I'm terrified every time we go into one of these places, but it takes a special person to do what we do. Clearly, you got what it takes," he said with a smile. Casey beamed at him, "Thanks, Jack."

He removed his arm so she could run off to help the rest of the team. He smiled after her, the kid had real spunk. She may have still had the fresh eyes of a newbie, but what she lacked in field experience, she made up for in energy. Jack laughed quietly to himself, she acted exactly like Riley.


Two hours later, they had absolutely no evidence against James MacGyver. They ad checked the property up and down, found every nook and cranny there was, but they still came up empty handed. Jack was at his wits end. This guy had killed over eighty people that they knew of and possibly more, he needed to be put behind bars.

Jack and his team were sitting at the dining room table sifting through boxes of files. Matty had video called in and a tablet was set up in the middle of the table with her face on it.

"Since you guys left this morning, I had some of our IT do some digging on James MacGyver. He was actually married when he was 22," Matty was informing them.

"Who would marry this guy? I talked to him before they took him away and he's a total creep," Amber said.

"I agree with you Reyes, but he was apparently quite the man before he went insane. He's a genius, top of his class at his high school, and quite the ladies man too. Every girl fawned over him, but as a senior, his eye was caught by a sophomore girl named Ellen Hayes. She was a sweet, quiet young girl who was top of her class like James. They started dating when he was eighteen and he eventually got her to marry him four years later," Matty went on.

"Poor girl. I bet she didn't even know what she was getting herself into when she married him," Landers said sympathetically, "You keep talking about her in the past tense, so what happened to her?"

"Well, she died a little over a year after they got married, so that would have been about two years ago now. She was almost 21 when it happened."

"What killed her?" Bochen asked.

"That's the thing, I have a new assignment for you guys on top of trying to get evidence to put this gu8y behind bars for good. She apparently died during childbirth," Matty informed them.

"Wait, did you say childbirth? This creep has a kid!?" Darius exclaimed in surprise, "But Matty, her time of death would only make the kid two years old. Where is it?"

"That's your new assignment. According to records, James still has custody of him. His name is Angus MacGyver, but that's all I have on the boy. Are you sure you didn't see the child?" She asked incredulously.

"Matty, don't you think we would have told you if we found a freaking child in a bomber's house!? No, there is no sign that any toddler lives here. No toys, no highchair, not even an article of clothing," Jack said hurriedly.

Matty looked worried, "Reyes, Cooper, and Boches, keep looking for evidence against MacGyver. Dalton, Landers, and Lithes, look for that child or anything that could tell us where the child is."

Jack, Nathan, and Casey immediately jumped up and fanned out across the property, searching for the child. Jack had already despised this man for killing all of those people, but if they found the child with anything wrong with him, well let's just say that he would be moving up quite a few spots on Jack's hit list.

He was searching along the crick in the woods, truly hoping that he wouldn't find the toddler over here. He knew that if he did, there was a good chance that he would be finding a body. He was about to head back to the house, starting to get very frustrated with the lack of evidence and lack of a toddler, when his com buzzed to life in his ear.

"Jack, Nathan, you guys might want to come over here and check this out. I'm on the edge of the woods to the north of the house," Casey's voice said in his ear.

He pressed his earpiece and responded, "Yeah, I'll be right over." At the same time, he heard Landers respond, "On my way."

Jack turned from his spot along the crick and headed towards Casey's location. He got there at the same time that Landers came jogging from the direction of the house.

"What ya find, Casey?" Jack asked the young girl. She was staring intently at the grass underneath of her, as if she had just found a gold mine.

"This," she answered. She bent down and some how put her fingers underneath the grass. With one tug a square of it pulled away in her hands and revealed three plain 2x4x6 boards covering the ground underneath. Jack didn't hesitate to kneel down and yank the three boards up. When he did this, it revealed a set of cement stairs going down into darkness. Jack squinted and could barely make out a floor below through the darkness.

"Let's go," he said drawing his gun. Landers and Lithes did the same and followed him down into the darkness.

And there's chapter 1! I'm really happy about this chapter and I have so many ideas for this story. I can't wait to update. Please review (Hint: It makes me feel happy!). Also, a bunch of you guys requested that I do a MacGyver/Criminal Minds crossover. Chapter 3 for it is now up. It's called Agents of Different Types, so please go check it out! See ya guys!